HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-04-05, Page 1The SEfgz'th WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 84 Jack Crozier Wins Best Actor Prize Jack Crozier of Seaforth, $ of Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Crozie wort the award for best actor in the Inter -County Junior Farmers drama festival held in Walkerton district high school. Jack Crozier played the comic clraraoter Zeke in the Seaforth Jutfor Farmers production, ' "Coin• in' Round the Mounbai-ne' winner's. of the Huron county drama : eon - test. 'Phe prize winning play wdtioh will enter the provincial finals in Guelph was put on by Grey coun- ty, "Tog in the Valley." Seek New Uniforms For Highlanders on At it meeting held in the Legion r, hall one Saturday everting, epee - Sexed by the Highlanders Ban4 discussion took place regarding ways of t aasln:g funds for the pure chase. of new uniforms. It is 40 years since the present' i iltie c to r iYorm s aeroo:n •t b gl t and they are getting beyond being usable. A fund was started two year's ago. - Ther'e .are various occasions -when the band`is needed for local events such as the Legion sons meeting this week end and it is at all times an asset to the town, The suggestion was made that it kilts and trousers could be purchased at this time, white shirts would complete the uni- tonin until coats ,can be bought. Investiture of New Scout Leaders :District Scout Master lien Powell of Seaaforth invested the leaders of the newly -formed Scout Troop at Egmondville Church on Tuesday evening. Tire leaders are Scout Master Ron Eyre; assistant scout masters, Laurie Stockwell, Jim Boyes and Ken Gentnnoll. Tho dedicatory prayer was giv- en by Rev. S. H. Va'rdy, Mr. H, G, Meir, vice president of Perth dis- trict, and Mr. Powell presented scarves 'to tate scout leaders. The members of bhe group Dont•. mittee' are Bill Durst, ohairman; secretary, Norman' MacLean; treasnrer, Wm. Forrest; Elmer Stephenson, Ed. Boyes and Tien Smith, There are 29 scouts en- rolled in the First Egmondville• Scout Troop, A. bottle drive as a house-to- house canvass for used bottles will take place on Saturday mor• sing, April 14th, by • First Eg- mondville Scout Troop, Will Eg- mondville residents please save tilt any bottles available to help the Scouts in, their work. Call Tenders For Vocational School The architects of the Huron county vocational school are call- ing for tenders for construction: of the vocational school addition to Clinton high sebool.. The notices will be in the Daily Contmereial News and the London Free Press on April 5, 6, 9. The closing date for tenders is April 30th. Architects are Page and .Steele, Toronto, DIES IN THE WEST George Russell MbClure of Wil- kie, Sask„ died in City Hospital, Saskatoon on March 17 after be- ing in poor health for several years.' He was 'born in Mc•leil:lop Township, April 6, 1874, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Clure, Seaforth. He was married on June 28, 1912, and had lived at Wilkie, Sask., for fifty years and was a farmer and stone mas- on: He is survived by three sons, Donald and Stanley of Unity, Saask., and Stewart of Swift Cur- rent, Sask„ and Marion, Mrs. John Hatton of New Westminster, B.C.; also by a brother, William McClure, Seaforth, and three sis- ters, Miss Isabell McClure, Sea - forth; Fanny, NIrs. J. L. Brown, Komoka, Ont„ and Margaret, NIrs. John Broadfoot, Seaforth; also by three grandchildren. The funeral was held at Wilkie, Seek, RED CROSS The regular meeting of Sea - forth Red Cross will be held in the library on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. SOUTER • BROWN A quiet wedding was'solemniz- ed middle. of Nlarch of Christena. I, Brown and James M. Souter,' After a short honeymoon the couple w011 reside at Brucelield, APPOINTED CARETAKER - Mr, Don MacLean, East Wil- 2iam st., has been appointed care- taker of the Maitland Bank Cem- etery. He has been caretaker of the mailing club daring the win- ter and started on his new duties on Monday. e WITH THE CURLERS 8 A rink composed of Mm. and ac Mrs. Bill Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Art Wright won 'the Med- w„ o land trophy in a mixed curling •bonspie-1 at. Centralia RCAF Sta- tion last W d d Charges Pending In Hit, Run Case Local and .pro:vincial police on Tuesday were successful in loc- ating a oar in the Blyth Flea be- lieved to have been involved in a heft and run accident in Seaforth on Marolt 23, That night a 1960 car owned by Les Learn was struck in the rear while parked at. the Legion hall. Two pieces et grill from a 1956 hardtop were found at the scene and were helpful in locating bhe wanted car. Charges are pending, Public School Rate Unchanged The sohool board has gi- ven its estimates for 1962 require- ments to the town council, The rate is approximately the same as last year. 25th Anniversary of St. Columban Couple Mr, and Mrs. Joseph L. Ryan' marked their silver wedding an- niversary by a Mass at thanks- giving at St, Coluniban's Roman Catholic Church on -Friday morn- ing. Mrs. Ryan is the 1oraner Rita Teady, daughter of Mns, Teady, Formoga, and the late Mr. Teady. Mt'. Ryan is the son of Mrs, Ca- therine Ryan, RR 2, Dublin, and the late Mr. Thomas Ryan, They have a family of five, Mrs. James .(•Mildred) Cronin, RR 2, Dublin; Catharine, on the staff of a Wat- erloo Separate School; Ronald, Ken and. Joan at home. On Satur- day evening a party was held,at Brodhagen ,Community Hall to honor Mr, and Mrs, Ryan, Jack Walsh read an address of con- gratulation, and a presentation of a chesterfield suite was made on behalf of friends and neighbours, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Morris, Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs, Greg. Morris, Port Credit, with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Morris, Mr. and elm. Jerry Morris have returned to their home in Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs, Joseph Malone is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Miss Patricia Manley, Stratford with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hieknell Peter Maloney, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Maloney, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Maloney and bahy, Kitch- ener with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ma-. Loney. Jack Malone, Guelph with Mu', and Mrs. J. L. Malone. Kan Ducharme, Wingham with Mr. and Mrs, Auguste Ducharme, Mr, and Mrs, Glen Butters, Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice 1lielady. Mrs, Teady, Formosa, Mrs.. Anne M lnaohern and family,. Lon- don, with Ma', and Mrs, Joseph L, Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Feeney, Miss Anne _Feeney, Kitohener,aud Carl Valles, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feeney,• M Miss Noreen oMilrlan, Misses Anne and Helen Maloney , and Miss .Cleo Bowman; London, at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs, Auguste D.o- harnte were honored at surprise athering of neiglirbours and rel- ives at the Marne of Mr, and rs, James D.uchnrme, Euchre as played with 'a presentation flowing. A congratulatory ad rasa was read by Emmett Ma- lone, and gifts, consisting of a wall mirror, magazine rack and table orammen,t presented• to then by Mrs. Maurice Melady and Mrs. Emmett Malone, Mr. and Mrs. t3ueharme recently re- tired fz'ctm their farm to make their home in St, Colwmban, e nes ay, PEEWEES AT MITCHELL Seaiforth Peewees reached the smut -finals in the Mitchell Lions. Club tournament on Saturday, be- ing defeated by the. Arthur boye, Referees for the games included Gus Boussey and Charles- Reeves of Seaforth. CONSIDER PLAN A man from London met with some members of the Seaforth • council on Friday e%ening to dais, cuss a plan for "animal control," especially dogs. The, plan offered the Use of a trailer as a travelling pound. A dog with a tag would be returned to his owner. The idea was to combine the work in severai nearby towns, Councillors made no decision and will consider it further at the regular meeting next Monday, INSTITUTE TO M4E1 The regular meeting of Sea - forth Women's Institute will be held at the ]tome of Mrs: Leonard Strong on Tuesday, April 10 at 8.30 p,m, This is the annual meet- ing, fn ,charge ce Mrs. Earl Pale Ole. All standing committees are to have their reports in. Sandwich- es, Mrs, Roibt, Doig, Mrs, Lorne Carter, Mre. Andrew Crozier; re- lishes, Mrs. Miner .Cameron, , CUB NOTES PACK "A" On Monday evening Pack "A" was visited by "Kinn (H. Meir) representing the sponsoring body, who presented 21 boys• with their one year service stars, ,team player and abseever badges to 15 boys. Balo'o assisted, Akela ,pre- sented Bryan Hodgert with hie cyclist, collector and house ord- erly .badges, Paul Soubhgate, Jim Snowdon and Grant Carnochan re= •ceived their •dret stars. Parents are reminded of the first star repass exams to be given on April 30th, The tour leaders of "A" pack took para in the taste training course held reSently In Seaforth, Corning .. events for curbs and leadoi's of "A" park are; Apr, 6, skipping test for sixersand sec- onders, Api', 7, scou:tere meeting at St, Marys;. Apr, 23, first spring hike; Apr. 27, nulnsti'ei show. Ev- ery cub accompanied 'by his par- ents it our objective for our part to aSsiebing the casnp fund, Please help your :boy to sell hie tickets, O. E. S. Officers Honored Here About 250 guests attended tate r00eptiort In the Legion hall, Sea.. forth, .Thursday night, -Unroll 29, given in':honor `of the Grand Ohap. for ref the Prov, of Ontario by District No. 5 Order oaf the East- ern Star. A guard of Minor was rformecl by 'the 1Vorbhy Matrons' and Worthy Patrons of the 20 chapters in the district,` The Grand Officers, past Worthy Ma- trons and Patrons and Grand cur/Mattee members were escort- ed. in by piper's Mr. Peter Mal - 'coital and Mr, Ken Smith, Seatortll:, Ontario, Thursday, April 5, 1962 11.50 n Ye*. ,Special guests were: Worthy Grand :Matron, Mrs, Norma: East- wood, Burlington; 'Worthy .Grand Patron, Mr, Alex, McDonald and Mrs, MoDonald, PWGM, Cooke- ville; Assoc Grand Patron, Mr. Joseph Delaney, Thorold; Assoc. Grand Conductress, Mrs.. Perle Kohl, Barrie; Grand Chaplain, Mrs, Nan Taylor, Haonilton; Gr. Marshall, Mrs, Reta•Davison, St. Catherine's; Gr, Organist, Mrs. Giara Nobbs, Tillsouburg; Gi,,Es- ther, Mrs, Helen Rusting, Water- ford; Gr. Martha, Mrs, Olivia Thaler, Kitchener; Gr, Eiecta, Mr's, Bea Ildpkins, Cooksyille; Gr. Weeder, Mrs, Evelynne M. Little, Bearusville; and several. Past Woifliy Grand Matrons and Patrons and Grand committee members, (NIrs, Anona Crozier, PM., of Seafprth Chapter, and District ' McKillop Township Present Spring To Defend Action Concert A special meeting of lydeMillop Seaforth Public Sebool pi•esetrt- oouncil,,was held On Marolt 26th ed lbs ,Spring Concert in the ler deal with drainage matters, $011 ol'auditorium on Friday even- EngineerWOilece Archibald was. present, • - ing, Principal J. W. Talbot- acted lCottneillors' A. Campbell, 'Will: as chairman, `rhe program was in Dennis, R..--MINiehol and K. Stew- two Parts. : In Southern Mood t r Ib Ba e a court of revisionon featured a eho:rus, Caniptown Glue Rapson drain, with Wm. Den- nie as chair'm'en, 'Dail Beuerniann Races; Charleston dance "Little appealed t0 have al -. David" girls choru, so, aan ad acreage cgrreote]lis total It wasassess than- Colotnan; Old Blacsk Joelo, JSOIQ, ged from 77 to 70 acres. Jane Boshart; All God's Chile= Whole council -met as court of as a chorus; Deap River, solo, revision oil the Archilbuld Drain, Joan I3oover; Pickauuinfes dance There were no appeals. by &rales 2 orad 3; Shortemiu' ett the court of revision on the Bread, gh'ls' chorus, solo, Lynn Lave Drain, 'Gordon Elliott al). Mix"; Swing Low, solo, Susan pealed his. assessment on lot N/ MacLennan; It's i14e, A Lord, 25, Con, S:13, and lot Sy 25, Con, solos, heather and Sally Mowat; N13, if outlet is not deep 0no11g-h Sweet Little Jesus Boy, solo Sally to give hist 1 a depth oe 4 ft. at 'Cosford; Steel' Away, chorus; tap line fence between lot 24 and 25, dance, Rutli Ann V1rilson Chris• Con, S13. Engineer ' Archibald tine Turnbull; Spring Lilt, giils, said he could get a depth of 4 tt, grades 5 and 6; tumbling', grades for outlet at line fence, 5 and 0, and 7 and S, boys, Court of Revision on Campbell In Festive Mood- Menus, drain user with Wm, "Merry the Time;" Peasants 'Dentis, R. McNichol, K, Stewart Dancing Day; Tap. Dance, Clubs- -and Dan Beuerntann. Allan Camp- 'ti'ne Turnbull, Ruth Ann Wilson; bell annealed his assessment on "Swing Song" and "Let Us Make lot S pt. 31 and 1;17 pt, 32, Con. 0, the Best Use of Our Leisure;" MoKillop, as ovenassessed cone ''IVandenin'g"'solo Stephen Smith; pared to bthers, Reduced $150 on. A Secret, grade 2; Walking Song, benefit assessment, grade 6; A Little White Duck, gr, 'Council meet at 4 pane for gen- 3 and 4 The Wild Rose, solo Char- eral business and above drains 'lie Smith; Round the May Polo, Were given their readings and grades 3 and 4; play, ''Belling the eased - Cat," grades 2 and 3; Praise Be Deputy Grand Matron of District At bhe regular April meeting of Thine, solp, Mary Hoggarth A No. 5, was hostess and Mr. Harv- council on Monclay, April 3, mean- Message to the Fish, grade 4 Oh •ard Fretts, W.P. of Clinton Chap• -bars were all Present„ No, John, John McLean, Wendy ter, was master 04 ceremonies. A Tho road sniteriutondent's von• Fry; Pagan Love Song, solo, Goa very enjoyable program was pre cher No, 4, ainonnt $2,060;38, was don 13euttenmiller; Lovely Moon, sented by the following: ordered Paid by treasurer and duet, Dianne Baert, Tana Cornish; general accounts were passed for• All Praise to Thee." :Sharron Strong, Charlie Bach- payment. Conductor was Miss Turnbull horn, Dianne Henderson, The Steppers Three;" bhe Henderson boys and Mr, W. Dalrymple, all 04 Seaforth, Patricia and Mary Wilkins of Auburn, and Mrs. Ce- lia Taylor, W.M. of Goderich 'Chapter. A gilt was. ,presented to the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs, Nor- ma Eastwood, by Mrs, Dolena Mc- Cnaig, W.M., of Seaforth Cba1p- ter, and to the Worthy Grand Pa- tron, Mr. Alex. McDonald, by Mrs. lorne Haunylon, W.M. of Niles - town Chapter. Music Por • dancing was supplied by the Collins orchestra, A deli -- aloes .smorgasbord was prepared and served by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, The lucky door prize was avoir by Mr. Cliff Russell, W.P., of Panlehili Chapter. -Preceding the evening festivities the Grand o1f- iters Were entertained at dinner at six o'clock at the home of Mr, and Mrs, David MacLean, 'The flliapters in District No. 5 are located as follows: Six in • London, Alppin, Nilestown, Strath- roy„Parkhill; Delaware, Byron, In- gersoll, St. Marys, Fleeter, Clin- ton, Goderich, Blyth, Mitchell and Seaforth. April Meeting of Tuckersmith Council Tuokersmith council held thei regular meeting in the town hal Seaforth on April 3rd with a members present and the Reeve presiding, 1, est t 1 11 h e a the nominating committee, Mrs. Andrew Whetham asked sudn Road superintendent Wilson Little was authorized to attend the 1962 school for road superin• tendents on biSay 14-15 at Hart, House theatre, Toronto,' McConnell & Stewart were au- thorized to defend the townshi and accompanist, Mrs, James A. Stewart, Scenery was by Mrs, Boussey, Mr, Morton, Mr Eyre and Make-up by Mrs. Harvey. and Mr, and Mrs, Boussey; Members of the staff are: Kin- dergarten, Mrs. M. Boswell and re 'Robert D. Reid claim.` James Bins. V. Talbot; Gr.l, Mrs. A. Mas - Donnelly is acting for Mr. Reid. cit; 'Ger. 1 and 2, Miss M. Wood; Council adjourned to meet Apr- Gr. 2 and 3, Mrs. M. Pullman; it 4 at 8 p.m, and May 7 at 1:30 Gr, 3 and 4, Mrs. 17. Ellis; Gr, 4 p.an, at Carnegie library. and 5, Mrs. F. Kay; Gr. 5, Miss M, ETalbot,. Tumnbull; Gr. 6, R. M. Eyre; Gr. 7, D. F. Morton; Gr. 8, J. W. Pupils taking part were; Pican- ninies, Elva Bowerfng, Cathy Brightrall, Joan Hopper, Monica Maims, Kathy McLean, Vicki Mil- ler, Mary Ball, Dorothy Beynon, Gail Doig, Brenda Hodgert, Bar- bara Huber, Nancy Swan. Spring Lilt, Doris Adair, Heath- er 'Beueruian, Patsy Barker,, Anne Smith, Cindy Eisler, Mary Ell- iott, Terry Mowat, Moira Mal• n cobmJeanette Watterw.orth, Sim - Y 'on ienbot, Debbie Miller, Ulla Lauritsen. DUBLIN A large crowd of members and guests attended the March meet- ing of the Dublin Women's Insti- tute held in the chamber of com- merce hall, Meeting opened with the singing of the Ode and the re- citation of the Mary Stewart col- lect in unison. Roll call was an- swered by payment of fees or Irish joke or verse, Motto "'Tis the song you sing and the smile you wear that makes the su shine everywhere" was taken b Mrs. Thos. Butters,. Mrs, Jo Dorsey gave some interesting household hints, Mrs. Karol Pethiok reported 'that two quilts had been delivered to the Red Cross and thanked Mrs, E. Jordi - son for donating one of them. It was decided to stuhscribe to the C.A.C. Bulletin. Mrs. Herb Brit- 8 ton, Mrs. Joseph Dorsey and Mrs. e 'Phomas Butters were appointed 'b • Boy's Tumbling, Grades 5 and d 6, Jim Nixon, John McLean, Wayne Huber, Bryan Hodgert, George Reeves, Gene Kruse, Dem nis Hodgert, Wayne Scott, Ted Wibbee, Brian Fischer, Grant Car,. median, John Muir. Grades 7 and Stephen Brady, Jima Montgom- ry, Alan McLean, Pahl Hilde- rand, . Robert Watson, Bill Ca:r oohan, Bernie Jessome, Don Hul• ey, Fred Ianetsclt, Harvey Drag - r, 1\qurcio McLean, Bryan Stew- rt, Paul Beattie. : A Secret, Janet Boyes, Patsy McNaughton, Dianne McClinchey, t1They Oke, Valerie Scott, Anne Wiibee, Marlene Turnbull, Bar - are Muir, gg ions on.ow to -make the meeting attractive and useful. Meeting The report of the Bean Munic ipal Drain was provisionally ad opted and court of revision se for 9 pan, ou May 1st. •closed with singing of the Queen. A successful bake sale was then held with the 4-H club members t supplying baking. Proceeds a mounted to $19.25. Lunch was b served by Mrs, Riley, Mrs, Racho The report of the Clark Munic ipal. Drain is to be read at 9:30 p.m. on May •1st and at 10 p.nr. the report of the Buchanan drain is to be read. William Campbell of Seaforth was again appointed tile drainage, inSpeotor for Tuckersmith for 1962, Tuokersmith municipal dunvp is to be opened from 1 to 5.30 p.m on Wednesday and Saturday only commencing on Saturday, April 7. Council emphasized that no old wire •fencing was . to . he •brought to the dump. The reeve was authorized to sign a warrant for any •properties subject to tax sale, The clerk was instructed to prepare a bylaw for ,prepayment of taxes. The following accounts were Passed for payment: Ont. Hydro, Bnucefieid street lights, $13.6; Eg-, mondville street lights $174.01; Egmondville pump, $22.17. Geo. A. Sills, Egriondiville pump, $68.- 45; pension, $13,50; John A. Card no, insurance, $107,42; advertis- ing and supplies, _$74.34;. welfare, $169.25; salary and allowance, $238.1.7;- income tax $3.50, Huron Mun, Officers Assoc, fee $•20;' South Huron Agri. ,Soc., grant, $100; Ausabie River Cons, Auth„ $117,64; Town of :Sealorbh, share of rural fire truck costs, $166.64; roade, $1,694.14, - 1Couneli adjourned to meet on Mrs. Byers, A very successful euchre party was held in St. Patrick's Parish. Hall on Friday evening sponsored by the Catholic Women's League with a representative attendance... High points for the euchre- hold in February and on Friday even- ing was won by Janies McQuaid, rr, 5 Seaforth and Mrs. Elizabeth. • •Gann, Dublin; each, . received five' dollars. High points were won by Gallen Russel and Mrs.. Jos. Delaney of Dublin. Lunch ler was served by the ladies fn so :oharge. Tuesday, May 1, at ,8 km.. , VARNA Tne annual meeting of the Varna Branoh of the Canadian Red Cross Society was held last TM:ursdey evening. A house to house canvass will be held in the near future and canvassers were appointed for'eaoh seeti.on, The officers elected' for 1,962 are; Little White Dunk, Duck, Larry Park; Frog, Doug, Hildebrand; Bug, Roy Dalton; Snake, David Harvey; Singers, Laurie Bell, Lois Muegge, Lorraine Townsend, Wilma Westerve'ld, Beata Malleus, Dianne Patterson, 'Mary Aim Mc- Lean, Elaine Roberton, Bruce Malcolm, Laurie Kruse, Allen Ro- bertson, Jim Flolland. May Pole, Mary Ann MoLea.n, Mangle McLean, Ruth Ann Dun- lop, Cindy MacDonald, Carol Ann Doig, Eleanor Boshart, Arlene iiliams, Sheila Bray, Anita Wil - n, Joan Muir, Dianne Patterson, vi:an Buker, • Mice, Larry Broome, Ronnie airymple, John Goawill, Ronnie enderson,-Lei:f Lauritsen, Paul Cuellar, Stewart McLean, Ray ennell, Danny Muir, John Mune Ralph Onbelet, Mark Ranson, en Doig. A Mesage to the Fish, 13111 sore, Bill Boussey, David tante, Brian Price, Kenny Me- an, Jim Snowdon, Danny Cor - h, , Ronnie Hopper, Mies Lydia Jordfson, Toronto, Vi with Mrs, Elsie Jordison. D Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDonald of II Kitchener with; Mr, dud Mrs. A. ee Whethann. M Mr. and riles, Andrew Dan.tzer,. re London, .Harvey Dantzer, Windsor .K' with Mr, and Mrs, John Nagle. Mr. and Mrs. - W. Friedman, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Br James Morrison. Mr. Allan Butters, Ne,panee, n e with Mr, and Mrs, Tom Butters. :tire. and Mrs. Leonard Nagle, Bobbie and Linda, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle. Mr. and Mrs. John Frost, Dun- das, Mr. Ferguson, Stratford with Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Dill. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Krauskopf, Strathroy, Mr, and Mrs. Billie Feeney and children, Kitohener with Mr, and, Mrs. Nicholas Krauskopf, Mr. and :Mrs. Geo, Coyne spent the week end with Mr, and Mas. John Wallington, TO ORGANIZE'4H CLUBS An organization meeting for the 4H .clubs in this area: will be held at Seaforth District high school on Wednesday, April 13th at 8:30 p.m. to torus Seaforth 411 Beef resident, J. H. F. Breeze; I:st Calf Club, Seaforth 411 Dairy Calf viae. Presid Club, Seaforth 4H Swine Club and ent, John 'Aldi. n an gt 1 I Se Znd vice President, John T. Mc- aforth 41I Meld Crop Ciub. Ash; Sec. -Trees., Ernest Pollock, The United Church Women (held a' very successful baking sale in Clinton on Saturday. A play ley bhe Seaforth Junior llarmere and other, talent will be presented in the township hall on The Meeting for three Brussels 4H clubs will be at Brussels lib- rary, Monday, April 9111. BUILDING :PERMITS Recent building'' permits tented by building Inspector, Harold Mal- oney: Mrs, J, etre Stewart, 'roll Monday evening, April +Jth under brick siding,,Tame the sponsorship of the United Ross Mogamer street, ration$1,00; Church Women. Sperling street, $ 00,. ai,terations, Cub Pack Formed At Brucefield "A Curb gives in to bhe Old Wolf, a Cab does not give in to himself!" Nineteen times 19 cubs solemnly repeated the Cub laws and promises for their Akela, F, J. Welland, as First Bruce - field Cub Pack was officially in- vested following their investiture ceremony held on Friday, March 30th in the basement of Brucefield United Church, Nearly 100 relatives and friends witnessed the beginning of the Mat cub pack to be formed in Brucefield, Formed under the leaderSliig of F/S Welland, and assisted ,by Mr. Stewart Broad - foot and Sgt, L. Ariano'and Mrs, Welland, the curbs have been -pre- paring for their investment since February. Following • the ceremony, fire of- ficial meeting WOS closed with a prayer by Rev: H. Johnson, and then the grand howl; Curbs play- ed some .of thein speoiel games ,for the audience. Social conveners of the tJCW supplied and ' refreshments fou' the dsewed • thering, happy ga ♦ 11111111,1,11,111111,111,"1 11.1 111111,111 1 11111,1.11(111,11 eee 1 ,1,1111111 1 111,1,111111„11111,IIAi111, 111,111,liltl ALL NEW! A genuine Sheaf fer fountain n p y/w�1np ., V 95 JUST. Ht'>ni FE a O CARTRIDGE • FOUNTAIN PEN Here's genuine Sheafier quality in a real fountain pen, dramatically -new from ultra- modern point to gleaming chrome cap! Loads like a rifle with cartridges of Shrill writing fluid. Choose now from 5 smart colors; 6 writing point styles!" Matched set. with 'Fineline' Pencil, gift -boxed,, only $4.95 Shea.fte r SkriD Cartridges,in� choice of 5 colors: W ASiABLE BLUE; PERMANENT -BLUE BLACK; WASHABLE PEACOCK BLUE; PERMANENT JET 13LACK and PERMANENT RED -- Package of 5 cartridges, just 490 SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY GIFTS FINE CHINA Seaforth CONSTANCE Mr, and Mrs. Stan Preszcator and family of Centralia visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Preszcator and family On Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Coleman of Varna visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, 'NIr, and Mrs. Frank Riley went to Kitchener Sunday where they met Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods of Ajax. Miss Debbie Woods, who has been visiting her grandpar- ents, returned home. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Grimold- tby visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Mann and family at Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs, Seigo Nogouchi 08 Guelph visited Sunday with Mr, and NIrs, Borden Brown and girls. Mr, and Mrs, Adolph Otten and fancily of Hensall have bought the Ken Thompson farm east of the village and are Moving in on Friday:: We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Otten to our community. :NIr. and Mrs, Ross Millson who have occupied the house on the farm will be moving to Sebring - villa where Mr, Mill -son will be employed with the Jack Hood school siupplies of Stratford com- mencing May 1st. BRODHAGEN Mark Russell Shoidice, son. of Mr, and Mrs, Gary Sbo1dicewas baptized during the Sunday mar- ming service at St. Peter's Luth- eran Unwell by Pastor H. Brill, The, sponsors along with the par- ents were Miss Susan Clark and Warren Shaldice and Mr, and and Mr, and Mrs, August Scher- let' berth spent the week end visiting Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Scherbarth in --. Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chris W. Leon- •bardt with Mr. and Mrs, Chaffs. Matthies, Tavistock, on Sunday. Mr. Eli Rapien has been confin- ed to Stratford hospital. ' Mr, and Mrs. Allan MoDougald of Mitchell With Mr, and Mrs. La- vern Wolfe. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Woodward, Donna and Gay of Toronto with Mrs, Albert Que'engesser; Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Rieke of Toronto with their family. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Dal- ton Diegel for the week end were Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Hudson, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hudson, Deb- bie and Peter of Toronto. Miss Carole Wardell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wardell, injured her finger evhile at work in Mitchell, KIPPEN Mr, Bob Clarke, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, London; 'the past nine months, returned to his home recently. Mi', and NIrs. Land and family moved from Beverley Beaton's. house to Ross Forrest's house on the 2nd of Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie and Karen of Wingham visited Sunday With Mr, and Mrs, Edgar•. McBride and Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Percy .Willei•t of Zurich were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys. Mi', and Mrs, Van Dyk and lam. Y move Mrs, Gary Johnson, it d last week from tate 2nd The sympathy of the common- of Tarekersmith to Mr, Lou Clark's ity is extended to -Mrs, Gordon house, Kistner and her mother in the death of a father and husband, August 'IZoppenroth. Mr, and Mrs. Eli Rapien atten- ded the marriage of their grand daughter, Karen Wolfe, daughter .of Mr. -and Mrs. Norman Wolfe, Milverton, to Albert Wickenheis- er Of 0adshill and now of Wood- stock, at Milverton on Sattu•day. Mr. and ,Mrs, Mandel Better - mann and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben l3uuck attended' the wedding of Mr, and Mrs, Orville Kahle (nee Helga Schlosser) in Mitchell on Saanrday Mrs, Wibered Ahrens underwent an operation in Stratford hospital fast week. Mr. and Mrs. George Jacob and: Mrs. Beulah Wilkens of Kitchen- er with. Mr. 'and Mrs. Chris Leon- hai'dt recently. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Fred Ierbert NIr. W. L, Mellis, who has been on the sick list two weeks, is im- proving in health. His neighbors Hind friends wish him a speedy recovery. MIS. Wm, Winder, former I{ip pen resident, was taken by ambit• lands froth Clinton to Victoria - hospital, London, last Friday. She is reported baving gangrene in her foot. Mr. and Mrs, Elston Dawson,. who have spent the winter with Mr, and Mrs, James Riley, Sea - fortis, returned home Saturday and were accompanied by their 'o son-in•la,w and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. lld]n Kerr, of Winthrop, THE LEGION CORNER 13y Jack Holland Well, comrades and friends, here we are again with a bit of news from hare and there. First, is the zone meeting he - in the death of his brother, Al- ing. held hers on Sunday, Apt•, 8, Mart Herbert at Montreal. Being Gbe.host brauoit, it is most Guests of Mr, and Mrs. Gary impolarge rttuant thattrout we our haveown a real rnout neem. Sltoldlee on Sued:ey at the hone :hers. Tho parade will stove off of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Shol.dicg, .from .the -Legion hall at 1.30 p.m. were, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Clark, Did you know that the Canadian Susan and ,roan of New H'anrburg, Legion. in Ontarle spent over Mr, and Mrs. Sam Clark, Mitch- a ell; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Johnson quarter of a million dollars last of London, Warren S0tolJice, of year on community services. Brampton, Rey, H. Brill and Mrs. scholat•shipThat e i' ss sponsored Elizabeth . Querengesser, l S across Canada total 'Arthur. Diegel, Kitchener, $6 That and Airs. Don M Mi That the Legion sponsors the McLaughlin and training' of 5;000 boy scouts and Dale, Kincardine, and Mr, and calls across the country, Mrs. Joe Smith of Stratford with That our local branch annually George and William Diegel, financially Supports the following; Quite a number from here at-, The summer camp at Ni: ' ' tended the funeral of August on -tire -lake where tubercular r Niagara - tended Tubeecuar vet- Happervoth oaf. Mitchel). Monday mans and their families can' en - Mr, and Mrs. Doli Cochrane, joy two weeksholidas with all Donna and Paul and Mrs, Harold expenses paid, y Berry e13 Caledoina with Mr, and Donations to Byron sanetorhtni, Mrs, Ross Leonhar'dt on Sunday, ,the Red Cross, Salvation Arm Mr, and Mrs, MutatBuucic Institute for the 1311 Y, and David on, f MilvertoAir, and bingos at,.'Westniinistet' hospital s fol Mrs, Gerald Buatck, Kevin, Karen and Isere at hone, Cliristmasbu- and Randy of. Mitchell with Mr, shel basket for needy 'fatuiiies and Mrs. Reuben Butiok and fem. training all rhe young in 1,ily on Sunday celebrating' Rose ckey, support at minor baseball, birthday, dsts to our sick, also auyonoMrs. Dalton Hinz spent a fete who deeds a Wheel clta.fr, hospital days with 'her eis:ter, Mrs, Wilfred bed ic' , n have Klinkntan and teft'oi or a cane can have Mr, Klinktnan at one free front the 10001 branch by. tfra last week, ontacting Jake Cornish at Bok 1]1uMr. and Mrs: Ed Selterbartbftcrnittire. } '.1 f..44