HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-03-01, Page 7Manning To Beat Banknote Forgers Gangs specializing in counter. felt. inoney have bFlcomo such a menact ra e h u bolls Europe pe that secret plans to beat them are be- ing put into Palen. Interpol --the Inernational Po- lice Organization --has been so worried by the situation that It asked the Bank of England and the British Treasury for advice. One of the results is that coun- tries whose banknotes can be fairly easily forged will adopt more complex designs, especially with watermarks, Currency experts believe that many of the old banknotes should be immediately withdrawn from use and counterfeit -proof notes Issued. Modern counterfeiters use the very latest printing and photo- graphic processes. Some gangs lob banks and government offi- ces of the official paper used in currency -making. At cleverly -concealed hide-outs the counterfeit specialists print molt cnly British, ,Fimerican and German 'paper money, but bcnk- notes used by a dozen different lcountrte's. 'Balt Interpol, now steadily in - cot • s;an 5n power curl rnn o, to- tem ft will soon be able to smash the counterfeit racket. Atits headquarters in Paris, Interpol iis also working at high pressure to unmask the lop crooks responsible for the recent spate of art thefts, Detailed dos- siers are being built up which, it is hoped, will put many of these racketeers behind bars. But Interpol, though supported by seventy-six nations and in- dependent territories, does not have a single detective on its pay- roll, Its staff consists largely of French civil servants. Interpol's power lies in the fact that it can call on the police forces of its member -nations to help in searches or inquiries. And in its files in Paris and at the Ifague, in Holland, the or- ganization possesses full details of 600;'000 international criminals. Jost as vital to the organiza- tions effectiveness is the speed with which its staff can transmit important information about wanted or suspected men. Now, within seconds, it is pos- sible to transmit copies of a pho- tograph by radio to the police forces of all the nations'subscrib- Ing to Interpol: In this way, a crook flying 1.0 another country to escape the penalty for his crime is often met on arrival by police who can establish his identity. SLIGHT ERROR r Prime Minister of England W. E. Gladstone used to tell of his last -century experiences at Eton under the terrible little head- master Dr. Keate. The latter always had the names of those doomed to be flogged written down on a nar- row slip of paper. One day, pick- ing up such a list, he called up for flogging the boys whose names were inscribed upon it. On such occasions the delin- quents were not permitted to of- fer explanations, so boy after boy was castigated, and returned sore and savage to his seat. Not until the operation was complete din he learn that, in- stead of the flogging list, he had picked up the site on which were the names of the boys about to be confirmed. LAST STRAW Kooky pig- tails grow under the brim of a beach hat that makes its unseasonal debut in London. Mail Order Guns Under U.S. Scrutiny Early in December of last year, a young boy in Washington, D.C„ •-• awed a p'tcknlre by Railway Express, opened it, and excited- ly called a young friend to come over to sce his new purchase. 11 was r. "mail-order gun;" In the process of examining it to find out how it worked the young visitor was fatally shot. The boy who received this gun did not have parental approval for its purchase. They did not know he had it. He had no legal right, as a, juvenile, to possess it anyway. Incidents such as this have touched off a searching congres- sional inquiry -still in process - Into this multibillion -dollar busi- ness of "mail-order guns" which has sprung up within the past' few years. Investigators for the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile De- linquency', under Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D) of Connecticut, report that most of these guns are of foreign manufacture. They come from Italy or West Germany. Many are as small as toys. They sell from $6 up, but are as deadly as any six-shooter. They may be ordered by mail with no declaration as to the age of the purchaser. And shipment by Railway Express avoids the stricter requirements of the post- al laws. The subcommittee has reason to believe many of these guns are finding their way into the hands of juvenile gangs and into the possession of the mentally irresponsible. The New York police told in- vestigators of one company charged with converting blank guns into '22's and selling them to children. This led, in one case, to a tragedy similar to the one in Washington. _ The. Senate subcommittee has a veritable arsenal of exhibits, from the tiny vestpocket Italian import to larger guns, obviously rebuilt Army castoffs. In fact, it has been found that many of the mark-down, bar- gain, mail-order guns are of Army origin, having been sold as 'scrap and reconditioned for sale by cutting down the barrel and putting on a new handle, writes Josephine Ripley in the Christ- ian Science Monitor. FIRST MAN - John Uelses, 24, native German now serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, becomes the first 'man ,ever to pole vault 16 feet or better as he clears 16 feet, 4 inch for a wurld indoor record in the Millrose Meet held in. New York. r R L E BABY s BtUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE . _. _. QR RENT ▪ P Nachicks should be ordered now. • has fullrangc of vedettes avail- able promptly, 3 -week old to randy to -lay pullets, prompt shipment. Re. quest prlceilst. See local agent, or write 11ray Ilatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont BOATS & MOTORS AIRBOAT, as used in Florida aver - glades, easy to build with used air- craft engine. Plans 32.50. Air -Craft, 14.0, Dox 1251, Tavares, Florida. UP TO 50% OFF CLEARING all 1901 Arkansas, Peter- borough,- Shepherd boats. Weymouth cruisers, Sterling 'trailers and EvIn- rudp •motors. Lackle's Marina Ltd., 4 Soltth Ktngswey,. Toronto. RO. 270321,. Subcommittee investigators now are in the process of going through thousands of Railway Express receipts to ;find out how many of these guns have gone to juveniles. In the course of investigation they have various dodges by which those who ship these guns are avoiding the firearms Calf. A committee investigator show- ed this correspondent several types of revolvers with a phony barrel which can be unscrewed and a real barrel inserted. In some oases the authentic barrel comes in the same box; in other cases it may be obtained separ- etely. - Guns with a nonusable bar- rel are net taxed as firearms, Hence,: the shipment of the good barrel as a separate part. But, as the .investigator pointed out,' the gun could be used even without the real barrel simply by rehiaoving the phony one anti firing the bullet through the stub of the gun. The biggest mail-order gun business is done in California and New York, Both of these states have .tight laws regulating the sale of firearms within their 'own borders, but since the mail- order house deals in interstate commerce, it is not hampered by state restrictions. Such business can be started on a small capital of a few thous- and dollars and run up to a mil- lion dollars in a short time. Many "shady characters" ase reported to be engaged in this profitable enterprise. One is said to have been a previous peddler of pornography. These guns come to the atten- tion of juveniles through adver- tisement in sports magazines - such as'Guns, True, and Male - or the so-called "girlie type pub- lication. - United States gun manufactur- ers have. told Senate investigators that it would cost more than $40 here to produce the Italian gun which sells here for around $12 and which, they estimate, costs less than a dollar to manufacture there. The subcommittee has realy for exhibition in its firearms dis- play a pencil - type gun,very much like a ball-point pen with a pocket clip, which sells for $2. It was manufactured as a toar- gas gun, but can take a small .22 shell which "will go thougn a. Los Angeles telephone direc- tory!" No Life Of Ease For The Old Man! We note that a General Elec- tric Corporation executive pre- dicts many timesaving innova- tions for the home. Dishes, he says, within 10 years will be automatically washed and stored in minutes. Cooking will be done in seconds. Auto- matic cleaning devices will seek out and evaluate cleaning prob- lems. Closed-circuit television will be installed in the home to watch children in the yard and monitor the front door. Surely all these wonderful labor-saving devices will make home management easier on the Mrs. But we are wondering what they will do .to the Mr. As it stands today, due to the high Dost of the expertise of il- lusive repairmen, he must of necessity, and in self-defence, be a jack of all trades. When the lawn mower dies In protest, Mr. tinkers and brings it back to life. if the TV blows a tube, Mr. changes is or suffers the wrath of the family. Leaky faucets, broken electric cords, sagging doors, smashed windows, inoperative washers and dish washers are taking up a great deal of Mr.'s weekend now. We can plainly hear the call from Mrs, ten years hence. "Plenty, fix the yard TV moni- tor, or you're going to have to Stay home from work tomorrow and watch the children!" -Pasadena (Calif.) Star -News Q. flow can I make paint ad- here readily to tinware? A, By use of the following method: Rub the surface of the tinware thoroughly with a piece of tough pumice stone or coarse sandpaper. Then apply a thin coat of shellac varnish, after which the surface may be paint- ed very easily. VARIETY store and stock for sale or rent and modern 7 -room apt. above. Business established 20 yrs. Cash. orterms. Write Harold n. Cooper, Box 6, Mlndemoya, Qat, CHAIN SAWS MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE BOX 823,.NORTH BAY, ONTARIO lltatehed Chain & Sprocket Combing, tion, for all popular snakes of chain saws. Specify make and model and bar length. 10' Chain & Sprocket - $12.00 10" or 20' Chain & Sprocket - $14.00 29' Chain & Sprocket - 316.00 Sproc$3 0 to 0t any Direct Drive Saw ••eeomphain saws, • ietelyf Rebuilt Recondit and Repainted, as new. Various makes and models. Clear% Ing at 360.00 each. Same day service on all orders re. cotved, FARM HELP WANTED ;4ldrrled ` man, around 30 years old, 400 acre dairy farm. Must have work- ing and maintenance experience, of modern farm machinery, Two bedroom ply, ST With modern conveniences. FARM, Alt - ply, • 03 ANN'S, ON's., WELLAND- FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE, 320 acre dairy farm. 180 acres cultivated. Complete set of farm buildings and machinery. H o l e t e l dairy herd, new bulk cooler and six can milk quota. Located 19 miles from New Liskeard, For further Information contact: Donald Define, Box 71, Earl. ton, Ontario. 730 acre two home farm for sale, 166 cultivated, balance in timber, . Estab• fished market for potatoes, turnips, oto. Complete line of equipment for thla operation is available, Will sell as a going concern, or in part, For further details contact Mr, Sidney H. Edwards, Box 903 ENGLEHART, Ontario,. FARM 100 acres. Lot 14, Con. 12, McICillop Township, Huron County. seven room modern house with new .double garage. 50 x 70 steel barn, never been used. Drilled well, has never been dry. Good land and good fences. School on farm. Buyer gets first chance- of 117 acres of grass farm across the road with 40 acres work. able land spring water front and back, good fences, gravel pit. Price, 330.000. Apply Fred Glanville, RR 2, Walton, Ont. EDUCATION NIGH SCHOOL Most lobs callfor high schooledu• cation. American School can train you at home In your spare time Progress rapidly. -All- books furnished Low monthly payments. For fullInforma- tion write or phone GE 04212 Amer'. can School Dept.. R.E.A., 939 Emery St. London FLORIDA VACATION RESORT SUNNY Florida vacation on beautiful Redington Gulf Beach. Fishing, sports, free TV, heated pool, low rates, free folders, prices. Efficiency apts., hotel rooms. E1 Morocco Motel, St. Peters- burg 8, Florida. -� FORMULAS ONE way gloss formula. Mirror front, transparent. back, See without being seen, 31.00. Atlantic Enterprises, P.O. Bo 32, Saint John, N.B., Canada. FOR SALE -- MISCELLANEOUS LADIES -Famous Hand= nylon hosiery on approval. Pay nothing now or on delivery. Write for details. George's Rouse, Box 1382, Sin Mateo, Calif. GUNS CASH for old Guns, Colts. Remingtons, Sharps. Winchester Lever action Rifles. Avis. 79 Oak Park Ave.. Toronto, Ont. HONEY FOR SALE. CLOVER honey, finest quality white, unpasteurized 30 lb pall 56 00. Light Golden $5 50. John 0 Sproule .Apiaries, 4390 Streetsville Road. Erindale, Ont. HELP WANTED LABORATORY TECHNICIAN for CANADIAN RED CROSS BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE Hamilton Depot R T. or University Graduate with ode. quote science courses, Excellent worlc. ing conditions, Vacations and Staff Benefits Apply stating experience and qualifications to 401 Victoria Ave. N., Hamilton. Ontario. HELP WANTED - FEMALE TRANS -CANADA AIR LINES WE ARE SEEKING ATTRACTIVE CONFIDENT YOUNG L A D 1 E.S WHO ARE INTERESTED IN A REWARDING CAREER. AGE 20 TO 26 INCLUSIVE HEIGHT, 62 to 4) INCHES WEIGHT, 105 TO 130 LBS. (IN PROPORTION) EDUCATION -SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMA SINGLE NO GLASSES OR CONTACT LENSES IF YOU MEET THESE REQUIRE. MENTS, WRITE OR PFIONE FOR AN APPLICATION FORM. T.C.A. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 463 TONGS 5T. - 924.2101 TORONTO We don't like to boast, But frankly YOU Owe it to yourself to TRY PRIME CORN This year. Contact your dealer today, Ask him about Pride 5, Pride 11, Pride 20, Pride D57 and Pride 63. THEY'RE THE MOST! -Write us for literature today -- Pride Hybrid Company of Canada 352 Queen St. Chatham Ontario A Eb TISING HELP WANTED -- FEMALE START AT ONCE We require several single young ladgey 17.23 for circulation department of MecLeaiiylfunter Publishing Company, Neatness essential. No experience cessary. Complete training given. $240 monthly to start with rapid advance. ment. Write Mr, S.Birch, 0511 l�'tosir, 210 Dundas St.Toronto. Please enclose photograph W.,nd phone numb*. MEDICAL DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS QR NEU- RITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA. $1,25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching scalding and burning ooze - ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot. eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how Stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free onReceipt of Price PRICE 33.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES '1865 St, Clair Avenue East Toronto MERCHANDISE CATALOGUES BARGAINS are our business! Satisfao. tion. guaranteed. For the family, the Individual, everybody. Catalogues free, Write: Harvey and Helen, 916 East Mag. nolia, St. Paul 6, Minnesota, MORTGAGE LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS Mone) available for •hnmediate toai�i on First and Second Mortgages, an Agreements for Salo, on Vacant 00 Improved property, residential, Indus• trial, city suburban, and country, anp summer lottagos, Member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association. 40 years, experience J E. Harris, F. G. Harris, and R. C Sink SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITESI 112 Simcoe Street North, OSHA W A, Ontario. Phone: 725.3560. OLD COINS WANTED PLEASE write to me what you bans in old coins, I will advise you what they are worth. A. A. Nelson, Denali - son, Ohio. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call Marvel Hairdressing School 359 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL OVERWEIGHT? A safe, effective reducing plan wltb "Way -Les" Tablets. Medically approved.. 1 month's supply 37.00. Lyon's Drugs, Dept. 32, 471 Danforth Ave„ Toronto. HYGENIC RUBBER GOOD({ TESTED, guaranteed, mailed 1n plain • parcel, including catalogue and sex book free with trial assortment, 18 for 51.00 (Finest quality), Western Diatribe. tors, Box 24 -TPF, Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL Portrait 0 ,6 10 hand o0 oured - from . your favorite Snapsh . 0 2.00. Any0 pictures .0 for Ont.1Y $ Send $4 Tax. colon •tn es Rs Son E plus aSao d �natruct PA_ f -STAN SALES P.O, Box YY5.1 18, London, Ont, SORRY, NO C.O.D. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 36000 cash will buy 198 acres facing ! Hwy 69 -fourteen miles south Parry ! Sound. Hunting with trout stream ort , property. Call or write 11, Raffia,110 f Dundas Hwy East, Cookeville, Pone• I No. 277.3086, PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED:. Bush lets, abandoned farms, wild acreages. Send location, descrip- tion Stettin 1,0 D. Ontario Box STAMPS WORLD WIDE: Used Want lists failed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Immediate re- funds. Deposit 50%, 1962 Scotts. Mini- mum order $3.00. Stamp Centre, 393 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn 38, New York, WANT TO BUY FOR CASH Old collections and ae0umulatiOns Ole or off covers, Canada preferred but will take as come. good references bank or otherwise Cash by return mail. Send, write, phone or call HAROLD WALLIS 110 Sheppard Ave. W., Willowdale, Ont. SEED FOR SALE THERE IS NO NEED FOR YOU TO sfrCOually3HIS YEAR. Ask DISCOLORED OATSsKN Gold Seal Seeds when you visit your dealer. Ho will gladly show you . representative sample of the oats we have to offer. For all your seed grain requirements, it's King Grain and Seed Company Limited, Chatham, On- tario, RUSSELL OATS • ONTARIO'S newest and most outstand- ing oat, outyielding Garry and Rod- ney by 9 and 9 bus, per acre thisyear with shorter straw, thinner hull and bigger grain. Ask your own dealer to get Russell orany of .our other seeds for you, from us, Alex M. Stewart fe i Son Ltd., Seed Grain Specialists, Ails. Craig, Ont. TREES SCOTCH and Austrian Pine, Colorado Blue Spruce, White Spruce, Ornamen- tals and seed. Seven varieties Nut Seedlings. Keith Somers, Tillsonhurg. Ontario. TRADE SCHOOLS ACETYLENE, electric welding and Argon courses. Canada Welding. Can- non and Balsam N.. Hamilton, Shop LI 4.1204. Res. LI 5.6283 ISSUE 7 - 1962 GARDEN BOOK of 1962 with_Treasury of information for successful gardening FREE Write to WHITE ROSE NURSERIES ' LTD. UNIONVILLE, ONT. Quality seeds, bulbs and ornamental nursery stock. Early Spring Sailings from Montreal and Quebec IVERNIA APRIL 13t HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON SAXONiA APRIL 20t HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON CARINTHIA'9 APRIL 27 GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL IVERNIA MAY 4 COBH, HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON ... plus sailings every Friday all season *From Quebec the following day. 110% reduction applies 00 round flip bookings. You step into spring the moment you step aboard any of these gracious CUNARD liners, An alternate route to Europe is available aboard the magnificent Queens, sailing regularly from New York. See your travel agent. Enquire about the Cunard Pay -Later Plan. CUNARD •D. e4ra,;(1 Corder Boy 3, Wellington SN., Toronto, Ont. Telt 362.2911