HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-04-19, Page 5THli SleAFORTH NEWS, Thursday April 962---5 The. Public is invited to attend . The Annual Meeting of Scott Memorial Hospital to be held on THURSDAY, APRIL 26th at 8.30 P.M. In the Nurses' Residence For the purpose of receiving the Directors' and Auditors' Reports The 1neetiug .w11 provide an opportunity for a discgsS{bU of hospital problems, and of the plans underway to provide for hospital needs of the district in the future Refreshments will be served following the A. Y. MCLEAN a Chairman ,meeting LLOYD HOGGARTH Secretary Statement of Expenditures For the Fiscal YearEnded 31st December, 1961 Salaries and Vyages $106,464,94 Direct Care: Supplies and Expenses Special Services: Medical, Surgical and Sterile Supplies $ 4,276.75 Drugs , , .. • 9 506.21 X -Ray Supplies and Expense 5,114.78 Laboratory Supplies and Expense 2,932.26 Other Supplies and Expense 559.41 General Services: Administration 7,795.01 Dietary 12,331,75 Laundry 1,292.26 Linen and Bedding 691.80 Housekeeping 664.62 Operation Physical Plant 6,670.93 Maintenance Physical Plant 2,822.30 423.91 22,389,41 32,263._67 Supplemental Services: Medical Records, Supplies and Expense 276,88 Miscellaneous: Bank Charges Depreciation 4,967.50 5,012.13 44.63 Total Expenditures $166,835.94 TOWN TOPICS Miss Doltelda Adams was in Teroltto over the 'week end at- tending as a delegate a confer- ence ak the Federation of Women Teachers of Ontario, held in Park Plaza hotel. Mrs, Jahn Webb of Sewfortlh has been engaged as a teacher for the English depal'thlleut of Clinton District collegiate insti- tute. Mrs, Jean McKibben of Midland is 61)610ing the week at the home of her cousins, Constable Andrew Calder and Wiles Calder. Mise Gladys Thompson: is spending Easter in Toronto. Miss Shirley Rouleau is visiting at her home in Toronto over the Easter week end, Mrs. Lorne Dale has returned from spending seven weeks in St. Joseph's hospital, London, "NIGHT ECONOMY" The .ABC of Long Distance Savings: any evening after 9 p.m. between points in Ontario and Quebec call station - to -station! That's Bell's "NIGHT- ECONOMY" Plan! Lets you talk up to 10 minutes for the price of 5 -after that, every two minutes for the pride of just one! 1960 CHEVROLET BEL AIRE SEDAN 1959 CHEVROLET "8" SEDAN, A,T. 1967 HILLMAN SEDAN 1954 FORD SEDAN 1963 PONTIAC SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY 1955 BUICK SEDAN ..•.,••,,•••'•,, 475,00 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth _Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 186 Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 BORN Ferris - At Wiarton on April 1311,\ to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ferris, a sou, Gregory Charles. Renaud - In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 14, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Renaud, Seaforth, a 5011, Nielsen - In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Nielsen, Seaforth, a son Payne - In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 15, to Mr. and Mrs, Lionel Payne, Bayfield, a son Axbinann-Ia Stratford General hospital, on March 31, to Jim and Ruth Axtmann of Tavistock, a daughter. BUSY BEAVERS The sixth meeting of the Mc- Killop Busy Beavers was held at the home of Mrs. Little on April 9th. The meeting opened with the Institute Ode followed by the 4-11 ,pledge. The minutes were read by Paye Little. The roll call was "A suitable place to wear shorts." It was decided Raba and Elsie Doig and Lois Godkin are going to demonstrate at Achievement Day. Faye and Joan are going to set up the ex- hibit. The meeting closed with the Queen. SEAFORTH SLIK CH•IX The sixth meeting of the Slik Chix was held at the home of Mrs. Keith MacLean. The meet- ing was opened by all the girls repeating the 4-H pledge, The roll call "One Occasion when shorts may suitably be worn," was an- swered by 13 girls. Madelyn Snaith read the minutes of the last meeting. The book covers were decided upon and plans made for Achievement Day, May 5111. The meeting closed with "God Save the Queen." high school 10 see the Red an Blue Revue last Thursday and, FI'idey evenings, WALTON Mrs. 11 Mitellell presided at 111e Wa1t011 Unit meeting last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Cecil Lydiatt, Mrs, H, Brawn was at the piano, Mrs. P. MoPouald read the scripture les- son. The topic took the Orin of a 11611e1 'discussion with Mrs. N. Reid as leader and Mrs. Ella Mar- shall, Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs. E. Watson and Mrs. J. Clerk taking part. Prayer was given by Mrs. Allan McCall, Roll call was ans- wered and Mrs. Ron Bennett read the minutes. Mrs. It, Achilles gave a report of the bazaar *hew- ing a balance of $212.66. Meetings of -interest in April include Blyth Easter rally, 15th at 7.30; Sea - forth Presbyterian Apr. 24th at 3 p.m.; Brussels Anglican tea, Apr. 20, 3-5 p.m,; Duff's, Walton, Apr. 30 at 8.30 p,m. Bach member to take a few tarts. Subscriptions for the Christian Home magazine may be given to Mrs. Nelson Reid. Any old nylons, print pat- ches, scrap books, etc., will be accepted for IIuronview and can be placed in box at the church. Our group decided to buy five scrapbooks to give to Hunan - view. Discussion re serving at thankoffering took place and a committee of Mrs. G. Watson, Mrs. H. Brown and Mrs, N. Marks was left in charge. "Char- ity" will be usedfor roll call next month. The worship period was in charge of Mrs, A. McCall and Mrs, N. Reid read an Easter story. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. G, fiiihbert and Mrs. W. Hackwell, LADIES' GUILD The regular meeting of the La- dies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church was held last Wednesday even- ing at the home of the president, Mrs. J. R. Spittal, who opened. the meeting with prayer and the reading of the Epistle for Palm Sunday, An interesting and attractive array of articles for the variety booth was received and display- ed. The May meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Carman Row- cliffe, will be a shower for the "booth of your choice." Miss Stewart and Mrs. McGav- in were thanked for their dona- tion of oven mitts, dish cloths and pot holders. McKillop Unit The April meeting of the Mc- Killop unit was held at the home of Mrs, Jack Bosman with 15 lad- ies present. Mrs. Gordon MoGavin opened the meeting. Mrs. Camp- bell Wey was at the piano. Mrs. Merton Hackwell read the Easter story from Mark 16:1-8. Mrs. G. McGavin gave a reading on Holy Week. The scripture passage was read by Mrs. Norman Schade. Topic was in charge of Mrs. C. Wey. A sale of baking and plants will be held at next meeting. Clothing Lor the spring bale must be in by May lst and may be left in the church basement. It was decided to purchase a pair of blankets for the bale. Every- day cards were displayed and sold. Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs, Leonard Leeming and Mrs. David Watson. The Ministerial Association of Brussels and district have ar- ranged for services , for " Holy Week. Don and Jerry Achilles left last week for Chatham where they will be employed on road construction work. Miss Corrie Ruyter of Strat- dord visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet. .Miss Muriel •Schade, Reg,N., of Guelph, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Schade, ' Mrs. Alf Anderson, has accept. ed a position on the staff ''of the Scott Memorial hospital,':i ' Seaf- Lorth. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas visited on Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz, Waterloo. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and family in their recent sudden loss 'of their son Walter, Miss ' Catherine Buchanan of St. Marys hospital, Kitchener, spent the week end at her home. Mrs. Walter, Broadfoot under- went an operation in St. Joseph's hospital, London on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dinsmore of Kitchener spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. MoGavin, A cantata, "Easter Sunrise Song," will be presented in Duff's United Church next Sunday ev- ening at 8 p.m. A singsong and social period will be held in the Sunday school room following the service. Light refreshments will be served. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. W. Crawford, Mr. Alvin Crawford and Miss Mary Crawford attended the 25th wed- ding anniversary celebration of, Mr. and Mrs. Filmer Watson of St. Pauls, which was held in the community hall, St. Pauls, Satur- day evening. Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Crawford are sisters. Mrs. Robert Dodds is visiting at the home of her son and dau- ghter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs', Harold Dodds of Walton. Mr. and Mrs, George Gilfillau and family of Auburn visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gardiner and family. Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Carey and Mr. and Mrs, Rob- ert Laing attended the curlers' banquet at the Legion hall in Mitchell on Monday evening. The Easter meeting of the WM Society will be held in the church on 'Good. Friday evening at 8.30 pmt. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Miller were Mr. and Mrs, J. Lleugton and Sandra of .Stratford and Mrs, Olive Scott of Russeldale. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gillespie and daughter Ann of Komoka visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing. • Marion and Norman Chessell of Stratford spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Laing. ing or her. mother, Mrs. I., Rod- eirbei'g of Delsgauw, Holland, The OOW of Kippen held their Baster Mrs,, 'Robert l'1lgle held all very successful sale on Tuesday. on Tuesday evening, Aliril 10111, with, tee UCW of Ontarie St,. Clinton, and Brucefield 45 their guests, Mrs, Harold Jones, presi- dent, read a ,poen. Mrs, R. D. E1- g•ie conducted the worship service and a pleasing violin solo WAS contributed by Brian Smillie, ac•. computed by Miss Jean Ivison, The speaker for the evening was Mrs, (Rev,) Brea de Vries of Ex- eter, who ohose for her topic, "Consider the Lilies," A lovely solo, "In the Garden,' by Mrs. Knox of Ont. St. Church, was en- joyed, Mrs, Ross Chapman of Brucefield, gave a reading, Final plans were Blade for a bake sale to be sponsored by units 1 and 3 to be held at Crest hardware in Hensall on April 21st, Lunch was served and appreciation was ex- pressed on behalf of the visiting groups. Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs, Wilmer Jones arranged the evening program. Communion service at St. And- rew's United Church Sunday was well attended with Rev. Harold Johnston in charge of the serv- ice. The choir was represented 'by the young people of the church with Miss Jean Ivison as leader and Kathy and Karen Kendrick rendered a duet, Marjorie Turner, Gwen Hay, Joan Sinclair, Ruth and Barbara McNichol G -wen Jones and Mrs. Keith Love joined the church Sunday, Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs, Irving Robinson included: Mr, and Mrs. John Gaskell and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Proctor, London, and Miss Joanne Robinson, Woodstock. Mr, Edward Robinson, nephew of Mr, Irving Robinson, of Tux - ford, Saskatchewan, has purch- ased Mrs. Wm. 1VIcKenzie's farm on the 2nd concession of Stanley, ,Flowers at the church Sunday were in memory of the late Mrs, Wan. Winder and were given to the shut-ins at Kippen, Mrs. Jean Kyle of Clinton was a Sunday guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Jim. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wan. McLachlan included: Mr. and Mrs, Howard Adkins and Gloria Jean, Mrs. Henry Adkins, Mr. Carl Reichert, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hohner and family, Mrs. Albert Hess, all of Zurich, and 1VIiss Kathleen Hess of London. VARNA ,Special Easter service will be held in the United Church next Sunday morning at 10:15 with the pastor, Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge. Special music will be provided by the choir, Mrs. Donald Barker of King City visited last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Mc- Clymtont, A number of local Orangemen attended the Royal Scarlet Chap- ter which was held in the Orange hall in Leoau on Saturday even- ing. A large number of ,parents and friends were at Clinton District A NLUS.ICAL COMEDY "HAPPINESS AHEAD" Presented by Brucefield United Church Moil:, with, guest solois,t Miss Sharon Strong, Dublin Wednesday, April 25th at 8.15 p.m, Admission, adults 50c, children 25c CONSTANCE Held Easter Meeting The members of the Constance P.C. Women held a very inmpress- ive Easter thankoffering meeting on April 11 in the basement of the church with a good attend- ance. The president, Mrs. Whyte, ,presidedover the Easter prog- ram with first part being taken by Mrs. Whyte, Mrs. MacGregor, Mrs, Mcllwain, Mrs. Fred Buch- anan and Mrs. Brown. Offering was taken by Mrs. Don Buchan- an. A melodica solo was given by Miss Elaine Brown, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Riley on the piano, "How Great Thou Art" and "The 010 Rugged Cross." The scrip- ture was taken by Mrs. 1VIacGreg- or. Mrs. Earl Nott told of a story of a writer and the value of mon- ey to a refugee bringing out the Seed of Hope. Hymn 241 was sung. As the Sower sows the seed, the Giver must give, but only on .one's conscience can a love to bless all nations. Two scenes were presented, the first from Genesis in the Old Testa- ment with characters, Milcha, Sa- rah and Isaac being taken by Mrs. Wm. Jewitt, Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mrs, Mollwain sang a solo "On Calvary," accompanied by Mrs. Win. Jewitt. The second scene was a modern scene, was taken front Matthew 10:37-39 "He that loses his life," was presented by Mrs. Don Buchanan and Mrs. Reg. Lawson. The business part of the meeting was carried out in due form with reports of banquet, treasurer's report and plans for b KIPPE N Mrs, Wm. Winder Passes Mrs. Elston Dawson was called to London owing to the critical illness of her sister, the late Mrs, Jennie Winder, who passed away in Victoria hospital, London, on Thursday, April 12th after a long illness. She was in her 86th year and had resided with her sister 17 years before her illness. She leaves a sister, Mrs. E. Dowson, and several nephews and nieces. Her husband predeceased her 20 years ago and passed away in Windsor. She was a faithful mem- ber of St. Andrew's United ,Church, Kippen, for many years and will be greatly missed in the church and community. Services were held Saturday at 2 p.ni. at Logan funeral home, London. Rev. D. A. MacMillan, former minister of Kippen, officiated, which was requested by Mrs, Winder. Burial was in Woodlawn cemetery, Mr. E. Dawson is not enjoying the best of health. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Dawson were Miss Margaret Winder and Mr. and Mrs, W, Franks, all of Lon- don, also Mr, and Mrs. Eldin Kerr ofrinthrop; •- Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jones and boys visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Carl Willett of Zurich. Mr. F. W. Rowntree, Weston, Visited a few days with his bro- ther -hi -law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sheffer of Dryden, Mich„ visited a few days with the fornior's aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, E. Dowson, and while here attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Win. Winder. Mr, and Mrs, Alex, Hyde visit- ed recently with their daughter Evelyn of Oshawa, Mrs. A. Timmerman recently received word of the sudden pass - am supper for May 28. Plans for date and speaker for open meeting in June were discussed. Roll call for next meeting will be an apron or mystery boxes for bazaar at June meeting. Alloca- tion bale to be sent in by May 1. The ladies of the social commit- tee served lunch, C.O.F. Reports - - Thursday evening the Ladies' Court of O.O.F. met for their reg- ular meeting in C01' hall, when Mrs. Rivers of Seaforth Cancer Society showed films on cancer which were educating and also ,brought to everyone's attention the care and lookout for all signs of this dreaded disease. A hearty vote of thanks was extended, EASTER G. I FTS LADIES HOSIERY 75c 2 FOR BLOUSES , , . , 2,98 - 3.98 LADIES SLIPS , . , . 2,98 - 3.98 HALF SLIPS .... 1.98 - 2.98 GIRDLES AND BRASSIERE Children's Hosiery and Wearing Apparel CHILDREN'S HATS , . , . 2.98 BABIES BONNETS , , .. 69c 98c - 1.49 1.49 Jelly Cream Marshmallow Eggs Easter Baskets and Novelties EGG DYES The Finest Selection of Easter Cards Personal and Religious By Rust Craft and Coutts. 5c l0c 25c 50c Easter Chocolate Novelties By Smiles 'n' Chuckles 10c 20c 39c 49c 1.00 1.19 CHEOROS HOMEMADE LINES 10c 25o 650 1.10 L49 1.79 ,t LARONE'S STATIONERY -- GIFTS SEAFORTH 5c TO 1.00 STORE sets. A lunch counter was in the basement where tables were cen- tered with daffodils. Everyone enjoyed themselves and the pro- ceeds went to the cancer fund. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Ross Millson on the arrival of a baby daughter last Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown, Joyce and Elaine and Misses Mary and Margaret MacGregor attended the Sunday morning church service in Londesboro when 10 communicants were re- ceived into full membership of the church and partook of the sacrament of the Lord's Suppe,-. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Spears of Harriston called on Mr. and 6[rs. Ross MacGregor last Wednesday. Mrs. Annie Medd returned af- ter spending the past two weeks with Mr. Anthony Lawson of Pickering. C,G.I.T. Six girls of Constance CGIT with their leader, Mrs. Reg Law- son, attended the Huron rally of CGIT in Ontario St. Church, Olin - ton, on Saturday when over 200 girls took part in workshop pro- jects, film displays and discus- sions. In the afternoon the high- light was the graduation of 30 girls of which the Misses Mary and Margaret MacGregor of our CGIT were among the graduates. Rev. J. 14. Vardy took the service and Mrs. Pipe was special speak- er, stating the church is founda- tion of our living, MIss Ritchie of Walton, gave the valedictory ad- dress for 1962. Rev, Hiltz closed with benediction. After opening the meeting bus- iness matters were dealt with and payment of accounts toward the .painting of the ceiling of the lodge rooms and painting and curtains for the basement which has made a remarkable improve- ment to the hall, Also report of the turkey banquet which the la- dies had catered to the men of the bawling club last Tuesday evening, Last minute plans were trade toward the gingham dance which was held Friday evening. Court Constantine Hold Gingham Dance Friday evening a successful gingham dance was held ht Cott stance COO hall beautifully de- corated with spring flowers, streamers, Easter eggs, making a pretty setting for the gingham dance, Music was supplied by Jim Scott's orchestra and novelty :prizes went to: spot dance, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Dolmage; jam- bio dance, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Doi - mage; elimination dance, Mr, W. Dobnta,ge and Mrs, H. Preszcator; gingham dance, Mi': Ken Hulley and Mrs, Walter McCture, The draw on the admission ,ticket went to Mr, Mao Shaw of Brus- LONDESBORO Palm Sunday service with sae- rament was observed on Sunday' in the United Church. The follow- ing young people were received into full membership: Donna Lynn Shabbrook, Heather Snell, Catherine Funge, Linda Little, Bonnie Snell, Douglas Vincent, Allan Caldwell, Dick Westerhout, Bradley Kennedy, William Vin- cent. Mrs. Murray Lyon and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Shobbrook by certificate. The choir rendered a fine anthem, "Open the Gates of the Temple," and a solo, "The Palms," by Mrs. Clair Vincent was enjoyed. Rev. Funge deliver- ed a fine sermon, "The World's Greatest Sermon, the Lord's Sup- per," The rose on the pulpit was in honor of a little new daughter 'for Mr, and Mrs. Ross Millson of Constance. The Londesboro choir will pre- sent a cantata on Easter Sunday morning, The Explorers met on Apr. 13 with a full meeting of 18 members and Barbara Burns called meet- ing to order. The study and wor- ship period was taken by Mrs. Lee. Mr. John Pearson of Brussels visited on Sunday with his nieces and nephew Harold Beacom. • Friends will be sorry to hear that lir. Robt. Townsend went to Clinton Public hospital last Friday for treatment.. Miss Dorothy Little of Toronto and Mrs. Millie Benthrom of Osh- awa spent the week end with the former's Brother, Mrs. Townsend. Mrs. Mary Reid of Toronto is visiting with Mrs. Bert Allen at present, Mrs,. Crisp of London was also a week end visitor Mr, and Mrs, Witt, Hamilton of Moorefield spent the week end with the Robt. Thompson family. NOTICE OF POWER INTFRPUI'TIOl! (Weather permitting) Friday, April 20. 1962 8.30 A,M. to 11.30 a.ni. EST Areas affected --. North Main St. north of Franklin St. East William St. north of Franklin St. North side of Franklin St. Tuesday, April 24.1962 6,30 A.M. to 8 A.M. EST Areas affected - East side of North Main St, from Goderich to Franklin Sts, East William St. from Goderich. to Duke Sts. Side St„ Franklin St. and Chalk St. from Side St. to Duke St. The above inte1Tuption is necessary to change Primary lines Your co-operation is requested SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION D. SILLS R, J. BOUSSEY Chairman Manager