HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-03-22, Page 4MINSTREL
Sponsored by the Boy Scout
Tickets now on sale from
Scouts, Cubs, Guides
Proceeds fpr the Boy Scout
Sponsored by
to be held on
Sat., March 31
AT 3 P.M.
In Jolui Tltonipson's Shoe
Repair Store
• 5%
3 to 10 years
W. E. Southgate
British Mortgage & Trust Co.
Guaranty Trust Company
Sterling Trusts Corporation
Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp.
M1', and Mrs. Jim Simmons of
Toronto with Mr. ,aid Mrs. Wm.
S. Riehl for the week and,
Mrs. George Mogi; returned
],some after spending the past six
weeks trait Mr. and Mrs, Carman
Magic and family. iu St. Thomas,
Mrs, Verba Walker, Debbie and
Daren of Listowelspent a few
days with her 'tweets, Mr, and
Mrs, Fred A. K•tstner.
Mrs. Henry Leonlrardt Sr, with
Mr. and' Mips. August HoPPenroth,
Mitchell, last week,
Mrs, August Soherbarth spent
•blue past week with her ,daughter,
Mrs, Gdlok and Rev. Calvin Gilck,
Mrs. Harvey Ahrens has been
confined to Stratford hospital.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hinz of
St. Catharines and Mr. and Mrs.
Darrell Adams and Lori and Ran-
dy of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs.
Dalton Hinz,
Mr. and Mrs, Lew Hicks and
Alvin and Sherry Hicks In Torenn,
to with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks
Mr. and Mas, Lavern Wolfe
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs, Lorne Wolfe and Mr. and
Mrs, John Hinz, Kitchener, Mast-
er Dale Wolfe returned to his
)home with. them after spending
the past few weeks with his
grandparents here.
On Saturday evening members
of the Dublin Chamber of Com-
merce held a St. Patniok's social
evening and dance at the Com-
munity Hall here. Willbee's orch-
estra, provided music for dancing.
An implement show was held
at the hall last Wednesday.
The Brodhngen and District
Chamber of Commerce held a so-
cial evening last Thursday when
all those who helped with the fin-
ishing of the basement wall and
ceiling were guests. Progressive
euchre was played with prizes
going to Mrs. Harry Muegge and
Lavern Wolfe for fish; Mrs. Reu-
ben Rapier and Dalton Diegel for
low. Lunch was served.
On Monday evening all com-
mittees and canvassers for the
centennial appeal for the build -
The Lions Turkey Bingo will be held
on Saturday evening
APRIL 14th
The change of date is made to issue new tickets
and provide a door prize
Tickets $1.00
Combine your home-grown grains
EGBILDER or JUMBO 40 concentrate
the fresh mix with the meat meal base!
Lookin' for lively layers? Then feed 'em your own home-
grown grains fresh -mixed with National Egbilder Concen-
trate! Take your choice of the Jumbo Mix 40% concentrate
or National's 35% Egbilder--they're both rich in meat
meal proteins, to balance your own vegetable nutrients!
Whether you have your own grains or we supply them,
we can custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy
right here at the mill ... using National Concentrate,
of course.
Winthrop Feed Mill
Mg- ' of the Waterloo Sominary
were treated, to a dinner in the
church basement,
Mr. Donald Dunbar iras been
rehired as teaohor 401' the Brod.
hagen 5011001,
15 ladies from the Stafea area
attended the summary d5Y for
"143 lbs. of treat" held in Monk -
ten oommunity centre, Wednes-
day, Mareh 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth
returned home last week front
their holiday in Florida.
Mrs, Frank Elliott and baby
son have returned home from
Seaforth hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan of
Kiricbon visited Thursday even-
ing with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Mill-
Mr, and Mrs. John Templeman
and family visited Sunday even-
ing with Mr, and Mas. Robert
Mauer and family, Thames Rond.
The families in .SS No. 4, Hib-
bort were all entertwdned Satin'
day evening ata oard party at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold
Coleman in Seadorbb.
A very successful St. Patrick's
crokinale party was held in the,
Family Centre of Stada United
Church on Friday evening,
Miss Margaret Ann Wallace
was a guest skater at the skating
oarndval at Kincardine en Satur-
day night.
Mr. Robert Gardiner attended
the annual meeting of blue Ontario
Mutual Insurance Association in
the icing Edward hotel, Toronto,
on Wednesday and Thursday.
Week end visitors at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace
were Mm. and Mrs. Donald Scott,
Sharon, Karen, Catharine and Ja-
net of Goderlcit and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Cndiok, Sharron and Don-
ald, of Sarnia..
Mr. and Mrs, Wn1. Caldwell of
Brucefleld visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Laing.
Guests entertained at the home
of Mrs, Sadie Scott on Monday
evening were Mr. and Mrs, John
Drake and Patsy and Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Armstrong and sons,
of Staffa; Mr. and Mrs. John Wal-
lace, Mr. Lindsay MVIcKella'r, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Agnes and
Frances, Cromarty, and Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Scott, Gerry and. Ron-
ald, Sta1Ta.
Mr. Don Bowman, first year
theological student, Waterloo Col-
lege, had charge of the church
service on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker were
in Markdale on Sunday visiting
with a cousin, Mr, Herb Walker,
whose wife passed away Sunday.
Mrs, Sadie Scott visited on Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs, Duncan
Soutt and children.
A St, Patrick's euolrre and crok,
Mole party was held at SS No. 5
on Saturday night with 13 tables
playing. Gents high. prizes were
VIM by Ernie Harburn and Alex.
Scott; ladies' high by Mrs. H.
M'oPhail and Shirley Gardiner;
gents low, Jack Christie and Al-
vin Dow; low for ladies, Linda
Hackney and Mrs. E. Cole. A
draw for a camera was Won by
Murray Muehler. Proceeds were
donated to the Junior Red Cross.
The induction service for the
Rev. J. C. Boyne as minister of
Exeter and Oromarty Presbyter-
ian congregations has been an-
nounced to take place iu Cromer.
ty church on Wednesday evening,
1llarclt 2Sth at 8 p.m.
The Ladles' Aid met in the
home of Mrs. 'r. L. Scott with
the president, Mrs. J. M. Scott,
presiding. Mrs. Thos. Laing con-
ducted the devotional period.
Alec -Scott played a piano solo.
Plans for further improvement at
the church were discussed, Mrs.
J. M. Scott and 'Mrs. John Wal-
lace were appointed to meet with
the board of managers. Mrs. Ger-
aid Carey, Mrs, Mervin Dow, Mrs.
Thos. Laing and Mrs. Will Miller
were appointed a committee to
arrange for the social hour after
the induction service for the Rev.
J. C. Boyne on March 28th. Lunch
was served by the hostess assist-
ed by Mrs. 3, M. Scott and Mrs.
11, Laing.
Week end visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, Gordon Laing were Mr.
and Mrs, Don Riehl and fancily,
Sebringville, and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Beichert, Clinton.
Kippen UCW held their March
meeting in the SS. rooms, on
Tuesday, Mar., 13 at 2 pm, There
were 25 ladies present. Mrs, Har-
old Jones presided. Arrangements
were made to hold an Easter
thankoffering service in Apr31.
The worship was taken by Mrs.
Ross Love. Mrs. Ronald McGreg-
or was speaker for the afternoon.
Mrs. John Sinclair accompanied
her daughter Joan in a duet,
Lunch was served by the hostess-
es, Mrs. John Sinclair and Mrs.
Ralph Turner.
Recently Mrs. Russell Brock
met with an accident while going
to the barn. She fell on some ice,
causing a double fracture in her
night leg. She was taken to South
Huron hospital, Exeter, where a
cast with placed on and present
Lime has a walking cast,
Mr, Norman Long returned on
Monday from Scott Memorial
hospital, Seaforth, where he has
boon a patient for some weeks.
Miss Kathryn Feltner of Grand
Rapids, Mich., visited Monday
with Mr. and Mrs, N. Long and
Miss Janet Doig of Clinton,
Mr, and Mrs. Bwd Cooper, Tor-
onto, accompanied by Mis, W. R,
Cooper, visited Sunday with W.
R. Cooper.
Mr, Tom Allen, accompanied by
Messrs, Watson Reid, Ken Beat.
•bio and I'Lugh, 'Flynn aro in St.
Louis, Missouri, this week on the
annual ,tour of the Purina re-
search farm.
•V'lsitors with Mr. and Mrs. Her-
old .Livingstone during the week
were Mr, and Mrs, Alox, Reid of
Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs, *Tarry Orel•
lin of London, Mr, and Mrs. Ohan-
(Hell Livingstone and Kathy Ann,
Mrs. Livingstone crud Kathy tract'
spent the week.
Dr, and Mrs, Painter of Queeu
Charlotte Islands, and Mr, Geo..
Lane' of WingtltunI Spent Friday
with Mt, and Ma's. Stan Lyon.
M•r, Stuart Kennedy and Mr,
Melvin' Fiebolter of Saskatchewan
visited last week at the home of
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Shad dick,
Mr.' Walter Skimins is a patient
in Clinton pllbl1c hospital follow-
ing a heart attack Friday ttiglut,
There were eight quilts tied or
quilted for an over'seas bale last
Tuesday in the, school room of
the church.
The first general meeting of the
DOW was held last Thursday
with a good attendance. The pres-
ident, Mrs. Funge, presided, con-
ducting the devotonal period, al-
so business. Mrs, Geo, Wright,
reoording secretary, gave a full
account of the minutes of the in-
augural meeting, Mrs. Josling fa-
vored with a piano selection. Mays.
Joe Shaddick gave an interesting
history of the Stott Mission in
Toronto. • Ways and means were
discussed by the finance commit-
tee, Mrs. Shaddick conducted a
questuone,fre. The members were
divided into four groups led by
Mrs. Crawford, Mns. Vincent,
Mrs, Shobbrook and Mrs. Wood.
Mr. gad Mrs. Jim. Armstrong
spent the week end with •the lat-
her's brother, Wm. Taman at
Joan Howatt spent a few days
with her grandparents last week.
Turner's Church. United Wom-
en met Thursday afternoon, Mar.
16th at the home of Mrs, Stanley
Johns with 10 members and one
visitor .present,- Roll .call was an-
swered with a 'Thought for To-
day." Deyotione and prayers were
given by Mrs. E. Townsend. An
invitation was accepted from Eg-
mondville United Church to their
thankoffering meeting on April 4
at 2.30 p.m, Mrs. Elgin McKinley
is to he the guest speaker. During
.the business meeting plans for
the centennial, bo be held in June
were discussed. Plates with a pic-
ture of the church and wallhang-
ers for them are to be ordered.
'Hostess for the lunch was Mrs.
Warren Whitmore. The April
meeting is to be held in the base-
ment of the church on Thursday
.19.bh at 8.30 p.m. Roll call is to be
a favorite verse of Scripture and
where it Is found.
Miss Joy Erb has returned to
,,her job in Maryland, Pennsylvan-
The Blake public school held
their St. Patrick's panty on Fri-
day with Pearl Ann Erb, Ronald
Desch, Nancy Schawartzentrnberl
' and Mervyn Erb in oltarge of the
Miss Carol Erb left Wednesday
with her sister to Maryland and
titan tfulveiled o1 to lrleridu,
Miss Judy Desch visited with
Muss Iaea,'1 Aun Erb,
Mr, and Mrs, Archie Mustard
cabled au Mr. Harald Finlay on
Saturday afternoon, •.
Mr. Bert Mt', and
Mrs. William Landsharough of•
Olinton visited with Mr, Harold
Ftatlay on Sunday,
Miss Linda O'esolt spent Satur-
day ntgiut and Sunday with her
brother and sister-iu«law, Mr, and
Mrs, Eimer Oesell and rattily of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeLoge of
Sarnia were recent visitors with
the latter's parents, Mr, and Mgr's.
Lorne Chapman,
Mr. George Walker who has
been a patient in South Huron
hospital, Exeter, returned to his
horn this week.
The largest crowd in the luist-
ory of Hensall arena, more than
1100, attended the game Saturday
night to see Heirsall-Zurich Coni -
bines battle to a 6.6 overtime tie
with Strathroy Junior Rockets
in Ontario • Hockey Assoolation
Junior "D" Shamrock group final
five playoff even at two wins for
action. The tie lett the best.of-
eaoh team. One game was tied.
The teams will meet in a two -
game, goals to count, series with
the first game in Strathroy on
Friday night and the second In
Hensall Saturday night.
,Miss Geraldine Parker of Lon-
don is holidaying at the home of
tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mr. Earl Bell of Toronto spent
bhe week -end with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Bell,
Prom Tite Seaforth News, March
J. 3. Morrison addressed a Far-
mers' Club meeting at the town
Mr. John Earle has purchased
Mrs, Hudson's house in Egnuond.,
villa, which he has been occupy-
Mr. J. Edmunds has accepted a
Position in Daly's garage.
Isaac- Hudson held art 'emotion
sale fat his farm, lot 29, con. 2,
Plans are ready for the new
manse for Duff's Church, Walton,
Brown & Parte of Fullerton have
the contract for the brick work.
John 14. Storey has purchased
the farm of Truman •Brintnell in
McKillop, Mr, Stoney now has 200
acres of land,
F. Lorne Hutchison of Seaforth
bas been awarded the Moss schol-
arship at the University or Tor-
H. Hoover iras resigned as prin-
cipal of Walton public school.
Walter Swallow of Leadbury
has purchased a barn from John
Williamson and is moving it. Mr.
4 -.-THE SBA -FORTH 'NEWS, A'huradaY, Sat'elt 22, 1802
Dunoon Johnston Will assist in Gordon Muir: all of, Segforth, Her
framing biro'baro, husband died in December.
Mrr. and Mrs. Joseph -Canning..
have moved to Seaforth from 51.
Columba n.
Members of the Melt' 'family
were in Galt on _Wednesday at-
tending the funeral of their sis-
ter, Mrs. Hazel Balfour, 00, who
died In London on Sunday. Bora
in Seafortit, and a former resid-
ent of Timmins, site 1s survived
by a son, Gordon of Hespeler;
brothers, Alex Bent John and
11111111 iiii 11;1111 t tt i III t ttt, „11111,11. 1
Brodliagen Com.
Elgin Fisher and the
Admission 75c
,,,,,,, 1 .1,,,,,1,,,,,,11iii11.i 1,,,11111,,11,1,a„i
For savings and service
Don't take chances with seed from un-
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