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Seaforth. News
Reception for Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Ennis
Mr, and Mrs. Ron Ennis wore
guests of honor Friday evening
at a reception held in Walton
community hall. During lunch the
newlyweds were escorted tothe
platform when an address was
read by Herbert Kirkby and the
presentation of a well-filled purse
of money was made by Mr. Neil
McGnvin, Ron replied, expressing
thanks, Music Per dancing was
supplied by Ian Wilbee's orches-
tra. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice
were in charge of arrangements.
Guests attending from a dist-
ance were Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Lo-
veridge, West Hill; Mr. Gerald
Dressel, Rexdale; Mr. Gregory
Kaiser, Scarboro; Mr, Kenneth
Thompson, Hamilton; Miss Ros-
alie Bedard, Reg,N., Goderich;
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kirkby, Pt,
Credit; Mr. Herb. Kirkby, Wood-
stock; Miss Ruth Ennis, Reg.N.,
Kitohener, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
ald Ennis, Hamilton.
News of Walton
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Fraser, of
Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr.
Malcolm Fraser,
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Martin and
family of Burford have been vis-
iting with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence
Martin, prior to leaving for Nap-
anee where Mr, Martin has been
transferred to the Toronto -Dom-
inion Bank,
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Kostenuik
left last Week for a two week vis-
it to Winnipeg, Man., where they
will visit Mr. and Mrs, Dick Tyes-
sen and Mr, and Mrs, Bill Kosten -
nick at Sheho, Sask, Peter, David
and Steve will remain at London
with friends.
A number of ladies Prom this
vicinity attended the trousseau
tea for Miss Marie Johnston of
I3111eyale Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz of Wat-
erloo spent the week end with
Mr, and Mrs. T. Dundas,
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Dinsmore of
Kitchener visited over the week
end With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
McGavin_ -
Mr, and Mrs. Horace Rutledge
and family of London with rela-
tives in the village.
Agriculture was the topic of
the May meeting held in Walton
community hall last Wednesday
evening with the new president,
Mrs, Ken McDonald in charge.
The minutes were read by the
secretary, Mrs, Harvey Craig,
It was decided to hold a short
course in the fall having two
choices to send in (1) choosing
fabrics, (2) medicine yesterday
and today. Committee In charge
are Mrs. 14. Traviss, Mrs, H. Bol-
ger, Mrs. R. Huether. Conveners
for the evening were Mrs. Roy
Williamson and Mrs. Donald Bu-
chanan. A letter from Hong
Kong pertaining to our adopted
child was read and pictures dis-
played by Mrs. Buchanan. Mrs. R.
Williamson took as her motto,
"Africa" and in conclusion intro-
duced the guest speaker, H. Ger.
don Green, of the Family Herald,
He spoke on the problems of
small farms. We find the smaller
farms are being left and the lar-
ger farms taken over. He told
of his life and experiences. The
roll call consisted of written sug-
gestions for Canada's centennial
in 1967, which were later read,
Mrs. Wim Humphries gave the
treasurer's report. It was decided
to give a donation of 810 to Duff's
Church for the use of it in ent-
ertaining the East Huron WI,
Mrs. James Nolan gave a report
on the district annual held in
Walton last Thursday. A report
on the officers conference held in
Guelph 'was given by Mrs. Ken
MoDonald. A bus trip for Mon-
day, June 11 was planned with
Mrs, W. Shortreed and Mrs. Ger-
ald Watson in charge. Lunch
hostesses were Mrs. J. Bryan%
Mrs, H. Bolger, Mrs, C. Martin,
Airs, J. McDonald, Mrs. K. Mc-
A bus trip is being sponsored
by the Women's Institute with
Mrs, Wilfred Shortreed and Mrs,
Gerald Watson as conveners. The
bus will leave Walton community
hall at 7,30 a.m., Monday, June 11.
The following places will be in-
cluded in the trip: at Coilingwood
we will visit the canning factory,
Georgian China factory and the
Hiawatha Inn for dinner, Al Mid-
land will visit the dress factory
and shrine and Midhurst park,
Supper arrangements to be made
at an eating place on 401 high-
way. Institute members please no-
tify Mrs. Wilfred Shortreecl and
Mrs: Gerald Watson, For conven-
ience money may be left with
Mrs, T. Dundee or the Ennis
Joseph McConnell reports the
sale of the house owned by Dr,
P. L. Brady on Goderich St, west,
to Mr. Alex, Bassin of London,.
Mr. Hassin operates the Queen's
Hotel, Seaforth, and will move
here early in July.
Also the home or Wm, H.
Bradshaw on Market St,' and 4/
acres of land and other buildings
to Mrs, Russell Barrows of Mc-
Killop twp, Mrs. Barrows will
take possession on July and, The
Bradshaws will be moving to
Work of refitting the Henden.
son chick plant opposite the CNR
station which was severely dam-
aged by dire in April is going
ahead steadily, William Hender-
son says he hopes to re -open the
plant on August 1st,
Pi1One 84
N. Long Retires from
Kippen Mail Route
Mr, Norman Long, Kippen, who
for the past twenty-seven years
has held the position of mall
courier of r.r. 2 Kippen will retire
this Thursday, May 31st due to
ill health, Air, Long who is 77,
carried the mails to the CNR
station from the Post Office at
I{ippen for twenty years. Once
be nearly missed the train, Oct,
17th, 1958, after change over; the
train pulled out at Kippen station
before he arrived; he drove to
Bruceiield over 70 -miles an hour
to catch it there, He has the dis-
tinction of never being late on
.the mail route, Born, in Owen
Sound he Dante to Kippen from
Windsor twenty-eight years ago.
He recalls the years that he had.
to crawl on his hands and knees
to mail -boxes and wipe snow off
1n order to get mail in during
severe hinters. Some winters he
had to drive a horse through
snow drifts 5 feet deep. Mr. and
Mrs. Long have two daughters,
Mrs, Alvin Ulch, Windsor; Mrs.
Ed Little, Hensall; a eon Arthur,
St. Catharines; two granddaught-
ors, Marcia, and Cheryl Little,
Mr, Edgar McBride of Kippen
has been appointed as his succes-
News of Kippen
Miss Mario Jarrott, R.N. of
Stratford General hospital spent
the week end with her parents,'
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott.
Mr. Eldon Jarrett, who has
been hospitalized in Clinton hos-
pital, returned to his home Mon-
Miss Marie Adel] Sinclair, dau-
ghter 0f Mr. and Mrs, John Sin-
clair, rr 3, Kippen, graduated
t'roin Stratford Genera] hospital
school of nursing Saturday after-
noon in the festival theatre. She
was successful in being winner
of throe awards, the Alexandra
Munn award, firstprize for gen-
eral proficiency in bedside nure-
ing; the Alumnae Association of
the school of nursing award. for
Proficiency in obstetrical nursing,
and an award to Miss .Sinclair,
who has been president of the
Student Association in 1961-62. A
reception and dinner followed at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Sinclair where 50
guests were present. Those at-
tending from a distance included:
Miss Hazel Sinclair, Toronto; Mr.
Kenneth Barry, Toronto and Mrs.
Kenneth English, Toronto, all of
whom spent the week end.
Mr, and Mrs. Verne Alderdice,
Garry and Lynn; spent a few
days recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Alderdice at Clarksburg,
Mrs, Alice Keen of Stratford
visited a few days with Mrs. E.
Mr. and Mrs, Andy Gibson and
Ann and Mrs. Wm. Gibson of
Wroxeter were Sunday guests of
the latter's daughter, Mrs. Wilf-
red Mellis, and Mr. Mellis,
NIr, and Mrs, James Armstrong
of Staffa, accompanied by Miss
Jessie Hutchinson of Rodney vis-
ited Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. N. Long.
Miss Alice Armstrong of Staffa
and formerly of Kippen, who is
a member of the Terry Singers
of London, accompanied the
group by plane to Ottawa and
Montreal last week end where
they were on a. concert tour. -
Mrs. W. L. Mellis visited Mon-
day with relatives in Wroxeter:
The Young People's annivers-
ary service at Kippen United
Church Sunday was -well attend-
ed by. the congregations of Kip -
pen and Brucef.elcl Churches, The
service` was .in charge of Braum
Binnendyk and the minister, Rev,
A. H. Daynard of Staffa. Margaret
-Z71gie read the' scripture. A young
people's choir was under the dir-
ection of its leader, Miss Jean
Ivison and guest soloist was Mr.
Harry Lear of Blyth.
A permit was issued this week
for the laundrontat on Market st.,
half a block from Main st., by
Building Inspector Harold Malon-
ey to Frank 1Vlills of Alvinston
who recently bought the property
from J. Webb, The building is to
be 25x40 feet, cement block with
two rooms; 85,000. Construction
is by T, Dupuis & Sons,
Mrs. L. Camilla Ryan, died at
St. Mary's hospital, London, on
Friday, May 26th. She was the
former Lucy Camilla Prendergast
and was born ie. Tuckersmith tp.,
daughter of John Prendergast
and Margaret Finn. She received
her education in Tuckersmith
and Seaforth schools and Strat-
ford normal school. After teach-
ing at Beechwood, she taught for.
10 years in Chicago, Aylmer and
Northern Ontario. She was a
member of St. James' Roman Ca-
tholic Church and the Society, of
the Sacred heart and the Cath.
olic Women's League, Her bus.
band predeceased her in 1951.
Surviving are two sons, Francis
J., of Riverside; Allan, of Lon-
don; one daughter, Mary, Mrs.
L. D. Gillespie, of Scarborough;
one sister, Catherine, Mrs, Den..
ole Molyneaux, Chicago; one bro-
ther, Dr. Joseph Prendergast, of
Westchester, I11; and six grand-
children, The funeral took place
from the Box funeral home to St,
Jaynes' Roman Catholic Church
on Monday, for requiem high
mass at 11 a.m., with Rev, C. E.
Sullivan offieieting, The pall-
bearers were Ken Ettte, James
Sloan, Peter McIver, Joseph Dev-
ereenx, Jack lainkhammer, Mel,
Hullett Girl To
Teach at Forest
Seaforth, Ontario, Thursday, May 31, 1962
Friends Honor the
Holland Family
• Marilyn Riley, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley,• Lond'
esborough, received her Bachelor
of Arts degree in Honor Mathe-
matics at the University er Wes-
tern Ontario at the convocation
in Thanes hall on May 25th, At-.
tending were Mr. and Mrs, Bon
Miley and Mrs, Selena Riley,:Clin-
Marilyn has accepted a teach-
ing position at the Forest District
High School for September and
is at present observing and doing.
some teaching at Forest.
0n the same day another dau-
ghter, Dorothy Riley, a member
of the nurses' assistants class at
Wingham Hospital, received her
cap, Attending the Dapping were
Mr. and Mrs, William Flunking,
Auburn, Mrs. Gerald Riehl and
Mrs, Bill :Alcock, both of Goder-
Sunday visitors at the home of
Ben Riley were Mr, and Mrs. W.u.
Hunking, Mrs, Selena Riley, Mr.
and Mrs, Gerald Riehl and Kim,
Delmer Bedard, Dorothy and Mar-
ilyn Riley.
PNG's Officiate at
Rebekah Lodge
Past Noble Grends of Edelweiss
Rebekah Lodge held office and
conducted the business at Mon-
day night's meeting with Mrs.
Margaret Messenger presiding,
The charter was draped in mem-
ory of Newton A. Foster, P.G.M.
of the Grand Lodge of Ontario,
I,O,O.F. Mrs. Ila Dorrance was
A donation was made to the
International Peace Garden fund,
and vice grand,:• -Mrs. George
Campbell, announ'c'ed that Mr,
Charles Williamson plans to meet
with officers and members of
Edelweiss and Fidelity lodges in
the I0011' 1121'1 to discuss CPT
matters, Monday evening, June 4,
It was announced that the annual
decoration service will be held at
Maitlandbank cemetery on June
10, with members to meet at the
I00F hall at 2 p.m.
Further donations toward the
lodge's 50th anniversary were re-
ceived and included a generous
cash donation from Fidelity
Lodge. On behalf of the past
noble grands club Airs, Messenger
presented a gift to Mrs. Charles
Reeves, N.G.
Mrs. NI. McKellar won the
mystery prize. Following the
meeting a social time with lunch
was enjoyed, with Mrs. Ila
Dorrance in charge.
Winners at euchre were Mrs.
Rota Orr and Airs. Peter Malcolm,
lucky number, Mrs, Keith Sharp,
lucky card, Mrs. J. Grununett.
A lifelong resident of Hibbert
township, Wilbert James Fell,
died in Scott Memorial hospital,
on Friday after an illness of six
weeks. He was in his 70th year
and was born on the farm where
he had lived all his life. He was
a member of the Staffa United
Church, Surviving are his wife,
the former Penelope Worden;
one daughter, Mrs, Arnold (Lois)
Alton, Lueknow rr 7; one son,
Lorne, at home; two sisters, Mrs.
Alex, MaeDonald, Seaforth; Miss
Edna Fell, Goderich; four grand-
children. The funeral took place
at the G. A. Whitney funeral
home, where service was conduct-
ed by Rev. A. H. Daynard of Staf-
fa United Church. Burial was in
Staffa cemetery, The pallbearers
were Jaok Butson, Alfred Ross,
Lloyd Miller, John Drake, Arthr
Smale, Thos. Bingham. Flower -
bearers were Wm, Butson, Ross
Smale, Cecil Glanville, \Vin, Kers-
A number of Seaforth Lions ac-
companied by their wives will go
by air this week to England
where they will attend an inter-
national Lions meeting during
June, and visit points of interest,
Making the trip are Mr. and Mrs,
Elmer. Larone, Mr. and Mrs, Jas,
Stewart, Ms'. and Mrs. J. E. Keat-
ing, Mr. and Mrs. John Modeland,
is a recent graduate from St,
Malys Hospital school of nursing
at Kitchener, Site is a daughter
of John McCarthy, 1111,1 Dublin,
' 1
�o N F."iViEi:ADY`wfio received
his Bachelor of Arts degree at
the University of Western Ont-
ario on May 24. He is a son of
Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Melody,
Dublin. John is a graduate of
Seaforth high school. He will
teach English at Trenton,
Varna Charge Calls
Aylmer Minister
The quarterly official board of
the United Church met in Goshen
United Church on Tuesday even-
ing last and extended an invita-
tion to Rev. Murdock Morrison of
Aylmer to be the minister on the
Varna -Goshen charge. Mr, Morri-
son accepted the invitation sub-
ject to the decision of the settle-
ment committee of London Con-
ference. It is expected that Mr.
Morrison will take charge on July
News of Varna
Mr. Sidney Brown of Toronto
visited friends in the village on
Saturday last,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coleman
and family of Walkerton spent
Sunday at the home' of Mr, and
Mrs, Ralph Stephenson.
South Huron Loyal Orange
Lodge will meet in Bayfield on
Friday evening,- June 1st to
make preparation for the 12th
celebration which is being held
this year in Kincardine. The
meeting will be in charge of the
county Master, Oliver Jaques of
The Hi -C group of the United
Church held a softball game and
weiner roast in Bayfield Thurs-
day evening last.
A baptismal service was held
in the United Church on Sunday.
Bonnie Jane, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Dowson, and Freda
Mary, daughter ofi Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Hill, were the two child-
ren baptised. The pastor, Rev. T.
J. Pitt, was in charge of service.
Mrs. Edith Galbraith had a suc-
cessful auction sale of household
furniture on Saturday afternoon,
In a double ring ceremony at
Pine River United Church on
Saturday, May 26, Sarah (Sally)
Elizabeth Fox became the bride
of Ronald William Preszcator.
The ibride is the only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, T. Q. Fox, r.r. 1
Kincardine and the groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Preszcator, Kinburn. Rev. J. C.
Hutton officiated. Mr. Roy Mc-
Allister, Sarnia, uncle of the
bride, was organist. The . bride's
cocktail length strapless dress
was of white silk chiffon over
taffeta and net, fashioned in
Empire line, topped with a lace
jacket. A tiara trimmed with
seed pearls and sequins held her
Veil of silk illusion. She carried
a white Bthle crested with yellow
roses. Mrs. Gary Dykstra, Nor-
wich, cousin of the bride, was
bridesmaid, wearing pink organza
and lace. Her headpiece was of
pink rosebuds and she carried a
bouquet of pink and white carna-
tions, Mr. Ted Strothers of God-
erich was groomsman and the
guests were ushered by lir.
Duncan Fox, brother of the bride.
and Mr. Garry Preszcator, broth-
er of the groom. The wedding
dinner was served at the home
of the bride's parents, Glen Gar-
nock Manor, r,r. 1 Kincardine.
For receiving, the bride's mother
wore lilac silk jersey and the
groom's mother wore mint green
Terylene batiste. Both had white
accessories with corsages of yel.
low carnations, Floral decorations
were lilacs, tulips and Illy -of -the -
valley. For travelling the bride
changed to a pure silkdress in
gold and green shades with
green accessories and yellow cor-
sage, On their return they will
reside at Kinburn. Guests were
present from Hamilton, Norwich,
Sarnia, Exeter, Goderich and Sea -
forth, Previously showers were
held at the home of Mrs. Ken
Preszcator, Kinburn and at Pine
River Church, by the neighbors,
Cars driven by Ronald Bcatou
of Hensall and Peter Carmichael
of Wingham were in collision
about one o'clock Sunday Morn-
ing at the main intersection on
Highway 8 here. Both cars were
severely damaged but no one was
injured, Constable Bates investi-
When a local eitizen became ob-
streperous on Tuesday evening
about 8 p.m, Constable A. Calder
removed him, to ,Goderich. A
crowd of about fifty gathered at
the main corner to watch.
Charges are being laid,
The regular meeting of Seaf-
orth Red Cross will be lielci on
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
the library rooms,
On- Friday evening Mrs; J, J.
Holland was guest of honor at a
farewell party at her home at
St. Columban, Regret was expres-
sed that Mr. Holland was unable
to be present. He is in Scott Me-
morial hospital with a broken hip
suffered in a fall at his home
scone time ago. Seven tables of
cards were in play, the winners
being. Air. and Mrs. Albert Cron-
in, Mrs, William McIver .and An-
gus Kennedy. An address was
read by Auguste Dueharme and
a. purse . of money presented to
Mrs. 1-Iolland by Jack McIver,
Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs.
Holland will make their home in
Dublin in the near future.
News of St, Columban
Miss Maly Malone, Windsor,
with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Mal-
Rev. John McIver•, SFM, Tor-
onto, with Mr. and Mrs, William
Miss Rita Kennedy and Miss
Joan Coyne, London, at their
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Connor
and family, Toronto, and Mr, and
Mrs, John Fawcett, London, with
Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Holland,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Melady and
family, Parry Sound, Miss Mary
Le Metre and Jack Melady, Lon-
don, Miss Catharine Feeney, Kit-
chener, with Mr. and Mrs. Maur-
ice Melady,
Miss Joan Dalton, Preston, with
Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Dalton.
Mr, and Mrs. John McMillan,
Detroit, with Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam McMillan.
Miss Nell Doyle, London, with
Ted Doyle.
Mr. and Mrs, Vincent Murray
and family and Mrs. Elizabeth
Murray spent a few days in Mil-
waukee and Chicago.
Miss Cleo Bowman, London,
with' NIr. and Mrs, Frank Bow-
Solemn Requiem High Mass
sung on Monday morning for
Mrs. Matilda Mack who died in
London on Friday. Rev. L. J.
Coughlin was celebrant with
Rev. Remi Durand, Dublin, dea-
con, and Rev. John McIver, SFM,
Toronto, s_ttbdeacon. Rev, Thomas
McQuaid, SFM, St, Marys, was
present in the sanctuary, Mrs.
Mack was born in I-Iibbert town-
ship, 87 years ago, the daughter
of the late Mr, and Mrs, Patrick
O'Connor. Her husband predec-
eased her several years ago. She
is survived by one sister, Mrs.
Theresa Eckert, Dublin, and sev-
eral nieces and nephews. Pall-
bearers were William Murphy,
Francis Hagan, Thomas Eckert,
Vincent Maloney, Keith Siemon
and Frank Cronin. Burial was in
St. Columban cemetery.
At a mothers meeting on Mon-
day evening, attended by 90% of
cubs and scout mothers it was
decided to hold a bake sale in
aid of camping on June 30,
organization to be in charge of
the sixer and patrol leader
Cubs and scouts will meet Sun-
day at 1.30 at Victoria Park be-
fore going to Sehringville for the
district drumhead service. Par-
ents are invited to view the par-
ade and attend open church ser-
vice at Sebringville park at 2.30.
Parents who wish to register
their boys for Cubs this fall
please contact Anne Carnocban
for Pack "_4," meetings on Mon-
day, phone 5SORT, or Tou. Wilbee
for Pack "B" meetings on Wed-
nesday. Boys must be 8 yeers of
age by Dec, 31, 1962,
A delegation from Huron Coun.
ty Farmers Union were in Ridge -
town to present a brief to the
Farrar Machinery Inquiry Com-
mission at its meeting there. At-
tending from this area were Mr.
and Airs. Robert Taylor, Mr. and
Mrs, Carl Dalton, Mr. and firs.
Thomas Goveniock and .Robert
Professor Downing presided.
The brief was presented on be-
half of Kent, Elgin, Lambton and
Oxford counties as well es Huron.
uated recently from St, Mary's
Hospital school of nursing, Kit- riding in
chener, Is a daughter of Mr. mid ]told the meeting et Seaforth Dis-
Mr•s, Fergus Kelly, RR 2 Dublin trict high school,
81,60 p Year
,1,A11,I,W,,1.1o1,,,11141,00,uinp0,u, 111"u,"umglll,,iljq„1u„1neunn0,11p,11p11,i,,YI, 11,0,,,,0,j1
(1847 Rogers Bios. discontinued
For a limited time only, we will
take orders for pieces in these
well-known patternshere are
some of the sale values we are
offerl ng :
Regular Sale
Price Price
Teaspoons 1,00 67c
Coffee Spoons 1.01! 67c
Dessert Spoons 2.00 1,33
Table Spoons 2.75 1.83
H. I3, Knives ,,,,,,, 3.21 2,17
Salad Forks ,,,,, 2,00 1.38
Dessert Forks , , 2.00 1.33
Cold Meat Forks 4.98 2.83
Berry Spoons 4.25 2.83
Berry Spoons 4,25 2.83
50 -pc. set of Eights95,50 59,95
Also tunny other items available.
Drop in and leave your order
TO -DAY! This may be your last
chance to fill in your set at these
low prices!
e11,O,00,0,i,,1101111,I„Ii,,,111,,11,1„011„11,1,,,,,1,11„1,,,,,,,,00,11,„11„11,11 0001111,,,,,,Oe„ I„lu„0A
Mr, and Mrs. Frank George
and daughter Isabel of Wataski-
win, Alta„ spent the past week
visiting' with the Fairservice rel-
Judge Campbell Grant of Walk-
erton purchased a cottage lot at.
Habermill Lake, Elmwood, re-
cently from Mr. Mel Kingston,,
Miss Margaret Morrow of Owen
Sound spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs, Earl Gaunt and Ken
last week.
The Aimwell evening unit of
the UCW niet at the home of
Mrs. Ross Lovett on Monday ev-
ening with 21 present. Mrs, Don
McCall, leader, took the worship
service, using as her theme
"What is the task of the church.”'
The study book was taken by
Mrs. Lovett and a questionaira
conducted by Mrs. Harry .Snell.
Bible study was given by Mrs.
Russel Good and Mrs. Neville
Forbes conducted a questionaire
on Luke 17 to Acts 6 . Business
was taken care of and the meet-
ing closed with the theme, hymn
16 and benediction.
The Messengers, Explorers and
CGIT girls are asked. to meet at
the church next Sunday at 10
minutes to 10 for the Ceremony
of Dedication to Missions, Please
wear your uniforms, girls.
Mr, .Thos. Millar is a patient in
Clinton Public Hospital, having
suffered a stroke a few days ago.
A number from the village at-
tended the shower given by Mrs.
Ross Millson and Mrs. John Jew-
itt at the hone of Mrs. Bert Shob-
brook for Miss Gloria Allen, last
Saturday evening. Gloria was the
recipient or many useful and love -
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Weber
and David of Exeter were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mn.sHarry
Air. John Reid and daughter
Averrll of Hyeth, Peace River, are
spending a. few weeks with rela-
tives in the vicinity.
The W.I. will hold their June
meeting on the evening of Wed.,
June 6th, Roll call, "Some written
information for the Tweedsmuir
Book,” It is expected there will
be a speaker from Clinton hospi-
Mrs. George Layton of Exeter
visited Sunday with Mrs, Annie
Medd and Mr. and Airs. Jack
Medd and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson vi-
sited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Davidson near Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wilson and
baby of Sebringville spent Sunday
with Mrs, Phoebe Millson.
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Jewitt are
in Toronto attending the Child.
ren's Aid convention.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dale, Wilma,
Deana, Cathy and 'Cheryl, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Glousher of Blyth and held a
birthday party for Cheryl,
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Mann of
Bltrevale visited Mrs, Robt. Grim-
oidby on Monday, also Mr, Grim
oldby in Seaforth hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Weiss and
family of Hanover visited Joyce
and Elaine Brown on Sunday,
The Constance UCW held a
very successful barn supper in
the church last Wednesday,
Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Riley of
Woods randltDebbie ofiAjax spent
the week end with 1VI1', and Mrs.
Frank Riley,
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown
are still patients in Clinton hos-
Nit', Robert Grimoldby and Mr.
George Leitch are in Seeforth.
hospital, We all wish them a
speedy recovery,
We all welcome Mr, and Mrs,
Ron Preszcator, rlowlyweds, to
our community,
Cooking School
Prize Winners
Winners of the prizes donated
by Seaforth merchants for the
cooking school under auspices of
the Ladies' Auxiliary of Seaforth
branch of the Canadian Legion,
on May 23rd:
Soap, Rose Mary Flannery;
Hour sifter, Mrs. Wm. Blair; fing-
er wave, Mrs. Percy Little: set
of glasses, Mrs. Les Pryce; bowl,
Mrs, Dohmer; paint, Mrs. Harold
Pethick; case of corn, Mrs, Jos,
Grununett; cream and sugar set,
Mrs. J. Moires; dry cleaning, Mrs.
G. Hildebrand; dinner for 4, Mrs.
Ryan; cosmetics. Mrs. Jean Bow-
ering; pillow cases, Mrs. Jean
Drager; nightgown, Mrs. Alex.
Muir; vase, Mrs. Jack Mustard;
turkey, Mrs, Marj, Racito; writ-
ing paper, Mrs. Mae Scott; beach
towel, Mrs. D. Papple: potted
plant, Mrs. Marg. Smale; shoe
voucher, Dora Taylor; chocolates,
Mrs. A. Forbes; cigarettes, Mrs.
John Pryce; towels, Mrs. Merle
Glanville; cannister, Mrs, Ella
Hoegy; cup and saucer, Mrs. Ken
Huisser; pyrex plates, given with
some of the baking.
Grocery bags won by: G. Ach-
scan, Jennie Hogg, Stella Beat-
tie, Mrs. Houston, Thelma Forbes,
Mrs, Harold Pryce, Mrs, Jack
Muir, Mrs. Theron Bettles, Mrs.
Bruce Coleman, W. M. McPhail,
Mrs. W. Annis, Mrs. J. Ruston,
Mrs. Tom Carter, Mrs. Don Wood,
Mrs. John Turnbull,. Mrs. Mabel
Nesbitt, Mrs. Roy McGonigle,
Mrs, Kathleen Tunney, Mrs, Mena
Graham, Eleanor Henderson, Mrs.
D. Kunder.
Baking by Mrs, Striver won by:
Custard pie, Mrs. J. Henderson;
cinnamon buns, Mrs. J. C. Brit-
ton; buns, airs. Ruth Schade;
berry coffee cake, Mrs. John Mal-
colm; bread, Mrs, Robert Dalton:
bread, Mrs. Myrtle. McKay; choc-
olate coffee cake, .lira, Viola
[letterman, Mrs. Jerry Fraser.
May 24th winners—Staplers,
Ethel Holmes, Clinton, Mrs. Viola
Beuerman; cake, Margaret Hod-
son; harp, Marjorie Recite; plan-
ter set, Mrs, Luella Wilbert;
Pillowcases, Ina McGrath; toma-
to ,juice, Mary Box; paper, Mrs.
Harold Pethick; bowls, :Mrs. D.
Netzke; peas, Doris Hugill; bath
mat, Mrs. S. Jeffrey, Staffa; elec-
tric egg cooker, Mrs. J. McCon-
nell; towel set, Vera Smale, Hen-
sall; ice cream, Rochelle Nesbitt;
hassock, Mrs. Earl Elliott, Dub-
lin; eggs, Myrtle McKay: cigar-
ettes, Mrs. Jack Muir; cannister',
Mrs. Jin. Barry; cokes, Mary
Upshall, Hensen, Pat Bennett,
Clinton; baking, cabbage rolls,
Mrs. Ross Gordon; fish cakes,
Mrs. Dave McConnell; cookies,
Mrs. Bill Dennis, cooked rabbit,
Mrs, Bob Harris, Clinton, Mrs,
Merle Glanville. nrixmaster, Mrs.
Graham Kerr; barbeque, Mary
Upshall, Hensall, chip and dip
tray, Vera Hudson; cooler, Mrs,
Art Finlayson; luncheon set, Mrs,
Jean Keyes; Cup and saucer,
Helen Nicholson, Hy spray, Gloria
Groceries: Helen McKenzie,
Doreen Currie, Clinton; Elsie
Huisser, Eva Brown, Jenny Hilde-
brand, Agnes Walsh, Mrs, Russel
Miller, Mrs. Harold Pryce, NR's.
Geo. Munro, Mrs, Robert Grimold.
by, Bonny Stewart, Airs, Jack
Scott, Mrs, Ruston, Egmondville,
Mrs, 14. Kereher, Kippen, Mrs,
Tien Beales, Mrs. Foster Bennett,
Mrs, J. Morris, Mrs. Dave Fappie,
NR's. Ed Regele, Mrs, Margaret
Lamont, Mr's, Art Wright, Mrs.
Don Gregson, Walton; Mrs. Bar-
bara Scott, Leona Scott.
The Farmers anion is trying to
arrange a. meeting with the four
candidates for Huron•id
attendance. It is intended to