HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-05-03, Page 7Gambler Didn't. Relieve in l„Iuck. Caries Arias dict not believe in luck. Many times, while playing dominoes with cronies, he de- clared; "Luck lust does no exist. Only my knowledge of this game makes it possible for me to win." His friends disagreed, pointing out that if there was not an ele- ment of chance then he would not receive the right series of dominoes so often. One evening, in his favourite bar in Mexico City, Arias, a thirty-year-old stonemason, was playing dominoes with his three friends when the bar doors swung open and two hoodlums staggered in, They began drink- ing heavily and their voices were soon raised in a violent argu- ment. A few minutes later a woman selling lottery tickets tried to persuade Arias to buy the "little orphan" - the last part of a twenty -ticket series, She said the ticket was lucky and urged him to buy and have a chance of winning $3,500 for an investment of a dollar. "No, senora," Arias replied, loftily, "I never buy lottery tick- ets, I don't believe in luck," When the woman persisted, Aria's companions pooled the few coins necessary to pay for the "little orphan," to be rid of her. As the woman passed over the ticket, several shots rang out. The hoodlums at the bar had drawn their pistols and attempt- ed to settle their arguments with bullets. After the first shot, the lottery ticket seller slumped to the floor - dead. But she had acted as a shield for Arias. Had she not been there, he, would have received the bullet. As police arrived to take the pistol -packing drunkards to the Tock -up, Arias, shocked by the unexpected tragedy, declared: "Thanks to this woman, my Tions are not orphans!Now, yes, I' do believe in luck. And I will always believe, But not only did Arias escape death because of the ticket seller - he also won a lottery prize with the ticket she sold him! Russian Flights Now Official The diehards still persist in questioning the orbital flights of the Soviet cosmonauts. But the International Aeronautical Fed- eration (FAI) in Paris, aviation's official certification body, has now formally entered the name of, consmonaut Gherman Titov along with Yuri Gagarin's in the flight record books. Titov was credited with two records. One was for distance traveled 436,651.8 miles; the other for time in space -25 hours and eleven minutes. (This is six minutes less than originally claimed, a reduction made be- cause Titov parachuted from his ship at an altitude of 21,325 feet.) Jacques Allez, the president of the federation, said the certifica- tion was made after the Soviet Union's Central Aero Club sup- plied. an "extremely precise dos- sier" on the flight. Martin Deck- er, U,S. representative tothe cer- tification sessions, was somewhat less charitable. He said the Rus- sians finally supplied "some sort of flight plan" plus radar graph±, formulas, and pictures after tough negotiations. "I wouldn't say it was precise but it was suf- ficient," Decker allowed after seeing the documents. Titov's certification left un- touched Gagarin's altitude record (189 miles), Therefore, no re- cords were left for astronaut John Glenn to claim on the books.' ID ISSUE 16 - 1962. SKINDIVERS FREED - Seven American SCUBA skindivers, including Mike Freeman, shown above, have been released by the Cuban government, which had been holding them for questioning, Time to Lay Off On Roger Maris? Squabbles between sports writers and athletes - especially big league writers and profes- sional athletes - are useless and boring. Not only does no one ever win, but both parties are usually damaged in one way or another, because facts always manage to. get distorted and words said that are not meant. Personality clashes are unin- telligent at any time, but their stupidity is multiplied many times when aired before the pub- lic. The most popular journalistic pastime down south this spring has been the silly throwing of typographical darts at Roger Maris, the young man who made history a year ago by hitting 61 home runs for the New York Yankees, Now, before getting any fur- ther into this humble literary effort, let me point out that Maris is not a friendof mine, I' have talked with him only briefly alone, though a number of times last season as part 0± an'inquir- ing group. Whether or not he hits 61 home runs this year, or 21 makes no difference to me. However, if any one of the critical reporters who have been blasting Maris with their type- writers would cool down long enough to dig into the situation. - to mingle with Roger's team- mates and get a truer picture of the sort of fencer* he is - they would, if they were fair, have to ohange their tunes in a hurry. There can be no doubt that Maris is a high-strung athlete, charged with a competitive tem- perament that often reaches, and passes, the boiling point. It is a mistake for any ballplayer to let' his temperament show, particu- larly in front of the press. ' But if you could have invaded the Yankee clubhouse last sea son while Maris was hitting home runs, and if you would have list- ened to some of the questions. that writersfired at him. day after weary day, you would, I am sure, have felt some_'Sym- pathy for the young man, writes • Ed Rumlll in the Christian .Sci- ence ,Monitor, Only those who have exper- ienced them can know the true burden of major league pressures and, whenyou consider the ever- increasing coverage of radio, tele- vision and the press, Maris must have felt more pressure late last season than any ballplayer in,the history of the game. It had to show in his reactions; there had to be clashes ofper- sonalities. VIaUAL SPACE - George Roberts visually experiences the mutton of space travel at his school where a model of the solar system Is used to teach the students. SKYSCRAPER - Sank= Cen- ter office building towers 306 feet above the streets of Cape Town, South Africa. It is the tallest building in all Africa. One of the more experienced Yankees told me the other day: "Roger is 'the. same boy today that he, was when be played for Cleveland and Kansas City, and when he first joined our club. He hasn't changed. He always was a bull deg; he, always had that fire and determination; he al- ways hated failure in anything he did. "Just how much can a boy take? How can you do anything but„admire what he did a year ago, dogged by the press, radio, and TV, and trying to do the best he knew how out on the field? '"Let lee tell you something about Roger,"; our spokesman went on. "There isn't a better team player wearing a Yankee uniform. IIe follows orders alert- ly and intelligently; he'll do any- thing to 'help win a ball game. And, as a matter of fact, so will Mickey Mantle. "Do you know how this situa- tion really got started? Because • a, writer . wrote a critical', story about Roger without even. talking to. him. Roger didn't even • know the fellow, because .he asked me to point him 'out. Naturally -the boy was upset. Wouldn't you have been? "Since then, of course, Roger has riled other writers because he immediately became suspi- cious' of everybody. But as far as the other • players, on the club are concerned,. this thing has been blown up all out, of proper - 'tion and is grossly .unfair to a kid who deserves a hand clap, not the' back ,of the hand." Said another Yankee: "The thing that surprises' me more than anything else is: that 'ex- perienced, capable newspapermen keep .failing for this line about Maris, a line that traces to one or'two, reporters who have al- ways taken the attitude that they're never wrong about any- thing. "I'venever been chummy with Maris. He hardly ever says much to me, maybe because I'm a pit- cher. But I respect him and take my hat off to him, and wish I could be in his shoes.. Unfair re- porting. such' as I've seen down here this spring hurts all writers, even the fair ones. You can't blame a ballplayer for not want- ' ing to talk." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CHICKS & HATCHING EGOS CUSTOM hatching • all kinds of eggs, any quantity, Geve Mor'1 tt,--Smithv Ile, phone WA. 6.3400. BRAY has Amos, Sykes and Comet egg 0pm:deest& to reach best egg markets Day-old to ready -to -lay. Best dual purr pose varieties, and Leghores; mixed ohioks, pullets end cockerels. Request price list. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Harrill. ton, Ont.' How Can II? By Roberta Lee Q. Iiow can I Clean copper easily and economically? A. Rub it with half a lemon dipped in salt, then rinse it in hot water, and polish with a soft cloth. Q. Flow can I make a good dry-cleaning fluid? A, A dry-cleaning fluid that , combines the efficient grease - dissolving powers of naptha and carbontetrachloride in proper - tions that are non -inflammable Can be made as follows: Mix BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HIGH CLASS 'HAIRSTYLING SALON Hamilton Owner retiring. Good opportunity for skilled hairstylist, Equipment at de- predated value, stock at dost, Batten. 5 Third Line 8., Oakville, Ont. VALUABLE dealership available in various parts of Ontario. Honest and reliable persons who have $675 to in- vest In a short hour business of their own requlred. No selling,, Send all par. 1231 neuters Street, New Toronto, to Ont 249. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GENERAL STORE. LOCATED In Village South of City 05 Barrie, near Lake Simone. Solid brick building 40 x 60 with modern living quarters above Illness forces owner to sacrifice this thriving business for 922,000,00 plus stock at cost. Down pay- ment 95,000.00 plus stock, Yearly turn- over $51,000.00. Phone'orwrite for fur- ther particulars. This is a wonderful buy, SERVICE STATION,GE WITHASTORE RESTAURANT & CABINS THIS IAdly equipped business including living quarters located north of OR• ILLI on No 11 Highway. Owner wishes to retire Full prime $80,000.00 lus stock at cost Down Payment 25,000,00 with 1st mortgage for bat- once at 6% with fair principal pay- merits. aymeets. Yearly turnover $90,000.00 and el] records to confirm. Phone or write for further particulars, See this busi- ness first before ever considering a new venture. On evenings for the above call Wm. Adams, Severn Bridge, MU. 9-2341 .1. W. "Joe" MacDonald Real Estate and Mortgage Broker 38 Peter St South ORILLIA, ONTARIO Phone FAirvIew 5.5679 ANYTIME DOGS FOR SALE LAB. RETRIEVER PUPPIES - CKC Registered Excellent show and field stock. Pedigree furnished. Health guaranteed. Whelped 17 Dec., 61, The world's best Retriever and come minion dog. Also some trained pups, 9 menthe old, from champion stock. " STUD SERVICE • HAWKRIDGE KENNELS Reg'd 1110 Lakeshore Rd. Sarnia, Ont. - KI 2-5270 FARMS FOR SALE. 270 -ACRE farm Lor sale on edge of town of New Liskeard north- end. On future by-pass, possibility of small subdivision. 2 commercial entrances approved. Apply Mrs. B. Gervais. RR2, New Liskeard GENTLEMAN farm near Oshawa. Large brick home, modern kitchen, 2 'bathrooms, 30' living room with broad- loom. 100 acres of rolling medium clay loans, trout stream running through cedar bush. Contact Howe and Peters, Realtors, 07' Kang St. E., Oshawa, 725- 4701. 150 ACRES excellent state cultivation. 4 acres In maple bush, spring creek, good house, bank barn 50x00, hog pen, hen pen above, 30050, water, hydro throughoutiR 2, 01 Milford Apply Fergus St., Ph 491R. Mount Forest SALE due to Illness, 100 acres good Land self drained. Modern 7 rooms and bath. half new 4 years, all new aluruin- tun siding, and Storemore storms and screens Bank barn 35x75 upper part new 4 yrs., other buildings School buses mall • milk routes past' door. In Warwick TwppLampton Co., Va mita No 7 Hwy. Immediate possession. Owner Wm. Wallace, 43 Wigle St., Leamington. Ont Reasonable down payment. GOATS & LAMBS WANTED PALETTA BROS MEAT PACKERS LTD. WANTED Baby goats and spring lambs. Sty Highest Write00 MOUNTAIN toaccoinvan BLVD , HAMILTON OR CALL FU .5.7474. • GRASS SEED GREEN PASTUZE SCARCE? SORGHUM Cl;ASS MAY ANSWER YOUR PROBLEM Nine foot growth In sand and gravel soil. Farmer at Enderby, B C, pastured stock calves In Sorghum until snow tall Dairy farmer pastured his cows on Sorghum when his otherpasture failed, through drought Prove to your- self what this grass may do in your area This annual grass is good for pasture or hay Easy to bale and cure. Ten poundsdelivered, for $15.50; Twenty-five pounds, -for 937 50 deliv- ered. Requires about two to three pounds per acre for row crop Place your order now. All No I seed C. E. KINGSTON DIST. CO. LTD. Box 424, Kamloops, B.C. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS i1,49 TABLE Bowling Alleys on alum- num bases. Five balls in cups (no pins). Orbit. 29 Esgore Drive, Toronto 12. Mit HELP WANTED PROTESTANT organization has open- ing for office manager With executive ab lity and born-again experience. Also typist, camp counselors, cook and off- set printer. Living accommodation pro- vided, ro- vl d, Plus s Queby. Write: "Wlldwood," Va MECHANIC An excellent opportunity exists .for em• ploymen at a mechonic or autontotive machinist in Hamilton, Ontario. Our shop operates 52 weeks per year, we have a pension plan, 2 group insurance plans and excellent wage scale Apply Den full details Ont Ontario 80. Stn• together three gallons of carbon tetrachloride, 13/4 gallon of deod- orized cleaner's naptha, 24 fluid ounces of benzol, and two ounces of chloroform, MONO..,_- -.- ROSES! Eighteen varied colored roses- that light up beautifully when plugged in- fo a 110.120 volt socket, Durable re- placeable bulbs inside oath flower. Nineteen Inches of Wire between flow - ere, Dramatis for store or home dee- oration bunched together for a tele- vision lamp or fablecenter piece, Very charming stretched out over year fire. plac mantel, porch, or patio. ONLY - neTTY SMITH ENTERPRISES -0001. E 29 Brl"htslde Avenue East Northport, NeW York JOB INFORMATION MEN - WOMEN AGE 18-55 gate fabulous aCalifoenia for JOI36. 00- ttrereent, business. Last minute re - Porte list over 3 000 lab offers all kinds 1900 business opportunities; RUSE. $1.00 to: 'r11RUSEI ENTER - PAISES, 4421/2 - D. N. Norton Ave., Los Angeles 4, California. Limited Offer, Satisfaction guaranteed IMPORTED• LANTERNS paert1aleoLaSomething?r dorntrs7peat- Paid, Folds eonsgoctly while used as a Flashlight. All fittings or plated metal. Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Di- rect from Orient to your door. Jolley Associates, 8008.0 Lure'' i` r , Chicago 17, Illinois. • MEDIC!.:. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Robing scalding and bIu'ning ecze• ma, aline, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema w61 respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 93.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 5t. Clair Avenue East Toronto GOOD RESOLUTION EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect MONUMENTS MONUMENT Dealers, Write for free in. formation. Pre -sketched design pads. A handy selling aid. Charles W. Kemsey, P.O. Box 772, Greensburg, Pennsylvan- ia, U.S.A. NURSERY STOCK GOVERNMENT certified Latham sec- ond year raspberry plants 960.00 tier thousand, $7.00 per hundred. Jamoe ltadbomne, R 4, Tara, Ontario, NURSES WANTED NURSES, state registered. Positions available in general hospital located in Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. This area lo one of the medical centers of the world. Near New York City and Wash- ington, D.C. Churches, universities, mte seums, theatres in Immediate vicinity of the hospital. Convenient to seashore or mountains. Full living accommoda- tions available, Attractive salaries and generous personnel policies. In reply please include education, experience and pertinent data. Pennsylvania Hos- pital. Personnel Office, 8th. & Spruce Sts„ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. REGISTERED Nurse required for the Arrow Lakes Hospital, Nakusp, B.C., fifteen bed, standard wage rates, holt days, semi-annual increases. etc., 40 hoer week. Room and board available at Hospital Administrator Arrow Lakes Hospital Itlakusp, B.C. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession. good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates AmerIca's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call Marvel Hairdressing School 359 Blom St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St W . Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL AUTHORS invitee submit MSS all types (including poems) for book publi- t�nacehlad s t�e198).LdlltrombReasonable 9 CONFIDENTIAL! What ani 1 like? Your handwriting tensa Character analysts adGicybraevond91.00. phcriminology. words 2300. Norfolk 1, Virginia, HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS Tested, guaranteed, mailed in plain parcel In. eluding catalog free with trial assort ment 36 fel- 92.00 (finest quality). Western Distributors. Bax 24.TF Re• gins. Sask. KINDNESS! Booklet containing the greatest pattern of living for yourself and others. Price 500. 0,0 Box 513, Fort Wayne, Indiana. OVERWEIGHT? WayLesefTablets Medically approvan ed Dept month's 471 Danfor7 th Lyon's 1orronto. STAMPS SPECIAL OFFER 1,600 - 1,700 Genuine Stamps CATALOGING $52 NO I, BEALLECTI N L UNUSED CONew African Republics Consisting of Centras African Rep. But- terflies, Congo weird nativefish ape. c1es,. Gabon flowers, Ivory Coast tribal masks, Malagasy butterflies, Senegal native sports,. Pogo Winter Olympic commoms., Upper Volta animal masks. A]I large, all mdlti-col0nred. t and 2present British sEandr Dominions. Most attractive. Italy, an interesting collection of this very popular country. Hungary: An excellent collection, 300 all different. Part 11: French India showing: Apsuras, a female spirit fond of dice .and brings good luck to gamblers Germany, good collodion incl Occupation stamps Mo- naca, giant diamond shaped dntn. Del glum, a very popular cottnt,y. Pletorl• els, eta Top gnalltSS', 200 clilfrrent Part III: Czeehoslovekia: Comm erms. large1et01'lals. sets, etc Beautiful 100 different. Would retail for 92.00 No. 3. The Mystery Lot:' Part L' Aus• Untie: Guaranteed unplehed on paper mixture from a convent. Part II. Swat Zerland, Japan, India, ell'. A great mix• ture rich In pictorials, Part Iter A fas- cinating paper mixture as received from foreign missionaries, bunks,- etc. Nobody knows whet it contains, about 700 to 800 stamps. No. 4. San Marine superb Route Olym- pic Games commeth. Bi•colaured mint sport stamps, Oceania: Wild animate. European pletortals, commein., sets, 'eta, 300 all tilfferent, Catalog valtio 96.97. Bonus: Booklet of speclld offers wortb $ $ to you. ttlreib1,600 to0stamps ep for he lncdleloo"get- eerie/tinted" price of I. Offer to adults only A fine selt.etion of stamps for your inspectlen will also be enclosed, PRASEK COTS WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. STAMPS 100 D1FFERENT stamps 100 To Collectors Requesting Approvals Winstox ehtlpott 09 Bgtweed, Nfld., Canada $I.00 MIXTURE 96.00 cat, American and Canadian Conua0m0ratives A few good foreign, One order only, please. SMALL FRY STAMP Trenton. Ontarlo 50% PROFIT BY RETURN On your money if you aren't more than delighted With our VALUE PARADE Consisting of: 1. COSTA RICA bi•coloured diamond- shaped Sport Commem, Olympic Games, Rome, 1960. Beautiful mint set, 6 ears, 2. ANTARCTIC TERRITORY - COm- men1. 1908-09, South Pole Expedition -. Commem. 1911-14, Mistretta -1i Ant- arctic Exp, 2 issues opl, New Republic of TOGO: Olympic; Games, Commun. set showing Winter Sports, unused. 3. GERMANY: Empire - Republic and World War II. 100 diff. 4, GENERAL COLLECTION: Colourful. 05, HUNGARY: Plctorlals, sets, ete. 100 6. SPAIN: Republic - Civil War - FRANCO Commem s. -etc. 100 diff. 7. BELGIUM: An interesting collection. 100d10f. 86iff., CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Commems. - Topicals - etc. A fine collection. 100 diff. 9. ITALY: Beautiful collection. 100 diff. 10• OCEANIA: Tiger Cat -unique Pla- typus - Kookaburra-- Kola Bear.- -etc. 11. STAMPS - STAMPS: An original full quarter pound of mixture, still on paper Just as received from ASIA - EUROPE - AUSTRALIAN -- eta Fun Galore! 12. RUANDA-URUNDI: Wild Animals beautiful mint stamps - GIANT LOURDES COMMEM. SAN MARINO superb 16th and 10th Century Hunting scenes, mint set. 13, BRITISH EMPIRE: Past and present possessions. 100 diff. Not One - But All The 13 Above Offers - About 1,700 Genuine Stamps FOR JUST 91.00 As a "GET • ACQUAINTED" offer to ADULTS ONLY A fine selection of stamps for roar inspection will also be enclosed. yourSatlsfa$etton1.00. guaranteed or return It in- tact and we will send you 91.50 for FRASEK CO., T.T. WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. PROPERTIES FOR SALE WISIIING to purchase business home, fruit, dairy or genera] farm on Niagara Peninsula? Write Peter Paul Lepp, Real Estate. 7 Taylor Ave.. St. Cath- arines, Ont. SHEEP FOR SALE KARAKUL FOR SALE' Karakul (Black Perslanl lambs and ewes. Edward E Dickey, R.6, Brampton, Ontario. TEACHERS WANTED Maxvllle and District high School Board Requires for September, 1962 a teacher of HOME ECONOMICS Salary Schedule 0 2. 95000 61 - $8400 3. $5300 - $8700 4, 05600 - 05000 Annual Increment Experience Allowance Apply to: John W. McEwen, Secretary Box 88, Maxvllle, Ont. or Lorne F. Lawson Box 190, Maxvllle, Ont. Telephone School 166, Residence 7 Qualified applicants :.r. invited to phone collert. rRADE SCHOOLS ACETYLENE. electric welding and Argon courses Canada Welding Can- non and Balsam N.. Hamilton Shop LI 4.1284 Res 1,1 5.6283 TRACTORS FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR Clearing 0 completely rebuilt 1940 In- ternational Farman Tractor. complete with side cutting mower attachment - Sacrlfice Price S395 00. Standard En- gines Equipment & Supplies Limited, 516 1'arkdale Ave. N.. Hamilton. Om tarso, WELDING MACHINES FOR SALE 200 AMP PORTABLE WELDERS We are clearing our full stock of Lin- coln Fc Hobart Portable Welding Mach- ines All overhauled, 9400.00 each and up. Standard Engines, Equipment & Supplies Limited, 518 Parkdale Avenue N , Hamilton, Ontario. WILD ANIMALS YOUNG OTTERS WANTED Society 'Ior Promotion of Wildlife and Forest Conservation Inc., R.R 2,. Stev- ensville. Ontario, DOWN THEIR ALLEYS Forty bowlers bowl a ball making a dotted pattern' of the alleys as they take part inn 1 tourney.