HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-01-18, Page 8:JANUA t" AROA at tewar Bros. Ladies' Dept. A Bargain Table for those who sew DRESS GOODS SKIRTINGS NOVELTIES in Corduroys, Wools, Rayons, Cottons, etc. 50cYd 1.00' SPECIAL NYLON HOSE 400 Needle Seamless 60 Gauge Seamed WHITE AND COLORS 77c pair Ladies Winter Coats 21 only ladies Winter Coats: THIS SEASON'S BEST A Tremendous Bargain REGULAR 39.95 to 69,95 25,00 'Women's 1/2 Size DRESSES ALL OUR BETTER I/2 SIZED DRESSES 141/2 to 241/2 Regular 19.95 to 29.95 sale Oo® 0 Ladies' Slims, Slacks, Skirts, Car Coats and Dusters ALL 20% off LADIES AND MISSES • DRESSES ALL SIZES AND COLORS Regular to 25.00 sale 10 00 MILLINERY Balance to clear 2@00 Bargain Rack THIS INCILUDES SLIMS SKIRTS DRESSES sale 200 STEWART BROS. BRODHAGEN Donald Watson entertained a few friends at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lav- erne Wolfe on the occasion of his fifth birthday. Relatives received word of the death of Mrs, Adam Kressler, Caroline Elligsen, 83, at Kitch- ener -Waterloo hospital. The fu- neral was held at Hespeler on Sunday. Mrs. W. L. Querengesser, ac- companied Mr, and Mrs. Harold Diegel of Mitchell to the funeral of Mrs. Kressler on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Beuerman of McKillop also attended. Mr. Robert French spent the week end in Toronto. Visitors at the home of Wil- liam and George Diegel on Sun- day were Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLaughlin and Dale of Kincar- dine; Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacLean, Brenda, Bradley and Bonnie of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith of Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Swint of Milver- ton; Mr. and Mrs. John Oldfield, Brian and Diane of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hinz and Rodney of Bornholm and Arthur Diegel of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Beverley, Mr. and Mrs. Man- uel Beuerman and Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe with Mr. and Mrs, Gary Sholdiee in London on Sun- day. The snow storms have been quite prevalent in this district with icy roads causing many cars to slide into the ditch. Luther League The annual meeting of the Lu- ther League was held on Jan. 14 M the church basement. The new slate of officers is as follows: Pres., Carol Mogk; Vice Pres„ Gloria Muegge; See., Carole Wur- dell; Treas., Cheryl Wurdell; Missiore Sec., Joyce Rock; Evan- gelism See„ scene h Ahrens; Social Action Sec., Barbara, Hoe. 11; vocation sed„ ger Sholdice; Recreation Sec„ Roy Beuerman; Publicity Sec„ Donna Scherbarth; Pianist, Jean Muegge, Assistant, Joyce Rock, The former executive were thanked for a job well done and welcomed the new executive, Hoping the League will have a successful year. The monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held Thursday evening in the Club room of the community hall. Mr, Lew Hicks introduced Mr, George Noseworthy of London who de- lighted the members by showing films on across country trip of Canada, Mr, Oscar Eiokmeir thanked the speaker on behalf of the members, The :property committee in- formed the members that mater- ial had been proeured to finish the walls and ceiling and balance of the basement, and a work pro- gram was outlined for the mem- bers to startlmmediately, • A social evening for the mem- here and ladies to be held on Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs, George Mogkt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk and Mrs, Robert Weitzel visited with Mr, and Mrs, Carman Mogk, St. Thomas on Sunday. Mr, Robert Weitzel is On a 'Western trip, trucking for MF, Dalton Fischer. Miss Judy Wolfe, Mitchell with Miss Cheryl Bennewies, Wayne Beuerman, London, at Ray Bennewies, London, and their homes. The children and young people of the community are enjoying skating on the ice In the church sheds, under the supervision of the members of the Married Couples Group of the Church, WALTON inaugural Service The Inaugural service for the United Church Women of the congregation was held last Sun- day morning, Jan, 14 with Rev. A. Higginbotham conducting the service, Mr. Donald McDonald rendered a solo with Mrs, Harvey Brown at the organ. Rev. Higgin- botham chose for his address "Days of Destiny". At the close of the service the ladies of the Executive of the U.C,W, were called to the front for the Dedi- cation Ceremony, The January meeting of the Walton W. I. will be held to the community hall Thursday even- ing Jan, 25, The roll call will be answered with "a Healthful way to Relax", Ilostesses for the evening will be Mrs. Margaret Humphries, Mrs. Luella Marsh- all, Mrs, R, Trey's, Mrs, Ron Bennett, Mrs. Ed. Miller. A progressive euchre party sponsored by the Hall Board and W. L was held Friday night in the Community Hall, Prize win. sere were ladies high, Mrs, F, Walters; low, thee Aiexin:e Wil- liamson; Gent's high, Gerald Smith, low, Mr, Wilbur Turnbull, The next euchre will he held oi Friday evening Jan, 26, Mr, John Baan of Ridgetown spent the weekend with hie par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Martin Baan, Mr, and Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. Belt Stephenson, Mrs. Fern Pat- terson and Mrs. Margaret Leem- ing, Seaforth, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Broadfoot oat Sunday, VARNA The inaugural service of the United Church Women was held last Sunday afternoon in the church with the ,paster, ReV, T, 3. Pitt in charge, Sirs, John Aidington is at pros- ent a patient in Clinton public hospital, also Miss Rachael John - sten is a patient in St, Joseph's hospital, London, Owing to a scarcity of water in the village the skating rink will not be in operation this win- ter. FCR SALE Boys winter coat, with heed, size 10, in good condition, Mrs. Root, Vivian, Stalfa, 43r8 Dublin FOR SALF Table turnips ilia bushel. Dave MacLean 060x3.1 Seaforth SAL• • 1948 Mercury delivery' truck, Good relining condition. Mrs, 1 , Ifel'sltlko, phone 201 OR SALE 9 York cranks, Phone Laverbe Hoegy, 23r25 Dublin RR 1 FOR SALE Wheel disk for 15 Melt rite, Dan O'Connor, 17r4 Dublin. Also part Jersey and part Hereford heifer, year old FORBALE Calf for sale. Phone 66714 Sea forth, Gordon Reynolds Clearing Auction Sale Auction Sale of Household Ef- fects, in the village of Egmond- ville on Wed„ Jan, 24th, at 1 p•m. sharp. Mason & Riseh piano and 'bench. Studio couch. 'Cocas. lona' chairs, Admiral 21" T.V. in Al condition, Westinghouse frig, Crosley frig. McClary's range. Johnson electric riper polisher. Oval mirror and full length min' lror. Spod1 'bed, 'built tin +dresser. Bedroom suite, bunk beds, dress- ers. Metal card table and 4 chairs. Baby bed, day bed, iron bed. Ste- wardess washing machine. Lawn - Hite lawn mower. 2 boy's bicycles, 1 girl's bicycle, lawn chairs, Phil- co radio, sheet plate glass 48x63, Number end tables, 12 ;bass . ac- cordion, knotty pine kitchen table and bench, dishes, pots, pans, kitchen utensils, linens, rho- dodendron plant. Other articles too numerous to mention. Sale will be hold under cover. Terms cash. Prop., Clair Haney; auet, Ha oldey Jackson. Cleric Cora f ST. COLUMBAN Mr. and Mrs, Maurice .Halla- han, Blyth, with Mr. and -Mrs.' _Peter Hicknell. Miss Sheila Malone, Kitchener, and Jack Malone, Guelph, with :Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Malone. :Miss Cleo Bowman, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bow• -man. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hayden .and family,, Stratford with 'Mr. ,and Mrs. William McIver, Pat .Sloan, Collin:gwood, with Mr. and ,Mrs, James ;Sloan. Kerr Ducharme, Winghan , with Mr, and .Mrs. August Duehaaene, DUBLIN Miss Theresa Ducharme, Lon don, Miss Angela Dncharme, chener, with 111;r, and Mrs. George Ducharme. .Miss Catherine Feeney, Kitch• °nee, with Mrs, eletherine Peen - ey, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Friedman, of Kitchener, with Mg. and Mrs. James Morrison. Miss Beatrice Malciney, Oak- ville, with 'Wilfred Maloney. Ne l Stapleton has resumed his studies at Ontario Agridultural College, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas 1114(11111• vray, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Miss Rose Marie Flannery of Stratford with Mr. and.Mrs, John Flannery. Mrs. John Cleary and children, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nagle, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Nagle, Bob and Linda, Stratford, with Mr, and Mrs. Micbael Nagle. CROMARTY Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Laing at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Laing's uncle, the late Mr. Jeff- erson in Clinton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing paid their respects at the funeral home on Thursday, Mrs. Alex. Wacker and baby daughter, London, spent a week with Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mr, and Mrs. R. Wilds and children of Lucan andhMiSs Mary Dearing, Staffs, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Laing, Lorraine and David, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Herman Hoste en Saturday evening. Quite a number of Cromarty friends attended the party given in honor of Mr, Dalton Balfour of Mitchell in Staffa hall on Fri- day night, Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLaren visited in Toronto with his mo- ther, Mrs, Wm, McLaren, on Sat- urday, Mrs. W. Harper, Mrs, M. La - mond and Mrs, T. L. Scott at- tended the annual meeting of Stratford Presbyterial at Knox Presbyterian Church, Stratford, on Friday. Mrs. Scott was ap- pointed as recording secretary for the Presbyterial. A call has been extended to Rev, John Boyne of Victoria, B,C„ to become minister of the charge of Cavan Presbyterian Church, Exeter, and Cromarty Presbyterian Church, Mr, and Mrs. John Jefferson of Munro were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, T. Laing, CARD ' PARTY The Hallett Township Federa- tion of Agriculture is holding a card party in the Lontlesboro Hall on Jan, 26, Cards t0 start at 8.80 p,m, Ladies to bring lunch. Everyone welcome CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to extend lny oincero thanks and appreclatlon for Bor- a1 tributes, messages .of .sympa thy, mid the many acts of kind - wee shown loo during my recent bereavement. Thanks to the bear ere, and to all the friends who sent gifts of food,' and ladies who helped at the house. Eva Dougan CARD OF THANKS The family 03 the late Russell T Barrows wishto express their Sincere thanks and .appreciation for the many acts of kindness and helpfulness in so many ways by neighbors, and for the beauti- ful doral tributes and expres- sione of sympathy received dur- ing their recent bereavement. Special thanks to the' Rev, A. Higginbotham and the -DA, Rann funeral hone CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the merch- ants and friends for their gener- ous donations to the. Stan Nich- olls Fund. Special thanks to Mrs.' lames Watson for (coileeting 'the donations. To one and al) our sincere thanks. Mrs. Wes Nicholls and Stan CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Rex Thompson and Ids'. and Mrs, Pearson Char- ters and 'family wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation for the .many acts of kindness, beautiful floral tributes and com- forting ti g messages of sympathy from neighbors, friends and (rel-! atives during oalr recent bereave- ment inthe passing of our dear mother and grandmother. Our thanks to Rev. A, H. Johnson, G. A, Whitney funeral service, 'Dr. Mercer and Baugeen Memorial Hospital staff, Southampton. Also pallbearers and flower bearers. Special thanks to our wonderful neighbors, Mrs, Jack Cooper, Mrs, James McNaughton and Mrs, Ross Chapman who helped in the house, and Jack and Lloyd Coop- er for snow blowing and the' township officials for sanding the, roads' and anyone who helped in.: any -way CARD OF THANKS We would like to extend our deep appreciation for all kindness shown to George Blake while a patient in Scott Memorial Eosin( tar; 'to nurses and Dr. GorwfTl; also while in Victoria Hospital, :Leaden, and during our sad be- reavement, also to Mr. Whitney, Rev. ;1lfr:, Vardy and Rev. Mr. Britton, and all who ]helped in ;any way. - Hazel Blake. and Mr. :5 6:urs.. ;David MacLean CARD OF THANKS The family of ,the late Mrs, Edna S. Williams wish to sin- ooerely thank _their many friends and neighbors for •flowers, cards and many aets of 'kindnessshown to us in our recent sad bereave- ment. Speeial thanks to Bob Sadler, Frank and Tom Williams and Box's Funeral Home. Murray Williams, Marie Little CONSTANCE Mr. William Jewitt attended the funeral of the late Mr. Mc- Kenzie at Exeter last Thursday.. Miss Muriel Dale of Brampton visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Verne Dale over the week end. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Preszea- tor and family and Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Grimoldby visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Glan- ville of Crediton. Mr, and Mrs, Wni. Dowson and Brenda of .. Varna and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jewitt and Cathy of Goderich visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Jewitt. Mr. Wm, Jewitt and Mr. Wm, Dale attended the election for the new warden on Tuesday, Ladies Court L 1842 met for their -regular meeting at "`the Constance COF hall, After the opening .of the meeting the in- stallation of officers took place with Sister Mary Riley as High Marshall introducing the District Deputy High Chief Ranger, Sis- ter Jane Case (an honored mem. bar of our Court) who conducted the service for the installation of officers. The new officers took their places and after a few words by the new president, Sis- ter Delphine Dolmage, meeting continued and was closed in the usual manner after which lunch was served, FOR SALE Motors for 51 Obey, 50 Pontiac and 47 Dodge. 53 Ford transmis- sion and other parts, car radio. Sell or trade for anything, cars, eta., wanted for scrap, Hensel] 275W1 Lands for Sale Township of Tuckersniitbi 'rhe following lands are offered for sale by the Corporation of the Township of Tueltersmith. Parcel 1 Part of Lot Number 14, Concession 1, Huron Road Sur- vey, having a width of 68.74 feet and a depth of 164 feet, Parcel 2 Part of Lot Number 1, Concession 12, Huron Roacl Sur- vey, Having a width of 5 rods and a depth of 8 rods. Parcel 3 -In the Village of Eg- inondville, in the Comity of Huron and being composed of Lot Number 11, on the •South side of East Front Street, Parcel • 4 In the Village of Eg- monclville, in the Township of Tuckersmith and being compos- ed of part of Lot Number 17, and the West halves of Lot Number 31, 32, and 38 on the West side of Mill Street. On the said lands is said to be erected a feed hill of brick and frame construction and also a frame building suitable .for a retail business, Further trier iuformHtion respecting these properties may obtained firom James I, McIntosh, R,R. #3, Seaforth, the Treasurer of the said Township. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD NOTICE UNDER SECTION 30 OF THE PLANNING ACT and Section 64 of The Highway Im- provement Act TAKE NOTICE 'that the _Ooun, cil of the Corporation of the County of Huron has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board pun- scant to the provisions of Section. 30 of the Planning Act for ap- pl'oval of its Restricted Area By - Law 68, 1961 passed on the 23rd day of. November 1961, the full text of which is given hereunder. Any person interested: may, within fourteen days after the date of this notice, file with the Clerk of the County of Huron no+ tics of his objection to approval of the said by-law •together with a .statement of the grounds of such objection, The Ontario Municipal Board may approve .of the said bylaw but before doing so it may .aF point a ,time and place when .anY objections to the by-law will be considered. DATED at Toronto .this 12t .day of January, 1962. (signed) B. VICKERS, B. VICKERS, Acting .Se BY-LAW NO..68, *960 A(BYLAW OF TTHETION Ole THE CORPORA- TION HURON TO REGULATTEY F THE LOCATION O BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ON LAND ADJACENT to COUNTY ROADS WHEREAS, it is deemed to 'b necessary and desirable to regu late the location of buildings an structures on land adjacent .t certain county..roads; i s h o. RA- H D e a 0 AND WHEREAS' authority is granted under Section .64 ;(1) of the • Highway Improvement Act R.S.O. 196.0 and .Section 30 of .the Planning Act R,S.O. 1960 to .exer .cine .such ,power subject to the approval .of the Municipal Board; The Council of the Cooperation of ll:toWs::he County of Huron .enacts .as 1 (a) No person shall erect any building :or .structure, any part of which is located closer to the nearest limit of any of the County roads 00 parts .of the County roads, hereinafter .de- fined than; 25 feet where the road is 100 feet wide; 42 feet whore the road is 66 feet wide; and in no case closer to the centre line of the original road allowance than 75 feet, 1 ovided that in the case of t of existing buildings either or both of which is, or are, lo- cated closer to the nearest lim- it of any County' road herein- after defined than is permitted in 1 (a) of this by-law, which are less than 300 feet apart measured parallel to the cen- tre line of road, the provisions of this paragraph shall apply to the exteht that no person shall erect any building or structure between the aforesaid existing structures closer to the centre line of the road than the line joining the closest road to the of the one rstructure, e line of ttoe the closest point to the centre line of the road of the next ad- jacent structure. 1 (c) Provided that in eases where a building exists closer to the nearest limit of any County road hereinafter de- fined than is permitted in 1 (a) of this by-law the provisions of this paragraph shall apply so that no person shall erect a building or structure closer to the center line of the road than the existing building or structure if the ,distance (mea- sured parallel to the centre line of the road) between the. existing and proposed struc- tures is less than 50 feet. 2. No person shall erect or install gasoline pumps: (a) closer than 60 feet from the centre line of the original road allowance (b) en a curve or the crest of a hill (c) on the tangent to a hori- zontal or vertical curve where the sight distance is less than 800. feet in each direction. 3. The County roads or parts of County roads defined by this by-law are as follows: The entire county road system as defined in Schedule "A" of By -Law No. 23, 1964, save and except Such parts of the Cotm- ty road system which lie with- in the limits of any Town, Vil- lage or Police Village within the County of Huron. 4, The Corporation of the Coun- ty of Huron, by their Clerk, may give notice to the Owner or Occupant of any land re- quiring him to remove or alter any building or structure er- ected after the passing of this by-law that does not comply with Sections 1 and 2 and each notice under this section shall be in writing and sent by regis- tered mail, addressed to the Owner or Occupant of the land. 5. If the person to whom the no- tice is given, tinder Section ,4 above, fails to comply with it. within 30 days from mailing of such notice, the Corporation of the County of Hui'on may dir- ect any officer, employee or Agent of the said Corporation to enter upon the land and do or cause to be done, whatever may be necessary to remove or alter such building or structure mentioned in said notice: 6, Every person who violates any of the provisions of Sections 2 and 8 or fails to comply with. the notice given under Section 4, shall be guilty of an offense and en summary conviction shall he liable to a penalty of THE SEAFORTI'I NEWS -Thursday, January 18, 962' FOR _SALE Nursing home in town of Mitchell, 135 acre farm on braved road in Tuelcersmlth, silo, two harps 112 acre farm, excellent build- ings, MCTiillop 75 acre farm, good buildings, MoKslice . 100 aero farm, modern build- ings, Hibbert 100 acro farm, buildings in need of repair, Fullerton 60 acre farm, better buy than ]rouse in town, good land, Ilib- bert 160 acre farm, 1 toile fl'om No. 8 highway, Ribbert Modern 3 bedroom bungalow,. new 3 piece bath, small down Payment; balance monthly, inn - mediate possession Further , information will be supplied on request Jos. McConnell REALTOR Telephone 266 Seaforth COMING EVENT Kippen East W.I. euchre at SS 9 Tuckersmith, Friday, Jan. 26th at 8,30 p.m, Lucky lunch prize, everyone welcome. Ad- mission 50e COMING EVENT A series of prenatal classes will begin Tuesday, January 28rd, 1062, at 2,00 pen. at the North- side United Church, Seaforth, These will be held at weekly int- ervalsor f nine weelce, Those in- terested are invited to attend on the above date or phone the Pebi'ic Health Nurse, Seaforth 4801VI between 4.30 p,m. and 5.00 p,m. COMING 'EVENT Valentine Turkey Supper on Feb. 14, at Northside United Church from 5 to 7. Adults 1.25. Children under 12, 75c IN MEMORIAM Moore - In memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Mrs. Effie Moore, who passed away one year ago today, Jan. 20, 196L . God saw you getting weary, He did what He thought was best, He put His arms around you, And whispered, "Come and rest" The golden gates stood open One year ago today, With goodbyes left unspoken, You gently slipped away. -Sadly missed and ever re- membered by husband, children and grandchildren NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARKING To facilitate snow plowing and snow removal opera- tions, parking on the streets of this municipality is pro- hibited between the hours of 2 a.ni. and 8 a,m. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, Section 43, Subsection 9. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow plowing or snow re- moval operations NOTICE Ratepayers and inhabitants of the eques edsby theof T uckersmith are rcouncil, to not park cars on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles park- ed on roads or streets. James I. McIntosh, Clerk Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W Real Estate • - WILFRED McINTEE BROKER Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 11/1 Localrepresentative for .WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. ' offices and 25 salesmen to en-ve you not more than fifty dollars (350.00) for each offense and the continuance of the condi, tion constituting en offense for each week after conviction, therefore, shall constitute a new offense, 7, By -Law No. 28, 1957 is :hereby repealed, 8. This by-law shall come into force and effect When approv ed by •the Ontario Municipal Board, Read a first, second and third time, and'finally passed this 23rd day of November, 1961, JOHN G, BERRY, Clerk. WAN FORSYTH W rd BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention( Hospital Beit Floors for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W.STAPLETON Phyeiclan and Surgeon Phone 90 Res, 606 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A,, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6.,W Seaforth dagf SEAFORTH CLINIC 1'. L. Brady, M.D,, Surgeon Dr, E. Malkus Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. except Wednesday and Sunday. Evening.; Tuesday & Thurs. 3-9 0.s. Appointments made in advanp are desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J:0. TURNBULL, D,V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V.M„ V.S. W. G. DRENNA'N, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Lo n staff g Optometrist Goderleh St. W,,, Seaforth Phone 791 Hours--Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 640; Wed. 9 AM to 12,80 PM. Thur. OM Se appointment only, Clinton HU -2-7915 above Hawkins' Hd we, iron.. 9 W 6.10 INSURANCE • Fife • Auto • Accident f, • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages •, W. E. Southgate l Phone 834 Res. 640 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 286 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seafortk Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE-SEAPORTH, ONT. Officers - President, John L. Malone, Seaforth ; Vice Pres., John H. McEving, Blyth; Sec.-Treas., W. H. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton. J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt,. Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth ; Wm, S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Puller, Goderiah•; Wm. R. Pepper, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents - William Leiper Jr., Londes- boro; V. J. Lane, RR 6 Seaforth ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels Harold Squires. Clin- ton; James Keys, Seaforth. 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 382•R Arnold Stinnissen R R 6 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-11-12 UNWANTED HAIR Vanished away with Saca-Fele. Saca-Pelo is different. It does not dissolve or remove hair from the surface, but penetrates and re- tards growth of unwanted hair. Lor -Beer Lab. Ltd„ Ste. 6, 679 Granville St„ Vancouver 2, B.C. Applications Township of. Tuckersmith Applications will re received for the position of Assessment Commissioner for the Township of Tnelcersmith. Applications must be in writ- ing, stating qualifications. Appli- cations must be in the Cleric's hands by February 5, 1962, clear- ly marked Application, Applicants should be prepared to appear' in person on February 6, as applications are to be open- ed at 3 071WI. on that date, J. I. McINTOSH Clerk FOR SALE 6 registered Shorthorn bulls serviceable age and younger. 1 Polled Shorthorn bull 11 months old, Herd accredited and listed fer'Brucellosis, Wm, R. Pepper and Son, Seaforth,`R,R, 3; _?hone Clinton II112.7534,