HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-04-05, Page 8SHOP AT STEHVART EROS. FOR Easter Clothes FOR THE BOY 'R Boys' All -Weather' TOP.OATS Just like Dad's, continental style reversible topooate in neat checks, reversing to plain shades. Sizes 8 to -16 12.95 • Boys2 Pant PSuits. New Olive cheeks, plain char- coal, and plain olive two 'pant suits for boys in new continen- tal styles, Sizes 8 to 16 25.95 Boys' Spring Windbreakers New random cords, corduroys,' checks, two -tones and terylene windbreakers. Rayon lined, and zipper front. Size 6 to 13 4.95 to 7.95-' • BOYS WHITE NO -IRON SHIRTS 4 to 6x Sizes 1.95 8 to 16 Sizes 2.95 8 to 16 White Terylene , 3,95 • BOYS DRESS PANTS 450 to 7.95 BOYS SPORT COATS 11.95 to 14.95 3 to 6x COTTON SLIMS 1 95 to 2.95 NEW KNITTED SHIRTS 1 95 to •2.95 BOYS BANLON EXIT SHIRTS 4.95 STEWART 13ROS. THE STORE FOR BOYS' WEAR 110111111111111111111111111141/1111111111111 .......... I ttttttttttt iiiiiiii iiiii lllllllllllll I llllllllllllllll iiiiiiii lllllll 1131" For savings and service BUY SEEIJ FROM TOUR FRIENDLY JM DEALER Don't take chances with seed from un- familiar sources. Rely on your local JONES, MacNAUGHTON seed dealer to give you complete satisfaction. Specify JONES, MacNAUGTON SEEDS at your Dealer's Or call us direct: Exeter phone 235-0363 Crediton phone 234.6363 London phone GB 2.2258 ?a , MEN WANTED Two young men wanted, of good character and willing to take responsibility, building silos with JONATHAN HUGILL & SONS PHONE HU 2.9822 CLINTON Or apply at our Farin 3 miles west of Seaforth on Highway 8 (Highest wages to right men) NOTICE We stock bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners. Irvin's H.dwe„ Seaforth FOR SALE 10 choice Hereford steer calves around G00 lbs, Apply Glen Rose, RR 4, Seaforth, phone 652r13. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company M9UL WP MUTUAL FiRE iNSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Street SEAFORTH insures • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea- forth; Win, Leiper, Jr„ Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold .Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Haton, Seaforth CARD OF THANKS we wish to express, our thanks to all out- friends, Rev. Mr, Brit- ton,, Mr. Whitney and MuirRest Hanle for their 1Cindtles5 to our ant, the late Miss Maud Fere'1is- on. Mrs. Donid Noehar and Ressell Ferguson. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks to all my rreigltborsand friends for their kindness to my family and for the beautiful get -well cards. Sadie Jackson CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my iriends'and neighbors for their kindness dur- ing my recent illness, also Dr. Brady and Dr. Malkirs; the nurses and stall of the hospital; also those wbo sent cards, gifts, treats and flowers. It will always be re- membered, Charles Eyre CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who visited rine andsent cards while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Markus and -the .nursing staff. Michael McLaughlin I Estate Auction $ale Clearing auction sale of Farm .Stank, Maehiucry and lloileebeltl (%apes at lot 15 731fl 1 i road xed north, 1 mile. west Of Varna, 0n equity road, Sattlr'day, '`April 1901 at 1 p.m,; Cattle — 8• Hereford yearling Heifers and steers 1111aahinery--4Vassey Harris 44 tractor; Allis 'trader with or without loader; " r el, 6 ft, Mos; sey combine; No, 46 MoCernmiok Deering baler; George White, spring tooth cultivator on rubber; 4-seetion spring tooth harrows; 5 -section drag harrows; 2 -section laird roller; international side de - lively lake; set of McQor'miek Deering double disk; McCormick Deering 13 -run seed drill; 3,fur- ronv tractor plow; rubber tired wagon and rack; Gehl hammer mill; 7 ft. Ceekshutt. mower; Massey binder; 20 ft. Silver Chief bale elevator; 10 ft. 4 -inch grain auger; Massey Harris tractor ma- nure 'spreader; electric motor; 6. can milk cooler; single can De - Laval milker; McCormick Deer- ing power washing cream separa- tor; eparator; Pioneer chain saw; Lawn Patrol lawn (sower;' McCor'mic'k Deering milking machine; 3 milk cans; bean souffier for tractor; 'dump rake; 1950 half ton Dodge truck and rack; sleigh; 400 4.inch tile; hay loader; fanning mill;' hand lawn mower. Hay and Grain -500 bales of hay; .500 bales of straw; 800 .bus, mixed grain, Household Dfi'ectS— Dining room table and 6 chairs; exten- sion table and 6 chairs; drop leaf table; New Williams sewing ma- chine; antique glass cupboard; :corner cupboard, kitchen . etiip- board; studio couch; bureau; 2 complete bedrooms spites; rug 12x 15; rug 9x12,, occasional chairs; churn, walnut couch, reeking •chairs, chest of drawers; 2 burn- er electric plate;' dishes, lainpa, sealers. Other articles too numer- ous to •mention. :Tennis, cash. Prop., Estate of late Lloyd Johnston; Executrix, ,Miss Rachel Johnston; auctioneer, Harold Jackson; Clerk, George Powell. Estate Auction Sale Clearing auction sale of Prop- erty, Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 31, Con. 13, Mc- Killop township; 8 miles north of •Seaforth and 114 west, or 2 miles south of Walton and 1% west, on Monday, April 10th at 1,20 p.m. Machinery—Dump rake, pack- er; 14 ft. hay rack, steel tired wagon, gravel box, hay loader, wooden land roller, 4 -section -har- rows, 2 set horse drawn disks; 2 walking plows, fanning m�i11, s'cuf- fler, turnip seeder, cyclone grass seeder, scales, set House scales, new roll wire fence, roll snow fence, nfail box, tricycle, stone boat, grind stone, vise, pig crate, ladders, 2 lawn mowers, wheel barrow*, cutting box, bar- rels, aluminum scoop shovel, ap- prox. 25 bundles of cedar shingles, quantity of .plank, horse collars, harness, fencing tools, garden tools, ropes, grain bags, cistern punap, sugar kettle, champion snow blower. .Household :Effects -1 new 2 - piece chesterfield suite, 1 3 -piece Chesterfield suite, oak dining room suite, buffet, book case, mantle radio, Bell organ, phono- graph and records, studio couch, 3 bedroom suites, odd beds, com- mode ohhir, rocking chair's, ward- robe, small tables, tri4igdit lamps, fernery, kitchen cabinet, number of cupboards, foot stool, quantity of dishes, fruit jars, orocks, an- tique clock, coal oil lamps, picture frames, quilts, feather ticks, lea-. then :pillows, cushions, old sofa, trunks, mats, 1 large Sunshine table top electric range; coal or wood range and pipes; small kit- chen range, Electrolux vacuum cleaner; Beatty electric ironer; Singer sewing machine; 2 good panel doors; window screens; cream Dans; quantity o1 wood. Other articles too numerous to CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my _sincere thanks to all my friends, neigh- bors and relatives for the lovely flowers, fruit, cards and visits; to all kind people who took my mother to visit me while I was a patient in S.t, Joseph's Hospital,. London. Special thanks to Dr. Gorwill, Dr. Bailey and Dr. Seim - ore, the Sisters and nurses and staff on third floor S; the Cana- dian Legion Branch 11556, Seaforth, for transportation to and from hospital; all others who helped in any way; it was •greatly appre- ciated, Stan, Nicholls COMING EVENT The Gingham Dance in the Con- stance COP hall on Friday, April 13th, with Jim :Scott's orchestra, Novelty dances and $5 draw on admission tickets. Proceeds for. Cancer Ftind, COMING EVENT Annual Spring Tea of Unit 2, Northside UCW, will be field on Wednesday, May 9, at 3 O'clock. Mrs, Elizabeth Hoey, noted text- ile designer of Guelph, will be the guest speaker FOR SALE Motors and parts for '51 Ohev., '50 Ford, '50 1Pontnac, '47 Dodge; also :parts for '53 •Ford, '48 1 -ton Ford, etc., 3 car radios.. Phone 275w1, Hens'all, FOR SALE 1957 TV set; iron bedstead; solid oak chest and dresser; ohes- terfield chair; vacuum cleaner. Phone 473W. Rev. J, Ure Stewart. FOR SALE A choice purebred Yorkshire boar, 8 months old. Stanley Jack- son, phone Seaforth 672r5 • TO RENT 100 acres of grass, Lot 2, con. 4, Hullett, good pasture, shade and water. Apply to Secord Me - Brien, phone 575w Seaforth FOR SALE 10 pigs about .nine weeks olid, for sale. John Nigh, phone 603J4, FOR SALE A number of young sows, first litter, York,Landrace cross, bred York, due soon. Ervin 'Sillery, Brucefield, phone Clinton Hu2- 7590._ FOR SALE - 2 screen doors,2 house doors, some soil pipe •and water pipe, tongue -grooved lumber and other lumber, 50 white brick. Phone 60311. Herta seedO barrlley ELorne Fell, Phone 48r11, Dublin. FOR. SALE Quantity of Gary seed oats, also •nixed grain, ,Gary oats and Herta barley. Fred Herbert, phone Dtnblin 76r11, NOTICE Watch for auction sale of live- stock and implements of the Es- tate of Wm. Dantzer, likely- with- in two weeks, at lot 1, con. 4, Me- Killop twp., 2 miles north .of Dub- lin on county road. Brick for O R SALE posts 'with cem- ent caps, Wallace 'Ross, phone 135J FOR SALE • Dry maple blocks for furnace 04,50 a cord. Dry stove wood 35 a, cord. Kindling $8,50 a cord. De- livered in town; limited supply. Wallace Ross, phone 1353. ORa Red •clove nd ALEalfalfaseed, cleaned at Londesboro. Leslie Pryce, r.r. 1 Dublin; 850r14, Sea - forth, FOR SALE Special sale of apples from April 9th to 14th. Cooking and eating apples $1 a bushel at the farm. Bring your own containers, Fred MoOlymont & Sons, 1 mile south of Varna. ' 200 bales O of good mixed alfalfa and timothy hay. Torrance Dun- das, Walton; phone Brussels 390 w5. SHARP'S MAINTENANCE SERVICE Lawn Movers — Have your lawn mower serviced now. Com- plete service on all makes: Lawn Rolling, and Fertilizing Service -- Power lawn roller for rent, Lawn Fertilizer for sale. Do it yourself, or we can provide- lawn rolling and fertilizing ser- vice. Phone 863-3-1 ORDER YOUR FUNK'S G -HYBRID SEED CORN now for a dependable high yielcl- ii5g 1962 Corn Crop—either grain or ensilage. See tis also for "bet- ter buys" in tillage equipment, (cultivators, discs, packers, eta) manure spreaders and loader's, hammormilI and feed mixer units, hog, poultry and ventilation equip- ment, etc. HAUGH BRO.S. Bruceflelcl, phone C4t1r 668R23 MILTON J. DIETZ Seaforth 0001121 Property—Will be offered for sale at 4 p.m. Parcel 1—Lot 30, Con. 12, Mc;K4llop, twp., 100 acres add in grass, frame drive shed, good well and windmill, Parcel '2—Part of Lot 31, Con, 12, 50 acres, approx. 12 acres plowed. Part of Lot 31, Con, 13, 47/ acres all in grasp; 2 storey red brick house and cement drive shed, Sold subject to reserve bid, 10% down, balance in 30 days, Immed- iate possession, Ohattels cash. Prop,, Estate of Late Russel Barrows; Executors, Cora S. Bar- rows,: Barry Marslhall; auction-, eer, Harold Jackson; Clerk, Geo. Powell. FOR WALE Viking cream separator. •Phone 566w, Seaforth, John Byerman, FOR SALE Oase threshing machine, steel body, .on rubber, with Ebersal shredder, and grain thrower; in real good condition, Francis Cole- man, phone 838r22, Seaforth. HELP -WANTED �wanted. FEMALE Highland Shoes, Seaforth. BOARDERS WANTED Room and board for men or girls. Phone 236, FOR SALE 100. acre grass farm, 3 miles. from Seaforth, all )rermanent pasture, 37900. 100, acre farm, good buildings, in Morris twp, A good selection of farms, 100 to 200 acres in MoKiliop, Tucker smith, Stanley, Hibbert and Hal- lett townships, , A trucking business for sale, 42,000 down, Worth investigating, Jos. McConnell REALTOR Seaforth NOTICE Tuokersmiltli municipal Damp will be open until further notice on Wednesday and rSaturday af- ternoons, from 1 to 5,80 Pan, 3. I, McIntosh, Clerk Auction Sale ;there will be, offered: for sale on the premie ea. of the late Rob en1 d, I71g'ie, Lot 3, Coat 0, Tuck- ersntitlt, 4 miles west et Stalls oil. county read, or G males south of Seaforth and 11/t nrtles east, on Tuesday, April 17111 at 1.30 p.m,; tritMements-70 model Cock• shute tractor, in good condition; Coe1001111tt 3 furrlw 'plow; Mc- Corinick Deering tandem disk, nearly new; Horse •drawn disk; manure spreader, cultivator, 001 tipeoket; 13 -ion International fer- tilizer drill, nearly new; 5 -section harrows; International side rake, nearly new; hay loader, hay Md. der; International mower, nearly now; walking :plough; scattier; weigh scales; sleighs, buggy, cite- ter, stock rack,• turnip sower, oat roller, 'Massey Harris binder, rub- ber tired wagon with gravel box, sliding hay rack, Goodlson thresh- ing machine' and drive belt; Int emotional No. 2 electric cream; separator, new; wheel barrow, ]adder, forks, harness, sap pans and buckets, numerous other ar- tieles and some household effects. Farre—At the same time the farm, consisting of 100' acres; 92 acres , workable, good clay loan; 8 acres of woodland; good build- ings; will be offered for sale sub - Pact to reserve bid. Tennis, chattels cash; real est- ate, 10% down on date of Sale,` balance 30 days, Prop„ Mrs. Robert Flgie; Auc tioneer, Harold Jackson; Clerk, Geo, Powell, Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm, Fanny 'Stock, Dairy D' quipment, Machinery & House- hold Effects—At Lot 6, Con. 9, 'Morris Township, 11/z miles east 01 Blyth, on Wednesday, April 11 at 12 o'clock, Cows—Ayrshire (Reg.), bred. Poll Hereford, Aug. 1; Ayrshire, bred- Poll Hereford July 14; Ayr- shire, bred Poll Hereford July 18; Ayrshire (Reg.), bred Ayrshire •Gaetty II July 7; Angus-Swias1 bred Poll Hereford July 11; Ayr- shire -Hereford, bred Poll Here- ford Sept,- 1; Ayrshire -Hereford, bred Poll Hereford Sept 9; Ayr- shire (Reg.) bred Ayrshire Gaei- ty II, Oct. 7; Ayrsvhire, bred Poll Hereford Nov. 9; Holstein-Here- ford, olstein Here -ford, bred Poll Hereford Dec. 12; Ayrshire, bred Poll Hereford Dec, 19; Ayrshire, bred Poll Hereford Mar. 6; Ayrshire heifer, bred -Poll Ayrshire Mar. 22; Holstein, fresh 6 months, open;• Ayrshire (Reg.) fresh :2 months, open; Holstein ,Swiss, fresh 1 month, -open; Angus Swiss heifer, fresh 1 alio nth; Ayrshire heifer, bred Poll Ayrshire Dec. 16. Cattle -8 Hereford steers, 1,200 lbs.; 2•Aynshire-Hereford heifers 800 lbs:-; ,.Ayrshire steer, 850 lbs.; Ayrshire -Hereford heifer, 650 the; 3 Durham -Hereford heifers, 1,100 lbs.; Ayrshire heifer 600 lbs,; 2 Hereford steers, 550 lbs.• 4 Here- ford heifers, 460 lbs.; 2:Hereford steers, 400 lbs. Calves—Ayrshire bull calf, unit, 2 months; Angus -Swiss -Hereford heifer; Hereford -Swiss heifer. Fall Calves: 2 Hereford -Ayrshire steers; Hereford heifer. Dairy Equipment—Massey Har- ris Perfection milking machine, 4 years old, 2 single units, stall calks for' 22 cows; No, 11 Massey Harris cream separator; 5 can milk cooler, water emersion; 4 •milk cans; wash stand for milk cans. Implements—Champion oat rol- ler, 1 hp. motor air cooled, dust proof with feed bin; Papec ham- mer mill, 13 inch with' quantity of screens; Robert Bell thresher, like new, 24-40 with cutter and 150 x 7" drive belt, almost new and 20 ft. grain elevator; 16 ft: flat rolling rack; 5 ton Massey Harris wagon (6 ply tires, Fire- stone); 8 ft. Oliver land packer; 8 ft. Massey tandem disc (18" Western) ; 5 ft. Cockshutt 1 way disc; International hay rake; Massey Harris 44, gas, A-1 condi- tion; Massey Harris Eft. power mower; Pioneer Twin chainsaw,' new ohain and sprocket; heat houser for Massey Harris; 2 elec- tric fencers; 3 furrow ace bottom plough with skimmers; Massey Harris 7 ft. binder (6B); Massey Harris hay' loader, like new; 2 wheel trailer; " pig crates; hand clutch for 44.gas tractor; work bench; quantity of electric steel fence posts; 2 sets 4 section har- rows; log boat; gravel box; cedar posts; anohor posts; 12" cutting box, reverse gears; T•45 Inter- national hay bailer,' power take- off; logging chains; gas cans; grease; oil; block and tackle stretchers; 2 heavy steel blocks; fencing wire; shovels; 2 pig self feed troughs; 3 cement pig troughs, 4 ft. long; 6" belt splicer,. vice type; cattle dehorner and soldering head (large); bench' mandril and stone; bench vice; • broom, pails, etc.; 300 . ft. water hose; set 2000 lb . heam scales; water trough, galvanized, large size; 50 ft. 6" belt; hay fork, quantity draw rope and trip rape;. quantity hay, grain and straw; grain bags and box holder, Poultry Equipment -2 800 size electric' brooders; 400 size elec- tric brooder; electric pig brood- er• colony house, double boarded, 10 x 12, insulated; quantity of feeders, trough, fountains and heaters. Household Effects -chest of drawers; dressers, beds, springs, writing desk, electric lamps, dish- es, etc, - Farm—At the same place, 3.30 p.m„ farm will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid. 95 acres of clay loam workable • land, 2 storey brick house with modern conyeniences; large bank barn with milk house, drive shed, hen house and garage, Terms; Chattels, cash' Property made known day of sale. Proprietor, Glen Gibson,: Auottoneer, Harold Jackson, Clerk, George Powell; Feed turnips 5 Acemte bushel, Theo Heuiwert, Lot 5, Con, 9, Tuokersmith, Phone 653r2, Sea - forth, 8 --THE' SEAPORT CLEARING 1�1WS Thursday, April 5, 902: I AUCTION SALE. Cloaring auction Sale of Aianm Stook and Machinery at La 28, Cptt. 9, MOKiI]op township, luslf mile west of 'Winthrop, Or live mules Math of Seiloi'th, on `1'ueta- dey, April 10th at 1 P.M. Machinery - Allis' Chalmers tractor WD 45;'2 Wurd 3 -furrow plows, hydraulic; Coekshutt '3 futroly plow an rubber, like new; traptor disk; fertilizer seed drill; set -of scales; steel roller; sub soil oultiivator; rubber tired wa- gon; 16 ft. fray rack; buck wake; 32 ft. extension ladder; 7 Lt, MH binder; 4 section spring tooth, harrows; fanning mill; steel wa- ter tank, •Cows -2 Jersey cows,. milking; 10 good Holstein cows, some fresh and others to freshen in May, June and August; 9 Holstein het- Pers, bred in Dec, and Jan,; 1 reg- istered Poll Angus bull; nuanber of young calves. Pigs -1 Landrace sow with 12 pigs • six weeks old. 1 Landrace sow with 8, pigs 9 weeks old; 2 sows, bred in Jan.; 3 sows bred in Feb.; 4 young sows, half. Lan- drace, half Lacombe; bred Feb. lot; 1 collie dog. Hay and Grain -400 burs. Rod- ney oats, 400 bus, mixed grain; 100 bales of hay; 1 mow loose hay; el'e'ctric brooder, 2 shelters, cedar posts, lumber, forks, shov- els, chains, -other artieies' too nu- merous to mention. Terms cash. Prop., Theron Betties; auction- eer, Harold Jaokson; Clerk, Geo: Powell, ' - No reserve, Farm sold, Clearing Auction Sale Farm Mock, Int:dernents, 1 -lay, Grain and Household Effects .At Lot 28, Can, 5, Logan Twp,, 2/ miles north, 3 miles west of Mitchell, or 2/ miles north and 2 miles east of Dublin, on Friday, Apr11.6th, at 1 o'clock sharp, con- sisting of: ' Catble—Cow, 4 years, fresh 2 months, rebred, Hereford; cow, 3 years, fresh 2 months, rebred, Hereford; cony, 3 years, bred, Hereford; cow, 3 years, due •tune. of sale; caw; 3 s; fresh• nronbhs, ;'abrade yearcony, 2 year's2; fresh 2 months; cow, 5 years, due time of sale; cow, 3 years, fresh; 2 cows, 3 years, due . May 15th 1 Holstein, due October; 3 Hol- stein heifers, due August; 1 open Holstein heifer; 4 Holstein heifer calves. (All Holsteins are excep- tionally good). 4 Durham and Herefords, yearling steers and heifers 700 lbs. Hags -4 hogs, 160 lbs. Dairy Equipment - 1 4 -can spray milk cooler, new, still un- der guarantee, 1 1 -can milk cool- er, .and milk cans. Implements — 1 Oliver tractor No. 55, , hydraulic, belt pulley, lights, starter. 2 -furrow Oliver plow, new. 1 Me. Deering 8% ft, heavy spring tooth cultivator. 1 culto,packer Me -Deering, 8% foot, 1 Fleury Bissell tractor spreader. 1'John Deere 9 Poot pull ;tip we- ther, new. 1 6 -ft. Cockshutt :com+b- ine, with scour clean. 1 7 -ft. Oliv- er power mower. 1 New Idea. 4- bar side rake, new. 1 Mie, -Deer- ing #45 hay baler with motor, 5 years old: 1 Mc; -Deering 13 -run. fertilizer drill. 1 Oardnell' bale elevator, 20 ft., with motor. 1 rub- ber tired wagon and new flat rack, 16 ft. 1 20 -ft. 4 -inch grain auger; 1 farming n1i11 with sieves; 1 emery on motor. 1 40. footextension ladder. 1 Strunk cIain saw with 3 chains. 1 oircu- lar saw and blade. 1 Maytiller garden tractor. 1 40 -font endless belt; 1 4 -section Diamond har- rows. 16 new iron fence posts. 4 .pig feeders. 1 electric 4 -light chicken brooder. 'Sap pan and number, of pads. Grain -500 bus. Oats, Rodney.. 75 bus. York barley grown from reg. seed. Hay and Straw -700 bales, mixed. 700 bales straw. Truck—One 1953 Dodge ,-ton. with stock rack. This truck is in good shape. - Household Effects — 1 Wing - ham coal and wood range, white enamel. 1 kitchen table and chains, 1 piano in good shape. and other household effects, 1 pure bred Gelman shepherd dog 2 years old, a good cattle and watch dog. A host of other arti- cles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale, cash. 8% sales tax in effect where it applies. No reserve as farm is sold. Adolph Krugel, Prop. Joseph L. Ryan, Auctioneer Clerk, Jas. McQuaid Auction Sale On Saturday, April 7, at 1.30 p.m. in the village of Dublin, con- sisting of Lot No, 3, on East street in the T. King survey, 130 story stucco house, good base- ment, hydro, pressure system, hard ,and soft water. There is 2 - story cement stable with .garage attached. One 1957 Chevrolet '4, ton truck, in good Shape: Terms on truck cash. Terms on proper- ty. 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days: Property sold subject to reserve bid. Administrators, Peter Ryan, William Ryan. 3, L. Ryan, Auctioneer WANTED TO RENS- Young couple requires immed- iate living accommodation in Seaforth or Egmondville, Phone Ken Moore, 600R 31 • Carpenter wa kToD all kinds, specializing in kitchen cabinets;. Cliff Skolrod, phone 831r11, Sea - forth,: • Certified Garry SALE oats, Clean- ed, treated and sealed or in bulk uncleaned, Spencer Jeffery, 11110 Dublin._ WANTED ' A young married man, with farm background, to operate own businese. Mechanical and sales ability an asset. Apply by letter to Box 3, The Seaforth News, BOX Funeral Home AMBULANCE Prompt' snd Careful Attention. Hospital Hod Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 090W MARTIN W,, STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone •90 , Res. 605 JOHN A, GORWILL, B.A., M.O. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaiortb eMI.o SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L, Brady, M.D., Surgeon Dr. E. Melina • Office ,Moors, 1 p.m, to 5 p.m. daily except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings: Tuesday & Thurs. 7-9 p,, Appointments made is advance an desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY. CLINIC- J.O. TURNBULL, D,V.M„ V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V•M., V.S, W.0, DRENNAN, D.V,M,, V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Longstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W,, Seaforth Phone 791 ,Hours-Seaforth de11y except Mon, 9 Is 6.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Schur. atm by appointment only. Clinton HU42-7010, shove Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.80 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability - • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 AND FUEL , OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 Res. 286 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life. JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen R 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Telephone 852-R.12 Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PHONE 7.5 SEAFORTH Office in Jackson Aluminum Bldg. Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco. Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. offices and 26 salesmen to Serve you WANTED TO BUY I would like to buy a small or medium -size roll top desk, •' Also antiques, in china, glees, brass, copper, lamps, Small pieces of furniture or anything else In this line. Write -to 616 Ontario St., •Stratford, The Seaforth Newel "Authorized as Second-Olass Mail by the Post Office De. pirtment, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in ;cash,"