HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-01-25, Page 1WIIOLE, SEIDLS, VOL. 84 Phone 8.1
The first meeting of the Board
of Grey Township School Area
No, 2 islet =at the home of the
chairman, Wilfred Shortreed, on
Tuesday, Jan. 2 at 2 p.m. with all
the members -present: Trustees
Shortreed, Bryans, McDonald,
Humphries and Clouds. Inspector
J, H. Kinkead was also present,
The minister of Duff's- United
Church, Rev, A. Higginbotham,
was present :and assisted in the
inaugural meeting. Minutes of
the committee meeting were read
and all the business therein ap-
proved on motion of Humphries
and Coutts,
Applications for the position of
secretary -treasurer were read
and Alvin McDonald was appoin-
The following motions were
The secretary was authorized
to purchase the required'eupplies,
cash book, minute book, letter-
heads andl es Board o organizations have been veryac-
countthis Board open an ac• g
count at the Canadian Imperial tive during the year. A steady
Bank of Commerce, that all pay maintenance program hasbeen
ments be made by cheque, that car'r'ied out under the guidance
the chairman and secretary be of the maintenance. committee:
One of the bigger maintenance
jobs considered for this year is
the painting or siding of the out-
side of the church.
Church officials appointed and
elected at the anneal meeting
Church wardens — Messrs G.
Stockwell and L. Ford; Lay mem-
bers to Synod — Messrs W. E.
Southgate and E, C. Boswell.
Treasurer, Mr. D. Cornish. Enve1-
ope Secretary — Mr, A. McCou-
ney. Convener of Sidemen
Mr. N. Sooine. Vestry Clerk -
Mr, Geo, Flewitt.
Board of Management: Messrs,
D. Cornish, H. Palin, A. MacLean,
N. Scotus, A. McConney, • G.
Wright, C. Coombs, K. Olda.cre,
Mrs. Carmen Rowcliffe, Mrs. C.
Auditors: Messrs. D. Kander
and E. C. Boswell.
County Assessor
Deals With Appeals
Alex Alexander, county asses-
sor, was in Seaforth on Tuesday
and in company with Mayor Da-
ly, visited properties on which
assessment appeals were made
last year,
No court of revision on proper-
ty assessments was held in 1961
owing to the illness oe the asses
sor, the late W. P. Roberts, who
had requested postponement, de-
siring to defend personally the
assessments he had made,
Vestry Meeting of
St. Thomas' Church
In spite of inclement weather,
the vestry meeting of St, Thom-
as' Anglican Church was well at-
tended Wednesday night, Re.
ports submitted showed that all
instructed to complete the ar-
rangements with the bank.
That for period Jan. 1 to June
80 the teachers, music supervis-
ors, caretakers and bus drivers
be paid monthly according to the
terms of the agreements.
That we make a formal re-
quest, through the public school
inspector, to the Department of
Education for tentative approval
for the building and equipping
of a three-room school.
That we approach the council
of the township of Grey for ten-
tative approval of a debenture
issue in the amount of $60,000
for the building and equipping of
a school; and that we advise the
municipal councils of Morris and
McKillop of this action.
That the secretary be author-
ized to arrange with the Canad-
ian Imperial Bank of Commerce,
Brussels, for the printing of at
least 1,000 cheques, numbered
and in booklet "form.
That this board arrange for an
option for purchase of a six -acre
lot approximately, of the prop-
erty owned by Ernest Stevens of
Walton, said lot being a ,portion
of lot 1, concession 18, of Town- meats' to employees and to sup -
ship of Grey and that the chair- ervise_the orders for pupils' sup•
man and secretary be authorized plies,
to negotiate the purchase. In a discussion re the building
Chapman, agent for of a school and the appointment
the Zurich Insurance Co„ which of an architect, the board re•
bolds a liability policy With the quested arrangements be made
Grey T.S.A. board, explained the for a trip to Middlesex county' to
provisions of the policy, discuss- examine new schools.
ed the procedures for the trans- The motion was passed that
fer, and agreed to furnish the the mileage rates allowed to
board with details of a new pol• trustees for the use of their cars
icy. He also agreed to investig be set at eight cents and the sec -
ate the pending claim for future retary be bonded for $3,000 and
dental work on a student of U12, that the bond be taken with Sel•
Seaforth Junior boys lost td
Clinton at basketball on Friday
afternoon 28.25, The Seaforth
Senior boys won 63.32 over Clin.
ton Redmen. The games were
played at Seaforth,
wyn Baker, Brussels.
Meeting -.
the information re assessment) Me again at the call of the chair -
The inspector agreed to supply
journed to meet
and the monthly schedule of pay- man.
High School Board
Holds Meeting
After several postponements
due to weather, Seaforth District
High School Board held their
first meeting of the year on.
Last year's officials were re-
elected for 1962:
Chairman, F. C. J. Sills; Vice
Chairman,Ed. Dearing; . Sec;
Treas.,W, E. Southgate.
Committees: Finance, G. Mc.
Gavin, J. Cardno, 0, Martin; Ex-
ecutive, F. Sills, 0. Anderson, J.
McIntosh, C. Barber, E. Dearing;
Agricultural, X. McFarland, J,
McIntosh, R. Bolton, C. Martin:
Bus, E.- Dearing, C. Martin, G.
McGavin, K. McFarlane, J. McIn-
tosh, 0, Anderson; Te ache le
Board Relations—J, McIntosh, R.
Bolton, G. McGavin, E. Dearing;
Property; J. Cardno, E, Dearing,
R. Bolton, 0, MoGavin, C. Barb-
er; Supply, G. McGavin, J, McIn-
tosh, O. Anderson, R. Bolton, At-
tendance Officer, C. A. Barber.
Representatives on Advisory
Committee for vocation school, E.
Dearing and Mrs, Thomas Goven-
Rebekahs To Attend
Hensall Meeting
An invitation was accepted at
Monday night's meeting of Edel•
weiss Rebekah Lodge to attend
the Feb. 7 meeting and birthday
party of Amber Rebekah Lodge,
Hensall, Plans are to charter a
bus and leave Seaforth at 7:15
p.m, All wishing to attend are
asked to contact the noble grand,
Mrs. Charles Reeves,
Feb. 12
sted to
d that
of` the
at Bar-
Christ -
A monster euchre in aid of the
local lodge's kitchen is to be held
on Friday, Feb. 16, sponsored
jointly by Edelweiss Rebekah
Lodge, Seaforth; Chapter, 0.E,S.
and Fidelity Lodge, ICOR Mrs.
C, Reeves. N.G., presided.
An enjoyable 'euchre was held
following the meeting with the
following being winners: Mrs.
Jean Cairns, Mrs. R. IC. McFar-
lane, Mrs, Myrtle McKay, Bob
Smith, Arthur- :Routledge and Jo.
seph Grumsnett of Egmondville:
Mrs, Adin Forbes and her soc-
ial committee served a delicious
lunchDegree .practice is to follow
the next regular meeting,
with Mrs. Ila Dorrance 'in charge
and all officers are reque
be present,
Members were reminds
the -president's project is,
iture for the kitchen
IOW and Rebekah Homerie, A social event is to be ar-
ranged in aid of the project.
A thankyou letter fro
County's Children's Aid Society
was read, for a cash donation re•
ceived from the local Odd
and Rebekah Lodges at
Tuckersmith F. of A.
Re-elects Officers
The Tuokerstnith Federatin of
Agriculture held its annual meet-
ing en January 17th in Seaforth
District High School Although
attendance was not as high as
expected ' representatives were
Present from Goderieh, Brussels,
Wingham, Bayfield and London,
Mr. K. Riddell, agricultural rep„.
Middlesex, comments and pict-
urea of Agriculture in other
countries was well received,
Theboard or directors were an
returned to office for another
year, Alex McGregor is president
and John Broadfoot secretary,
Cardiff Renamed
Parliametary Sec.
L. Elston Cardiff, M.P. for Hu-
ron, has been appointed parli
mentary secretary to Healt
Minister T. Waldo Monteith, A
nouncement was made on Thur
day by Prime Minister Diefe
baker in his dist Of annual 'a
pointnients of trarliamentry se
retaries. Mr. Cardiff's term
parliamentary searetary to Agr
culture Minister Alvin Hamilto
expired last fall. There are 1
Parliamentary secretaries,
h. 1728.80
n- Expenses -
5. Individual emerg. aid $ 33,07
n- Aid to 5 familes who suf-
• feted fire disaster 345,52
a. Health work (for halibut
as liver oil capsules
e. distributed) 14.00
n Loan cupboard 16.54
5 Water .Safety Services 72.56
Workroom supplies , , , 365,70
Administration expenses 1,00
Campaign expenses and
supplies 34.23
K, 0. Cooke (flowers for
funeral) 10.00
Amount remitted of Cam-
paign Funds to Ont-
ario Division 500.00
Surplus funds remitted
in January 155.42
Cash in bank $178.77
Cash on hand $2,00 180.77
Financial Report
of Red Cross
Mr John Patterson will be the
chairman and Mr. Fred Cosford
co-chairman of the Campaign
Drive for funds which will begin
Financial Statement for Sea.
forth Branch of The Canadian
Red Cross. Society ending Dec.
31, 1961:
Cash on stand or on de-
posit Jan, 1, 1961 .,- $ 363,00
Campaign receipts ;,,, 976.15
General donation 2.00
Custom quilting 7.00
Cash from emergency aid
given 31,00
Checks from Ontario DI
vision for fire dis-
aster bins 345.52
Bank Interest 4,04
Home & School hear
Major John. Harvey
The Home and School meeting
was addressed by Major J. D.
Harvey of 21st Field Artillery
Reg. of Canadian Army Militia,
Mrs. A. McConney introduced
Major Harvey who as second iu
command of the regiment, is
well equipped with up-to-date in-
formation on the National Sur-
vival 'Plan.
The speaker looks at a plan.
for survival as taking insurance
as one would against any other
accident or fire, hoping that it
will never happen.
The .precarious position of Can-
ada keeping apart two powerful
nations, one Bast, one West, both
having nucleur bombs.
. IIe explained the pian the gov-
ernment has for the Army and
the district E.M.O.
He also acquainted the audi-
ence what "blast",' "radiation"
and "fallout" would mean to the
Mainly in this area shelter
from fallout and radiation and
planning on the part of each
family. Simple and effective ways
are available to all, In conclusion
Major Harvey reminded all that
there will be a call for service
for everyone to make the survi-
val plan effective,
Dr. McLennan thanked Major
Harvey and the audience ;'asked
questions. The Parent of the
month was Mrs. W. C. Moore,
Mr. Talbot announced that the
Public Speaking will begin Tues-
day, Feb. 3 and continue through
to Friday of that week.
April 13 is to be "Fun Night"
again and parents are requested
to collect items for bazaar and
novelty tables, books, plants and
other items to make it the suc-
cess it -was last year.
564 articles of sewing; 141
Pairs of socks; 17 pairs mitts; 9
quilts were shipped= to Ontario
Division, Toronto, and 6 quilts
given to 3 local families who
suffered fire disaster.
Recent .property sales through
the office of Amos Corby:
Mrs, Catherine Feeney of Dub.
lin has sold her house to Louts
Maloney, , Waterloo, with posses-
sion on March 1,
Poor Visibility Cause
of :Collisions
Accidents investigated by Prov-
incial Constable Powering' the
blustery weather this week in-
On Monday night, on No. 4
highway north of Londesboro,
a car driven by Gregory Hilde-
brand of .Auburn, accompanied by
Kenneth Haggitt, proceeding
south, sideswiped a pickup truck
driven by Douglas McDougall, of
R, R 1 Auburn„ Damage to the
two vehicles was about $150.
In McKillop Gerry J. Burtch's
car proceeding south on township
side road 10, struclk a car driven
by Don Murray, as it was being
backed out of the Murray gate-
way, Tuesday about 1 p.m, Da-
mage to each car was about $200.
Tints Is the concept, of the'new composite school to Ito
constructed at Clinton as seen 'by`Page and Steel arch-
itects, Toronto, The classroom wing will stretch across
the front of the present west campus, ss Shown in the
foreground;` the low area at the left centre will be the
cafeteria; the shop rooms will be .at the rear of the
building, facing onto the parking area; a third gymnu-
slum will be constructed at the rear of the present
double gym, The original structure is shown at the right
side of the picture, Entire 'cost of building and equipp-
ing will be borne by the Dominion and Provincial gov-
ernments, an 'estimated 51,500,000. Secondary school
districts at Iixeter, Seaforth and Gode'ich are co -opera.
ting with. the Clinton district by sending students to the
composite school. for vocational (.raining. Preliminary
skotohea have boon approved by all participating bodies,.
and final blueprints are being propa•etl' by Page and.
Steel. ,This architecl:tiral firm is the o110 that planned
the seoondary,school building in Exeter,
It is expected that tenders for construction eau be
called in March,
Richard Harland, of Toronto, has been engaged on an
advisory basis until Sept. let, when he will be on a con-
sultative basis, Mr, Harland will advise on shop 1ayoitt
and equipment,
Approval has been granted for building cost of $1,
193,000; architects fees $76,000; furnishings and equip-'
nnont, $241.,600,•Tho total capital cost 02 $1,51.6,200 will
be paid for entirely, by the provincial and federal gov-
The school will accommodate 1,250 pupils when oc-
canted to capacity, Tito enrolment will not be that
Inge at tiro start,
'The intention is that courses will be designed to
carry on certain academic studies along with vocation-
al training, to enable pupils to later re-enter their own
high school and continue to higher learning if they
gttalffy and have the desire.
Sloop work can he adopted to train pupils in skills
required for any local or prospective future iihtlustry,
The two-storey wing will acecnmodnte nine class
rooms for comtneraia:l, home occmoinies, etc.
The shop rooms will be completely modern, including
a monorail hoist for transporting heavy items, Ther
will be alarge truck entrance door,
Shop cow•sc.s will include electric, machine shop>, and
auto mechanic instruction, among others
Thera Will be a one-way drive around the school
buildings for Mises to'unload. and a parking area for
teachors' and pupils' caw at the rear,
C1. hl, w r.•o,
Authorized an Second Qiase mail,
Poch Office Dept„ Ottawa
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Have Your
Diamond Ring
Cleaned and Checked
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Sympathy is extended to Mr,
and hers, Ross MacGregor and
fatnily neon the passing of Mrs.
MacGregor's sister, Miss M: Fer-
guson whose funeral took place
Monday afternoon at Clifford,
Mr, Michael. Hickman of Ajax
visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and
Miss Joan Preszcator spent Sat-
urday and Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs, Robert Woods and Debbie
of Ajax and Mr. and Mrs, Doug-
las Riley of Scarborough.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel King and
family of Exeter and Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Hill of Crediton
visited Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs, Ken Preszcator and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Glanville
and family of Crediton visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. How-
ard Preszcator and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Preszcator
and girls visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Elliott and fa-
mily of Staffa,
Sunday School Annual Meeting
The annual meeting 02 the SS
of Constance U.C. was held Sun-
day afternoon in the basement
of the church with a good atten.
dance. Treasurer's report was gi-
ven and teachers' reports also
heard, Business matters dealt
with and officers for the new
year are Superintendent, Wilbur
Jewitt; assistant supt„ Don Bu-
chanan; secretary-treas„ Mary
Buchanan; assistant Sec.-treas.,
Margaret MacGregor; teachers:
primary, Mrs. Borden Brown;
assistant, Mrs, George McIlwain;
Willing Workers, Miss Wilma
Dale; assistants, Mrs, D. Millen
nd Mrs, D, Buchanan; pianists,
oyes Brown and Glenyce Jewitt;,
octal committee, Mrs. Reg.
awson, Mrs, B. Brown and Mr,
onstance United Church
Women's Organization
Friday afternoon the ladies of
onstance United Church met to -
ether with Rev, Mr. Funge to
egin their new U.C. Women's
rganization for Constance. This
eing the first meeting all re-
orts of provisional committee
nd constitutional book were ac -
opted, All rules and regulations
ere heard and the responsibili•
es of the unit and chairmen and
sir committees.
Officers for the year are: Pres.
ens, Mrs, W. L. Whyte; ilrst
ce president, Mrs, Don Buchan -
i; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Lorne
awson; rec. sec., Mrs. Frank
ley; assistant, Mrs. Earl Nott;
ensurer (unit) Mrs, Verne
1e; treas. (gen,), Mrs. Ross
acGi'egor; pianist, lVlrs. Wm,
witt; Christian Educ„ Mrs. D.
Ilson; Christ, Citizenship, Mrs.
Miilson; Finance, Mrs. Lorne
wsoni; Stewardship and Re-
niting, Mrs, Borden Brown; Li -
attire, Mrs, Ken Hulley; Soc.
Mrs, Win, Jewitt; Program,
8, Whyte; Missionary -8z Main-
ance, Mrs, 8, Brown; Minis.
's Residence, Mrs. Ken Hal-
; Visiting, Mrs, Geo. Mai-
n; Press and Publicity, Mrs,
Brown; to Board of Stewards,
s. L, Lawson; to Official Bd.,
0 Don Buchanan; Nonrinat
, Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt; Supply,
s. Keri Pl'eszlator,
11 impressive inaugural ser-
e for the United Church Wo-
n of the congregation was held
Sunday at the Constance Un -
Church, Rev, Mr, Funge ear -
ng out the service with all the
gregation, Mr. Fuego gave the
cess on "Vision of the Futuro”
concerning the women 'of the
gregation to the church. The
cation of the sxscutiee took
ce when the members of the
eCntiVe came forward.
The choir sang "Hear Us, 0
ancenrpaided on the piano
hes, Wm, Jewitt.
ext Sunday the celebration of
Lord's Sapper will tape place
Constance United Church at
3 o'clockservice.
Guests entertained at the home
of Mr. Andrew McLachlan - on
Wednesday evening included
Miss Olive Spe5l•e, Mr, and Mrs,
T. Laing, Mr. and Mrs. George
Wallace and Mrs, Sadie Scott.
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Scott,
Sharon, Karen, Catharine and
Janet, of Goderieh, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John
Messrs, Carter Kerslake, Cald-
er McKaig and Thos. Laing at-
tended the meeting of Stratford
Presbytery at Knox Church, Lis-
towel on Tuesday.
home onSundayfom Stratford
General hospital where he had
undergone surgery,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Will Miller were Mr. Archie
Couper, Donald and Janet, Mrs:
Jean Couper and Mrs, Catherine
Hooking, all of 1Vlitchell.
Donald and Janet Couper of
Mitchell visited during the weep
end with Mr, and Mrs, Gerald
Pamela Wallace, little daugh-
of Mr, and Mrs, Laverne Wal-
lace, has her arm in a cast, the
bone being cracked at the wrist
as the result of a fall downstairs.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Ramsey and
children of Listowel called on his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ram-
say on Sunday.
Misses Anna Scott, Barbara
Gardiner and Margaret Ann Wal-
lace were in attendance at the
Perth county achievement day,
which was held at the Mitchell
high school on Saturday.
Mr. David Craig of Guelph, a
first year student at Waterloo
College, conducted the church
service on Sunday, with Mr. Paul
Scott, also a student at Water.
loo, assisting,
Winthrop Ready
For Play-offs
Winthrop Warriors defeated
Lucknow 5.3 in a WOAA Inter-
mediate D game played in Sea -
forth on Monday night.
Lucknow opened the scoring
on. Meals by Emberlin and Gra-
ham but Winthrop carte back
with two goals to make the score
11 at the end of the first period,
Winston Powell scored with as.
sists to Ray Powell and Art
Strong and Harvey Dale slapped
in a pass from Ferg Kelly,
Winthrop took the lead in the
second period when Ferg Kelly
scored on a pass from Don Mc-
Clure while both teams were
playing short handed, George
Love made it 4-2 for Winthrop,
with assists to Ken McClure and
Arthur Murray. Lucknow nar-
rowed the lead to one goal when.
MacDonald scored.
In the third period there was
no scoring when Lucknow pulled
their goalie in an attempt to tie
the score. Winston Powell was
awarded a goal when the goal
tender threw his stick from the
Lucknow bench, making the final.
score 5-3.
This was the last scheduled
mthe -saber'
now e awaitingfor play-off actiosnand. are
Winthrop will play an exhibi-
tion game with Seaforth Juven-
iles in Seaforth on Thursday.
Jan, 25 and are planning a game
The tentative date of the game
is Mon., Jan, 29, but the plans
aro incomplete yet.
The Winthrop girls Lost a 2-0
decision to the RCAF girls in the
broom ball played before the ho-
ckey gannet
with the Wingham CKNX tea
Winthrop lost their first game
of the season in Monktop-art Fri-
day night when Monktou defeat-
ed the Warriors 11-4,
Monkton built up a 7-2 lead in
the first period and were ahead
8-4 after two periods.
Winthrop goals were scored by
Ray Powell with 8, and Harvey
Dale one,
The Seaforth W. L held a suc-
cessful euchre on Jan, 19th, La-
dies prize wines: Mrs, Lloyd
Pipe, ittr•s, Tom Carter, Console•
tion, Marlon Coutts. Mon win•
tiers; Harold Fetlock, Rob:' Camp-
bell, Consolation, Braco McGreD
or, Lunch was served and danc-
ing followed, to Norris; Orchestra,