The Seaforth News, 1962-04-05, Page 4Queen's Park e R �ort Prole--, . GHARLIE MacNAUGI-lTON Since my report of two weeks ago things have been moving quickly and effectively around Queen's Park. Space will hardly. Permit me to deal with all the legislation' or; ill a comprehensive fashion with the various features of the Government's program, but :it oociurl'ed to me the people of Huron 'Might be interested in le'ar'ning of a few matters of in- terest to a rural jnrisdiotion such as ours and which, in same in- ,stances, make a general impact on people throughout bite entire Province,. .1,am sure farmers will be Inter - sated. to learn that in a matter of twenty-four short lours after 'receiving a petition signed by 300 canners, the Government through Che Honourable William A. Stew- art, Minister of Agriculture, an - :Mounted to the legislature the ap pointinent of an Ontario Perm Maehinery.Investigation Gcmanit . tee.` Because of .the importance ,to tamers of, this government �- move, I .will 'outline in detail the proposal for dealing with this problem. The general aspect of the terms of reference given to the committee will result in an investigation and report on: all aspects of the sale and use of farm implements in On- -the suitability of farm mach- inery and equipment presently be- ing'sold in Ontario, having regard to Ontario methods and farming conditions; - the quality of farm machin- ery and parts being offered for --sale in Ontario; —:the reliability of claims by manufacturers in so far as the performance of the farm machin- WALTON ery and equipment presently be - ' e The annual bazaar of the Wal- ing sold in Ontario is concerned; ton UOW unit was held at Duff' -s -mire availability and cost of United Church, Wednesday atter- spare parts for farm machinery,noon, Mar, 2S, Mrs. A, Higgiu- and equipment• bothamn and Mrs. E. Mitchell re - necessary service to the livestoelt The regxitar Men aily meeting hadustry and the 'general pulite. of the 1711 and boundary unit at 'phis method has already been• EOCW of huf'f's United Clluueh, ,acclaimed by representative f Walbaseton, was heh ld 1memberstlie church consumer groups across Ontario and of further interest isthe, re_ leader, Mrs, Coo WilliamsonanAssistant t :cent announcement that the Fed- lendd , rs, e , gy read fpr oral government will. increase its sided 23 Us. Mrs. Wm,readtts of- rbui meat inspection forces to more than 000 men across Canada. The roved prayer, Topic s given. ed' Federal department has adver- Mrs. Herb Williamson. tised for 41 naw assistant inspect- and cerrHoegY, a once ere e read ead bo ors and 11 new additional voter` Mrs. he ladies of the Stir and inarians; 21 of diose positions 16th unit to the next meeting at have been advertised for" and the which a bazaar is to be held, The other 20 will be filled through de partinental competitions; 1S of meeting is to be held at the home. these positions are for Ontario. of Mrs. Van Vliet Sr. Mrs. A. The e o, M r ro ruitment of this addl. Higginbotham showed a very in- tional staff will provide for .stem- Cerostirig• Man on the work o1 the ped up inspection services and church all across Canada, Mrs. will go a long way to insure that H. Craig thanked Mrs, Higgin- lueat which is consumed in On- •botham, The closing hymn was tarso is satisfactory :for . human 95 with Mts. IL Sntalldon at -the consumption, At the same, time piano and prayer by Mrs, Uhler. it may well eliminate the neceS- Lttnch was served by the lunch sity of a duplicate service of im committee and a social half hour apection at the Provincial level spent. and in combination with the a- Mr, and Mrs. Ernest 'Uhler mendhnents to The Dead Animal were guests of honour at a gatlr. Disposal Act will insure that the ening in SS No, 9 Grey last Fri - small slaughterer and processor day evening for their 25th wed - which has been providing a satis• .ding anniversary which was ab• factory service in ninny areas served April 3. Progressive. will not be put to 'any undue dis- euchre was played with the fol- advantage, lowing as prize winners: Ladies While a large volume at legis- 'high, Mrs, John Bruce, low, Mrs, -cation is in the various stages of Harvey Craig; gents, high, Mr, processing there is still much Clarence Odle; low, Gerald Bean. work to be dobe in connection Prior to thelreluno'h ad hour address r Rev. s with the legislative program, The Higginbothha estimates of such important de- and an electric tea kettle and el- lartments as Education, Munici• ectrlc fry pan were presented tq pal Affairs, Attorney General, Mr, and Mrs, Uhler by Henry Lands and Forests and Public Ar'letrond n Mrd s, m Wiler lea vis on Welfare are still ro beal presented write Wednesday by bus for California for i l reports to ay. The toas I units where they will visit with rela- this report today. The house has been sitting an average of three tires. to tour nights a week in addition Mr, Victor Uhler of Sioux Look - to the regular afternoon sittings -out, Oat„ arrived home on Mon- -a necessity if bhe extensive pro- day. grana of the government is to re- Pot Luck Supper ceive thorough consideration of A number from the village at - the House and implementation tended the pot luck supper at SS before the Easter adjournment. No. 9, McKil1op, Friday evening` In conclusion I tuight say that under the auspices of Bethel Un- it would appear that the Legisla. lied Church. UCW. A varied pro - tare cannot possibly rise before 'grana and slides followed the sup - Easter. per, The following elders were in- stalled during the service last Sunday morning: Mr. Leslie Oli- ver, Mr. James Smith, Mr. Alvin McDonald, Mr. Wan. J. Learning. A male quartette comprised: of Rev, A. Higginbotham,` Donald McDonald, Graeme Craig and Brian Travis's, rendered a num- ber with Mrs. Harvey Brawn at the organ console. .Mr. Jack Anderson of Stratford visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alt Andersons Week end guests at the home of Mr. and pins. Geo. Dundas were Mrs. Neale Reid, Dennis and Eric of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickering, Sandra, Kim, Bobby and David of Oakville. Week end guests at the manse last week end were Mr. and Mrs. Elliott of Barrie and Miss Ruth Higginbotham of Mitchell. 'Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hibbert` over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Bing 'Pere: ate land family, ot tdranlipton, and the latter'6 per - mats, Mr, and Mrs, W. Nelson of Mount Forest: SLAKE Miss Carol Erb has i'stnrnod home after a vacation to Florida. MiSs Mary Margaret Osach was a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital last week and since has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. 'Nell- Gingericlt and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and . Mrs, Earl Gesell and family of Blake. Miss Irene Schwartzentruber of Stratford Hospital spent . the week end with her parents Mr' and Mrs. Edmiurd SOhwartzeu- truber and fancily ' Mr. and Mrs, Harry Westbrook and family of •Goderich were Sun- day visitors with Mr. Gustov. Bohnn of Blake. ' The Minister told the legislat- ure that the committee in the course of their investigation and study will consult with and invite written briefs from the following: — bhe Ontario Retail Farm Equipment Dealers Association, —manufacturers of farm equip - went and machinery, —any others who, it is felt, may contribute information or who may express a desire to make a presentation. The Minister expects to receive a report from the committee by November lst, 1962, if possible, and it is expected that the report, as well as covering the particular matters outlined in the terms of ceived the guests in the church auditorium. Ushers were Mrs. T. Dundas and Mrs. G. Murray. The meeting was conducted by bhe president, Mrs. Emerson Mitchell who was assisted by the vice pre- sident, Ivirs, Wm, Thamer. Special music was rendered by Mrs.. Jack Bryant (piano) and Mrs, Martin Baan (organ) ; solo, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Sr. with Mrs, Martin Baan as accompanist; reading, Mrs. J. Bosman. The guest speaker, Mrs. Evan McL'aga.n of Blyth chose as her subject "Let's take a closer look at ourselves." Mrs. Gerald Watson thanked bhe were ker and presented her with gift on behalf of the UOW. Mrs. reference, will also make recom-, R. Achilles and Mrs.. R. Bennett mendations to bhe Minister of Agriculture as to action which which may appropriately be tak- en with reference to the sale and use of tanm machinery and equip- ment in the Province. Here are the members of the Committee: 'Chairman, Prof. C. G. E. Down- ing, Department of Engineering Science, 0.A:C. Guelph; Secretary, H. W. Wright, En- gineering Extension Service, 0,- A.C. Guelph; Members, Robert J. Rice, Hall- ey:bury; Ernest Beaudry, Verner; William G. Tilden, Harriston; Robert S. Sparrow, Kinburn; M. L. Tebbutt, Markdale, Robert Sin- clair, Don Mills; W. J. Allinson, Kingston, and, I am sure it will be noted with interest that .Arthur S. Bolton of MoKiltop Township is one of the tarmer members of this committee, It should be noted that the commit- tee membership includes repre- sentatives from manufacturers,. dealers and farmers, which will undoubtedly insure that fair con- sideration of bhis problem with respect to bhe overall interests of .everyone concerned is amply pro- vided for. Last week also saw the Minis- ter introduce amendments to The Dead Animal Disposal Act designed to insure that meat from fallen or dead animals will not again enter the market for liuuvan consumption. These a- mendments will strengthen the Act and are intended to insure that the Government will be able to maintain the closest scrutiny over the dead stock disposal busi- ness and safeguard the interests of the general public. The Bill provides for the com- pulsory colouring of meat cut from the carcasses of fallen or dead stook. This will identify bhe meat easily and completely. Mr, Stewart explained that this requirement will in no way hin- der rile use of such meat for legitimate purposes outside the market for human consumption. What the Government is doing is prevent the illicit offering 01 this type of meat to the public because it to now mandatory for those engaged in the dead stock business, when a dead animal is butchered, to apply powdered charcoal to the surface of .the meat and then to place it in con- taanel9 clearly marked "unfit tor human consumption The Bill also prohibits the sale of meat for human c0nsuni,ption from an establishment that is en- gaged in the processing of dead or fallen animals This will pre - vont any dead animal operation from having any relationship with, any other business connect- ed with the slaughtering of ani - Mala 04' the processing at moat for human consumption. MVir. Stewart explained that the province's Livestock Commission• er has the power to refuse to is- sue a license to any person to engage in the dead animal dispos- al business for any reason, sub. Mot, 10 an appeal, This is a very received the offering. Rev. A. Higginbotham- opened the bazaar in bhe lower auditorium, The fancy work was convened by Mrs. G.:Watson with'Mrs. Ron Bennett as cashier; assisting were Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Herb Traviss and Mrs. Earl Watson. Aprons, convener, lOirs. J. Shannon; cash. ier. Mrs. A. Higginbotham, with Mrs. P. McDonald, Mrs. L Willbee and IDIrs. C. Lyddiatt assisting; bake tables, Mrs. A. Searle, con- vener and cashiers, Mrs. A. Achil- les and Mrs. D. Ennis, with helpers, Mrs. W. Bewley, Mrs. W. Thamer, Mrs. A, Anderson, Mrs, G. Murray and Mrs. T. Dundas; white elephant, Mrs. Jas. Clark and Mrs. W. R. Sholdice; miscel- laneous, Mrs. Ed Miller, Mrs. Geo. Jundas, Mrs. Luella Marshall; sandy, IDbrs. Art McCall and Mrs. Ethel Haclowell; kitchen, Mrs. R. Premiss, Mrs: N. Marks, Mrs. Al- lan McCall, Mrs. E. Stevens, Mrs. H. Brown, Mrs. Roy Bennett, Miss Bessie Davidson, Mrs, J. Hislop, Mrs, 3. Gordon. Following the sale lunch was served. RECEPTION AND .DANCE For Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor' (Dorothy Turner) SAT., APRIL 7 Zurich Community Centre Desjardine Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME MINSTREL SHOW ANGLICAN CHURCH CHOIR Sponsored by the Boy Scout Association FRIDAY, APRIL 27 Tickets now on sale from Scouts, Cubs, Guides Proceeds for the Boy Scout Camp HENSALL Celebrate 35th Anniversary A very pleasant evening was. enjoyed, Saturday when Members ot the fancily of Mr and Mrs. Ed- gar Cudmore honored them at their hone on their 35th wed ding anniversary. The evening was spent an games and a social hour during which Mr. and Mrs. Oudmore were presented with gifts, The presentations were;', made by Mr. Russell Keys of Mitchell and Mervyn' Cudmore of Exeter. A delicious lunch wee served including the anniversary cake. Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Mac- Donald. (Marjorie Cudmore) and family of Brampton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore. FORTY YEARS, AGO April 1922 Ernest Adams, Hullebt, had a GET THE MOST OUT OF -SPRING By having clothes looking bright and you will be feeling. right CALL 87 Flannery -Cleaners 5% very' sulooeeaftil bee drawing bi'ie14s for his new house •wideh he wall build this summer, Walker Hart bee been auppoillt- ed Manager of 'the Coalrbarn store, Mr. R T. McIntosh of Sarnia visited :friends !here, There was a •good burn oat at the twang aivow, in spite of snow, sleet and ruin daring the after- noon. John McCaa• has returned brant a trip to the West. 10hester Whitely returned .to New York and Palmer Whitely to Hamilton. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Prom The Seaforth News April 1937 Dong. Ennis, Walton merchant, reports that la cammencial',bravel- ler celebrated April let by treat- ing his :Amends to red pepper chocolates; Mr. Ennis is not say- ing march, shut we think :the tray tilling man can expect a hat time himself next trip. One of the early business places in Seaforth w,as .borndown next to the Salvation Army hall. It was'occupied by the Love shoe shop in early days later ,becoming a residence. A. L. MacDonald Brussels drov- er, is ill following an 80 -mile -an - hour ,Chase when he and his .son Ian were fired on by Provincial Police. The MacDonalds, ,carry - Mg $1,000 currency 'thought ban- dits were atter them, John Bennett is visiting his son William at Dinsmore, Sask, 120 guests attended a ,banquet Guaranteed INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 3 to 10 'Years W. E. Southgate SEAFORTH Representing: British Mortgage & Trust Co. Guaranty Trust Company Sterling Trusts Corporation Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp. 4 -^TI 117 S16AF0't'1'R N1iWS---T)tursUay, April 5, 1902 tYl' Egntotad�ille Y,P,S. The Cur girls wa'ltedon the 'Sables, CROP REPORT Very mild weather during 'the past weak has remayed all but ,e, trace of the snow, No spring work has been done on the Land Yet.: Fall wheat seems to have come through 1110 winter very Well, albhougii no grpwtii is evi- dent. 25th Wedding Anniversary Party For Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Strong IN LEGION HALL, SEAFORTH Friday, April Gth Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch Mueller's Orchestra Northside United Church , Worship (5th Sunday in Lent). 11 am. Jr. Church school during ii orshin. Sr, Church school 10 a.m. Organist, Nlre. Jas, A. Stewart; Choirmaster, Mr, Jas. A. Stewart; Minister, IRev, J. Cliff Britton, e s,, DANCING! Prodliagen Com, Centre FridaYs April 6 Elgin 'Fisher and the Rhythmaires . Admission. 750 BILL CAMPBELL Phone 486 SEAFORTH Did you know .. . that $1,000 put into Investors Mutual in February of 1950 is worth over $3,600 today ? Investors L13}vynailtoot® OD CANADA, IONIC{° FAST FERTILIZER SERVICE throughout seeding time from YOUR LOCAL SH U R -GAIN SERVICE PLANT! Right through seeding time you can be assured of fast service from Shur -Gain's modern handling facilities right in your own area. Consider (hese advantages offered by your'Shur-Gain Fertilizer Service Plant— i SHUR-GAIN IN BULK SAVES $3.0 PER TON — the fast modern way to , handle fertilizer, loaded speedily (on your own truck if you wish) and checked on government inspected scales. • SHUR-GAIN BULK SPREADING SERVICE—precision spreading on your own farm saving you labour—at the same; or very little more than the cost of bagged goods delivered to your farm. • SHUR-GAIN'S , LELY SPREADERS— pull type broadcast spreaders which will evenly spread up to a 40' swath —available for a nominal rental fee. • SHUR-GAIN SELECTED -GRANU- LATED FERTILIZER — more uniform plant growth because- Shur -Gain is not just granular but -GRANULATED. Will not bridge in the drill — dust free - easy to clean from equipment. SHUR-GAIN IN PAPER—POLY—BULK See your SHUR-GAIN FERTILIZER AGENT or call TELEPHONE 348-901.2 MITCHELL SERVICE PLANT OSCAR ROGERS - MGR. IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM THE BREWERS' RET?,IL STORES No old style beep bottles will be: redeemed by Brewers' Retail Stores after. June 9, 1962. After this date only the space -saving. compact amber bottles will continue to be refundable, BREWERS' WAREHOUSING CO. LTD.