HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-03-01, Page 8On If.. NEW FOR SPRING Sport Shirts NEW, 3..00% PURE WOOL ENGLISH WORSTED tr Pant Suits Choose one of these high class ready- to -wear suits soon. They're new 111 style. new in pattern, and come in models for shorts, regulars and tells, Featured also are the new continen• tal styles for young men. A lot of suit at a modest price. Sizes 30 to 46 in stock, 65.00 ' 69.50 New Continental Topcoats Every man wants one ! The new con- tinental style top- coat in reversible or foam laminated types. Features are the new checks and the new short length 24.50 - 29.50 See the new Forsyth. Arrow and e Beaver sport shirts now. New prints, S new checks, new shades in regular ? or button-down collar. ( We have the big choice here ti 3.95 4.95 5195' ^_ eSPECIAL PURCHASEs to ,g5 1 SPORT COLLAR STYLE CI ork Shirts SPECIAL % i�Ve purchased this job lot of work •/A) LA�■`^�e shirts from this good maker at a big ®= •i J discount. There's lots of choice in colors and patterns that sold op to $3.95. Sizes S,M.L.XL, STEWA J. T ROS, CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Bill Newman and Sandra Lee of Toronto spent the weekend with the latter's parents Mr, and Mrs. Mansel Cook, 'Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods and Debbie of .Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ri• ley of Scarborough and Mr. and Mrs. Eric McDonald of Schom- berg. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Dale and Deanna attended a Family Reun- ion at the Rebecca Hall, Clinton on Saturday in honor of Mr. Dale McMichael and daughters of North Dakota, U.S. Mr, and Mrs, Paul McMaster of Ridgetown are spending a few days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoggart. Friday evening, Feb, 23 a re- ception was held in the C.O.F. Hall honouring Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Riley of Scarborough„ :newlyweds. Music supplied by Jim Scott's Orchestra kept ev- eryone enjoying themselves on the dance floor, At an appropriate time John Jewitt read an address to the young couple and Ross YOU 14illson presented a purse of mon- ey. Douglas fittingly replied and thanked everyone on behalf of his bride and extended an invita- tion to visit them. "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" was sung. Lunch was served and dancing continued into the small hours, Mrs, Riley was formerly Miss Norma McDonald of Allenford, and both Mr, and Mrs. Riley are teaching in Scarborough Public School area. Last Tuesday afternoon 18 la- dies of the Constance U,C.W. met at the home of Mrs, Wm. Jewitt and completed the tieing and quilting of one large quilt and two crib quilts. Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Parker, of Exeter, visited Saturday with their daughter and son•in-law Mr, and Mrs, Howard Preszcator and family. t Mr, and Mrs, Fred Buchanan and boys visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart of Goder• ich. Mr, and Mrs. Reg Lawson vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and family visited Sunday with AMC.. we try to be a little more human about it WALTON T11.e Hall 13oard and SAT, I, a %tclll'e party in the Coi11111t )'Mall On Friday night with hies in play. A 011000 unset! the W. 1. Wes held prior to elie111'e 00 account Of Navin postpone their uieeting the before. Joint cord parties continue through the 11101101 March, beteg held Friday e Ing Mareli 2 and 23, The con tee for^ llial'ch 2 wil be Mrs, Turnbull, Mrs, Geo, Love, Geo, Williamson, Mrs, Ste Humphries, A nominating committee appointed to draw np a new 5 of officer's for the conning yea follows: Mrs. C,. Martin, Mrs, Hibbert, Mrs. 10, Stevens, Jan Van Vliet Sr„ and Mre Nolan, The next meeting will be ch yen's 1115110 and Mrs, Herb liamson and Mrs, Nelson will be added to the list for lunch. The following were prize ners for the progressive ouch ladies' high, Mrs. A. McDona Mrs, Ron Bennett. Gel high, Bob Humphries; low, N McClure. Mrs, Wm, Turnbull the prise for the person Navin birthday nearest to March 23 A very successful penny a tion was carried on at the c1 of the euchre with Mrs. A. Donald and Mrs. Nelson Marks charge, The prize winnere w Mrs. J. Gordon, Mrs. Wilbur Tu bull, Neil McDonald, Carolyn F ser, Dianne Fraser, T. Dund Lawrence Ryan, Mrs. D. Enn Wenda Humphries, Mrs. A, Donald, Mrs, F. Walters, Mrs, McDonald, Mrs, C. Martin, D McDonald, Graeme 'Craig, La Walters, Bob Humphries, Shar Marks, Glenna Houston, Mrs. Watson, Jack McCall, Mrs. Nolan, Sherrill Craig, Mrs, Go Pollard, Mrs, Ed Miller, Mrs. Simpson, Garry Bennett, 31 Len McDonald, Ken Pollard, Ba bare Bryans. Mrs, Nelson Reid Mrs. C. Bennett, Neil Ryan, An Turnbull, Mrs, L. Ryan, Mrs, Coutts, Mrs, Wes. Hackwell, Mr A, Anderson, Mrs. Les Olive Mrs. Harold Bolger, L. Rya Tommy Williamson, Shirley Wi liamson Mrs, H. Traviss, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Wm. Humphrie Mrs. Wm. Turnbull, Lunch was served with th following committee in charge Mrs. L. Ryan, Mrs. J. Ryan, Mr Fox, Mrs, F, McKay, Mrs. Stew art Humphries, Mrs. J. Nolan, 17th and Boundary The regular monthly meetin of the 17th and Boundary Unit o Duff's United Church, Walton was held at the home of Mrs Bert Williamson, 16 ladies an swered the roll call, The leade Mrs. Cliff Ritchie presided and the meeting was opened with hymn 565. A poem "Blessings that Remain" was read by Mrs. Wm. Coutts. Mrs, T. Leeming read the scripture 1st Corinthi- ans 9: 19-27. Mrs, Ritchie led in prayer and gave a reading "Our Tack", A skit on Christian Citi- zenship was presented by Mrs. Roy Williamson, Mrs. D. Buchan- an and Mrs, M. Baan, Minutes and correspondence were read and several items of business at- tended to. The meeting was clos- ed with hymn 148 and Benedic- tion. Lunch was served by the hostess and the lunch commit- tee and the afternoon was spent quilting. Mr. and Mrs, Edwin C. Miller of Lethbridge, Alberta spent the past week with the former's mo• her, Mrs, Pauline Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis before attending the Canadian Confer. sate on Education in Montreal. A family birthday dinner honor - the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs.n Lawrence Hill of Credito, Mr. Jewitt left on Tuesday to spend a few days in Toronto. held initY 22 tao 115 of the g` to night will r of Yen- unit - Wm, Mrs, wart was late r as Geo. 11Irs. . 3. ild- 1" rl1- It the win- re: and; it's eil won ga rd.. ose Mc - in ere rn• ra- as, is, Mc - n Lai On G 3 0 3 1'B dy A. 8, r, n, F. s, s. a1 • f r at ]ris i g Mlh . Malome colnSataFturrasedayl' was kleld ekelri55 when the following guests were present, Mr, and MI's, .0off Llv- ingatone and 'family, Preston, Mr. s an 1 MI'S. Glen 11 Fraser and faintly, Stratford, stir, and Mrs. Douglas Fraser and family, Grey Twp., Me. and Mrs. Don Fraser, Morris Twp., and Mrs, Ethel Backwell.. Mi', and Mrs. Ken Ritchie and Lar•r•y of lllgrnondviile spent Sun• day with Mrs, Ethel Ennis, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Bennett, of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walters and family of 'Sarnia vis- ited with Mr, and Mrs. Ron Ben- nett: Miss Ruth Ennis R. N,, of lfit- pent rday h her• parentsolienor sand SatuMrs, Dog En. An Easter Cantata "The Sun- rise Song" will be presented by the choir of Duff's United Church, Easter, Sunday evening, BLAKE M. Harold Finlay and family called on Mr. Bert Gibbings and Mr. and Mrs, Win. Landsbor• ough of Clinton on Saturday, Feb. 17th. The Blake Public School held their annual Valentine Party on Feb. 16th, Miss Norma Jean Gingerich spent Thursday evening with Miss Susan Erb, Mr. Robert McKinley, Bob Johnston, Lewis Erb, Jack Cole- man and Wayne Willert have re- turned home alter motoring to Florida, Miss Linda Oesch spent the weekend with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Oesch and family. ST. COLUMBAN Among the student nurses re- • ceiving their caps at a ceremony • in the recreation room of -St. 30- • seph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday, Feb. 20 were Miss Joan Coyne, RR 5, Seaforth, and Miss Rete Kennedy, RR 4, Seaforth. Following the capping tea was served to the nurses and their families. Attending the ceremony from here were, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne. Miss Anne Morris, London, with Mr, and Mrs. T. P. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marcy and Heather, Niagara Falls; Miss Hil- da Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme, London, 'with Mr. and Mrs, Aulawate Ducharme„ Miss Cleo Bowman, London with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bow- man, Pat Sloan, Collingwood, Ml. and Mrs. Dan Brady and Brian, London, with Mr, and Mrs. James Sloan. - Jim Feeney, Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Feeney. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. Ted Brown and Linda spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Doug nacho and family in Dublin. Mrs. Ken Chambers visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Russel Hayter at London and called on her mother, Mrs. Ted Brown on Tuesday before returning to her home at Wing - ham, Mrs. George Pearce, Mr, and Ml's. John Thachuk and son Johnnie of Mt. Brydges visited last week with Mrs, R. Dalrym- ple and Charlie. GUIDE NOTES During the past two weeks sev- eral recruits of the 1st Co. Sea - forth Girl Guides have been en- rolled and are now full members of the Co. TheFlood, are Mary oEllenn olMooreSheila ,Joan Gorwill, Correne Bowering, Lin- da Muegge, Ruth Gorwill, Debbie Miller .and Patricia Bannon. ..nna. y;.\2kio4.6,w,vw. Back in the old days, bankers were pretty fearsome people. They had Dignity, a Cold Eye, a Thin Mouth; Mutton Chop Whiskers, and a Ruthless Tendency to Foreclose Mortgages (or so we read!). Thebanker today is as human as you are, and just as businesslike. Drop into your branch of The Bank and see. You'll find that. The Bank really has the people who make the happy difference in banking! A TORONTO -DOMINION BANKING SERVICE: THE SAVINGS ACCOUNT This is the 'first account most people open at The Bank. .And for the wise ones, it is the last that is closed. Not too. many years ago the Savings Account was a general catch-all where you deposited money and paid it out almost immedi ately by cheque. Today, the Personal Chequing Account does the job -and the Savings Account should be used for Savings only; savings at interest! Get in the habit. Save for the rest of your life. Open a Savings Account at The Bank! THE TORONTO -DOMINION BANK Where people make the difference W.C. MOORS, MANAGER ,,, 01411014Wna .,..on ,,•hw>.,. anw,:•s�»'•,w.cts•��:�>n�.•rowx.., SEAFORTH BRANCH CARD OF TI-IANKS I would like to thank all who sent cards, letters, treats, oto„ to Ole while I was a patent in Soott MemorialO girl Hospital, a1S0 bpse sal planks to Drs, Brady, Malleus and Fiewelling kind the Staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, It was all deeply appreciated, Mrs Jaines McClure CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank all my friends and )neighbors for cards, treats and visits, and who helped In any way while I was a patient in Clinton hospital and at home, --Alf Anderson. ATTENTION REGISTERED NURSES Active and inactive Ontario Registered Nurses will be ad- dressed by Miss Jean Falconer, Reg,' N„ Convener of Menibersliip Committee of No, 2. District R.N. A.O., at Winglrain Town Hall, Thursday, March 1st, at 8 p.m. Please attend if possible,, NewlyWmr ed Dcoe O1 RENT living: accommodation by April 1st, in Sea - forth or Egmondville. Apply to News. Office FOR SALE A quantity of feed grain, Nelson Riley, Auction Sale OF FARM STOOK, FEED, GRAIN, POULTRY, EQUIPMENT, at Lob 21, Con. 10, McKillop Township, Huron County, on SATURDAY, MARCH 10th, 1062, at 1.10 pm. sharp, Consisting of; CATTLE -1 Red Dunham cow, due March 4; 1 red Durham Cow, due March 11; 1 red and white Durham cow, due March 1.2; 1 roan cow, Durham, due Marek 16; 1 men Cow, Durham, due March 17 ; 5 Durham cows, due in April; 2 Durham heifers, due May 20; 7 Dur- ham and Hereford heifers, coming 2 years; 4 Durham and Hereford steers, coining 2 years; 7 Durham and Hereford heifers, coming 1 year; 4 Durham and Hereford ateors, coming 1 year, GRAIN -1,000 bus, mixed grain ; 1 bag red clover seed ; 260 bales straw. EQUIPMENT -1 Little Beaver electric hammer mill with 8 hp, motor; No. 77 Viking cream separator, like new; 1 electric brooder for 500 chicks; 8 range bush.shoeltere; 1 colony house, 10x12; chicken feeders and waterers. LAND -25 acres land, part of lot 2b, con, 11. 15 acres workable, balance prop- erty, TERMS -On 10% (ley of ale ; cash balance n i 0 days. Property sold subject to reserve MRS. LILLIANClerk; sphLSa. McQuaid, Jo . Ryan, Auctioneer. S FOR SALE good pig's, seven weeks old. Jinn Leishman, 12124 Seaforth Small Terrier, OSfemale, white with black on head; black spot on hip, short tail. Jim Leishman, phone 655r2 FOR SALE 28 pigs just weaned; also 10 chunks. Phone 75831. Robert Dalton York andOR La SAE sow, due soon, Harold Penhale, Bayfield TAL2 York and Laan race hogs; also a purebred Hereford bull ten .months olc1; three quarters of beef. Luther Sander's 833r12 On Monday LOST g -one headlight rim off a '56 Meteor, dark green, In Mitchell or on #8 highway be- tween Seaforth and Mitchell. Finder please call Seaforth 67032 or 66832 1954 Buick Special, '18, stand- ard shift, radio, signals, back-up lights, excellent running condi- tion, good mileage, some rust. $250, or trade on cabin trailer, pigs, etc. Phone 275W1 Hensel] WINTHROP The U. C. W. of Bethel and Ca- van will meet for the World's Day of Prayer at Cavan, Win- throp, on Friday, March 9 at 2 p.m. Will the Cavan ladies please meet at 1.16 for a short business period, STAFFA The Staffa W. I. held a very successful card party in Staffa twp, hall on Friday evening Feb. 23. There were 14 tables in play, Prizes were won by ladies high, i1Irs, Roy McDonald, Staffa; low, Mrs. Wilfred Annis, Mitchell, Men's high, Bill Taylor, Staffa; low, Jerry Scott, Staffa; lone hands, Gordon Parsons, Staffa, Fay Templeman visited over thevian,weekend with. Carol Ann Vi - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth left by plane from Toronto for a holiday in Florida on Saturday, Joanne and Bob Templeman visited over the weekend with Joan and Ken Annis, Mitchell, A family dinner was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Smale and family on Sunday. The occa- sion was the 46th anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Smale, Sea- orth. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smale, Mr, and Mrs. A, Hildebrand and family of eaforth. Mr, and 1VIrs. Lloyd Hackney and family, Kirkton, Mr. nd Mrs. Art Smale and girls of taffa, irlsr visited Mrs.and SundaJohn y with Mrake r. and Mrs, Horton McDougall on he boundary, d Mrs. Art and amily,aMiitchell, visited hone Sun ay with Mr. and Mrs, Leslie filler and family. The new 4 -FI girls course "Sep- a rates for Summer"' for girls ages 2 to 26 will be starting soon and are ekedrls who to contact of thelead- rs, Mrs. Carter Kerslake or rs. Johnny Wallace by Tuesday, arch 6, We are glad to report Mrs, aok Butson who has been a pa. exit in Seaforth Hospital, is ome again. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Duncan, xeter, visited on Tuesday with r, and Mrs, Lloyd Miller and mily and Mr, and Mrs. John. empleman and family, HENSALL Mr, George. Walker is a patient South Huron Hospital, Exeter here he is receiving treatment, Mrs. Wonnacott returned to he home in London after spend. g two weeks with her son and ughter-iniaw Mr. and Mrs. Xe Wonnacott and family, S a s g M 1 a a e M M 3 ti h E M fa T in h in da if 8--T1-1E SEAFORTH NISWS, Thursday, March 1, 1962 SPECIAL SALE Of Apples for two weeks, Cook - Ing and eating a11p10e $1.00 per bushel at the • farm, b'ri11g your own container's. (No Sunday sales). Flied McOlynlont & Sons, Varna FARM POR SALE 100 acre farm all in grass, good well and windmill, frame drive shed, situated at Lot 30, Con. 12, McKillop Twp. 8 miles north of Seaforth and 2 relies south of Walton. This Yarns 'ie located in an exceptionally good farming area-, Apply to Barry Marshall, o1' Mos. Cora Barrows, Walton, Ont, ONTARIO Auction Sale of Build ings for Removal or Demolition Property Sale No. L-0718 5 -room 134 -storey frame dwelling and 1 -car garage, situated at part lot 5, Icings Survey, Village of Dublin, Town- ship of Hibbert, County of Huron, lo- cated in the Village of Dublin, fronting on the south -aide of Highway No. 8, appinx..14 of a mile from the intersec- tion Hwy, No, 8 and County Road. Sale will take place on the promises at: • 11:00 A.M. E,S,T. Monday, March 12th, 1962 TERMS: Clash at time of sale togeth- er with 8200.00 Certified Cheque (pay- able to the Treasurer of Ontario) as per- formance bond to guarantee that work will be completed according to D.H.O. requirements, Further information may be obtained from The Auctioneer, Mr. Harold Jackson, Seaforth, Ontario. Telephone: Seaforth 474 0R Department of Highways, 880- Saskatoon St., London, Ontario. Telephone:- 451-5450 DEPARTMENT 0P HIGHWAYS ONTARIO. ONTARIO Auction Sale of Build- ings for Removal or Demolition Property Sale No. L-0731 10 -room 2 -storey brick house with basement, frame barn, frame garage, part lots 7 and 8, Cox Survey, Township of Fullerton, County of Perth, situated approximately Si., of a mile south of Highway No. 8 and Highway No. 23 fronting on the east side of Highway No. 28. Sale will take place on the premises at: 2:00 p.m. B.S.T. Monday, March 12th, 1962 TERMS: Cash at time of sale togeth- er with 0200.00 Certified Cheque (pay- able to the Treasurer of Ontario) as per- formance bond to guarantee that work will be completed according to D.H.O, retirements. Further information may be obtained from: The Auctioneer, Mr, Ross Kemp, 174 Church Street, Stratford, Ontario. Telephone:- Stratford 2710861 OR Department of -Highways, 335 Saskatoon St., London, Ontario. Telephone:- 451-8460 DEPARTMENT 010 HIGHWAYS ONTARIO. * Skating Thur,„ March 1 - Centralia Int. B vs Seaforth 8.30 25c • 50c Skating Friday Night - 8-10 25e and 35c Skating Saturday Afternoon - 2. 3.30 10c and 25c Skating Saturday Night 8 -10 250 and 35c Teen Town - Hall Tuesday, March 6 - Centralia Int. B vs Seaforth 3rd game of playoff 25o -50c SEAFORTH ARENA Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for FARMS FOR SALE 100 acres in Tuckersmith. Twp. Level and real good buildings, on county road. 100 acres in Hlbbert Twp., level, good buildings and 10 acres bush. 125 acres In Hullett Twp,, all workable with good buildings, We have many other good farms from 50 acres to 200 acres, with sharing possession. 6 nice homes in lilgnionsvflle with low taxes WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. ' offices and 20 aalesmeh to serve you Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PHONi7 75 S13All'ORTH Of5iee in. Jackson Aluminum Bldg. BOX Funeral Horne AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attentlou Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W ' MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Res, 605 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC 5. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Dr, E. Haiku ' Office .Hours, 1 p.m, to 5 p.m. daily except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings: Tuesday Sc Thurs. 7-9 p.yp. Appointments made In advents. aro desiralle TURNBULL'-& BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D.V.M,, V.S, W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNA'N, D,V.M., V.S. Phone 106 Seaforth John E. Longstaff - Optometrist Goderioh St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5,80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur, eve b7 appointment only, Clinton HU -2.7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon, 9 to 5.80 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res, We We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire ' Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers - President, Allister Broad - foot, ,Seaforth; Vice Pres., Norman Tre- wartba, Clinton ; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors, Norman Trewm•tha, Clinton ; .0hardt, Bornholm 9eRoober'ht ;Arachhibald, Sea. forth; John H. MoEwing, Blyth, Wm. S. Alexander, Walton ; Harvey hiller, Goderioh; Wm. R. Pepper, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents - William Leiper, Jr„ Londes- bora; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Sel- wyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton;James Keys, Seaforth ; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Sea - forth. 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen R R b SEAFORTH Sun Life' Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 Assessor TOWN OF SEAFORTH Written applications for the position of Town Assessor will be received by the undersigned until March 2, 1962. Envelope must be clearly marked "Application" C. LYLE HAMMOND Clerk Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W