HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-03-22, Page 8r AT STEWART BROS. -- THE czs • u 4r FASHION FIRSTS IN Spring Coats Lovely all wool fabrics, new neater styling - new sleeve and collar treatments, All famous makes - at prices that cant be bettered any- where, 29.95 to 49.95 Easter Dresses Slim sheaths, suit dresses, fltu'ed dresses, ruffle dresses, we have them all in cottons, nylons, linens, knits and ar- neis. Hundreds to choose from - fresh from Canada's hest makers. Cottons 6.95 to 12.95 Best dresses 12.95-22.50 New Handbags 5,00 to 10.95 Spring Gloves 1,95 Spring Nylons , , 97c to 1,50 New Blouses . , , 2,98 to 7.95 • Shop in comfort in our bright modern Reacly-to- Wear and Millinery Dept. EASTER HATS - Straws, panamas, fabrics, neatly styled or Rawer trim- med to look your best at Easter. Drop in today and choose yours. 5.95 to 10.95 • Popular A11 -Weather Coats 15.95 to 19.95 • New Spring Skirts, Slacks fi, Slims at popular prices OFFICE GIRL Please apply in own hand - WANTED writing and state salary ex- pected, STORE OF STYLE & VALUE NEW DEEP -TONE Sport Jackets New subdued check pattern, fine all wool sport jackets in newest spring shades, 24.50 to 39.50 Dress Slacks Slims, Capri's, regular slacks in blends or mire wool fab- rics—shades of grey, brown,. olive, charcoal. 8.'95 to 15.95 Spring Suits Every salt is the finest in all wool material (no synthet- ics) in the newest subdued oheeks, novel weaves and plains. Models for every type In shorts, regular and tails, Many have two trousers, 55.00 to 65.00 New Topcoats Popular reverse all weather coats; new laminated to 20e111 coats or standard topcoats in continental or regular length, 21.95 to 39.50 Easter Hats Newest "sizzle" flat tops, nar- row brims, or conventional shapes in the best colors for spring. • 5.95 to 9.95 See our new spring ranges of Neckwears, "�w�+ S'ox, Sport Shirts and Dress Shirts • Boys Sport Jackets 11:95 to 14.95 Boys Dress Slacks 4.50 to 6.95 Boys Reversible Topcoats 12.95 Boys Shirts, Sox, Ties, priced right STEWART BROS. 4$ ,`ew3 t9 X70 HULLETT On March 19th Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cartwright entertained the Fireside Farm Foi•um. 15 ad- ults attended. Subject for discus- sion was ARDA—Agrieultural Re- habilitation and Development Act, which was passed on May 31, 1961. Its purpose is to provide for the rehabilitation of agricultural lands and the development of ru- ral areas in Canada. The Domin- ion and Provincial governments realize that there is mach marg- inal and submarginal land on which many people are not mak- ing a living and that numerous farmers are existing on small in- comes, The Dominion government cannot take any,action without the provinces and the people in the problem areas showing a de- sire to improve the situation, then they will assist with research work, reforestation and develop- ment of local industry and give financial help. It was suggested that if beavers were imported to form dams, fish could bo placed in the ponds and muskrats could make their homes here and it would make a valu- able contribution to attract tour- ists to see pheasants and other birds and animals. A small adnis- sion fee could be charged, souven- irs sold, a limit put on the num- ber of fish taken by one person, On account of vandalism and dis- honest people it would not be pro- fitable without constant caretak- ing. Our beaches could be made more attractive and useful to the public. Most games, Mrs. Jun Howatt; lone hands, Harvey Tay- lor; cons., Mrs. Cecil Cartwright, Mrs, Harvey Taylor invited the group for the final night when the questions will be answered and nest year's officers appointed. Pie and ice cream will be served by the ladies. ST. COLUMBAN Jim Nolan, St. Thomas, and Vincent Nolan, Kitchener, with Mrs. Elizabeth Nolan. Mrs, Jerry Morris, Sault Ste. Marie, and Miss Anne Morris, of London, with Mrs. T. P. Morris. Joe Murphy, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all who re- membered us with cards, flowers and gifts while we were in hos- pital and since returning home. Mrs, Gary (Barbara) Sholclice and baby Mark COMING EVENT Progressive Euchre Party at St. Patrick's Church Hall on Fri- day, March 23, 8.30 P.M. Every- one veryone welcome FOR SALE Two Holstein cows and heifers to freshen soon. Phone 667-J-4. Gordon Reynolds FOR SALE New and used welders. Also one used acetylene. Harold Pryce, Winthrop • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cebulski and family, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Murray. Jack Malady, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Melady. Miss Catharine Ryan, Water- loo, Miss Mary Cronin, Kdtohen- er, Misses Anne and Helen Mal- oney and Leonard Maloney, Lon- don, at their homes. Build your bank balance . Build your peace of mind BM MUM • • THAT 8U11±$ CANADIAN IMPERIAL SANK OF COMMERCE Over 1260 branches to serve you CARD OF TT -TANKS We wish to express out' sincere thanks and appreciationto 010' many relatives,. moods an(1 iioi- glibors for the .many. acts of kind- ness shown to its at the sudden passing of a beloved lnisbancl and father, For the many: spiritual and floral bouquets, to the ladies who so kindly helped at the house, Rev, Fr. Durand, Rev. Fr, Floitlltes and Rev, Fr, `Phos. Me c3uaicl, S.F,M,; Dr, Malkns and Dr, Brady; and W. J. Cleary, It was fill deeply appreciated. Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy and Keith CARD OF THANKS I would like. to thank all my neighbors, relatives and friencls for the treats; dowers and the many cards and visits which I reeeivecl' while a patient in Scott Memorial , Hospital and Special thanks to Dr, Gorwill, Dr, Malleus, the nursing' staff and the Box ambulance, also Rey, Aivacher and Rev. Britton wlio visited me it Wes appreciated, Mrs, Etta Hoegy CARD OF THANKS I' wish to thank all my friends and neighbors who sent cards, flowers and treats and visited ale while a Patient in Scott Mentor• sal hospital, Special thanks t0 the Rebekah Lodge, Mrs. Jot}n Cairns, the doctors and nurses of the hospital, Mrs. Olive Tebbutt ESTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing auction sale of Farm, Farm Stook, Machinery & House- hold affects. At Lot 8, Can. 7, Tuckeramith two.; 301 mile south and half mile east el Seaforth, on Monday, April 2nd et 1 P.m - Cattle -13 Durham cows due in April, May and June; 2 Durham heifers, bred; 7 Durham and Her- eford steers and heifer's, 1 year old. Horses -1 Clyde gelding; 1 mare, middle age. Pigs -2 York sows due time of sale; 2 York sows, bred; number York chunks. Machinery—International trac- tor, Model A; 2 furrow Interna- tional plow; spring tooth cultiva- tor; 4-seotdon diamond harrows; walking plow; seed drill; mower; hay loader; 7 ft. Massey Harris binder; manure spreader;, root pulper with motor; rubber tired wheel barrow; fanning mill, Blow- er pipe; Renfrew 2,000 lb, scales; pig trough; rubber .tired wagon; hay rack; gravel box; seufflee-; set sleighs; sacks; bag truck; ladder; ,barrels, 2 double harness and collars; 1947 Chevrolet sed- an; forks, shovels, aluminum scoop, sling ropes, chains, 'other articles too numerous to mention, Hay and Grain—Quantity mix- ed hay; quantity mixed grain, Household Effects — Beach 4 - eviler electric stove; 9 ft, Fiig- daire; Wingham Clopper white Hamel cook stove (like new) ; radio, extension table, buffet, 6 h o rocking chairs, small ables, Chesterfield bed (like D. 3 piece Chesterfield suite; rano, Axminster rug 9x12, table amps, trilight lamps, 2 furnished edr•ooms. Farm At the same Place, the 100 acre farm will be .offered for Isale subject to reserve bid; 97 acres of well drained clay loam land; bank barn, large brick pig pen and'hen house; garage, brick house with hydro, furnace; all buildings in good repair, Immed- iate possession. Terms—Chattels cash; proper- ty 10% down, balance 30 days. Mrs. Hazel Blake, Executrix; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; Geo. Powell, Clerk, IN MEMORIAM J. In loving memory of our dear e mother and grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Storey, who passed 27th, (eirs, ,t away two years ago March . p 1 b Through tears we watched you suffer We saw you fade away; Our hearts were almost broken You fought so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping So peaceful free from pain We could not wish you back, To suffer so again. Our hearts still ache with loneliness Our eyes shed unseen tears, God only knows how much we miss you At the end of two long years. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by daughter Edna, son-in- law Cec and granddaughter Sandra FOR SALE Approximately 400 bales of straw. Elmer Dale, RR 4 Clinton. HU 2-3254 FOR SALE Special spring sale on started pullets 6 -weeks -old, 79c; 9-weelc- old, 98c; 12 -week-old $1.29. All birds vaccinated and delivered. Henderson Started Chicks Limit- ed, phone 6454-1 Seaforth WANTED TO RENT Young couple requires immed- iate living accommodation in Seaforth or Egmondville, Phone Ken Moore, 6001131 Auction Sale Clearing auction sale of Regis- tered Holstein Cattle, Dairy Equipment and Farm Machinery, at Lot 22, Con. 4, Tuckenwmith Twp„ 5 miles south and 1 rile west of Seaforth, on Saturday, March 31st at 12.30 p.m. Cattle -17 registered Holstein cows and heifers, fresh and due to freshen; 6 year-old heifers; number of heifer calves, Cattle Still -be ,raid at 3 pm„ under cavern, Machinery—A1Lis Chalmers WO 45 tractor, in good condition; Al- lis Chalmers B tractor; 1955 Chevrolet pick-up truck in good condition, special bucket seat, good tires; Massey Ferguson bal- er, power take off, 3 years old; Allis Chalmers hay conditioner, used 1 year; Allis Chalmers pull type mower, 1 year aid; Jethn Deere side rake; McCormick Deering spreader, large type Pow- er take off; 2 farm wagons, 1 with grain box; Allis Chalmers plow, hydraulic, narrow bottom; Mas- sey Harris 3/" spring tooth cul- tivator with lift; International 13 run seed drill (horse) ; Fleury Bisset disc; 2 setts harrows; 9 ft. Fleury siesta packer; rubber tir- ed wheel barrow; extension lad- der; Leta grinder; 25 ft, endless; belt; 20 ft. auger; root gwlper; 2 colony houses; small hand forge; steel barrels; forks, shovels, ,chains. Dairy Equipment --2 unit Surge milking machine; 90 ft. piping; cooling tank; washing tank; 10 milk cane; electric water heater. Terms cash. Catalogues avail, able from Arthur Kippen; Harolds JapksoProp, �r A 1Rota� Geo, Powell, Clerk. Auction Sale Clearing auction sale of Fai'ni Stock and Machinery at Lot 18 Com 3, Stanley Twp., 1% miles west and half mile north of Biucefleid, on Wed., March 28th at 1 p.m. Cattle -1 Hlereford cow, fresh, with calf at foot; 1 Hereford cow due in April; 1 Hereford cow; 1 Hereford heifer due in June; 1 Milstein heifer due in April; Hol- stein heifer bred in Jan.; 2 year- ling heifers; 4 Hereford calves. Sheep -10 Suffolk ewes with lambs. Machinery—Oliver 70 tractor with loader; 15 run fertilizer disk seed drill, MF (new) ; 18 plate Massey Harada double disk, new; 5 section drag harrows, new; 3- section drag harrows; 10 ft, Coek- shutt cultivator; John Deere 7 ft. Power mower; John Deere tract- or manure spreader on rubber; International side rake on rubber; New Holland baler 66; King Wig - so 30 ft. elevator, new; Ghel hammer mill; ,new; sprayer, 27 ft., boom; box For 1 ton truck; Massey Harris 404 work bull with Davis HD loader and industrial •tires; John Deere 14', 4 -furrow plow, heavy duty; sugar beet rack with side dump; 1957 GMC 3 ton truck with loading chute, loading chute on wheels; Viking electric cream separaltor. Hay -3,000 bales of hay, 2,000 bales of oat anew. No reserve, farm rented. TemmS cash, William Caldwell, Prop,; Har- old Jackson, Aunt. Auction Sale Clearing auction sale of Farm Machinery at. Lot 13, Con, 13, Mc- Kiillep twp„ 3 miles east of Lead - bury, on Tuesday, April 3rd, at 1 p.m.: Case D tractor, LPT; Case bal- er with motor; New Idea manure spreader, 95 bus„ International power mower; Cooksrhnti power drill, 13 disc; Cockshutt side de- livery rake; Case 8 furrow plow; stiff tooth Internautional euitiva'. tor; Case spring tooth harrows; 4 -section drag harrows; 10" Cock- shisti grinder with belt; steel land roller; rubber tired wagon and rack; 3 chicken shelters; 130 ft steel cable; 2000 lb. scales; fan- ning twill with motor; steel water tank; pig crate; pig feeders; Jem grain roller new, 1 -hp mortar, other artioles too numerous to mention, Sale will be held under corer. Terms cash Leonard Leeming, Prop.; Har- old Jackson, Auctioneer, 8—THE SEAPORT II NEWS, lhuraday, Marsh 22, 1962 Clearing Auction Sale 00 Farm, Farm Stook and Ma- chinery at Lot 8, Con. 12, Tuck- eismlth two„ 3 miles east Of Hen. sail on county road, 01' half mile. west of Chlsellitu'st, on Saturday, Merck 24th at 1 p.m, Cattle -3 Durham sows due in May and. June; 1 Hereford cow, due in May; 9 well bred Holstein heifers, 1 year old, Sheep -16 Suffolk ewes, bred to lamb in April. Machinery—B, John Deere trac- tor with power troll; M.M, ZAP.I tractor,. completely overhauled in 1960; set tractor' chains 11x$8; John Deere 8 -furrow Power troll plow; 8 -furrow John Deere plow; 8 ft. John Deere spring tooth cul- tivator (like new):, John Deere one way disk; Freeman Heavy duty hydraulic manure loader, 2 buckets; 21A Massey Harris S,P, combine with pick up, In good condition; International hay bal- er, with motor; International double disk; John Deere semi - mounted corn pieker; 2 row corn planter; Massey Ferguson man- ure spreader, nearly new; Mass- ey Ferguson 7 ft. power mower, new; 15 -run International fertil- izer drill; harrows, 3 -drum steel roller; 5 -ton wagon with 225 bus. grain box, like new; farm wagon with roller bearings; 150 bus, grain box; 24 ft. grain auger with motor; weed sprayer, trailer type 1959; 4 ft. wire brake; wire mink pens. • Hay and Grain—Quantity mixed grain and baled hay, 700 bales of Oast straw. Farm -130 acre farm; more or less, will be offered tor sale, sub- ject to reserve bid, if not previ- ously sold, Large L steel barn, now 4 years ago; frame house with modern conveniences; 120 acres good clay loam land, well drained, remainder in hardwood bush. This farm can .be purchas- ed with or without the house and one acre of land. Terms—Chattels cash. Property 10% down, balance in 30 days; inuuediate possession. Prop., Campbell and Mervyn Byre; Auctioneer, Harold Jack- son; Clerk, Geo. Powell Sale will be held under cover. TEACHER WANTED An experienced protestant tea- cher is required for S.S. No. 7, Huliett, Fifteen pupils. Duties to commence in September. Apply stating qualifications, experience and salary expected. All applica- tiens to be in hands of the secre- tary by April 2, 1962. Mrs, Leonard Shobbrook, Secretary -Treasurer, Blyth, Ont„ R.R. 1 FOR SALE A quantity of Rodney oats suitable for seed, 450 bales of timothy and alfalfa hay, George Fox, RR 1 Walton; phone 830r33, Seaforth. HOME GROWN SEED GARY OATS, registered second generation, certified and com- mercial. RED CLOVER, cleaned and graded. TIMOTHY, cleaned and graded. R. -T. Bolton, RR 1 Seaforth, and Art Bolton, RR]. Dublin APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications are required for staff for Seaforth Lions Park for the coning season, including swimming instructors, life guards, and clerk for booth. Apply in writing indicating age, experience and salary re- quired, to Seaforth Lions Park Committee, P.O. Box 157, Sea - forth, before April 3, 1962 WANTED Superintendent for the Mait- land Bank Cemetery. Duties to commence April lst, Apply to W. G. Campbell, Phone 486. See your author zed dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines, Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefield, Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER A nine room ]souse with four acres of land. 100 acres a mile south of Dash- wood with good buildings 200 acres in McKillop two., level, well drained and good buildings. 100 acres in Hibbert twp., fair buildings, level, with 10 acres of bush, 125 acres in Mullett twp„ level, well drained, fallow, drilled well, 8 room brick modern house, 1 mile to school; with terms. 7 room house in Bgmondvilie, modern, with three quarters acre of land, new oil furnace, small barn, hen house and garage. Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED MOINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. ' offices and 25 salesmen to serve you Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686W BOX Funeral Home AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bod ]Flowers for ell occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 596W MARTIN W. STAPLETQN Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Res, 605 JOHN A, GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seafor►h SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Dr, B, lllalkus Office Hours, 1 pins, to 6 p.m. dally accept Wednesday and Sunday. Bvanines: Tuesday & Than, 7-9 p,a. deArunYoi tment, made In advance aro TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0, TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,v.M., V.S. W.0. DRENNAN, D,V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Longstaff .- Optometrlat Goderieh St. W, Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth dally except Mon., 9 to 5.80; Wed, 9 AM to 12.89 PM. Thur. e by appointment only, Clinton 1111-2-7019. RLove Hawkh,e' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 1r,79 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability. • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 Res, 2S8 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OPPICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers President, Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth; Vice Pres., Norman Tre- wartha, Clinton; Sec.-Treas., W. B. Southgate, Seaforth, J. DL Maloorman r ne,Seaforth; Chris Leon. hardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Sea - forth; john H. McBwing, Blyth; Wm - S. Alexander, Walton ; Harvey Puller, Godertob; Wm, R. Pepper, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth, Agents — William Leiper, Jr„ Londe*. bora; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Sel- wyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; James Eeys, Seaforth; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Baton, Sea - forth. `blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen RR 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PHONE 75 SEAFORTH Office in Jackson Aluminum Bldg. TJSBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors Milton McCurdy, 11111 Kirkton President Timothy B. Toohey, 8113 Liman Vice -President William H. Chaffe, 1I,0, 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Martin FeeneyScience, RR2Hill Dublin Robert G. Gardiner, 111 Cromarty Agents: Hugh Benninger, Dub- lin; Harry Coates, RR. 1, Centra- lia; Clayton Harris, Mitchell. Solicitor; W. G. Cochrane, Q.O., rite Sesfo.p ewe: "Ant toglet rts Exeter, Second -Class Mall by the Post Office D0„ Secretary - Treasurer: Arthur nartment, Ottnwn, sOt for pnymont of Frasef, Exeter. mango in sari,"