HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-06-07, Page 8CONSTANOE Mr, and Mrs. 'Lorne 'Lawson vis- ited Sunday with Mr, 14114 Mrs, Elwood Clarke and family in Tendon, Mr. and MI's. Clayton Brigham of Elmwood. were Sunday visitors with Some nnd Elaine Brown., Mr, and Mrs. Robert Laws011 and Jane of Stratford visited with FATHER'S I)Al' Gift Selections FROM AnstetiJeweiters Philishave WATCHES ELECTRIC SHAVERS Priced from $12,96 up Only $19.95 1 YEAR GUARANTEE Billfolds Lighters $2.50 up by RONSON -- COLIBRI SHEAFFER'S PEN & PENCIL SETS AND DESK PEN SETS Rings BLACK ONYX SIGNET priced $5.00 up Cuff Link and Tie Bar Sets free GIFTWRAPPING free Austen Jew PH. i SEAFORTH ,a 111111 111m1 , 11 „ 1111,, 1111.11 11 „ 1111, n „ 11111111,111111,11111111,11n,nnnnuua,u,,,1111u ou,u 11111111" DECO ATION i Y Bunchy, Jmie l.Oth. Will meet at Legion Hall at 1.30 P.M. and accompanied by SDHS Band will proceed to Victoria Park. All veterans and service personnel please attend Seaforth Branch 156 Allan Nicholson, President 111111111101111/11111.11111.1110,111111111111 ttttttttt MIIIIMMII1111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111,11111111111110111l Mr. ,and Mrs. George Leitch and Mr, ' and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and family, Mr, and Mrs. \Vnl. Marshall, Exeter, visited with Mr, and Mrs. ]['rank Tuley Sunday. Mr. Cltarlee MAcclregal' of Cha- tham spent the weekend with his Parents Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross Mac- Gregor, Robert Grimcldby and George Leitch returned home after being patients in Scott Melnorial T Ios- pital, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, 'William Jewitt and family were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wil- kinson of Warwick and Mr., and Mr, and Mr's, George Wynn of Forest. LONDESBORO On Sunday morning during the service in the United Church the ceremony of the dedication to missions was observed. The mes- sengers were represented by Ja. ney Snell and Helen Anderson, Explorers by Beverley Lee and Barbara Burns; CGIT by Marie Riley, all presenting their mission money to the treasurer of the M. and M., Mrs,. Clare Vincent, Visitors during the week with Mr., and Mrs. Willows Mountain: Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Phillips of Auburn, Mr. '& Mrs. Herb French and family, Mr. Peter Cook, of RCAF Station, Clinton; Mrs. Wes Tettarson, of Westfield; Mrs, R. Youngblut, Mrs. Scott, Mr, Will Glover and son Willis of Marlette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Youngblut spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roesing of Milverton, Mr. and Mrs, John Armstrong visited• last week with their son, Kenneth and family, in Stratford. Mrs. Thos. Fairservice is visit- ing a week with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs, \Vm, Bageant and fain, ily, Ingersoll. blr, and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt attended the graduation exercises in Stratford. DUBLIN Rt, Rev. Bishop Cody, London, administered Confirmation to 31 candidates at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Wednesday evening. The confirmation class, accompanied by their sponsors, entered the church first, followed by His Excellency, Bishop Cody and the assisting clergy. A. guard of honor. was formed by members of the Holy Naine Society, the Catholic Woman's League and the Altar Society. Bishop Cody delivered an impressive sermon on the obligation of Love for God and our neighbor. Rev. A, M. Williams examined the candi- dates, emphasising the Ten Com- mandments. The congregation joined the choir in the regulation hymns. Bishop Cody addressed the class, then administered Con- Ilrniation, The services zvera cono100d by 'Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament with Rev. Di. Ffonikes as Celebrant, The elergy present were Bishop Cody, Rev.. A, M. Williams, London; Rev, J. F. McConnell, M.M., Chicago Rev, Father Syllivan, Rev, Father Coughlin, Tier. R. Durand and Rev. Dr, Ffoulkes, The candi- dates were: Kathleen Stapleton, Trudy 13rown, Bonnie X 1'1ulskopf, Ronnie Feeney, Allan Russell, Jimmy Delaney, Christine Delan- ey, Yvonne Dncharnie, Rose Ann Benninger, Peter Lcomans, Mary Margaret Rowland, James Meagh- er, Joseph Ryan, Barbara Mc- Grath, Pauline McLaughlin, Jean Duolusrine, Donald Looby, Luanne. Rowland, Lewis Stapleton, George Dueharme, Barbara Mc- Laughlin, Jim Vonk,George Brown, David O'Rourke, Mary Kelly, Kenny Flanagan, Larry Flanagan, Fred Nyland, Willy Ny BORN Kolkivan At Scott Memorial Hospital on May 31, to Mr. and Mrs, Gerrard Kolliman, r r 2 Monkton, a son _ 1azolgrove — At Scott Memor- ial hospital, on May 3.1, to Mr.. and Mrs, Wallace Hazelgrove, N. Main at., Seaforth, a daughter Quance — At Scott MVIemorial Hospital, on Zone 1, to Mr, and Mrs. Gerry Quance, Staffa, a son Regele — At Scott Memorial on Junel, to 813'. and Mrs. Robt. Regale, IT 1 Dublin, a daughter NOTICE Township of McKillop McKillop Township requires a ratan to operate a grader and for general maintenance. Apply in writing, stating age and experience, Applications must be submit- ted by 2 p.nt. June 15, 1862, to WILSON LITTLE Road Superintendent Seaforth RR 1 Township of Tuckersmith Tax Prepayment Receipts FOR 1962 The Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rate of 6% per annum from Rine 15th to December 15th on all Pre- paid Taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Clerk's Office: Tuckersmith, R. R, 3, Seaforth, J. I. McIntosh, Treasure' TAKE A STAND FOR TOMORROW VOTE THE LIBERAL TEAM ERNEST C. FISHER Liberal Candidate — Huron The Mayor of Goderich has been active in local politics and organizations for many years. HON. L B. PEARSON Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada Distinguished statesman, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Mr. Pearson has attracted good candidates to the Liberal team. $140 A MONTH FOR TODAY'S RETIRED COUPLE — UP. TO $295 A MONTH WHEN YOU RETIRE. For people who are retired now: The Liberal plan for pensions will establish a new national minimum. of $75 for today's old -age pensioners if they are single or widowed; $140 monthly for married couples. For people planning their retirement: The Liberal plan will provide increasing pension, rising to a monthly income of up to $295 for a retired couple. This would be $165 more per month than a retired couple gets now. The addition would be paid for entirely by contributions, not taxes. People will be able to start drawing a contributory pension at age 65 if they wish. The pension will be completely portable if you change your job. The plan will provide benefits for disabled people, widows and orphans. Self-employed people will be encouraged to join in the plan. You can take a stand for better pensions ... vote for your Liberal candidate on June 18. A NEW KIND OF LEADERSHIP ... THE KIND OF GOVERNMENT WE NEED Published by The National Liberal Federation land, Danny O'Rourke, Ann de itroonie. A Redemptorist, .Father Com way. conducted Forty hours' De - 'rotten. Services at St. Patriok's Church, 'Dublin,, this week. bliss Rota Maloney, London, with Mr, Eddie Rrauskopf, CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my Sin- cere thanks to all my friends and neighbours tor their cards, visits and gifts. Special thanks to Dr, Gorwill and the nurses while a Patient in Scott Memorial Hospit- al, It was all very much appreci- ated. --Mrs, W. D. Wilson CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs Arthur Nicholson wish to thank Seaforth File Bri- gade, friends and neighbors for the assistance and other contribu- titling at the time of their Bre. It was much appreciated.. COMING EVENT Reception for Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Souter in the Legion Hall, Sea - forth, Friday, June 15. Norris Or- ehestra, Ladies bring lunch. FOR SALE Transistor Radios: For the iin- ast in value, quality and 10005-. tion - see our selection before you buy. Savauge's, (opposite post office) FOR SALE 1 used DC 250 amp. welder, 585; also 1 used electric welder, cheap, Harold Pryce, Seaforth 840r2. TO RENT Pasture for 25 to 30 head of cattle. Phone 1393. Lorne Hulley, TO RENT House foto' miles from Seaforth with seven rooms, hydro. Phone 860x11, Seaforth. Gerrit Wynia, FOR SALE 1 ton Ford truck for sale: Jack Holland, •Market St. WORK WANTED Either board in or out, farm or other work; by day or month, Phone 438 Queen's hotel, Seaforth Clarence Reeves, FOR SALE Galvanized iron sheets, screen doors, window screens, 2 rolling pins, bake board, several house doors, windows, r/ in. water pipe, Sealers. Phone 433, Queen's hotel, Clarence Reeves. NOTICE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5.30 p.m, No wire fencing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted J. I. Mclntosh Clerk S--TIIi3 S72A.9'0RTH I T)WS, Thursday, ;Nue 7, 1902 BROWNIE'S ,DBI VEIIN THEATRE Clinton THURSDAY and FRIDAY bine 7.5 Hit No, 1—Shown at 9.45 only It Started in Naples Clar]c Gable -- Sophia Loren Hit No. 2 --Shown at 11.30 "PRISONER OF THE VOLOA" John Derek (Color) (Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY June 9-11 Hit No. 1—Shown at 9.45 only "Under Ten Flags" Van Heflin -- Charles Laughton Hlt No. 2—Shown at 11.16 "FOXHOLE IN CAIRO" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 1213 Hit No. 1—Shown at 9.45 only "Fast and Sexy" Gina Lollobrigida, Dale Robertson (Color— Scope) Hit No. 2—Shown at 11,30 STRANGLE RS OF -BOM BAY Guy Wolfe (Adult Entertainment) (Scope) (Cartoon) Coming; "0N THE DOUBLE" and "TIN STAR" ALL SHOWS DOUBLE BILLS Please Check Times ' Children under 12 in cars free FOR SALE 10 acres of standing alfalfa and timothy flay. Also a few tons of mixed grain, Joe Malone, 64r8, Dublin. FOR SALE International 13 run disk seed drill. Need some repairs, other- wise in good condition. Charles Lane, Seaforth r,r, 3. FOR SALE Small size Frigidaire refriger- tor; 3 burner Moffat electric range; both in good condition; ideal for summer cottage. Bruce Coleman, phone 652r14, Seaforth.' 1961 PONTIAC COACH, radio 1961 OLDS SUPER 4 DOOR HARDTOP 1960 FORD "8" SEDAN, A.T. & R. 1960 VAUXHALL SEDAN 1958 PONTIAC. SEDAN 1956 DODGE "8" STATION WAGON 1955.BUICK SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET COACH 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541 ' BILL CAMPBELL SEAFORTH Phone 486 Have You Ever Thought Of Investing In Mutual' Funds? They Have An Excellent Record of Performance investors EavcrodEoate •I fAMA DA, 1.IMITso The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office — Main Street SEAFORTH insures • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halle .Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available AGENTS: James Heys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm, Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; ,Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth BOX Funeral Home AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Sod Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 696W SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L, BredY, M.D., Sargon Dr. 311. Mulkes Office :Flours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 1teils except Wednesday and $undo,. Evenings: Tuesday & Thurs. 7-9 p.a.. Appointments mode in elven - ar* desireide TURNBULL & BRVANS VETERINARY CLINIC 3.0. TURNBULL, 11,11.81., V,S. W. R. BRYANS, U V M V.S, W. G. DItEINNAN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Longstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seoforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.89: Wed. 9 AM to 12.90 PM. Thur, IMP by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010. above lSraklue' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.90 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Ree. 2ulA We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen R R 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuer oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 636 w Real Estate Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 698 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. " offices and 25 salesmen to serve you TENDERS FOR HEATINQ Sealed tenders submitted on forms supplied will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p,m. Friday, June 22, 1962 for the following. 1. Bunker 1C" Fuel oil, for Huronview, Clinton, 2, No, 2 Light Industrial Fuel Oil, for the Huron County Court House, Goderich. 3. Stove Anthracite Coal (sup- ply specifications of analysis), for the Huron County Jail, Goderich, Contract to be for two-year period, Lowest or any tender not ne- cessai'ily accepted, Bach tender must be submit- ted separately on forfls secured from the undersigned, JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario The Seaforth Nawar "Authorized its Second+Class Mail by the Post Office De. p4rtment, Ottawa, and for Payment -o0 postage in cash."