HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-02-22, Page 5THE S)ilAPoR.Ti-T .'t2\ , `1`Itrhsday, February 28, 1902-- S Ties SUPERIOR rood Market ROBINHOOD OATS Large Bag 57c QUICK OR, INSTANT PUREX TOILET TISSUEcc�� 8 roll pkg. 9t)c W ITL or PINK STOKELEY'S TOMATO JUICE 48 oz tin 25C STOKELEY'S CREAM CORN 2 15 -oz tins )5c. VAN CAMP'S BEANS with Pork 2 20 -oz tins 33c AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP 11 oz bottle 19c CHEERY MORN INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz jar 74c PHONE 12 WE DELIVER Northside United Church Worship 11 ant. Exchange of pulpits with St. Thomas' Anglican Church. Rev. Harry Donaldson will preach at Nortbside United Ohareb, Jr. Church School during wor- ship. onship. Sr. Church School 10 a,m.. Organist, Mrs. J. A. Stewart; Ohoirmaster, Mr. 7. A. Stewart; Minister, Rev..J. C. Britton, B.A. First Presbyterian Church 10 a.m, - Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning worship Organist, Mrs. M. R, Rennie Reception For Mr. and Mrs. Stan Waldie (Shirley Dobnage), at the Brodhagen Community Centre Thursday, Feb. 22 Ladies bring lunch OY sgo VV I K. nd GIRLaGUIDE Open House COV Seaforth District High School Friday, February 23 7,30 P.M. We invite YOU to see SCOUTS, CUBS, GUIDES in action An Invitation is extended to the public BORN Nigh — At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Feb. 14th, to Air. and Mrs. Robert Nigh, Seaforth, a daughter Leonhardt—Mr and Mrs;' Hen- ry W. Leonhardt of Brodhagen, nee Phyllis pocking, wish to an. pounce the birth of a son at the Stratford General hospital on Sunday, Feb. 18. 1902. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke of London visited relatives over the weekend. The Hi -C group of the United Church were entertained last Thursday evening by the mem- bers of the Brimfield YPU of the United Church. Mrs. Fred McClymont is visit- ing relatives at Agincourt and King City. The U.C.W, of the United Church are treating the choir to a supper this Friday evening at the home of Mrs. A. J. Bastard. MERRY MAIDENS The first meeting of the Sea - forth Merry Maidens was held at the home of Mrs. W. L. Whyte. The meeting opened with singing "0 Canada" and repeating the 4-11 pledge. The olub leaders are Mrs. W. L. Whyte and Mrs. John Broadfoot. Election of officers resulted as follows: Pres., Mary Buchanan; Vice Pres., Glenyce Jewitt; press reporter. Helen Broadfoot; pianist, Suzanne Bell. The choice of style and selecting of materials was done. Niles Gil- christ, the Home Economist, dis- cussed measurement and mater- ials suitable for "Separates for Summer". Eext meeting will be held on Thursday, Feb. 22 at Mrs. Whyte's. Home assignment is to begin your record book The Order of Eastern Star Euchre THURSDAY, MAR. 1 IN 1.0.O.F. HALL Admission 40e Everyone Welcome 1961 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN A.T. & R. 1960 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1960 ENVOY SEDAN 1958 CE♦EVROLET SEDAN 1958 STATION WAGON, A.T. 1957 DODGE SEDAN 1953.PONTIAC SEDAN 1963 FORD SEDAN, A.T. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED r./. Seafortli Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAVORTH Phone G. E'awm 186 Phone 541 TOWN N TOPICS Mr. Dick Kirk, of the start or the Toronto -Dominion Bank here has bean transferred to the branch at Burford. Air, and Mrs, J, E. I1eatina left on Saturday for a trip to Florida„ CURLING NOTES `Miss Alice Reid, Airs. D. Miles, Mrs. W. LeYburne, Mrs,Duff Thompson represented Seaforth Curling Club at a bonspielin Listowel last week. Miss Reid skipped the rink, JOINT EUCHRE HELP - A joint euchre sponsored by Seaforth Chapter, 0,E.S., Edel- weiss Rebekah Lodge and Fidel ity Lodge,. TOOF., last Friday evening in the 1005 bail, was tuost saecessful. with 342 being realized. Warden Haney, N.G. of: Fidelity Lodge, was master of ceremonies. Winners at euchre were: Ladies high, Mrs. A. Lilli- e(); Mea's high, Norman Riehl; lone hands, Mrs, William Austin, Albert Baker; low, Miss Annie McNichol, Wm, Kelly. Winners of members or the United Latherait Church Wenten of St. eters Lu- theran Church. Mr. heroin Dietz, the presidept,n was the chairman for the evening and George Reck and his program committee in oharge or the entertainment. Ed- gar Elligsen made the toast to the Queen and Mao to the ladies, when each lady was presented with a lovely planter containing a plant,. and Mrs, Franic Murray thanked the men on behalf or the ladies and ale° had words of praise and encouragement for the Men for the work they have done for community bettermept.. The banquet was held in the newly'decorated basement dining room of the hall: The tables were beautifully decorated with valen, tineenplants, table cloths and red oyclam- Mr. Lloyd Prueter introduced Sgt. Dick Watson who just ret- urned from a year spent in Eg- ypt with the armed forces, who. showed slides and gave his com- mentary. Mervyn Hodgert thank- ed Sgt. Watson. The balance of the evening was spent in playing progressive euchre with prizes going to Mrs. Laverne WO/re and Harold Mogk (high) and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and Ivan Benne- wies (low). For the past month many men of the community have been special spending their afternoons in the p prizes were: door prize, community hall. Under the diree- Mrs. SId Gemmell; nearest birth. tion of Mr, Harold Elligsen the day, Andrew Crozier; lady loser basement walls and eeflfng have at last game Mrs. been finished;. The. ceiling has mag completely sound- A delicious lunch was. served proof by the installation of insu- Frank Swale beend by the hostess andsocial coin- lating bats and white acoustic ntittees. Another euchre party is tile. The walls have been insula- ted and finished in hardboard set for March 10. panelling. The beams and posts have been covered to 'match the Present Prizes at chrome stripping on the edges. With the new fluorescent light- ing this makes a very bright and Home and School attractive dining' area; adjacent The Feb. meeting of the Sea- to the kitchen and makes cater - forth Horne and School Associa- ing a Pleasure for any sized: tion was held in the Seaforth group. Public School on Feb. 20 with. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Benne- Mrs, A. F McLean,. the President wies accompanied their son Ray in charge. Bennewies of `London and Miss The winners of the four diol- blarlorfe Hodgert of' Exeter on a stone of the Public Speaking Con- trip to Florida, test demonstrated their winning Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Bennewies pa - style to an appreeiative audienee reno , air. andd Mrs. BTUOZi f G Dean Cornish told "The Story of rents, Mr. ' Mrs. Jutzf of Gads - Dean Red Riding Hood', Bill Boussey hitF to, Arizona, told "The True Story of Castleteff, Albertlall in the stabl e and lDn� had themix. Dangerous", Brian Hodgert spoke fortune tto f on hockey"' and Joan Gorwill fracture his shoulder. sMrs. August atf rdherbarth is con - poke on "Ben Franklin." fined to Stratford hospital. Mrs. A. Y. McLean .presented lir. and Mrs. Fred A. Kistner the prizes to all the children who received word of the death of won: books to first and second their son-in-law, Jack Walker in prize winners and silver half dol Toronto, husband of the former lars to the runners-up. The books Verna Kistner. The sympathy of were donated by Mr. Jack Hood the community is extended to of Stratford'Schoot Suppties and them. the silver dollars by the dome Mr and Mrs, Alvin Rose or and School Association. Sarnia with lir. and Mrs. Chris, t The parent of the month was W. Leonhardt for the week end. , Mrs. Don Brightrall. Mrs. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vincent of McMillan and Mrs, A. Y. McLean Sarnia and Mr. Laurie Rose of volunteered as visitors at the Oakville with Mr. and Mrs. Ross next school board meeting. Leonhardt. Mrs. McLean drew to the atten- Mr. and Mrs, Graham Trummer tion of the members a program of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs- Leslie on education to be on television Sims, London, Mr. and Mrs, Clif. on Feb. 28th on Explorations pro- ford Watson, Centralia, Mrand, n gram. Mrs, Wm, Watson, Indianapolis, h Mrs. R. Boussey -read a letter with Mr, and Mrs. Dick Watson from Federation of Home and and Mr. and Mrs. Laverne School Associations outlining 'Wolfe. • three bursaries to be given as a Mrs. Fred Hollatz and Norman founders' day bursary for library of Monkton visited Mr, and Mrs. work, guidance course and aux- Dalton Hinz and Mr. and Mrs. Mary education, Laverne Wolfe on Sunday. Mrs, John Harvey made a mo- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Watson and tion that $20 be sent as a contri- family visited Mr. and Mrs, W. bution to these bursaries and this Turvey, Hensall, Mr, and Mrs. was seconded by Mrs. Orville Red Scott, Clinton, Mr, and Mrs, Oke. Don Wolfe, London. A demonstration of the teach- The bowling club of Dublin had Ing of science was given by the a social evening at the commun-- teachers under the direction of ity hall on Monday evening. John Talbot, the ,principal. Because of much repetition in the course from year to year Mr. Tal- bot stated that it was being re- vised starting with Grades 7 and 8 this year. - - --•-••••••••••••,.P. ,.ad Ken �.utu lea: the parade of curlers to open the bonspiel on Saturday. A welcome was extended to the visitors by Mayor Edmund Daly and President Bill Leyburn of the Seaforth Curling Club CROMARTY Mrs. 0, J. Cornish and sons of Seaforth visited on Thursday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton. Mrs. T. Laing, Miss Olive Speare and Mrs. Grace Scott vis- ited on Thursday evening with Mrs. Christine McKellar, Mitch. ell. Miss Margaret Jean Russell is practise teaching is grade 2. in Wingham Public School this week. . Mr. Henry Eggert: of Rostock is visiting with his daughter Mrs. Alex Gardiner and, Mr. Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs, Carter Kerslake, Joyce, Brenda and; Craig. and Mr, and Mrs. K. McKellar were Sat urday evening guests of Mr. An- drew McLachlan and Mrs. Grace Scott, Mr.. and iirs;. Earl Eggert of Rostock were Sunday visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Alex Gardiner. Mr. and. Mrs, M. Lamond at - ended the funeral service for the late Mrs. Wm. Thompson of Exeter, which, was held at the Hopper -Hockey funeral home, Ex - ter, on Friday, One of our local howling teams was treated to a hot turkey din. er on Saturday night at the owe of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miller, after enjoying an evening's bowi- ng at Seaforth bowling alley. Mrs. John Wallace and Mrs, arter Kerslake are attending he 4-H Ieadership training ourse being held in Mitchell his Tuesday and Wednesday. The Marian Ritchie Evening uxiliary are holding their regu- r meeting at the home of Mrs. ordon Scott on Tuesday after- oon, Mr. David. Ketchen, second - ear student at Waterloo College cry ably -conducted our Church ervice on Sunday. DUBLIN and Mrs. Louis J. Looby are spending a month's vacation Detailed and interesting out- in Florida. Mrs. A. M. Looby and lines of the courses were given Hirs. Clarence Trott accompanied by Mrs. Gordon Pullman for Gr. • them and are vacationing at St. 1, 2 and 3; by Mr. Ronald Eyre Petersburg, Florida, for Gr. 4, 5 and 6, and by Mr. Don- ald Morton for Gr. 7 and 8. This Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Looby proved most informative and the left Tuesday for Florida and will displays set up drew many comp- return with Mr. and Mrs. Louis liments. Mrs. Gordon Pullman's class Looby. won the attendance award. On Saturday morning, Feb. 17 at 9 o'clock at St. Patrick's Ro- BRODHAGEN man Catholic Church, Dublin, On - The members of the Chamber tario, Rev. R. Durand united in of Commerce entertained their marriage, Wilfred Maloney. Dub - ladies to a Ladies' Night. with a lin, and Mrs, Mary Kistner of banquet in the community hall Dublin. The bride was gowned in here, with 90 attending, last a cocoa -brown dress suit with Thursday evening, catered by the matching accessories and cor- C 0 A 'la G n Reception AND DANCE For Mr, and Mrs. Douglas ,Riley in C. 0. F. Hall, Constance FRIDAY, FEB. 23 Music by Jim Scott's Orchestra Ladies please bring lunch DANCING ! Brodhagen Com. Centre Friday, Feb. 23 Elgin Fisher and the Rhythmaires Admission 75e CKNX Barn Dance I3rodhngon, Sat,., Fob. 24th -• 8.30 pan. Sponsored by (Warmers Union 0.F,11. County meeting in board roots; Clinton, March 1, 8.45 p.m. sage. She was attended by Mrs. Frank Kiatner who chose a dark brown dress suit with matching accessories and corsage. The bridegroom was attended by Frank Kistner. A wedding din- ner was served at Stratford to the immediate families. Mr. and Mrs. Maloney left on a wedding trip to Detroit, Michigan, and the Southern States. On their return they will reside at Dublin. Attending the Maloney-Kistner wedding on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maloney, Lind- say; Mr. and Mrs.. Fay Maloney, Michael Maloney, Stratford; Miss Beatrice Maloney, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly, Sebring, ville; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene .Ban- non, Gadshill; Mr, and Mrs. Bill Murphy, Port Colborne. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf and family, Napanee, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Costello, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. Dan Costello. Hrs. Beulah McGovern, Mon- treal, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sta. pleton, Miss Nancy Kelly,, Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly, Miss Joan. Masse, Brantford,. With Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Staple- ton, WINTHROP MESSENGERS The second meeting of the "Messengers" of Cavan Church, Winthrop, met Sat., Feb. 17th at the home of Mrs, Glenn McClure. Murray Pryce, the President op- ened the meeting by reading the theme. After singing a hymn, Brenda Pryce read the scripture lesson. A prayer was given by Jim Anderson. The Sec. read the_ minutes of the previous meeting. Mrs. McClure gave us a Bible quiz. Business came next. It was decided to hold. the next meet- ing, March 10 at firs. McClure's home. The roll call was answered by 23. Neil Little took up the collection. A story was read by Mrs. Dodds, Then Mrs. McClure had the study. We sang hymn 613 and closed with prayer. Then followed an exchange of valen- tines, a game, and a lovely lunch. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Ervin. Dickert and family of Clifford visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dick- ert. Mr. Norman Long was admit- ted by ambulance, Friday to Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News February 1922 Skating carnival prize winners included Vera. Hudson, Hazel Reid, Fred Crick, Chas. Adams, Mae MCGeoch, Ona NichoIIs. John Broderick; George Clarke, Sadie Robinson, Jean Cluff, Hec- tor Hays, Frank Knight, Jack Daly, Gordon Rolph. Seaforth Golf and Country Club have decided to erect a club house on the course at the Thom. as Dodds' farm in Mc1iiliop, Dr. Scott celebrates, his 80th The roofs of many barns in the birthday. Miss Maud Laidlaw broke her arm when she fell from a step ladder. Mr. Reg Reid has returned to Port Colborne. northeastern part of McTriilop were damaged by high winds and. heavy rains. Several trees were blown down. Mrs. Janet Coombs celebrated her 89th birthday at the home of Weddings: Miss Evelyn Greig her daughter, Mrs, J, A. Storey. and Urban. David Clark; Miss Bessie Wray and Jacob Wurm; Rufus Winters and his sistnr, M. E. Miss Rae M. Woods and Mr. A. ti H. Tor nto are spending m Boyd of Langford Mills. a month is Toronto. George Walker has sold his 85 -acre farm, Huron Road, to Geo. Lowrie. Mr. Walker has bought a farm east of Hensel". R. Habkirk has sold his farm in licHillop to Harold Dale. Seaforth was without light and power for four days following a continued sleet storm that broke. trees and wires on Feb, 22. The water in the Maitland was higher than anyone can remember. Miss Wankel' has accepted a position in the new Ferguson and Co, store. Ten children of the tate John and Mrs. Fulton of near Walton have. a longevity -record totalling 750• years. Mr, L. J. Looby has sold his creamery at Dublin to lir, Cr - Flynn of Stratford. Seaforth Juniors defeated the famous Stratford Midgets 10-9. Seaforth lineup: Montgomery, Govenlock, Cudmore, Smith, H. Hays; Weiland and Bullard. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News February 1937 P. B. Moffat was elected chair- man or the library board. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Fergu- son of Toronto visited the Misses Ferguson. Michael Darling is opening a service station at Dublin. Messrs. Holman and Davidson wilt build a house at Winthrop in the spring. Mr. A. Gilmour of the West Is visiting his sister, Mrs. Janet Ross of Brucefield. Alex. Broadfoot was elected president of the McKillop Mutu- al Insurance Company. Oliver Rowcliffe has bought the Hensall milk business iron, his brother Archie. John Hartley, public school in- spector, successor to Dr. Field, is making his first visit to district schools. Jeff Grinrod spent the weekend at his home in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Douglas of Saskatoon visited their cousins, Mr and; Mrs, Lindsay Eyre, of Brucefield: Mrs, James Masse, of St. Jo- seph, gave birth to her 21st child. There have been two cradles in the Masse borne for the past 25 years and there has always been at least one of them in use.- INNOVIARARIVIAROVIOWNVIAR WHY NOT THINK OF SPRING h It should help Check your wardrobe and be read- CALL 87 Flannery Cleaners FARIVIERS and IJPRIGHT SILOS With corn as a ling crop for cattle men we find the demand for larger and higher silos greater every year. We are prepared to build a limited number of silos 16' to 20' by 60 or 70 feet high. Also we will build 13' to 14' sizes to 60' high. We have modern new forms and with walls 6" thick, reinforced with high bond steel, you are assured a lasting job. We all know 30 acres of silage corn planted at the right time on good soil, and harvested into a good silo, will give you more feed than many 100 acre farms produce altogether. See, us at once. Write, or phone H132-9822, Clinton. Jonathan E. Hugil and Sons R.R. 2, SEAFORTH • We have 2 Jamesway Silo Unloaders, 1 Bunk Feeder, 2 Bulk Milk Coolers, sizes 33 and 44 -can. Free installed now with no carrying charges till June 1, 1962.