HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-03-29, Page 5THE EAFORTI-I NEWS, Thursday, March 29, 1962--5 ALLEN'S '....TT S APPLE Lge 7, SUPERIOR Food. Market JUICE Tin 29c 9WILTCLOVER LEAF SOLID E TUNA Tin 3C CARNATION MILK 2 Lge Tins 27 c E. D. SMITH'S CHERRY PIE FILL. 2 20 -oz renis 63c TULIP SQUEEZE BAG MARGARINE 2 pks 53c LYN VALLEY STANDARD CPEACHES 2 15 -oz tins F f -- 12 V S E CLARK'S VARIETIES SOUPS Special Low Prices SEE OUR FLOOR DISPLAY FLORIDA ORANGES size 200 Doz 43c TEXAS CARROTS 39c 3 Z.,B BAG TOMATOES 19c CELLO TUBE ST, COLUMBAN Mr. and Mns. Auguste Du- oharme in London and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mialoney, Kitchener, with Mr, and MTS. Peter Maloney. Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Holland end family, Brantford, Mr. and Mrs, John Fawcett and Con Hol- land, London, with Mr. 'and Mrs S. J. Holland. Toni Maroiis Is home from St. Joseph's IEospetal, London. Miss Joan Coyne and Miss Rita Kennedy, London, at their homes. Miass Catharine Feeney, Kitch- ener, and Mr. and Mass. Glen But- ters, London, with NIr. and Mrs, Maurice Melody. COME WITH THE CROWD TO LIONS BINGO Approved -by the Proper Authorities SAT., APRIL 14th AT LEGION HALL HAMS AND TURKEYS 3 DOOR PRIZES 5 BIG SPECIALS 15 GAMES TICKETS 1.00 -- 15 GAMES SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB PROCEEDS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS WORK SAVE ON SEED buy from your local J -M dealer Choose JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS for QUALITY—finest seed always, from an experienced seed house ECONOMY—reasonable prices for expertly processed seed SERVICE—convenient "close -to -home" service from this local Arm ASF" YOUR DEALER FOR JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS Or call us direct: Exeter phone 235-0363 Crediton phone 234.6363 London phone GE 2.2258 1960 CHEVROLET BEIL AIR SEDAN, A.T. 1957 CHEVROLET COACH, A.T. 1957 HILLMAN SEDAN 1957 DODGE SEDAN 1956 PONTIAC SEDAN 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541 TOWN TOPICS rand Mre, Keith Sets, son Steven, and Philip Willis and lfa- thy Willis, all of Goderieh, were Sunday visitors at the here of Mrs, J, McKenzie, Market street, Dr, and Mrs. J. A. Corwin lett Sunday on a two week West Ins dies prates) aboard the Empress of England, Miss Ellen Gorwill and Miss Rua -Lynn Davies, nurses in 1 ,training at Hamilton Genera hos- pital, spent the week end with, Dr, and Mrs. Gorwil. Mn Ga end Mrs. Hugh rwill, London, spent Sundary with the latter's parents, .Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hetham of London spent the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs, J, I-Iathanb Wilson street. ,Mr, and Mrs, Laaghlan Gear, Fergus, were weekend guests of thein aunt and uncle, Mr. and lysins. Russell Sproat •REBEKAH LODGE MEETS The initiatory degree wascon, farmed at Monday night's regular' meeting of Edebweies Rebekah Lodge with Mrs. C. Reeves, N.G., presiding, Mrs. Ilia Dorrance was degree captain; Mrs, Georgie°. Snaith, soloist, and Miss Mae Smith, pianist, Adeeentewirei s h s planned for Thursday, April 5th in the IOOF hall, Dessert will be served prior to games at 2 o'olock in the aft- ernoon and 8 o'olock in the even- ing. A cordial invitation is exten- ded to the public to attend. An invitation was received to attend the Canadian Cancer Soci- ety's daffodil tea in the town hall on Saturday, Miaroh 31. Members are reminded of the, invitation bo attend Friendship Night at Monkton on April 6th and of the visit here of Mrs. Car- men MoPiherson of Clinton, -D•DP. of Huron district, at the nextreg- ular meeting, April 9. All past noble grands were re- minded of the district meeting to be held at Clinton on April 11th. Named representatives to this meeting were Mns. Ed Andrews and Mrs. Keith Sharp. Mns. Sharp was maned representative and Mss. Margaret Messenger scholar to attend assembly ses- sions in Toronto in June. A donation was made to the D,D.P,'s project, assi's'tance to the MOP and Rebekah home at Bar- rie. The social committee for the next three month's will be Miss Jean Scott, Mrs. Ed Andrews, Mrs. K. Sharp, Mrs. J. Grnmmett, Mrs. Tillie Dunn, Mrs. Mn, Dal- rymple, Mrs, Frank Swwale, Mrs. Norma Hoegy, Mrs, Robt. Dodds and Mrs. E. Haase, Miss Jean Scott reponted on plans made for the lodgers 50th anniversary on May 10th to be held in the commiunity centre, LADIES' GUILD The regular meeting of the La- dies' Guild of St. Thomas' Angli- can Chtii ,li was held last Wed- nesday evening et the home of 'Mrs. Allan MoConney, The presi- dent, Mrs. 3. R. Spittal, opened the meeting. She thanked the la- dies for their splendid cmepera- tion on the Lions Club banquet, After an inventory of kitchen cluina, it was decided to replace broken, pieces and also to make a few additions. Lovely knitted socks and mittens were received for the bazaar knitting booth. ,The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. R. Spittal and will be a shower for the var- iety booth. Mrs. E. Case and Mrs. H. Don- aldson served a delightful lunch et the close of the meeting. PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S. The senior WMS held their anionbhly meeting in First Presby- terian Chureh on Tuesday, Mar. 27. Miss Fraser, vice president, opened meeting by response 'read- ing of Psalm 8, 'followed by a short prayer by Mrs. J. Gordon, Mrs. W. J. Thompson and Miss Fraser. Miss Fraser read several scripture verses, Minikes of the February meeting and .roll oa11 an'svered by 15 ladies, Treasur- er's report by Mns. McGregor and 42 shutin call's were reported. Mrs. J. W. Thompson gave topic, Sisters Encourage, a splendid talk on Christianity and missionaries, a story of the. old Middle East. Mrs. J. Bell gave current events. FARMERS' UNION MEETING Local 284 monthly meeting was held at Thomas Govenlock's Fri- day night with a good attendance. The president stated Farm Union inqubry finds implement parts are hard to get in some areas of Ontario, and also that tractors ane being sold rated at a high lap and when put to actual teat will only develop halt the power on 'the land, 70 Union members had attend- ed presentation of brief to prey - Metal government. Seventeen .members of parbliamenit had list- ened to reading of brief and dis- cussed resolutions. Mrs. Goveniock gave a report on her trip to Ottawa. She said ,both parties were not in flavor of national marketing. She told of Mrs. True, from Glue west, having toured Europe and reported that the hospital plan in Sweden was the best she had seem She also said the U.S, had too much con .brol of markets in the west. They sell Mexican sitrewberries for I,5c a box, but pobatoes at 80 Ib, Oen- adtan potatoes at 2c lb. Western farmers want wheat board main- tained. Egg marketing was dis- cussed and belt it would he wise- to hold a public meeting and asic Mr. Tom Robinson to arrange a panel to explain egg marketing, and plan milk marketing. Some thought the quota price should be more. TIRE STOLEN Police report theft of a spare tiro and pan of oil from the trunk of a ear parked at .the home of Mrs. P. B. Moffat, West street, on Saturday. The car was owned by Frank Goidtug, Montreal. Easter Sponsor Seal Campaign I00 -operation w th .the On Omar - le i lar le Society for Crippled Children the Seaforth Lyons Chub are Zemin. sponsoring this year's sale of Easter seals, To date approximately 2,000 en- velopes have been mailed to res' idents "et Seafort'b and surround- ing area and it is leaped that this increased nwiling will raise the net returns whereby their object- ive of. $1,500 will be reached. Crippled ohildren'is work is one of the main projects of the loc'ai club and it is only through the sale of Plaster seals that they are able bo assist locally any crippled 'child who needs special braces, etc. in order that they may live a happier and more raseful life. The club also arranges and pays for a two week vacation at the society's camp in northwestern Ontario for crippled children. The committee requests h if t e ue that q anyone receiving Easter seals 'does not care to send in n done• tion, would they please hand or send the seals to a friend or "nei- ghbor. Please do not return the seats to the club, since It posts the club seven cents to redeem them from the post etuce. Toless date a e es than 50 envelopes opus 'containing cheques or cash have been received, but with pay day for many being this Friday and Saturday, it is anticipated that a much better response will be made over the next few days, BUSY BEAVERS The filth meeting of the MoKil- lop Busy Beavers was held at the home of Linda P,aipple on March 14 at 7 .p,ma, Roll Dull was "One new point I have learned about cutting out and making a garm- ent," Mre, Little demonstrated a zipper .sample, The next meeting is to be held Thursday, April 5th. Home assignment is work on gar- ments and work on record books. POLICE STATISTICS Ontario Provinobal Police report for Feb. for District 6: Motor ve- hiole secidenbs 186 (2.053); fatal accidents 2 (55), persons killed 4 (34), injured 16 (576), velraoles checked 3,222 (44,881), warnings Mailed 1,586 (22,555), changes pre- ferred 492 (6,763), most charges were Dor rate of speed 132 (2,412), rules of the road 126 (1,368). Fig- ures hi brackets, whole province, THE LEGION CORNER By ,Tack Holland Hello to you all, and aren't we all enjoying this wonderful wee- they'. Well, the Beg Mite, as the kids call it, is over again for another year and it certainly is quite an event. The kide really were thrill- ed by the public turnout and it was tunny to hear the converse - dons in the dressing rooms, re- garding cross checking, break- aways and the rest of the hockey jargon. Our sports officers, Jack Eisler, has done a ternif c job with these kids. Jack has some volunteer help to assist him but he is the main cog in this most worthy project by our Legion brandy. On behalf of the Legtonn I mast thank one and all for -'the big crowd wiho turned out to witness the games and presentation of trophies, The Legion is very proud and justly so of their effort in this community project. The whole shave was ably m,c'd by our president, Allan Nicholson, and a final thank you to those who so kindly donated trophies. Well, comrades, we have a big stag euchre coming up on April 18. Remember the fun at the last one. Another date to keep in remind is the zone rally April 8th, and before next meeting give some thought to the Legion insurance plan. It is well worth considering, So until meeting nice, au revoir 'with a thought for the fallen, "At .the going down of the sun and in ,the morning, we well remember them." CROMARTY 'Vie and Mns. John McLachlan of Seaterbh were recent visitors with Mr. Andrew McLachlan and 'Dirs. Grace Scott. Mrs, John Wallace and Debbie spent :the week end with Mr, ;and Mrs. Harry Elliott and family of Essex. Mns, Alex. Crago of Kirkton and Mrs. Alan Somers of 'St. Marys were Sunday visitors with Mr. land Mre. K. McKellar, Messrs Murray Pindlayson, Gordon Coliquhioun, Harold Nairn and Laurie McKellar went to Nashville, Tennessee where they attended ,the Grand Ole Op- era Show on Satunday night. miss Lunda Currie of Dorches- ter .spent die week end with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mr. and Mie, Calvin Hglley, Beth.and Billy, visited on Friday night with Mir, and Mns. Jaynes Ramsey of Listowel. Mis, Jean Cowper, Mr. Archie Couper, Janet and Donald, of Mit- chell, were recent visitors with NIr. land Mns, Gerald Carey and Mrs, Traylor, . iMrs. Will iliamidton returned on Monday train Seater% hosp:ltal, where she lead been a patient for the past month, Sunday school re -opens in the Cromarty church next Sunday, April 1st, ,at 1.30 pan, TMs. and Mrs, W. N. Binning, Richard, Rcbeet avid Jolie, of Mitchell, visited on Monday ev- ening with Mrs. Binning'•s par- ents, Ma', and Mrs. K. Meleellar, who were observing the tore/ - Mild anniversary of their mar- riage, The Marelt meeting of the Maar, 'ion Ritchie evening, auxiliary was held in the Sunday school room of the clench with Mss. Lorne Ei- liott presiding, The scripture les- sen from 2nd chapter of Solodnon was read by Mrs, Carter Kers- lake, Mrs. Elliott led In pincer, Reports were given by the seere- duty and the treasurer. Twelve members anawe!red toll pall. A letter 'from the supply secretary, also correspondence iecee r gadlng the week at Kinbaii camp for oh'urch women. The president road ir, letter from the annivers- ary fund committee received 'at the Presbyterial meebing In Strat- ford. Future rfu'iltings were dis- ousserl. 4. reading on the history of St. Patrick was given by Mrs. Mervin Dow,. Mrs. Duncan Seen continued the study of the New Life oil' the Church. Mrs, Lloyd Miller read an article by Padre Young, "If You Ask' Me, You Can't Get to the Right Place on the Wrong Road. CONSTANCE Mm, and Mrs, Bill Newinaa and ,Sandra Lee, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mansell Cook, Mrs. Cook returned with them to spend a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Riley spent the week end with their son and daughter-in4aw, Mr. and Mrs. D, Riley, Scarboro; and with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Woods and Debbie of Ajax. Miss Debbie 3\T00ds returned home to spend a week with her grandparents. r rents. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, L. Lawson over the weekend were NIr, and Mrs, Cecil Oke, London; Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Busby, Chat. ham; Mr, and Mrs, Jaok David- son and. Andrew, Seaforth, M. and Mrs, Paul McMaster of Ridgetown spent the week end with the latter'ia parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Iloggert, Mr, and Mrs, Medford Hark- ness, Teeswater spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Grinoold- by, Mr, and Mos, John Jewitt and girls; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawson and Brenda, Varna vielted Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Jewitt, Masters Kevin and Steven Jowitt who had spent the past week with Mr. and Mss. Dowson returned home. Student teachers from Strat- ford Teachers College with Mrs. Livingstone at SS No, 3 Hallett ithis week are Miss Wilkinson, Tilisonbnrg and Mrs, Maloney, Ses2orbh. The Constance UCW catered to a turkey banquet Tuesday even- ing for Londesboro W.I. WALTON Women's Institute Historical Research and current; events was the theme of Walton WI for the March meeting held Thursday evening in the commune i•ty hall, The president, Mrs. Jas. Nolan, presided for businesis and Mrs. H. Craig read the minutes, also the financial report was giv- en by MTs, Wm. Humphries. It was decided to accept the invita- tion ,to attend the cooking dem- onstration in Blyth memorial hall tinder the auspices of Blyth WI on Friday evening, April 6 at 8 qui, Mss. Swivel' of CKCO-TV will be present. Meat was chosen from the diff- erent courses ller the local leaders senior training sebool to be held in the fall of 1962. The committee to look atter the euehre,for Mar. 23 was Mas. A. McDonald, Mrs. G. McGavin, Mrs, W. Shortreed and Mrs, K. McDonald. The Apnil meeting will have the official visit of the district presi- dent commencing with a pot luck supper et 7 pan. sharp. Ro11 call' will be payment of fees and gift for your sineehine sister. A pen- ny auction will also be held at this meeting, A discussion followed on the adoption of their refugee child for tihe coming year and it was decided to ask other societies to join with us and' if possible have bite same child to support. 'The district annual will be held in Walton M May to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the WI. Tick- ets for dinner meal will be $1 and arrangements will be made to have a cake made and iced for the Occasion. Ohangin•g of the meeting date was lett till the next meeting. The conveners of the meeting, Mrs. Jan VanVliet Jr. and Mrs, Wm, Turnbull then took over the meeting. Mns. Turnbull was in charge of the door .prizes which were won by: adult, Mis, James Clark; children's, Stephen Mb - bent. Mrs, VanVliet impersonated as Miss Joyce, aesembled the oluildren in a circle and .played action games, also a candy scra- mble. Mrs. C. Matheson of Brus- sels told a story to the children and • other games followed with Miss Joyce and a twist session. Everyone joined in a big circle for Farmer in the Dell, Balloons were presented to the children. Lunch committee was Mrs. T, Dundas, Mrs, N. Marks, Mrs, G. Hibbert, .Nirs. A. Anderson, Mrs. P. McDonald, Mrs. N. Reid, Mns, Herb Williamson. Mrs, Martin brought in the elate -of officers as fellows: Past president, Mrs, James No- lan; president, Mrs, K. McDon- alid; let vice Imes., Mrs. G. Cor- lett; 2nd vice Pres„ Mrs, Ed Mc- Cneabh; secretary, Mre. H. Craig; treas„ Mrs. W. Humphries; dis- hntet director, Mrs, James Nolan; east. d'Ireetoe, Mrs, Ron Bennett; hranc'h directors, Mrs. S. Humph- ries, Mns, A, McDonald, Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull, Mrs, Margaret Humphries; pianist, Mrs, Jack Bryans; assistant pianist, Ml's, Herb navies; press reporter, Mrs, D. Ennis; auditors, Mrs, he. Clark, Mrs, George Williamson; conymniibtee conveners—Agr, and Can, Indus„ Mrs, Roy 'William- son, Ms's, Donald Buchanan; eit- izenship and ednc„ Mrs, N. Marks and Mrs, T, Dundee; hist, res. & citrlent events, Mrs. W, E. Turn- bull, Mrs, F, Walters; home ec. and health, Mrs, G. McGavin, Mrs, G. Fox; resolutions, Mrs. G. Watson, Mns, W. Shortreed; pub - Me relations, Mrs. Wm, Danuis, Mrs, Geo. Love, Mrs, H. Traviss, Mns, E, Stevens, Sunshine cam, Mrs A, Coutts; Brussels lair-dlr- actor's, Mrs. Jiro McDonald, Mrs, 11 I Traviss, The hall board and WI held a progressive euchre party last Friday evening with following prize winners: Ladies high, Ms's, Clifford Ritchie; gents, high, Jack 1413011,11; low, ladies, Mrs, G. Mc - Gavin; gents, John Simpson, Mr. and 1VIrs, Jim Anderson and family of London visited over the week end with his parents, lvlr, and Mrs. A. Anderson, Mrs, Margaret Humphries Is visitingini 'd . Windsor ds r 4 and London. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pritchard end family, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maier aP London spent tate week end with Mr, and Mrs, David Watson. Miss Corrie Ruyter of Stratford ,spent week i M n t t ha ee end with r and Mrs. Jan VanVliet Sr. bliss Ann Shortreed of West- ern Univerrsity, London, spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Shortneed. i Mss Jean Mills 0P Toronto ' onto spent the weak sad with her fa- ther, NIr. Earl Mills. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Welland of Watrous, Sask., spent a few days last week with the letter's aunt and uncle, Ms. and Mrs Edward B i•yans. McKillop UCW The Nlareh meeting of the Mc- I9i1Iop UCW unit was held Mar, 14 et the home of Mr's. Andrew Coutts with Mrs, J. Beaman pre- siding. Prayer by .M•rs, Marton Hacliwell. Mrs. W, J. Leeming read the senlpture passage and Mrs, Ilaolmvell was in charge of the topic Frain the study book. Invitation were accepted to itt- tend a bhanlnoffering meeting in Sit. John's Anglican Ohureh, Bios- eels on Alar, 27 and Walton unit bazaar Mar, 28. Used Christmas dards were brought bo the meet- ing. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Geo. Fox and Mrs, David Sholdice. Walton WiUIng Workers The sixth meeting of Walton willing Workers was held Satur- day, M'amoh 24bh at the home of the leader, Mrs, H. Craig, Minutes were read by Carol Wilbse. Sher- nill Craig was to be press repor- ter. 11 members answered roll call, Next rneebing is to be held at the home of Mrs, R. Traviss the first week in May. Miss Gdl- chriist, home economist, attended and gave the girls much needed bele for achievement day. The girls then tried on their sapar- ates for her. Miss Ruth Ennis, R.N., of Kit- chener, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ennis. Mrs. Les Oliver had the misfor- tune to fall and fracture her hip and is at present confined to the Victoria hospital, London. YPU The YPU invited the congrega- tion to join with them last Sun- day evening when the film Mart- in Ltuther was shown. Miss Linda Sayan conducted fire meeting. Mary Helen Buchanan read the scripture and Geraldine Dennis offered prayer. air. and Mrs. A. H. Loveridge, Charlotte and Albert of Westhill, and Mr, Ron Ennis, Hamilton, vi- sited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Doug Ennis. First Presbyterian Church 11 AM. & 7 P.M. Rev. Douglas Fry will preach Mrs M. R. Rennie. Organist - LAK- E Mr. and Mrst 'Earl Oesoh and family visited Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Curtis Girngar- ioh and family. Sunday evening guests with Mr, Harold Finlay and family were Mr. and Mi+s, John 1411e13r1de, Mr: and Mrs, Harold llendriok and Elaine; and Mr. John Finlay, This Was the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Hendricic's wedding anniverr. sary, Mr. Gordon Love of Hensall visited with r, Hai,?id Finlay and family on Sunday, Northside United Church Worship (4th Sunday in Lent) 11 a,ln, Jr, Church school duping worship. Sr. Church school 10 a.m. Organist, Mrs, Jas. A. Stewart; Choirmaster, Mr, Jas, A, Stewart; Minister, Rev. 3. Cliff Britton, s,A. ilt Probably you know of someone — a friend, relative or neighbor — who has had to F'IGIIT cancer and you know the suffering and heart- ache involved. Only re- search can win the battle against CANCER Give generously to the Aprii campaign of The Canadian Cancer Soc- iety. The objective in HURON is $16,000. With your help we can raise even more. Campaign OPENS AT SEAFORTH Monday, April 2nd In charge of local team captains SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL SPRING CONCERT Friday, March 30th 8 P.M, ADMISSION - 50c Varied Program Everybody Welcome YOU ARID INVITED TO THE ' DAFFODIL TEA Saturday, March 31st 2 - 5 P.M. TOWN HALL Seaforth Cancer Society "Live without fear through the year. See your Doctor" —Canadian Cancer Society FEDERAL RIDING OF HURON LIBERAL NOMINATING CONVENTION Friday, April 6th, at 8.30 Legion Hall, Clinton The meeting will be addrssed by Hon. Paul Hellyar, M.P. for Trinity, former Associate Minister of Internal Defence HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION A. Y. MCLEAN ROY LAMONT HAROLD SHORE President Treasurer Secretary