HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-03-29, Page 8sl 8" E. a�. b, 41,4 5, w. 1,r t` t' C et C • THEY'RE IN The. New Spring Windbreakers FOR MEN AND BOYS See our big range of spring and summer jackets now New styles, new fabrics, new patterns and plain' shades. Sizes 36 to 46. 9.95 to 17.95 BOYS' Windbreakers 6 TO 18 YEARS Choose front random cords, cheeks, chinos and corduroys in geld, alive, blue and black, 3.95 to 7.95 N EW Easter Ties New slims and regular width ties in all the best patterns and shades for Easter and spring. Hun- dreds to choose from. ti 1.00 1.50 2.00 NEW SHADOW CHECK SPORT COATS FOR MEN New cheeks, shadow Checks, and Plaids in the smart darker tones of grey, blue and brown olive for spring. Sizers 86g to 44 only, 24.95 to 39.50 BOYS' SPORT COATS ' Sizes 6 to 16 9.95 to 14.95 Boys Sizes in 'DRESS PANTS SLACKS GALORE 1 Choose a pair of smart sleeks from our big stock, -. All colors inplains, and new checks, New single pleat or plain continental styles Sizes 80 to 48. Priced 5.95 to 18.95 All Colors 4.50 to 7.95 POPULAR REVERSIBLE Topcoats for Men Continental style and continental checks, reversing to matching Plain shades, A very popular out- er coat for the spring season, 21.95 to 27.50 Boys Sizes REVERSIBLE COATS 12,95 NEW COTTON SLIMS for Men New checks, new random cords and novelty weaves in wash and wear cotton sling slacks for men, Size 30 to 36 waist and 36 to 44 regular cut. 4,95 to 6.95 ST WART R Se TENDERS WANTED Township of McKillop Separate drainage tenders for Township of MCKillep for the con- struction and repair, according to engineer's plans, profile and spec- ifications, will be received and to be in the hands of the clerk by April 13, 1962. 1. Rapien Drain, 2993 lineal feet of open work, excavating and levelling spoil bank, 343 lineal feet of 12 inch tile to dig and lay and back fill. 2. Love Drain, 4,144 lineal feet open work, clearing brush, excav- ating and levelling spoil bank and 60 feet of closed work, 3. Campbell Drain, 10,960 lin- eal feet of open work, clearing brush, excavating and levelling spoil bank, 3,040 lineal feet of 12, 10 and 6 inch tile to dig, lay and back fill, 2 catch basins. Township to supply tile and pipe within approximately one mile of work. A marked cheque for 10 per cent, with a minimum of 6100.00, to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Tender to state when work will begin. Work to be completed by August 15, 1962. Plans, profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. J. M. Eckert, Clerk McKillop Two. R.R. 1, Seaforth, Ont. Applications will be receivers by the undersigned for position of Clerk - Stenographer or Typist at Huronview, Clinton, Ontario. Necessary forms can be se- cured by contacting the under- signed. Salary in acrordauce with experience and County sehed- ule. Applications to be submitted on forms provided and must he received by Saturday, April 7, 1962. JOHN G. BERRY Secretary Board of Management Huronview, CARD OF THANKS ll'e wish to extend sincere thanks to all our friends, relat- ives and neighbors for the lovely gifts and cards received on aur Silver Wedding anniversary. Spe- cial thanks to those who arranged the parties and helped to make it a day long to be remembered. Mr. and Mrs.'Alex. Smith WANTED Would like trip to London some time this week. Phone SOUL -Sea - forth. CUSTOM WORK We will do custom plowing, sowing and working up land at reasonable prices. Phone Lyle Montgomery, HU 2.7231, Clinton, Ont. FOR SALE Quantity of Selkirk spring wheat, also same Montoalm bar- ley, all suitable for seed. Pb,one Pearson Charters, 260J2, Hensel'. FOR SALE Feed turnips 5 cents bushel. Theo Hauwert, Lot 5, Can. 9, Tnckersmith. Phone 653r2, Sea - forth. WANTED TO BUY I would like to buy a small or medium size roll top desk. Also antiques, in China, glass, brass, copper, lamps, small pieces of furniture or anything else in this line, Write to 616 Ontario St., Stratford. WANTED A young married man, with farm background, to operate own business. Mechanical and sales ability an asset. Apply by letter to Box J, The Seaforth News. Euchre C.O.F. Hall, Constance Friday, March 30 8.30 P.M. Good prizes. Admission 50c Ladies please provide sandwiches • S iatmo Skating Friday, Mar. 30- 9 10 25c & 35c Saturday Afternoon Skating 2 - 3,30 10e & 25c Last Skating Saturday Night 8.30 25c - 50c Teen Town in Hall SEAFORTH ARENA The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company McNILLOP MUTUAL 1 FiRE INSURANCE Insures COMPAiNY • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property e Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, Water damage, falling objects, etc,) is also available AGENTS: James jteys, RR i, Seaforth; V. J, Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm, Leiper, Jr„ Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G, Eaton, Seaforth Office - Main Street SEAFORTH IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS St :COMING EVENT 1 ' S-- Iii SEAPORT' KWWS, "Thursday, March 29, 1962 xiamasl Cdinrolr•riutirnagei ^"'�-'--itz We wish to express our sincere, sale;' April 28 ,1 p.u1, in trio parish CLEARING i blanks to all our friends for the sale, AUCTION SALE 08 111 do ss of sympathy and acts COMING EVENT Cleating miction ` eelo .of Farm of kindness shown us in our re- cent .sad bereavement in: the loss. A Series of prenatal elasses will Stook and Machinery at Lot 28, of. our very dear sister, Mrs. ' begin Tuesday, April 3rd, 1962, at Con, -9, McKillop township, half James Hogg. 2 pm. at Northside United Church mile west of Winthrop, or five Dinah and Ernie Toll. in Seaforth. These will be held at miles north of Seaforth, an Time TWO-DAY AUCTION weekly intervals for nine weeks: day, April 10111 at 1 pan, Those interested are invited to Machinery -- Allis Chalmers Garage, Garage Equipment and attend or phone the Public tractor WD 45; 2 Wurd 3 -furrow Parts, on Male Street, Brussels. Equipment -Will be auctioned on Wed., April -4th, at 12,30 p.08.: Body sander mid polisher, new; valve refuter, valve reseater; grease grin, 100 lb. size; floor Jack; 2,ton chain hoist; sMun.11 elutfm hoist; 2 beam carriages for hoists; slow battery charger; bearing Pnllix kits, Cln'ysler; bearing and. seal drifts; paint gun, regulator and base; %" electric drill; '4" eleotrie drill; seal pul- lers; 'It" drive socket set; axle puller kit, clutch adj. press, brake adj, kit (Chrysler); logging chains; tension nvrenohes; check utaohins; cash register with'add- ing machine; typewriter; filing oabinet; 11 bins with removable Partitions, 120 sections each; 2 islands, Property and New Pants. -Will Clearing auction sale of Regis - be auctioned on Saturday, April tered Holstein Cattle,. Dairy lith, at 12.30 p.m. - Electrical' Equipment and Farm Machinery, equipment; heating pads;irons; at Lot 22, Con. 4, Tuckersmith coffee percolators; brake shoes; Twp., 5 miles' south and 1 mile fuel pumps; voltage regulators; west of Seaforth, on Saturday, brake hose; light wiring; auto- March 31st at 12.30 p,m. motive direction signal kit; auto Cattle -17 registered Holstein accessories mirrors, lights, lens, cows and heifers, fresh and due, etc.; assortment of brass fittings to freshen; 6 year-old heifers;. number of heifer calves, Cattle will be sold at 3 pm., under cover, Machinery -Allis Chalmers WD 45 tractor, in good condition; Al. lis Chalmers B tractor; 1955 Chevrolet pick-up truck in `good condition, special bucket seat, automotive, valves, master. Cylin- er,good tires; Massey Ferguson bal- der kit, wheel cylinder kit, spark power take 'haoff, 3 oyndit old; Allis - Chalmers hay conditioner, Health Nurse, Seaforth, 489M, plows, hydraulic; Coeltshutft 3 - furrow plow on rubber, like new; tractor disk; fertilizer seed drill; set o8 scales; steel roller; sub soil cultivator; rubber tired wa- gon. 16 ft, hay rack; buck rake; 39 ft, extension ladder; 7 ft. MH binder; 4 section spring tooth barrows; fanning mill; steel wa- ter tank. Cows -2 Jersey Cows, milking; 10 good Holstein cows, some fresh and others to freshen in May, lune and August; 9 Holstein hei- fers, bred in Dec, and Jae.; 1 reg- istered Poll Angus hull; number of young calves. Pigs -1 Landrace way with 12 18185 six weeks old. 1 Landrace sow with 8 pigs 9 weeks. old; 2 saws, bred in Jan.; 2 sows bred in Feb.; 4 young sows, half Lan= Brace, half Lacombe; bred Feb. 1st; 1. collie dog. Mary and Grain -400 bus. Rod- ney opts, 400 bus. nixed grain; 100 bales of hay; 1 mow loose hay; electric brooder, 2 shelters, Cedar posts, 'amber, forks, shov- els, Chains, other articles too nu- merous to mention. Terni cash. Prop., Theron Beatles; auction- eer, Harold Jackson; Clerk, Geo. Powell. No reserve, Farm sold. between 4,30 -and 5 pan, FOR SALE Freezer, $45,00, Phone 348-8195, Mitchell, FOR SALE 20 -ton jack; hospital bed al - meet new; bteel barrels, 50 and 100 gal„ pair of large- steel double pulleys; sheep reek, pig trough; 2 tables, canvasses for -6 ft. M.H. binder; chicken house 10x12; stable sprayer; small As- tral refrigerator; Mal. pony trac- tor; 5 gal. molasses; 5 gal roof- ing paint; few bushels of grain. Giving tip farming. Cleo. W. 'Col- ;claugll, Clinton r.r. 1; phone HU 2 -3203. Auction Sale in cabinet; steel bolts and nuts in cabinet; Anco wiper arms and blades 1a1 cabinet;. water pare, automotive; spring •shackle pack- ages; thermostats, rod, hose, igni- tion bulbs, mufflers, muffler clamps, hangers, tail pipes, tie rod ends, exhaust pipes, bearings, plags, rebuilt master eylinders, springs, shock absorbers, knee action parts, paints and varnish, oartpenter tools, saws, planes, wrenches, drills and drill equip- ment; G,ton hydraulic jack, oils, seat covers. Property -At the same place, on Saturday, April 7th, the gar- age will be offered for sale, sub- ject to reserve bid. Building is 45 x 110 feet, situated on Main street, Brussels. Terms-Ohattels, cash. Proper- ty, 10% down, balance 30 days. Orwell Elliott, Prop.; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; Geo. Powell, Dolmage-In loving memory of :Clerk. our dear brother, Reginald Sidney Dalmage, who passed away one yeas ago, April 1, 1961. Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, "We do not need a special day to Grain and Hou>lhold Effects. - bring you to our mind, At Lot 23, Con. 5, Logan Twp., The days we do not think of you 2/ miles north, 3 miles west of are very hard to find; Mitchell, :or 2/ miles north and They say time heals all sorrow 2 miles east of Dublin, on Friday, and helps us to forget, April Gth, at 1 o'clock sharp, con - But time so far has only proved sisting of: How much we miss you yet. Cattle -Cow, 4 years, fresh 2 God gave us strength to take it months, rebred, Hereford; cow, 3 and courage to bear the blow, years, fresh 2 months, rebred, But what it meant to lose you no Hereford; cony, 3 years, bred, one will ever know. Hereford; Cow, 3 years, due •tinne To know we never said goodbye of sale; cow, 3 years, fresh 2 will always bring regret, months, rebred; cow, 2 years, But the hearts that loved you fresh 2 months; cow, 5 years, due dearly, time of sale; cow, 3 years, fresh; Are the hearts that won't forget. 2 cows, 3 years, due May 15th; -Always remembered by bro- 1 Holstein, due October; 3 Hol - titers and sisters. stein heifers, due August; 1 open. Holstein heifer; 4 Holstein heifer calves. (A11 Holsteins are excep- tionally good). 4 Durham and Herefords, yearling steers and heifers 700 lbs. Clearing Auction Sale FOR TALE 1951 Dodge Coolie in excellent condition; 1957 TV set; iron bed- stead; solid oak chest and dress- er; chesterfield chair; vacuum cleaner, Phone 473W. Rev. J. Ure Stewart. WANTED Carpenter work of all kinds, specializing in kitchen cabinets. Cliff Skolrod, phone 881r11, Sea - forth. OUTSTANDING BUY 3 bedroom home on No. 8 high- way; oil furnace, double garage, full basement; 3 piece bath, lot 60x120. Owner anxious to sell as he is living alone, Immediate pos- session, Joseph McConnell, Realtor, Seaforth TENDERS Tenders are invited for the painting of the exterior woodwork of Seaforth Public Library, Tenders are to be in the hands of the secretary of the board, Mrs. Joseph McConnell, on or be- fore April 14, 1962, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ED Boy ScoutNCamp requires two outside toilets. Phone 239. Dog strayed ontoDour farm, lot 13, con, 13, McKillop, yellow with white stripe on face. Phone 831r 12 Seaforth. FOR SALE 6 stoayn windows 5 ft. 11 in. x 34/ in, a number of window screens and 5 panel doors. Roy Lawson, Goderich street wast; phone 496W. 1,000• bales of mixed hay for sale. Will buy some nanny goats in kid or with kid. Wilfred Mc- Quaid, 46x22, Dublin, Hard map a $5,60 SALE kind- ling $3 a cord; delivered in town. Wallace Ross, Seaforth. 500 square bale sAofgood mixed hay, 25 cents a hale at bhe barn. John F. Bell, ".r. 2 Seaforth; 847r4. Certified GGaarrygseed oats, clean- ed, treated and sealed or in bulk uncleaned. Spencer Jeffery, 111-10 Dublin, SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE SEAFORTH - PHONE 182 Wall Washing Floor Maintenance Elicit and Plastering Repairing SUPERIOR dam Name SERVICE Ong Atm RAY SQUIRE BOX 335 SEAFORTH Hags -4 hags, 160 lbs. Dairy Equipment - 1 4 -can spray milk cooler, nenv, still un- der guarantee. 1 1 -can milk cool- er, and milk cans. Implements - 1 Oliver tractor used 1. year; Allis Chalmers pull type mower, 1 year old; John Deere side rake; McCormick. Deering spreader, large type pow- er take off; 2 farm wagons, 1 with grain box; Allis Chalmers plow, hydraulic, narrow bottom; Mas- sey Harris 8/" spring tooth cul- tivator with lift; International 18 run seed drill (horse); Fleury Bissel disc; 2 sets harrows 9_ ft. Fleury Bissel packer; rubber tir- ed wheel barrow; extension lad- der; Lets grinder; 25 U. endless belt; 20 ft. auger; root pulper; 2 colony houses; small hand forge; steel barrels; forks, shovels, chains. Dairy Equipment -2 unit Surge mincing machine; 90 ft. piping; cooling tank; washing tank; 10 milk cans; electric water heater. 3,000 bales of mixed hay. Terms cash. Catalogues avail- able from Arthur Finlayson, Prop., RR 3, Kippen; Harold Jackson, Auct.; Geo. Powell, Clerk. ESTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing auotion sale of Farms, Farm Stack, Machinery & House- hold Effects. At Lot 8, Con. '7, Tucltersmith twp.; 3% mile south and half mile east of Seaforth, on Monday, April 2nd at 1 p.m. Cattle -13 Durham caws due. in April, May.and June; 2 Durham heifers, bred; 7 Durham and Her- eford steers and heifers, 1 year old. Horses -1 Clyde gelding; 1 mare, middle age. Pigs` -2 'York sows due time of sale; 2 York sows, bred; number York chunks. Machinery -International trac- tor, Model A; 2 furrow Interna- tional plow; spring tooth cu•1tivFa- tor; 4 -section diamond harrows; walking plow; seed drill; mower; No. 55, hydraulic, belt pulley, hay loader; 7 ft. Massey Harris lights, starter. 2 -furrow Oliver binder; manure spreader; root plow, new. 1 Mc:Deering 814 ft. pulper with motor; rubber tired heavy spring tooth cultivator. 1 wheel barrow; fanning mill, blow- culto-packer Mc, -Deering, 81A foot. er pipe; Renfrew 2,000 1b. scales; 1 Fleury Bissell tractor spreader. pig trough; rubber tired wagon; 1 John Deere 9 -foot Trull tip save- • hay rack; gravel box; seuffler; ther, new. 1 6 -ft. Cocksbutt comb- set sleighs; sacks; bag truck; ire, with scour clean. 1 7 -ft. Oliv- ladder; barrels, 2 double harness er power mower. 1 New Idea 4-' and collars; 1947 Chevrolet sed - bar side rake, new. 1 Mc.Deer-' an; forks, shovels, aluminum in:g #'45 hay baler with motor, 5 scoop, sling ropes, chains, other years old. 1 Me: Deering 19 -run' articles too numerous to mention. fertilizer drill. 1 Cardnell bale j Hay and Grain -Quantity mix - elevator, 20 ft., with motor. 1 rub- ed hay; quantity mixed grain, beg tired wagon and new flat I Household Effects - Beach 4 - rack, 16 ft. 1 20 -ft. 449th grain, burner eleetr'ic stove; 3 ft. Frig - auger; 1 farting mill with idaire; Winghar Clipper white sieves; 1 emery on motor. 1 40-, enamel cook stove (like new) ; foot extension ladder, 1 Strunk + radio, extension table, buffet, .6 chain saw with 3 chains. 1 oircu- I chairs, rocking chairs, small lar saw and blade. 1 Maytiller , tables, Chesterfield bed (like garden tractor. 1 40 -foot endless; new) ; 3 piece Chesterfield suite; belt; 1 4 -section Diamond bar- piano, Axminster rug 9x12, table lamps, trilight lamps, 2 furnished bedrooms. Farm -At the same place, the 100 acre farm will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid; 97 acres of well drained clay loam land; bank barn, large brick pig pen and hen house, garage, brick house with hydro, fttrnace; all buildings in good repair. Imnmed- iate possession. Terms -Chattels cash; proper- ham coal and wood range, white ty 10% down, balance 30 days. enamel. 1 kitchen table and Mrs, Hazel Blake, Executrix; chairs. 1 piano in good shape Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; Geo. and other household effects, 1 Powell, Clerk. pure bred German shepherd dog 2 years old, a good cattle and watch dog, A host of other arti- cles too numerous to mention, Terms of sale, cash. 3% sales tax in effect where it applies. No reserve as farm is sold. Adolph Krngel, Prop. Joseph L, Ryan, Auotioneer Clerk, Jas. McQuaid tows. 16 new iron fence posts, 4 pig feeders. 1 electric 4 -light thicken brooder, Sap pan and number of pails. Grain -500 bus. Oats, Rodney. 75 bus. York barley grown from reg. seed. Hay and Straw -700 bales, nixed. 700 bales straw. Truck -One 1953 Dodge /-ton with stock rack. This truck is in good shape. Household Effects - 1 Wing - Auction Sale On satarday, April 7, at 1,30 pan, in the village of Dublin, can slating of Lot No. 8, on East street in the T. King survey, 136 story stucco house, good base- ment, hydro, pressure system, hard and soft water. There is 2 - story cement stable with garage attached, One 1957 Chevrolet 1k ton truck, in good shape. Terms en truck cash. Terms on proper- ty. 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days, Property sold subject to reserve bid, Administrators, Peter Ryan, William Ryan, J, L. Ryan, Auctioneer Auction Sale Clearing auction sale of Farm Machinery at Lot 13, Con, 13, Mc- Killop twp., 3 miles east of Lead - bury, on Tuesday, April 3rd, at 1 p.m.: Case D tractor, LPT; Case bal- er with motor; New Idea manure spreader, 95 bas.;. International power mower; Cockshntt power drill, 13 disc; Cockshutt side de- livery rake; Case 3 furrow plonv; stiff tooth International cultiva- tor; ultivator; Case spring tooth harrows; 4 -section drag harrows; 10" Cock- shatt grinder with belt; steel land railer; rubber tired wagon and rack; 3 chicken shelters; 130 ft. steel cable; 2000 lb. scales; fan- ning mill wtbh motor; steel water tanit; nig crate; pig feeders; Tem grain roller new, 1 -hp mater, other articles too numerous to mention, Sale will bo held tinder cover. Terms cash. Leonard Leeming, Prop,; Har- old Jaekeon, Auctioneer, .ESTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing auction sale of Mach- inery and Household Effects at Lot 15, Stanley Twp„ Bayfield Road, % mile west of Varna, on Saturday, April 14th at 1 pan. Pull line of faun machinery, in- cluding two tractors, combine, ba- ler, seed do+111, manure spreader, hammer mill, cultivator disk, hat' - rows. Other articles too numerous to mention. Complete list next week. Terms ,cash. Prop„ Estate of Late Lloyd Sahnston; executrix; Miss R. Johnston auctioneer, Harold Jackson; clerk, George Powell. Private Sale At the faun of Frank Williams, Lot 28, Con. 4, Hibbert Twp. 1 David Brown tractor 950, Practically new, with extra equip- ment includes heat houser, wheel weights and etablizers. 4 furrow hydraulic plow, 14 inch, with depth wheel; 2 hydraulic cultiva- tors with snuffler attachment; 1 MH. row crop traetor, with 4- rovv veinier, mechanical lift; 2 double disks, set of harrows, 2 side rakes; set of tractor chains Tor Ford or Ferguson; semi- mounted power mower; 15 ruin International power drill; horse scuffler; Otaco tractor manure spreader; corn planter; Ebersol grain .thrower wiibh 40 ft. pipes; Little Beaver grinder with 3 h.p. motor; 2 bean cookers, one feet - mw made with electric timer and clock; 1 Universal milking ma- chine with piping, twin cylinder pump capable of handling six units with 2 double unit pails and 1 Conde single unit.; 1 dozen milk cans; 2 500 -gal. drums; '49 Chevrolet car; quantity of split and cordavood; electric brooder; quantity of alfalfa and timothy seed; also some hay and grain; 2 beau pullers with new set of blades; TV aerial with rotor. Frank Williams, Prop. WANTED TO RENT Young couple requires immed- iate living accommodation in Seaforth or Egmonclville. Phone Kea Moore, 600 R 31 HOME GROWN SEED GARY OATS, registered second generation, certified and com lnercial. RED CLOVER, cleaned and graded. TIMOTHY, cleaned and graded. R. T. Bolton, RR 1 Seaforth, and Art Bolton, RR 1 Dublin FOR SALE Special spring sale on started Pullets 6 -weeks -old, 79c; 9 -week- old, 98c; 12 -week-old $1.29, All birds vaccinated and delivered. Henderson Started Chicks Limit- ed, phone 6454-1 Seaforth TEACHER WANTED An experienced protestant tea- cher is required for S.S. No. 7, Hullett. Fifteen pupils, Duties to commence in September. Apply stating qualifications, experience and salary expected. All applica- tions to be in hands of the secre- tary by April 2, 1962. Mrs. Leonard Shobbrook, Secretary -Treasurer,' Blyth, Ont., R.R, 1 Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER A nine room house with four acres of land, 100 a,ct'es a mile south of Dash- wood with good buildings 200 acres in McKillop twp., level, well drained and good buildings. 100 acres in Hibbert twp., fair buildings, level, with 10 acres of bush. 125 acres in Hallett twn,, level, well drained, fallow, drilled well, 8 room brick modern house, 1 mile to school; with terms. 7 room house in Egmonclville, modern, with three quarters acre of land, now oil furnace, small barn, hen house and garage. Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont, offices and 26 salesmen to serve you BOX Funeral Homme AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bod Flowers for all ocoaslons hones: Day 93. Night 698W P MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Res, 606 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W . Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L. Brady, 115.D., Surgeon Dr, B. Malkur Office deur,, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily scent Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings; Tuesday & Thurs. 7-9 p,a. Appointments rude in advance ars deslra!ie TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V,S, W. R, B1;YANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. 0. DRENNAN, D,V.M., V.S. Phone 106 - Seaforth John E. Longstaff • Optometrist Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours--Seaforth daily except lieu., 0 to 6.80; Wed. 0 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. ora by appointment only. Clinton 111.1-2-7010. above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 0 to 5.50 ilaannwsimommumarasorar INSURANCE' • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Ries. 2841 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace 0i1 Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w . Arnold Stinnissen R R 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-11-12 Donald O. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PHONE 75 SEAFORTH Office in Jackson Aluminum Bldg. 'OSBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors Milton McCurdy, RRA Kirkton President Timothy B. Toohey, 11113 Lucan Vice -President William H. Chaffe, RR, 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Martin Feeney, R112 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner, 111 Cromarty Agents; Hugh Benninger, Dub- lin; Harry Coates, R.R. 1, Centra- lia; Clayton Harris, Mitchell. Solicitor: W. G. Cochrane, Q,C.,- -Exeter. Secretary - Treasurer: Arthur. Fraser, Exeter. Be warmly contented ,with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W Tho Seaforth Nows: "Authorized as Seeond•Olass Mail le the Post 00100 De- partment, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash?