HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-01-18, Page 4• 1i EQMONDVILLE The Inaugural. meeting of the Egmondville United Church Wo- men was held in the ,Sunday School roomof the church on Fri- day afternoon Jan. 12. ' Rev. Mr. Vardy conducted a 'Worship Sor- vice reading from St. John's ' Gospel chap. 15: 1.17 using hymns 158 and 445 and prayer for God's guidance as we begin the new or, ganization. Mrs:: Alex Chesney conducted a business period to conclude un- finished business of the W. A. or- ganization, Minutes of the Dec.' ember meeting were read by Mrs. B. McGregor. The treasurer's re- port read by Miss' M. Smith, showed that the financial result of the year's work was well worth all the time and work that had been spent at the different projects for raising money in 1961, Donations - were voted to the Board of Stewards for the General Fund of the Churchand to the Capital Fund of Flgmond- villa charge. Notes of apprecia- tion were read from Mrs, Vardy and Miss Vera Hudson, Miss Fiances Houston was in charge of a short business period for the WMS. Minutes of the Decem- ber meeting were read by Mrs, E. Papple and Mrs, Roy McGon- igle. Treasurer's report showed an increase in the givings sent to the Presbyterial Treasurer over 1960's giving. Rev. Mr. Vardy was in charge of the election of officers. Miss Mae --Smith presented the list of officers. A motion was made by Mrs. B. McGregor and seconded by Mrs. R, Boyes that this slate be accepted. Rev. Mr, Vardy thanked the ladies for all the work that had been done by the two Uniting Societies, and wel- comed Mrs. E. Boyes as Presi- dent of the United Church Wo- men. Mrs, Boyes thanked the la- dies for asking her to be Presi- dent. She spoke about one of the aims of the United Church Wo- men: "To unite all the women of the congregation to work togeth- er for the total Mission of the church," She led a short devotion- al service, "Beginning Again". Mrs. Wm, Forrest read Psalm 100 and the service was concluded with prayer . Announcement was made about the Inaugural meeting of the Hu- management course if avail- ron Presbyterial United Church able?" We have no information Women to be held Wed, San. 24 about farm management groups. from 9.30 to 4 in Ontario St, The men believe their success Church, Clinton. Five delegates were appointed to attend, Mrs. E. would largely depend on their in - E. Boyes, Mrs, A. Chesney, Mrs, structors, many of whom are spe- lt. Stephenson, Mrs. J. C. McIn• mints in some line of farm tosh; Miss F. Houston. The wo- men of the congregation are all work, and have had experience Rev. and Mrs, James Ure Stewart who were recently married at Vorthside 'United Church, The bride is the former Laura Mole Workman Photo by Frank Phillips presentative to Board of Stew-' ' U•uited Church Women's envel- ards, Mrs. Alex Boyes; Repre- sentative to Official Board, Miss F. Houston, FIRESIDE FARM FORUM On January 15 twelve adults of opes. Voted $20 for the• flower committee and suggested 'special floral arrangements be purchased for decorating the church during the winter months, The executive previously ap- pointed was inaugurated at a the Fireside Farm Forum met at special inaugural service held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim the church service on Sunday, Howatt to discuss farm manage- Jan. 14th. President, Mrs. Wilmer merit. Farmers in our area can Broadfoot; 1st vice Pres., Mrs. Gordon Elliott; 2nd vice pros„ receive farm management guid- Mrs. John Henderson; rec. sec., duce from the agricultural repro- Mrs, Elgin Thompson; Corr. sec., sentatives, the O.A.C. at Guelph, ,Mrs, John Broadfoot; treas., Mrs. bankers, and soil and crop im- Harney Taylor. Unit leaders will be . chosen provement organizations. One following completion and study added service farmers would ap- of questionnaires which were preciate were reports on the pro- passed out to members. Committees were appointed as per time to sell cattle to get the follows: Flower, Mrs. Hugh Ber- highest prices. ry, Mrs. Norman Baird, Mrs. E. "Would you take part in a farm Allan; finance, treas., Mrs. H. Taylor, sec., and president; manse, Mrs. G. Richardson, Miss Swan, Mrs. J. Brodie; press sec- retary, Mrs, F. J. Welland; soc- ial functions, Mrs. D. Triebner; literature and communications, Mrs. J. Broadfoot; community friendship and visiting, Mrs, J. A. McEwen, Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. Lorne Wilson; pianist, Miss Mar - invited to attend. A motion was in large operations, and may Mrs.G. membership, made that we still continue to Mrs. fo Elliott;Ell rs, church, Mrs. J. use the Birthday Box. Mrs. E. have kept hundreds or thousands Broadfoot, Mrs, J. Henderson, Cameron announced the Egmond- of cattle. Their advice might not Mrs, H. Lobb; supply and social ville Church Women had been apply to the average farmer, and asssstTnce, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Ham, M asked to cater to the Agricultur- it would often give false impras-T. Taylor. I .The business meeting closed al Society's annual meeting on sions. The farmers can learn with a prayer, following which a Jan. 30. Groups 1 and 2 are to be in charge. I much from discussions with other !delicious lunch was served to the Fees were received and mem- farmers in the area. ( ladies• bership cards and envelopes If accurate accounts are kept CROMARTY were given out. The meeting by the farmer of farm expenses closed with the hymn "0 Master The annual congregational let me walk with Thee" and he can see where to make wise prayer by Mrs. Boyes. Lunch changes in his methods of bust• meeting of Cromarty Presbyter - was served by Mrs. E. Cameron,aces without paying someone tan Church was held on Thurs- Mrs. E. Papple and Mrs. Preston else to tell him, day, January llth. Rev. R. Bis- sett of Avonton, who has been acting as interim moderator for Exeter and Cromarty congrega- tions during their vacancy, was appointed chairman and opened the meeting with scripture read- ing and prayer. Mr. Eldon Allen was elected secretary and read See Need For Tourist .Promotion As far as the average eitige#. of Toronto le concerned, Ontario is bounded 00 one side by haim Mort and goes as far" north as Muskoka, Orville Wessman, .of the Village Inn, Grand Bend, told a iueeting of the tourist Connell of the Midwestern Development Association In the town hall, Sea - forth, on Tuesday night. Mr. Wessman was pointing out that Toronto is a get source of tourist business which has been undeveloped as far as this region is concerned. "Most of those people don't ev- en know there is a Lake Huron," he claimed, telling of his exper- ience with a Grand Bend booth at the Sportsmen's Show in To- ronto for several years, People ash wher'e'. is Grand Bend, and associated the naine with Grand Rapids or South Bend, The meeting was in charge of Ebner Goebel of Stratford, presi- dent of the tourist council and manager of Midwestern Develop. ment Association for Huron, Perth, Wellington and Giraterloo counties. Mr, Goebel explained that Ise was aetrug without remnner•at1on to got the tourist council started and the Mid1vestern office facil- ities are also free. Our Midwestern district has been designated as a tourist reg. ion, Ole said, The provincial gov ermuent Will snake a grant, mat. ching dollar for dollar that the tourist counoiispends for promo- tion of 'tourist business. Last October a tourist council was formed with himself as pres- ident; W, K Denny, Fergus, vine President; Mrs. McDonald, Grand Bend, '' secretary, and Walter Garth,' Milvertori, treasurer. Application forr a grant has been made on the basis of $10,- 000 spent on promotion last year in the region: 29 persons attended a meeting in Fergus last week from seven municipalities and names of ap- pointees to the council were promised. Funds will be raised by merit- bership fees for each organiza- tion and other means, There is no government 'grant on adminis- tration costs, The program in mind for 1962, includes printing and distributing 40,000 snaps such as put out to. TIDO SNNAF011T}I NIOWS—Thursday, January 18, 1962 the number of 21,000 last year; Tonal Tourist Supervisor, Depart - application to Dept, of Highways' Ment of Tourist and i'ublicity, to erect large signs on all prow metal highways rtt the entrance to our region, These signs Dost the department j/300 each and will be erected and maintained At. Convention by the highways dept. at the nos urinal oharge Of $16 a year. A tourIst guide for the region was also contemplated for member msmiclpalitios. Mr. Goebel said that of almost three million people crossing the Sarnia bridge, it Survey showed that most wero sightseers, stay- ing in Canada one week and. spending an average of $29`a day each. The tourist industry dol- larwise, is the second largest iii• dustry in Canada, Everybody benefits, including the farmer. It is big money. Our own ,people also need eau - cation of places of interest in our region, he said. Will Speak. Among those from out of town who were present were William Lockhart and Oscar Rogers, Mit- chell; "Skip" Winter;. Clinton; Gerald Gingerich, Zurich, and George Brown, Kitchener, Reg - Anson McKinley, Zurich R. 1, first vice president cf Huron County Soil and Crop Improve. moist Association; has been in. vited to, speak at the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement ann• no,: convention to be held.. at the coliseum, exhibition park, Tor- onto, on January 24, 25 and 26, Mr. McKinley's topic on Thurs. clay, January 25th at 11;20 am. is "Increased Income Through Farm Management" Mr, McKin- ley was a member of South Hu. ron Farni Management club when it was organized in 1956 and has taken advantage of the services provided to help make his farm decisions since that time, The Inaugural Service of the Most games, Mrs. 0. Anderson; Egmondville United Church Wo- lone hands, Mrs. Don Buchanan; men was held at the Sunday Consolation, Mrs. A. Riley. morning service on Sunday, Jan. Mrs. Don Buchanan invited the 14. Rev. Mr. Vardy led the con- gregation using the service group which had been prepared for this occasion by Rev. Norah Hughes STAFFA and also the meditation "Vision , The teachers and pupils from of the Future" based on the text all Hibbert schools enjoyed a waitthe on Lord, shall renew the secretary's annual report, from Isaiah 40: "They skating party in Mitchell arena Mr. T. Laing as treasurer gave ft afternoon. their strength. They shall mount FridayI his annual report which showed uA presentation with wings as the eagles;a balance in the treasury after Tand dance was They shall walk and not faint". held Friday night in Staffs town -1 a full program of remodelling Following the dedication of the ship hall for Dalton Balfour who •ecently sold his farm. A • new officers, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed. large crowd attended. Music was' Officers of Egmonville United provided by Howe's orchestra. Church Women: 1 A family dinner was held re - Pres., Mrs. Edward Boyes; 1st cantly at the home of Mr. and Vice Pres., Mrs. Elmer Stephen- Mrs. Wilbur Miller. The occasion son; 2nd Vice Pres„ Mrs. Leon- was Kenneth 1Vliller's birthday. and Strong: Rec. Sec., Mrs. Keith Those present were Mr. and Mrs. McLean; Corr. See., Mrs. Mervin Johnny Miller and Karen; Mr. Nott; Treas., Mrs. James C. Mc- and Mrs. Russell Miller and Lee, Intosh; Christian Citizenship Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Miller, Bet - and Social Action Mrs. Wm. ty and Bruce, Cromarty; Mr. and Forrest; Community Friendship Mrs. Jack Duncan, Faye and Den - and Visiting—Mrs. M. Haney, nie and Mr. and Mrs, Ken Dun - Mrs. R. Boyes, Mrs. E. Kruse, can, Sheila, Janice and Floyd of aph- Mrs, A. Houston, Mrs, D. StKirkton. enson; Co -Operation in Christian Mr. Stanley Pullman is a pa- Education—Mrs. L Hammond; tient in Stratford General hospi- Mrs. N. McLean, Miss Helen tai. Boyes, Mrs. Donald Diehl; Flow- Mrs. Jack Butson is a patient .ers—Mrs, E. Durst; _ I in Seaforth hospital. Officers of the new' Women's Miss Margaret Drake spent a couple of days with her parents, organization installed on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Drake. morning by Rev. J. H. Vardy, Sunday visitors with Miss Mar- -B.A., are: Pres., Mrs. Ed Boyes; garet and James Miller were Mr. and Mra. Eldred McNichol and 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Eimer Ste- Mr. George Miller, London. phenson; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Dianne and Leonard Strong; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Ronnie visited Sunday with Mr. Keith MacLean; Corr. Sec., Mrs, andMMrs, rs.Ed RobButertson Dunand Mcan, Ers. Wxeteres. Mervin Nott; Treas., Mrs. James Parsons visited recently with C. McIntosh; Christian Citizen- their sister in New York. ship and Social Action, Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Agar were, Forrest; Community Friendship in Hamilton a couple of days last week. and Visitation, Mrs. R. Boyes, Mrs, E. Kruse, Mrs. A. Houston, BRUCEFIELD Mrs. D. Stephenson; Christian Meeting of Newly Formed United Edna., Mrs. L. Hammond, Mrs, Church Women, Bruoefield N. McLean, Miss H. Boyes, Mrs, The opening meeting of the Donald Deihl; Flowers, Mrs, E. United Church Women of Bruce - W. Durst; Literature, Mrs, Stan- field United Church was held on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 16th, in ley Gray; Manse, Mrs. M. Han- the church basement. ey, Mrs. N. MacLean, Mrs. R. The meeting began with devo- McGonigle; Membership, Mrs, tionsl period taken by Mrs. John , Mrs, Henderson and Mrs. Wilmer Alex Chesney; Nominating, Broadfoot. Stanley Jackson, Mrs. i. Forsyth, Mrs, Hugh Berry read thank - Mrs, C. Pullman; Press, Miae F, you cards from Mrs. Stackhouse, Houston; Social, Mrs, E. Gamer- Miss Bowey, Mr, Drew Swan and on; Group Leaders, Mrs. A. Mrs. Isabelle Scott for Will Scott, Old nylon and Christmas Forbes, Mrs. E, Stephenson, Mrs. cards have been requested for Allister Broadfoot, Mrs. Fart Mrs, Elsie Forrest for the Huron Papple; Stewardship and Re- View Home. It was voted by the ladies to cruiting, Mrs. Preston Dallas; hold meetings of the newly form - Supply and Social Assistance, ed group on the first Tuesday of Mrs, A. C. Routledge; Cards and each month, starting at 2 pan, Flowers, Miss Mae Smith; Rei and closing with a social hour, It was decided to order special during the year. The session re• port was given by Mr. J. M. Scott and the budget report by T. Laing. Gordon Hoggarth gave the auditors report. Increased givings were reported by the va- rious treasurers, Mrs. W. Harp- er reporting for the WMS; Mrs. K. McKellar for Ladies' Aid; Mrs. T. L. Scott for Sunday school;. Mrs. M. Dow for Marian Ritchie Aux.; Mrs. C. Kerslake for COC and Cradle Roll; Mrs. T. L. Scott for Explorers; Trus- tees and Manse committee, Gor- don Hoggarth; cemetery, T. L. Scott. Officers elected for 1962: Man- agers, Nelson Howe, Frank Mil- ler, Clarence Taylor, Gordon Laing, Jas. Miller, Wni. Harper, Gordon Scott, Gerald Carey, Cliff Miller; treasurer, T. Laing; secretary, Lloyd Miller; auditors, J. M. Scott, Gordon Hoggarth; ushers, John Wallace, Nelson Howe, John McDougall, Duncan Scott, Laverne Wallace; SS sun- erintendent, Mrs. T. L. Scott; as- sistant supt., Mrs. Calder Mc- Kaig; record secretary, Mrs. Sant McCurdy; every day sec., Mrs, T. Laing; Cradle Roll sec., Mrs. Carter Kerslake; library com- mittee, Mrs. Mervin Dow, Mrs. R. Laing, Mrs, T. L. Scott; trustees, Gordon Hoggarth, Wm, Miller, A. McLachlan; cemetery cora„ T. 1 Scott, T, Laing, C. McKaig, J. Hoggarth, S. McCurdy, A. Mc- Lachlan, K, McKellar, FORTY YEARS AGO Front The Seaforth NeWs January 1922 A wig -wag signal is being in- stalled by the Grand Trunk at the Main Street crossing in Sea - f orth, Mr. Hail, manager of the Brucefield Bank, has been trans- ferred to Hamilton. N. W, Trewartha was elected Warden of Huron Bounty. • X FURNITURE HEAR YE! LOOK YE! SLEEP SETS makers of the famous by SIMMONS BEAUTYREST Worth shouting about Simmons' gorgeous new Countess mattresses. Because they're such a good buy,- we're offering them at these incredibly low prices ... many famous Simmons features are incorporated in Countess: QUILT,Top ;so SgVa. "late I&theSI M�Fl Set foroanT$9950 BOX FURNITURE, • air vents • gorgeous covers • durable prebuilt borders • Simmons "Auto -Lock" construction • Take advantage of this introductory price while it lasts! Seaforth