HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-05-24, Page 5VHF SPJAFOR NEWS, Thtu' lay, May 24 1002-5 SUPERIOR SMITH'S Food Market JAVEX 64 oz jug plastic 42c PILLSBURY Deluxe Cake Mixes Double Dutch, Pineapple Chocolate, White 2 for 53C CHAMPION DOG FOODfi 4 15 -oz tins 49e BEEF' LIVER CHICKEN TULIP MARGARINE 51c 21b White Swan Toilet Tissue 23c 2 roll pkg BEAVER CHARCOAL 5 lb bag 39c St. Williams Assorted Jams, Jellies Marmalades (] 2 9 oz jars 39c MINETTES TOMATOES A 2 28 -oz tins 43C Northside United Church Worship 11 am. Laymen's Sunday will be ob served with Mr. James Kinkead, Goderich, as the speaker. Jr, Church School during wor- ship. Sr, Church School 10 a.m. Organist, Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart; Choirmaster, Mr, Jas. A. Stewart; Minister, Rev. J. Cliff. Britton, B.A. HERD FOR THE SIGHTS THE LAKES THE FUN ntario Know Ontario better.,, it's all Yours! Ontario Department -et Travel and Publicity Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister F ONTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURE Mali to: Ontario Travel, A706 ParliamentBidgs., Toronto, Ontario NAME ADDRESS (please pito 9.0 1961 OLDS SUPER 4 DOOR 1960 VAUXHALL SEDAN 1960 CHEVROLET BEL AIRE SEDAN 1958 FORD SEDAN, A.T. & R. 1957 HILLMAN SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET COACH 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1955 BUICK SEDAN 475.00 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUS1ID HARDTOP Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 186 ..r....,hi.r Sales & Service SEAFOlRTH Phone 541 ereeemeeempeeeeeeeeereeema GRADUATED Miss Marie Rowland, of Knob, ener, formerly of Seaforth, who graduated last week at St. Mary's hospital, 'Kitchener, Mrs, Jean Fortune and Mrs, Wilbert Maloney were in Strath• roy this week visiting Mother Evelyn at the Ursuline College, Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Jordan of Toronto spent the weekend with. Mns. Jean Fortune. Mrs. Don McKnight and daugh- ter of Galt, visited Monday with her mother, Mrs. Robert Elgie, Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart were Tillsonburg visitors on Sun- day and attended Avondale Unit- ed Church, Mrs, George 'Hoskin, Mrs. Ifar- en Burgess and Mr, John Baker of Drumbo and Mrs. Dorothy Meeham of Kingston spent the holiday at the home of Mrs, J, A. McKenzie. Mr. Neil Broadfoot of Toronto is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Broadfoot. Mr. and Mrs, R. P. MacDonald, Church street, are visiting at Sault Ste. Marie. The Anglican Young People of Huron Deanery are holding a welner roast at Bayfield on Sat- urday evening. PRESBYTERIAN WMS The May meeting of the WMS of First Presbyterian Church was held bn May 17th at the home of Mrs. Elgin Nott .with a good at- tendance, Mrs. Robert McMillan, our president welcomed the mem- bers and visitors and gave our minister's wife, Mrs. Fry, a warm welcome into our society. She opened.the meeting with a poem. Hymn 493 was sung follow- ed by a short prayer. Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved. Roll call was answered by 21 members and 2 visitors. Mrs. Jas. Keyes offered her home for the June meeting. The collec- tion was received. Mrs. Frank Coleman, one of the group lead- ers, ,took over the programme. She opened the programme with hymn 371. The scripture was tak- en from Luke, chapter 9, verses 1-5, Philippines chapter 4, verses 12 and 13, Isaiah, chapter 41, ver- ses 10-12, read by Mrs. Helen Mc- Millan. Mrs. Jos. Hugill led in prayer. Mrs, Francis Coleman talked on the subject of Today's Challenge of Tomorrow in British Guiana, which proved very inter- esting and she told us how our different missionaries help over there. The meeting was closed with hymn 331, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Thanks were extended to the hostess and all who had token part in the programme. Lunch was served by the group. ANGLICAN LADIES GUILD The regular meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Anglican Church was held Wed- nesday •evening at the home of Mrs, Carmen Rowcliffe. The pre- sident, Mrs. J. R. Spittal, opened the meeting with prayer, and the reading of the scriptures from St, James for Rogation Sunday. The secretary read the minutes, and the roll can to which fourteen. re- sponded. The treasurer, Mrs. Dinsmore, reported a financially successful April rummage sale, Miss Dorothy Parke was thank- ed for her donation of towels and juice glasses for the parish hall kitchen. A lovely assortment of sewn and knitted articles was turned in and displayed. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Earl Dins- more, and is to be a collection for the children's candy booth. The collection was dedicated, and the meeting closed with the bene- diction. Mrs, Dinsmore and Mrs. O'Shea served lunch. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rock are home after being at the Thamer Nursing Home in Seaforth for a few weeks, ,Mr. Warren Sholdice has been transferred to the Canadian Imp- erial Bank of Commerce branch in Guelph after being with •the same bank in Brampton for the past 10 months, Messrs. Tom Scott of Bramp- ton and Warren Sholdice spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice. Miss Joan Prueter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter, suf- fered injury to her feet while rid- ing on the tractor. Her one foot has been placed in a cast, The married couples group of St. Peter's Lutheran Church are busy planning and practising for a talent night to be held in the hall next week. Mr. Louis Kahle of Detroit has been, visiting with Mr: and Mrs, Frank Eiickmeir. Miss Martha Victor of Windsor is visiting relatives here. Mrs, Elisabeth Rock spent mo- ther's day with Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Wheatley and family, McKtilop. Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Ann of Hamilton spent the week end Will her mother, Mrs. Aug. Hillebrecht, Mrs and Mrs, Robert Weitzel are on a trip to Ottaw,t. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Aiteheson and Rock of Niagara Fails, Mr. and Mrs. Boris Bruder. of Mont- real, with Nir, and Mrs. Ldwiu Bock for the holiday week end Mr. and Mrs. G. Itay Hart of London with, her soother, Mrs. Elizabeth Rock on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Gus Stalk() and 'Miss Florence Stalke of Strut. ford and Mr. Wayne Beuerman of London with Mr. and Mrs. Ma- nuel Beuerman on Sunray, Mr, and Mrs, Henry Meyer and Gary of Kitchener with Marie, John and Martin Meyer. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Beverly, Mrs, Elizabeth. Ruer- enaeeser, Mr. and Mrs, Gary Shol- diee, Paul and Mark, with Mr. and Mrs, Sans Clark, Mitchell, Mrs, Mervin Dietz and baby son have returned from Seaforth hospital, Mr. and Mrs: Wilbur Hoegy and family spent the week end in Detroit, Mr. Robert French and family, Mitchell, with Mr, and. Mrs, Neil Hillebrecht on Sunday and at- tended the baptism of their dau- ghter, Sherry Joan Hillebrecht at First Lutheran Churoh, Logan, Mr. and Mrs, Don Wolfe, Lon- don, Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul McCool, of Blyth, with Mr, and Mrs. Lav- erne Wolfe, TUCKERSMITH The UOW of Turner's Church met in the church hasement on Thursday, May 17, at 8.30 p.m,, with thirteen members and one visitor present. Roll call was an- swered with a verse of scripture pertaining to agriculture. The devotional committee -were Mrs. Wm. Rogerson and Mrs. Mervin Falconer, An invitation was ac- cepted from the UOW of Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, to attend their service on Sunday, May 20, at 8 p.m.; also to the UCW Presbyterial meeting at Londesboro on Wednesday, May 30th, There will be no regular meeting of Turner's UCW in Juneon account of the Centennial services on Sunday, June 17, and Sunday, June 24, and the Cen- tennial supper served on Wednes- day, June 20th. Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. D. Townsend assisted by Mrs. Warren Whit- more, STAFFA The funeral of Mrs. Frank A. Hambley was held at the Heath - Leslie funeral home, Mitchell, on Monday afternoon with Rev. A. H. Daynard of Staffa United Church officiating. The pallbearers were Harry Webber, Kirkton; Arthur•, Kemp, John Sadler, Lyle Worden, Waller O'Brien and Lloyd Elliott. BORN Iutorment was In Steffe Cenlet-I JIoCowan•--In Scott Memorial er'y, hospital, on May 18, to Mr, Mrs, John McCowan, Seaforth, BOIL. Proposed Dental Housing Projeet Town of Seak.rth ATTENTION If You Have One or More Children OR Are Sixty Years of Age or Over (Single Person or Couple) If your gross family income is less than $4,300 per year THIS IS OF INTEREST TO YOU ! The Council of the Town of Seaforth together with the Federal and Provincial Governments is considering the development of a low rental housing project in the Town. In the first instance we must establish whether there is a definite demand for such accommodation and this can only be achieved if interested families complete and return survey questionnaires. The rents would be geared to Income, tenants paying approximately 20% of their gross income in rent regardless of the size of the unit. The houses would be of either row or semi-detached design. Units could have up to four or five bedrooms. It is essential that interested families pick up and complete a questionnaire from C. L. Hammond, Clerk, Town Hall, Seaforth, Ontario, REMEMBER Only by filling out a questionnaire NOW can you help to deter- mine whether a project should be developed. Deadline for fill- ing out questionnaires is June 1st. 1 A Personal Message from Your Social Credit Candidate e5i&e�'ce alt Cattataate, 1101 VT" .ko ljezt, ealo liar tba ye � ae es exs eiotal?' to $°° gore uest'i` bene Doi ° anav ocial atiCO tl 10 it�fl e� emeiz g bette1May 1 �tor i at vie '�� y fox U5 �etise i C e6`t otttett riot bt [,a too, afev the Soe �„ mole bat iceb a 1 00 „ Dolt al �� rice the 115• SOT vatil tole Tt is boa iter tit ii of debt, is slot °t olio �ieft ,e�la tco�ec aest�t� .�oao°.Oo11a�5, r C�S� ao� eto tyonll o Ua tkeol`�x 55 %, ei� 1°�g StS� e lott�el ' Pollare cant°lcl9ru alis eail ecea VI fru 1.?, t1 °t lac DO w lei Ontasto °Dial Cation nate' as �.00t � °t eepeat have n no�to rile tnwitlte ay nese, �axatiOo c e5d �aYe1°14 a �� n$ }aa � f �'i''� e� "¢iaS'��eae� 1��, a a� lel 0 in •, i' • to � t t to ie axe ae oa i1 It o. tic,a ' °� l pa'�'ieYt� tfli °o r�ocial�s ay -as- i5 00� � aiylaes tits �nleave aln°`tt is er ec le eo 0 1S t 11 t t11 e oho It t. 6 t ve e 1Cl lst s 1 n� dl°oa Oattaai crit °°1 e530 goQ`' eon lyea et he st /OS oyeztt� aeclapEld we vet br °`oT 150c 1"4) t,l s arta O silently � �p eft t.�os y�ittee 17001-012.t, ble Zb O'1 ° F °' .tr e lot` o c uo Utte 1700 o lice ` 11 pgA e +ri1ri io oft t pail tstao St w °ot 2'114 i 9, p ati° ore da � ore o s, all titi101`S L f•Itlies agesC n li P' on cta u etov.e �tolpe ce 6't pexoio a a � fed ea q�tet t° ttewspa,4e eleCt�,°n tw : o y,�tlt debt Vote. . ioffi rete' will re feait � betcye able �°1�X0 allotter letter �,be So�elye fx e�ised, cies, o�,ises t$litb A• p s°retatxt t��iis, Alai you rely as o ut s b local �t N. please ssaYes' 11 rite TO-ail ill be d., `platy 110t �� aaa, ' 1�evt7e May . �,uxe 'willbe olicie5 w :has OA, ` anis Cat where it tie to Deus °�'. p pn al Cr eta at xis „.�t+edor41etrt Ceatle allVe er s0 vvill,y�°17:17::::oc,c' aoejUea tis as to theZea�vd CO Social Cr all anaeev. tome Vale le t° tit tat ,1ce t d p fort o tofu .vn pisev MY 51 s ea5111aocial tiayatioo10.43 $ al tbiakiti �� e St �leyio��i�o 1�1 � etlo�illio� of Doti amt° ams'° t ort by fives tiott t� � t o •cal, oloe au a n tad, area Dal •111°1� Vl p '1 to ptt 0 Cl wyto EARL DOUGLAS for HURON RIDING o� e5ca4aatao5, �5ava1�btina`J eodoe5 �e alta ass this 1‘°s'119'61.91°' Can t,�s°n ex5 t11 titre � o� ea io r �,a°n a�$�N ooatelY Dae oo Uulislt �5 40 a� eS,Ql� ee• i ase telelor horror Wtsib� rya 5°035 oea �its 4e0yd1iile $ ayat�a call, bo t 1e e forala*'01 ,ce and ovt los eti° ' gore t. petsIlt. lanationsi.'Pe s ae t of 1 �btelt o. b ba tses° a one, Exp eek its on 1 paper each 4aia o� olyin� ilospCaaa � j,9 8 t0 bei heel rp0 O text ux a no is be s we . al C nos Ooc a e Please Consider This Message Before Casting Your Ballot, June 18 5we to°k tape a Vlersr' Douglas g�,�'s rite ens j