HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-04-12, Page 8CHOOSE YOUR NEW .',Easter Suit NOW! 185 now Whig suite to choose from in talks, reg - Mare, ahorts and stouts, „Styled la new 2. or 3 -button styles itt eoutinental, young men's or conservative Me - Choose from new glen checks, 4 shadow checks, squall weaves and plain shades in charcoal, grey, brawn, blue and olive. 49.50 to 65.00 OTHERS AT $39.50 ' Boys EASTER SUITS Boys' suits, styled just like dad's, in similar checks & plain shades, single breasted styles, all with two :pairs of trousers, 6 to 10 yrs. 19.95 2 pants 11 to 16 yrs. 25,95 2 pants BOYS SPORT JACKETS 10.95 to 14.95 BOYS DRESS SLACKS, 3.95 to 7.95 Boys White Shirts 1,95 to 2.96 2.95 Boys Terylene Shirt STEWA i T BROS. The Store for Men and Boys EASTER HATS FOR MEN Famous Stetson end . Biltmore makes .iu all the new narrow shapes, plus a .goad range of regular wldti. brims. 5.95 to 8,95 POPULAR REVERSIBLE ALL-WEATHER COATS FOR MEN 21.95 to 27.50 • ALL WOOL TOPCOATS Nene Checks 29.50 to 39,50e • /7 BOYS ALL WEATHER TOPCOATS Just like men's, reversible top- coats for boys In brown and ol- ive checks, reversing to match- ing plain shade. Sizes 10 to 16. 12.95 } a Attention Euchre .Players Big Stag Euchre Party At Seaforth Legion Hall, Apr. 13th, -- 8.30 p.m. BRING YOtm OWN PARTNER GOOD PRIZES LIBERAL CANDIDATE Ernest C. Fisher. mayor of Goderich. Friday night was elect- ed Liberal candidate for the fed• eral riding of Huron. BAYFIELD Miss Mary Marks, Toronto, spent the week end with her mo- ther. Mrs. Chas. Marks. COMING EVENT The Horne and Sehool annual Fun Fair will be held in the Pub- lic School, Friday, April 13th at 7.30 p.m. Don't miss this big fun filled event. FOR RENT 26 acres of grass land, plenty of water, in township of .McKil- lop. Apply to Barry Marshall at Walton. FOR SALE 3 sections of spring tooth drag harrows, used one season. Also one land roller. Secord MOBrien, 5775W, Seaforth, FOR SALE One 1953 Studebaker coach, in good running condition. Phone HU 2-9917, Clinton. FOR SALE Literally hundreds of books, plants, pot holders and trinkets at the Home and School Fun Fair, Seaforth Public School, Fri- day. April 13th at 7.30 p.m. WANTED A young married man, with farm background, to operate own business. Mechanical and sales ability an asset. Apply by letter to Box J, The Seaforth News. BORN Dale — In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 4th, to itir. and Mrs, Leslie Dale, r,r, 1 Walton, a daughter, Blake — hr Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Blake, r.r, 2 Clinton, a son. HELP WANTED Female domestic required Immediately. Apply Superintendent SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Seaforth ,macuen,nu,eu,mnnemen,e.nnn 111111111,,0.,1111 BRIAN'S HAIRSTYLING OPEN MON. TO SAT. Evenings by appointment For your Easter Hairdo Phone 427 nImo nine. out meumaul no u to meonu; uuuu, Mawr GINGHAM DANCE C.O.F. Hall, Constance Friday, April 13 Music by Jim Scott's Orchestra Novelty Dances. Admission 50c, includes ticket on 5.00 draw Lunch Counter. Proceeds for Cancer ,Fund L. 0. B. A. EUCHRE In Orange Hall Wed., April 18 Admission 40c Prizes and lunch Everyone welcome i The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company AMU% MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Street SEAFORTH insures • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, failing objects, etc,) is also available AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V, J. Lane, RR 5, Sea' forth; Win. Leiper, Jr., Londesbore; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth IN MEMORIAM WWTilliamson—In loving memory of our father, Thomas William. sou, who passed away April 9, 1960, and our mother, who passed away July 19, 1960. "Softly we turn back the pages of time, To wander down memory's lane, With laughter and tears We bring back the years And gently we speak their names. —Always remembered by their family. HOME GROWN SEED GARY OATS, registered second generation, certified and com- mercial, RED CLOVER, cleaned and graded. TIMOTHY, cleaned and graded. R. T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth, and Art Bolton, RR 1, Dublin. FOR SALE Four Hereford and Holstein calves, about 500 bales hay, 200 bales wheat straw. Ken Hulley, 751J3, Seaforth. FOR SALE, A number of good strong York chunks, A. R. Dodds, 501r14, Sea - forth, FOR SALE Six -roamed modern home at the corner of North Main and Duke streets, with hardwood floor, oil furnace, and single garage. Pric- ed reasonable. Contact Mrs, Ed. Godkin, phone 86632, Seaforth, or Mrs. Wm. Livingston, phone S47r 31, Seaforth, (Bruce Medd Es- tate). FOR SALE A quantity of timothy seed, po- wer cleaned. Ron Beuermann, Phone Dublin 32r8. FOR SALE Lots of lovely homemade candy at the Home and School Fun Fair at the Public School, Fri- day, April 13th at 7.80 ,pan, LAWNS ROLLED Lawns relied with power roller. Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club, Ph. 686W, Seaforth, FOR SALE 12 choice Hereford heifer calves around 500 lbs, Apply Jim Rose, RR 4, Seaforth, phone 652r13. WANTED Used piano in good condition. Phone Seaforth 641.11, Maple syrup FOR $6 a gal. Fred McClymont & Sons, Varna, Comfortable FRS LE house in ex- cellent condition; three bedrooms, four -piece bath, spacious living room, family -sized kitchen and dining room. Hot water heating, propane furnace, full three -section basement, separate garage, This is a splendid family home with a spacious lawn and a garden which could be sold for a building lot. Property located one-half mile west of Seaforth in a built-up area, Priced to sell. Apply in per- son to Joseph Grtnnanett, Seaforth RR 2, 200 bales of goodLmixed alfalfa and timothy hay. Torrance Dun- dee, Walton; phone Brussels 390 w5. Quantity FOoff Gay seed oats, also mixed grain, Gary oats and, Herta barley. Fred Herbert, phone Dublin 76r11. GARP OF THANKS Wo wish to express 0ltr sin. sere thanks and nppreeiation to all our neighbors, friends and re- latives 00our 25th anniversary for your cards, gifts and expres' skins of good wishes, also for the social evening which we enjoyed in Walton hall Sat. evoning—Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis, CARD OF -THANKS We wish to thank our friehd$ and neighbors ter the gifts and. cards on the waster), of cur 25th wedding anniversary; also for'tho lovely anniversary, party hold in the Legion hall, — Mabel and Leonard Strong, CARD OF THANKS We wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to our. many relatives, friends, neighbors and pallbearers for their kind expressions of sympathy and flor., al tributes extended during our recent sad bereavement; especial - l1 thanking the Rev. D, O. Fry and. Mr. and Mrs. G, A, Whitney„ —The Joynt Family. WANTED Experienced help wanted on farm; no cows; for the summer, Apply to R. J, Doig, phone 849rll,. Seaforth. Clearing Auction Sale Of Hereford Cattle, Feed and Implements and Furniture, at Lot 1, Con, 4, McKillop township, 2 miles north of Dublin, on countY road, on Monday, April 16th at 1 'Cattle-13 Hereford cows, all young; 5 yearling heifers, 6 steers, The above cows are bred Hereford, due in May and June. Feed -10 ton mixed oats and barley; 800 bales bay; 400 bales straw, Implements—Int, W.4 tractor; M.H. No. 11. side rake; 7 ft, trac- tor mower; Int, 7 ft, binder; 2- 'furrow 1.Tin. bottom tractor plow; hay loader; Case hammer mill; drive belt; 4 wheel manure sprea- der, on rubber with wooden box; 1055 Dodge Mayfair, low mileage; trailer with stock rack; rubber tire wagon and rack; 8 ft. spring tooth. cultivator; 11 run seed and fertilizer drill; walking plow; set of harrows; turnip seeder; 'horse saefiler; extension ladder;.gasol- ine engine, air cooled; sleigh; cutter; democrat; barrels; bag trucks; tools• Furniture—Westinghouse 9 cit. ft. refrigerator with freezer chest, Westinghouse 24 in. range; West- inghouse 21 in. television; chest- erfield and chairs; odd chairs; 2 bedroom suites; kitchen table and chairs, 2 cupboards; Coleman. space heater; 2 element heavy duty hot plate and base; Prin- eess Pat cook stove; dishes, pails,. utensils, etc., also 1 ton nut coal. No reserve. Terms cash. The Estate of Wm. Mintzer. W. E. Nairn and Son, Auctioneers. Estate Auction Sale Estate auction sale of property and household effects at Chisel hurst in township of Tucker - smith on Monday, April 23 at 1 pan. Household Effeets — 2 writing desks, Astral frig, 2 hot plates, stoves, extension table, 12 kitchen and dining room chairs, side- board, Coleman oil space heater, mantel radio, single brown bed and mattress, dishes, kitchen ut- ensils, electric fan, electric ket- tle, carpenter tools, new plywood chest of drawers, bench saw with Y. hp. motor, sander, carpenter tools, leg vise, 2 ton ohestnut coal, some wood, Other articles too numerous to mention. Property— Parcel 1 ---Part of lot 1, con. 12, Tuckersmith twp., approximately 1/ acres of land, 6 room frame house, with asphalt siding; hydro, frame barn, good water supply. Parcel 2—Directly across the road from parcel 1, is two acres with frame barn , ohurch shed, approx. 50x80, cement block build- ing with steel roof. Terms, chattels cash, Property 10% down, balance in 30 days Sold subject to reserve bid, Im- nrediate possession. Church shed terms will be made known day of sale. Prop., Estate of late Wilbert Parker; Executrix, Mrs, William Parker, Hensel). Harold Dania son, auctioneer. COUNTY OF HURON AUCTION SALE of Construction Equip- ment and Trucks A public auction sale of used construction equipmant and trucks will be held on Tuesday, April 17. 1962, at 2.00 pm, at the Huron County Yard at Auburn, Ontario. Items to he sold include: 1-1956 Chevrolet 9 passenger station wagon. 4-1958 Ford half ton pickups 1-1956 International panel truck 2-1956 hoist Dodge tracks00GVW) with box (19,5 1-1954 International R-190 with 'box and hoist 1 --'Rotary blower snow wing 1-1947 Allis Chalmers HD -10 :dozer with angle blade and V plow 2—old ,motor graders (not in running order) 2--1949 International. KB -8 truck chassis 1-25 ton King float 1-7 cu; yd. dunip body and hoist 1—International TD9 with 1/ yd. Droit loader Quantity of used bridge plank and posts, All equipment will he sold "as is and where is" and is not guar- anteed roadworthy, Terms of sale: Cash cheques will be ac- cepted. Equipment may be inspected at the Huron County Yard, Auburn, Ontario, on or after April 9, 1962, Auctioneer: Alvin Walper, Daehwood, Ontario, J, W, Britnell, P.Eng„ Huron County Engineer, Goderich, Ontario S—TI-I19 Sl9AFORTkl NWS, Thursday, APri1 32 1962 Brownie 8 .Drive -In Theatre z.Tn•, Clinton OPENING Thursday, April 19 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK TWO COMPLETE SHOWS EACH NIGHT Children Under 12 in. Cars Free . THURS, & FRI,-ApI'i1 19-20—Double Bi11 "FULLER BRUSH MAN" RED SKELTON "FULLER BRUSH GIRL' LUCILLE BALL (Cartoon) SATURDAY ONLY, April 21—Double Bill "FIVE GUNS TO TOMBSTONE" James Brown -• John Wilde . - "OPERATION BOTTLENECK" Ron Foster -- Milko Taka (Cartoon) Watch This Space Every Week For Top Entertainment Estate Auction Sale Clearing auction sate of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects at lot 15, Bayfield road *north, 1 mile west of Varna, on county road, Saturday, April 14th at 1 p,ni,: Cattle 8 Hereford yearling heifers and steers. Machinery -Massey Harris 44 tractor; Allis tractor with or without manure loader; 6 ft. Mas- sey combine; No. 46 Mc0ormick Deering baler; 'George , White spring tooth cultivator on rubber 4-seetion spring tooth harrows; 5 -section drag h'arr'ows; 2 -section land roller; International side de - lively rake; set of, McCormick Deering double disk; McCarinick Deering 13 -run seed- drill; 3 -fur- row tractor plow; rubber tired wagon and rack; Gehl hammer mill; . 7 ft. Cockshutt mower, Massey binder; 20 ft. Silver Chief bale elevator; 16 ft. 4 -inch grain auger; Massey Harris tractor ma- nure spreader; electric motor; S- can milds cooler; single can De- Lavak milker; McCoreniok Deer- ing power washing cream separa- tor; Pioneer chain saw; Lawn Patrol lawn mower; McCormick Deering milking machine; 3 milk cans; bean snuffler for trader; dunsp rake; 1950 half ton Dodge truck and rack sleigh; 400 4 -inch tile; hay loader; fanning mill; hand lawn mower. Hay and Grain -500 bales of hay; 500 bales of straw; 800 bus: .nixed grain, Household Effects — Dining room table and 6 chairs; exten- sion table and 6 chairs; drop leaf table; New Williams sewing ma- chine; antique glass cupboard; 'corner cupboard, kitchen cup- board; studio couch; bureau; 2 'complete bedroom suites; rug 12x 15, rug 9x12, occasional chairs; churn, walnut couch, rocking chains, chest of drawers; 2 burn- er electric plate; dishes, lamps, sealers. Other articles too numer- ous to mention. Terms, cash. Prop., Estate of late Lloyd Johnston; Executrix, Miss Rachel Johnston; auctioneer, Harold Jackson; Clerk, George Powell. HELP WANTED FEMALE Female help wanted, Apply Highland Shoes, Seaforth. WANTED Carpenter work of all kind's specializing in kitchen cabinets, Cliff Skolrod, phone 831r11, Sea - forth. ' CUSTOM WORK We will do custom plowing, sowing and working up land at reasonable prices. Phone Lyle Montgomery, ITU 2-7231, Clinton, Out FOR SALE Certified Garry seed oats, clean- ed, treated and sealed or in bulk uncleaned, Spencer Jeffery, 11r•10 Dublin. FOR SALE Kids here is your chance to load up pith lots of comics. On sale at bargain prices at the Horne and Sohool Fun Fair, Pub- lic School, Friday, April 13th at 7,30 p.m. SHARP'S MAINTENANCE SERVICE Lawn Movers — Have your lawn mower serviced now. Com- plete service on all makes. Lawn Rolling and Fertilizing Service — Power lawn roller for rent. Lawn Ferfili'er for sale, Do It yourself, or we can provide lawn rolling and fertilizing ser- vice. Phone 863-J-1 ORDER YOUR FUNK'S G -HYBRID SEEDCORN now for a dependable high. yield- ing 1962 Corn Crop—either grain or. ensilage. See us also for "bat- ter buys" in tillage equipment, (cultivators, discs, packers, etc.) manure spreaders and loaders,. hammermi)l and feed mixer units, hog, poultry and ventilation equip- ment, etc. • HAUGH BROS. Brucefield, phone C4th 6581128 MILTON J. DIETZ Seaforth .6001121. NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday af- ternoons, from 1 to 5.80 p,m, J. I. McIntosh, Clerk TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher for S,S. No, 4 Public School, MeI{illop. Apply in writing, stating qualifications, salary expected; naive of, last in- spector; duties to commence in September. Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie, r,r. 1, Seaforth, Ont, Auction Sale There will be offered for sale on the premises of the late Rob- ert J. Eigie, Lot 3, Con, 9, Tuck- ersmith, 4 miles west of Staffa on bounty road, ors miles south of Seaforth and 1:4 miles east, on Tuesday, April 17111 at 1.30 p.m.: Implements -70 model Cock- shutt tractor, in good condition; Cockshutt 3 -furrow plow; Mc- Cormick Deering tandem disk, nearly neev; horse drawn disk; manure spreader, cultivator, cul- tipacker; 13 -run International fer- tilizer drill, nearly new; 5 -section harrows; Internationai side rake, nearly new; hay loader, hay ted - der; International mower, nearly new; walking plough; snuffler; weigh -scales; sleigh's, buggy, cut- ter, stock rack, turnip sower, oat roller, Massey Harris binder, rub- ber tired wagon with gravel box, sliding hay rack, Goodison thresh- ing machine and drive belt; Int- ernational No. 2 eledmic cream separator, new; Wheel barrow, ladder, forks, harness, sap pans and b.uokets, numerous other ar- tieles and some household effects. Faint—At the same time the farm, consisting of 100 acres; 92 acres workable, good clay loam, 3 acres of woodland; good build- ings; will be offered for sale sub- ject to reserve bid. Terms, chattels cash; real est- ate, 10% down on date of sale, balance 30 days. Prop., Mrs. Robert Elgin; Auc- tioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo. Powell, _ • Estate Auction Sale Clearing auotion sale of Prop- erty, Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 31, Con. 13, Mc - township; 8 miles north of Seaforth and 1', west, or 2 miles south of Walton and 1'% west, on Monday, April 16th at 1.30 p.m. Machinery—Dump rake, pack er; 14 ft, hay rank, steel tired wagon, gravel box, 'hay loader, wooden land roller, 4 -section har- rows, 2 set horse drawn disks; 2 walking plows, fanning mild, :muf- fler, turnip seeder, Dyclone grass seeder, scales, set house scales, now roll wire fence, roll' snow fence, nail box, tricycle, stone boat, grind stone, vise, pig crate, ladders, 2 lawn mowers, wheel barrow, 'eating "box,.. bar- rels, aluminum. . scoop shovel, ap- prox. 25. bundles of cedar shingles, quantity . of plank, horse collars, harness, fencing tools, garden tools, ropes, grain bags, cistern pinup, sugar kettle, champion snow blower. Household, Effebts—1 new 2- piece chesterfield suite, 1 3 -piece Chesterfield suite,. oak dining room suite, buffet, book ease,' mantle radio, Bell organ, phone graph and records, studio couch, 3 bedroom suites, odd beds, com- mode chair, reeking chairs, ward- robe, small tables, trilight lamps, fernery,' kitchen cabinet, number of cupboards, foot stool, quantity of dishes, trait jars, crooks, an- tique clack, coal oil lamps, picture frames, quilts, feather ticks, fear ther ,pillows, cushions, old sofa, trunks, mats, 1 large Sunshine table top electric range; coal or wood range and pipes; sural) kit-- chen range, Electrolux vacuum: cleaner; Beatty eleotric ironer; Singer sewing machine; 2 good panel doors; window screens; oream ,Dams; quantity of wood• Other articles too numerous to mention. Property—Will be offered for sale at 4 p.rn, Parcel 1—Lot 30., Con. 12, MrrlKid'lop twp., 1;00 acres all in grass, frame drive shed, good well and windmnill. Parcel 2 --Part of Lot 31, Con. 12, 50 acres, approx, 12 acres plowed. Part of Lot 31, Con. 13, 47/ acres all in grass; 2 storey red briok house and cement drive shed. Sold subject to reserve hid, 10% down, balance in 30 days. framed• iato trpossession. Possession of hottse to be arranged. Chattels cash, Prop,,, Estate of Late Russel Barrows; Executors, Cora. S. Bar- rows, Barry Marshall; auction- eer, Harold Jackson; Clerk, Geo, Powell, BOX Funeral Home AmsLILANCE Prompt and Carafe) Attentlee Hospital Bed Flowers for' all occasions Phonal t Day 43 Night 696W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 lees, 606 JOHN A. GORWILL,'B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seatorbi► SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Dr. F., Malkus Office Boors, 1 p.m, t0 6 p.m. deilp except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings: Tuesday & Thurs. 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance aro desirable TURNBULL &. BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., Y,$, Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Longstaff - Optometrlet Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791. Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 8.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.89 PM. Thar. ev by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-8010, above Hawdkine' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.80 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 634 Res. 540 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Hee. us We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 `blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen R R 5 SEAPORT){ Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 Donald_ G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PHONE 75 SEAFORTH Office in Jackson Aluminum Bldg. Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY 'WALDEN BROADFOOT Phone 686 W Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER. FOR, SALE Number of good farms for Spring possession, from 50 to 200 acres. Comfortable 6 room cottage in Egmondville, with terms, 7 room house in Dublin with terms. Several good building lots in Harpurhey Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. " oifiace and 26 ealeemen to serve you The Seaforth NOws "Authorised se Second-01ase Mail by the Post Office De. pertment, Ottawa, and for poyntont of Postage in each."