HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-05-03, Page 5are olid ion ,rs. 125 ort by he eat J. C. ess on. esy w, 'red tell A Riff the the fro - end at ;al R'S tai SI0AFowrn NEWS, Thursda: May 3, 1268-8 Swm'suPERIOR . Market NESTLE'S CHOCOLATE 43e QUIK save z6c.. ,.1 lb Debbie Liquid Deterrent for dishes 32 oz Plastic Bottle 55 c save .I4c TEMPT DOG FOOD 12 tins 51 save 16c Del Monte Pineapple Grapefruit Drink Lge 48 oz Tin 32 c save 9c Del Monte Peas or Cream Corn 2 15 -oz Tins 35c save 6c DEL MONTE CATSUP 2 save 9c 2 Bottles ti� e Del Monte Fruit Cocktail salve 6c A s 15 -ox Tins 49c Extra Special for this sale only ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES Pouch pks. 10 for 51.00 save 45c COOKING ONIONS 3 lbs. 29c FLORIDA CELERY 25c bunch FLORIDA ORANGES size 250 ... 33c doz CHESTER HENDERSON Chester R. Henderson a Sea - forth passed away about 3.30 a.m. Saturday in Scott Memorial hos- pital in his 68th year. Mr, Hen- derson had been in his usual health the previous evening, and became ill during the night. Born In McKillop township, he was educated in McKillop. He was a veteran of World War I. After farming in McKillop he retired to Seaforth in 1949. He was a mem- ber of Duff's United Church, Mc- Killop. Surviving are his wife, the former Anne Stewart; two sons, Stewart, a Mitchell, and Raymond, of Seaforth. There are four grandchildren. The funeral was held from the G. A. Whitney funeral home at 2 p,m, Monday, with burial in Maitlandbank cemetery. Rev. J. C. Britton officiated. The pallbearers were Gordan Papple, Mao Scott, Bill Speir (Brussels), John Henderson, Jim Elliott, Cecil Adams (Goderich), Flawenbearers, Wm. Henderson, Arthur Henderson, James Hogg, David Shannon, WANTED Two young ambitious men, able to work on scaffolding building silos, steady work to the fellows who can take hold. Apply J. E. HUGILL & SONS Highway 8 HU 2.9822 25th .Anniversary This week marks the 25th Anniversary of our business in Seaforth. And we wish to express our thanks and appreciation to our customers for their patronage. HUGH THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR SEAFORTH Announcement I HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AG -ENT FOR DEKALB SEED CORN . for Tuckersmith and District I have a limited amount on hand, and can give prompt service on orders CHESTER NEIL PHONE 665R22, SEAFORTH 1961 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1960 CHEVROLET BELAIRE SEDAN 1959 CHEVROLET "8" SEDAN, A.T. 1958 DODGE STATION WAGON 1958 FORD SEDAN 1957 HILLMAN SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC. SEDAN 1955 BUICK SEDAN ••.•.,.•....,,,. 475.00 NO REASONABLE OFFER REMISED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 186 Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 TOWN TOPICS. Messrs, Donald Wright and Donald Coleman are In Toronto where they are attending a 10- week k e course with the Department t of Labor. Mrs. Aintira Chambers, Pres. ton, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs, Ed Fischer. i�.Mrs.Fischer d A i a td Da. an i Brian spent Sunday with lvlr. and Mn,rGordon Kleber, Kitchener, and with Mr. and Mrs, Wilber Chambers, Preston, Mr, 7. M. Eckert was In Toron- to on Monday attending a meet- ing of the Ontario Association of Dural Munielealities of which he is president, Mr, and Mrs. W, P. Miller and family attended the 25th wedding. anniversary of Mt'. and Mrs. per- ry Smith of Oshawa on Saturday, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Miller are sisters, Stan Nicholls has returned to St. Joseph's hospital, London, for treatment, Miss Marfan Coutts bas return- ed home from Stratford hospital after undergoing surgery. Mrs. A. Dundas of Lucan visit- ed her sister, Mrs. J, Coutts. WALTON Women's Institute Bouquets of daffodils, novelties and decorations gage a spring- like atmosphere to the Walton Women's Institute smorgasbord supper in the community hall on Thursday evening at 7 p.m. The guests were Mrs. Harris of Moles- worth, district president, Mrs. MdMurchy and Mrs. S. Bride of Fordwich. Mrs. James Nolan, past presi- dent, Mrs. Ken McDonald, newly - elected president, and Mrs. Har- vey Craig, secretary, were seat- ed at the head table, which along with smaller rabies seating four were tastefully arranged with white lunch cloths, Eastercentre- pieces and place cards. Mrs. Wm. Humphries, Jr., con- vened the supper, assisting were Mrs. Donald Buchanan, Mrs, Roy Bennett, Mrs. Harold Smalldon, and Mrs, Jan Van Vliet Sr. Fol- lowing the supper Mrs. Jas. No- lan presided for the annual meet- ing eeting opening with 0 Canada and the Mary Stewart collect. Reports were presented by the secretary, Mrs. Craig, and the treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Humphries, ,Correspondence was read and dealt with, Achievement Day for the 4H Club girls course, "Sep- arates for Summer," will be held in Brussels May 21. A letter was read from Hong Kong regarding Wai-chun-fan, the girl our Insti- tute has been supporting. Mrs. Donald Buchanan gave a further description and passed around pictures of the girl and scenes in the area, including the sohool she is attending. The following dele- gates were appointed to the Dist- rict Annual to be held in Duff's United Church, Walton, Thurs., May 17: Mrs. Jas. Nolan, Mrs. Ken McDonald, Mrs. Ronald Ben- nett, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Mrs. Torrance Dundas, Committee in charge of the dinner: Mrs. Herb Williamson, Mrs. Andrew Coutts, Mrs. Nelson. Reid, Mrs. Geo. Love, Mrs. Jack Bryans and Mrs. Harvey Craig. An antique dis- play with each Institute donating 3 to 5 articles will be held as it is the 00th anniversary of the Wo- men's Institute in this district. Beginning in May the monthly meeting will be held the fourth Rtednesday in the month in place of the fourth Thursday. Minutes of the last annual meeting were presented by the secretary and treasurer•. Reports of standing committees were: Auditor's re- port, Wilbur Turnbull; agricultur- al and Canadian industries, Mrs. Herb, Williamson, in absence of Mrs. Geo. Williamson and Mrs. Roy Williamson; home economics and health, Mrs. Russell Barrows, historical research and current events, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Jr.; citizenship and education, Mrs. A. McDonald; resolutions, Mrs. Ross McCall; public relations, Mrs. A. Coutts; sunshine, Mrs. D. Ennis. Roll call was answered with the payment of fees and exchange of gifts by the sunshine sisters. A motion was passed to continue with the sunshine sisters for an- other year. Mrs. Nolan thanked the members for the cooperation they had given her during the past two years. The co.conven- ers for resolutions, Mrs. Ross Mc- Call and Mrs. Gerald Watson were in charge of the programs. Mrs. McCall read a number of re- solutions which had been passed in years gone by. Mrs. Harrts,,the district president spokeregard- ing the district annual. Mrs, Grayson Richmond will take over at the noon hour when toasts will be given and the anniversary cake cut and served. Perfume, Mysterious Scent, was the subject chosen by Mrs. Harris for her address, Installation of officers took place and sunshine sisters chosen and the evening eoncla& ed with a penny auction in charge of Mrs. R. McCall and Mrs. G. Watson. The annual Easter thankoffer- ing meeting of the UCW of Duff's United Church was held in the auditorium Monday evening, Apr. 30, with ladies attending from Moncrief, Burns, Bethel and Win- throp United Churches. Mrs. Em- erson Mitchell and Mrs. Andrew Coutts acted as ushers, Prelude music was played by Mrs. Harvey Brown (organ) and Mrs. Jack Bryans (piano), Mrs. Nelson Reid, president, gave the opening ode: Hymn "0 word of God Incar- nate" was sting. Prayer was offer- ed by Mrs, Arthur Higginbotham, The -scripture passage was read .by MI's, Clifford Ritchie from Luke 24:140, Mrs. Jack Bosnian gave two readings "It was East ler" and "What Does It Mean," Mrs. Harold Sinalldon sang a solo entitled "I'll Follow Him" with Mrs. Harvey Brawn at the organ. Miss Ruth Ritchie gave her valedictorian address that she gave at the OGIT rally 1n Clinton based Ott what a CGIT inenlbel' means to the eharoh. Words of welcome were express. 1 ' Reid. Offering ' was r - ed 1 Its. R ie d cel'od by Mrs. Kenneth 9'icDon• a ,ani id 1n MrsDonald McDonald, i-tynin "Rejoice the Lord Is King" was sung. Mrs. Edward IYIcCreath introduced the guest speaker, Mrs, Arthur Jackson ,of Atwood cFlame M1 o1 A who Ole on 0 i ssl is It sl cross Canada. She stated that the misaious of the 011112oh are right in our awn backyards if we can falai them; she also teld of the different revolutions across Canada years past aad nowadays, and told of accomplishments of our mission workers in the west- ern provinces and Indian settle- ments across Canada. Mrs, W. C. Hackwell moved a vote of thanks to the speaker on behalf or the U•CW. Miss Faye Love sang "The Palms" after which the meeting closed with hymn 259 and the benediction by Rev. A, Higgin- botham, Lunch was served in the schoolroom of the church and a social period enjoyed. Master Gary Easton of Arva visited at the hpnmo of Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie last week. Miss Pearl Salm of Sebring• ville spent Easter with Mr, and Mrs, Glen Corlett. Mr. Carl Coutts of London spent last week withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Coutts. Mrs. Ethel Hackwell has re- turned to the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs, Douglas Fraser, after being confined to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. ',Mrs. Mary Reid has returned to Toronto after visiting with Mrs. Mary Shannon and Mrs. Bert Allen at Londesboro. Ricky and Kenny Rutledge of Streetsville visited with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett last week. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Uhler have returned home atter a three week trip to California. Visitors at the home of Mrs. E. Ennis on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Ennis, Cathie and Beth, London; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ritchie and Larry, Egmondville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cunning- ham, Karen and Rickey of Ethel. A reception honoring Mr. and Mrs, Wayne McMichael, newly- weds, was held in the community hall Friday eveniug with Ian Wil - bee's orchestra supplying the music. During intermission the couple were presented with a purse of money by Mr. Mao Shol- dice with Mr. Ronald Smith read - Ing the address. Wayne replied expressing his thanks to those who were in charge of arrange- ments. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Murray and Caroline Dundas of London and Mrs, Ruby Dundas of Glencoe were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Dundas. Mr. and hirs. Armour Dundas of Lucan visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williamson and Mr, and Mrs. Torrance Dundas on Sunday. STAFFA Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth was hos- tess for the annual meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute which was held at her home on Wednesday evening, April 25th. The district president, Mrs. Coult- hard, was guest speaker for the evening and gave a very inform- ative account of her trip to Brit- ish Columbia in June 1961 to at- tend the second national conven- tion of the Federated Women's Institutes at Canada. Mrs. Rus- sell Worden thanked Mrs. Coult- hard and presented her with a gift. Roll call for the evening was answered by the payment of fees. Business was dealt with, a letter of thanks was read from the Dou- ble Trio at S.S. No. 2, St. Pat- rick's which won the Staffa Wo- men's Institute trophy at Mitchell music festival this year. A. letter was read from Dublin. Institute extending an invitation to Staffa ladies to attend the short course on "Consumers Workshop," to be held hi Dublin on May tad, also an invitation from Kippen East Women's Institute for May 15111 which was accepted. Margaret I'Vorden sang a solo and Mrs. Ross Simile read the household hints which had been prepared by Mrs. Bert Fell. 'Mrs. Toni Laing and Mrs. Roy McDonald each gave five minute talks on British Columbia, Mrs. Laing speaking on the resort areas, and Mrs. Mc- Donald on British Columbia's im- portance to the rest of the Dom- inion, Mrs. Toni Laing took the chair for the president's sum- mary, _ the secretary's and treas- urer's reports and the reports of the standing committees. Mrs. .Coulthard installed the slate of officers for the coining year which was given by Mrs. T. Laing for the nominating com- mittee: A dainty lunch was serv- ed at the close by the hostess and ,committee in charge. 1962-63 slate: Past president, Miss Vera Ham- bley; president, Mrs. Russell Worden; 2nd vice, ,Mrs. Carter Kerslake; sec,-treas., Mrs. Johnny Miller; assist. sec,-treas., Mrs. Gerald. Agar; district director, Miss Vora Hambley; alternate, Mrs. Toni Laing; directors, Mrs. Garnet Taylor, nit's. John Wal- lace, airs. Gerald Agar, Mrs, John Templeman; pianist, Mrs. Ross Smale; assist. pianist, Mrs. Rtuby Reed; auditor's. Mrs. Ross •Sina.le, MMIrs. Bert Fell; flower and card committee, Mrs. Roy McDonald, Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth; press re- porter, ,Mrs, John Templeman. Standing dammittees—Agiicul- ture and Canadian Industry, Miss Olive Spoare, Mrs. Gerald Agar; Citizenship end Education, Mrs, Lloyd Mallei', Mrs, Gordon Hog, garth; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. John Tem, Diemen, Mrs Cecil Bowman; Home Economics and Health, Mrs, Roy McDonald, Mrs. Wilbur Glanville; resolutions, Mrs; Sam Norris; Public Relations, Mrs, Ed Brooks. Mrs. Ernest Templeman atton- fled the aeclal everting held In the. Orange Lodge, Mitchell, on Wed- nesday evening to; honor Mr. and Ir their 45111 Aikens Mrs. irvtue Aens pn rte k wedding anniversary, Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Breit and Richard, from 13eacoitsfield, Quebec, visited for a few days with Mrs, Brait's parents. Mr. and Mrs, Sant. Norris. nor. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Miller and family and Mr, and Mrs. John Templeman and family. Erie Norris, second year stu, dent at the 0.A,C„ has completed his year and is home with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. San Nor, ris. Mrs. E, Willard has been stay- ing with her daughter, Mrs. John Miller, who has been ilt this past week, The chicken pox and german measles are still In the commun. ity, 111010n- ity, ST. COLUMB.AN Mrs, Thomas Kale was hostess at a miscellaneous shower in ho- nor of Miss Joan Lane, bride -elect of May 5111, About 30 friends were Present when contests, bingo and games were played, with prizes for the winners. Mrs. Kale assist- ed tate guest of honor in opening the many lovely gifts for which Joan voiced Iter appreciation. Lunch was served and a social hour was enjoyed. Mr• and Mrs. Jack McIver in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs, Mar- tin Purcell. Miss Sheila Malone, Kitchen- er, with Mr, and Mrs, 7, L, Ma- lone. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris and baby with Mr, and Mrs, Tom Mor- ris. Mrs. Margaret nioMillan, Jack McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Jos• eph Williams, Flint, Mich, with Mrs. Mary Williams and relatives. Mrs, V. 7, Lane in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor in London with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne De Gaust. McKI LLOP The regular April meeting of Duff's, McKillop, United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. Robert McKercher. Presi- dent, Mrs. McKercher, opened the meeting and Mrs. E. Kerr read an Easter reading. Business part of the meeting was discuss- ed and the worship period con- ducted. Hymn 118 was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated. Mrs, Kenneth Stewart read the scrip- ture and Mrs. Gordon MoKenzie led in prayer. Mrs. R. M. Scott had the program with Easter as the theme, Mrs. Gordon Papple read an opening Easter thought and Mrs. Scott introduced the guest speaker, Miss Jennie Hogg who gave a very itlspiri11g Ilas• ter message. Mrs. Wheatley thanked Miss Hogg and present. i , Mrs. Kenneth ft ad her wltltag Stewart gave an Easter reading and llyni11 485 was sung. Mrs. Lamont invited the ladles to her 110111e for their regular May Meet.. Ing. I 1served °' lovelywas nA lunch by the lunch committee. LONDESBORO The Explorer Group visited with their old friends at Hama View last week, entertaining theta with a concert of piano sel- eetions, accordian solos, duets and solos. Two square dances and a sing song also an Irish Lilt by five girls were enjoyed. The girls hope to return t0 visit at a later date. Church services in the Londes- boro church will be changed to 10 o'clock on Sunday, May 0111, Mr. Robert Townsend, who has been a patient in Clinton hospital for the .past two weeks, was tak- en on Saturday to Victoria hospi- tal, London, but 00 Monday ev- ening was losing strength and was in a critical condition, Mrs, Townsend and sister, Mrs, Ben- tham are with him in London, Mrs, Thos, Reid, who spent the past two weeks with Mrs. Bert Alien, returned to her home in Willowdale last Friday, Mr, and Mrs. Audrey Knox and family of Stouffville and Miss Vine Knox of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Knox. Jim and Gregory Campbell of London spent the Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Living- stone. Dr, and Mrs, John Grierson of Toronto visited with a number of friends in the village last week. Mrs. Barns and family have her mother, Mrs. Cook of Toronto, vi- siting them for ,the past two weeks. Little Ricky Dalrymple of Eg mondville is spending a few days with his grandparents, the Gaunts and Ken. MIt's. Gordon McPhee, her son James and family, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGill, Miss Ann. Watson of Blyth also visited with the Mc - Gill's. NIr. and Mrs. Jno. Stevens and family of London were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. Mrs. Enema Haines, formerly of Londesboro is at present a pa- tient in Victoria hospital, Lon- don. Friends wish her a speedy recovery. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs, George E. Holland have returned 1101110 after spend- ing the Past four months in Main n• tical and Toronto. Mr. Teddy Feeney of Kitchen• et' with Jackie Costello: Mr. and Mrs, Howard Burgess of Flint, Mich., with Mr. and Airs. Joe D111, Karen and Billie Dill re- turned With them, Mrs. •Mary 4chululatt has ret- urned home frem Buffeto. Mies Mary Gaffney, Toronto, with Mr. and tilt's. Gerald Hol- land. Mr. and Mrs. -Jim Curtin and family, Stt'eetsvtlle, with friends in the village, Mrs, Kathleen Feeney has re- turned home after spending the winter months in Toronto. Allan Butters, Strathroy, at his home, Miss Monica Byrne in Blyth with Mrs. Tom Kelly. Rev. Gordon Dill, London, with Mr, and Mrs. Joe 1)111. Mrs. Elsie Jordison In Ancas- ter. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Butters have returned home from Day- tona Beach, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle, Mr. and nit's. Bill O'Rourke and children in Stratford with Mr, and Mrs. •Leonard Nagle. WINTHROP For 'Sunday, May 6th, Sunday School service will open at 9.45 a:m, at Cavan, 'Winthrop, to be followed by the Young 'People's Anniversary service at 11 a,m. (DST) . Northside United Church Worship 11 a,m.; Jr. Church. School during worship; Senior Church School 10 a,m, Organist, Mrs, Jas, A, Stewart; Choirmas- ter, Mr. Jas. A. Stewart; Minis- ter, Rev. J. Cliff Britton, B.A, 5% Guaranteed INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 3 to 10 years W. E. Southgate SEAFORTH Representing: British Mortgage & Trust Co, Guaranty Trust Company Sterling Trusts Corporation Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp. SPRING NEW COLORS . . NEW PATTERNS Long Wearing Floor Covering That You Can Use for Perfect Floors TILES LINOLEUM CONGOLE UM Our experienced installers will renew your floors with some of these latest patterns. If building a new home, look to BOX FURNITURE for Floor Covering. EXPERT FLOOR SANDING AND REFINISHING • RENEW THOSE OLD FLOORS SOX FURNITURE PHONE 43 SEAFORTH