HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-03-29, Page 4DUBLIN
William Dantzer
William De neer ill was; found
i ? i ,
dead. in,his laonle on Thursday,
M'are11 a by gine of his iu iglt
hors, Son of the late Andrew
and Mrs. Dautzer, be had lived
and Canned all his life At cetiees•:'
sign 1. ill McKillop township, two
Bee front Dubbin. the attended
they Dublin separate and centime
eaten a,thools and was a success-
ful farmer, A. member OL' St, Pat
risk's Montan Catholic Church,
Dublin, the Holy Name Society
and Altar Society. He is survived
by two brothers, Andrew, Lon•
don, and Harvey of Windsor; the
'sister, Mrs. John (Helen) Nagle,
of Dublin, The reelable rested at
the W. J, Cleary Cnneral home,
Sea girth, till Saturday morning
when Requiem login Mass- was
bold at St. Patrick's Roman Ca-
tholic Chuvob, Dublin, at 11 o'.
dock. Rev, R. Durand ol'fiotated
and Rev. Dr, J. B. Ffoulkes was in
the sanebuary. Mother M Celeste
presided at the organ and was
assisted by the school choir. The
pallbearers were Matt Murray,
Olein Krauskope, John McCarthy,
Frank Cronin, Jiin Delaney and
Paul DeKroon. Burial took place
in St, Patrick's cemetery. Friends
and relatives attended from Wind-
sor, London, Kitcluener, Stratford
.and Mitchell.
Mrs. Louis Matthews and Mrs.
Patrick Mathews, Detroit, with
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle.
Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald of
Windsor, Mr. Lester Haynes, of
Simcoe, wibh Mr, and Mps. Joe
Mr. and Mrs, Kaath Kelly and
family, Kitchener, with Mr, and
Mrs, Fergus Kelly.
Miss Margaret McCarthy, Kit-
chener, with John MaCarty
Mr. 1v1 s andGordon Costello
n i G
of Toronto with Mr, and Mrs. Dan
Mr. and Mr's. Harvey Dantzer
and son of Windsor with Mr. and
Mrs, John Nagle.
Mr. Tom Morris has returned
home from St. Joseph's hospital,
Miss Ann Morris, London, with
Mr, and Mrs. Tom. Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Reilly and
family, and Louis O'Reilly in Lon-
don with Mr, and Mrs. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Doyle, To-
ronto, with his brother, Ted Doyle
Bill Menheere, Waterloo Coll-
ege, with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Adrian lltenheere.
wSS tibswered and solus appotnt.
The annual nttedting of Luntdos•' moos trade rev nett year's work.
list's W.I. will be deli in the hall The soelai couuniittee for tt pec•.
talc or eveuitrg party was wiL and
do April atll at 's p.m, MM. Rohl.
d' atrset'ylce will install the offle•
ers acid Mr, Cliff Epps of .Clinton
will be Oda speaker. There will
be an auction of .plants, slips and
bulbs at this meeting. Members
kindly being donations, There wi 1
also be a special collection taken
Cor Fealties Cor Friendship.
The Explorersmet on the af-
ternoon of March 22nd, Barbara
Burns, chief explorer, called the
looting to order. 17 members an-
swered roll oa1'1. Mrs, Jack Lee
led the lateness. study and wor-.
ship Period. Sharon and Janice
Little, Susie Clark, Beverley Lee,
Ilirs, IGric Ait'dereon and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Buchanan. Mrs, Den
Buchanan leas eppohubed to send
e i'ds to sick ai' -bereaved, Roper -
tors, Mrs, Oliver Anderson and
Mrs Geo Canter, Mrs, Rowena
weon six :nnd seven.thousand dol-
lars ou thin operative. 1f this
were 'lulaplied iii i'nt'.al ntunletpat-
ities it !might act as a deterrent
to Vertical. integration,
! The second, resolution was ap-.
proved to Ontario Wheat
:Board power to obtaia a percent
f wheat delivered at Itary
Oarbwrigltt and Mrs, Jinn Howatt If .yore Whetut'Board. could get
e a
are to rind a home for starting the � tluus whoat tor o' S ltember and Oe-
tcrunt next fall and appoint who usher export it oouid be moved
to take luneli, Most games, Gor-
don 0laalregot'; lone hands, Mrs,
Mut Howatt; cons., Mrs. George
be in time to use the full naviga.
•FEDERATION NEWS tion seasotl.but itis usually dur-
• By J. Carl Hemingw'ay itlg February that the Board is
March 23rd— asked to reprove the surplus,
out maces more cheaply, Under
Present conditions the Board can
only get wheatwhen the trade ,le
willing .to assign it. This might
Heather Snell, Patty Little, Bar- I Cat ie° Wheat Producers field This meats the Board haw to
Mira Burns, Shirley Hunking, their annual.meeting do TOrontp, pay top storage.charges and has
Donina 1 ouugblut, Lorna Miller. March 20 acid 21. Perhaps I am to move the !get th, by rail .rather
Wendy Caldwell and FIOY Shad- slightly biased, but I find it most than beat.
dick were presented with their luterestlttg to find two resole- Since it was necessary for me
second gold stria Margaret Stew-
art received her blue star, Pant-
ies Airdrie, Glenyee Anderson
and Grace Longman their second
red star. Barbara declared the ex-
pedition ended.
A ear load of Blyth friends vis-
ited with Harvey bunking Sun-
day, who is still a patient in West-
minater hospital, London,
Mrs. Mervin Eckmier or Pine
River (nee Susie_ Sampson) who
has been a patient In Kitchener
hospital for over tw.o months fol-
lowing a serious car accident, has
been moved to Victoria hospital,
ser, and Mrs, Wes Jefferson and
children, of -Westfield, were Sun-
day visitors with ale and Mrs.
Willows A'ioettain.
Miss Dorothy Little spent the
week end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt re-
turned home on Wednesday mor-
ning having enjoyed a three week
motor trip through the Southern
States, Points visited were San
Diego, Los Angeles, Mexico,
Phoenix, Arizona, The Grand
Canyon in northern Arizona, is
one utile deep, 13 miles wide and
217 rifles long. The Petrified For-
est was another point of interest,
also orange, grapefruit and lepton
orchards, date and banana groves.
Each date tree had a ladder as
the fruit grows at bhe tap of the
tree and dates have to be picked
as they ripen; they do not all
ripen on the bunch at the same
time. The temperature was G0,
10 degrees below the usual. The
Arizona climate was much more
comfortable. They also visited the
old home of Wyatt Earp at Tomb-
stone. Arizona, and the church
which he attended. iblrs. Gaunt
played a hymn on the organ.
The Brodhagen Band are busy
practising every Tuesday even-
ing from 8 to 9,30 at the commun-
ity hall under the leadership of
Clare French and Gary Sholdloe,
and any new members will be
Mays, Fred Scherbarth and Aug-
ust Bauer received word of the
death of their brother Charles
Bauer. 81, at Stettler, Alberta.
The sympathy of the community
is extended to them.
A shower was held for Mr. and
Mfrs. Clark (Karnarslti) at the
community hall Saturday night.
The Women's Org'anizatiou of
the Evangelical Brethren Church,
McKillop, held a turkey dinner
and social evening in the com-
inusuity hall last week with their
husbands and families as guests.
Mr. and airs. John Nlueller and
Ruth Ann of Hamilton with Mrs,
Aug. Hillebrecht.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kressler of
Stratford with NIrs. Elizabeth
Querengesser and Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Sltoldice on Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs, John Arbuckle,
Billy and Bobby of Walkerton
with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Shot -
dice on Sunday.
Dir, and Mrs. Carman Mogk,
Wendy, Terre and Randy of St.
Thomas at the home of NL•, and
Mrs, George Mogk and Harold
Mogk recently,
'Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Beuerman,
Larry, Diane and Susan of Sea -
forth with Mrs. Louise
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Fischer, Keith
and Brian of Seaforth with bit's.
Rosina Miller.
Mr. and Mrs, Eriyn 41Tilker of
Stratford and Mr. and Mrs, Nor-
man Eisler of Mitchell with Mr.
and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe, Sunday.
Mrs. Neil Hillebrecht and baby
daughter returned from Seaforth
hospital to the home of Mr. Hille-
brecht's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ir-
vin Hillebrecht.
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Ahrens
and Kimberley of Hamilton with
Mrs, Chas. Ahrens for the week
The sympathy of the commun-
ity is extended to -Peel, Wayne
and Jim Boyd in the death of
their father Fred. Boyd.
The UCW of Cavan, Winthrop,
will meet on Wednesday, April 4.
Unit 3 is to look after the lunch
and unit 4 the program.
Sponsored by the Boy Scout
Tickets now on
Scouts, Cubs,
Proceeds for the Boy
sale from
Sponsored by
to be held on
Sat., March 31
AT 3 P.M.
In John Thompson's Shoe
Repair Store
b 6M 8,.b.,b
Ambitious, wide awake.
You love life. You're hard
to discourage, If you can't
reach a man by 'phone—
you may even write! ..
alertly including, of course:
® Your correspondent's
full and correct postal ad-
dress U Your own name
and return address in upper
left corner tr AND THE
Help us to speed your mail
—check thoyellow pages of
your Telephone Directory
for full postal Information.
Sy. caF
tions which oeiginaate'd in Huron
getting approval of the Ontario
,Wheat Producers,
The .flr'st was the ,old one that
has 'been on the go for the past
four or five years, namely, Resolv-
ed that the freight subsidy on
western feed grain into Ontario
be discontinued,
The question can be reduced to
whether or not farmers .are ben-
elatted by 'Ealy priced ,grain.
Unless you purohase more than
half .of your feed grain supply
there will be no adviantage in
having the freight subsidy.
I think you tare familiar with
all the old 'arguments, 'but I ran
across as new angle' atter boars.
I was told by 'a municipal as-
sessor ,that regulations under bhe
Muieioipwl Aot state that aa'person
who 'produces less than 10%, or
the equivalent, of his teed re-
quirements can be subject to bus-
iness tax. I wonder 'how many
people who 0
1 all 'themselves tar -
1 p
niers would be affected by this.
A 'few sof us did isonte rather wild
guessing on the beef !feeding op-
eration of Seagram's at Waterloo
and aoonoiuded that.they could be
subject to a business tax of bet-
Those attending the funeral of
the late Lloyd McCarthy were:
Mrs. D. P. Monaghan, Keith Me•
Carthy, Margaret MoCarbhy, of
Kitcitenea'; Mr. and Mns. Matthew
McCarthy, D. McCarthy, Mr's. Ed -
mord Violante, John Krauskapl,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krauskop2,
ail of. Detroit; Mr. Dan McOarthy,
Windsor; Mr. and Mrs, Tom Mc-
Carthy and Meureen, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Paliti and family, of
Toronto; Mrs. Bert Kil:bey of
Sudbury, bit'. and Mrs, Cyril Sul-
livan of Killatoe; Mr, and Mrs,
Frank dart and family, Frank
and Florence McQuaid, oC Strat-
ford; Rev, Thos. McQuaid of St.
Marys; Mr, and Mrs. Richard
Monaghan of Dundee; Mr, Pat
Monaghan, of Oshawa; Mr. and
Mrs, Crag Sullivan and Mrs and
Mrs. llltbert O'Reilly of London.
On March lith Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Taylor entertained the
Fireside Fal'm Forum for the final
night. Eleven adults were pres-
ent. After listening to the broad-
cast of. the final summary oC the
season's topics, the tiuesbtotiatre
bo shuffle back and forth between
,bhe Wheat Producers and the X'Iog
Producers .annrral'only one resolu-
tion of the Hog Producers caught
Resolved, that all market hogs
must continue to 'be marketed
through the Marketing Agency,
The delegates no doubt realize
that this ie of most vital impor-
tance but I question 42 the aver-
age producer knows this fact. 1
am thoroughly convinced that it
Is bhbs olause in your marketing
plan that has tprevented corpora -
bion !control of bog praductton,
Yet there care a couple of flies in
the soup.
First, the resolution empties
that ALL market hogs are pros-
enbly being sold bhrough the Ag-
ency. Enough evidence virus ,pro,
duced at the meeting to cause
some doubt of this.
Second, ,if the late is being bro-
ken, who to to ",hell the cat"
To mymind 'these two faults
oat only be removed by extreme-
ly strong support on. the part of
hog producers.
You did strengthen your posi-
tion 'at the March ebb vote. But
it is necessary that you continues
Give expression to your dete'ili e.
abiou itt this Matter --laud and
The reeve of Clinton, Melvin
Orion,; 72, died in Victoria Hos-
pital, IA/ndon, Saturday, following
it month's illness. He, was 'taken
to London about two weeks ago
Om the Clinton Publie Heel*
tal, Born ht Tnckersntitli Twp.,'
lie farmed there until 1.98?, when 1
he moved to Clinton, I
Following his marriage to the
former Amy Mennen, he open-
ated a barbering business at
Clinton for 22 years, retiring four
years ago.
He served on Clinton town
council' for 14 years, part of
which time he was deputy reeve,
At the time of hie death he wee
As a member of Huron county
council, he had served on the
roads committee, and on, Child-
ren's Aid Society committee.
He was a member of Ontario
St, United Church, and an elder.
For many years he was a metIl-
ber of the choir. He was a mem-
ber of Murphy Lodge 710 L,O.L.
Surviving are his wife; one
son Harry, at home; a stela
daughter, Mrs. Ivy Johnston,
Seaforth; two stepsons, Ray
Gibbings, Stratford, and Harold
Gibbings of Clinton; four sisters,
Mrs, Robert Douglas, Strasbourg,
•Sash.; Mrs. Roy Pepper and Mrs,
John Turner, both of Tucker -
smith Twp•; Mrs, Gladys Wallis,
Clinton; one brother, Frank
of Seaforth, and nitre grandchild-
The funeral was conducted at
the Ball and Mutch funeral home,
Clinton, on Tuesday at 2 p.m,
Rev, Grant Mills was in charge.
Burial was in Clinton cemetery,
The Easter Seal Campaign will
open on March 22nd when Baster
Seals will be sent to all homes in
Ontario inviting support to the
work being done by the Ontario
Society for Crippled Children and
its associated Service Clubs
throughout the province.
hroRTJNrmr$ TTltursday, Afarch 29,-1902
At St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Clturcll, Witigltiitn, 00 NlondaY,.
friends and adttilrers paitr Mutt
tribute to the late John W. Blew'
ala., Pt'ogresstve Cunsei'vetive
MPP for Huron Bruce, who died
Friday at his Route there: tie
was 72.
Dessert Euchre
Thurs., April 5
IN 1,0.0,P, HALL
2.00 P.M. - - 8.00 PAL
Adm. 50c Good prizes
Sponsored by Edelweiss
Rebekah Lodge
Everyone welcome
Wed., April 4
In Orange Hall
Auspices Orange Hall Property
Lunch served
,Admission 40e
Cliu'k --- AL Scott leproma)
Hospital, on Math' 02, to Mr. and.
Mrs.' Thos, Clark, StaiN,, a daugh-
Backer — At Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Maiwit 23, to Mr, and
Mrs. John Bkueker, .Brussels. , a
:Oentnewies —• A't Scott Memor-
ial hospital, 015 Mareli 16, to Mr,
and Mrs, Keith Bennewies, Main
street, Seaforth, daughter, ,
Rice—At Stratford General ltos•
petal, on March inbh, to Mr. apt.
Mars. Harold Rice, Seaforth, a
Smith — June and Edward
Smith (nee Bestowal', R.N,), an-
nounce the bISbh of their 'daugh-
ter, Sandra Elizabeth, et St. Jos-
eph's hospital, London, on March,
Brodhagen Com.
Friday, March 30
Admissipn 750
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