HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-02-08, Page 7Holy Men of India Make Predictions Not for 80 years had India suf- fered such cold. Bitter winds howled down from the Hima- layas over the northern states of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar In "eleven days of ter- ror" the temperature reached freezing point, an all-time rec- ord low in semitropical New Delhi, while in the zoo, attend- ants pumped alcohol into ele- phants to ward off pneumonia. In many cities, bonfires built in the streets kept the thinly clad poor and homeless alive, Even so, many hundreds of schoolchildren c o 11 a p s ed in classrooms, and 800 personas died of the cold, Awed by the wintry blast, millions of Hindus turned to their holy men for an explana- tion and were promptly warned of more trouble throughout Jan- uary and, thereafter, a world- wide natural calamity between 5:43 p.m. on Feb. 3 and 6:24 p.m, on Feb. 4 During those hours there will be a solar eclipse (not visible in North America and Europe) while eight planets are meeting under the astrological sign of Capricorn, This combina- tions is known as Mahe. Koot Yoga and — even without the eclipse—is considered most in- auspicious, Hopeful of forestalling a cat- astrophe in early 1982, His Holi- ness Shri Jagsdguru Vidyaman- ya Teerath, a high Hindu priest, convened a yajna (a deeply de- vout period of sacrifices and prayers) on the banks of the holy river Janina, 6 miles from New Delhi. He had invited 1,000 pandits (learned ones) of the Brahman caste, Sitting cross- legged before pit -fires, the holy men fed the flames with logs, in- cense, ghee, and flowers. Rising at 4:30 a.m., they bathed in the icy river and had their first meal at 3 in the afternoon. Every Brahman recited prayers 108 times a day and burned cam- phor in the fires 108 times a day. Four hundred priests re- cited more than 10 million verses of Vedic lore and one group of 70 recited all of the hymns in the ten -volume Rig Veda.. For this the holy men were forgiven their sins for 100 gen- erations to come. But what about that threatened disaster due in February? The pandit's leader offered hope. After prolonged study, it ,had been concluded that such aus- picious planets as Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury would not be quite close enough to collide with the malefic influence of that old devil Mars. A little closer though, and — poofl EXECUTIVE — A person who can take two hours for lunch without anybody missing him, TORNADIC PILEDRIVER — These rafters from a wrecked building were driven four feet Into the ground by a tornado striking Berwick, Po. BLASTS OUT—Bob Goalby, defending champion, blasts out of a sand trap on the approach to the lith green during the Los Angeles Open Golf Tournament. Checking Up On Bank Robberies The Federal Bureau of Inves- tigation has been playing "cops and' robbers" with bank bardits all over the United States, Tho increase in bank rob- beries, particularly in suburban areas, has had the FBI on the armed run for the past year. The Bureau has just conclud- ed a series of law enforcement conferences t h r o u g h o u t the country devoted to this one problem. Two recent local bank rob- beries serve as illustrations. In one, two armed bandits, one wearing a false rubber nose, held up a savings and loan as- sociation, escaping with some $8,000. "This is a holdup," they warn- ed employees, as one of the banditsleapedover the gate to the teller's counter, scooping up money from the open safe and from the counters. The other robbery, in a small town in nearby Maryland, was carried out by one gunman who carried a revolver, wore a stock- ing cap mask, a coat with' large pockets and spoke in a bass voice. He made his getaway with some $10,000. The two robberies occurred within 25 minutes of each other. This new wave of bank rob- beries is due, in part,, according to authorities at the FBI, to a trend of the times — a trend toward more branch banks and more savings and loan 'associa- tions in the outlying areas. These institutions have follow- ed the shopping centers. Many are located in them. They are smaller, located in areas where traffic is less congested, wnere a getaway is easier and in build- ings which are less fortress -like than the mid -city bank. Many of today's bank bandits are "amateurs" the FBI finds. Time was when one of the best clues to the identity of a pro- fessional bank robber "was his particular method of operation," FBI Director, J. Edgar Horver' said. For instance, in the 1930's, there was a group of gangs operating in the Midwest, They were often identified by their special method of separating cash from the bank. Some wore a certain type of mask, carried a special type of sacks for the money, always stole cars for the getaway and sometimes scatter- ed nails along their trail. Others were "trade -marked" by the particular way in which they leaped over the counter Some gangs were known for the time of day when they carried WHAT'S D,oIN'—Totin' authentic pistols, these Houston Colt 45s, National League baseball dub officials hold a unique groundbreaking ceremony They pump the ground full of lead to officially launch construction on a stadium. out the robbery, often at noun - time when many of the em- ployees were at lunch. There are some identifying signs today, but not as many, mainly, FBI authorities explain, because of the entry of the ama- teur. But with some of these the signature is becoming clear- er as the bandit finds one ap- proach successful and uses it again. The amateur is marked by what is known •as the "demand - note" type of robbery. This oc- curs when the robber quietly passes a note to the teller stat- ing the bandit has a gun in his pocket and demands that the teller turn over the money quietly. If the operation is pulled off the robbery may occur so quick- ly the teller at the next counter may be completely unaware of what has taken place, writes Jo- sephine.Ripley in the Christian Science Monitor, Despite the record number of 895 federal crimes against bank- ing ' institutions in fiscal 1961, bank robbery is still one of the poorest paying jobs in the world, says Mr. Hoover. A recent survey by the FBI of bank robberies showed that out of 125• typical cases only eight robberies netted more than $10,000, while in 30 cases the bandits obtained no loot at all. One way in which the, FBI is working to curb this new out- break of crime is through edu- cating bank employees in me- thods of detection. This has been done in many instanefis- by hav- ing someone impersonate a would-be robber by loitering in the lobby, acting in a suspicious manner, getting change at a teller's rage, having a paper no- tarized, or making inquiry about a loan. Bank employees are later quizzed on the incident, asked to describe the man. There are demonstrations to illustrate the technique of the "note bandit." The FBI often springs a surprise "gimmick" by having a telephone call put through to the teller as the scene is being enacted, with the voice at the other end saying: "While you are answering the phone, my confederate has ta- ken everything in reach from• your cage." The voice was that of a po- liceman, but the method is fre- quently that of the sneak thief in diverting the attention of the teller while he gathers in reach- able cash. The most important thing for bank employees and any by- standers to do in such an emer- gency, according to the FBI. is to record in memory as many details as possible, particularly the height of the robber, his probable age, his clothing and mannerisms. In almost all the tests con- ducted witnesses tended to un- derestimate the "bandit's" height and to overestimate his age. Rad or Dead? Sups Who? The expression "Red or Dead" has a fair measure of rhyme but precious -little reason,' To suggest that the only • al- ternatives open to adult Ameri- cans mericans are plass death in nuclear War pr capitulation to Soviet domination is to confess a belief that under conditions of peace one doesn't believe that we can win the ideological and economic battle with the Communist sys- tem, Given the productive ca- pacity, the revolutionary econ- omy, and the intellectual flexi- bility of the American system, it seems to us that in any pompe - a aa ISSUE 4.— 1081 CLASSIFIED A RTI ! AGENTS & DISTRIBUTORS WANTED Demonstrators and Agents to sell Stainless steel Cutlery, rte. Write Boa 114. Kitchener, Ont. AGENTS and Distil/atm Wanted for new imported fast soiling repeat Pro. duct, 50% to 150% profit. Write for free details to: P.O. Box 2152,. Van. convey 1, 11.0. BABY CHICKS BRAY has started Ames and ether good pullet varieties, 420 week old available promptly' order now, get geed start on 1962 egg production: Broiler .chicks also available. Dayolds to order, See local agent, er write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Ham. itton, oat, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GARAGE, service station, body shop, dealership; all stock and equipment 1n• eluded for 532,000. Can be financed for qualified buyer. AX. 3.4391. John E. humley, Realtor, Markham. BILLIARDS, lunch counter, two apart meats, 56,000. Going concern Lawrence Walsh. Drayton Ont POOL room and equipment For sale. 4 6'1010' snooker tables; 1 4x8 Bes• ton table. All in good condition No opposition Lease, Apply to Gerald Keller Medea, Ont.. Phone 613.473.2566. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR RENT ATTENTION DENTISTS NEWLY remodelled dental offices of the late doctor for rent on main street in London, Ontario. Complete equip. mont in for 2 to 3 dentists sharing. Also workshop completely equipped for dental mechanic. Please apply to 5£r. EReff 533 Dundee St. London, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PHOTOGRAPHY Become a photographic distributor for photo finishing, cameras supplies, No stock required. Write: Chevron Photo, Dept W. 9PB Coleman Ave., Toronto 12, Ontario, OPPORTUNITY: For alert keen salesman.. To associate with successful ORDINARY AGENCY. REQUIREMENTS: 1, Desire to work 2 Presently employed 3 Age 28 .45 own car 4. Married preferred 5. A -I references 6. Resident of area OUR RESPONSIBILITY: 1. To trainyou for your career 2 To give you guidance, direction and assistance, In the field 3. To provide you with .all welfare benefits,' including contributory pension 4 To • maintain your standard of living until you become estab- llshed'in our industry If you are desirous of establishing yourself in the Sales and Service field, we invite you to write us, in confi• dence, giving full details of your ex. perience, marital status, education and any relevant Information. BOX 248, 123 -18th STREET TORONTO 14, Ont. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE HAHN model "300 Ht -Boy sprayer with 0 row boom used 2 years. Write Mac. Wallbrldke, Ameliasburg, Ont. NEW TYPE HAYING MACHINE CUTS LABOUR IN HALF LUNDELL-MAYNARD three.tn-one flail type processor, 80 -inch cut; cuts, con• ditions and windross all in one opera. tion, Write for prices and Information, C. E. Maynard Wholesale. Schomberg, Ont. tition with the Soviet Union, time, wealth, and a big head start put us far out in advance What should our attitude to- ward the Communists be? First, let's face up to the fact that if we don't have to admire them we do have to live with them. Sensible men will make this situ- ation as satisfactory as possible. Let us look to our strength, both material and spiritual, with confidence and maturity. Let us welcome competition with the Communist bloc with a whole heart, assured if we're the better men we think we are, we'll win. For make no mistake about it: in nuclear war neither we nor the Russians would win. , . . Let's get off the defensive, and concentrate on living rather than planning for death. We are a young and powerful nation. Thanks to enlightened people in our society we're still free, And in matters of revolution, we're still way out ahead.—Winchester (Mass.) Star. How Can 1? By Roberts Lee Q. How can I remove decal- comania transfers from painted surfaces without damaging the paint? A. Trying dousing the decals with hot vinegar, give the vine- gar a few minutes to soak in, and then the decals can usually be removed or wiped off with no harm done. FARMS FOR SALE AT HARROW ONTARIO Poultry farm for salt). 8 acres 2 acres of asparagus, 20,000 sq. ft. insulated Goer space with het water heating also a year around contract for starter{ chicks that brings in a good Weekly Income a good 8 rerun house and other m modern buUdlligs good water with all utilities. 01,11 pries) 522,500. L. Oullotte, Ph, RE. 3.4362 Jaelt Schell, Ph. 110 3.4767 R. H. WIGLE REALTOR Ph. RE. 3.4112 Kingsville, Ontario EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL Most Amo tcanoSchoo gcanetrain you at home in your spare time. Progress rapidly. All books furnished. Low monthly teanp1ne!witorhone For full can School Dept., R.E.P., 439 Emery St., London. FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS EUREKA grain mixer with molasses attachment complete with heating unit pressure gauges, electrical switches, 10 h.p. motor, molasses pump with 3 Alex. Tanner,uStratford 278 19390. Apply SEND for free catalogue offering hun- dreds of moneysaving items of mer- chandise. We list a few: Men's Plaid Flannelette Sports Or work shirt work 5001,5 a shirt54 per pair9'Wool . and nylon dress socks — 994 per pair) Ladies' nylon hose 794 per pair; Quick D.Icer — 81.00 (Keeps windshield clear in freezing weather), Order 3 shirtsspor 5 airs of. hose, we send 1 funded satiacfactory. Money re. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. FERGUS 11 ONTARIO GUNS FOR SALE CASH for old Guns, Colts, Remingtons, Sharps, Winchester Lever action Rifles. Avis, 79 Oak Park Ave., Toronto, Ont. GUNS MODERN 011 ANTIQUE BOUGHT -SOLD EXCHANGED EXPERT REPAIRS—PARTS SERVICE Poly -Choke Installations TRADE DISCOUNTS MONTHLY CATALOGUE 22. The Modem Gun Shop "CANADA'S GUN HOUSE" 5006 DANFORTH AVE., E, TORONTO HONEY FOR SALE CLOVER Honey, finest quality whit. unpasteurized 30 lb. ail 56.00. Light 44390 eStr'eetevtlle Road pErindaleieOnt, HELP WANTED LABORATORY TECHNICIAN for CANADIAN RED CROSS BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE Hamilton Depot R.T. or University Graduate with ado. quate science courses. Excellent work. Ing conditions, Vacations and Stan Benefits. cationsPlto stating 4011 Vicra experience v. N., Hamilton, Ontario. HELP WANTED — MALI Police Recruits Wanted MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS' AGE -21 TO 35 HEIGHT -5'9" WEIGHT -160 LBS. IDUCATION—GRADE 10 Cadets 17 TO 31 Excellent working conditions, pro• motion possibilities and fringe benefits. APPLY IN PERSON TO: METROPOLITAN TORONTO POLICE PERSONNEL OFFICE 92 KING STREET EAST OFFICE HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY, 0 A.M. TO 4 P.M. MERRY MENAGERIE I admit I'm a little fat—but MINE Is poly -unsaturated fat!" INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY TOY Pomeranian Kennel Also lovely home with same f01' sale. Owner re. thing Good income. Write: Box 102, Crystal Beach, Ontario, ,JEWELRY --- BRACELETS! BRACELETS! Copper handmade dog wood design 81.00, earrings to match 81.00, Children's bracelets, same de- sign e- N ack8Meuntain,sNA Craftsman, 116 Fit.. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema MANS and weeping skin troubles. Poll's eczema Salve tvill not disappoint you Itching scalding and burning 0020' me sone ringworm. pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless.. odorless ointment regardless of hew stubborn of hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free en Receipt et Price PRICE 5350 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St Clair Avenue East TORONTO SATISFY YOURSELF — EVERY 'SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA 51.25 Express Collect. MORTGAGE LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS Money available for immediate loan on First and Second Mortgages, and Agreements for Sale, on vacant and improved, property, residential, indus- trial, city; suburban, and country, and summer cottages. Member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association. 40 yearn experience, 3. 0, Harris, F. G. Harris, and R. C Sint. SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, ' Ontario. Phone: 725.3568, MUSIC LEARN to play the piano in 8 weeks write SP Opr6 )Se 73, Montreal, Que Tea NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES Required for 38 bed hospital. - Good starting salary and working con- ditions, Apply Administrator, ,, Espanola General Hospital Espanola, Ontario OMEN AND! WOMENR BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADINGpSCHOOL Great Hairdr ssiin Pleasant dignified profession, good Wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 355 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches: Si King St. W., Hamilton 72 Mclean Street, Ottawa PERSONAL HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED, guaranteed, mailed in plane parcel Including catalogue and eg book free with trial assortment. 10 or tors, Box (Mast quality). R)Wa SaskOistrl u• f PROFITABLE Regina,OCCUPATIONS EMonsiw h booklet Home Profts',describing money -making ideas, tips. Supply Um - Red 354. Speedway, 42 Wardrobe, Stoney Creek, Ontario. SEED FOR SALE ONTARIO'S newest and most outstand- ing oat outyielding Garry and Rod- ney by 6 and 9 bus, per acre this year, with shorter straw, thinner hull and bigger grain. Ask you'' own dealer to get Russell or any of our other seeds for you from us, Alex M. Stewart 0 Son Ltd, Seed Grain Specialists. Ailsa Graig, Ont STAMPS FREE! 110 Worldwide Stamps With Ap- provals, Thousands Beginners' Bargains 24 each! Advanced Collectors' Selec• tions. Accessories, Packets, Albums. Argent Stamp, 52 Bonnechere. Scar. borough. Ont. WANTED FOR CASH, old stamp col- lection or accumulation. Phone or write H. Wallis, 110 Sheppard_ Ave. W., Wil- lowdale, Ont. BA. 1-1274. SWINE FOR SALE GOVERNMENT approved Yorkshire Boars. Low feed consumption, long Bacon type. Also Young Sows and Boars, Apply to Morris W Shellard, R 6. Galt, Ont. TRADE SCHOOLS ACETYLENE, electric welding and Argon coarses. Canada Welding. Can. non and Balsam N.. Hamilton. Shop LI. 4-1284. Res. LI. 5.6283 WHOLESALE CATALOGUES DON'T waste money: Buy guaranteed name-branditems below wholesale. 128 - page catalogue 82.00 'refundable) In- ulries invited. Lindsley Wholesale New York. s EASY WAY TO END CIGARETTE HABIT Complete copyright method 40o MONEY BACK GUARANTEE JAYCEE COMPANY Box 6'1545-C Hamden, Conn, osa RUNNING STORY—Wolking the dog is no problem for Pot Waddington of Sunnyvale. She gets into her car, holding the lead and drives at about 20 miles per hour, while the dog runs alongside. Her big Doberman "Whisper" runs about three miles a day.