HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-05-31, Page 4I RODHAGEN Whiners at Monktoii music fins. twat from 13rodbagel Setiaal: 'Unison (Merus, Group A, first With. 87 Marks; triple trio first with 89 marks; two part Chorus, Group A, second with 86 marks; ianioi' clients, Group A, second with 86 marks; Beverley Sliold ice, girls solo, 11. and•under, 2nd with 86 niarksi Robert Trutter, senior boys solo, 1st with 88, and wo i the cup, with MarrYCistaer 2nd with 87 marks in sante class, Mrs. Manuel Beuet•nian has been confined to Scott Memorial hospital, Seaforth for the past week where she underwent an operation fora tinter infection. ,Master Karl Pfeifer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer, had his tonsils and adenoids removed at Stratford hospital last week, Miss Sharon Pruoter, nurse -in - training at Stratford hospital, is convalescing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd ,Prue - ter, after undergoing an operation Mrs. J. 7:-Iigenell, who spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs, Edwin Rock and Mr. Rock, is now with another daughter, Mrs, Bob Butson and Mr. Butson, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens and Kenneth accompanied by Miss Willow Morris of Sebring- ville visited Mr. Clayton Ahrens at Camp Borden on Sunday. Mrs. Rosins 1VIillet visited her granddaughter, Mrs. Ed Fischer and Mr. Fischer at Seaforth, Third Anniversary TEA Huronview Women's Auxiliary WED., JUNE 6 2.30 to 5.00 p.m. at the Horne Guided Tour will be taken during the afternoon EVERYONE WELCOME Silver Collection u„„uuuuuwuuuuunnn"niiiii nuun,,,,,nn, I V.rieitors at the home of OvIr$. Rosina Miller pn Sunday ware Mrs; Minnie 1VIlke1, Logan, and U'lessis, Z Idol 1 '. 1 rh and d Fred >"isoli- 1 er of Mitchell, Mr. and ,Mrs. Russell Sholdioe and Beverley "Spent the weekend visiting with the former's sister, Mrs, Orval Whitfield and Mr, Whitfield at St. Catharines and also attended the Lions Club par- ads aiid necrology service in Ha. MiltontoMiltonau Sunday-. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. La- vern Wolfe were: Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Wolfe and boys of Kitchen- er, Mr, and Mrs. Michael Connol- ly and Mrs. Jack Herald and Jac- queline of Sebringville, The Married Couple's Group of St, Peter's Lutheran Church held a variety program at the commun- ity hall on, Monday evening with a large crowd attending. 23 members attended the Luth- er League meeting Sunday even- ing. Taking part were Joan Mu- ogge, Barbara Hoegy, Cheryl Wurdell, Carol Mog'k. It was de- cided to put on a talent ,night on Wed., June 20 at the community hall. Dublin bowling club held au en- joyable banquet and social even- ing at the community Ball here on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Woodward and girls of Toronto with Mrs. Albert Querengesser and Alf for the week end, Mrs. Lydia Querengesser, Mrs, Frank Swigger and Mrs. Freeman Spencer of Detroit with Mrs, Al- bert Querengesser and other rel- atives and friends. IVIr, and Mrs. Peel Boyd and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wardell to Chatham on Sunday visiting Mrs. 13oyd's mother who is confined to the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family 01. Blenheim with Mr. Ed. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hinz and Rodney and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Blinz in Fort Erle on'Sunday due to the death of Wm. Heckman. Northside United Church Worship 11 a.m. Jr. Church School during wor- ship. Sr. Church School 10 a.m. District 5, O.E.S., will hold a Church parade on Sunday even- ing at 7.30 p.m. Organist, Mrs, Jas. A. Stewart; Choirmaster, Mr. Sas. A. Stewart; Minister, Rev. J. Cliff Britton, BA 1961 OLDS SUPER 4 DOOR HARDTOP 1960 FORD "8" SEDAN, A.T. & R. 1960 VAUXHALL SEDAN 1958 FORD SEDAN, A.T. & R. 1956 DODGE "8" STATION WAGON 1955 CHEVROLET COACH 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH, Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541 Our Committee Room is Mobile Ask for Mobile Operator YJ -3454 and we come to you WHY IS SOCIAL CREDIT SWEEPING CANADA Social Credit has the answers. This week our leader "Bob" Thompson is explaining the two price system (sometimes called Parity Pool) to farmers in Western Canada. Basically, it by-passes the "financiers" and the "world bookkeepers" or "money jugglers" and maintains parity between say, a. bushel of Canadian wheat against a Sheffield knife 511(1 f0rlt. WHY CAN WE SAVE 40% ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS ? Schools, hospitals, etc., mentioned in last week's adv. ? 'rhe Municipal Bank we propose to do (his (see Alberta's Act re: loaning funds at 2%) is already found in Federal legislation of 1938 but quietly shelved in 1940. Why 7 Would you like to think you'd paid $4,000 for each $2400 car purchased since 1038 ? A FEW COPIES OF "CANADIANS IT'S TIME YOU KNEW" are still available at. 50c, and does supply all the answers. VOTE SOCIAL CREDIT EARL DOUGLAS in Huron I)USI-IN 00. Louis Dill, Detroit and. 741'. and Mrs. 3talph P111, Stratford, with :r. and Mrs. Joseph Dill., Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Butters, London, w1t1t Mfr; and Mrs. T. Butters. MI's. J. Newcombe and son, Jin, Port Credit, with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Stapleton, Mrs. Louis Dillon and Miss DO- rathy 1)111011 in Woodstock with .Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Duffy and family, Mrs. Joseph Delaney and Mrs, John E. Murray at Long Branch with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cos- tello. Mrs, Elsie Jordison has return- ed home from London. Ed, Stapleton returned home on Saturday after four weeks in Seaforth hospital. The Dublin Bowling Club held their annual banquet and dance at 13rodliagen Community Centro on Saturday night. • Earl Tubbs, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. M, J. Nagle. 13 t, Rev. Bishop Cody, London, will administer Confirmation at St. 1'atriok's Church; Dublin, on Wednesday evening. The regular monthly meeting of Dublin Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs.' R. Aik- ens with a representative attend- ance. Mrs. A. Whethani presided and the secretary, Mrs, H, Brit- ton read the minutes of the previ- ous meeting, which were adopted. The treasurer, Mrs, T. Butters gave a satisfactory financial ra- port. Several correspondence mat- ters were discussed, and resolir tions passed, A successful sale of plants was carried out. Mrs. H. Pethick conducted a contest which was interesting. Mrs. A. Whetham read an article on cor- rect buying values, and present day advertising. The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. T. Butters. Lunch was ser- ved by the committee in charge. Dublin High School News (By Betty Ann Butters) On May 17tH the Youth Chris- tian Society started the courtesy week, posters were placed all ar- ound the school to remind every- one about courtesy. Each person had to make up a jingle about courtesy. At the end of the week Martha Schoonderwoerd received the prize for her jingle: 4-7'fIM Ii'A8'CRTI1: NVilrS, Thursday, May 31, 1902 "In lay pocket are 1100 little keys, The 000 says Tltankyou, the 0th, er says please." Thede are two 5111011 00u1'te0110 wards to show that you are cour- teous, .. Also a king and queen were chosen for the week, Helen Brum, er and Billie Murray saleeted as the most Courteous, • a t Carmel On iV1ay 20th the MrC Carn e n boys came and had a football and baseball game. Dublin was sue- cessful hi football 3.2, Moluit Car- mel In baseball 33.32. i This 'will )2e the last report for t the year's examinations aro just around the corner and everyone has started studying, Question of the week: 'What boy broke the thermometer at Grand Bend Ask Joanne! CROMARTY Mrs. Clara Hackney of Exeter spent the week end with her dam ehter and.son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Harper. Mr. and 1V1r8. Robert Dodds vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodds of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Walker and baby visited on Sunday with Mr, Herb Walker of Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Routley or Elimville, Mr. Frank Routley and Mrs. Alex, Crago of Kirkton were callers on Sunday at the home of Mr. Andrew McLachlan who is confined to bed through illness, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Scott, Do- rothy, Anna, Agnes and Frances, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gary Findlayson of Walton, Mr. and Mrs. 0, R. Francis of Woodstock were guests of Mr, and Mrs, K. McKellar on Sunday. Many relatives and friends from Cromarty and district at. tended the funeral of the late Mr, W. J. Fell of Staifa which was held at the Whitney funeral home at Seaforth on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and family of Goderich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller. Mo. and Mrs. Alan Somers, 11,1 - chard, Paul and David, St. Marys, called at the homes of Mr. And- rew McLachlan and Mr. and Mrs. Ie. McKellar on Sunday evening. HENSALL t Mass Marlon Dell, spent the week•ettd� of London with her par. ants, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dell. Mr, and Mrs.. W, A, MaoLaren o9 Godericli visited on 'Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, R. 0'. MaoLar- en, 941-, and Mrs, Douglas' Sangster and fa i6 family of London visited d OIL Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs, Mintaie Satigsle{', Mass Jean Noakes of London visited over the week -end with her p stents D r, and Ars Len Noakes. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Chaffs and Joey of Mitchell visited on Sum day with Mrs. Chaffe's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Corbe,tt and Al. Miss Elvers Churchill of Toron- to visited over the week -end with her sister, Mrs. Pearl Shaddick. Mrs, Eleanor McKenzie visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Schwalm. Mrs. Edna Corbett visited over the week -end with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Mrs. Margaret Evans and fam- ily of Waterloo visited over the, week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MaoLaren. LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend DANCING! LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra Every Saturday APPLICATIONS FOR SWII'Il'ITNG LESSONS SEAFORTH LIONS POOL Applications for Swimming Lessons at the Seaforth Lions Pool this summer are now being accepted Applications are to be made on forms available at Seaforth and Eg- - mondville Schools, or from Instruct- ors Thomas Dick or Ann Troutbeck. TWO COURSES ARE PLANNED— THE FIRST IN JULY AND THE SECOND IN AUGUST Applications are to be completed. and returned not later than Tuesday, June 12th, so that classes may be an- nounced prior to commencement of instruction. July 2, 1962 A SOUND RECORD OF SERVICE ELSTON CARDIFF GETS THINGS DONE! EXPERIENCE HAS NO SHBSTITUI'F: L. ELSTON CARDIFF The Huron Record FEDERAL ASSISTANCE TO HURON COUNTY, 1957-62 CONSTRUCTION Post offices and public buildings HARBOR & RIVER IMPROVEMENTS ASSISTANCE TO HOSPITALS PROJECTED (1962-63) Goderich Harbor (Removal of Ship Island) Clinton Public Building Bayfield—Repairs to Pier $ 375,000.00 $ 500,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 700,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $1,850,000.00 ON JUNE 18, RE-ELECT ELSTON CARDIF AIIMMININIMMINIMENNIMINNIMINM Published by Huron Progressive Conservative Association X