HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-04-12, Page 7Giant Footpirints Create Mystery Giant, three -toed footprints believed to have been mode more that.! 100,000,000 yearsago by one of the great dinosaurs, probably an iguanodon, have been found in a stone quarry at Langton IVfatravers, near Swan- age, Dorset. There are thirteen prints and they were unearthed by work- men. They stretch twenty six feet across the quarry floor be- fore disappearing • under a mass of rock and experts believe they form the largest sequence of pre- historic animal footprints ever discovered in Britain, The huge creature that made them colfld have measured forty feet from nose to tail and stood up to twenty feet in height, The footprints are only fifteen inches apart and clearly show the walk and gait of the creature. Says on expert: "It looks as though when they were made he was just waddling along.' Fossil remains of mammoth creatures which existed many millions of years ago are occa- sionally uncovered in Britain, usually in quarries. But the find- ing of such remains is becoming rarer because of the increasing use today of mechanical excava- tors. But less than four years ago an ichthyosaurus, a marine rep- tile which 130,000,000 years ago filled the place in the seas now occupied by whales and por- poises, was uncovered in Nor- folk. A special day and night guard had to be mounted over a Warwickshire quarry in which a 100,000,000 -year-old, three - eyed monster's remains were found in 1928, It was a plesiosaurus. Thrilled by news of the find, amateur geologists crowded to the spot and some of the earlier arrivals succeeded in reaching the fossil and tried to get "souvenirs." The fossil had to be fenced off while arrangements were made 1 for transporting it to a museum. .Another strange creature which l was found in Oxfordshire must have been about sixty feet high i in its prime at least 200 million years ago. It was so heavy that It had to remain half submerged In water to support its weight. In a garden at Gedling, Notts., which was formerly part of Sher- wood Forest, men found in 1923 the . huge bones, of a prehistoric inarnmoth. They were in an ex- cellent state of preservation. The road runner, a Cuckoo :famous for its ability to kill rat- tlesnakes, is also known as a "snake -eater." MERRY MENAGERIE °You're the leaning tower of lea, I'ra Qamee, and we're, the lar of gravity,— okay f" • POLITICAL POLL — Lamp- post in Calcutta can hardly be recognized because of Many posters and bankers on it. Large numbers of the peo- ple cannot read so parties rely upon simple symbols rather than names in their vote - getting campaigns. Trout Fishing Made (?) Simple There are two ways of fishing for trout—and this holds whether you're using fly or spinning tackle. One is the fine -and -far- off method. The ether is—stalk 'em carefully and fish close, the sneak -up -on -'em method. The fine -and -far-off way orig- inated on the chalk streams of southern England, especially the famous Test and Itchen. These are practically never muddied by rain, which soaks into the chalk soil and comes up again filtered crystal clear, In that flat country, the cur- rent is slight; it often resembles a long, mirror -still pool. There's really too much natural foods, so the fat brown trout are always overfed and can afford to be shy and finicky. Result of all this: Perhaps nowhere else does trout fishing call for such high skill. An American angler, fishing there for the first time, usually snorts in derision at the ritualis- tic fuss and feathers, the long, fine leaders—sometimes as much as 18 feet long. That's not how they fish back home where the American came from! He'll show 'em about such nonsense. He sees trout dimpling the whole surface of the river, feed- ing hard. He walks up and makes one cast, what he thinks is a very nice one. Suddenly, the whole' surface of the river becomes un- broken, not a single trout feed- ing. Nor will one for a long time. Spots where this fine -and -far- off method is necessary are ex- tremely rare in this country. But always remember that the higher you are above the water's sur- face, the farther fish can see you. Now for the sneak -up -on -'em method, which calls for practical- ly no casting ability, and which will get you most trout in a very MOTTLE --NECK - The cyclist has to fling rings around the necks of a row of bottles without•stopping. This event it part of :the Winter Cup 'Tournament of Hungarian Cyclists in Budapest, designed to eXhibit the cyclist's riding skill. great majority of places in this couatry; Supposing that there's a fine looking spot' that you can only reach,' without a fish there seeing you, from behind a boulder or small bush—but that the trout would see you crossing a wide gravel bar going there, Get up there quietly and slowly; fast movements always alarm fish. Then crouch out of sight until you think the trent has forgotten about your coming and has start- ed feeding again. You'll have' to do your awn guessing on how long that is; might be a few min- utes if he's small and not shy, and it might be an hour or more If he's really old and foxy and not too hungry. Very small, bushy streams often have a surprising number of very large trout for the simple reason it's difficult to fish such places successfully. Spinning won't do, for there's no room to work the lure without its hang- ing on the brush. So, how would you go about catching some of them? By "dapping," a method pretty common in Ireland but rarely heard of elsewhere will work. It's done merely by dropping a dry fly straight down from the rod tip so that it, but practically none of the leader, touches the water. Larger live flies on tiny hooks. work, Here's an improvement on the Irish way that I worked out. Have you ever seen a fly bobbing 'up and down a few inches above the water, occasionally dropping lower to touch it? It is said that it's a female laying an egg at each touch. Try using the same movement with your dry fly — not overdoing it. I found that this sometimes murders 'em in a small, bushy stream when just floating the fly produce little or no results. The movement must draw more at- tention to the fly, as well as making it seem more lifelike. Naturally, to do well with dap- ping on a shall, bushy stream, you must do extremely careful stalking, and keep out of sight. As stated before, the higher you are above the water, the far- ther a fish can see you, and, of course, the reverse is also true. So When yea can't hide, keep as low es possible, both during your approach and while casting. by Jason Lucas, Angling Editor of "Sports Afield" German Women Beaten As Witches Innocent women in some vil- lages of West Germany are being beaten up and insulted by ig- norant villagers who believe they are witches. Witchcraft is growing so rap- idly in these country areas that 10,000 so - called witchmasters have set themselves up in busi- ness there in recent years, says a report of the German Medical Association. Silly men and women who are not satisfied with the treatment they receive from their doctors visit these witchmasters who have persuaded them that all their ailments are caused by witches. The witchmasters even name village women as witches. These women are usually 'too poor to take legal action against them. A witchmaster often charges a fee of $25 or more to perform a ceremony and provide a "cure." According to an ancient Ger- man legend all the country's witches hold carnival on April 30th the eve of May Day. This is known as Walpurgis Night, No superstitious villager leaves the shelterof:'his.home on this night without carrying a sprig of holly or mountain ash as a "safeguard against witchcraft" Even by their own hearths some people are not sure of safe- ty, for witches are reputed to hover on the threshold of many homes, trying to influence them with their "evil eye." In some areas • villagers flock from their homes to make noises which will drive away Wa1pur- gis Night witches', Church bells are rung, pots and pans are clattered together, dogs bark and children scream, How Can I? Hv Roberts Lee Q. How can I soften a stiffen- ing' hairbrush. A. By giving it a lengthy rinse in two quarts of lukewarm wa- ter to which a tablespoon of olive oil has been added. Q. How can I mend a broken lipstick? A. All you have to do is heat the broken ends otter a gas, match, or cigarette -lighter flaine until they melt enough to ad- here when you press them to- gether. Then don't use the lip- stick until, the ends have had enough time to get together and cool off, Q. How can I remove coloured eandlewax Stains from table linens? A. After scraping -off as much et the excess wax' as you Many CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CHICKS BRAY has good varletlos, Including Ames, Sykes and Comet egg spectel1 is available prompt shipment, duy-old to ready -to -lay. )teach the best egg mar- kets, order. now. Also mixed chicks and dayold eockerels. Request price list. See local agent, or write Bray Hatch. ery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCLUSIVE k'ranchises open In various parts. of Ontario for I.P.H.- Factory Built Homes 6' Summer Cottage display court er Sales outlets. We will help you get started and provide major financing, We Ban finance all sales, no down payment' necessary, INTERPROVINCIAL HOMES 113 Ferguson N„ Hamilton HIGH CLASS HAIRSTYLING SALON Hamilton Owner retiring, Good opportunity for skilled hairstylist. Equipment at de. predated value stook at cost. Batten, 5 Third Line S. Oakville, Ont. ATTENTION MEN WITH INITIATIVE AND DESIRE TO GET AHEAD, SMALL investment required to get started In a very profitable bud - nese right to your own home town. Limited number of dealerships available in towns and cities throughout - southern Ontario. If you have the required desire to succeed we may have the oppor- tunity you have been looking for. For full information contact BRUCE SMITH, SUN-GLO PRODUCTS LTD„ 2 VANCOUVER AVE., TORONTO CATALOGUES PRF'E CANADA'S MOST WANTED NURSERY CATALOGUE Over 1,000 guaranteed selections. 80 newestaandlthe best in roses, shrubs, trees, flowers, evergreens, fruits, bulbs — from Canada's largest grower•to-you nursery. Write today: McCONNELL NURSERY CO. LTD. 65 Nova Scotia St. Port Burwell, Ontario COINS WANTED YOUR old coins may be valuable, High- est prices for Canadian and American. Clustrated Catalogue 505, Coronet oins, 1613 Church St., Toronto 2, Ont. DOGS SAMOYEDS, St. Bernards Scotch Col. Hes, German Shepherds, Pox Terriers! etc. All purebred and registered. Agents for all breeds. Terms to 20 months available. Jordon Kennels 47 St. Paul Street, Brockville, D1.2.3441. LAB. RETRIEVER PUPPIES CEC Registered Excellent show and field stock. Pedigree furnished, Health guaranteed: Whelped 17Dec„ '61. The world's best Retriever and companion dog. Also some trained pups, 9 months old. from champion stock. " STUD SERVICE HAWKRIDGE KENNELS Reg'd 1110 Lakeshore Rd. FARMS FOR SALE 254 -ACRE farm in Northumberland County, Ont., 190 acres top producing work land, tiled, balance good bush and pasture; barn 50' x 100', all steel, milk contract, 950 lbs. per day stan- chions, water bowls, stable cleaner, pipeline and bunk tank for 50 cows, Other buildings, 13 -room frame house in good repair with all modern con- veniences. School bus at door. A never - failing spring creek supplies water to - cattle. This creek is large enough for irrigation and has 2 large trout ponds tvith room for more. This farm is the best farm set-up within many miles. Write Doug Dorland, Hilton, Ont. Phone Brighton 1112113. SALE due to illness, 100 acres good land, self drained, Modern 7 rooms and bath, half new 4 years, all new alumin- um siding, and Storemore storms and screens. Bank barn 35275upper part new 4 yrs., other buildings. School buses — mall — milk routes past door. In Warwick Twp., Lambton Co„ ;14. mile No. 7 Hwy.- Immediate possession. Owner Wm. Wallace, 43 Wigle St., Leamington, Ont. Reasonable down payment. DAIRY FARM LARGE milk base. 186 acres clay loam with stream through property. Large L-shaped barns will accommodate over 100 he;c1 cattle, steel stabling, water bowls, 2 silos, 42 -can Delaval cooler, 7 -unit Delaval pipeline milking system, automatic Washing, excellent water sup- ply. 2 good brick homes with baths. This is an excellent dairy setup, Priced at only. $35,000. Stoutt Agencies Ltd., Realtors, 10 Collier SL, Barrie. Phone PA 6.5901. place the stained portion be- tween two pieces of blotting pa- per, and press with a warm iron. Most of the grease will be ab- sorbed by the blotting paper. Then sponge with denatured al- cohol to remove the. dye. The four -horned antelope of India and Burma is the only Wild mammal in the world with four horns. Only the males have horns. FARMS FOR SAGE FOR sale, $6,500 gash, 100 agree, tial. land township, Grey county, 00 miles north of Toronto. For further particta Jars apply Wilmer Clark, Route 1, Berkeley 180 ACRES excellent state cultivation. 4 acres in maple bush, Spring creek, good house, bank barn 80x60, hog h pen, throughout. $1App Water,ene y011 Lies, RR 2, of ,7.000.ilford Dowling, Fergus St„ Ph. • 49111, Mount Forest, FARM HELP WANTED. — MALE FULLY experienced married man for purebred holstein Dairy Farm, Sepa- rate house. Write, stating wages and experience; in first letter; also refer- ence from a previous employer. W. Wesley Werry, RR 1, Hampton, Ont. FOR SALE — :MISCELLANEOUS VIBRATIONS REALLY ARE GOOD FOR YOU Be SLEEP ON a ALOUD Help yourself RELIEVE YOUR TIRED BACK Look forward to bedtime RELAX AND SLEEP DEEP and Friends Wake up more refreshed than ever be. fore. No ridiculous prices, just a good product manufactured with a low over- head so as to make it available to one and all, Budget Plan 1f necessary; for farther information, write EXCELSIOR AGENCIES 522 Hamilton Rd. (Rear1 London, Ont. GOATS & LAMBS WANTED PALETTA BROS. MEAT PACKEIIS LTD, — WANTED— Baby gouts and spring lambs. Highest prices according to quay, Ity, Write 600 MOUNTAIN BROW BLVD., HAMILTON OR CALL PC 3-7474. GRASS SEED GREEN PASTURE SCARCE? SORGHUM GRASS MAY ANSWER YOUR PROBLEM Nine foot growth In sand and gravel soil. Farmer at Enderby, B.C. pastured stock calves in Sorghum until snow fall. Dairy farmer postured his cows on Sorghum when his other pasture failed, through drought. Prove to your. self what this grassmay do in your area. This annual grass is good for pasture or hay. Easy to bale and cure. Ten poundsdelivered, for 815.50; Twenty-five pounds, for - 537.50 delay. ered. Requires about two to three pounds per acre for row crop, Place your order now. All No. 1 sued, C. E. KINGSTON DIST. CO. LTD. Box 424, Kamloops, B.C. HORSE SALE Quarter Horse Sale APRIL 14, 1962 3rd Annual MICHIGAN STATE FAIRGROUNDS Detroit, Michigan. For Catalogues Contact Bud Leetch or Toni McKinley Fenton, Mich., U.S.A. LISTENING DEVICES INVESTIGATORS! Write for free bre- chure on latest subminiature electron- ic listening devices. Clifton Electronic Devices, 11500 NW 7th Avenue, Miami 50, Florida. MAPLE SYRUP MAPLE Syrup — 6 gallons $29.751 4 gallons $20.00 — smaller quantity. 05.25 gallon, F.O.B. Made by Howard Hasler, Filnten, Ont. MEDICAL • DIXON'S REMEDY FOR NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS. THOUSANDS SATISFIED. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA 81.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scalding and burning ecze. ms, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVE 01g Mali Catalogues, special offers, money -making opportunities, gift offers, samples, 10c. Get listed '165210 unton2 Philadelphia 40,1 Pena.' MONEY r0 LOAN MORTGAGE LOANS Money available for immediate loan on First and Second Mortgages, and Agreements for sale, on vacant and improved property, residential, Indus- trial, city, suburban and country, and summer cottages, Forty years experi- ence. SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simeoe Street North OSHAWA, Ontario • Phone: 725.3568 ISSUE 13 — 1962 NURSES WANTED WANTED: Two graduate nurses for 60 -bed hosphal, Good salary schedule. Generous fringe benefits. State date of ll51. adosephseGeneralr Hospital, Little Admini- strator,urrent• REGISTERED Nurse required for the Arrow Lakes Hospital, Nakusp, fifteen bed, standard wage rates, holi- days, send -annual increases, oto„ 40 'hour week. Room and board available et Hospital, Administrator, Arrow Lakes Hospital Nakusp, B,C. OMEN ANDITWOMENR BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn HaiNrdressine Pleasant dignified professieh. good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates Amerlca's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call Marvel Hairdressing School 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PARTY GAMES PARTY Gamest Adult's, Children's! Both 64.page books postpaid 505. Ar- cane Book mer?, Riverdale Station, Box 520.0, Dayton 5, Ohio. — PERSONAL HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS Tested, guaranteed mallei in plain parcel In - eluding catalog free with trial. assort- ment. 31 for $2.00 (finest quality). Western Distributors. Rea 2491" Re- gina, Saslt OVERWEIGHT? A safe, effective reducing plan with Way -Les" Tablets Medically approved, 1 month's supply $7.00. Lyon's Drugs. Dept 32, 971 Danforth Ave. Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY NEW ROLL OF FILM with each film developed, printed. or mounted. Black & White R011 Film 8 exp. 51.00, 12 exp $1.25 35mm 20 exp, $1.85, 36 exp. $2.85 Kodaoolor 8 ex. $3.75. 12 ex. 54.75. 20 ex. $5 75 Ansoohrome Ektaehrome 20 exp. 02.85 Get 8mm Color Movie Film incl. pro- cessing $2.94 Money order or C.O.D. Photo Service, Box 10, Midland, Ont. PROPERTIES FOR SALE MARKET Gardener's Opportunity — a acres, sandy loam, 6 room house stone foundation, newly decorated and land- scaped, paved road, bus from gate to new central school. Selling for business reasons. $7,000 or best offer for quick sale. Apply R. Mullen, R.R. N0. 1, Cold - springs, 0 miles north of Cobourg, via Ontario Ft. RAZOR BLADES 100 GUARANTEED Double Edge Blades 51.00 postpaid. Write for Catalogue. Sample. 10e. Walter Funk, A7ahopae 6, New York, SHEEP FOR SALE KARAKUL FOR SALE: Karakul (Black Persian, lambs and ewes. Edward E. Dickey, R.6, Brampton, Ontario. SPORTS ATLAS FREE information about exciting new, "Sports Atlas of America.", Guide to good Fishing, Hunting, other outdoor Sports In Canada and U.S. No obliga- tions Eichenberg, U.S.V,A.H., Liver- more, California, U.S.A. STAMPS 100 DIFFERENT stamps 10e To Collectors Requesting Approvals Winston Phllpott Box 308 Botwcod, Nfld., Canada TRADE SCHOOLS ACETYLENE,electric welding and Argon courses. Canada Welding. Can. non and Balsam N., Hamilton. Shop LI. 4-1284. Res. LI 5.6203 TRUCKS FOR SALE '53 MERCURY tow truck, power winch, rear controls, small steam jenny with small repairs. E. Lloyd, Phelpston, Ont. WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST Prices Paid for old Canada, U.S. Newfoundland stamp s -c o 1 n s. Write, Joe Morgan, Dunkirk, NF CASH ON THE LINE ---Detroit Tigers first baseman Norm Cash, the American League's 1961 batting champ, is a picture of power and concentration as he smashes the ball during the Tigers -St. Louis •game' in St. Petersburg, Fla.