HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-04-05, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NI1WS, Tlitirsclay, April 8, 1362-5 ,.. SMITH'SSUPERIOR Food Market FAMILY PACK TOILET TISSUE 4 roll g37 c (SCOTT) (WHITE or YELLOW) TREESWEET ORANGE A 2 JUICE 48 oz tin 43c LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS 3 pkgs 26c ELLMAR PEANUT 9c BUTTER 16 oz jar 2 G+ DUNCAN HINES DELUXE 9 ty CAKE MIXES pkg sac White, Devil's Food, Cocoanut, Fudge, cherry GOLDEN DEW c MARGARINE 2 1 -ib pkgs 47c TEXAS CARROTS 2 3 ib cello ' 33c FLORIDA JUICE 2 ORANGES 'dot 39c COME WITH THE CROWD TO LIONS BINGO Approved by the Proper Authorities SAT., APRIL 14th AT LEGION HALL HAMS AND TURKEYS 3 DOOR PRIZES 5 BIG SPECIALS 15 GAMES TICKETS 1.00 -- 15 GAMES SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB PROCEEDS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS WORK Town of Seaforth PROCLAMATION Chamber of Commerce Week April 8th td 14th WHEREAS, this community can benefit from friendly rela- tionship among business competitors, between our town and the surrounding area and other communities across Canada, between employer and employee; WHEREAS, the Seaforth Chamber of Commerce is a volun- tary organization of citizens enabling us all to work together to achieve the above goals and generally to improve busi- ness, to build a better community, and to develop better citizenship in our community, our province and our country; WHEREAS,_this community can benefit from new industries, good conditions, more tourists, civic improvements, more jobs, better facilities for education, health and recreation; 1, by virtue of the powers vested in me, do hereby proclaim civic support for Chamber of Commerce Week being ob- served nationally April 8 - 14, and call on all citizens to lend their 'interest, support and co-operation in making this observance successful in every way EDMUND DALY Mayor "God Save The Queen" l '1960 CHEVROLET BEL AIR COACH, a.t.-r. 1957 CHEVROLET COACH, A.T. 1957 HILLMAN SEDAN 1954 FORD SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET SI)DAN D17LIVERY NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service .MITCHELL ` SEAFORTH Phone G. I'awm 186 Phone 541 TOWN TOPICS Mrs, Violet @lance, of Brace - bridge, •spent the week end at the 101140 of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Coleman, Ilov, J, Ure and Mrs. Stewart attended the funeral on T14esday of the late Mrs, Alex, Hammond of Moorefield, Mr. and Mrs, Norman MacLean and •'Viz^ and M Mervin Not al Mrs. n M M vi t returned this week 11,041 a trip to Testas and Mexico, Stan Nicholls has returned home from St. Joseph's, Hospital, London, Mrs. Elva Ellis attended the Teaohers Federation convention M Toronto last week end, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Ramon: who 'have resided on Goderich st. for the past three years, moved to Petawawa where he will b'e employed with the Toronto - Dominion Bank branch. Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Delaney of Thorold, Mrs. Nan Naylor of Hamilton, Mrs, Rata Davison and. Mrs. Alberta Clow and Mrs. Al- bert Kinnear of St. Catharines •and 1VIr, and Mrs. James Doig of •Seaforth visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baker on Thursday, prior to attending the district reception for the grand officers of the Order of the East- ern Star, held in the Legion hall Thursday evening. Mr. John Blair and Miss Sharon Hotham of Brantford spent Sun- day at her home. Mr. Harry Jessome is a patient in Westminster hospital, London, where he was taken on Sunday evening. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. John Long, Owen Sound, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Long, Woodford, and Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Ulch, Windsor, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. 'Barbara Gratuk of Hamilton, recently visited her cousin, Kar- en Littleton, Mr. Wm. Coleman of Kippen has purohased the Monteith farm •front Mr. H. R. Arnold, and Mr. Maurice Oniniee of Wallaceburg purchased the Henderson farm from Mr, Arnold, possession to be taken shortly. !Mr. Arthur Finlayson had a successful sale Saturday of farm implements and stock. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and ,fatniiy of Lindsay were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T, L. Scott, where a family dinner in honor of Mrs. E. Moore's 80111 birthday was held on Satur- day evening, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Wallace of Oarlingford visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace. Misses Barbara and Marian Dinnell of Kirkton spent the week end with Miss Alice Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and familyof Goderioh visited on Sat- urday with relatives in the vil- lage, Mrs, E. Moore was taken sud- denly ill on Saturday evening and was removed to Seaforthhosp1tal early Sunday morning. lira. Dan, McInnes et Thanzes- dord and Miss Myrle Sweet of Sarnia visited on Saturday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wack- er. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing, Lorraine and David, visited in •Clinton on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jefferson. Mr. Lindsay MoKellar, Doug and Laurie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ferg MoKellar at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coleman, %Seaforth, and Mrs. Violet Quance of Bracebridge, visited Sunday af- ternoon with illr, and Mrs. Frank Allen. The induotion service of . Rev. John C. Boyne, B,A., B.D., as min- ister 0f Cavan Presbyterian ,Ohuroh, Exeter, and Cromarty Presbyterian Church, took place in Cromarty church on WeBnes- day evening before a large con- gregation. The service was in charge of the Stratford Presby- tery and was conducted ay the moderator, Rev. Hugh Wilson of Shakespeare. Rev. Robert M. Bis- sett, of Avonton, interim modera- tor, outlined the steps leading up to the induction. The sermon was preached by Rev. William Weir of Knox Presbyterian Churoh, Stratford, and the address to the minister and the congregation was given by Rev. Bruce A. Miles of Listowel. A reception for Mr, and Mrs. Boyne was held at the close of the service. Mr. Boyne graduated from Knox College, To- ronto, in 1959, after winning sev- eral soholarships during his stu- dies. He was ordained in his home church at Listowel and since then has been serving at George Pres- byterian Chinch, Victoria, B.C, His wife is the former Jean M. Ferguson, Hamilton, a 19,60 grad - mile of the Presbyterian mission- ary and deaconess training school in Toronto. They leave .a six months .old son. LONDES8ORO 8lis UCW are Shonaerl1448 "TileLeast of the Seven Tables" to be held in the ehuixh on AMU 12th areal 0,30 o'clock 041, 45 members of tiie WI attended the Sunshine' Slaters banquet last Tuesday evening izl the Constance. Church, the Constance ladies eat- .aring. A sumptuous turkey dinner was served. A hilarious Hour was enjoyed when the Sunshine Sis- ters were revealed, A pregnant of music, a0cordio.n and piano seise - tions and a number of contests maids an enjoyable evening ter everyone. Visitors over the weak end with Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Wood were Mr. and Mrs, 13111 Andrew and children, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Wood and children, of Wingham. Mrs. Mabel Scott spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Alister Broadfoot in Tuekersmith, •M1'. and Mrs, Barry Pipe and baby daughter of London spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe. On Thursday evening the lint - lett Federation of Agriculture heid their arogressive euchre party. The winners were, high, Mrs. aim 'Howatt, Jack Riley; both lone hands, Jack Riley; con- solation, Betty Jean McGregor, Kenneth Gaunt; special prize, `Non by McGregor family. The Good Neighbor Club met at the honkie of Mrs. Nelson Lear with 13 members and one visitor, The vice pres. opened the meet- ing. A motion was carried to do= nate $5 to the Crippled Children fund. A social hour was spent fol- lowed by lunch. The group accept- ed an invitation to visit at the home of Miss Allis Toll of Wa- wanosh in June. STA FFA Mrs. Lloyd Miller was hostess for the I4Iaroh meeting of the Staffs Women's Institute on Wed- nesday afternoon, March 28. There were 15 members and 6 visitors present, Agriculture, and Canadian Industries was the theme, of the meeting with Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mrs. Bert Fell in charge. The motto "The love of the land lies deep in the heart of man" was prepared by Mrs. Lloyd Miller and read by Mrs. John Templeman. Roll call was answered with a current event in Agriculture: Mrs. Bert Fell chose as her topic a very inform- ative address on Dr. Helen Able who recently returned from NI- geria where she was on loan as a teacher by the Federal Depart- ment of Agriculture. Mrs. Gerald Agar read the household hints which had been. prepared by Mrs. Ruby Reed. Mrs. Bert Fell and Mrs. Cecil Bowman each gave 5 minute accounts on British Col- umbia, Mrs. Fell's on natural wild Life and Mrs. • Bowman's on cities and towns. The president, Mns. Russell Worden presided for the business. The secretary, Mrs. John Milder read a letter from the Foster,Parent Plan. Plans were discused for; the South Perth District annual in Btaffa township hall in May. Com- mittees were named: Meals;' Mrs. Carter Kerslake, lVlrs. Lloyd. -Mil- ler and Mrs. Roy McDonald; clean up, Mrs. John Templeman, Mrs. Ross S.male, Mrs. Gerald Agar, Mrs. Russell Worden; dec- orating, Mrs. John Miller, ' Mrs. Torn Laing and Miss Vera Hanib- ley. Mrs. Wilbur Glanville and Mrs. Roy McDonald were in change of the program. Solos were enjoyed from Judy Jeffery and Craig Kerslake and Brenda Kerslake and Elizabeth Smale fa- voured with a duet. A discusion lead by Miss Vera Hambley on re- finishing furniture was enjoyed by all, lunch was served by the committee in charge assisted by the hostess. 'The March meeting of the U,C!W was held in Staffa United Church on Wednesday, March 21. Mrs. Gerald Agar opened the meeting with the call to worship followed by a singsong of Easter hymns. Mrs. Robert MaCaughney read the scripture lesson followed by some thoughts to remember in this Lenten season. Mrs. R. D. Sadler flavoured with a solo. Mrs, A. H. Daynard conducted the bus- iness and plans were made to en- tertain some of the neighbouring church women at the April meet- ing. The ladies were asked to keep in mind the used clothing for their spring bale. The meet- ing closed with a hymn followed by lunch served by Miss Vera Hanibley and Mrs. R. D. Sadler. Two quilte were quilted during the afternoon. Miss Anne Wiebe, Kitoheuer, was a student teacher at SS No. 3, Hibbert, this past week. She stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parsons and family, Mr. David Kemp was a student teacher at Lumley school in Us - borne Township this past week. Mr. Eric Norris from the OAC, Guelph,.spent the week end with his father, Mr. Sam Norris. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris; Patti and Susan and Mrs Sam Norris LOOK TRIS MAY BE YOUR LUCKY DAY • RED TAG SALE SAVINGS PLUS PRIZES Bring your circular to our store. Match your LUCKY NUMBER with numbers displayed. on our RED TAG SPECIALS. If you are successful in doing this you can win a lucky RED TAG prize absolutely free IRVIN'S fIardware Seaforth, Ont. spent the week 511,(1 with relatives in Brampton and Agincourt, Mr, Arthur Snzoae is a patient lit Stratford (oneral hospital. Jean and Donald dole,Cronar- tx, visited tea ov ithe week end With Mr. and Mrs, John Temple, Man and family. BORN • Hellinga --- In Scott Memorial hospital, on March 30111, to Mr. 'and Mrs, Fred Hellinga, RR 3, Walton, a daughter. 25th Anniversary A saeial evening to honor Mr, and Mr's, William Dennis on the occasion of their Silver Wedding Anniversary Is being ltelcl in the Walton Community Hall on SATURDAY, APRIL 7th at 8.16 p.m. The evening will be spent playing euchre. All friends and neighbors are welcome. Ladies please bring sandwiches. EUCHRE AND PLAY Sponsored 11y Seaforth W.I. MONDAY, APR, 16 AT 8.30 PM. Int Seaforth District High School Junior Farmer Play "Corning Round the Mountain" (Drama,Festival V1 11110 z Tickets will be available 1ng Winner) members and at door Lunch served ATTENTION! DON'T DHSS Crusade 11111111111111111111111111111111111„11111, 11,11111111111111' 11111.0.4111111 o, n 111111.11 ll u l l 11 y 11,11 n 111111 u 1 SOUTH HURON YOUTH FOR CHRIST APRIL 8th to 13th WHETHER YOU'RE 16 OR 60 • - YOU'LL ENJOY Sunday only in Seaforth Presbyterian Church COMING EVANGELIST JOE BAKER FEATURES Mon TEEN FILM * SUPER Fri FUNSPIRATION PLUS Inspiring Music Sparkling Song Service SEAFORTH Legion Hall, 8 p.m. un1"uuO,,,,,11,111,1101,1 WI U"111„O,"OIO"IIOIu",1111 ,llllLI,1$1111111/111)11,14(1.1) lllllllll llllllllll 41114111f lllllllllll llllllllllllllll ft.llllllll(111111,1111 REMEMBER PRAY For Crusade preparations now in progress For the Executive and committee chairmen That many souls will be won for Christ r WH E N YO .w we simply try to make it easier Even bank people get annoyed when their customers are subjected to delays. (The line-up on pay days is a favourite example) . We know how inconvenient these things are for you .. . and we're constantly looking for ways to improve them. No bank is perfect— but we try to make the Toronto -Dominion as close to it as humanly possible! Both in the bank and behind the scenes, we feel we really do have the people who make the happy difference in banking... and we'd like to prove it to you. ly NEW ACCOUNTS .._ ti.r:"o--�v.-r^+"' , .1,x.mnvra:rrslucC.•:�.z::amsw� .,�c:•ss..., ..,x.— A TORONTO -DOMINION BANKING SERVICE: JOINT ACCOUNTS A Joint Account is one where two people (very often a husband and wife) have the right *to make deposits and withdrawals. It can be a Current Account, a Personal Obeying Account or a Savings Account. Naturally this is a great convenience to the housewife whose husband is often away on business, and to both parties when both contribute to the family income, A Joint Account has many advantages and is easy toarrange.Simplysee The Bank for details. TORONTO -DOMINION Where people make the difference W. C. MO012E, Manager - Seaforth Branch ,