HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-01-25, Page 3Many Hospitals Are Fire Traps Is our hospital adequately pro- tected against fire? This grim question was re- peated across the nation laat month in the wake of the re- cent Hartford (Conn,) Hospital f're which killed sixteen pa- tients, visitors, and hospital em- ployes. One attack upon hospital safe- ty regulations came last month from the New York City fire commissioner, Edward F. Cav- anagh Jr, who studied the scene of the Hartford blaze while local police guarded the smok- ing hospital corridor for pos- sible new outbreaks, Even though the cause ot that fire is still uncertain, Cavanagh pin- pointed one weakness in his own city's hospitals, "Eight out of ten (hospital) fires . . , are caused by careless smoking," he said, as he demanded tighter smoking, regulations. The National Fire Prevention Association in Boston estimated that in 1960 there were 1,509 fires in the U,S. nation's 6,876 hospitals, accounting for $1.5 mil- lion in damage. A recent study of 600 fires in hospitals, the NFPA said, showed that only 20.9 per cent were caused by careless smoking, Among the other causes: Defective wiring, electrical appliances, and static electricity, 23 per cent; mishand- ling of oxygen and anesthetics 7;4 per cent. "More important than the cause of a fire is finding out why -it spread so far so fast," the N" 1 said. One reason for the Hartford disaster, the associa- tion's engineers said, was that a janitor fought the blaze for half an hour before turning in an alarm. The fire roared up a waste chute and fed on ceiling tile made of higply combustible sugarcane,, "We tell our employes not to be embarrassed to turn in a fire alarm," a Johns Hopkins Hospi- tal official pointed out. "We'd I rather answer 50 false alarms ' than be an hour late for afire." • Fire habards in a hospital m - elude the usual ones found in i any home, restaurant, or hotel, and the unusual ones- resulting from the use of highly combus- ' tible gases and chemicals in operating rooms and labs. Am- ong the fire precautions .taken in many of the best hospitals are: Smoking: "If we outlawed it, patients would be . sneaking smokes and we wouidn;thave e ntrol over them," the Univer- sity of California Hospital in San Francisco reported. Like most hospitals, UC allows patients to smoke when not under sedatives Or . oxygen therapy, Waste Chutes: "Fires can start from "cigarette butts dropped in waste containers, then dumped down waste chutes," a spokes- man for Passavant Memorial Hospital in Chicago pointed out. "We sealed up our chutes long ago." Operating rooms: "Static elec- tricity — which could spark en explosion of anesthetic gases — isn't a problem in our area of high humidity," said an official at Charity Hospital in New Orleans, "but we take the routine precautions anyhow. We don't permit woolens or nylons in the operating room. Everyone wears shoes with composition soles, and we ground the anesthesiolo- gist." nesthesiolo- gist" "The Hartford fire was tragic," gaid Percy Bugbee, general man- ager of the National Fire Pro- teetion Association, "but it may have one good result, It is a forceful reminder . , . that any hospital,, no matter how safe, must be examined again and. again for fire hazards." --From NEWSWEEK One American View Of Canada's Problem Prime Minister Diefenbaker's administration is beginning to face up t'g the prospect that the United Kingdom may join the Common Market. The Canadian Prime Minister is not finding this prospect easy to live with, He has made a great effort, with not too much progress, to shift more of Canada's trade toward ' the United Kingdom. Ells whole orientation has been toward the Commonwealth and the mother country, Now he is being told by Her Majesty's government that the United Kingdom may move in the opposite direction. Present estimates of how Ca- nadian trade will be influenced ley Britain's entry into the Com- mon Market are vague. Of total exports to the' United Kingdom in 1960, amounting to $915 mil- lion, some 76 per cent would be adversely affected by the loss of preferred status, by new tariff barriers or by both, Hardest hit would be agricultural and fish- ery products. The president of the Canadian Exporters' Asso- ciation recently estimated that these might be cut to as Little as $100 million, unless new ar- rangements are made for their benefit. The exporters' spokes- man foresaw the loss of almost half of Canada's total exports to the United Kingdom and slim profits on the' remainder. Conjectures like these explain the intense concern of Canadians with the. decisions about to be made by the British; They must nevertheles be seen in perspec- tive, even assuming that the figures are not exaggerated, as guesses born of apprehension sometimes are. Canada's exports to the United Kingdom account. for only 17 per cent of her total exports. They are about 21 per. cent of Canada's gross national . product, Annual fluctuations' in Canada's exports often have been of the order of several hundred million dollars, and. the loss of trade resulting from 'the Common Mar k e t presumably would be spread oven a period of perhaps ten years. Canada, moreover, has already taken ac- tion to strengthen' her exports and her balance ot payments by depreciating t h e Canadian dollar by over 6 per cent. In an emergency this device could be used again, although at a cost to the rest of the Canadian economy as well as to the sta- bility of international financial relations. In assessing° the consequences of the Common Market for Ca- nada and others, there is a dan- ger, too, of concentrating too narrowly on immediate effects 'of tariff changes. The total economic consequences need to. be examined, the advantages as w e 11 as the disadvantages. Growth of the British economies will accelerate. The political strength of the West will be en- hanced, Canada and the rest of the world are bound to reap compensatory advantages. — Washington Post There's so much inflation now, there's no money in money. ONE SHEET IN THE 'WIND—Jay Johansen takes his sister Lahna and Stephanie Knott for a sail along a street in Dhah- ran Sdudi Arabia, in his ,windmobile Jay helped develop. the "croft/' which works well in a brisk breeze. Kindness Proves A Killer To Refugees From Etr.Off Island EIGHT-YEAR-OLD Tristan refugee is taught how to give hand signals while riding a bicycle. By TOM A. CULLEN Newspaper Enterprise Association LONDON — (NEA) — Warm- hearted Britons are sadly begin- ning to realize that kindness may sometimes be a killer. The lesson is being taught them by the experiences of the 262' refugees from the volcano - wrecked island of Tristan da Cunha wholanded here this fall.' The brown -eyed, brown -skin- ned Tristans are incredibly inno- cent to the ways of the world. Until their South Atlantic island was destroyed ori Oct. 10', only, eight of them had seen the out- side world. The rest had never seen an automobile, television or a telephone. The British quickly took them to their bosom. The Women's Volunteer. Service, the Red Cross and local school children have done their best to brighten with curtains,.. rugs and flowers the wooden barracks in which the Tristans have been housed at an army camp near Merstham, Sur- rey. But : the sweet -tempered and likable. Tristans have a terrible weakness. Innocent of the me c'hanical marvels of industrial civilization, they also have no resistance to its diseases. They are vulnerable to the first virus. that comes: along. So far three of them have died of pneumonia, despite anti- biotics and every other medical aid. The first death in exile — that of Johnny Green, a 64 -year- old fisherman plunged the com- munity into gloom. It was fol- lowed by two other deaths in quick succession. Three more Tristans are seri= ously ill with pneumonia, while another hundred refugees have severe cases of influenza. There are also cases of infectious jaun- dice reported. What surprises medical experts is the suddenness and violence with which viruses attack the islanders. All three pneumonia victims, for example, died "•'`b- in 24 hours of being admi" io the hospital. Deeply concerned, the 1 Medical Research Counc. - rushed a team of doctors and -. i- entists to the army camp, includ- ing an expert on human races, specialists on blood, bacteriology and chest -ailments. Viruses are not the only worry where the Tristans are concern- ed. There is the whole problem of teaching them how to live in the 20th Century. The island children are 1 'ng given road safety demonstra;icns, which include hand signals for those learning how to ride a bicycle. Both children and adults must learn how to cope with pounds, shillings and pence. There are other, sadder lessons to be learned. The Tristans are, by, nature, trusting. They never before had locks on their doors. Explains their chaplain, Father Charles Jewell: "Now we must teach them not to be' too trusting. They must learn that there is such a, thing as dishonesty in the world." Not much is known about• the early history of Tristan da Cunha, which is located about 2,000 miles from Brazil, but there was a British garrison there until 1817. When the garrison was evac- uated, one of the soldiers, Wil- liam Glass, stayed behind. He and a handful of other Euro- peans, most of them sailors who had jumped ship,- married na- tive women and founded the pre- sent colony. A return to Tristan da Cunha appears to be out of the question, but as the Christmas decorations were going up in the drab wood- en huts which are the Tristans' temporary homes, Willy Repetto, their leader, said: "It was an unhappy day for us when we left Tristan, and there will never be real happi- ness again until we go back." Wrong Signal — But It Did Save Lives The night was black and rain - swept, and when several deer bounded into the path of his headlights, David J. Morris swerved too far to the right, The car toppled over an unguarded shoulder into a deep (120 -foot), wooded ravine in B e l le v u e, Wash., a sylvan residential com- munity just across Lake Wash- ington from Seattle. When the somersaulting car crashed to rest, Morris's wife, Em, 34, lay helpless on the soggy ground nearby, with a brain concussion and a back injury, and in critical shock. Morris, an insurance underwriter, also 34, was trapped halfway out of the right-hand door through which Mrs. Morris had been hurl- ed, the weight of the over -turned car crushing down on his chest and abdomen. With agonizing effort, Morris found he could reach the horn. What happened next, as the principals reconstructed it last monthb was this: Gerald A. Polzin, 37, a robust, crew-cut security guard from the Boeing Co., and his wife, June, were reading in bed in their home about a mile from the accident scene, when a strange, bee/ mg sound disturbed them "It sounds like something elec- trical," Mrs, Polzin said Polzin turned off the light, thinking a faulty connection might be re- sponsible, but the noise persisted. Then he opened the winddw, and heard the faint but usnnistakeble sound .of an automobile horn, beeping out a signal: Dah . da15 , , , dah; dit, lit, dit; dah . doh , .. dah, "It's an SOS from somewhere!" Polzin said, dredging from the murk of his memory a smattering of Morse code, absorbed nearly twenty years before as an airman in World War 2.(Thet was just about the same time that Morris had been exposed to Morse as an Arniy Engineers sergeant.) Polzin squirmed into his clothes, snatched up a flashlight and his carkeys, and rushed off lo locate the distress signal. Once the sound grew faint, and he turned and headed in the oppo- site direction. Finally, lie found it Slipping down the steep em- bankment through wet under- brush to the wreckage he almost stumbled over Mrs. Morris- He grabbed an automobile robe and put it over her. "Please get me out," Morris said from beneath the automo- bile, t "Take it easy. I will," Polzin said, "How is my wife?" Morris asked. "She'll be all right," Polzin said With a jack from his. own car, Polzin started lifting the weight of the damagedvehicle. from Morris. "How's that?" he asked as the jack forced its burden Lip; "Better, Move it one more notch." "OK„ "Just one more notch "He said thatsix times," Polzin e -called. "1 knew how he i'elt butt said: 'I'm afraid it might roll off the jack'." Hailing a passing cat' with his flashlight, Polzin ultimately summoned police, who called a wrecker, Later, as both Morrises were recovering satisfactorily in Over- take Hospital, Morris said of Polzin: "If he hadn't arrived, we would have had it ... There just aren't words to tell how 1 feel " Polzin said of Morris: -"He was CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CHICKS. Yon early egg production, Gray has Ames and other 5000 pullet yarietles, 11.10 Week old, now available, Dayolde hatching to order. Book your next. batch of broilers now, see meal agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John. M. Hamilton, Ont, BU;INESS OPPORTUNITIES GROCERY and dry goods store, 1 mo, free try before you buy, Apply to Wawa General Store, Wawa, Ont, DON'T buy stock In vending) Build up your own company) Ambitious and ft. nancially responsible men can get Into vending now on a full-time or parttime basis A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to earn a good Income and get a good return on your Investment, Let us start needs. Sin end business to'"1'ailoredv In- vestments" 200 Bay St„ Toronto, Suite 803 er phone 2397378. MOTEL, modern, 18 units, each con• training re, .radio, phone, bath and shower. Selling price Includes 2 winter• ized cottages and completely modern 3 -bedroom bungalow. Located In Pem- broke 2 minutes drive to centre town, Oeoupancy rate about 70% Triple A rating Wgh net profit. 075.000 down will handle. P. J Brennan, Realtor 904 Pembroke St SV., Pembroke, Ontario, DOGS FOR SALE , BORDER Collie Pups from good par ents, nicely marked, Males $10.00, Fe- males $8.00. Police cross Collie females $8,00. No papers. Anson Hoover, Wal- lenstein Ontario, FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS WE have the best value In men's, boys' and ladies' hosiery in Canada. Now we offer sensational value In men's shirts. Flannelette plaid sport or work shirts, assorted colours, $1.98 or 3 for $5.69. White dress shirts $2.99 or 3 for ea 09. Work socks 750 per pair. Fancy stretchy nylon socks 800 per pair. Ladles nylon hose 790 per pair, Boys' cotton and n5, - Ion socks 590 per pair, Postage Paid, Goods satisfactory or money refunded. Free illustrated catalogue with hun- dreds of items. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. FERGUs 11 ONTARIO cooperative. He did half the work. Then he sent flowers to me. Imagine.''-'. It was some days after the dramatic, long -shot rescue that Polzin and Morris came to re- alize that they were—providen- dtially - equally rusty on their Morse. Dah . , , dah . , - dah, dit dit, dit; dah . , . dah .. dah stands for OSO. , That's SOS spelled inside out. Left Out Santa And Caught Blazes! In the heat .of August, the top brass of Montgomery Ward & Co. gazed with approval at the proposed cover for the big mail- order house's Christmas cata- logue. It was a melting scene in oft colours: Two small children, appealingly pajamaed, peeking into the living room where their parents were decking the tree and piling presents around it. There were a few voices of dissent, from executives who in- sisted, quite rightly, that it's Santa who trims the tree. The majority pooh-poohed the idea. But after 6 million copies were distributed, angry letters started coming in. "I was never so upset in my life," one parent wrote. "Are you trying to kill the spirit of Santa Claus?" demanded an- other, ''Y o u should be shot," said a third. The critical letters totaled.. only about a s c o r e by last month, but Ward's was upset. Chairman John A. Barr wrote personal apologies to each pro- testing parent: "I assure you that none of us at Montgomery Ward ever had any thought of destroying one of the favourite Christmas stories ... As a par- ent, I fully understand . , , I and my associates are very sorry that we have caused you such concern." As added balm, he enclosed as a present a book containing "The Night Before Christmas" and "Rudolph, the Red - Nosed Reindeer" (Ward's catalogue price: $2.69). The apologies drew a new round of letters, and Ward's was breathing easily again at the weekend. "I am rather embar- rassed," one mother wrote, "Thanks for the lovely book," Q, How can I keep the bottoms of my metal garbage and trash containers from rusting out? A. Heat the bottoms of these containers, then drop in a piece of paraffin or candle. The wax will melt and coat the bottom of the container so it will not rust — and. also, it will be easier to keep clean. GUNS FOR SALKI GUNS MODERN OR ANTIQUE BQUGHT—SOLD-.EXOOW4GED l RXPERT REPAIRS—PARTS SERVICII.. Poly -Choke Installation' TRADE DISCOUNTS MONTHLY CATALOGUE 2S@ The Modern Gun Shoe) "CANADA'S GUN HOUSE" 3006 DANFORTH AVE., E, TORONTO MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE RAN1SH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles Post's Eczema Salve will net disappoint yes itching scalding and burning 'ecze- ma acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 93.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1565 St Clair Avenue East TORONTO IT'S EXCELLENT. REAL. RESULTS AFTER TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect. T-� MONEY TO LOAN LOANS to buy a business or farm To Improve and expand Business and farm debts consolidated, payments reduced.' Equipment notes refinanced Can invest in your business, inactive partnership basis. Ali -Canada, Symington Fietd 57 Bloor St W., Toronto. WA. 14022. MUSIC LEARN to play the piano in 6 weeke with Symtprovised Music. Details Fre. write P 0. Box 873, lllontreal, Que. NURSING HOMES BLUE Lodge Nursing Home Kindly trained nursing Good food, licensed. 265 Bay St„ Hamilton, Ont JA 72952. GOLDEN YEARS Rest home. 104 Brant Ave. Brantford. Member Associated 'Nursing Homes. Kind competent care for your loved ones Moderate rates. PH. 7525059. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession .good wages. Thousands of suereasful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Dlustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 aloor Si W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa TRADE SCHOOLS ACETYLENE, electric welding and Argon courses. Canada Welding -Can- non and Balsam N., Hamilton. Shop LI. 4-1284. Res. Ll. 5.6283. SWINE FOR SALE GOVERNMENT approved Yorkshire Boars. Low feed consumption, long Bacon type. Also Young Sows and goers. Apply to Morris W. Shellard, R 6, Gait, Ont, VACUUM CLEANERS BANKRUPT STOCK Vacuum cleaners, $14.95. Complete with hose, rods and attachments. 2 brush floor pollshers, $11.95 each. 3 brush polishers, $15.95 each. Limited supply. C.S.A. approved. Mostly new, a few used as demonstrators. Every item Rhecked before shipping. Guaranteed. end money order, we pay postage. Dis- count Sales, 888 Queen East, Toronto. ISSUE 1 — 1962 ON GUARD —This giant, 68. fuut radio -telescope is being used by scientists of the radio w astronomical station of thy i U.S S R. to carry out absent vations of the moon, solar" systems, planets and radii nebula, It is near Moscow. w . i • :• ;•:........ . ....:••'r•:• 'ooees a .. eetee4"vR'0• 404•Oee FULLY SECURED Tir 1: v PAYA B LE MONTHLY 4. 4. Eglinton Credit Corporation Limited offers an unusual investment opportunity to the small investor. We pay substantial interest rates—el.e% or 10%—depending on the plan—and secure your capital with mortgages on - i•. t, selected real estate. You hold all legal documents .1,* registered in your name, WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURE _: •EGLINTON CREDIT 'CORPORATION LIMITER 97 Eglinlon Ave. E.,Toronto 12, Ontario, Canada HU, 1.3328 WW ..4.....:f 4 ............ ..... 41 03R f