HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-01-18, Page 1\VFIOLE SERIES, VOL. 84
Yllone 84
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Authorized AW Second Chea mail,
fort 01tire Dept., Ottawa
At a special meeting of Sea
forth town council on Tuesday
evening .approval was given to
an agreement arrived at by the
town police and the police coin-
mittee a few hours previously.
The motion by Councillors Earl
Dinsmore and Angus MacLean
was unanimously passed as fol
"That yearly salaries, which
include pay for all statutory holi-
days and vacations, for Town of
Seaforth police for 1962 be as
follows: Chief Hutchison, $4,000;
Constable Bates $3,600; Cons-
table Calder 83,300."
Councillor Earl Dinsmore,
chairman of the police commit-
tee, reviewed events which had
started in October when the coun-
cil had asked for the resignation
of the police following a request
for a new contract on a higher
salary basis.
Subsequently it was found that
negotiations were necessary and
on Dec. 14th the police commit-
tee had made an offer of $3,800,
$3,380 and $3,220 to the police,
to be inclusive of holidays and
The police had made a counter
offer of $4,200, $3,600 and $3,600,
plus two weeks vacation with
,pay and 1 week statutory holi-
days. This offer totalled up to
$4,667.40, $4,033,00 and $4,033.00.
�n Jan, 12, 1962, council re-
peated their original offer, point-
ing out that the 120 days for ne-
gotiation expired Jan. 15th, and
requesting the resignations of
police to be effective Jan. 31st,
if they were unwilling to arbit-
On Monday night the police
gave notice that the wages go
to arbitration. Neither side had
given an inch, he. said.
Mr. Dinsmore explained that to
go to arbitrationinvolved agree-
ment on au arbitrator. Failing
such agreement, the attorney
general would appoint one, the
cost to be borne equally by town
" and police. The matter might
drag on for several months.
The police and committee had
several meetings Tuesday morn-
ing and afterneton. Somebody had
to give.
"Your con-Mi't:tee made a pro-
position, which the police have
all signed," 'Councillor Dinsmore
reported, presenting the agree-
ment which council accepted af-
ter some discussion.
Asked for .a comparison of the
old and new costs, Mr. Dinsmore.
said the new agreement will cost
11 mins, what the police asked
for was 14 mills, Clothing al-
lowance will be settled at budget
Mayor 'Daly -said we can now
go ahead on a different footing.
Councillor' Dalton• said he was
not satisfied, but it was the best
arrangement under -the circum-
Councillor Angus MacLean
said -committee should be con-
gratulated on what they accom-
Councillor Dinsmore said we
have a whole list of things to go
into now ',that :salaries are settled.
A rink skipped by Mrs. W.
Moore was. successful in winning
two out of their three games in
a ladies' bonspiel in Stratford
'last :week, The team consisted of
Mrs. W. Moore, Mrs. N. Scoins,
Carduo and Mrs. R. Box.
WARDEN George 1VicCutcheon of Brussels is shown receiving !•le first period. Iden McClure and
chain of office from 1961 Warden, Ivan Forsyth, at county council Ferg Kelly scored for Winthrop;
on Tuesday. —.Clinton News -Record photo
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1'ilthrop Warriors Scouts Plan
Remain Undefeated I Permanent Camp
Winthrop Warriors maintain-
ed their winning ways when they
defeated Atwood 8.1 in a WOAA
Int. I game played in Seaforth
on Monday night.
The Warriors opened the seor•
Mg at 1:25 of the first period
When Jim Strong found the mark
and Ray Powell made it 2.0 be-
fore •the period ended., In the
second frame Winthrop increas-
ed their lead to 4-0 on two goals
by Winston Powell.
Atwood scored their lone goal
at the beginning of the third pe-
riod with G. Douglas the marks-
man. Winthrop came back with.
four more goals to make the final
count 8.1 for Winthrop.
Warrior goals in the 3rd per,
rod were by Ferg Kelly, with 2;
Ray Powell and Winston Powell,
Winthrop will play in Monkton
on Friday, Jan. 19 and the next
home game will bo Mon., Jan. 22
when Lucknow will be the opp-
The booster draw was made
between the second and third
periods and the winner was Mr,
V. Cooper of Clinton. •
Winthrop 11, Lucknow 8
'Winthrop Warriors outscored
Lucknow 11.3 in a high scoring
WOAA Int. D game played in
Lucknow on Friday night. The
score was 2-2 at the end of the
Brussels Reeve Is
Huron Warden •
Reeve George McCutcheon of
Brussels was elected warden of
Huron county after four ballots
were taken at council's inaugural
meeting Tuesday.
In the last ballot Reeve 3,Ic-
Cutcheon defeated Reeve Valen-
tine Becker of Hay township 25
to 11. Others eliminated earlier
were Roy Adair of Wingham,
Harvey Coleman of Stanley and
Clarence Hanna of, East Wawan-
Council observed a minute of
silence in memory of the late
Reeve W. J. McIt&mie of Exeter.
Mr. Mac telmon, 39, has been
a member sof council for six
years. He topwrates a garage and
is the 'first warden from Brussels
since i:Robent Bowman served in
Anther Chain
Of Accidents
Hugh Benninger, Dublin instil*.
ance agent, was taken to Scott
Memorial -hospital on Wednesday
afternoon for observation follow-
ing a rear end colli§ion on High-
way No. '8, west of St. Columban.
The original accident was fol-
lowed by another when 'two
transport trucks went into the
ditch trying to avoid hitting the
A third -accident then happen-
ed when a car driven by Stanley
Parks,.. RR 2, Hamilton, struck
the Edmunds tow truck head on.
P01100 say the tow'truck was on
its own side of the road with
lights on.
Mr. Benninger was the only
person needing' hospital treat-
The trucks involved were the
Lowe trans,port of Woodstock,
driven by David Ross Capling,
31, of Bright; and Johnston salt
truck, Milton, driven by Alexan-.
der .Scott, 27, of Acton. -
A road block was set up on the
east side of Seaforth to halt traf-
fic during the blinding storm un-
til the highway was cleared.
Provincial Officer Bowering of
Seaforth and'Sebringville officers
were in charge.
A week ago there was a similar
chain of accidents at about the.
same place on the highway.
with Smart counting twice for
Mrs. Sillery Heads Lucknow. In the second period
School Board
Mrs. A. W. Sillery was re-elect-
ed chairman of Seaforth public
school board at the January mee-
ting. Committees were named as
follows: Finance, Dr. MacLen-
nan, J. E, Longstaff; supply, Mrs.
J. A. Cardno, Ken Willis; prop-
erty, Mrs. Sillery, Wm. Hodgert,
Miss Gladys Thompson was
appointed to the library board;
C. A. Barber to the high school
board and Robert Joynt, truant
Seaforth won a thrilling, fast
played hockey snatch Tuesday
evening 4 to 2 against the Exeter
Mohawks, Bob Beuttenntiller pac-
ed the Seaforth attack with 3,
goals, ono in each period, and
Bill McLaughlin scored the other
Seaforth goal. Each team picked
up 4 penalties In a fairly clean
game. Bill German was a stand-
out in The Seaforth nets stopping
many 'dangerous rushes. The
Boshart chair was won by Mrs.
11.. W. -Hodson, 14 MoNab Street,
Stratford. Attendance was very
poor with only about 70 fans
turning up. Not even one half of
the expenses were met at this
game. Next home game is Tues-
day, Jan, 30 with Philipsburg
Chevs being the opposition.
Winthrop took a 6-5 lead. War-
rior goals were scored by Don
McClure, Winston Powell, Ray
Powell and George Love in that
order. Lucknovf goals were coun-
ted by Wilson, Gardner and Kei-
terborn. In the third period Win-
throp outscored Lucknow 5-3, to
snake the final score 11-8 in fav-
or of the Warriors. Jim Strong
scored two goals, with Winston
Powell, Ray Powell and Ferg
Kelly counting singles in the
third period. For Lucknow, Em-
berlin, Keltorborn and Smart
There were five minor penal
ties called, with Winthrop sery
ing three.
Malloch Chapter
Elects Officers
The following officers of Mal
loch Chapter No, 66 G.R.C. were
installed and invested on Monday
evening at the regular January
meeting, The installation was
made by the Rt. Ex. Comp, Wil.
lianl H. Roope and his assistants
of Goderich of Huron Chapter
George W. Israel, died Monday i Ex. Comp. Duncan R. Cooper
at the - Calcott Nursing. Home, LP.Z., Ex. Contp. Orville G. Oke
198 Mornington St.. Stratford, Z; Ex. Comp. Alister Broadfoot
after a week's illness. He was In H; Ex Comp. Keith Sharp, J; Ex
his 79th year. Born in February,' Comp, E. Clark, Treas„ Ex Comp
1883, at Guelph, Mr. Israel spent Austin Matheson, Sec., Ex Comp
most of his life in Seaforth. He W.J.F. (Bill) Bell, S N; Comp
was a tailor by trade, and in lat- Dar' Campbell P S; Comp, Cliff
er years lived for a time in both Britton, S.S.; Comp. Ronald Buck
Kitchener and Toronto. He came J, S.; Comp. Howard Ivret'ts, M
to Stratford two years ago. He of 4th; Comp. Ted Forrest, M of
was married to the former 3rd; Comp. Leonard Wade, M
IViaudo Shillinglaw, of Seaforth, of 2nd; Comp. Laverne Hugill
who died, some years ago. His sis- M of 1st V; V. Ex. Comp. J
ter, Mrs. William Cudmore of Brown Higgins, Director of Cer
:Seaforth, also predeceased hint emonies; V. Ex Comp. John Bach
some years ago. and Ex Comp. James Doig, audi
The funeral will be field Thum- tors. •
day at 1:30 p.m. from the Whit-
ney funeral home, Seaforth. Bur- eral chapel, Seaforth. Sunday the
ial will be in McTaggart's ceme- remains were taken to Hiese Hil
tery at Chiselhurst after tempos- cemetery, Gormley, Ont., fol
ary entombment ' at the Ritz
Mausoleum, Mitchell. burial,
COURT CONSTANTINE L1842 officers for. 1962 were
installed at the regular mooting of the Lodge on Thurs-
day da: nig , ht Jan. 11tH. In front, from left, Sisters, Dor-
othy Dalton, Past President; Dolphin.a Dolmage, Presi-
dent; Jane Case, Pisstri.Ct Peptlty High' (J}lite: ' Ranger;
Doreen Dolmage; Vice President. Back row, Sisters
Jewitt, Conductor; Mary McClure, Chaplain; Mur-
iel McClure, Fill, Sec.; Edith Nott, Rec. Sec.; Mal
Riley, Warden; Betty Hulley,Treasurer; Absent: Sis-
ters Nona Pipe, Inner (41.1;,rd; Annie Vincent, Outer G.
The regular monthly meeting
of the scooters inet after snouts e
on Tuesday night with Scout-
Master K. Sharpe Presiding,
Pl-25ans were for BoystartScoued,
t Week, Feb,
Open house for the public will
be held at the high school audi-
torium on February 23rd to
which parents and friends will
betion. invited to come and see the
Scouts, Cubs and Guides in ac -
Plans were discussed for the
development of a .Permanent
Scout camp at the present scout
site' which was donated to the
scout movement by assistant
Scoutmaster Harry McLeod. The
camp is to have a permanent
nook house and shelter, at an
estimated cost of $500,
For craft night boys of Pack
A, Seaforth Cubs are reminded
to bring empty coffee cans or
similar sized cans for craft
work, .odd pieces of plywood,
leftover enamel or water paint.
First Seaforth Cubs "B” Pack
The regular meeting 01; "B"
Pack of the First Seaforth Cub
Pack was held on Wednesday
evening, Meeting opened with
the grand howl to Akela (T. Wil -
bee) and flag break by Bagherra
(Bill Hodgert). The remainder
of the new chums to the number
of 25 were invested as Cubs by
Akela. Two rousing games were
played and conducted by Bag-
herra. The sixers were instruct-
ed on the knots and the tender -
pads on the composition of the
Union Jack. The meeting closed
with the grand howl to Akela and
Cub silence.
Letter of Thanks
Mrs. John Carnochan has re-
ceived the following letter of
thanks for gifts sent to the 01111 -
(Iran's Aid Society.
Dear Mrs. Carnochan,—Would
you thank the members of Sea -
forth Cub Pack "A" for all the
acceptable things your wonderful
boxes contained for families in
need at Christmas, time.
'Your interest and thoughtful-
ness is appreciated. It is your
spirit of sharing that makes it
possible for us to give happiness
to many less fortunate folk in
our County.
We wish you all every joy and
blessing throughout the days to
come. Sincerely,
Clare McGowan,
Acting Local Director
Huron Children's Aid Society
Goderich, Jan. 10, 1961.
Mrs. Edna Sarah Williams, 73,
of Hibbert Township, died Friday
at her residence, Predeceased by
her husband, Charles, she is sur-
vived by one daughter, Mrs.
Marie Little, Seaforth, one son,
Murray, Toronto; one sister, Mrs.
Josephine Cober, Stouffville; and
three_ brothers, Wilmot Donner,
Woodbridge; Louis Donner, of
Toronto; James Donner, Stayner.
Funeral service was held Sat-
urday afternoon at the Box fun -
The funeral of the late Russell
Barrows was held from Duff's
United Church, Walton, at 2 p.m.
Jan. 11th. A solo "Beyond the
Sunset" was sung by Donald Mc-
Donald accompanied by Mrs. 13.
Brown, organist.
The pallbearers were: 'Walter
Somerville, Stewart McCall, Nel-
son Marks, Herb Traviss, Roy
Bennett, Ted Reid.
The flowerbearers were two
cousins, Boyd Driscoll and Ross
Driscoll. Burial was in Brussels
A most delightful pot -luck sup-
per preceded the annual meet-
ing of the Ladies' Guild of St.
Thomas' Anglican Church, held
Tuesday evening in the parish
The president, Mrs. Carman
Rorvcliffo thanked members for
their splendid cooperation during
her two-year tern of office, and
opened the meeting with the
reading of the Epistle, prayer
for the parish, and the Lord's;
Prayer. Annual reports were read
by the Secretary, Mrs. Carnet
Stockwell, treasurer, Mrs, Hari
Dinsmore. Mrs. Bili O'Shea read
the report for the rectory com-
mittee. The following officers
were. elected for this year:
Hon. Pres„ Mrs. W. D. South-
gate Sr., Past Pres, Mrs. Car-
man Rowcliffe; Pres., Mrs, J. R.
Spittal; Vice Pres„ Mrs. Len
Ford; Sec., Mrs. A. E. Mogen-
ney; Treas., Mrs, Earl Dinsmore.
The rectory committee includes
Mrs. George McGavin, Mrs. Ed
Case and Mrs. Bill O'Shea,
The date for the annual bazaar
has been set for Nov. 21st.
Fatima meetings will be field
the second Wednesday of ench
month at 8 p.m, in the members'
homes, . The Feb, meeting is to
be a showyer for the apron booth,
and will be at the house of Mrs.
Elmer Lar one, Mrs, Harry Don -
Richton closed the meeting with
we buy --'3
old gold, silver
platinum jewellery
for substantially more than their face
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In the first niatah of a Seaforth
and Mitchell snooker tournament
held on Tuesday night at Norm
and Johnnies poolroom in Sea -
forth, Seaforth won fourteen
out of twenty-four games but
was ninety points behind. The
high scoring Seaforth team was
James Watson and Paul Ram
Mr. and Mrs, Scott Archibald
Somerville, Walton, Ont., wish to
announce the engagement of their
daughter Jane Marilyn to Mr.
John Chester Harvey, second son
of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Milton
Harvey, Exeter, Ont. The mar-
riage will take place on Saturday,
Feb. 10, at 3 p.m. in Cavan Unit-
ed Church, Winthrop.
On. Sunday in the various United Churches an inaugural
service was held for the new organization to be known as
The United Church Women. Below are -officers of some of
the local branches.
AT NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH—Left to right, front,
Mrs. J. C. Britton, Hon. Pres.; Mrs. Neil Bell, Pres.; Mrs.
Harold Connell. Vice Pres. Second row, Mrs. Cliff Broad -
foot, Treas.; Mrs. George Addison, Rec. Sec.; Mrs. Norman
Knight, Corresponding See.
CAVAN United Church Women: Front, from Ieft, Mrs.
Robt. MoKercher, President (Duff's), Mrs. A. Somerville,
Treas.; second row, Mrs. Geo. Case, President (Cavan) ;
Mrs. W. Church, Sec.; Mrs. C. Britton, Hon. Pres. Absent
were Mrs. Geo. Wheatley and Mrs. Eldin Kerr, Treas. and
Sec. respectively, of Duff's.
Mi' and Mia. Reg Lawson at � ,: I •: r�r a mv,. .u: 4,., O 1 ,... * €
SETHEL United Church Wonien: Mrs. :Norval Stilnore,.
tended the funeral of the late
Mr. Roberts at Clinton: last 11`eaS.; lVti'S, .Toho Burch,. President; Mrs, Stanley Mien,
Thursday. Secretary;