HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-05-10, Page 3From Birth to Death, His Home Is a Tent The Bedouin is an astonishing example of man's ability to adapt himself to almost impossible liv- ing conditions. The' desert's mea- ger yield of thorneit, shrubs and scrubby grass is worthless to man except as fodder for his fire but it is converted to milk and meat by the cancels, sheep, and goats, These animals also supply the Bedouin with hair and wool from which tent's, rugs, and clothing are spun. Since he must first of all al - tend to the needs of his animals 1 in order to obtain from them the very necessities of his existence, be constantly migrates over the grudging face of the desert in search of grazing land. Thus he remains a nomad, in the centur- ies-old tradition of his ancestors, for there is no possibility of his settling in a permanent conimun- i.ty following the pattern we usually consider `civilization"; his is that land described in the Old Testament (Lev. 26: 19-20): "I will make,your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass: And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits." The Bedouin has little protec- tion against the heat of the sum. - mer or the chill of the winter. His clothing includes the ghutra, a four -foot square of white or checkered cotton worn as a head cloth; the black agal, a ropelike hoop that holds the ghutra in' place; the thobe, a loose -fitting neck -to -ankle garment usually of white cotton, During the colder weather and the months of the shamals, or sandstorms, he also wears a brown sleeveless coat called a bisht or an aba, The younger children wear dishdash- as, or knee-length white shifts, 'The women may -wear dresses of 'brilliant colors in the privacy of their tend; but in public they keep such finery shrouded be- neath their long black outer gar- ments, just as they keep their faces concealed behind black Mails. The only Jame the Bedouin knows from birth to death is his tent, which is designed -for porta- bility rather than comfort, And yet it' is as true for him as for the city dweller that "home is where the heart is," and family ties in these nornad tribes are extremely close and dearly treas- ured.—From. "Kings and Camels," by. Grant C. Butler. How Can 1? By Roberta Lee Q. flow can I remove those annoying and unsightly fuzz balls that sometimes collect on sweaters? A. These can be whisked off very easily with a dry sponge. Q. flow can 1 make a good stuffing for prunes? A. Cream and roquefort cheese make a fine combination blended together and used to stuff prunes or dates. A delicious addition to this mixture can be made with a few nuts ground fine. SMOOTH SAILING -- Anrt Woods hoists sail prior to cruise off Corpus Christi. STUDENTS STRIKE, TOO — Two students .fight outside Seward Park High School' in New York after 2,300 pupils in the school's auditorium became rowdy.The 15 non - stoking teachers in charge called police, who ordered the children aut of the building There were acts of, vandalism reported at other schools throughout the city. Scotland Yard Adopts. A New Gimmick Secretly, Scotland Yard de- cided to experiment with the revolutionary Identi-kit "Wanted Man" picture system invented in America, One. C.LD, officer, Detective - Sergeant Raymond Dagg, spent a week learning how to use. the Identi-kit. On the very day he finished. his training, fifty -nine-year-old,' Mrs. Elsie Batten was clubbed and stabbed to death in a curio shop off the Charing Cross Road in London. Dagg at once began building up an Identi-kit picture of the wanted man. It was circulated: to - all police stations, and screened.' on television by the BBC, ' Five days later, a C.I.D. patrol ,licked up a man from the Identi- lcit _description . and an Old l3ailey jury found the man, Ed- win Bush, guilty of capita] mur- der. The judge, Mr. Justice Steven- son, praised the officer who spotted the murderer from the Identi-kit picture. "You deserve the gratitude of the community for recognizing the man the way you did," said the judge.' Since then, the C.I.D. have been using the kit to trap sex - offenders, dangerous drivers be- lieved to be responsible for road deaths and criminals of many types. In many constabularies the C,I.D. is working with the new "miracle" box, 10 in. by 4 in. by 7 in. It contains approximately. 525 transparent slides, each bear- ing an actual facial characteris- tic. Each slide is numbered Anybody who has seen the wanted person is asked: "Was his hair dark? Curly? '- . Was he thick -set? Was his face stern, friendly or craggy? Straight. eyebrows?" and a host of similar questions. As the witness des- cribes all possible features of the subject, an officer trained in this ' work slips one transparency over another until a face is built up. The witness and the Identi kit can be hundreds of miles apart. Details can be given over the phone. But it is better for the witness to see the Identi-kit at work. Then the officer can ask: "Was, he anything like that?" The . witness may . suggest a different . hair -line, or make al- terations to the lips or eyes. When the face is built •up am exactly as possible from the wit- ness's memory, the picture can be 'wired to police stations all over the country. As each transparency is num- bered, the details can be phoned or wired to anyone else with a kit, and an identical picture built up. At Scotland Yard I was told: "Apart from the speed, the big advantage of the Identi-kit is that for the first time we are able to get the pictures screened on television. "In the past we:have frequent- ly had a family snapshot of a wanted person, but 'for legal reasons an actual photograph usually cannot be published. The jury may be prejudiced. Also, if the • person happens to be proved innocent, he might be alible to site the police if a photo- raph is used it the press, ortelevised. But an Identi•'kit pictures does not claim to ,be of a particular., individual. This.gives bihe C.I,I3 a free hand to broadcast all the vital . information. Hugh C, McDonald, chief of the civil division et the Los An - geles 'County . Sheriff's office, toured 'Europe after the war He had talks with many police chiefs, and realized the need for a new visual identification sys- tem. He took a rough idea to the Townsend Company of Califor- nia. They spent nearly twelve 'years working with experts such • 'as •the assistant director of the State of California's Department of Justice, George 'Brereton The result was the Identi-kit.. More than 40,900 photographs were. taken. all over the world to produce the facial character- istics seen on Identi-kit slides. And 'th'ey,. make 62,000,000,000 1'a- cibl ' combinations possible — men.and• women, young and old, fair and 'coloured. The Identidtit':is not cheap It has to be hired' at around. $15 a month. Scotland Yard 'and many C.1.D, forces would like to be able to buv their own. Identi-kits, "We only allow police to have Identi-kits on a leasing arrange- ment," states a company official, "because of the necessity of pro- viding improvements as they . are 'introduced, and fox ex- changing lost 'or damaged slides. "We have. to keep .kits uniform all over the world, and if we sold them we should have no control." -' When Scotland Yard became interested: iri.the Identi-kit, Hugh McDonald came over and taught thirty-one police chiefs how to use it. • He left twenty-nine kits be- hind, ten of which are at the Yard. The transparencies include 102 pairs of eyes, twenty-five mous- taches ,and beards, thirty-three lips, from thin to - sensuous, fifty- two chins, from weak to jutting, and thirty-two: noses. But no ears. "Our first experience," said the inventor, "is that the victim of ,a crime —'say rape orrobbery — isusually facing' the criminal, and never• gets a chance to see his ears properly. "Special -marks like scars and moles and the, ears, can be drawn in afterwards on the transparent slideswith a wax pencil." 'MYORAUNG DAY OBSERVED IN SIERRA LEONE FREETOWN (WVF)—Mr, Sanusi Mustapha, acting Prime Minister of Sierra ,Leone, laid •a wreath at the . Lumley War Graves Cemetery outside Free- town during ceremonies obsery ate CI $ I I._.. BABY CHICKS & HATCHING EGGS. CUSTOM hatching ail Wilda Of eggs, any quantity Omni Merritt. Sirilthv111e. 0t10ae WA. 6.3488, EGG spe0lalists, Ames, Sykes and Comet, to reach best egg mludlets. Arlo has day-old to ready -o -lay. Best dual pwrp0se varieties, and Leghorns, mixed chicks, pullets and cockerels. Request price list. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont, BUSINESS OPPORT'UN IT ES VALUABLE dealership available In Various parts of Ontario. honest end reliable persons who have $675 to In. vest In a short hour business of their own required. do selling. Send all par- Winters ar• ticuters and phone number to Box 249. 12.2 10011 Street. New 'Toronto. Ont OPPORTUNITY :For Your Own Business Service Station for lease Dunnville, Ontario This is an excellent .opportunity for man with mechanical background to start in an expanding and profitable business, Previous experience not nee. essary as complete training 10 given with pay In all phases of service station operation. Apply Box 250, 123 • 1811. Street, New Teronto, Ont.. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GENERAL STORE LOCATED in Village South 'of City cif Barrie, near Lake. Slnmoe, Solid brick building 40 x 80 with modern Living quarters above Illness forces Owner to sacrifice this thriving business for $22,000 00 plus stock at cost. Down pay. merit $5,000.00 puts stock. Yearly turn. over 651,000.00. Phone or write for fur- ther particulars 'Phis is to wonderful buy SERVICE STATION, GARAGE WITH GENERAL STORE RESTAURANT & CABINS THIS fully equipped business Including ltvtng quarters located north of 0I1. CLUJ, on' No 11 Highway Owner wishes to retire Full prime $80,000.00 plus stook at cost Dawn payment $25,000.00 with 1st mortgage for bal- ance ' at 6%n with fair principal pay- ments. Yearly turnover $90,000.00 and all records to conflem. Phone or write for farther particulars. See this bust. Hess first before ever considering a new venture, On evenings for the above call Wm, Adams Severn Idridge, MU. 0.2341 1 W "Joe" MacDonald Real Estate and Mortgage Broker 38 Peter St South ORILLIA. ONTARIO Phone FAirview 5.5879 ANYTIME COINS WANTED RETAILERS, Routemen, Churches. "Ca. nadian Cents," .before 1038, . We pay $1,00 per roll, mixed dates. Mall to: Bemac, 303 Kane Avenue, Toronto 16• ing the anniversary of Myo- haung Day. Government ministers a n d members of the Diplomatic Corps headed some 500 persons who at- tended the annual remembrance of the World War II battle in Burma in which soldiers from Sierra Leone took part. Mr. A, K, Hyde, D,F.C. chair- man of the Sierra Leone Ex - Servicemen's Association, an af- filiate of the World Veterans Fe- deration, accompanied the acting Prime Minister. A detachment of members of the association also attended. One Method Of Taking Off Fat Oklahoma's Rev. Oral Roberts, the fiery evangelist who appears on 500 radio and TV stations every week, is reported to have overcome lameness, deafness, and blindness with 'faith. • He used more mundane ;methods to over- come obesity among his 375 -man staff recently.' Last December, Roberts served notice that if overweight employes, warned a year ago to reduce, hadnot slim- med down by March, they would have totake enforced leaves of absence without pay and might eventually lose their jobs, Last month, Roberts (who lost 28 pounds himself). victoriously announced his .staff lost a ton of collective fat; one woman lost more than 100 pounds. No one .has been fired, but not everyone is happy. "Where is there any Christianity in an employer hir- ing overweight people," said one follower, "and then threatening dismissal regardless of their effi- ciency= or years of service?" "Overindulgence," said Roberts, "i5 a sin." Obey the traffic signs — they are placed there for YOUR SAFETY ADVERTISING noes FOR SALR LAl3, RETRIEVER PUPPIES CK0 Registered Excellent show and field stock Pedigree furnished.. Health guranteed. Whelped 17 Dee., '61. Tito world's best Retriever and come ;minion dog. Also some trained pups. 0 m"nths old. 100m champion stock nun scilvicy HAWKRIDGE KENNELS Rey'd 1110 Lakeshore Rd, Sarnia, Ont. — KI 2.5270 DAIRY FARM FOR SALE FOR sale, Dairy farm. M,F 10 Baler; Laval Milking parlor; Laval Bulk milk cooler: Laval Milk pipe line. All about nen', Ileykoop, Harwood Road, Belli• more, Ontario. FARM HELP WANTED 103PERIENCED dairy farmers one single, one married, Purebred Hol- steins, Steady work, good wages to re- liable men. Reply with references end wages expected to: E. E: McDonald, 10.00, 1, Schomberg, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE GENTLEMAN farm near Oshawa. Large brick home, modern kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 30' living room with broad, loom. 100 acres of rolling medium clay loam, trout stream running throug cedar bush, Contact Howe and Peters, Realtors, 67 King St E., Oshawa. 725• 4701. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 'FOR SALE — Miniature Pennsylvania Dutch ISettles, Send for free dolor photo and prices. Ralph torah, may. $1.49 TABLE Bowling Alleys on alum. Mum bases, Five balls in cups (no pins). Orbit. 28 Esgore Drive, Toronto 12 Ont. ELECTRIC meat grinder. Enterprise model 2112, $175,00. Also two six foot standing electric fans, $50.00 each. All in excellent condition, used since new in private dog kennel. Box 39 RR 1, Milliken, Ontario. Telephone Markham 848, FIRST quality merchandise sold at low prices, due to large turnover and low mark-up. We list a few items: Men's Flannelette work shirts — $1.98; Rayon sport shirts $3,69; White shirts $2.99; Plaid Gingham shirts $2,49; Men's all wool work socks — 890; Wool and rayon socks 790• Summer work socks — 3 pairs for 980; Ladies' first quality nylon hose — seamless 590; Full fashioned S90• Girls' and Ladies' Bobby socks — 190; Ladies' Foam -let slippers — 890; Samson -Dominion 2 once toaster $13.95. Free illustrated catalogue and monthly Money Saver. Postage Paid. Goods satisfactory or money refunded, TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING COMPANY FERGUS 11, ONTARIO HELP WANTED MECHANIC An excellent opportunity exists for em• ployment of a mechanic or automotive machinist in Hamilton, Ontario. Our shop operates 52 weeks per year, we have a pension plan, 2 group Insurance plans full excellent te: wage 0e scale. 8ApplySt Van "C". Hamilton, Ontario. HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER required for modern Hamilton home. All automatic appli- ances. no chlldren, good wages and every night off. Apply with full details to P.O. Box 89, Station "C",. Hamilton, Ontario. MEDICAL GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS 011. NEURITIS SHOULD 'TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG. STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching, scalding and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent' Post Free on Receipt of Pries, PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 5t. Clair Avenue East Toronto MUSIC LEARN Guitar — Record Course Charts. Beginner $4.95. Advanced $8.95. Bongos, Large Mexican, Goatskin Heads. $6,00. American Guitar $19.99. Music Mart, 815 First, Hastings, Nebr. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue. Free Write or Call Marvel Hairdressing School 358 Biota St. W., Toronto ' Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa NURSERY STOCK GQvlR000IENT certified Latham see- ond roar raspberry plants $00.00 per thousand, $7.00er hundred. James Radlicarne, R 4. Tara, Ontario, PERSONAL OVERWEIGHT? A safe, effective reducing Plan 0111 "Way -Les" Tablets Medically approved. l month's supply 47,00, Lyon's Drugs, Dept. 32, 471 Danforth Ave., Toronto, PROPERTIES FOR SALE SAUBLE Beach 176 ft. on river good dock, cottage. fibs; Rhame, 16 Enlery St, London. WISHING to purchase business home, fruit, dairy or general farm on $,tagara Peninsula? Write Peter Paul LOP, Real Estate, 7 Taylor Ave., Rt. Cath- arines, Ont. PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS WANT Money? For 51.00 Join Kraniali, Safe now way to earn. Send 61.00 to: IIuestis, 615 North lath Street, Terre Haute, Indlena, U.S.A. STAMPS 100 DIFFERENT stamps 100 To Collectors Requesting Approvals Winston Phllpott Box 306 Botwoud, Nfld,, Canada $1.00 MIXTURE 56.00 cat. American and Canadian Commemoratives A few good foreign. One order oniY, please. SMALL FRY STAMP Trenton Ontario TRAILERS FOR SALE TRAVEL TRAILERS FACTORY TO YOU 11 models to choose from, 14' to 32'. COMMERCIAL and display trailers. TRUCK campers and concession units. CUSTOM built to suit your need, OPEN weekends. FLEET LINE PRODUCTS LTD. 380 MAIN ST. PHONE 443.5395, WATERFORD, ONT. TRADE SCHOOLS ACETYLENE, electric welding Argon courses Canada Welding non and Balsam N., Hamllien LI 4.1284 Res L1 5.6283 Can Shop TRACTORS FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR Clearing a completely rebuilt 1940 In- tornational Farman Tractor, complete with side cutting mower attachment Sacrifice Price $395.00. Standard En- gines, Equipment & Supplies Limited, 518 Parkdale Ave, N., HIemilton. On - text°. WELDING MACHINES FOR SALE 200 AMP PORTABLE WELDERS We are clearing our full stock of Lin. coin & Hobart Portable Welding Mach- ines All overhauled, $400.00 each and up, Standard Engines, Equipment & Supplies Limited, 516 Parkdale Avenue 04, Hamilton, Ontario. WILD ANIMALS YOUNG OTTERS WANTED Society for Promotion of Wildlife and Forest Conservation Inc.. R.11 2, Stev- ensville, Ontario. ISSUE 17 — 1962 YOUR HONEYMOON IS FOR LIFE Neither of yon 0311 oyer forget.your heavenly honeymoon days at Gray Rocks Inn — mountains, rivers, lakes and trees; warmth and friendliness all about you — complete privacy when you wish. The guests you will mese at Gray Rocks fun are part of its charm — one of Its delights — informal hut select Superb Cuisine the year 'round, every Sport in Season: Golf, Tennis, . Riding, Swimming, Dancing, Boat- ing, Canoeing, Skiing, Skating, Sleighing. Write for reduced honeymoonrates and all particulars, CRIVROC S ANN Sr, Jovite, P,Q. _ What the doctor ordered — SIX DAYS ON A SUMMER SEM It makes good sense andbetter healthwhen you travel to Europe by sea. It's an extra holiday — because your .CUNARD ticket includes memorable menus, dancing, latest movies, parties and oceans of fun and relaxation, That's why "GETTING THERE 18 HALF THE FUNI" Book Now For A Wider Choke OfAccommodafion See Your Travel Agent' Cor. Bay & Wellington Sts., 'Toronto, Ontario Telt 362-2911 From Montreal and Quebec SAXONIA APRIL 20, MAY 11, JUNE 1, 22, JULY 13, AUG, 3 CARINTHIA APRIL 27, MAY 18, JUNE 8, 29, Ma 20, AUG, 10 IVERNIA MAY 4, 25, JUNE 15, JULY 6, 27, AUG. 17 To COBH, HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON, GREENOCK and LIVERPOOL STARTING MAY 4, IVERNIA CALLS AS COBH ON ALL SAILINGS Abe regular lolling. from New rk by the QUEEN ELIZABETH and QUEEN MARY, world's largest liners, and the MAURETANIA and SYLVANiA CUNARD CUNARD by Air/ Regular aervtce&by CUNARD SAME AIRWAYS between Miami -tendon via Ne*oaut iHew York-Sermudai Miami -Nassau