HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-02-08, Page 8THE FIRST ARRIVALS IN NEW SPRISG SUITS FOR MEN Tlie finest new spring ready-to-wear shits for :len are Here I •. Drop in now and see what's new in the world of fashion for men. -- We'll be glad to show you. • Featured are all the new neat checks, subdued Alecks, glen cheeks and faint overplaiila that are duo for the top popularity spot, • These suits are expertly tailored and etyled,by the famous Hyde Park Com- pany and offer you the finest in men's suit satis- faction, Models for shorts, regu- lars and tails $,i9,50 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO ORDER TOWNE HALL MADE -TO -MEASURE SUiTS AT 2O o DISCOUNT This is the last week -end to get a deluxe Towne Hall made to measure crit at this big saving. An excellent choice of suitings are still available. Reg. $75.00 Reg. $79.50 Reg. $95.00 Sale 59.50 Sale 63.50 Sale "76.00 STEWART BROS. McKILLOP The regular January meeting of Duff's Church, McKillop, took the form of an organizational meeting of the United Church Women at the home of Mrs, Aaron Jantzi with the new Presi- dent, Mrs. R. S. McKercher, in charge. The scripture, Romans 8: 28-39, was read by Mrs. Ken Stewart followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The roll call was answered by the payment of fees. The minutes of the joint meeting that was held at Win- throp was read by the Secre- tary, Mrs. Eldin Kerr. The ladies were divided into groups and planned the meetings for the year 1962. - Officers for 1.962 are Pres.,. Mrs. R. S. McKercher; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Ken Stewart; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Gordan Papple; Sec., Mrs. Eldin Kerr; Treas., Mrs. George Wheatley; Committee: NOTICE Township of McKillop All car owners in the Township of McKillop are requested not to park their cars on the roads of the Township during the winter months. Cars tact are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment to operation of snow plows. Please note that Provincial Police will take the necessary action to see that cars are not left on roads, and prosecutions may follow. WILSON LITTLE Road Superintendent FARMERS and UPRIGHT SILOS With corn as a king crop for cattle men we find the demand for larger and higher silos greater every year. We are prepared to build a limited number of silos 16' to 20' by 60 or 70 feet high. Also we will build 13' to 14' sizes to 60' high. We have modern new forms and with Wails 6" thick, reinforced with high bond steel, you are assured a lasting job. We all know 30 acres of silage corn planted at the right time on good soil, and harvested into a good silo, will give you more feed than many 100 acre farms produce altogether. See us at once. Write, or phone HU2-9822, Clinton. Jonathan E. Hugill and Sons R.R. 2, SEAFORTH • We have 2 Jamesway Silo Unloaders, 1 Bunk Feeder, 2 Bulk Milk Coolers, sizes 33 and 44 -can. Free installed now with no carrying charges till June 1, 1962. Christian Stewardship and Social Action,, Mrs. John i-;lillobrecllt,- Mrs. John Kerr, Mrs. Reta Orr; Corurnfinity.'Friendsbip end Vita* ingr'vire, Aaron Sante', Mrs, Ken Stewart, MM. idin heir, Mrs. Gordan Papple: Oe-operetion in Christian Eluoation and Maslen, airy lildneetion, Mrs, Arnold Scott, Mrs, David Shannon, Mrs, Jalnes Kerr, Airs. Ross Gordon; Finance Ooininittee, Ml's. ]ten Stowar't, Mrs: (Merge Wheatley, Mls, John Kerr, Mrs. Aarou Jantzi, Mrs, Gordon McKenzie; Flower Coln• nriitee, Mrs. R. M. Scott, Ml's.. Arnold Scott, Mrs, George Camp. bell; Literature and Oominuniea- tion, Mrs. Gordan Papple, Mrs. Ken Campbell, Mrs, David Shan- non; Manse Committee, Mrs, G, Wheatley, Mrs, Eldin Kerr, Mrs, Gordan Papple, Mrs, Aaron Jant- zi; Nominating Comniitte, Mrs. Riess Gordon, Mrs, David Shan- non, Mrs.. John Kerr, Mrs, John Hillebrecht; Press and P'ublioity, Mrs. R. M, Scott, Ahs. Arnold. Scott; Program, Mrs. R. S. Mc- Kerchor, Mrs, Gordan Papple, Mrs. James Kerr; Social Fuuc. tione, Ml's. R. M. Scott, Mrs. Gor- dan Papple, Mrs. Ken Stewart, Mrs. Eldiu Kerr; Stewardship and Recruiting, Mrs, Geo. Wheat- ley, Mrs. Geo. Campbell, Mrs. Ken Campbell; Supply and So- cial Assistance, Mrs, R, S, Mc- Kercher, Mrs. Rata Orr, Mrs, El- din Kerr. LONDESBORO Tile Hallett Federation had a very successful card party in the hall Friday night, Ladies high, Mrs. ]-Harvey Taylor; low, Mrs. Jack Scott; lone hands, Mrs, Sim Howatt. Men's high, Alex Mcpw- ing' low, Melvin Knox; Ione hads, Mrs, Percy Gibbings. Th lucky number, Mrs. Cecil Oar wright, The regular meeting of the W. 1, was held on Thursday after- noon Feb. 1, with Mrs. Tom Allen the president, in the chair. The topic was Public Relations, and we had as our guest speaker Miss Josephine Woodcock of Blyth, West Huron District President, who spoke on Good Public Rola- tions. Mrs. Lorne Scrimgour gave a humorous reading. Mrs. Clare Vincent favored with a solo. The roll call was answered by naming a favorite love song. Mrs. Lloyd Pipe demonstrated installing a sleeve in a dress. Several items of business were discussed and a committee was named to arrange for the Sunshine Sister Banquet, also a nominating committee. A donation was made to the hall board and Children's Aid Bur- sary, The hostesses served a de- licious lunch. Hullett Plans Two New Drains. The regular ntonthlY lileeting of Hullett coinicil Was held all Feb. 5th in the eolumunity hall, Loudesboro, the reeve and all councillor's present, The minutes of the previous meetings of Jan, 8 and 22nd were read and adopt- ed. The meeting of Jae, 22nd was a special meeting for the purpose of discussing the purchase of a new grader complete :with snow plow and snow wing, Mr. Neilaus of the Stratford division of the Ontario Dept, of Highways was, also present at the meeting and assisted council in coming to a decision to, call for tender, to 'be opened Feb, 7t11, Two municipal drain reports were received from Mr. James Howes, surveyor of Stratford. One of the drains will be A new construction on what is known as the Murray Lamb extension, situated on lot 6, con, 12, The new construction - will extend the present drain hi an easterly dir- ection from its present source. The other drain is an entire new construction, named the "Duizer Municipal Drain" end is i to be constructed starting at lot 39, con. 11, on the farm of Aria Duizer and continuing .in a nor- therly direction to its outlet on lot 40, con. 12 on the farm of George Schneider, The reading of these reports for the benefit of interested ratepayers will take place on Feb, 21st in the after- noon in the community hall, Lon, desboro. A resolution was passed grant- ing $40 as a contribution toward expenses for any of the township officials attending any one con- e vention of their choice, good t roads, Ont, Municipal Officer's or the assessors' convention. The bylaw for road expendit- ures for 1962 was passed and the amount- was set at a total of $52,000. The appropriation was divided so that $27,000 was ap- portioned for maintenance and $25,000 for construction, A grant of $25 was made to Huron Soil and Crop Impr. Assoc. The initial meeting of the Evening Unit of the Londesboro U.C.W. was held on Monday ev- ening Jan. 29th with 19 present. The Unit leader Mrs. Don MeNall opened the meeting with the wor- ship service. The report of the Inaugural meeting held in Chin- ton was given by Mrs, Living- stone, Officers chosen for 1962 were as follows, Unit Leader, Mrs. Don McNeil, assistant lead- er, Mrs, Hugh Millar, Sec., Mrs. Glen Carter; Treas., Edythe Bea- com; Program Convenor, Mrs. N. Forbes; Pianist, Mrs. Harry Lear, Assistant, Mrs. Clare Vin- cent; Finance Committee, Edythe Beacom; Social Committee, Mrs. Len Shobbrook, Mrs, Cliff. Ad. ams; Parsonge Com„ Mrs, Robt. Thompson; Nominating Com„ Mrs. Bert Lyon; Supply Sec., Mrs. Jack Lee; Literature Sec., Mrs. Elgin Jesting, It was decided to have 12 meetings during the year and the minimum number to be present to be 10, The Unit will meet on the 3rd Monday -of each month. Program and lunch com- mittees will carry on the same as in the past, The introduction to the Study Book "Signals of the ' Sixties" was given by Mrs, Har- ry Lear, The meeting closed with a hymn and benediction followed by lunch. Rev. Henry Funge intends con- ducting a communicants' class commencing the 2nd Sunday in February. Miss Beth Thompson is practise teaching in Kitchener this week. Mrs. Harvey Hunking and Don visited on Sunday with Harvey Hunking who is a patient in Westminster Hospital, London. He is suffering from infection in his toe. We hope there will soon be some improvement. Mr, and Mrs, Ed Bolton of London were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Living- stone. The Beacom family received word recently of the death of their uncle, Mr, Alf, Harkness of Vegreville, Alta, Mr, 01if Saundercock went to Thornhill last Friday for surgery, but is expected home shortly. BLAKE Miss Emma Oesch spent a night with Miss Pearl Ann Erb, Blake. Mrs. Ivan Baechier held a quilt- ing bee last Thursday, Miss Joy Erb of Maryland is spending a few weeks visiting her parents, friends and rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs, Ephraim Ginge- rieh and girls and Misses Cath - rine and Mary Ellen Gingerich visited with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Desch and family of Blake. Mr. Harold Finlay and family visited on Sunday with Mr, Gor- don Love Of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Gingerieb and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Bow- man and family of Zurich. Miss Linda ()each spent Thurs- day evening with Miss .Norma Jean Gingerieh, • CONSTANCE Mr, William Dale attended a meeting of the Ontario Guernsey Breeders Association last Wed- nesday, Jan. 31st, at Guelph. Mrs, Kenneth Preszcator, Diane and Nancy, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Hill and Mr. and Mrs, Allan Pfaff of Cred Missesiton. Janice and Glenice Jewitt spent the week end with Mr. and. Mrs. William Dowson and Glenda of Varna. Mr:' and Mrs. John Sanderson and Sylvia, Mr. and Mrs. .Austin Dexter of Blyth, Mr.. and Mies. Malcolm McClure and family of near Seaforth, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. William Glou- sher and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Glousher of Blyth visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Dale and family. Mr. and -Mrs, -Wilmer Glousher, Stewart and Barbara visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold MeClinchey and family of Auburn. The Constance United Church Women will hold their regular meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at the home of Mrs. Frank Riley. An auction sale will he featured. BRODHAGEN Mrs. Fred Herbert has been proved to Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Sergeant Dick Watson, who has been stationed with the army in Egypt for the past year, has joined his family Mrs, Dick Wat- son (Doreen Wolfe), Douglas, Donald and Dianne at the home of Mrs. Watson's parents Mr. and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe, Mrs. Watson met her husband in Trenton on Tuesday. Mr. Tom Scott of Brampton ac- companied Warren Sholdice of Brampton to spend the weekend. at the home of the latter's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Russel Shold- 1ce. A shower was held for Mr. and Mrs, Neil Hillebrecht (Joan French) in the Community Hall on Saturday evening. Edlyn Os- borne read the address and Al. lan Siemon made the presenta- tion of money and several other gifts, Mueller's orchestra provid- ed music for dancing. Lunch was Served. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Ahrens and Kimberley of Hamilton with Mrs. Charles Ahrens for the weekend. i Ray Scherbarth of Toronto with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth. Ray Benne- wies of London with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bennewies. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simmons of Toronto With Mr, and Mrs• Wm, S. Riehl. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Mittel and Gloria of Fullerton and Mr. and Mrs. David Dickmeir of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs• Norman Benn- ewies. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Mogk and family of Oil Springs with Mr. and 'Vire. Kenneth Smith re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hinz, Wayne; and Dennis, and Mr, and Mrs. Michael Connolly of Sebringviile With Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Wolfe on Sunday. Fourteen members of the Lu tiler League were present at the first meeting after the annual meeting. Scripture was read by Joyce Rock. Keith Siemon led in prayer. The new .president, Carol Mogk was in charge of business. Born—In St, Themes Elgin hospital on Friday, Feb, 2, to Mr. and Mrs, Carman Mogk (Aletha McMillan), 291 Ross St., 51, Thee mas, a son, Randolph Warren, a brother for Wendy Lee and Terri Lynn. FEDERATION NEWS On February 29th the County Uireetors end township repro- sentatives of the Beef Producers association met to disclose plans for their annual meeting' which. will be held shortly, president Bob MQGregor',: of Kilrpon, reported that the 0uter- io Board was Making progress in having bills of, lading used on all shipments of cattle, This has been required, by law for many years but has never been en forged. However in recent weeks the Provincial Police have been stopping many Mutts and issuing warnings. By March 20th the 13eef Pro, ducers will have all truckers sup,, Plied with bills of lading and it will then 'be up to the farmers to see to it that these forms_ are used. These statements will be a real benefit to both, fanner and shipper in case of accident. In the answers to the gtiestion- aires'that were sent out to some 50 beef producers in each comity the Beet Producers are finding that $2% of the producers all - prove the bills of lading and the 10c deduction to provide finances. for the organization and for ad- vertising -the product. On February lst, the Leader- ship Forum Committee met to discuss the advisability of re- arranging the Leadership Forum Unit had been planned previously, It was agreed that the Secre- tary seed 'out notices that the. Course will be arranged for the 26, 27, and 28th, of February and will be held in the Agricultural Board rooms,, Clinton, from 10 a.m, to 4 .p.m. each day. This will allow those -attending to get the chores done and the children off to 'school each morning and to be home fdr chores at night, It will make a busy three clays but from the reports of those attend- ing last years course it is well worth the effort, There must be 15 enrolled by February 19th to make the course Possible. However additional ap- plications will be acceptable up to the beginning of the course, If you are interested contact your township Federation Presi- dent or the County Federation Office, Box 310, Clinton. ' Turnberry Township held their Annual Federation meeting Feb. 2nd. and provided thoseattend- ing with most interesting find- ings on the developments -in War- ble Fly control. Dr. Neely, Ex- tention Services Veterinary, was guest speaker. He told us of the newer methods • and materials that .are providing better control, are more convenient to use and are effective in the control of lice and other animal parasites. 'These new methods are being thoroughly tested and many are now available. This does not mean .that the spraying of cattle for warbles in the spring was not a success. 11 has been wonder- fully subcessfui but there have been many new ,discoveries and we need to give thein full consid- eration. They may be another big step forward in care of livestock. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and children of London spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Roy McGhee and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, Miss Margaret Jean Russell, attending Teachers' College in Stratford is practice teaching this week at Clinton Public School. Mr. Hugh Scott was home from Guelph for the weekend. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved families of the late Rev. George Lamont and Mrs. Lamont of Mitchell, who passed away suddenly in a motor acci- dent on Tuesday. Many sorrow- ing relatives and friends from this community attended the double funeral service which Vas held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, on Saturday. Alfred Fisher, fieldman for .On- tario Credit Union League, was guest speaker at the annual meet- ing and dinner of the Hibbert Twp, Fed, of Agri. He presented the case for credit unions in a convincing manner. The meeting approved the return to office of Russell Miller of Staffa, as presi- dent of the township federation. Rev. Bert Daynard, zone direc- tor of Ontario Federation of Ag- riculture, spoke of federation ac- tivities at the provincial level, Al- bert Bowman, Western Ontario Fieldman of O.F.A„ and Ed Dear- ing, past president of the Perth County Federation, both stressed the continuing need for leader- ship and idea development and for unity of purpose at township and,county levels of farm organ- ization, A surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erie Dow on Saturday evening when over 40 neighbors and relatives gathered to honor Mr: John Dow on his. birthday, Progressive eu- chre was enjoyed with Mrs. Ster- ling Grahm in charge. High points for gents was won by Mr. Donald Johns, and ladies' high won by Mrs. Elmer Dow, Mr. Stanley Dow was low for the men and Mies Maxine Dow for ladies, An address of Happy Birth- day Wishes was read by Mrs. Kate Hocking and the guest of honor was presented with a chair. The closing lines of the address were: Friedly thoughts 'and friendly customs, help to snake life so worth while, and many days have been made brighter by your friendly word or smile, So the. thoughts that prompt this Hap- py Birthday, prompt these wishes too, that the joy you've given oth- ere, life in turn may give to you. Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PHONE 75 SEAFORTH Office in Jackson Aluminum 13111g, THIS SlL FORTII NEWS Thtirstlay, February 8, 1962 CARD OF THANKS - I' wish to take this Opportunity 0 1 11 t ill 1 n ii' friends, talc of 11bo i i ei1 s Y g s, , and relatives for all they did while I was a patient at London, else to those who sent treats and good wishes, A special thanks to the loom Cancer Foundation for all their help and t0 the AlcKillop Council for everting' the lane, Theresa Malone, CARD OF THANKS I would, like to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives who remembered me with cards, treats and visite while a patient ha Scott Memorial Hospital, Special thanks to Dr, Stapleton, and the nursing staff.—Ellinor Bottles. CARD OF THANKS T wish to thank Rev. Britton, Dr, Stapleton, Miss Drope and the nurses, the Legion •and all who sent cards, gift boxes, and all who visited me during my ill- ness in Scott Memorial Hospital. —Mrs. Geo. Brownlee, CARD OF THANKS ' The firmly of the late John T. Cooper wishes to express their sincere thanks and deep appreciation to the friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, messages -of sym- pathy,.beautiful floral tributes received --during their regent sad bereavement. To Miss Drope, nurses and staff of Scott MeniOr- ial Hospital, neighbours for their help and food sent to the home. The pallbesirers, flowerbearers, Rev. O, Britton, and Dr. Staple- ton, your kindness Ind thought- fulness shall never be forgotten. —The Cooper Family, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Wil- liam Devereaux wishes to express their sincere thanks to .all rela- tives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, flor- al -tributes, Mass cards and sym- pathy cards during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Father C. E. Sullivan, Rev, D. R, Effoulkes, pallbearers, Dr. Stapleton and Nurses of Scott memorial hospital, R. S. Box and W. J. Cleary, and all those who assisted in any way. -Wm. Dev- ereaux and family. COMING EVENT Monster Euchre Feb. 16 in the I.O.O.F. hall sponsored jointly by Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Seaforth Chapter, 0.E.S. and Fi- delity Lodge, 1.0.0.F., in aid of Lodge's kitchen. COMING EVENT The annual meeting of The Children's Aid Society of Huron County will be held in the Coun- cil Chambers, Court House, God- erich,, Ontario, on 'Wednesday, February 14, 1962 at 2:30 p.m. Public cordially invited. —Miss Clare McGowan, local Director. FOR SALE A bunch of good strong 'York chunks, and a brood sow coming in. A, R. Dodds, 861R14 Seaforth FOR SALE Two Holstein cows ,due in February, Gerrit Wynja, 650 r 11, Seaforth. HELP WANTED Help Wanted — Female. Apply Highland Shoes, Seaforth. FOR SALE 4 -burner gas range in excellent condition, good buy. Phone 74. MEN WANTED Seaforth, Mitchell, Milverton area above average earnings. No lay-offs. For interview and information, write Box 8, The Seaforth News TOWN OF SEAFORTH Dog Tax for 1962 is now due. Male dog.2.00, each additional 4.00. Female dog 4.00, each' additional 6.00. Tags available at. Town Clerk's office SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE SEAFORTH — PHONE 182 Wall Washing Floor Maintenance Brick and Plastering Repairing SUPERIOR Our Name SERVICED Our dim RAY SQUIRE BOX 336 SEAFORTH Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER - Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED MCINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. otfiees and 26 saleataen to serve you Skating. THURSDAY, FEB, 8— Mitchell Peewees vs -Seaforth Peewees 7'P.M, (second playoff genie) FRIDAY— Skating RIDAY Skating 8 - 1,0. 250 and 85o. SATURDAY— Skating 2.8.30-10c and 250 SATURDAY NIGT-IT -- Bantam Bantam hockey 7 P.M,, Juvenile Hockey 8.80 P.M, Teen Town SEAFORTH ARENA BOX Funeral Home AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions • Phones. Day 43 Night 590W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon P110110 90 Res. 605 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A„ Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W, Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Dr, E. Markus Office .flours; 1 pan. to 6 p.m. deab•• except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings; Tuesday & Thurs. 7-9 p.m..: Appointments made In advance are: desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS. VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. *TURNBULL, D, V.M., V.S. W.R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W, G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E, Longstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W„ Seaforth Phone 791 Sours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; Wed, 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur, eve by appointment only, Clinton HU -2-7010, above Rankine' Iidwe, Dion. 9 to 6.20 INSURANCE • Fire - • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather, Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 640 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART - Office Phone 784 • .Ries, 288 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDN'O Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co:: HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTg, ONT. Officers — President, John L. Malone, Seaforth ; Vice Pres.., John 11. McEwints Blyth ; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate.. Seaforth, Directors, Norman Trewartha, Oiinton, J. L. Malone, Seaforth ; Chris Leonhaxlt, Bornholm• Robert Archibald, Seaforth John H, blel:wing. Blyth; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Godericb•;. Wna, R. Pepper, Seaforth ; .0111,50, Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents — William Leiper, Jr., Londe,- Baker�,VEru eels HaroldSeaforth Squirm, Clin- ton ; James Keys, Seaforth. "blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS BRAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNOAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 392-R Arnold Stinnissen R R 5 SEIAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 UNWANTED HAIR Vanished away with Saea-Pelo. Saca-Pelo is different. It does not dissolve or remove hair from the surface, but penetrates and re- tards growth of unwanted hair. Lor -Beer Lab. Ltd., Ste. 6, 679 Granville St., Vancouver 2, B.O. NOTICE Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckersmith are requested by the council, to not park cars on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles park- ed on roads or streets. James I. McIntosh, Clerk Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil 01' Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL, US TO -DAY WALDEN &' BROADFOOT Phone 686 W