HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-04-19, Page 3Compelled To Be Two Parents In One Are we failing him? Spoiling him? Depriving him? Such ques- tions, swapped among parents about their children, are famil- iar. Dut few fathers and moth- ers ask them with the particular Poignance of the divorced and widowed. Compelled to be two parents in one, the lone guardian plays a desolate and demanding role that is increasingly common in US, life. Today, there is one divorce to every four U.S, marriages; all told, some 6 million children live • in one -parent homes. Badly need- ed for those involved: Advice and understanding from sympa- thetic outsiders. That need is now being promisingly met by Parents Without Partners, a five- year-old organization with 65 national chapters and 16,000 members, From the Bronx to the San Fernando Valley, single par- ents are klatsehing in homes and churches, listening to psychiat- rists and social workers, tossing back and .forth over the coffee cups their common perplexities about everything from discipline to adolescent sex, "I didn't realize what a social outcast.I ,would be after I was divorced," reports Mrs, Ann Kel- man of Palo Alto, Calif,, the mother of three' tow -headed boys. At first, Mrs, Kelman en- joyed a flurry of invitations, but through the months they dwindl- ed to zero, "1 got the impression," she says, "that nearly ever other woman thought I was trying to steal her • husband." ' Parents Without Partners has offered her a new social outlet — barbecues for the kids, an occasional party mixed with the serious seminars en parenthood. Inevitably, many a chapter is an incubator of romance. The national president, for example, not long ago married his'execu- tale Is not a club for women looking for husbands or for men on the prowl," says a Miami father, "PWP stresses the family as a group." In Los Angeles, the group regularly treks off to Ma- rineland and Disneyland, chil- dren in tow, In Buffalo, N.Y., e puppet show was recently staged, rhe Palo Alto, Calif., chapter is starting a pre-school nursery for working mothers. According to. Ars. Barbara Mordy of Ann Ar- bor, Mich,, "PWP has made my four children realize others -are 'n the same situation," The first Parents Without Partners were two in number. In 1957, a pair of divorced New Yorkers, James Agleson, a com- mercial artist, and writer Jacque- line Bernard decided single par- ents might learn from each other and placeda classified ad in The • New York Post. Its message to other lone parents — let's get together. Both have since be- come inactive, but what they planted has blossomed into a loosely knit national organiza- tion that holds annual meetings, provides group health insurance, and issues 0 monthly journal whose topics range from "Who Pays a Widow's Bills?" to "Don't Eat Up Your Alimony." If PWP has at times an over - sweet flavor of uplift, it is un- surprising, since the majority of members are women seeking spiritual balm as well as answers to financial security and how to be a father to a boy. For male members, however, the problems are largely the same, "When we get with single people," says Chicago's John Jenkins, who has custody of ,two children, "we find we don't belong there be- cause we have kids and think differently, We're like ducks out of water." For Jenkins, PWP has opened a fresh reservoir of ideas and companionship — even of confidence, Q. How can 1 write with ink on celluloid? A. If the surface is first rub- bed over with a chalk crayon, then the dust wiped off with a clean cloth, the writing can be done easily, ATOMIC'PILER — Technician Lester Race checks fuel bun- dles in Yankee Atomic Elec- tric Co 's nuclear plant. A second fuel charge of 25 tons of•'uronium oxide will be in- stalled in the reactor early this spring. The first nuclear core set a record by producing one billion kilowatt hours of electricity. A Girl Who Beat The Strongest Men Her vital statistics at twenty- five were — 43, 29, 43. She was the strongest woman, and per- haps the strongest human being, tic world has ever known. ' Each morning before break- fast she kept in training by lift- ing her husband, who weighed 154 lbs., high above her head six times with either hand! One of her most famous acts was to lie on a bed of nails while supporting a 210-1b. anvil on her chest. Men in the audience were in- vited to pound on the anvil with sledge -hammers, 13y tensing her iron -hard back muscles at the moments of impact, Kati kept the nails from piercing her skin. Born in a gipsy caravan in Al- sace-Lorraine, Kati Brumbach, at fifty, was still able to lift her 210 -,Ib, s,n over her head with one hand. Thirty years earlier she defeat- ed strong man Sanclow in a weightlifting contest. From then on, she was billed Sandwina. But it wasn't strength alone which made Kati a • leading at- traction with Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey and in vaudeville houses throughout the world. She was no muscled mon- strosity, but very pretty, with a lovely and exciting figure. In- deed, the first part of her act was devoted to posing, in brief and tailored costumes, as Justice, Columbia, Germania, Liberty and other characters designed to show off her statuesque beauty. She stood :6 ft.. 4 in. and weigh- ed 210 pounds. From infancy, Kati had toured France and Germany with her circus -owner father and acro- batic mother, When only two years of age she could do hand- stands, And when she was six- teen, her father was offering 100 marks to any man who could wrestle Kati and pin her should- ers to the mat: There were naturally many takers — but no winners! In _Saxony, a nineteen -year-old unemployed acrobat named Max Heymann accepted the chal- lenge. Within seconds, he had been slammed to the, mat with such force that all the'breath was knocked out of him. Afraid that she had hurt him badly, Kati leaned over anxious- ly, Max opened his eyes 'and .SIGN CONTRACT Heavyweight champion Floyd Patter - Aon, left, shakes hands with Sonny Liston offer signing their c'ontraot for c title bout. whispered: "I love you. Will you marry me?" Kati stared down, blushed, then said softly: "Pretend you can't get up." She then lifted Max in her arms and carried him right out of the arena! Later, Kati told friends: "I beat him, 1 then pick him up in my arms, look at the little man, (Max, was a more 5 ft. 5 in.) "Then I fall in love with Max and Kati eloped to Nor- way where they were married. So began almost' fifty years of wedded bliss, Kati performed before kings, queens, emperors and presidents. All over the world crowds stared 'in awe and amazement at the tremendously strong and beauti- ful girl. Once in Cologne, Kati was watching Si ?mew) Breitbart, then billed e. "The World's Strongest Man." On seeing her, he sneeringly challenged the girl to equal his act, When Kati jumped down on the stage, Breitbart threw her a length of heavy chain. She at once snapped it in two and tossed the pieces back! From that moment, the rivalry between them was literally "strong" — and on Briethert's part bitter, They met in various cities, Each time Breitbart chal- lenged Kati to best one of his acts, And each time she did. One day in 1919, Kati did her usual two performances, then went home, That night, the baby wrs born. Less ' than a week later, she wasagain doing her heavy-lift- ine act. Kati's feats daily grew more and more incredible. She stood;up under the weight of a 1,200 lb. cannon balanced on her shoulders. She balanced a bridge over which walked forty men and four horses. She supported three women, two standing on ladders,, the third `holding the ladders up- right, with all the weight resting on a leather belt around Kati's waist.. When .she died In 1952, per- haps .the finest and truest trib- ute paid to her was: "She had the muscular strength of ten or- dinai'y men, and the charming femininity of one hundred ordin- ary women." , • Troubles of a Huge Ballplayer Blond, brawny Frank Howard of the. Los Angeles Dodgers rub- bed dirt into the handle of his 36 -ounce bat and stepped quickly into the batting cage at Al Lang Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. Af- ter setting himself in a spread stance, the 6 -foot -7, 250 -pound right-hander swung easily. He lined the first pitch through the left side of the infield, then powered a fast ball into the screen in left -center, 375 feet away. "Look at that big slob and you think he's got to be. the strong- est men in baseball," Dodger coach Leo Durocher told NEWS - WEEK Sports Editor Barry Got- tehrer. "I've seen him fooled, 'catch a pitch with one hand on the hat, and. stili drive' it 450 feet. Then he starts pressing and lunging, and he looks like the worst bum you've ever seen. With his power and potential, you've got to be patient. Things don't come easy far a big man." In a week of spring -training games, nothing was comingeasy' for 25 -year-old Frank Howard, the man who was supposed to be the next Babe Ruth. He was hitting .095, with one double and one home run in 21 at -bats, Yet for the Dodgers, 9-5 favorites to win the National League pen- nant, Howard remained the big man, Blessed with excellent pitching (Don Drysdale, Sandy Koufax, and. Johnny Podres), impressive hitting and fielding (Wally Moon Tommy and. WillieDavis, and Maury Wills), and in- credible depth, the Dodgers lack only poWer, "If they play How- ard regularly and he comes around big," said veteran Stan Musial, "they'd be the best team in baseball." Getting Howard to come around at all has been a perplex- ing problem for the Dodger or- ganization. When signed for a staggering $108,000 bonus in 1958, Howard, an All-American bas- ketball player at Ohio State, was a base -ball player of unlimited strength and limited skill, To gain more finesse, he was assign- ed to Pete Reiser, then a minor- l.eaguemanager and now a Los Angeles coach, Reiser watched and talked, Howard listened and hit—until he reached the major leagues, There the next Babe Ruth, awkward anal overeager, swung like a Little Leaguer, "We just gave him bad pitches and changes of speed' and he was an easy out," recalled St. Louis pitching coach Howie Pellet. "But late last year, when playing regularly, he was damned im- pressive." For many players, two -season major-league totals of 38 home s'tuie 122 runs batted in, and a M CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES Applleatlons for representatives, to gall on Service Stations (enrolling member, sh1Ns with a service pertaining to all Phases of their bueiness, legal, insur- ance ale.) - are invited Prom all cities of Western Ontario. Salary and cent- mission, GE 4.0961, or write S.S,P,A., 430 Wellington 5t., London, for person. al Interview. BABY CHICKS 1'1"S Bray for Ames, Sykas and Comet egg speeleiista, to reach best egg Mark- ets. Dayoltl to readyto-lay. Best dual purpose varieties, and Leghorn.; mixed chicks, pullets and cockerels. Request price ilst. See local agent or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamib ton, Ont, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HIGH CLASS HAIRSTYLING SALON Hamilton Owner retiring. Good opportunity for skilled hairstylist. Equipment et de- preciated value, stock at cost. Batten. 5 Third Line S. Oakville, Ont. ATTENTION MEN WITH INITIATIVE AND DESIRE TO GET AHEAD. SMALL investment required to get started In a very profitable bust - 'Dims right in your own home town. L i m 1 t e d number of dealerships available in towns and cities throughout southern Ontario, If you have the required desire to succeed we may wave the oppor- tunity you have been (oohing rer. For full information contact BRUCE SMITH, SUN-GLO PRODUCTS LTD„2 VANCOUVER AVE„ TORONTO BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GENERAL STORE LOCATED In Village South of City of Berrie, near Lake Shneoe, Solid brick building 40 x 60 with modern living quarters above. Illness forces owner to sacrifice this thriving business for $22,000.00 plus stack at,cest. Down pay,- milt aynhent $5,000.00 plus stock, Yearly turn- over $51,00)1.00. Phone or write for fur. thee particulars. This is a wonderful Suy. ERVICE STATION, GARAGE WITH GENERAL STORE RESTAURANT & CABINS THIS fully equipped business including living quarters located north of OR- ILLIA on No. 11 Highway. Owner wishes to retire. Full pricce $00,000.00 plus stock at cost. Down payment $25,000.00 with 1st. mora"ane far bal- ance at 6% with fair principal pay- ments. Yearly turnover $90,000.00 and all records to confirm. Phone or write for further particulars. See this busi- ness first before ever considering a new venture. On evenings for the above call Wm. Adams, Severn Bridge, MU, 9.2341 J. W. "Jos" MacDonald Real Estate and Mortgage Broker 30 peter St. South ORILLXA, ONTARIO Phone FAirvlew 5.5670 ANYTIME. CATALOGUES FREE CANADA'S MOST WANTED NURSERY CATALOGUE Over 1,000 guaranteed selections 00 page all -color catalog featuring the newest and the best in roses shrubs, trees, flowers, evergreens, fruits, bulbs - from Canada's largest grower•to-you nursery. Write today: McCONNELL NURSERY CO. LTD. 65 Nova Scotia St. Port Burwell, Ontario COINS WANTED YOUR old coins may be valuable, High- est prices for Canadian and American. Illustrated Catalogue 50e, Coronet Coins, 1611 Church St., Toronto 2, Ont. DOGS SAMOYEDS, St. Bernards Scotch Col- lies, German Shepherds, Fox Terriers, etc, - All purebred and registered. Agents for all breeds. Terms' to 20 months available, 1Xerdon Kennels, 47 St. Paul Street, Brockville, D1.2.3441, FARM FOR SALE GENTLEMAN farm near Oshawa. Large brick home -modern kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 30' living room with broad- loom, 100 acres of rolling medium clay loam, .trout stream running through cedar bush. Contact Howe and Peters, Realtors, 07 King St. E., Oshawa, 725- 4701. FOR sale, $6,500 cash, 100 acres. Hol- land township, Grey county, 90 miles north of Toronto. For further particu- tars apply Wilmer Clark, Route 1. Berkeley 150 ACRES excellent state cultivation. 4 acres in maple bush, spring creek, good house, bank barn 50160, hog pen. hen- pen above, 30x50,' water, hydro throughout. $17,000. Apply Irene Gil- lies, RR 2, or 14illford Dowling, Fergus St„ Ph. • 491R, Mount Forest, SALE due to Illness, 100 acres good land, self drained. Modern 7 rooms and bath, half new 4 years, all new alumin- um siding, and Storemore storms and screens. Bank barn 35x75, upper part new 4 yrs., other buildings, School buses - mail - milk routes past door. In Warwick Twp.,Lambton Co,, 1/4mile No, 7 Hwy. Imediate possession. Owner Wm. Wallace, 43 Wigle St., Leamington, Ont. Reapenable down PeYnlent. .278 average would be impres- sive. For Howard, they are dis- appointing. This season, the Dodgers, who played him part- time and finished four games be- hind pennant -winning Cincinnati in 1981, are determined to play Howard regularly at first base or in right field. "It's up to him new,” said Reiser. "He could drive in 100 runs and hit 40 homers if he relaxed and learn- ed not to swing as soon as the pitcher lets the ball go. Some day a pitcher with a good move will throw the ball to first and Frank will swing at it." Howard is frustrated by his failure, "I don't know what peo- ple expect of me," he said softly, sitting in front of his locker. "0 never said I was Babe Ruth and I never thought it. I just want to play regularly. I know what this season means to me and the club. If a guy kicks himself in the backside every day, that's the most lie can do. And only I can do it for myself," Q. How can I make a goad toilet perfume? A, Mix two ounces of alcohol with one-half ounce of orris root, Keep this tightly corked in a bottle, and shake thoroughly each time before using, ISSUE 14 1962 FARM' HRLP WANTED — MAI,E FUI,LY experienced married man for purebred Holstein Dairy Farm, Sepa- rate house. Write, stating wages and experience, in first letter; also refer- ence from •erevious employer, W. Wesley Werry, pRSI 1, Hampton, Ont. FOR SALE - MISCLLANEOUS INTRODUCTORY 0F3R1%! Send this Advertisement along with 98e for 3 work sockse011 1 pairrof Ladles' finest quality nylon hose for 05e; 3 pairs for 91,89 - colours: light or dark beige, OR one men's flannelette plaid Work shirt for 91.98; two for $3.49, Postage paid. Money -back guarantee, Free 11. Illustrated catalogue a n d monthly MeneySaver, listing hundreds 01 top quality merchandise. 'rWEDDLE MERCHANDISING COMPANY I^ERCUS 11, ONTARIO GOATS & LAMES WANTED PALETTA BROS. MEAT PACKERS LTD, WANTED - Baby goats and spring lambs. Highest prices according to (ual- Ity. Write 600 MOUNTAIN BROW Bt.va„ HAMILTON OR CALI, FU 5.7474. GRASS SEED GREEN PASTURE SCARCE? SORGHUM GRASS MAY ANSWER YOUR PROBLEM Nine foot growth in sand and gravel soil. Farmer at Enderby, B.C. pastured stock calves In Sorghum until snow fall. Dairy farmer pastured his cows on Sorghum when his ether pasture failed, through drought. Prove to your- self what this grass may do in your area This annual grass is good for pasture or hay. Easy to bale and cure. Ten pounds delivered, for $15,501 Twenty-five pounds, for $37.50 deliv- ered. Requires about two to three pounds per acre for row crop. Place your order now, Ml No. 1 seed. C. E. KINGSTON DIST, CO. LTD. Box 424, Kamloops, LC. HORSE SALE Quarter Horse Sale APRIL 14, '1962 3rd Annual MICHIGAN STATE FAIRGROUNDS Detroit, Michigan. For Catalogues Contact Bud Leetch or Tom McKinley Fenton, Mich., U.S.A. LIVESTOCK SALES BARNS LIVESTOCK Sales Barn located in Cen- tral Ontario on a Main Highway. Out- standing buildings. This, we believe, Is one of the better located Sales Barns in Ontario with very good potential and priced to sell. Make all enquiries in confidence to: Don Wilson, Real Es- tate, 184 Charlotte Street, Peterbor- ough, Ontario, LISTENING DEVICES INVESTIGATORS1 Write for free bro. chure on latest subminiature electron- ic listening devices. Clifton Electronic Devices 11500 NW 7th Avenue, Miami 50, Florida. MALE HELP WANTED GYPROC Lathers & Roofer for new houses & experienced farm hand for dairy farm. Goreskl Roofing & Lathing, Port Perry, Ont. MECHANIC An excellent opportunity exists for em- ployment of a mechanic or automotive machinist in Hamilton, Ontario. Our shop operates 52 weeks per year, we have a pension plan, 2 group insurance plans and excellent wage scale. Amply with full details to: P.O. Box 89, Sta- tion "0", Hamilton, Ontario. MEDICAL READ THIS — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scalding and burning ecze. ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.18 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE LOANS Money available for immediate loan on First and Second Mortgages, and Agreements for sale, on vacant and improved property, resldental Indus- trial, city, suburban and country, and summer cottages. Forty years experi- ence. SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe Street North OSHAWA, Ontario Phone: 725.3568 NURSES WANTED NURSES. and Qualified Nursing .tsslst, ants for NOW Modern 10 bed hospital treattng i andh l g aged cal Et o it cases, in the Niagara District close ,to Niagara Fane and ie ce, qualifications, Aply stating ago, expelioncce, quallficatlons,' expec- ted salary, when available and tole. phone number to the Adstrator Mmini medical Centre hospital, P.O. Box 10, Virgil, Ontario. REGISTERED Nurse required for the Arrow Lakes Hospital, Nakusp, B.C., fifteen bed, standard wage rates holt- days, sembannual increases at.., 40 ' hour week. Room and board avr•llable at Hospital, Administrator, Arrow Lakes Hespltai ' Nakusp, B,C. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write er Call Marvel Hairdressing School 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W. Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa OLD COINS WANTED PLEASE write to me what you have 10. old Coins and 0 wilt advise you of their Uworth. S A. A, A, Nelson, Dennison, Ohio, PARTY GAMES PARTY Games! Adult's, Children'si Both 64 -page books postpaid 50e. M- onne Book Mart, Riverdale Station, BOY 529-C, Dayton 5, Ohio, PERSONAL HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS - Tested, guaranteed, mulled -in plain parcel tn- eluding catalog free with trial assort - Ment. 36 for 92.00 (finest quality). Western Distributors, Box 24 9'P Re- gina. Sask. OVERWEIGHT? A sate, effective reducing plan with "Way -Les" Tablets Medically approved. 1 month's supply 07 00. Lyon's Drugs, Dept 32. 471 Danrorth Ave.. Toronto. STAMPS 100 DIFFERENT stamps 105 To Collectors Requesting Approval. Winston Philpott Box 306 Botwood, Nfld., Canada SHEEP FOR SALE KARAKUL FOR SALE: Karakul (Black Persian) lambs end ewes. Edward 5, Dickey. 11.6, Brampton, Ontario.. SPARE 'TIME PROFITS. SPARE, Time Profits for Women; How to achieve high earnings with little cash. Based on successful experiences. Folio 91;00. E, M. Badgley, 61 N. Main. Adams, New York. TRACTORS FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR Clearinga completely rebuilt 1940 In- ternational Farman Tractor, complete with side ,cutting mower attachmone •-' - Sacriflce Price $395.00. Standard En- gines, Equipment & Supplies Limited, 516 Parkdale Ave, N.; Hamilton, ON '10 tarso. TRADE SCHOOLS ACETYLENE, electric welding ,and Argon courses. Canada Welding -"Can. non and Balsam N., Hamilton. Shop LI. 4-1284. Res. L1. 5.6203 WELDING MACHINES FOR SALE' 200 AMP PORTABLE WELDERS We are clearing our full stock of 01,1. coin & Hobart Portable Welding Mach- ines. All overhauled, $400.00 each and up, Standard Engineis, Equipment & Supplies Limited, 516 Parkdale Avenue N„ Hamilton, Ontario. WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST Prices Paid for old Canada, U.S. Newfoundland stem ps-cotns. Write, Joe Morgan, Dunkirk. N WILD ANIMALS YOUNG OTTERS WANTED Society for Promotion of Wildlife and Forest Conservation Inc., R.li. 2. Stev- ensville, Ontario. TEEN AGERSI,Your favorite star in 3D. Wall mask of grey styrene, ready to hang. Elvis Presley, Bripette B rdot, Elizabeth Taylor, Tony Curtis, Rock Hudson, Burt Lancaster, M: rlon Bran- dt), Pope John XIII, 51.25 Ppd. KISSING DOLLS) M-enetic attr1etien causes these cute delis to eine to- gether when placed close together. 91.00 pair. MOUSY EARRINGS! Made of velvet, comes In all colors. Mexican import, 81.00 a pair, postpaid. BETTY SMITH ENTERPRISES Dept. 4, 29 Brightside Avenue East Northport, New York SNOWED UNDER — Workers try to uncover a railroad station completely buried by snow near Oslo, Norway - J l�rlllllll