HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-05-31, Page 3tt IIx 'Fit esti lar 7`reat i lfi";F"r•9hter kHe was .short, scrawny, :and scarred, .11R.stammered .when she tatired, .and Ihe:skluohed When le onsalked. Shit .fromli'91k& tto 193d,. 4uan 13elmonte LGareia of Spain %was :the :greatest !bullfighter in tine %world. 113o tmillions (of ,Spani- ,ards; i Iwas tthe.greatest man sin tthe%World, ".To .the ,peggle :who (converted ,tree into a 11Wing IingenY1" ,said .B.ellnonte in 1493(4, tthjz year after this second tend :final, mretirelnent, '':I %was:what :they ,wanted intr:.to rho -;good :or .bad, teaurageaus tar ravraralx, ugly :or ,beautiful, •�,v- sable tor ldeteatable, :areittiing'that ttheir ,imaginative .,fervor dictat- ,Gen. As ,the ,legend ,faded ,through the years, .B.almonte saddened, At,a:friend:s:funeral ;last :month; Belmonte,seld: "THis !isuan:age sin ',width +.we see.(did ,fiiiends sin! the saddest of tcirilurzi Lances — :at burials tend ,funerals, II -suppose 'one its Iluclpy Ito the :alive :at this 1point, shut :of toourse.'.w.e all .must !lie," utast month, six :days ,4hont .of this !7Oth .birthday., 1Belmonte, lrepoateclly Ldepressed iby .an nal- lhai'tpy !romance, with-ta.120-year- dld!retired tto!tits :roorn, ttadk .nut :u uavdiuer, :anti shclt !himself sin tthe ahead. (CH>rs.,fanitby repot-,,. :ed tit !first'that the (died ,of :a ;heart, mittadko) /At ;the ttime (of SRelmante's :tleath, some atioionrdlos eatntkd,. Alin =call Rias tdlilattt:as a inatador etre twos :at Madrid sin Il'9113. "Zee 1Belmonte gu ek gar yam :won't .see liiim :et :allll;" wader matador IGuenrlta tokd ltraends ;at the time. (Cwuemiita thought that .Belmont,, wtlorldisrg :closer to the bull than lad :any main before him, could (flet ,escape :death for long. In - *read, 1Belzzionte thrived and rev- ,eintionized nnodern bullfighting. Re ladled ,1,859 bulls, earned• up. to 70,090 pesetas (nearly $10,000), a corrida, and retired a mftllion- aIre. The price of his success was, high. Hundreds of times, Bel- .•snonte was. gored, Unlike his pre- decessors, who extended one leg and held the muleta at arm's length in making their last )passes, Belmonte stood with feet together and bodly drew' the bull's horn within inches of his thighs. Bold, outwardly calm,' Bel- monte was haunted by fear be. lore each corrida. "Fear is my tonstant companion," he once admitted. "You begin to think you're a fool to get into a gaudy mit and play like this with death. But after you've imposed your will on the bull and killed it cleanly and drunk inthe ap- plause of the crowd, you've got to go back again." WE ALWAYS KNEW THAT LAWN -MOWING WAS DANGEROUS Gardeners employed by the. city council in Launcestdit, Tas- 4aania, have been issued with sunning shoes. The council. doesn't wantthem to try to emulate Australia's Herb Elliott; the long -spiked shoes are intend- ed to prevent accidents. As part of their duties, these gardeners have to mow steep lawns running down to the 'streets, several of which slope at in angle of forty-five degrees. If the grass is greasy the . man ,with the mower can easily lose his foothold and crash into the ltreat•be1ow. Recently, two gardeners have ended up in hospital, one with a 'iroben leg and two broken ribs. Some baseball fans try to re- assure themselves the Spring baseball trailing season Is over tut after seeing their local team In action they're not quite sure. 'HIGH *RD GRACEFUL ,A, isnodet luees a' :se.'thing al3'midst Aire ,inline (oaf ,Rramre to -display route cif ithe 'latest Ihadirr styles, llihre Ihvalr its swept iSsorm tthe'enet;k calnl`l ,pried Ihii p ram '.the crowns cif lthe hecul. Sweeps .of hoiir tope tthem Iblrawzg'htt ',Farvnamd.'lo`w" tomer Ilse :larehetrd ,and The •wearee's ;temples. How ALS,. Highway Cops 'Rab Motorists !Beguiled by the aun, an Air 1Eionce:.:cia;pttaiat was :slouched inl- ay azi-ly sin his parked ear on Highway 116 )rear St. Petersburg, Fla. Sud- denly, a pollee auto screeehed to . a halt alongside hint. ' A deputy sheriff from neighboring Levy County got out and ambled over to him. "'You're under arrest," he said in a tone of voice he might have used for passing the time of the day. "Arrest? What fors" protested the startled captain, who had driven from Utah for a vacation. "You passed a stop, light in Chiefland," the officer drawled, a thin smile wrinklinghis lips. Then, before the airman could recover from his bewilderment, he turned on the sympathy and said: "It you want 'I10 save the time and trouble of going back to' Chiefland, you. can post a $35 bond with me. You can come back later and 'ask .for a trial, if you want, or forfeit'the bond and forget 'about it." Anxious to snake the most of ,. his vacation, the captain posted the bond and, shaken by Florida highway justice, drove'off. Later, he checked his map and discov- ered that whilehe may have traversed Levy County, he had- never passed through Chiefland! Indignant over this highway robbery, he filed an affidavit with the American Automobile Assn., whichpromptly looked in- to the. matter. ' Soon after the inquiry started, the Sheriff fired his overzealous deputy, explaining: "Even the lo- cals were beginning to complain about him." The AAA investigation uncov- ered a Pandora's box of speed trap evils in Chiefland. Over a four-month period alone,'697 mo-' torists were victimized. Only 17 were local drivers. Practically all the "violators"' were snagged by a trick stop light on•the edge of town. It changed faster than a stripteaser. Chiefland's traffic fines and forfeitures- amounted to $11,043 a year — or approximately, 20. per cent of the town's total rev- enue. The police chief's salary was $1,200 a year. But nobodyex-• pected him to get along on that sum. Neither did he. He'collec- ted $5' for each arrest, pocketing 'cHUTI'NG ALONG - This 33 -foot sloop is on the high seas, and it hos a unique way of propelling itself. Maj, Alfred Fox, stationed in Bermuda, owner of the boat, hoisted a para- chute mainsail to the top of the'spat and let it carry him with the wind. an extra ,y;4i&11g ihi 'flees:" *We this' fee valeta that's at the snot sd the :speed strap evil," Richard. ',Tupper, ,national AAA official, told .the Pdliice Gazette, *In every •statte that permits local offlotws to share a' fee in traffic arrests, you leave motorists vic- timized by speed traps," ' These fee -hungry pirates have 'devised an assortment of suck' traps, or improvised non-existent sd®tations, to extort fines ' and hands from unwary motorists. Their tricks are among the scurv- iest in the 'book; invisible white lines, quick :changing stop lights, hidden or confusing . speed and traffic signs. Recently, a;New Yorker bound dor Palm Beach . was going through a small:. Georgia town when he was halted by an un- .. marked police car on Highway 301, writes Thomas. Reynolds in "The Police Gazette" "'Buddy," the .cop' remarked, "!you were r&uiwing 40 miles an (hour in a 61 -,mile school zone :and passed through •a.red light " 'The driver ,pretested. "I was only going 15 miles an ,hour and ,the 'light was green. Further- more, it's ,tinily '7.30 ,and children idon'it go' Ito school Ibis 'early." 1Che scop :smiled and said: "All cops 'down there are .crooks and 6 mama rte stake it easy or' you." I It' was :a broad hint tor a pay- I off Jbut the 'motorist refused to (dick in, "',Okay,; ''wise guy," the officer :gapped, "Tun taking ,)yew .t!:;tthe desertedstation house, the cop ;got behind the desk to i officiate as the 'jud'ge:" • The motorist was shocked by this meekcerY o,f, rjaastbe — J1 j • common practice in some Georgia towns. ' He started to protest but was promptly cut. short," "Shut ups" ' the :cop' retorted, "Don't talk to me like that. I've .been a cop a long time and nobody tells ,me what to do. ' )<'m; the law!" He kept his victim onthe hook until 10 atm., then fined him $19. Hurrying out . of the . station house, he jumped into.. his shiny car to .stalk his next sucker. The New Yorker climbed into ' his dusty coupe and crawled- oft at 10 mph, He wasn't taking .any chances. There was blood in his 'eyes but, he couldn't, -do anything • •about'the racket, t One pian ;did,' though and •it's'• an ironic story:Several years ago, he was arrested and fined in one 'of'these•vest-pocket towns. He became so.. outraged. over the phony charge that he had the town literally -wiped off the map. 1 How? He simply introduced a, bill in the Florida legislature'_ of which.. he was;' a member — eliminating the town! Protests are not.limited'to out- of-state motorists. Local. business-' 'men themselves, especially • motel owners worriedover ,a drop in customers . 'haveattempted to protect their interests•by•erecting highway billboards warning. drivers to be on guard. One Georgia businessman be- came' so incensed at fee -gouging cops that he; took a door' off 'his house; tied,it to his.car•and'hung • a sign on it saying: "Don't pass`, Me -. Speed Trap Ahead," He and his friends took'. turns patrol- ling the area. • Ludowici, Ga., with a popula,- Mon of slightly over 1,000, is per - 'haps the•nation's. most notorious speed: trap. Straddling popular MS, Route 301, Ludowici has been on and off the AAA's list' • several times in the past decade.. In one four-month period, the town raked in $45,000• in fines. Ludowici has a fast -changing light where 301 makes a sharp left-hand turn for northbound motorists. The "go'" time was so. short that traffic back up for blocks. Many an impatient driver was nabbed as -he tried to squeeze past the line The situation got so smelly that pressure was brought to bear. And the town, aided by the U.S. 301 Assn„ finally installed a new light, But this didn't faze thelocal constabulary. These zealous law enforcers promptly thought of another way to keep their peck- ets stuffed with "foreign" money. They simply bought themselves a speed timer and lay in. wait on the four -lane street at the south end of town, Houses are scarce there and motorists, thinking they had hit open country, stepped on the gas, The cops had a field day until howls of protest reached the State Capital. The Georgia legis- lature banned the use of speed t mers in local communities. By t apt time, traffic had dropped as much as 40 per cent, Gove nor Vandiver urged the AAA to take the town of its "pass it by" list, 'Its AAA refused, pointing out that-,Ludowici had been a trouble spot' long before the timers were put into' use, Timers or not, "business° We as good as ever for the Chief of Police. He reported blandly that he' was arresting as many traffic' '.",violators" as before. It was just (I question of .diligently attending to duty, If .the suckers didn't walk.' into your trap,why,, by golly, you,had to hustle out after 'stns ala - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - tl BABY CNiCX5. BABA' can give prompt shipment on most varieties ,dual purpose dayolde and started 3.4 Week old- Also Am e, Send for last. See local agent, or write Grey Hatchery, 129 John North, Ham- ilton, Ont. 2,000 11 & N Nick Chick Leghorns, 20 wks, May 18, Vaccinated, dubbed, de. beaked. Order pullets ahead, any age. Call 261123, Shakespeare, Louts Liehtl, 111t1, Shakespeare, Ont,. BOOKS Educational books, Drawer 198, Fort Erie, Ontario, En lisp Grammar and Punctuation 92,00. Your Pen and Your Voice - deals with Banquets 'roasts, Public Speaking, Judging Speeches, etc„ $2,00 Speech corrections, minimum fee 91,00. COY$' CAMP Allsaw New Natural Science Camp Bay' 7-15 Conservation, Farm Animals, Forestry, Also Swimming and Sports, etc.. 9 CALLA'S AVE, DOWNSVIEW, ONT. CH. 9.4817 • BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE SERVICE. station Shell. Hwys, 118 and 527. Concrete block building, well equipped, store, adjoining. Mechanic's opportunity, Ideal location for motel or restaurant, 360' frontage, Jas, Wright, Baysvllle, Muskoka, Garage and Body Shop Located in -Listowel Established gallonage, Good location, Could be expanded. Major ell company supplier. Down payment $6,000.. Small monthly payments. Contact SUTHERLAND BOX '543, GO ERI H, ONT. - - SNACK bar with 3,' bedroom apartment mein corner, year round business, $5000 or equivalent down. Mom's Snack Bar, Poet. Dalhousie. WE, 4-0013. MOTEL NORTHERN ONTARIO NEW 467knit de luxe motel ono Trans- Canada"Highway, open the year round, Hach„ unit exceptionally well furnished, 4-plece ceramic baths, TV's, ' h1•fl's, 4 - Morn oWner's apt 025,000 cash need- ed. Moyle Al Swlnn,Real Estate Brkr., ,1164 Elm St, E,j Sudbury, Ont. • PARTIALLY EQUIPPED Garage=' and Body Shop Located in Lucknow Good prospects In rural area. No Com- petition. Shall payments. Major o11 Company supplier, Contact M. S. SUTHERLAND BOX 543, GODERICH, ONT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OPPORTUNITY • For Your - Own Business Service Station' • for lease Dunnville, Ontario '-This 1e an. excellent opportunity for man withmechanical background to start In an expanding; andprofitable business. Previous experience npt nec- ' essary - as complete training 1s given with pay In all phases of service station operation.. Apply Box' 250, • 123 • 18th. Street, New Toronto, Ont. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE FOR 'sale. Dairy farm. M.F 10 Haien Laval Milking parlor; Laval Bulk, milk coolers Laval Milk pipe.. line. All. about .new. •Heykoop, Harwood Road. Belli. •more,' Ontario. • FARMS FOR. SALE -NEAR Owen. Sound, 300 acres early land,running water, brick house, all ,conveniences, bank barn driving shed, 100 acres' bush, Price 923,000. Write or phone between 7.8 a.m. Henry Ruhl, !, RR 5, Owen Sound, FR. 6.7524, - 200. ACRE. farm.- near Ottawa,. double .set ofexcellentbuiidings,milkcontract in excess of 25,000 lbs., monthly - 35 mature • purebred Holsteins,'- free listed, Price $75,000 with terms. Har - 010 D. Poapst,.Broker, Winchester, On- • Earle. tele. =' 446. FARM 25 acres, 2 miles, out of 'town, ,,.modernized house, a111 city conven- iences, double garage, new barn other good, buildings, 2 acres ,of raspberries„ Bull. price, 912,000. '•Not Sunday trills, M. 'Boersema; 'RR 7, Strathroy.• 100 ACRES, Shelburne district, good clay loam, 3 acres bush, all workable with, tractor, barn 100'x70', good stables with water. Implement shed, - 9 -room •brick house .with' modern conveniences, 30 rod from hwy.. r hr. from Toronto. This farm has averaged over 100 :bus. grain to 'the acrefor past 12 years, and Is outstanding farm in the district. Close to town and schools, •first time offered for sale. .For. further particu- lars contact 0, 5. Thompson, 22 Royal York Rd., Mimico, Tor. 14,• IL. 9.2137. FARM EQUIPMENT UNIVERSAL milk cooler, 4 cans,_Uni- versal milking machine complete i1k unit, 25 to 30 ft. of .pipe. James OIaell, RR 3. Kingsville. REgent 3-4728. EXPORTS WANTED EXPORT YOUR PRODUCTS TO US '114 WESTERN NIGERIA READY made wears and assorted cloths, hardspring, wluat flour, caustic soda, ',lee, ' potatoes, onions, electric fans, ceramics, and 'aluminum wares, tomato paste, sardines, olive and cod- liver ol1 BP., gold and silver Wares, wrist- watches and clocks, statlonaries, musical instruments, portland cement, motor batteries, plywood, cameras, hot water bottles, vacuum flasks, shoes, leathergoods toilet soaps BP.,. sewing and typewriting machines; and Itepre- sentatives Aenquiries s are to be directed to West Africa (Independence) Coy.. P.O. Box 66, Ijebulgbo/ivigerla, •EXOTIC TEAS TEAPOT Ranch Teal Eight delicious and different blends of fine teas, herbs, and spices ,Send for free sample, Tea- pot Rehch. Box 543. Fallbrook. Califor- nia ENGINES GRAYMARINE Over 30 New and used engines avail- able from stock. Installation and rebuilding. LABCO EQUIPMENT LIMITED 44 Chauncey Ave„ Toronto 18, Ont. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS POLYETHYLENE film in sheets 10010 ft„ 2 mil clear only $L60 - 4 mit Clear or black $2.50 6 mil clear or black 93.50, Postage paid on all orders. tinniest, P.O. Box 71, West Hill, Ont, BIG DISCOUNTS ON THE FINEST QUALITY BRAND NAME PLUMBING MATERIALS POR HOME FARM, AND COTTAGES • CRANE fixtures, DURO 'softeners, MUELLER brass, JACUZZI and Mc. LUGAL pumps and pressure systems. hot Water heaters and HYDRO. IERly ggqt and 011 fired hot Water heating "fy&tems, See us. today. PATON BROS, FREE PARKING 1022 Brydges IBL LOndbtt HOMES FOR BALE BEFORE YOU BUY GET THE FACTS! Manufactured Muttart Homes Save you money Consider s0me of the features; Mortgages Life•lnsured at no addltlonal charge. No money down for most models -• low monthly payments. Easy to assemble with pre.butlt Walls and engineered roof tresses. Many models to choose. from. MTJTTART HOMES ARE DELIVERED ANYWHERE SONTARIO, IOCAET ,A KA SASKATCHEWAN, BA AND B.C, Write for tree Illustrated brochure to: Muttart Homes, Box 395, Brantford, Ontario HORSES AND EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2•yr; old Palomino registered quarter• horse stallion, beautiful color and con. 1 silver mounted saddle, excellent con- ditlon. 1 Nearly new German silver saddle and parade attachments, 1 3-yr,.old Palomino American saddle - bred gelding. This is an exceptional horse registered 4 ways. This horse may be seen at Markham, Telephone Unionville 89, aslc for Miss' Rae FOR quarterhorse and saddles contact Box 321 Belleville, Ont., or ,call WO, 2.4034, Belleville. LIVESTOCK AUCTION LIVE STOCK Aberdeen -Angus, ,- Sale at -publi9 auction; 45 lots .-• 4 bulls and 41 fe•" males (many with calf atfoot and re. bred), a number . of steers, at Peter. borough, Ont., Saturday May 19th at 1.30 p.m„ sponsored by the Eastern Ontario .Aberdeen -Angus Breeders' As- -ppoociatlom ^.Send 'for free catalogue or �ehls high ,loss 'stock, fo secretary, A. C; MccTaggart. 1 Wellington 5t, E., Aurora, Ont. MEDICAL HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEAUMATIC PAiN REMEDY? IT GIVES GOOD RESULTS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry .eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint You. Etching, scalding and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot ,'eczema will respond readily to the , stainless; odorless ointment regardless Of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Fret on Receipt of Price PRICE 93.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES' 2865 Si. Clair Avenue East ' Toronto MISCELLANEOUS DISCRIMINATING mailing Rets. Choice mails:- Photography, Stamps, Home. Work, Books, Hobby, Gifts, Education Health, Aids, Cures, 356, 3 for 91.00 Managers, Box 181, Sorel, Canada NURSERY STOCK Exhibition Dahlias,' 25 all 'different, 92.50. Mixed Dahlias, 100 all different, 7.00. Peonies, 12 choice varieties, 96.00. ay Lilies, 12 all different, $2.50. Irises, 12 choice varieties, $2:50,. Choice Glad. loll, 25 all different, ,$2.00, Delivered. No C.O,D..'s Boat Basin Nursery. Boat Basin, British Columbia GOVERNMENT certified Latham sec- ond fear raspberry plants $60.00 per thousand, $7.00 per hundred. James Radbourne. R 4. Tara, Ontario. NUTRIA ATTENTION NUTRIA PURCHASERS Be associated with the only organize. tion In North America whichoffers you a own PELT GUARANTEE Yee, here is your pelt market with guaranteed floor price on all pelts. For free book (on how to raise nutria), write to: Canadian Nutria Limited, R.R. 1,-Stouffvllie, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND '.WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING. SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasantdignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's' Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call Marvel Hairdressing School 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL QVERWEIGHT? Try the effective "Way -Les" 'Tablets Reducing plan 1 month's supply 07,00, Lyon's sTDp [s, Dept. 32, 471 Danforth SAVE 15% ON ALL DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL Including Vitamins, Cosmetics Penfumes, Patents, & Injectables, ale. En. quirles invited, Lyon's Drug, Dept. 34, 471 Danforth, 'Toronto. PROPERTIES FOR SALE SAUBLE Beach 176 ft• on river good dock, cottage. Mrs. - Rheme, 16 river, St, London. TEACHERS WANTED Schreiber Separate School Eoard re- quires one lady teacher for farm. Salary schedule is as follower Level -1 - 93,200 to 95,100 Level 3 - 93,400 to 95,100 Level 3 - 93,600 to:95,500 Level 4 - 93,900 to 96,090 Increments 0200x5, then 4300 par year to maximum for all levels. Previous experience in Ontario $2004 for all levels, Appllcanta please write to Mrs. G. Mullins, Schreiber, Ontario, Stating qualifications and name of previous inspector, TRACTOR PARTS Tractor Parte for Cat. - A.C. and /HO Tractors,' .all models, Special Spring sale prices. AIX parts new guaranteed, Labeo 'Equipment --Ltd„ 44. Chauncey Avenue, Toronto 18. Phone R0, 6-2401. SPRAYING EQUIPMENT HAHN '•ALL PURPOSE JET SPRAYER .Covers up to 50 foot. swath. Includes hand gun and broad let pressure head and hoses. Complete with Hahn 15 gal - Ion per minute self -priming pump (160 lbs, pressure). For use In field spray- ing, - fence rows, livestock, washing buildings, etc, 0120,00 complete. Spray- ers for every purpose. Write: Central Spraying Equipment, R.R. 4, London, Ontario. -VACATION RESORTS ARROWHEAD -RESORT! On Watts Bar Lake, modern hskp. units $35 week. Modern trailer park. camp ground. Spring City 6, Tenn., U.S.A. PAIGNTON HOUSE Motel and Cottage Unita' Lake Rosseau, Muskoka. Open June 23rd: For complete information on summer vacation write for free colored folder or Phone Port Carling, 745-3155 YOUR HONEYMOON iS FOR LIFE Neither of you will ever forget. your heavenly honeymoon days at Gray Rocks Inn - mountains, rivers, lakes and trees; warmth and friendliness all about you - complete privacy when you wish. The guests you will meet at Cray Rocks Inn are part of its charm - one of Its delights - informal but select. Superb Cuisine the year 'round, every Sport in Season: Golf, Tennis, Riding, Swimming, Mooing, Boat- ing, Canoeing, Skiing, Skating, Sleighing. Write for reduced honeymoon rates' and all particulars. GRAYROC'S!NN Bt. Jovlle, P.O. ISSUE 2.0 — 1902 HIGH JUMPER — Mrs. Susan Pol, holds d picture of herself taken during one of her sky dives from an airplane to illu- strate the point that she just unofficially broke the women's parachute record, Using a modified chute, special oxygen tanks and special clothing, Mrs. Pol jumped from 19,800 feet to beat the old record, held by a Czechoslovakian woman, by more than 6,000 feet. Because a recording device didn't work, she'll • have to jumpagain to make the record official under international rules.