HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-02-08, Page 5TH1I kiEAh'Ull'1'I i NEWS ---'l'irnredeY, February 8, 1982 • SMS . MILKO INSTANT MILK HEINZ TOMATO Vii. 2 I I'®eii surERI ,MarketR POWDERED pQry 3 LB. PKG. 8 1 -JUICE Ige. 48.oz tins ) C C JEWEL SHORTENING 1 lb. plc. �� SCOTTIES TISSUES 490 2 pks White, Pink or Yellow (ECONOMY SIZE) LANCIA SPAGHETTI 32C 21b. pk. JGJ LANCIA MACARONI 320 21b. pk. NABOB INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz Jar 890 CHALLENGER FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON . 53c Tin PHONE 12 WE DELIVER First Presbyterian Church 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning Worship Organist,Mrs. M. R: Rennie Northside United Church Worship 11 a,m, Jr, Church School during wor- ship. Sr. Church School 10 a.m, Young People's Fellowship 7.30 Organist, Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart; Choirmaster, Mr, Jas. A. Stew- art; Minister, Rev. J. Cliff Brit- ton, B. A. Annual Meeting McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Friday, Feb. 9th 2 p.m. Town Hall, Seaforth Ail members are invited to be present. Retiring directors are J. H. McEwing, N. Trewartha, H. Fuller, all of whom are eligible for re-election W. E. Southgate, Secretary Take Notice that the Annual Meeting of producer members of the Huron County Hog Producers Association and members of the Ontario Hog Producers Co-operative will be convened at the hour of 12.30 p.m. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 at the Legion Hall,- the town of Clinton, for the purpose of the proper business of the annual meeting, the election of officers, the election of voting representatives and the nominations of county committeemen under the Ontario Hog Producers Market- ing Plan, between the hours of 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the above-mentioned date. If an election is requir- ed for committeemen it will be held on Tuesday, March 6, 1962, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and the polling places will be: Exeter Town Hall, Exeter; Agricultural Board Room, Clinton; Gorrie Community Hall, Gorrie; Walton Community Hall, Walton; Sherwood's house, Dungannon. Albert Bacon, President A. H. Warner, Secretary 1961 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN A.T. & R. 1960 CHEVROLET STAT'N WAGON 1960 ENVOY SEDAN 1958 STATION WAGON, A.T. 1957 DODGE SEDAN 1957 CHEVROLET "8" COACH, AT&R 1956 - CHEVROLET COACH 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 FORD SEDAN, A.T. 1956 CHEVROLET SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAPORT. Phone G, Fawm 186 Phone 541 TOWN TOPICS Doctor and Mrs. J, A. Gcr'will spent the weekend in Hamilton visiting With their daughter Miss M. liJllorr (iorwill and attending lien capping ceremony at the Hamilton Geirer-al Hospital, Mr, Russell Sproat is a patient in Stratford Hospital where lie underwent surgery on Monday morning, John Kroesen, 22, an employee of Robert Bell Industries Ltd., received severe injer'ies to his left hand last Thursday when his fingers got caught in the rolier of a steel shaping machine. The index and third fingers had to be amputated. Cindy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDonald, under- went an appendicitis operation in Clinton Hospital Monday even- ing. Robbie, son of Mr. and Mrs, Art Powell, was operated on for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital on Monday night, BORN Besse—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Jan, 31 to Mr, and Mrs, Paul Besse, of Seaforth, a son. Gordon — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Feb, 3, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald Gordon, Seaforth, a daughter. Kramers — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Feb. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman llramers, of RR 3, Dublin, a son. Finlayson — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Feb. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson of Kippen RR 3, a son. Weber—Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Weber (nee Blanche Westcott) are happy to announce the ar- rival of a daughter, Susan Eliza- beth, on January 28, 1962, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' AID On Tuesday afternoon the Lad- ies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church met for their February meeting with a good attendance. Miss Sean Scott presided and called on Miss Jessie Fraser to open the meeting with a reading, "Take Time." Mrs. H. Whyte read the minutes of the Decem- ber meeting, the annual meeting and also the minutes of the exe- cutive meeting which was held in January at the home of Mrs. E. Geddes, The regular January meeting had been ,postponed due to stor- my weather. Several letters of thanks were read from shut-ins who had appreciated the gifts sent to them at Christmas. The treasurer, Mrs. Butt. gave a splendid financial report. It was decided to do some necessary de- corating at the manse. The hobo teas will be continued. Mrs. -Ila Dorrance sang a lovely solo, "Somebody did a Golden Deed," accompanied by Mrs, J. McGregor. Mrs. Elmer Rivers showed a colored travelogue film, entitled "Down North" which was very much enjoyed. Mrs. Appleby thanked all those who had taken part in the meeting. A social time was enjoyed and lunch serv- ed by the Fraser -Appleby group. THE LEGION CORNER By Jack Holland Well, comrades and friends, the winter is slipping away and in just 44 days from now the first day of spring arrives. I won- der what it will be like. One thing about '61, it was quite a significant year for our Legion branch. Early in the. spring, our young lads got into the finals in the Young Canada hockey tournament and along in June after a lot of sweat and preparation we had the official opening of our new Legion hall, a building which we are all very proud of, not only for the fine building that it is, but 'for the community services that origin- ate and are carried out from within its walls. The Branch also had member representation at the Dominion, Provincial and District meetings The summer passed into fall and Charlie Woods got busy 'with his weekly bingos and Jack Eisler was making arrangements for the busy hockey season ahead. Along came Christmas with all its bustle and hustle and the an- nual Santa Claus party for the kids and first thing, we were in 1962, a brand new year. But while all this was going on the Legion lost five of its mem- hers to their final resting place, and on checking I find they in- clude the following: Mr. Art Lit- tle, Mrs. D. Sills, Mr. Arnold Westcott, Mr. Edward Brown, Mr. Wm. Manson. So you see we comrades all have our dark times of sorrow as well as bright sunshine. "At the going down of the sun and in the morning we shall re- member them." KIPPEN EAST W. I. EUCHRE at SS #10 Tuckersmith Friday, Feb. 9 at 8.30 P.M. Ladies please bring lunch Everyone welcome Admission 50c • DANCING! I3rodhagen Com. Centre Friday, Feb. 9 Elgin Fisher and the Rhythmaires Admission 75c Teacher Conference Held at Listowel On Friday, Feb. 2nd 400 sec- ondary school teachers from 15 Schools met at Listowel High School for an Educational Con- ference under the sponsorship of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, A welcpme cup of coffee warmed the teach er's as they arrived at 9 o'clock After a very brief assembly the teachers split lie into 12 groups according to their subjects and worked through till after 3 0' clock with a short break at noon for a lunch in the school cafeter- ia provided by the Federation, There were group discussions on new courses of study, text books, teaching aids, teaching techniques, tests, examinations, etc. Most, groups also had the benefit of talks by specialists in their field from the universities or the Department of Education. Mr. Will. G. Nediger of Seaforth addressed the mathematics sec- tion on Experimental Mathema- tics in Grade 9, Miss Nan Taylor was chairman for the discussion group on Biology in the science section and Miss Hazel Slavin was in charge of the group dis- cussion on Basketball in the Phy- sical Education section. The Seaforth teachers came home with fresh inspiration and helpful ideas and the satisfaction of knowing that they are not alone in having problems and also not alone in desiring to solve these problems and thus improve the quality of the education they are offering to the students of this area, Next year's conference will ag- ain be held at Listowel as it is the central point of the district, but the conveners for the various departments will be from other schools in the district. NORTHSIDE UNITED UNIT 2 Mrs. Frank Storey was hostess to Unit Two of Northside "United Church Women" on Tuesday evening, Feb. 6, at 8 o'clock. The Pres., Mrs. James Scott, opened the meeting by reading a poem, "The World has Narrowed" by Edna Jacques. The hymn, "Love, Divine, All Loves Excelling" was sung, followed by the devotional period, led by Mrs. 3. Kellar, who chose as her theme, "Love". Psalm 149 was read, followed by a short talk on hymns. Mrs. Kel- ler then concluded this part of the program by prayer. The min- utes of the January meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. J. Ure Stewart, 22 members an- swered the roll and two visitors were present. During the busi- ness period plans .were completed for the Valentine Supper on Feb. 14. A general meeting of "United Church Women" will be held on Feb. 27. A splendid report of Hu- ron Presbyterial, held in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, on Jan. 24 was given by Mrs. Ross Savauge, who stated that 400 del- egates were present, with a total attendance in the Church of over 500 women. Mrs. Clayton Searle of Toronto was the guest speak- er and her thoughts were based on the Book of Esther, where Mordecai said to his cousin, Queen Esther, when she hesitat- ed to go before the king to help save her people from destruction, "Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" At the risk of her life she then entered the king's presence and made her request. As a result she and all her fel- low -Jews were saved. The speak- er applied this incident to the members of "United Church Wo- men" today to accept the chal- lenge presented to them. The meeting closed by repeating the Mizpah Benediction. Mrs. George Addison moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and all who took part in the meeting. A delicious lunch was served by the social committee, Mrs. P. B. Moffat and Miss Gladys Thompson. U. C. W. Unit 5 MEETING The first meeting of the new Unit 5 United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Eric McCue an Monday evening Feb. 5, 1962. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Doug. Whyte. Hymn 416 "Creations Lord" was sung. A report of the Nominating Com- mittee was read by Mrs. Bill Drennan, seconded by Mrs. Verne Graham. Mrs. Neil Bell introduc• ed the Study Books and gave us an overall picture of the work planned for the coming year. Program planning was also dis- cussed. The induction of new of- ficers of Unit 5 followed led by Mrs, Bell. The meeting was then turned over to the new President, Mrs. Glen Steffen. The minutes and roll call of the organizational meeting were read and approved. A report of the Inaugural Meeting of the United Church Women held in Clinton, Jan. 25th was given by Mrs. John Michels. Mrs. Harry Nesbit presented the require• ments for the Valentine Supper to be held. Feb. 14 which were readily accepted. It was decided to have a Card Shower at our next meeting which will be at the home of Mrs, Ted Savauge. Mrs. Orville Oke consented to begin and maintain a scrapbook for Unit 5, At the close of the business part of our meeting Mrs, John Michels conducted a short Wor- ship Service, Hymn 267 "Rock of Ages" was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated. A singsong introduced our so. cial hour. Artistic talents were displayed as many varieties of valentines emerged from bright red paper and white doilies through the guidance of Mrs. Harry Nesbit, A delicious lunch followed and the Mizpah Bene- diction closed our meeting. Kzewiteite Coat For every member of the family ! 10c 15c 25c 50c and up CHILDREN'S VALEN'T'INES: Pkgs, 10c 25c 39c 49c Complete Assortment Valentines and Valentine Cards GIFTS AND GIFT WRAPPINGS FOR THE YOUNG FOLK A record from our Record Bar makes a good gift LARONE'S Seaforth 5c to $1.00 Store -- Stationery -- Gifts ■ BAYFIELD Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Wiilock and family, Toronto, were at their cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, David Baird, Mrs. D. Sturgeon, London, and Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon and family, Preston, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Castle, of Goderlch, spent Sunday with the former's father, Thomas Castle. Dr, and Mrs, R. Flowers and three children of Thamesford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Flowers. Mr. and Mrs, LeRoy Poth left on Wednesday to spend a vaca- tion at various points in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Craig and three sons, Clinton, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. George Castle. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber, Di- anne and Ken, visited Sunday with Mrs. Elizabeth Oesch at Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride visited Sunday with Mrs. Alvin McBride at Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willert of Zurich. Mr, Charles Eyre was admitted by ambulance last week to Scott Memorial hospital, Seaforth, hav- ing suffered a heart seizure. The seals and diplomas for SS children of St, Andrew's United Church, Kippen, will be given out Sunday, Feb, llth. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jones, Kenneth and Grant, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink- beiner at Crediton, Mr. Norman Long returned hone Monday from being hospi- talized 19 days in Scott Memorial hospital, Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs. Ivison Torrance and family of Mitchell visited _on Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Reid Torrance, and aunt, Miss Jean Ivison. ST. COLUMBAN Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray Jr. Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doyle and daughter, and Misses Anne and Helen Maloney, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney. Miss Joan Dalton, Preston, and Miss Noreen Dalton, Brantford, with Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Dal- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Maloney of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris, Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whaling and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maloney and children, Stratford, with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bowman, Miss Mary Cronin, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. Leonard Maloney of London at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Butters of London, with Mr. and Mrs, Maur- ice Melady. Euchre C.O.F. Hall, Constance Friday, Feb. 9 8,30 P.M. Good Prizes Admission 50c Ladies please provide sandwiches Valentine Turkey Supper Wednesday, Feb. 14th At Northside United Church. from 5 to 7 Adults 1.25 Children under 12 - 75c WE CAI\ KEEP YOU IN H OT WATER ALL THE TIME WITH FLAT RATE ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS Safe - Clean - Modern - Flameless Own your own tank or rent a P. U. C. tank BOTH WAYS YOU WILL HAVE HOT WATER ON TAP 24 HOURSADAY TO PROVIDE NEW OR IMPROVED ELECTRIC WATER HEATER SERVICE YOU CAN Rent a Hydro tank for $2.00 monthly gross, plus energy charges. This tank will be maintained and serviced free of charge Inspect new tanks available for purchase NATIONAL ELECTRIC WEEK ALL NEXT WEEK—Feb. 11- 17 TELEPHONE 472 Seaforth Public Utility Commission "Live Better Electrically"