HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-05-10, Page 1The Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 84 Phone 84 Seaforth, Ontario, Thursday, May 10, 1962 Cut 600 Feet Off !Minor Baseball PROVINCIAL HONORS - Having completed 12 projects, six girls received Provincial Honors cer- tificates and pins here. on Saturday. From left, Antonette Van den Mengel, Seaforth; Nlary MacGreg- or, Seaforth; Margaret MacGregor, Seaforth; Eleanor Keys, Seaforth ; Joan Westcott, Exeter; Sharon McBride, Kippen • COUNTY HONORS - Receiving County Honors certificates and pins at Achievement Day at Seaforth on Saturday, from left, Julie Chappel Kippen; Roba, Doig, Seaforth; Mary IVIcKercher, Seaforth; Ruth McNichol, Kippen; Mary Buchanan, Londesboro Build Laundromat On Market Street Joseph McConnell announces the sale of following ;properties: Mr. Jack Webb has sold his vacant business lot on Market street, to Mr. Frank Mills of Al- vinston. Mr. ]Mills will erect a Laundromat on the property as soon as possible. Onavard Mfg, Co. of Kitchener will install the laundry egdipment. Mr. Mills operates laundromats in several Western Ontario centres. Also, the sale of the Jack Webb residence, corner of Market and High streets, to George Arms- trong of Tuckersmitb, possession on June 1st. STOVE FIRE The fire brigade had a call on Sunday afternoon to John Kerr's, 6th con. McKillop, when a pipe on a propane gas stove became loose. Damage was slight, ac- cording to Fire Chief Scott. Mr. Scott said the fire brigade has need of three more members, to bring the strength to 18 men. HOUSES PLANNED Five new houses are being. planned so far to be built in Sea - forth this summer. Two are for the northeast part of town, one in the northwest and two will be centrally located, it is pre- dicted. Three new residences are at present under construction in the Egmondville area: ENGAGEMENT 1Vlr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn, Clinton, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Dorothy .Ann to Kenneth Carl Dupee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dupee, Seaforth. The wedding to take place May 19th at Clinton. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Johnston, -Bluevale, wish to announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, •Ruth Marie, to Mr. Gordon Neil MoGavin, sorb of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin, Walton. The wedding will take place Sat- urday, June 2 at 3 p.m. at Blue - vale United Church. W.I. TO. MEET The Seaforth Women's Instit- ute will hold their regular Month- ly meeting at the home of Mrs, James Keys on the evening a May 15th at 8..16 p.m. This is the Agriculture meeting in charge of Mrs. R. M. Scott and Mrs. James Doig. A. S. Bolton will, be the. special speaker. The roll call will be answered with an exdhange of bulbs and flower slips, Lunch, Mrs, John MacLean, Mrs, Gordon Maol:tenzie and Mrs. John Hillebrecht, Sealforth W.I. are invited to meet with the Kippen W.I, on the evening of May 16th. The bus trip committee consis- ting of Mrs, Graham ]Kerr and Mrs. Gordan Dapple, would like suggestions of where and when the members would like their In. stitute bus trip. Hand Injured At Hamilton Mr. Leslie Fleming returned home frown St. Joseph's hospital, Hamilton, on Tuesday where he was a patient since last Monday after severely cutting three fing- ers of his right band. A cyclone wind blower was being unloaded at the mill in Hamilton where Mr. Fleming now is employed, when it slipped and caught •his hand between the machine and the truck. It will be six months before he will have use of his hand. With him at the time of the accident was Bruce Hodgert, driver for Wright & Leyburn, who moved the machine front the Topnotch mill at Seaforth to the G. S. Dunn mill, Hainilton, the only Ca- nadian mill manufacturing mus- tard flour. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming and fam- ily are proving to Hamilton tne end of this month. They have a house at Carlisle, near the city. Veterinarian Douglas Galt, of Kingston, has rented their home on James street. ST. THOMAS' W.A. The May meeting of St, Thom- as' W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Bill O'Shea. Thirteen mem- bers were present and Mrs. Mc - Gavin presided. St. James 1st chapter, verses 1 to 17 were read and the Litany. Secretary's re- port was read. The Deanery meeting was discussed. It will be held at Fordwich, May 22nd, Mrs, Qldtield moved, seconded by Mrs. Netzke that 'Deanery and Dorcus pledges be sent away by May 22nd. Miss Parke gave the treasurer's report and reported $44.71 from thankoffering boxes. Mrs. B. McLean gave the Dorcas report and the secretary was ask- ed to send Mr. Larone a thanyou note for his kindness in extra clothing for the bale. May 7th, the ladies cater to the Masons, Offering was taken up and Mrs, McGavin dedicated it and gave the benediction. Mrs. O'Shea served a grand lunch and Mrs. McGavin thanked .our hostess for the use of her home. Next meet- ing is June 5th at the ]tome of Miss Parke with potluck supper. SPONSOR COOKING SCHOOL The Ladies Auxiliary of Sea - forth Legion are holding a cook- ing school at the Legion hall on Wednesday and Thursday even- ings, May 23 and 24 under tine leadership of Mrs. Striver of Kit- chener. WINTHROP Misses Jean Hilien and Anne Shortreed left on Tuesday morn- ing for Gananogne, where they have received summer employ- ment, Next Sunday, May 13th, being Mother's Day, a joint service of Sunday school and church will 'be at 9,30 a.un, (clot) in .Cavan 'Church, Winthrop, The Sunday school Members are to meet in the Sunday school room at 9,15, 'Busy Month for Legion Auxiliary May, for the Ladies Legion Au- xiliary, is a very busy month. Two banquets have been complet- ed. Yet to come Is a wedding, the zone rally in Brussels, two nights with Mrs. "S" at the cooking school on May 23-24, a smorgas- bord, and another banquet. This last banquet may be changed to another date. One carload is going from Sea- forth to the Brussels zone rally. Anyone else interested in going, contact Pres. Ariel Wood. Mem- bers are meeting at the new school In Brussels at 8 p.m. Ripley and Kincardine sent ap- ologies that they were unable to attend the auxiliary's 10th birth- day party due to prior engage- ments. Mrs. Annie Sallows gave an en- tertaining report on the bowling team's activites the day they rep- resented Seaforth at the tourna- ment at Walkerton. Only 7 out of the 27 auxiliaries entered in the talent show held there the sante day. Pres. Ariel Woid won the door prize and was runner-up for the high -triple score. Delegates to the convention in September at Niagara Falls are Liz Brown, Hazel Dillon and Dora Taylor. Welcome to otir new members, Mrs. C. Hubert, Seaforth, and Mrs. M. Cooper, past pres. of the Brussels branch, who transferred to Seaforth. Mrs. F. A. Dalrymple was passed for membership. $10 was donated to the TB camp fund; $5 is to be sent each month to Miss Lismore, at West- minster hospital, to be used to purchase sundries for veterans who have not been..adopted by an auxiliary and have no relatives. 'Phe door prize was not won. K. N. Nesbitt won the lucky draw. Ina McGrath won the apron. 22 members were present. Dora Tay- lor gave the report on the sick and visiting for Edith Jessome, who was absent. We wish a spee- dy recovery to Mr, Jessome and Mrs. Barry. Regret that Mrs. Liz Brown had to give tip her post.. tion on the buying committee be- cause of poor health. She did a very capable job. The auditors' report is to be in at next meeting., BOY SCOUT NOTES Two investitures were held at Pack "A" on Monday evening, Doug, Elder, Ast. Cubmaster of Perth District invested Mrs. Jo Polich as an Assistant Cubmaster, Brian Hodgert was presented with his second star by Akela. This is the highest award in clubs. The next meeting of Pack "A' will be held at A•kela's on Mon- day at 4,30. At the regular •Scoutere meet- ing plans were made for camping during the coating months, The building committee ga,ve the re- port that the floor of the head quarters building had been com- pleted and It is hoped that the walls and roof will be finished by the end of this week, North Main Sewer Seaforth council held the first of their twice -a -month meetings on Monday night with all mem- bers present. A motion was passed to elimin- ate the northerly 000 feet of sew- er on North Main street. There are only two hodses in the area, each back 100 ya;t'ds from street, Saving is $7,000. A motion was passed to permit angle parking on, the east side of Main street from John st,.to Go- Organizes The Seaforth Minor Baseball Association held their annual or- ganizational meeting Thursday in the town hail with John E. Patt- erson as chairman. Officers named for the 1902 sea- son were: Leo Hagan, president; Ken Powell, vice president, and John E. Patterson, secretary - treasurer, 'Phe executive commit- tee include Gus Boussey, Ray An- stett, Ray Drager, Clare Reith and Jack Eisler, The meeting agreed to enter three teams again this year, con- sisting of Pee Wees, Bantams and Juveniles The organization will make application" for QBA cards for Ken Powell and Gus Boussey. Plans are being made to get the grounds in shape and also to hold a booster drive in June. The executive will hold their next meeting on Thursday, May 31st. The organization requests all boys, whether they are from the town or country, who desire to play ball this year to registEr between Thursday, May 10th, and Thursday, May 17, at Rowclit'te Motors, All boys registering should state age, month and year born in, By doing this it will as- sist the coaches and managers to pick out a Pee Wee, Bantam or Juvenile, Anyone interested in coaching and managing a team this year please contact the sec- retary, John E. Patterson, by Thursday, May 17, The Pee Wees have a coach and manager. The teams needing assistance are the Bantams and Juveniles. derich st: The animal control bylaw was passed, date of agreement to be May 15th With the Municipal Mo- bile Animal Control firm. Council Intends to meet the lint and second Mondays of each month, K. of C. Council Formed Here Members of the Knights of Col- umbus, from Seaforth, Goderich, Zurich, Clinton, Dublin and St. Columban area met some weeks ago with the basic idea of form- ing a council in this area. Sea- forth was chosen as centre. Culminating weeks of endeavor on the part of officials from Strat. ford and London, a second Meet- ing was held in the Legion hall, Seaforth, on Sunday, May Gth, at which time a council organization took place, Prior to the nominations and election of officers, a degree team -from Stratford exemplified the first degree on a class of 18. The newly formed council will be known as the Father Stephen Eckert council and will include members from Seaforth, Goder- ieh, Clinton, Zurich, Dublin and St. Columban. Officers for the new council are: grand knight, John L. Ma- lone; deputy grand knight, Dr. Martin W. Stapleton; chancellor, Lloyd Bedard; recorder, Leo Ha- gan; treasurer, Clayton Looby; advocate, Frank C. J. Silas; war- den, D'Orlean Sills; inside guard, John Schooaderword; outside guard, A. ,Garon; board of true, tees, Charles Rau (three years).; William R. Burns (two years); Raymond Murray (one year). Rev. Thomas NIeQuaid, St. Marys and Father Mizzi, Strat- ford, spoke briefly. In charge of the meeting were District Depu- ty D. J. Creighton, London, and Grand Knight Cecil Tufts, Kilroy Council, Stratford. Also in atten- dance was Clifford J. McLelland, Supreme Council representative, Guelph. Achievement Day At Seaforth 135 girls representing 10 4-11 Homemaking' Clubs from South Huron taking the project "Sep- arates for Summer," held a most successful achievement day Sat- urday in Seaforth and district high school. Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, Home Economist for Huron county, who was in charge of the day's prog- ram, was assisted by Mrs. How- ard Ritchie of St. Paul's and Miss E. Kidd, clothing department, Home Economies Branch, Toron- to. Garments made during the past Jew weeks and record books were on display. During the fore- noon club girls judged a class of separates and tour pieces of ma- terial as to their suitability for shorts. They also selected mater- ials for summer separates. During the afternoon exhibits were on display demonstrating "Separates for Summer" and "Good Quality in Cottons." Dem- fuel oil, Mrs. Elizabeth Kruse, onstrations or skits were present-lEgmondville, air conditioner, Don ed telling of "Measurements and ]Morton; shampoo, Grant Carnoch- Pattern Alterations," "Sew and Save on Play Clothes," "Look Right for Play," and "Separates for Summer." 1 Ken Smith, Egmondville; cold Those commenting or giving water wash, Mrs. Ernest Geddes; demonstrations were Jean Krueg- rubber gloves, W. A. Rowat; tow- er, Jean McNaughton, Deanna Forrest, Diane Weber, Margaret Hyde, Ruth Miller, Dorothy Dick- ey, Anne Cameron, Elsie and Re- ba Doig, Lois Godkin and Mrs. Ann Beane. Various fashion parades of gar- ments made higblighted the aft- ernoon. ,County honor pins and certifi- cates were presented to Mary Bu- chanan, Robe Doig, Mary McKer- eher, Margaret Johns, Ruth Ann McNichol, Julie Chappel and Joan Rader by Mrs, Harry Strang, Henson rr 1, South Huron W.I. president. These girls had com- pleted •six projects. ,Mrs. John E. MacLean, rr 3, Seaforth, F.W.I.O. board member, presented provincial honor pins and certificates to Margaret and Mary MacGregor, Eleanor Keys, Antonette Van Den Bengal, Joan Westcott and Sharon McBride, each having completed 12 proj- ects. In the .Seaforth area 62 girls representing four clubs were led by Mrs. W. L. Whyte and Mrs. John Broadfoot; Mrs, Harry Mc- Leod and Mrs. James McIntosh; Mrs. William Little and Mrs. Eric Anderson, and Mrs Keith Mac- Lean and Mrs. M, McGrath. Other leaders were: Kippen, Mrs, William Bell and Mrs. V. Alderdice; Hu-ondale, Mrs, Alvin Moir and Mrs. Roylance West- cort; Dashwood, Mrs, ,'Eben Wei• gond and Mrs. Leonard Schenk; Crediton, Mrs, Lorre ],lodge and Mrs, Alfred Smith; Blimvilie (2. clubs), Mrs, D, Skinner, Mrs, A. Johns and Mrs, N, Jaques. Penny Sale Winners 'Winners in the penny sale draw of the Women's Hospital Auxilia- ry on Friday evening were: Ash stand, Chas. Felker; chair, Mrs. Ed Miller, Walton; paint, Nancy Andreani; bag, Effie Ste- phenson; air conditioner, Elsie Southgate; bon bon dish, Mrs, J. C, Britton; stapler, Joyce Kel- land; 5 doz. eggs, H, Leslie; baby powder and cream. Mrs, Carl. Dalton; sun glasses, Mrs. Ron Savauge, chocolates, Mrs. F. Sills, Sr.; camera, Mrs. Ilarold Cole- man; shoes, Mrs. E. F. Durst; grease, Mae Smith; writing pap- er, Mrs. W. G. Wright; cake cov- er, Mrs, Art Devereaux; baby powder, cream, rubber gloves, Gary Montgomery; $2.60 credit note, Eva Clarke; scratch pads, Susan Stockwell; lotions, Mrs. Maurice Melady; cigarettes, Le- roy Felker; meat, Kimberley An- stett; paper, Geo. Goettler, Dub- lin; air conditioner, Mrs. Ron Dale, Egmondville; case coin, Betty Cardno; flour, Mrs. Angus MacLean; scratch pads, Scott Habkirk; clock, Dale Nixon; ice cream Linda Brown, Egmondville, furniture legs, Mrs. Alex. Boyes; oil, firs. Marg, Somers; bulky knit sweater, Art Lobsinger, Wat- terloo; lotions, Mrs. Jos. Grum- nmett; fiasblight, Mary Geddes. Cosmetics, 8, M. Gray; shoes, Debbie Elliott; chocolates, Geo. Goettler, Dublin; towels, Mrs. Angus MacLean; shirt, Geo. Kruse .Jr.; flour, Thelma Broad - foot; 4 dinners, Mrs. M. R. Ran - me; permanent, Mrs. Reg. Atha; shirt, Margaret Cooper; stapler, David Brady; pyrex casserole, Mrs. Sara McIver; oil, Mrs. Don Wood; aprons, Mrs Ed Dower; shoes, W. A. Rowat; towels, L, Bedard; writing paper, Sally Sillery; corn, David Dale; scratch pads, Scott Habkirk; ham, Mrs. J. Cairns; dry cleaning, Mrs. C. Ilawley. ,Chocolates, Torbin Ilaarbyo; cottage roll, Gail Crich, r.r. 4, Clinton; shoes, Marguerite Dunn; an; lotions, Sharon Burke, Staffa, pillow cases, Mrs. R. McMichael, Walton; hot water bottle, Mrs. els, Mrs, Robt, McMillan; eggs, Grant Carnochan; shoes, Gary Gray; pillow cases, Mrs. Lester Leonhardt; ice cream, H. Leslie; $2.50 credit note, Mrs. Wm. Brad- shaw; corn syrup, Brian Mc- Gregor; cold cream, Evelyn Car- ter, paper, Winnie Nott; paint, Mrs. Wm. Roe, Walton., Blanket, Mrs, Cliff Broadfoot; cushion, Hilda Austin; ironing board, Velma Miller; chair, Mrs, M. Timmins, c/o Mrs, Bethune; tricycle, Vern Graham; aprons, Donelda Lostell, Kippen; stapler, Libby Habkirk; cleaning gadgets, Mrs. A. Bethune; dry cleaning, Mrs, C. E. Smith; cold cream, Nancy Nott, Honolulu, Hawaii; parfait, Peter Kling; toy, Linda Brown; hand cream, Mrs. Marg- aret Bates; car mirror, Mrs. Min- ett; tea set, Mrs. J. O'Brien; ap- rons, Mrs. Jim MacDonald; door grill, Mrs, R. J. Boussey; scratch pads, Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot; ham, Mrs, Ruth Knight; chocolate bars, Bruce Brady; ladies night- gown, Geo, I-Dldebrand; paper, Bambara, Bryans; fishing pole, Mrs, Geo. McArthur; billfold, Mrs, Wm, Kelly; table centre, Sharon Somerville tractor lights, Stewart DeVries Jr.; shirt, David Britton; chaffing dish, Mrs, F. Thompson, c/o Jno. Longstafi; doll, Mrs, Sharon Marshall; gra- caries, Master Bill Smith, Dublin; oil, Frank Smale. BRODHAGEN Misses Carol Mogk and Cheryl Wtirdell and Pastor Brill attend• ed the Luther League convention at Zurich on Sunday afternoon. 111.60 r Year A4,1,11111r111„1, 1 .411,11Mitt111,11,11111111111111tittitt111111111011,1111,111111111,1,1 1"1r1,11AAA1r,11/1l1 ...91,1,,,,,,.. 1," Make it a happy SUNDAY, MAY 13th GIFT SUGGESTIONS English Bone China Claps & Saucers 91.00 & up "Mother" Cups & Saucers, Bone China . , ..... , $1.96 & up $1.00 & up, $1.00 ea. 2,75 & alt 6.00 1.50&np 3.50&up 5.95&11 "Cornflower" Glassware 1.25 & np 1.25&up 1,00 & up 1.00&up 3.95&up 1.00&11p Sheaffer Cartridge Pens 1.49 & up 20 piece English Breakfast sets 4.95 & up Fancy Billfolds 2.95 & np Set or 4 Community Plate "Affection" Coffee Spoons 2.00 set China Teapots 1.95 & up Fancy Pieces in Aluminum 1.60 & up Glass Rose Jars with stand and Flower 1.65 each Royal Doulton Figurines 8.75 & up Hummel Figures 2.25 & np Silver Plated Tea Service & Tray 19.95 & up 24 piece Set Stainless Flatware 7.95 & 0P Birthstone Rings 5.95 & up Black Diamond Rings 8 95 & np Pearl Rings 8.95 & up Diamond Rings 50.00 & up Diamond Wedding Rings 29.50 & up Wrist. Watches 12.95 & up Bulova & Gruen Wrist Watches 24.95 & up Diamond Wrist Watches 39.95 & up HUNDREDS OF OTHER MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS AT "Coro Costume Jewellery "Coro" Birthstone Brooches Scottish Brooches Scottish "Grouse Claw" Rosaries Silver Plated Flower Centres Silver Plated Cream & Sugar & Tray "Margaret Rose" Glassware Fancy China Vases, Bowls, etc, English China Flowers Charm Bracelets Sheaffer Ball Point Pens SAVALGE'S JEWELLERY GIFTS FINE CHINA Seaforth Ipl"n u"n"""n„uo"nufunnuulu",,,"„"p"p11"p",r,1iu nal"u"uluuu,u""11"u1"""""","""", Penny Sale Realizes $480.00 The regular monthly meeting of the l-Iospital Auxiliary was held in the nurses residence 011 Tuesday evening. Mrs. al. W. Sta- pleton, president, presided. Mrs. E. E. Patterson gave a report on the regional meeting held at Ingersoll. The treasurer's report showed that about $480 was the amount realized front, the penny sale. The Auxiliary voted to pur- chase more bonds to hold in re- serve for the new hospital when funds will be needed. Corsages are to be made and presented to the patients in the hospital on Saturday, May 12th. National Hospital Day, Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. The Hospital Auxiliary wishes to thank all who donated in every way to the very successful penny sale. It was very much apprec- iated. NAME SUMMER ASSISTANT ,Morris A. Huff, Bloomfield, has been appointed Summer Assist- ant Agricultural Representative for Huron County and commen- ced his duties on May 1st. Mr. Huff was raised on a dairy and orchard form in Prince Edward County where he was active in 4-1i and Junior Farmer work, 1 -Ie has recently completed his third year at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph as a student in the Agricultural Economic Op- tion. The last two summers lie was employed at the Economics Department, Ontario Agricultural College. Mr. Hull's main responsibilities in IIuron County this summer will be with the 4-11 Agricultural Club program. LEGION NOTES By Jack Holland Well comrades and friends. back again with a bit of news from here and there, Young Can- ada hockey week is all over for another year; our young hope- fuls lost 001 to the winners of the tournament who hailed from Carson, a town not far from Sud- bury. Anyway the boys enjoyed the outing and gained a bit of experience. It's tate biggest hock- ey tournament of its kind in the world and it's great to think that it's held so close to Seaforth, The Legion bowling teams have run off the finals and our hats are off to George Hays and his crew who won the trophy this year. By the way, the Legion is hold- ing a real big social on May 25; the Paul Bros. with Shirley, their singer, are providing some of the entertainment; prizes and novel- ties galore and since there is only a limited number of tickets available it behooves us to get our tickets as soon as possible. The Legion lost another one of its members- when Ches. Hender- son passed away, Ches. will long be remembered for his ready smile and friendly hello. "At the going down of the sun and in the morning we shall remember them." NORTH McKILLOP The Bethel UCW held their Ea- ster thankoffering meeting on Thursday afternoon, May 3 , at. the home of Mrs, William Dennis. The president, Mrs. John Burch, presided and gave the iuvocaton. IIynin 330 was sung. Scrpture lesson was read by Mrs, Wm. Dennis and Mrs. Glen McNichol gave the meditation on it. Mrs. Percy Dalton led in prayer. Mrs. Burch introduced the guest spea- ker, Mrs. Britton of Seaforth who gave a very inspiring message. entitled Go Ye Up to Jerusalem. Minutes of the last meeting were read and the roll call was answer- ed by 18 members with several visitors present. Mrs. Stimore reported having sent $50 to the treasurer at Clinton. $35 will be sent to the IVa and M fund. The UCW Presbyterial, with morning and afternoon sessions is to be held at Londesboro on May 30. Bethel will have charge of the afternoon worship service. The Bethel ladies are invited to meet with lie 'Winthrop ladies 011 June 0th for their annual bazaar, Mrs. Forbes is to be the speaker. Ethel Dennis spoke a few words of appreciation to Mrs. Britton and all who took part in the meeting, PARKING METERS will not be operating officially for a few days yet in Seaforth, but are already collecting an occasional nickel. Above, Chief of Police Elmer Hutchinson is seen helping the panting meter technician place meters on the posts on Monday