HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-06-07, Page 1The Seaforth
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S +.AFOETH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,. JUNE 7, 1962 alae 4 Yea,
Four Candidates
To Contest Huron
The official nomination bf can-
didates for Huron in the Domin-
ion election of Monday, June 18,
was held in Clinton town hall on
Monday afternoon by Returning
Officer Russell T. Bolton,
'rhe four candidates with' their
Official Agents are;
Tllston Cardiff, r.r, 4 Brussels,
farmer. Official Agent, Selwyn
Baker, Brussels, Agent.
'Bari Delights, 68 I-Iighland Rd.,
London, Ont„ and summer resi-
dence, Bayfield, Ont„ Investor
and Tree Farmer, Official Agent,
M. J, Irene Douglas, Housewife.
Ernie Fisher, Goderich, Elec-
trician. Official Agent, J. Ken-
neth Hunter, Goderich, Lawyer,
J. Carl Hemingway, r.r. 3 Brus-
sels, Farmer, Official Agent,.
Harold Stewart, Goderich; Miner:.
The election Will be held on
Monday, June 18th. Polling places
in Huron will be open from 8 a.tn.
to 7 p,m, (standard time).
Deputy Returning Officers for
the June 18th election are:
Hibbert -Poll 1, Mrs, Joseph,
Looby; 2, W. 3. Grey; 3, Alfred
Ross Sr,' 4, Eldon Allen.
Mullett -1, Kenneth Thompson;
2, Bert Beacom; 3, Murray East;
4, Allen Shaddick; 5, Mrs. Ross
Lovett; 6, Claire Vincent; 7, Mrs,
Dorothy Grainge.
McKillop -1, James McQuaid;
2, Alex. Kerr; 3, Ralph Fischer;
4, Howard Backwell.
Seaforth-1, E. C. Boswell; 2
Mrs. Mae Watterworth; 3, Mrs.
Sally I. Sillery; 4, Mrs. Elsie
Dinsmore; 5, H. J. Trapnell; 6,
John Holland.
Stanley -1, Mervin Hanly; 2
Dean Aldwinckle; 3, Howard Le-
mon; 4, Anson Coleman; 5, Wnm,
Armstrong; 6, Leonard Talbot; 7,
Charles Rau; 8, Mrs. Robert
Tuckersmith - 1, Mrs, Cora
Chesney; 2, Roy McGeoch; 3,
Mervyn Falconer; 4, Ervin 011-
lery; 5, Lewis Clark; 6, John Con-
sitt; 7, Mrs. Aldine Newport;
8, John Nediger.
Advance Poll- Seaforth, D. L.
•The poll clerks and constables
in Seaforth are:
1, poll clerk, Mrs. Marion Mac-
Lean; constable, Albert Moore,
2, poll clerk, Leona Ilotiam;
constable, Jack Hotham.
8, poll clerk, Mrs. Edits Dun-
lop; constable, Fred Scarlett.
4, poll clerk, Mrs. Margaret
Case; constable, Oscar Tebbutt
5, poll clerk, Mrs. Clayton Hor-
ton; constable, Walter Pratt.
6, poll clerk, Mrs, Verna Camp-
bell; constable, Percy Little.
Advance Polls will be held at
five points in Huron for the
Dominion election,
The Advance Poll will be at
Regier's Garage in Seaforth on
Saturday and Monday, June 9th
andllth, from 8 a.m. to 8 p,m,
(standard time),
,Ladies Lawn Bowling Club
held a pot luck supper at the
home of Miss D. Parke to close
the bridge and euchre season.
Twenty ladies were present. Fol-
lowing supper bridge and euchre
were played.
Miss Abbie Seip won the bridge
prize which was donated by Mrs.
Mary Hart. Euchre prize was won
by Miss 11 Parke, donated by
Mrs. Olive Travise,
Mrs. Mae Habkirk thanked the
hostess for her hospitality and
invited all to bowl during the
The executive of the Students
Council for next school year was
elected at Seaforth District high
school on. Friday: President,
Robert Mnegge; vice president,
Gisela Don'ance; secretary, Con-
nie Britton; treas., Jean Short -
A miscellaneous shower, honor-
ing bliss Rose Mary Flannery
was sponsored by Miss Beatrice
Maloney and Miss Teresa Du-
charme. The prospective bride's
marriage to Mr, Wilfred Corri
veau will be an event of June 16.
About 50 ladies attended the
shower to extend best wishes. A
congratulatory address was read
by Miss Beatrice Maloney and the
honored guest was assisted in
opening numerous gifts of china,
linen and money for which she
graciously extended her thanks to
each individual donor. Gaines
and a contest were enjoyed and
a delicious lunch was served by
the sponsors and their assistants.
Miss Margaret McAllister, Buf-
falo, Miss Catherine McAllister,
Rochester; Mrs. George Charters,
Oakville; Mr, and Mrs. Peter
Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc-
Fadden, Tupperville, with Mr. and
Mrs. George Coviile,.
Mr. and Mrs. Len. Steinbach
and Reta, London, with Mrs,
Kathleen Feeney,
Mrs. A. Dl. Looby in Liman and
Mr, and Mrs. Edward Holland
and David, Scarboro, with Mr,
and Mrs. Geo. B. Holland,
Mrs, Jean Fortune and Mrs.
Jack Case, Seaforth with Miss
Monica, Byrne.
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Holland
attended the Scriminger wedding
in Stratford on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Maloney,
Kitchener visited friends here,
Silver Wedding of
the Wim, Jewitts
Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt
observed their silver wedding an-
niversary on June 6th with a fam-
ily dinner at Constance 'United
Church, followed by a social time
at their home when friends and
relatives called,
Mr. and Mrs. Jewitt were the
recipients of many lovely gifts,
presented by several of the chil-
dren, and an address was tread by
Dennis Jewitt.
William Jewitt and Ella Dexter
were married on June 5th, 1937,
by Rev: A. W. Gardiner, Mrs.
Stanley Ball and Mr, Ross Mac-
Gregor, who signed the register,
Were both present for the anniv-
Mr. and Mrs. Jewitt have ten
children; Mrs, William Dowson,
Varna; John Jewitt, Londssbor'o;
Dennis Jewitt, Goderich;. Janice,
Ross, Donnie, Larry, Kenny, Ke-
vin and Stephen at home. There
are five granddaughters. The fa-
mily was all present for the an-
Fire Damages
Harpurhey Home
Fire on Monday afternoon da-
maged the upstairs of Arthur Ni-
cholson's house at Ilarpurhey to
the extent of about $8,500. Every-
thing was destroyed in Mr. and
Mrs. Nicholsons bedroom, includ-
ing all their clothing.
A solid brick wall across the
middle of the house, together
with good insulation, is credited
with saving the house from com-
plete destruction, by containing
the fire until the firemen arrived.
Tho fire started in the bedroom
through which ran the pipe from
a Laundry stove which had been
lighted that day, The house is
heated in winter by an oil furnace
which was not lighted.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson Droved
three years ago to the former
Vedder house on the hill near
the turn, and had just completed
extensive renovations.
Friends and neighbors gathered
Monday and Tuesday and the roof
was temporarily repaired and
cleaning up done. The ceiling
was destroyed but joists and raf-
ters are undamaged. The floor is
being replaced In the bedroom.
Heat cracked the sink in the
bathroom and smoke 'damage was
considerable. The family are able
to occupy downstairs, where the
loss was slight.
The meeting of the Catholic
Women's League of St. Janes'
parish was held on June 5 in the
school auditorium. The president,
Mrs. Gordon Reynolds, thanked
Mrs. James Devereaux for her
work in the recent membership
visits. Mrs. Russell Pringle and
Miss Mae Pargeter volunteered
to care for the altar during July,
airs. Clarence Malone and Mrs.
O'Donnell during August because
the St. Joseph Sisters will be
away for the summer months.
Members were reminded of the
rectory tea on June 13. Mrs. Clar-
ence McNichol and Ml's. Dick
Box are conveners. The commun-
ion breakfast for the 21 graduates
of St. James' school this year is
to be on June 25,
The annual field day is to be
on June 27. The meeting' voted
special prizes for the baseball
competition this year,
Mrs. Frank Nigh gave an ac-
count of the 42nd annual conven-
tion of the Catholic Women's
League in London and was thank-
ed by Mrs. Bill Hart. The myst-
ery prize was won by Mrs, James
A lifelong resident of Hibbert
township died at his. home On.
June 2nd in the person of And-
rew B. McLachlan in his 88th
year. Mr. McLachlan had been
ill about three months. Born on
the 10th concession, he was the
last survivor of a family of nine.
He was a farmer and carpenter,
and was the first president of the
Iltbbert Co-operative Dairy As-
sociation. Mr. McLachlan was a
member of Cromarty Presbyter-
ian Church. He wasmarried on
March 8, 1911, to Miss Caroline
Scott, who predeceased him in
July, 1958, He had lived retired
at Cromarty since 1948. Surviv-
ing is one daughter, Grace, Mrs.
Carter Kerslake, Hibbert, and
three grandchildren.
The funeral was held on Tnes-
day afternoon from his ]tome,
with Rev. John Boyne, minister
of Cromarty Presbyterian Church,
officiating. Burial was in Staffa
cemetery. The pallbear'er's were
John McLachlan, William McLa-
chlan, Thomas Laing, William
Routley, Ernest Allen, James
June 1 -Winthrop at Goderich
June 1-Wingham at Brussels
Juno 8 --,Brussels at Winthrop
,Tune 9 (3 p.m. Sat)-Goderich at
June 15-Wingha.m at Winthrop
June 1G-(3 p.m.) Brussels at
June 22 -Winthrop at Winghanr
June 29-Goderich at Winthrop
July 3 -Winthrop at Brussels
July G-Winghant at Goderich
Age limit not 15 before May 1,
Bach home team supply referee,
June 15 dealine for registration,
Over 14 produce birth certificate,
Over 100 Fines Tuckersmith Sets
Tax Rate at 9 Mills
The hill rate f01 1962 for the
Township of Tuckersmith was
set at 9.0 mills fat' farm and reel-
dential and 11.2 mills for com-
mercial and industrial. These.
rates are the saltie as in 1961.
Court of revision was hold for
each of the Clark and the Buch-
anan municipal drains. Only one
appeal was received and acted 011.
Tenders are to be called on each
of these drains; tenders to be In
the clerk's hands by 12 o'clock
noon, Monday, July 2, 1962.
The clerk was appointed bltiicl-
Ong inspector for the township,
All property owners in Tucker -
smith with 10 acres or less are
required to obtain a permit be -
tore building, making alterations
on, or removing existing build-
ings. Following accounts were
passed: Roads $10,005.09; Warble
fly spraying program $1,126.70,
municipal drainage $150.50, wel-
fare $169.25, dump $27, adminis-
tration $395.11, advertising and
printing $49.79, audit $725,
For Parking
Town officials reported more
than 100 tickets had been issued
for pai'lcing meter offences in
just two weeks of operation. The
fides aro collected every day from
deposit boxes on the Street.
Evidently a lot of people have
lost out on the popular new guess-
ing game, "Whore is the cop?"
The money from fines goes into
the town's general receipts and
is not shared with the meter
Manufacturers, who receive 50%
of the meter receipts. A special
savings a0ceunt has been started
for meter revenue,
Penalties are $1.00 if paid with-
ithin 48 hours, otherwise $10,
It is noted that many cat's are
now being parked at Victoria
Park, which has been seldom us-
ed till now,
"Main street looks all the time
like 'Wednesday afternoon," a
young observer remarked,
There has been little comment
from merchants on how the mot-
et's affect business. Customers
have mixed reactions, some ap-
prove, others do 1101,
Mark Thirty-fifth
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Hugill,
well known resldents of Seaforth,
marked the 85th anniversary of
their marriage on Sunday when
their family entertained then to
a delicious dinner party at Bay-
field, Afterwards, George Miller
and Leverne Hugill presented
them with suitable gifts. Among
those present were Mr, and Mrs.
Joseph Hugill, Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Miller, Debbie and Vicki, Miss
Karen Hugill and Mr. Ron Dris-
coll, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Hugill,
Janice, Jamie, Lori and Lynn, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank McCutcheon,
Cheryl, Blaine and Darwin, of
Brussels, Mr, and Mrs, Ferg
Wright, Larry and Dianne, of
Brampton, Mr. and blrs. Gordon
Wilkinson and Nancy of Strat-
Town Extends
Highway Link
Seaforth town council at a
special meeting Monday evening
passed a resolution extending the
connecting link on highway 8
from Coleman st. t0 the easterly
limits of the town: This will give
the town the sante grant on any
work done on this portion as the
rest of Goderich st.
McCormick and Rankin Ltd. of
Port Credit were appointed con-
sulting engineers on the Seaforth
connecting link.
Tenders may be called for the
North Main street sewer in two
weeks, according to word in mun-
icipal circles, The MacLaren firm
reports that recent test drillings
made along the route of the sewer
show no pockets of quick sand.
There are some layers of sand
located between layers of clay,
but these offer no problem,
Changing the old iron pipe wa-
ter services to copper pipe on
North Main street is being done
this week by the PUC. This is in
preparation for repaving the
road, to avoid having to tear up
the now pavement for repairs.
Honors Banquet
At High School
The annual honors banquet of
Seaforth District high school was
held on Monday night when Paul
Soles, of Londin, was guest
Awards included:
Academic Shields: James Tra-
quatr, Gr. 9; Barbara Holland, Gr,
10; Dorothy Dalton, Gr, 11; Gis-
ela Dorrance, Grade 12; Marie
Strong, G r. 13. These were for the
highest marks on Christmas and
Easter examinations.
School Crests: 2nd and 3rd
year students obtaining required
standing: Mary Buchanan, Lois
Godkin, Torben I3aarbye, Barbara
Holland, Wilnia Jackson, Susan
McLean, Allan Patterson, -Peter
Sillery, Amy Stewart, Dorothy
Dalton, Nora Gorwill, Darrell
Schneider, Laurie Stockwell, Bri-
an Traviss, Bruce Whitmore.
Other school crests: For dram-
atics, Brian Traviss; music, Nan-
cy Berger; athletic attainment,
Joan Pryce, Roba Doig',- Richard
Muegge, Bessel Akker; school
activities, Laurie Stockwell, Bes-
sel Akker, Joyce Brown.
School letters: Gr. 12 and 13,
Gisela Dorrari0e, Louis Devereaux,
Constance Eckert, Lois Scott,
Jean Shortreed, Marie Strong;
Gr. 12 and 13, highest athletic
standing: Margaret Ann Staple-
ton, Pamela Stapleton, William
Campbell, John Patterson; Gr. 12
and 13, 'art, Catherine Dokert,
Carolyn Hammond; Gr. 12 and 13,
leadership, Dorothy Boyes, Gisela'
Dori:ance, Marie Strong.
Cubs will meet on Saturday at
12.30 in Victoria Park, wearing
full uniformwith white T shirt
under sweater and dark jeans or
short pants.
Bring sandwiches for supper,
but no drinks,
There will be a work bee Satur-
day at the camp,
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew E, Crozier
visit to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Ruth.
Anne, to Mr. James FI, Lone, son
of Mr, and Mrs, John A. Lone,
of South Porcupine, Ont, The
marriage will take place an June
20th at 7 p.m. in Northside United
June Meeting of
McKillop Council
McKillop council met June 4
at Orange hall, Seaforth with all
member's .present, A petition of
Joseph Murray, lot 18, cots, 2, to
have the tile outlet at the top of
the Devereaux municipal drain
repaired, was accepted, and Clar-
ence Regele, drama supt., notified
to repair same,
On May 29 the clerk signed
withdrawal of Leslie Dolmage's
appeal dated Mar. 31, to quash
the Campbell drain bylaw 5 of
1962, according to motion of May
4, that township pays $75, or half
the $150 of disputed assessment.
Robert Nicholson & Son Constr-
uction were awarded the contract
of Campbell municipal drain, for
open work $1230 and tile portion
$800; total $2,030.
Council accepted the petition of
Jan Jansen, lot 23, con, 2, to have
Frank Kling, lot 22, con, 2, re-
move obstructions on Henderson
municipal drain within 10 days,
and that no more washings be put
in said drain, and to be cleaned
out to the satisfaction of Clar-
ence Regele, drainage inspector.
The county weed inspector,
Alex. Chesney, will be notified to
destroy Yellow Rocket on N8t 10,
con. 11 and lot 8-9, con. 12, peti-
tioned by Manuel Koehler.
The road supt. was instructed
to advertise for a grader opera-
tor and maintenance man, appli-
cations to be in hands of clerk by
June 15, Council adjourned to
meet June 16 at '8.30 p.m. at the
township garage.
The marriage took place at the
Bluevale United Church on June
2 at 3 p.m. of Ruth Marie Johns-
ton and Gordon -NeII McGavin.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Carl Johnston, rr 2,
Bluevale, and the groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mc -
Gavin, Walton. Church decora-
tions were baskets of white spires
with pink snapdragon stalks. Rev.
G. C. Mitchell officiated.
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father wore a
full length gown of silk organza
over taffeta and hooped skirt, fa-
shioned with guipure lace appli-
ques at neckline and over front
of skirt. The fitted bodice was
outlined by lily point sleeves and
full bouffant skirt sweeping to a
slight train. A crown of pearls
and crystals caught the double
illusion veil. She carried a shower
bouquet of white stephanotis with
pint roses and ivy.
Matron of honor was Mrs. Eliz-
abeth Dinsmore of Kitchener,
in a French blue ballerina -length
dress over pellan tulle, taffeta,
fashioned with lace bodice, three-
quarter length sleeves and match-
ing headpieces. Bridesmaids were
Miss Lorna Bolt, and bliss Marl-
ene Walsh, Waterloo, and Mrs,
John Moffat, Byron, who were
dressed similar to the matron of
honor. Their flowers were bou-
quets of white mums with pink
Master Kevin Campbell, Dublin,
was ring bearer. Flower girl was
Miss Leslie McGavin, Owen
Sound, niece of the groom, in a
white eyelet dress with French
blue sash. Mr. William Dinsmore
of Kitchener was best man. The
ushers were Mr, John McGavin
of Owen Sound; Mr. Mack Shol-
dice, Walton, and Mr. Keith
Johnston, Bluevale.
birs. Alex. Corrigan, Bluevale,
was organist and Mr. John Kitch-
ing, Moffatt, Ont., sang Lord's
Prayer and Wedding Hymn.
The wedding dinner took place
in Bluevale United Church par-
lors, The bride's mother wore a
carnation pink -Swiss embroider-
ed organza over taffeta dress in
sheath style and short sleeves,
topped by three-quarter length
plain sheer organza coat, match-
ing hat, The groom's mother's
dress was Dresden blue sheath
silk organza over taffeta, styled
with cap sleeves, draped V -nock -
line and front divided tunic with
matching hat,
For the honeymoon to Northern
Ontario the bride wore a rasp-
berry red two-piece suit with
white accessories and white or-
chid corsage, They will reside at
Walton, Gtiests were present
from Windsor, Lambeth, Hamil-
ton, Stoney Creek, Moffatt, Wal-
A. building permit was issued
this weak to Joe 'JravaglioneOrd
street, for repairs and siding,
Penny Sale Winners
At St, Columban
The draw for the penny sale
articles took place in St. Colton -
ban parish hall on Tuesday even-
ing as follows: Groceries, Mrs.
Meihm; rugby ball, Tommy Ry-
an; desk light, Frank Coyne; bar-
becue set, John A. Murphy; pil-
low cases, R. 3. Wallace; shirt
and tie, Jeffrey lteyenn; table
cloth, Mrs, Nora Maloney; groc-
eries, Robert Vivian; take saver,
Ken Holmes; necklace, Mrs. ,los.
Thornton; flour, Mrs, Nelson
Camino; novelty, Ji11 Camino;
shirt, Richard Maloney; sugar,
Mr's, Jack McIver; blanket, Mrs.
Ilerman Klaver; planter urn, Mrs.
Torn Pryee; rug, Mrs, Roy Mo-
Gonigle sugar, Mrs. Jack McIver;
insulated jug, Doug Whyte; hur-
ricane lamp, Mrs. Sarah McIver;
plastic table cloth, Mrs, Gordon
Hildebrand; jewellery, Richard
Maloney; sugar, Mrs, Wm. McM1I-
lan; juice set, Mrs. Joe Nolan;
electric clock, Marion Watson;
coffee maker, Louis Nolan; socks,
Gus Boussey ;child's wagon, Pat-
sy Ryan; groceries, Gordon Moy-
lan; salad bowl, Mrs. Ed Dower;
child's barrow and pall, V, 3,
Lane; rug, Mrs, John' Ballge;
footstool, Michael Johnson; gro-
ceries, Mrs. Peter Bannon; sugar,
Don Moylan; light fixture, Lewis
Coyne: pillow cases, Mrs, Wm.
McMillan; crystal plate, Mrs.
Whitney; picture, Danny Malon-
ey; sugar, Mrs. Bill Ryan; lawn
chair, Mary Lou Coyne; sheet and
pillow cases, Mary Eliz, Dever-
eaux; groceries, Pauline Malone;
child's dress, Mrs. Ken Lane;
ball and bat, Tom Melady; pop,
Mrs. Peter Van Drunen; cup and
saucer, Mrs, Rose McConnell;
necklet, Dorothy Dillon; cup and
saucer, Mrs. Whitney; doll, Mrs,
Roy McGonigle; towel, Mrs. Kel-
lar; magazine rack, Peter Mc-
Laughlin; sugar, Mrs, Jas. Mc-
Gregor; beach towel, Jack Moy-
lan; blanket, Dennis Murray;
flower ornament, Agnes Poland;
bowl set, NIrs. John Murphy.
blr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney
and Richard, Kitchener, with Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Maloney.
Mr. and NIrs, Jim Whaling, Of
Stratford, Mrs. Cleo Bowman, of
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Miss Mary Cronin, Kitchener,
with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Cronin.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Butters, of
London, with Mr, and Mrs. Mau-
rice Melady.
fall% and Mrs. Jim Doyle and
children, Misses Helen and Anne
Maloney, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Maloney,
Leonard Maloney, London, with
Mrs. Nora Maloney.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme,
Miss Hilda Kennedy, London„
Miss Kay Allen, Stratford, and
Ken Ducharme, Wingham, with
Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme.
The wedding took place in
North Side United Church at 3
o'clock Saturday afternoon, June
2, when Isabel Janette Shannon,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hiram
Shannon, Seaforth, became the
bride of Donald Leonard Schel-
lenberger, son of Mr. David
Schellenberger, Mitchell, and the
late Mrs, Schellenberger. White
and gold mums decorated the
church- Rev. J. C. Britton officiat-
ed. The bride given in marriage
by her father woro a floor length
gown of bridal .taffeta over tulle
and taffeta. The bodice was
fashioned with an overjacket
featuring elbow length sleeves,
sweetheart neckline, accented
with applique of guipure lace
sprinkled with pearls. A pearl-
ized crown of orange blossoms
held a double french illusion veil,
Miss Alice Christie, Seaforth, was
maid of honor, wearing a baller-
ina length dress of pure silk or-
ganza fashioned with a lace bed -
ice and matching headdress. Miss
Kathryn Boshart, Seaforth, and
Miss Joan Dick, Seaforth, were
bridesmaids, wearing dresses sinr-
Ilar to the maid of honor. Best
man was Bruce Chessell, Mitch-
ell, Ushers were Geo. Brown,
Windsor and Fred Colquhoun,
Mitchell. Mrs, Jas: Stewart was
organist and soloist, birs. F.
Kling, sang "Wedding Prayer"
and "Because," The wedding
dinner was held at the Commer-
cial Hotel, gaily decorated with
wedding bells. The bride's moth-
er wore white sheer over flowered
taffeta, white accessories with a
corsage of pink roses. The bride
and groom left for a trip to East-
ern Canada and the States. The
bride wore a bone white two piece
dress, black accessories with
orchid corsage, They will reside
in Mitchell
Guests were present from Mit-
chell, Goderich, Lindsay, Shake-
speare, Florence, Glencoe, Lake-
view, Stratford, Donald, Lantbeth,
Staffa, Windsor, Preston and
Mr, and Mrs, Elgin. Porter of
Winnipeg spent a few days with
the former's brother, Lloyd and
Mrs. Porter.
,lir. and Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull
attended the Lions convention at
Hamilton and visited Mr, and
Mrs. Doug Lawless,
bh', John Ritchie spent the
week end with Mr, and Mrs, Jim
Ritchie of London,
Mrs. John Shannon has return-
ed hone after spending a month
with relatives in Toronto,
Kenneth Ryan who is employed
with Beaver Lumber Co.; at
Sutton, has been transferred to
Kirkland Lake,
Sir, and Mrs. Robt, Pritchard
(,,,,.11.1,11,11111111111.14111111111111,11111111111,1111. 0000000 41111,111111111,1,1.140,10411.1 llll i l1.1111111111111,n/1111,,,,1,1,,,ne
Fantastic 'Values in
Your Choke!
only $125
17 jewels, un-
breakable main-
spring, silk cord
band, in white
or yellow.
17 jewels, waterproof,
shockproof, anti -magnetic,
unbreakable mainspring,
sweep -second hand, lumi-
nous dial in' white, with
scrap, 51295
Other Westfield Watches up to $19.95
Caravelie Watches from $19.95 up
Smart Bulova 'Watches from $29,95 up
111111111111,11111111,11111tt11,,111e1,1,ILL❑u1,e1,,,,111111111„1,1H,,,tautaue1111111111,1,111110,101,111,"„11,1111 W 11,
camand family, Toronto, and Mr. and Preston, called on relatives and
Mrs, Donald Maier of London
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. David Watson,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turnbull at-
tended the Lions convention in
blr. and Mrs. Elias Kosteniuk
have returned home from a trip
to Manitoba and Saskatchewan,
Mr: and Mrs. John McGavin
and fancily, Owen Sound, and Mr.
and Mrs. 13111 Dinsmore, Kitchen-
er, attended the McGavin-Johns-
ton wedding and spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Armour Dundas, Lunn.
Mr. and Mrs, John Yuill, Brus-
sels, and -Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Bewley, Mary and Brenda, spent
Sunday at Elora and Kitchener,
where they watched the highland
Light Infantry parade.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Pritchard
of Mitchell and Mr, and Mrs. Jack
Anderson, Stratford, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Aif Anderson.
Miss Ruth Ennis left on Wed-
nesday by train for Lethbridge,
Alberta, where she will visit her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
win C. Miller, for the month of
Dir. and Mrs. George Hibbert
have moved back to Mr. Harvey
Craigs farm.
A successful auction sale was
held at Mr. Hugh Campbell's last
Saturday evening. Mr. Campbell
has disposed of his residence and
property to Mr. Ernest Stevens,
Shower Held for
McKillop Bride -elect
A shower was held in honor of
Miss Marie Stone on Friday even-
ing, June 1st, in Cavan Church.
Winthrop. After the singing of 0
Canada, Lois Bernard favoured
the gathering with an instrument-
al. Mrs. Gordan Papple gave a
reading and Mrs. Gladys Doig
conducted a contest, Mrs. Mae
Gevenlock led in a sing song
which was followed by an instru-
niental by Judy Thompson, Two
songs were sung by some 01
Marie's neighbours and the pro-
gram closed with God Save the
Queen played by Rochelle Nes-
bitt. Marie Strong read the ad-
dress and Marie's mother, Mrs,
Geo. Stone, sister Connie and
Ray's mother, Mrs. Norman
Scotts end Mrs. Ron Scotus
accotupanied Marie in opening
the gifts. Mrs. Reg. Stone was
unable to attend due to illness in
the family,
"Dear Merle, --We., your friends
and neighbours are gathered
here tonight to honour you as you
enter on the sea of matrimony.
We felt we could not let this
occasion pass without showing in
a small way our congratulations
and best wishes. We hope you
and Ray will find these gifts use-
ful in your apartment in Brant-
ford and rentenlber your friends
around Winthrop and Seaforth
when you use them,"
Russell Sholdice, accompanied
by Harold Diego! of Mitchell, left.
on Sunday from Melton airport
for the International Lions con-
vention at Nice, France, and Also
tearing .England, Switzerland,
Holland, Germany and other
points. Mrs. Russell Sholdice, 1Ie-
verley, Roger and Warren, Mi'.
and Mrs, Cary Sholdice and Mrs.
Elizabeth Querengesser accotnp-
anted 111111 to Melton airport.
Rev. Ilarold Brill and delegate
Irvin Driller attended Synod at
Waterloo three days this week,
Mrs, Toledo lleuei'inan, Water-
loo, and Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur
Chambers, John and Deborah, of
friends here Saturday.
Mr, Arthur Diegel, Kitchener
at the home of his father, Wm,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Diegel of
Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Bin-
ning and children and Mr. and
Mrs, Howard Querengesser and
family, of Mitchell, with Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Sholdice Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens
and Kenneth visited with Mrs.
Irene Hinz and Winnifred and
Mr, and Mrs. Don Barber, Guelph,
Mr. and Mrs, John Hinz Jr. of
Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs, La-
verne Wolfe on Sunday.
11 Sr. and Mrs, Kenneth Elligsen
were on a trip up north recently.
Mrs. Mary Miller was pleasant-
ly surprised recently at two par-
ties held in her honor on the oc-
casion of her 80th birthday. The
parties were held at the home of
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs, Arthur Rohde, Mitchell,
and her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller, Staffa.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray-
mond Miller and family, Munro;
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hocking and
family, Munro, and Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Harding, London.
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Russell Miller and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen
and family, Cromarty, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Butson and fancily of
Staffa, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Finlayson, Walton,
Dir. and Mrs. Jim Lyall; Agxsr
court, visited over the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris.
Mrs. Walter O'Brien fell and in-
jured her back and has been a
patient in Stratford hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller vis-
ited Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Mauer, Farquhar.
Born -To Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Haist (nee Jarrett), r.r. 2 Centra-
lia, a daughter, Judith Louise, at
South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on
May 28th, first grandchild for
Mr. and Ml's. Eldon Jarrett, Kip -
pen and fifteenth for Mr: and
Mrs. Wellington Heist.
Engagement -
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrett,
Kippen, wish to announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Elva
Marie, to Donavan Ross Brunzlow
of Strathroy. The wedding to take
place Saturday, June 23, at 3
o'clock in St. Andrew's United
Church, Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Neave and
fancily of Strathroy visited Sun-
day with Mrs, E. Dowson.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Priestap
of Mitchell visited Saturday even-
ing with the latter's father, Mr.
Robert Thomson.
Mrs. Eldon Jarrett and Marie
attended a pantry shower Friday
evening, May 25th at Stratford
when the Misses Doris Tulley and
Elaine McNay, nurses and class-
mates of Marie entertained for
Mario and another nurse, bliss
,Jan Polestra, Fifteen out of a
elass of 22 nurses attended. A-
mong the miscellaneous gifts
were a stainless steel set, a
clothes hamper and a box of gro-
ceries. The girls expressed their
thanks to everyone and a deli -
dolts lunch followed.
Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Murdoch
will be at home on Satiu'day,
June 9111 from 3 to 5 and from
3 to 10, the occasion 1)e1115 their
Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary, at
their residence Evergreen Holnle,
Stanley Township.
Winner's from Kippen in the
Legion draiv at Hensen Saturday
night were Douglas Cooper, E, 3,
Roberts, Mrs. Arthur,Finiayson,
Mis, Elston Jarrett,