HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-05-24, Page 1.4
Phone 84
Seaforth, Ontario, Thursday, May 24, 1962
Housing Survey Is
Now Being Made
A survey was started this week
for the proposed Rental Horsing
Project in Seaforth. Helping with
the survey are Mr. Clare McElroy.
and Miss Lynette :Mose of the
Department of Economics and De-
velopment 'Housing Branch, who
have a temporary office at the
town hall.
The survey is being made in
response to a request of Seaforth
town council earlier this year.,
The project can only be achiev-
ed if interested families fill out a
questionnaire, obtainable- at the
clerk's office at the town hall,
and it is important that this is
done at once.
Those eligible are families with
one or more children; or if you
are 60 years of age or over
gle sin -
e or couple);
if gross family
in -
tome is less than S4,300 per year.
,The rents would be geared to
income, tenants paying approxi-
mately 20% of gross income in
rent regardless of size of unit,
which could have up to four or
five bedrooms.
C. of C. Plans
,:Main St. Benches
At a meeting of the Chamber
of Commerce in the town hal,St,on
Monday it was decided to start a
membership drive this week un-
der chairmanship of Jim Stewart.
The membership fee is r5.00,.Any-
one not contacted, may get in
touch with President Len Ford,
or R. J. Boussey, secretary.
It was decided to add more
'Street signs through the town,
under committee chairman Cliff.
Broadfoot, who was in charge of
this project in former years.
Large signs will be erected at
the entrances to town. A slogan
contest was suggested, with suit-
able prize to winner,
A proposal to have a Victoria
Day program in Seaforth in fut-
ure years will be studied. It could
include various games and giant
fireworks display at night.
The council will be advised to
get an up-to-date map of Seaforth
with all the registered changes..
The C. of C. want to use it to
show location of factories, and
other buildings, for promotional
The C.. Of C. have joined the
newly -formed Midwestern Devel-
opment Tourist Association. A
move is being made to get paint-
ed trash cans for the street, also
some benches- along Main street.
East Huron W. I.
Meets at Walton
Duff's United Church auditor-
ium was the setting for the 60th
annual meeting of the East Huron
Women's Institute on May 17t.11.
Retiring district president, Mrs,
Howard Harris, rr 1, Fordwich,
presided for the sessions, Miss
Lily Dempsey, Stratford, FWIO
board member, introduced the
guests, Mrs. Lymburner of Port
Colborne, Prov. Pres., Mrs. Jean
Armour, Prov. Home Ea, Service,
Toronto; Miss Dempsey and Miss
Anderson of Stratford and Miss
Gilchrist, of Clinton.
Mrs, Harris stated that the Hu-
ron county children's aid bursary
was now being used to provide a
girl witha hairdressiag course
She also commended three bran-
ches which had adopted children
in the foster parents plan, and
said others would do so in groups,
Mrs. Armour stressed greater
attendance at Senior Training
school. She displayed samples of
lined drapes and care curtains
and outlined many aspects of
cooking, home furnishing and
management and advised keeping
in touch with these trends.
Dorothy Ann Flynn, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L Flynn,
rr 1, Clinton, and Kenneth Carl
Dupee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Dupee, Seaforth were united
in marriage on May 19th at 12
noon at St. Joseph's Roman Cath-
olic Church, Clinton, by Rev. L. E.
Reed Lewis. The bride, who was
given in marriage by her father,
wore a floor length gown of Chan-
tilly lace over -white satin. The
fitted bodice was fashioned with
lily point sleeves and a sabrina
neckline, trimmed with seed
pearls and sequins. The bouffant
skirt was designed of tulle and
lace panels. A crown of pearls
held her white finger tip veil in
place and she carried a bouquet
Of red roses.
Miss Rita Flynn, of Clinton, sis-
ter of the bride, was maid or hon-
or, wearing a floor length gown of
blue embroidered net and lace ov-
er satin with matching bolero,
and elbow length gloves. Her blue
net veil was held by a coronet of
sequins and pearls and carried a
bouquet of pink carnations..
Flower girl was Miss Janet
Haines, of Wingham, niece of the
bride, in a ,pink nylon dress with
fitted cummerbund and matching
head band and carried a nosegay
of white baby mums.
Mr. Michael Beacom, London,
cousin of the groom, was beat
man and ushers were John Flynn
and Donald Dupee. Miss Flor-
ence Evans, Clinton, was organ-
The wedding dinner took place
at Clinton Legion hall, catered .by
,members of Clinton Legion Aux-
iliary. The bride's mother wore
dusty rose crepe with beige ac-
cessories, and a corsage of yellow
roses. The groom's mother was
dressed in blue floral Crepe with
white accessories and a corsage
of yellow roses. Decorations were
spring flowers. For a honeymoon
to Niagara Falls the bride wore
a beige suit with wild rose ac-
cessories and a corsage of •red
roses. Mr., and Mrs. Dupee will
reside at Zurich. Guests were
present from Clinton, Seaforth,
'London, Wingham, Parkhill, Lon-
desboro, Goderich and Walton,
A saccessettl May Tea was held
by Unit Two Of Northside United
Chtu'ch Women on Wednesday,
May 9, at 3 o'clock, Mrs, J. C.
Britton and Mrs. Neil Bell re-
ceived the guests at the door, The
tables were attractively decorat-
ed with spring flowers. While the
guests were being seated Mrs,
Jas, Stewart favored the gather-
ing with several delightful piano
selections, Mrs. Jas, Scott, presi-
dent of Unit Two, introduced the
guest speaker, Mrs. Elizabeth
Hoey of Guelph, a leading textile
designer, who delivered a most
interesting address, giving the
Miss Gilchrist praised the int-
erest and enthusiasm shown by
Junior Institute girls and recom-
mended a closer link with the
senior institute.
Mrs. Emerson Ferguson of Clif-
ford reported for Agriculture and
Can. Industries, ending with 0
prayer for a five-day cow. Citizen-
ship and Educ, was given by Mrs.
J. Baylor or Gerrie. Mrs. Ward -
law or Ethel reported Research
and Currents Events.
Mrs. J. Bryans of Walton was
pianist for Mrs. J. Smith of the
1'Iajestic Institute, who led in
community singing.
Miss Dempsey conducted elec-
tion of officers and Mrs. Bride, of
Fordwich, read the nominating
committee report:
Past Pres., Mrs. Harris, Ford-
wich; Pres., Mrs. Norman Me-
Murchy, Listowel, rrl; 1st Vice
Pres., Mrs, Frank: Walters, Wal-
ton; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Ross
Knight, Brussels, rr 3; secretary-
treas., Mrs. Harold 'Wallace, Clif-
ford rr 2; Fed. Rep., Mrs. H. Har-
ris; alter., Mrs. Crosby Sothern;
public relations, Mrs. Sperling,
Bltievale rr 2; dist. delegate, Mrs.
Mclurchy; alt., Mrs. F. Walters;
auditors, Mrs. A. Munro, Mrs. T.
Burke, Wroxeter.
Conveners: Agric. and Can.
Industry, bMrs. Emerson Ferguson,
Clifford rl; Cit. 8c Educ., Mrs. J.
Baylor, Gerrie; hist, Res. & Cur.
Events, Mrs. Earl Bowes, Ethel;
Home Sc. & Ilealth, Mrs. Wm,
Evans, Brussels; resolutions, Mrs.
Ross Knight; Jr. Institute, Miss
Evelyn Ann Stevens, Gerrie; Sa-
fety Council, Mrs. Torrance Dan-
das, Walton.
Mrs. Geo. Pearson and Mrs. K.
McDonald, Walton, reported on
the officers' conference at Guelph.
It was suggested that W.I. bran-
ches have a visiting committee
to welcome new neighbors, also
discussed ways to attract new
members, etc.
:Dinner was served in the base-
ment. Rev. A. Higginbotham wel-
comed the Institutes, Mrs. Crosby
Sothern was toastmistress. :Miss
Gilchrist spoke, with Mrs. Harris
replying. Mrs. Harris oat the cake
which was borne away for serv-
ing by Mrs. Andrew Coutts and
Mrs. Margaret Humphries, also
in costume of yesteryear.
Mrs. S: Bride toasted the F\VIO
tracing the 'WI to 26 countries,
frosty its beginning at Stoney
Creek 66 years ago. Mrs. Dempsey
replied. Wire. McMurchy paid tri-
bute to members who had "gone
home” •
A history of the district was
reviewed by Mrs. Blame. Ford-
wich branch favored with music,
A reading by Mrs. Baylor was fol-
lowed by a toast by Mrs. Ilarris
to the Queen.
Mrs. Ken McDonald of Walton
gave the address of welcome at
the afternoon session to which
Mrs. Ludington of Moncrief rep-
lied. Mrs. Lymburner addressed
the meeting. A musical number
by 13 Walton Institute grandmo-
thers in dress of six decades ago
was enjoyed, Miss Deni.psey spoke
and stated that a resolution had
been passed at their board meet-
ing asking the government grant
hospitalization to patients in reg-
istered nursing homes, Mrs, Lym-
burner is the delegate to the
ACWW - convention in Australia
this tall, Mrs. Mathers gave the
report on public relations, Mrs,
Edgar, Gerrie, for the Jr, Insti-
Huron county Institute rally
will be in Bltievale Oct, 1. Next
district 'annual to be in Gorrie,
history and circumstances, lead-
ing up to the successful business
which she conducts today. She
brought many drapery designs,
several of which depicted life in
different parts or Canada. A deli.
Maas lunch was served: by the
social committee and Mrs. Scott
moved a vote or thanks to Mrs.
Hoey and all those who assisted
in snaking the gathering a
she0ess, Prizes, designed and
donated by the speaker, were
won by Mrs, John Michels and
Mrs, Graham Kerr,
Mr. C. F, MacGregor, rr 2, Sea -
forth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
MacGregor, was awarded the deg-
ree of Bachelor of Science in Ag-
riculture at the annual Convoca-
at the O.
A.C. in
Guelph, held on Friday, May 18,
Mr. MacGregor received the Lien -
tenant Governor's Madel, award-
ed to the student who has been
outstanding in all phases of the
work in Animal Husbandry dur-
ing his four years.
Seaforth Scouts
Win at Camporee
Two hundred Boy Scouts and
leaders attended Perth District
Camporee at Fullerton May 19-20-
21. In all, 22 patrols from Sea -
forth, Egmondville, Listowel, St.
Marys, Ingersoll, Stratford,
Thorndale, Lttcair, Tavistock.
Mitchell attended Camporee, un-
der the direction of V, I. Mc-
Intosh, St. Marys, District Com-
missioner, and District Scout-
master; Ken Powell, Seaforth,
The boys attended three days
and two nights, The program pro-
vided little time for. leisure.
Twelve events were scheduled,
Pioneering, first aid, fire .Ilghting,
leadership, map reading, tent
pitching, estimations, etc., such
as how to judge the distance
across a river without measuring
The top patrol was Panther
trans Seaforth which won the
Perth District Shield, also won a
pennant tor fire lighting, Panther
patrol was under leadership of
A.S.M. Bob Johnston and Patrol
Leader Peter 'Wilhee.
Tiger patrol under the leader-
ship of A.S.M. Bill Mowat, and
Patrol Leader Nlurdo MacLean
were runners-up; Egmondville al-
so won a pennant L'or camp site.
The boys travelled by bus to
Camp Fullerton and arrived hone
5,15 on Monday, tired but hnppY.
Twenty-one boys attended from
Seaforth and nine from Egmond-
Hugh Campbell's
IOOth Birthday
On May 17th, Mr. I-Iuglt Camp-
bell or Walton celebrated his
100th birthday at the Home of
Mr. and Mrs. John C. McDonald,
r.r. 2 Brussels. IIe was feeling
fairly well and sat on the Iawn
ntuclt of the day while welcom-
ing his many guests.
He received many beautiful
cards, letters and gifts; also tele -
grants from Her Majesty, Queen
Elizabeth ?n0; Prime Minister or
Canada, Mr. John Diefenbaker;
Premier or Ontario, Mr. Roberts;
Mr. Elston Cardiff, -1M,P., and Hon.
Charles MacNaughton, M,P.P.
Mt'. and Mrs, Elliott Sooner-
ville (his niece) of Victoria sent
a beautiful bouquet or red roses,
and Miss Frances Campbell, R.N.,
(niece) sent greetings from Cali-
fornia, A pleasant surprise of the
occasion was the arrival of his
nephew; Mr. John Reid. and his
daughter, Miss Averil Reid who
came by plane.from Felker, Ata,
Mr. Campbell was barn on lot
3, eon. 9, Hallett, spent notch of
his life in Saskatchewan and re-
turned to Ontario in 1393. His
wife died in 1942, at the age of
eight -one. His fancily consists of
-Wire. John C. McDonald, r.r. 2
Brussels; A. M. Campbell, Toron-
to, who was unable to, be present
because of ill health; Mrs, George
Carter, Londesboro; Mrs, Gordon
Kerr, Toronto, and Mr. Jack
Kellar, Seaforth.
Unit No. 4 of the UCW met at
the home of Mrs. Don Brodie on
Wednesday evening with 35 pres-
ent. The Bible Study was con-
ducted by Mrs. Johnston, follow-
ed by the worshtp service under
the leadership of Mrs, Mel Gra-
ham. She was assisted by Mrs,
J. Taylor, Mrs. J. Mustard and
Mrs. A. Taylor. The minutes or
the previous meeting were tread
and the business discussed. Any-
one who would be interested in
obtaining a plate with the ,pic-
ture of the Church, kindly con-
tact Mrs, S. Broadfoot, or leave
your name on the lialletin board
et the church, A .miscellaneous
shower for Miss Anne Postnta,
bride -elect, followed and refresh-
ments were served,
All scout and cub mothers are
requested to attend a Mothers'
meeting on Monday, May 28, at
7 o'clock, in the town hall. Detnila
of drumhead service, cabaree,
summer camping, uniform and
proposed projects will be ex-
plained, Pack "A" willmeet at
)regular time in the town hall in
full uniform.
HFA Football
Season Starts
Six teams are entered in Huron
Football Association which in-
cludes Centralist' Air Porte, Clin-
ton Air Force, Goderich, Wing -
ham, Brussels and Winthrop,
Winthrop defeated Clinton 2-0
in the first game or the schedule
at Winthrop on. Tuesday night.
George Love scored both goals
for the local squad:
First half of schedule:
May 22, Clinton at Winthrop,
May 23, Goderich at Wtngban
May 24, Centralia at Brussels
May 29, Wingham at Clinton
May 30, Brussels at Goderich
AMay 30 Winthrop at Centralia
June 5, Clinton at Centralia
June 6, Brussels at Wingham
June 6, Winthrop at Goderich
June 13, Centralia at Goderich,
June 14, Brussels at Clinton
June 14, Wingham at Winthrop
June 18, Goderich at Clinton
June 19, Centralia at Wingham
June 20, Winthrop at Brussels
Cadet Inspection
Held Here
Winners of the awards at the
cadet inspection held at the high
school on Wednesday were: Best
shot, Richard Muegge; best offic•
er, Ken Bedard, Cadet Maj,; best
NCO or cadet, Toon Phillips, Ca-
det Co. Sgt. Maj.
The inspection was carried out
by Major John D. Harvey, RC'A.
and Lt. D. J. Read, Cadet Train-
ing Officer. There was a march
past, advance in review order
and general salute,
Demonstrations of cadet train-
ing, First aid, grade IX and X
boys Map using, Cadet Kenneth
Pollard in charge. Light machine
gun, Breit, Caclet Lt. Laurie
Stockwell in charge. Band dis-
play, George Hildebrandt in
Remarks by reviewing officers.
The .following aro officers and
NCO's of Seaforth D.H.S corps;
Commanding Officer, Cadet Maj.
Kenneth Bedard; 21,0 in com-
mand, Cadet Capt. William Teall.
Co. Sgt. Maj. Thomas Phillips.
Platoon lieutenants, No, 1 Paul
Rau; No. 2, James Dick; No, 3,
Laurie Stockwell; No. 4, Ronald
Band, Lt, Margaret Stapleton.
Platoon sgts„ Ian Sint, Torben
Haarbye, Kurt Christensen, Doug-
las Mills.
Flag party: Lis. Eileen O'-
Rourke, Donna Gordon; Cadet
sgt. Thomas Dick, Cadet cpis.
Douglas Fry, Joint Beynon..
R. Fotheringham
Wins New York trip
Bob Fotheringham, r3, Sea -
forth, is winner or the trip to the
United Nations and New York,
having the highest aggregate
score in the seed and livestock
judging competition in 1961 and
1962 combined.
Kenneth Papple, r6, Seaforth,
was awarded. a trip to Eastern
Ontario, having the second high-
est aggregate score in 1961 and
Winners of the events in the
Iluron county Livestock Judging
competition held at Seaforth on
May 1911. follow. There were a
total of 151 competitors.
• Senior --5 competed, 30 years
or age and under, Toni IIern, rl,
Woodham, score 643; 2nd, Ivan
Ilotvatt, r1, Belgrave, score 595,
Intermediate -21 competed, op-
en to 22 years of age and under,
tat, Robert Fotheringham, score
035; 2nd, Kenneth Papple, score
Junior -75 competed, open to
16 years and under, lst, Deanna
Dale, rl, Clinton, score 639; 2nd,
ilarhtu'a Bray, r3, Brussels, score
Novice — 50 competed. 1st,
Wayne Elston, r4, Wingham, with
score (304; 2nd, Ian McRae, r3,
Lucknow, score 595.
CNN Shield•—Won by Wayne
Elston r4, Wingham, score 604;
runner up, Ian McRae, score 595.
Trophy for highest score in en-
tire competition, Thomas Hern.
Woodham, score 643. Runner up,
Deanna Dale. Clinton, score 630.
Trophy ter highest score in
swine competition, Ivan Hewett,
Belgrave, store 191. Runner up,
Bob Fotherhiglran, Seaforth,
score 189.
Continued on Page 8
Miss Joan Dick, daughter of
Mrs. A. W, Dick, Seaforth, who
graduated last week at St, Mary's
hospital, Kitchener,
Miss Marie Sinclair, daughter
of lin and Mrs. John Sinclair,
3, Kippen, graduates this weerr
Stratford General hospital,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Johnston
have sold their home on No. 8
Highway to Mr. Ron Ferguson.
Air. Johnston ices bought a house
in Stratford where he is employ-.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus •Stapleton
in Toronto and Ashburn with Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Pugh.
Miss Lydia Jordison, Toronto,
with Mrs. Elsie Jordison,
Mr. and Mrs. James Ackroyd
and daughters, Toronto, with :Mrs,
Mary O'Rourke and relatives,
-lir. Robert Byrne, Hamilton,
and bliss Monica Byrne, in Blyth
with Mrs. Tom Kelly.
AIr. and Mrs, Bill Evans and
family, Chippewa, with bir, and
Mrs. Frank Evans,
Mir, and Mrs. John Morris, Lon-
don, with Mr, and Mrs. Tom But-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Friend and
daughters at their cottage at
Lions Head.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly and
Mary, and Fergus Jr., attended
the nurses graduation exercises
or St. Mary's hospital, Kitchener.
Miss Nancy Kelly was one of the
Mr. John MacCarthy and Terry,
Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy and Keith,
Mr, and Mrs. Matt McCarthy, of
Pontiac, Mich„ attended the grad-
uation at fit. Mary's hospital, Kit-
chener, when Miss Margaret Mc-
Carthy was a g'r'aduate.
Mr. Andy Wheticant, Kenneth,
and Mr, John Wells spent the
week end at Sault Std Marie.
Mr, Leo Holland and Billie, or
Windsor,. with Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
ald Holland.
Mr, Leo Holland and Billie of
Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
ald Holland.
Rev. Father A. Durand, SL Pe-
ter's Seminary, London, with Rev,
R. Durand.
Mr. Neil Stapleton has accepted
a position in Ottawa for the
summer months.
Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney
spent the week end in Lindsay
with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mal-
Thomas O'Rourke and Miss
Pearl O'Rourke, Mr. John Robin-
son and Judy, Dundas, with Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Looby.
M1'. and bb's. Matt McCarthy,
Detroit, with Mrs. Lloyd McCar-
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello, Mr,
and Mrs. Martin Feeney, NR'. and
:Mrs. Lorne Feeney and Wilfred
Feeney attended the 30th anniv-
ersary of Monsignor ,L A, Feen-
ey's ordination at. the Catholic'
Culture Club, Loudon, Sunday.
Pat Maloney, iI1s, M. Shulman,
Mr. and bits Martin Feeney, Mrs.
Dan Costello, Mr, and Mrs. Pat
Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan and
other relatives attended the fun-
eral of Jimmy Ryan in Stratford
on Monday. -
114r. and Inc. Joseph Malone,
Sudbury, Mr, and Mrs. John
Krauskopt, Woodbridge, Mr, and
Mrs. Manny Costello, Kitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello,
Mr, and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson
of London with Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. Krauskopf. Nit's. Krauskopf,
Sr„ returned to London with
Health Unit Gives
Vaccine Information
The Huron County Health Unit
issued the following information
about plans for the use or Sabin -
type live polio' vaccine in Huron
The new vaccine does appear
to be a valuable addition to our
armament ageing crippling polio.'
Inasmuch as Salk -type vaccine is
effective and is in general use
throughout the area, it was not
felt advisable to suspend all or-
ganizeci programmes ill order to
switch to a Sabin campaign. A1 -
though there was a shortage re-
cently or the Salk -type vaccine,
especially in its popular combing,
Bone with tetanus and other tox-
oids, it is again available and
may be obtained from the fancily
physician or at siren Health Unit
We a7e keeping a close wat.cit
on the polio' picture and unless
there is a change, we do not
foresee the introdtictnn of Snhin
vaccine here before fall or winter,
By that time 3t is hoped that
nursing staffwill he hack at
strength end greater coverage
could be provided in any propos-
ed campaign,
IM ... Year
111111411111/11,11111411111141/111111.1111111,1111114.1101,01111111 ttt111 A 1111,1,111111111,11,11111„111111,1111111,111111,111„11111
25% discount
Regular Special Save
Teaspoon 4.75 3.55 1.19
Less. spoon 7.75 5.51 1.94
Fork 825 6.19 2.06
Table spoon 15.00 11.25 3.75
Plus many, many more
JUNE 1601 )
Leave your order TO -DAY 1
Add to your set or own a
new set of luxurious Inter-
national Sterling at SALE
Terns Arranged
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Mrs. P. McGale •of Toronto vis- lay Jack Holland
ited over the week end with her Well, comrades and friends,
parents, Mr, and Mrs. John. Mc- here we are again with a bit of
Donald. news from ]fere and there. I do
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McMichael hope that a lot of the boys are
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Macwatching' the TV series Canada.
Sholdice on Sunday.. at \Var every Wed. night 10.30. as
Mr, and Inc. Ferrite and family it is an- authentic and intormat-
of Cranbrook attended the bap Iva account of operations perfor-
tismal service on Sunday and vis- Hied by all three services, navy,
Sled with their daughter, Mrs. army and air force. A great deal
Doug Kirkby and Mr. Kirkby. of this progran. is from captured
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Marks (German and Japanese film,
of Exeter visited on Sunday with Our Legion is putting on a big
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Marks. nite and social on May 25. Lots
Mrs. Walter Broadfoot return- of entertainment and prizes. En-
ed.home Sunday after convalesc- tettainers include the Paul Bros.
Ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Shirley. Admission is by tick-
Wuc, Farquharson, London, fol- et only.
lowing an operation hi St .Jos-
eph's hospital, London,
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, of
Sheppard, Mich., visited with
Miss Bessie and Ed Davidson.
(lradnatiou exercises were held
in the Mutual Life building, Wat-
erloo, May 16th, when Miss Cath-
arine Buchanan and Miss Norma
Hoegy, and. Miss Joan Dick, Sea -
forth, were among the graduating
class from. St. Mary's hospital,
Kitchener. Guests attending from
here were: Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Buchanan, Clara and Mary Helen,
Mr. and Mrs. \Wilbur Turnbull,
Mir, and Mrs. Andrew Turnbull,
Miss Barbara Turnbull, lir. and
Mrs. Ken Inc, St. Pauls, 11.
Frank McCowan, Brucefeld; Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford I-Ioeg'y, Betty,
of Listowel; Mr. turd Mrs. Leslie
\\ietersen. Bornholm; Mt'. and
-firs. Clifford Roland, Ethel; Miss
Lenora .Moser, Listowel; Miss
Sandra c'nthbertson, Woodstock;
Mr. Kenneth Howe, Princeton; your throat and you were awfully
Mr. Barry Everley, Toronto. Miss proud to lie a Canadian. Prince
Joan Dick was winner of an Philip spent a long time talking
award for obstetrical training. to different ones of this group.
At the recent music festival at London can well be proud of.
Belgrave, the pupils 01 8.5. No. 1” the RCR and Canada can justly
Morris won the following prizes: hold her head high for the ach-
ievements of her fighting forces.
I was a spectator at the troop-
ing of the colors by the Royal
Canadian Regiment at Loudon on
Monday. It was a most colorful
ceremony. Prince Philip, as Col-
onel -in -Chief of the Regt. inspect-
ed the battalions on parade and
took the salute at the march past.
When we watched some of Can-
ada's finest young men ' doing
their paces and drills, your mind
did a flash back of years ago
when you and many thousands or
the same breed were going
through the same training and
discipline. After the Regiments
were marched off, one of the most
proving displays of all took place.
In front of a huge military band.
in marched the Old Sweats, vet-
erans or 101.4-18 and 1939-45, and
although they did not have the
spring in their step of the sold-
iers of today, their shoulders
were square, their heads held
high, and it brought a lump to
, lst prize; S6 marks.
Unison chorus, 3rd prize; 82
Rhythm band, 2nd prize, 82
Double trio, 5th prize.
Girls, 7 and under, Patsy Bad-
ley, 1st prize, 85.
Boys, 7 and under, Douglas
Brigham, 2nd prize, 82,
Boys, 14 and under, Larry Wal-
ters, 2nd prize, 87.
Changed voices, Brian McDon-
ald, kit prize, 78.
Girls, 11 and under, Olwen Grif-
fiths, 6th prize, 80.
Mrs, Nora Moffat is music sup-
ervisor and Mrs, Edna L. Hack..
well is teacher.
Sacrament of baptism was ob-
served in Duff's United Church
with Rev. A. Higginbotham in
charge. The following infants
were baptised; Caroline Eliza-
beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Harvey McClure; Pamela Mich-
elle, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Howard Backwell; Jennifer El-
aine, daughter of 14Ir, and Mrs,
Douglas Kirkby. Sunday, May 27
will be laymen's Sunday with Mr,
13111 Brown et Ethel in charge of
the service. Music will be furn-
ished by the omen's choir.
Miss Clare Hac:kweli, Louden,
visited over the holiday with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tom. Hack-
:4,ss Mary Lou Kirkby et Witng-.
linin and Herb Kirkby of 4Vood-
ctcick visited with Mt', and Mrs.
ltottg Kirkby and Mt'. Frank Kirk-
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dundas
and famtky, Toronto, visited over
the holiday' with Mt': and Mrs.
Geo, Dundas.
.At a meeting of Grey township
scheol area last week the mill
"At the going down of the sun
and in the morning', we will re -
Member them,"
The death of Shelston W.
Grummett died in St, Joseph's
hospital London, on Thursday,
May 171.11, in his 31st year. Ile
was a son of the late William
Gruuvnett and. Martha Izzard and
was born in Hibbert township.
He was a brother-in-law of Mrs.
Wm. Blair of Egmondville. The
funeral was held at the Box
Funeral Home. Seaforth; on Sat-
urday afternoon with Rev. J. It
Vardy of Egmondville United
Church officiating. Interment wits
in Maitland Bank Cemetery. The
Pallbearers were Ivan Forsyth,
Wilson Allan, Oliver McKay, -
Jack McKay, Robert Patrick,
James Doig; £lower bearers Mer-
vin Lane and Charles McKay.
The annual Spring Meeting of
Huron Deanery was held at Trin-
ity Church, Fordwich, Tuesday,
May 22nd. The uteeting was well
attended, The ladies Who attend-
ed trolls Sett£or'th were Mrs, Don-
aldson, Ins IncE, Dinsmore, Mrs, I1,
Nc tzke, Miss 1). Parke, Mt's,
Smithet's, Mrs, G, McGavin and.
Mrs, 1', Coombs.
The Pull Deanery will be held
at St. T'tutl's Church, Hensel'.
Mrs. Dorothy Weido and Steve
spent the week -end with relatives
at Brantford.
rate was set at 12 stills for busi-
ness and 111,8 mills for farm and