HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-04-26, Page 1T
aforth News
' Phone 84
71.60 a Year
SEAFORTH 444 DAIRY CALF CLUB was orgauized Wednesday night with 23 nentbers, Tlie leaf el
are, standing, Robert Gemmell and Gordan E. Papple. Executive, President, George Townsend; vice
president, Linda Papple; secretary, Deanna Dale; press reporter, Aniy Stewart
Mark Their
40th Anniversary
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Appleby,
John street, were pleasantly sur-
prised to a turkey dinner on Fri-
day, April 20, on their 40th wed-
ding anniversary The supper was
arranged by their two daughters,
Mrs. Bert Garrett and Mrs. Gor-
don MacDonald and was attended
by their brothers, sisters and
At Monday night's meeting of
Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge an in-
vitation was received to the an-
nual Odd Fellows and Rebekah
rally to be held this year at
Springfield on June Ord, Further
plans were made for the lodge's
50th anniversary dinner on May
10th to be held at the community
centre. Several former members
and present members, now resid-
ing elsewhere, ]cave indicated
they plan to attend. •
A splendid report of the Huron
district meeting held recently in
Clinton, was given by Mrs. - Ed.'
Andrews. The vice grand, Mrs,
George Campbell, gave the visit-
ing report. - .-:. • ' • -
Mrs. Keith Sharp reminded
members of the Variety Night to
be sponsored by the CPT com-
mittee of Oddfellovs and Rebek-
ahs on May 18th in the high
George Alexander Love, 69, of
Goderich, died Friday at Alexan-
dra Marine and General hospital,
Goderieh atter an illness of five
years. He was born in Toronto,.
Son of Alexander Love and Har-
riet Boole, aacd worked as a prin-
ter in the city until coining to
Huron county in 1943. For eight
'years he operated a store at
Shipka, retiring to Goderich in
1953. He had been a Member of
the Toronto. Typographical Union
and was a member of St. George's
Anglican Church, Goderich. He is
survived by his wife, the former
Jessie R. ,Scott, of Seaforth.
The funeral took place on Mon-
day afternoon at the Box funeral
home with Rev. 11..Donaldson, of
St. Thomas' Anglican Church, of-
ficiating, Burial was in Maitland
Bank cemetery. .
Under Daylight Saving Time,
at Seaforth post office, Monday
to Saturday, nails close at.12:00
noon for points west of Seaforth.
At 3:15 p.m. and' 6:00 p.m. the
mails close for points :east of
Seaforth. Sunday all mails close
at 6:00 pen.
Speaking Contest
At High School
Winners of the public speaking
finals at Seaforth District high
school on Thursday were: junior,
Bob Reynolds, Grade 10; and sen-
ior, Geraldine McTaggart, Grade
Others taking part were; Gr. 9,
Cathie Phillips, Jim Traquair,
Bruce Elliott; Gr, 10, Deli's
Seniors: Gr- 11, Brian Traviss,
Brenda Houston, Joan Pryce.
Gr. 12, Louis Devereaux,
The marriage took place at
Walton United Church, on Satur-
day, April 21, at 2 eau, of James
Broadfoot and Sheila Frances
Riddell, The bridegroom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer
Broadfoot, RR a, Kippen, and the
bride is the daughter. of Mi•, and
Mrs. Thomas Taylor of Kentucky..
Rev: Arthur Higginbotham offic-
iated. On their return from a
honeymoon to Niagara Falls and
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Broadfoot
will reside at Walton.
Mrs, Louis Hoegy passed away
suddenly Monday evening about
8.30 in Scott Memorial' hospital.
She was the former Ida C. Wal-
ther of Logan township and was
in her 80th year. She attended
Mitchell highschool and was a
member of Northside United
Church and the Rebekah Lodge.
The family mored to Seaforth in
1920• Her husband predeceased
her in 1950. Surviving ,are two
sons, Wilfred Hoegy, south Bend,
Ind„ and Walter Hoegy, of Liv-
onia, Mich„ also four grandchild-
ren arid.1 great grandchild, and
the following brothers and . sis-
ter, Clara, Mrs. Burt Kline, Mit-
shell; William Walther, Mitchell;
Emmanuel Walther, Mitchell; Ri-
chard Walther, St. Thomas, and
Gustiva Walther, Vancouver.
- The funeral will take place on
Thursday afternoon 'from the- G.
A. Whitney funeral home, at 2
p.m., Rev. J. C. Britton officiat-
ing, Burial will be in Maitland --
bank cemetery,
The Board_ of Management of
Huronview have set Friday, June
1, .1992, for the, sale of cattle at
1Iuronview;. and Saturday, June
9, for the sale of the barn, land
and farm equipment.
County council for • the June
session will convene oe Monday,.
June 11, for the entire week.
To Start Installing
Parking Meters
The parking meters have ar-
rived in Seaforth and will be in-
stalled immediately by the town's
Public works department.
The parking ureters for Sea -
forth Main street were shipped
from Montreal on Monday , by
CNR freight, according to word
received here. When the meters
arrive, installation will begin.
The meters will be on both sides
of Main street from Goderich St,
south to Huron street, and on
side streets to the alleys. Goalie
lock street will be metered to
Victoria street.
Northside United Church 'tido-.
men held their thankoffering
meeting April 29th at 8 p,nr. with
visitors from neighboring church-
es of Brumfield, Egmondville,
Constance and Winthrop, Presid-
ent, Mrs, Neil C. Bell extended a
warm welcome to all and gave a
brief summary of the work so far,
Mrs. Norman Knight led in pray-
er. Scripture was read by Mrs.
Tom Wilbee. The ladies' choir
rendered an anthem, "Christ the
Lord is Risen Today," followed
by a duet by Margaret Hillen and
Eileen Smith,
Rev, .1. C. Britton introduced
the guest speaker, Dr. Walter
Strangway, a United Church me-
dical missionary in Angola, who
is in Canada on furlough. He
based his talked on "Love Your
Neighbor as Yourself," and spoke
of the work being done through
church, school and hospital and
of the continuing progress that
has taken place since 1928 when
he .went to Africa. Mrs. A. W.
Sillery thanked Dr. Strangway
for his address and all who took
part in the meeting,
A miscellaneous shower in
honor of Miss Diane Kistner,
whose. marriage to Mr. Don
Moser is an event of April 28,
was sponsored by Mrs. Hoggarth
and Miss Beatice Maloney, at the
hone of Mrs, Wilfrid Maloney,
About thirty friends and neigh-
bors assembled to extend "felici-
tations to the prospective bride.
A social hour was spent in play-
ing various games, and the guest
of honor was assisted in opening'
numerous meth] gifts of china
and linen by the sponsors. A de-.
licious lunch was served by Mrs.
Maloney and assistants.
WINNERS of the public speadting eOntest 111,215 at Seafoitli .v,rhS, OR "Thtu'sday
alcli ne
ere,senior, Ger- If
cTeggart, subject,"National Unity", and Junior, BobBoh Reynolds, subject "TV Westerns
Form 4-H Clubs.
At Seaforth
On Wednesday evening 23 nenl•
bers signed up for the Seaforth
411 Dairy Calf Club at the organ -
izatiS,on meeting held at Seaforth
Organization Of the other 411
clubs was postponed until the
required membership is obtained.
D. G. Grieve, assistant agricul-
tural representative, conducted
the meeting,
Seaforth Dairy Calf Club
Members — Tont Papple, Ray
Devereaux, John Willems, Neil
Gemmell, Bill Kiehl Haar, Ken
Gemmell, Ken Papule, Paul Dn-
clianan, Ken Devereaux, Louis
Veenstra, Malcolm Stewart, Wel-
by Stone, Jim Pantile, George
Townsend, Gail Storey, Scott Mac-
Dougald, James Finlayson, Wilma
Dale, Deanna Dale, Elaine Eck-
ert, Amy Stewart, Mary Eckert.
Officers—Leaders, Robert Gem-
mell, Gordan E. Papple, Pres„
George Townsend; vice pres„
Linda- Papple; sec., Deanna Dale;
press ,reporter, Allay Stewart.
Seaforth Swine Club
Members — Tom Papple, Ken
Genbznsll, Ken Dapple, Jim Broad -
foot, Ricky Welland, George
Wood, Toni Riley, Jim Papple,
Linda Papple, George M. Town-
Leaders: Don Dodds, Allan
Tuckersmith Corn Club
Members — Ken Papple, Nor-
man -Bell, Jim Broadfoot, Donald
Mci{ercher, Jinn Papple, Bob
Pryce, Gordon Pryce,
Leader—Bruce Coleman,
Seaforth Beef Club
Members — Bob Pryce, Gordon
Pryce, Harold Jaques, Gordon
Moylan, Leonard Jamieson, Sher -
on McKenzie.
Leader—William Strong,
McKillop 4H Grain Club
Member—Donald McKercher,
Leader—Earl McSpadden,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Doyle, of
Toronto, Mrs. D. Sinith, Detroit;
Miss Nell Doyle, London, with
Ted Doyle.
Mrs, Grant Bailey and family,
Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. Don Heard
and family, Newmarket, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Batson, Forest, Mr. and
Mrs, John Fawcett, London, with
Mr, and Mrs, J. J. holland,
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Malone .and
family, Sudbury, Miss Sheila Ma-
lone, Kitchener; Jack Malone, of
Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
bliss Luella Moylan, Stratford,
Miss jean Moylan, London, with
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Moylan.
Tack Melady and Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Butters, London, with Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Melady.
Rev. John McIver, SFM, Toro
to, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McIver and
family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs
Bill Hayden and family, Stratford
with Mr. and Mr's. Wm. McIvor,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kennedy
and Paul. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs
Bill Kinahan and family, St. Au
gustine; Miss Rita Kennedy, Lon
don, with Mr. and Mrs, Angus
Miss Joan Coyne, London, with
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne.
Miss Joan Dalton, Preston; and
Miss . Noreen Dalton, Brantford
with Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Dal
Miss Agnes Bicknell and Pete'
Bicknell, Kitchener, with Mr. and
airs, Peter Bicknell.
Jim Nolan, St, Thomas, and
Vincent Nolan, Kitchener, with
Mrs. Elizabeth Nolan.
Me. and Mrs, Jack Hagerty and
baby, Guelph, Mrs, Pat O'Rourke
and children, Dundas, Peter Ma-
loney and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Maloney, Kitchener, with Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Maloney,
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Feeney
and family, -St. Marys. and Leon-
ard Maloney, London, with Mrs,
Nora Maloney and family.
Miss Noreen McMillan, London,
with Mr. and Mrs, William Me -
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gauley and
daughter, Toronto, with Mr. and
Mrs, V. 3, Lane. -
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Maloney and
children and Air. and Mrs. Jim
Whaling, Stratford, Miss Cleo
Bowman, London, with Mr. and
Mrs, Frank Bowman.
Miss Mary Cronin, Kitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Cronin.
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Murray, of
Stratford, With Mr. and Mrs, S.
Murray and Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
(Mr. and Mrs. Frank McQuaid
and family, Windsor; Mr, and
Mrs. Mac Deuonme and family,
Zurich, Me. and Mrs. Pat Murray
and family, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. James McQuaid.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith
nd family, Kitchener, with Mr.
nd Mrs, Thomas Purcell.,
Miss Anne Murray, Mr, and
Mrs. Gerrard Marchand and boys,
Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs: Leo
Miss Catherine Ryan, Water
oo, with Mr, and Mrs, Joseph L.
Misses Anne and Helen Mal-
oney, London, with Mr, and Mrs,
Frank Maloney,
Mr, and Mrs, Greg Morris and
lsanl, Port Credit, Mies Anne Mor-
ris, London, with Mr, and Mrs.
Toni Morris, -
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne De Gang,,
London, with Me and Mrs, ,las,
16111 Menheere, Waterier), Mr.
and Mrs. Anthony Relouw, Exe•
ter, with M1', and Mrs. Adrian.
i Menheere.
Mr, and Mrs, Toni Sloan and
amity, Nepanee, Joe Sloan, Wind -
or'; 'Gerald Sloan, Pat Sloan, of
Legion Auxiliary
10th Anniversary
While the men of Ilraneh 150,
Seaforth Legion, enjoyed a stag
enclll'e downstairs, sponsored by
Molsous, the ladies of tete Auxil-
iary held their tenth birthday
party in the hall. All the branches
from Zone 1 were well represent-
ed, -
Miss A, Lienor(, reeeptioiliat
at Westminster' hospital, address-
ed the group about the honpitaliz.
el veterans, 110 to 200 ladies
were in attendance. •
Ten-year membership pins were
presented to Olive Bettles, Edith
Dunlop, Betty Dennis (absent],
Iva. Eaton, Gerry Fraises, Leona
Huisser, Vera Hudson. Ina Mc-
Grath, Olive Little, Janet McGre-
gor, Caroline Muir, Barbara Scott
and Charlotte Wood, Mrs, Laura
Barry was presented her pin in
Scott Memorial hospital where
she is a patient. hiss Hoyle pre-
sented it,
Ml's, Caroline Muir and Mrs,
Charlotte Wood were given life
The past presidents honored
were 1952, Jessie Cameron; 1953,
Iva Eaton; 1954-55, Dora Taylor:
1956.57, Olive Little; 1955, Jean
McKibben; 1959.60, Eolith Jes-
some, The presiding president is
Areal Wood,
The special draw was won by:
Jean Cornish, Clinton; Laura
Harness, Exeter, and Mrs, Jean
McKibben, Seaforth, Clinton won
the twist contest,
Chas. Chamberlen, alias Liz.
Brown, was united in a mock
wedding to a tall beauty, All wed-
ding parity were members of the
Seaforth Auxiliary,
Many' beautiful gifts were given
away during the evening. Mrs,
Iva Eaton, Seaforth's eldest mem-
ber, cut the three-tier birthday
cake, baked by Mrs. Adin Forbes,
and decorated by Mrs, Dalrymple,
Special guests were Mrs. Mc-
Cann, zone commander; Mrs Hall,
past zone commander; and Miss
Hoyle, founder of Seaforth Aux-
Will Confer on
Sewer Plans
Arrangements are being made
for a conference between Sea -
forth town council and represen-
tatives of the Ontario Water Re-
sources Com mission and the
James MacLaren Co. engineers.
The meeting will be held Thurs-
day or Friday, When final plans
for the sewer on North Main St.
and the northwest part of town
will be studied,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brigham
n- of Chesley and Miss Lenore Brig-
ham of Toronto visited on Good
Friday with Mr, and Mrs, Borden
Brown and girls.
air, and Mrs, Dong Riley of
Scarborough are spending Easter
, holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Frank
- Riley,
Miss Muriel Dale of Brampton
is spending Easter holidays with
Per parents, Mr, and Mrs. 'Verne
Mr, and Mrs. Paul McMaster of
Ridgetown visited over the week
, end well the latter's parents, Air.
- and Mrs. George Hoggart.
Mrs. Dolimore and iMlsees Lin-
• la and Gail Simmons Of Toronto
and Ronnie Parks of Scarborough
are )faster visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Don Buchanan and family.
Mr. and Mi•s. Murray Dale, of
Byron, visited Saturday with the
former'r parents, Mr. and AIrs.
Verne Dale. -
Mr. and :Mrs, ,Tack Donald and
boys of Midland, Bich, are spend-
ing raster holidays with the tat-
ter's ieson, parents, Mr: and firs. Robe
ale.11r, end Mrs. Bob Johnston and -
Bruce of Grand Valley spent the
week end with the latter's moth-
er, firs. A. Medd,
Week end visitors with Mr, and
airs. R'. L. Whyte and family:
Mr. and Airs. John Whyte, Jeff-
ery and Andrea, of Oshawa: Mr,
and aim Frank Van der Molen
and son Paul, and Mr. Marvin
Van der Molen of Kitchener,
Marvin remained for holidays,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Willis,
Carl and Susan, of Kitchener, 1
spent the week end with Mr, and
Mrs. Lorne Lawson.
Mr. and AL's. Jim Jamieson
spent the week end with the tat-
ter's sister at Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Week end and
Sunday visitors
with Me, and Mrs. Reg, Lawson
were Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren,
Linda and Helen of London, Mr, a
and Mrs, Earl Lawson of Clinton 0
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner of
Tuckersmith, o
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Preszcator.
and family visited with Mr. and.
Mrs. Donald Davey of Exeter' on
"The Finest Silverplate”
2 introductory Services
specially priced
36 -piece
for 8
in "Bridal”
$7 .95
Seaforth -
1,11„11"11111111111111111111111111,1,01111111111111,1111111,1111111111111111,1"1,11u,,,111111uu111111111111,,, n1,,,1,11„1111111,'
Family Reunion
A social evening was held in
the community hall when the Bol-
ger relations numbering around
fifty, met to bid farewell to Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Bolger of Prince
Albert, who have been visiting in
this neighborhood for the past
week. Bert is the son of Mrs, Joe
Bolger, the fernier Selina Bruce,
and the late Joe Bolger, It is 40
years since he was here with his
parents. The evening was spent
in progressive euchre. Prize win-
ners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Jas,
McDonald; low, Mrs. Jas. Bolger;
gents' high, Mr. John Bruce, low,
Mr. Edgar Hollinger, A social
hour was spent when all sat down
to a long table arranged with tas-
ty foods, Guests were present
from Prince Albert, Fruitland,
Listowel, Wroxeter, Seaforth,
Brussels, Cranbrook, Blyth, Win-
throp and Walton.
.Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jenkins and
fancily of Norwich and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Martin and family of
Burford spent Easter week end
with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Mar-
tin -
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Dundas were Mr. and
Mrs. David Andrews and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Dundas and family,
all from Toronto.
Mr•, and Mrs. Ross Taylor and
family of Ottawa visited over
Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Alf An-
derson• Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ander-
son of Stratford were also guests
on Sunday,
Mrs, Mary Reid of Toronto is.
visiting at present with Mrs,
Mary Shannon. -
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Hollinger
and Marie of Fruitland'were the
guests of lir, and airs, George
Pollard and attended the Bolger
reunion on Saturday. night.
Mrs. Hilda Sellers of Lucan
spent Easter week end with her
daughter and son-in-law, air. and
Mrs. Herb Traviss,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson hall
as their guests over Easter Sun-
day, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pritchard
and fancily, of Toronto, and Mr.
and Mrs, Donald Maier of London.
Mr. and Airs. Albert Bolger of
Prince Albert, Sask., spent the
cast. week at the home of Mr, and
.11rs: Harry Bolger and other rel-
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Coutts, Rob-
bie and Rieky, of Toronto, were
week end guests with Mr. and
Mrs, Andrew Coutts and Mr, and
Mrs, Ed McCreath•
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall
nd family of North Bay visited
ver Easter with Mrs, Luella
Marshall and Barry, and Mr. Mal-
olm Fraser:
Misses Mary Lou Kirkby and
Ann Achilles of WVingham spent
Easter at their homes.
Mrs, Margaret Humphries has
returned hone after visiting at
Windsor and London.
Miss Clair Hackwell of London
visited with her parents.
,Mrs, Ethel Hackwell is at pros,
ent in Seaforth hospital,
Mr, and 'Airs. R. Willmar° and
fancily and Miss Corrie Ruyter,
of Stratford spent Raster week
end with Mr. ar•,cl Mrs. ,Tan von
Vliet, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs, Horace Rutledge
and Pantile of London visited rel•
atives over the week end.
Mr, tied Mrs. John S1cGavin of
Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs, N.V.
Dinsmore, Kitchener, spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don McGai•tn,
Mr, and bus, Graham Slioldice,
Botch :and Ricky, of C"oeksvil'e,
visited with Mr, and Mrs. have
Slroldiee over the week end.
Coliingwood, Mr, and Mrs, Don
Brady and Brian, London, Mr,
and' Mrs, Gerald Gaffney and fa-
uily, with Mr, and Mrs,. James
Mr, and Mrs. Ron Mercy and
Heather, Niagara Falls, Mr, and
Mrs, Tom Duclrarme, London,
len Ducharme, Whcgha.m; Miss
lfa.y Allan, Stratford, with Mr,
anti Mrs, Auguste Docharine,
Mr, and Mrs. John O'Leary and.
daughter, London, with Mr. and
Airs, John Coyne,
Mr, and firs. John McQuaid, of
St. Thomas with Air, and Mrs.
Joe Burke.
Joe Murphy, Kitchener, with
Mr, and Mra. John Murphy,
Mr, and Mrs, Martin Ptn'celi
and faaniiy, Kitchener, with Mr,
and Mrs, Jack McIver, -
Ennis - Love-ridge—
St. Margaret's Anglican Church,
West Hill, was the scene of a
pretty Easter wedding on Satur-
day, April 21st, at 3 o'clock, when
Miss Charlotte Anne Loveridge,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Loveridge, of West Hill, and Ron-
all Edwin Ennis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Ennis, Walton, were
united in marriage by Rev. T. W.
Harper in a double ring cere-
mony. The altar was decorated
with white pont mums and huckle-
berry., Baster lily plants added
greatly to the setting. Mrs. 4,
Greenstreet played traditional
wedding music and also accomp-
anied the soloist, Mr. Glen Fossey
who sang the Lord's Prayer and
the Wedding Prayer. The bride,
who was given in marriage by
her father, chose a gown of white
Chantilly lace with sculptured
neckline, long sleeves, and tatted
bodice. The skirt, tiered and bouf-
fant, was gathered with roses. A.
head piece of silk organza roses
and a spray of seed pearls held
her tiered shoulder length veil.
She carried a white prayer book
with red pinnochio roses and
streamers of white stephanotis.
Mrs, Souia Beatty, cousin of the
bride, was matron of honor and
her two bridesmaids were Miss
Ruth Ennis of Kitchener and Miss
Carol Stevenson of West Hill.
They all wore turquoise gem Or-
ganza dresses with fitted bodices
and shirred bell shaped skirts
with matching circular veils held
in place by a cluster of organza
roses. They carried colonial bou-
quets of shasta mums and tea,
roses in pink and yellow, Kenneth
Tllontpson of Seaforth was best
man. The ushers were the bride's
brother, Albert Loveridge acid Eu-
gene Nicholson, of Toronto.
The reception was held at the
Rouge Hills Golf and Country
Club with the bride's mother re -
miring in a hyacinth mauve lace
and organza dress with matching
accessories and a corsage of yel-
low pernet roses 0111 white carna-
tions. She was assisted by the
groom's mother, wearing a lace
dress of amber rose with brown
accessories and a corsage of
bronze Johanna. Hill roses.
The bridal couple left by plane
for a .honeymoon in 71'lorida. Tho
bride chose for travelling a beige
suit and hat with antique brown.
accessories and a corsage of Tal-
isman roses. On their return they
will reside in Hamilton where the
groom is on the staff of Westdale
Miss Jean Aiills of Toronto and
Mr'. and Mrs, Murray Mills and
family of Brantford were Easter
visitors with Air. Earl Mills.
Larry Ritchie of Eginondville
visited with his grandmother,
Mrs. E. Ennis over the week encu.
Mrs, A. Gibbons of Dodsland,
Sask„ and Miss Luella Mitchell
of Brussels were Sunday visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. E. Mitchell,
A potluck supper will precede
tate April meeting of the 99'I on
Thursday evening, April 26th at
7 o'clock in the community- hall
when the district president will
be present for the installation
of office's, A penny auction will
be co ducted at the close of the
meeting. A11 members are rogues•
ted to bring donations for the au-
ction table,
(laests from this vicinity- who
attended the Emils•Loeridge -
wedding' at. West Hill 00 Satur-
day were: Mr, and Mrs. Douglas
Ennis, Mr, and Mr's. Edward Mil,
lel', Mr. and Mrs, Mac Sholdice,
:tar, and Mrs, Wayne McMichael,
Miss Mario Johnston and Mr.
Nell IoloGavin, Miss Linda. Miller
and Mr, Herb Kirkby,