HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-01-04, Page 7Nat4o Gert Ile Art Of Self -Defense People come to learn judo for their own reasons, In Bruce Teg- ner's Judo -Karate School of Self -Defense in LOS Angeles, there is a priest who wants the exercise, a bank vice .president who was tired of feeling shy and insecure — and Is now the picture of self-confidence.—and a lab assistant whose co- ' workers, just for fun, had . been pushing his head into the chemi- cal vats each time they passed by. Across the country in similar schools charging three or tour •dollars an hour, an estimated 250,000 men and women, marieu- vering around the mats in the traditional loose robe s, are learning the ancient techniques of the Buddhist monks for toss- ing opponents into tailspins. Some months ago in Los Angeles, Mrs. Virgil Marks came marching into Tegners school at the head of a column of chil- dren. "This," she announced, "is the end." All five offspring had been coming home from school, bruised and battered — not only the four boys, but the 10 -year- old girl, too. After the sibling clan finished the seventeen- lesson course,, the mother com- mented: "They're certainly not•. what I would call experts, but. I'm sure they could defend themselves in most situations " •In New York, recently, a 26 - year -old construction worker ap- peared at Jerome Mackey's Judo, Inc., with ,a large pur- ple bruise on his tipper arm. "It was this fella I work with. I mean, he's going to a psychia- trist, but even so he just blows up, every now and then. He tried to gouge my eyes out last week. And now this, I mean, he bit me. So here I am." "They come," said Jerome Mackey, "thinking about self- defense. But often they learn to appreciate judo as an art. The better the judo man, the more docile he becomes — because he knows what he can do, and he doesn't have to prove it all the time. 'Judo' means 'the gentle art.' It's a modification of the old jujitsu techniques. There are jujitsu tricks, for example, that break a man's arm. But in judo, the trick is modified, so you can do it over and over again, with- out hurting your opponent . . unless you need to." Are there courses specifically icor self-defense in street fight- ing? "Let me put it this way, I could teach you a hundred tricks that you could use, but they'd only be as good as you are in applying them. In aconfronta- tion with a thug, you're likely to freeze. In judo contests, one simulates .that pressure in the studio, so you learn to think under stress. Judo is all applied physics. The Japanese can be devilishly clever, a n d they've worked to perfect these tech- niques for some two thousand years." There are fads and specialties in Oriental fighting methods; yawara (stick fighting), aikido (joint twisting), and karate (open hand and foot fighting), but it is judo which is themost general and generally applicable system. Mackey indicated a sign in Japanese which hung in a cor- ner. "It means maximum effici- ency, minimum effort, And it's a friendly sport. Look at those two men there. They're smiling!" The first Indian pipes and to- bacco in England were probably brought in by Sir John Hawkins when he returned from Florida in 1565. Q. Is there any way 1 can re- pair a hdle that has been burned into a leather -covered table top? A, You can sometimes hide $his by melting some candlewax of a matching color, pouring into the hole, and smoothing this out while it's still soft; INSIDE OUTER SPACE — What goes up will come down when a space capsule like the one above is fired 1,165 miles into space. Part of BIOS I, the first U.S. space project devoted almost entirely to, biological experiments, the G,E.-built capsule will be packed. with biological specimens to investi- gate the effects of space on living tissues. The capsule pro- tects the experiments during shock of re-entry. Art Treasure Found After 17 Years One of the longest and most intensive art searches in history came to a happy ending early last month. For on Oct. 6 there was dredged from the mud of Florence's Arno River the some- what battered head of a statue, which experts immediately rec- ognized as that of the famous Primavera (Spring), which had been lost since the German Army leveled part of the city on Aug. 4, 1944. Never, perhaps had there been so intense a world-wide search for a mere fragment of statu- ary. But the head of Primavera was something far from ordin- ary. Of the statues of the four seasons which adorned the beau- tiful Holy Trinity Bridge across the river, that of Spring was held by Florentines to be the finest. Thus there was city-wide mourn- ing when it was learned that Primavera's head was missing when the river bed was carefully gone over. Many recall the succession of thunderous explosions and. the crash of falling buildings, and, next morning, the desolation of the architectural glories of cen- turies lying in piles of smoking ruins, among them the 600 -year- old bridge. The four statues were set at the corners in 1608 for the mar- riage of Maria Maddalena of Austria with the Grand Duke Cosimo II. That of Primavera, by Pietro Francavilla, stood at the northern end of the bridge. The statue itself ultimately was found among the debris, the head and one arm hissing; and for long it was surmised that, unless shattered at the time,or lying deep in the river bed, the head had been carried off as a souvenir by one of ' the Allied soldiers to some remote part of the world. Tireless exploration was car- ried out in the river by divers and dredgers; inquiries pursued by diplomats, demobilized 'sol- diers, and police: a spectacular publicity campaign organized, with rewards offered throughout the world. Conspicuous in this was the Parker Pen. Company, which, its sympathies enlisted by its Florence agent, set its 35,000 representatives all over the globe at work in the search. Placards were put up practi- cally everywhere: "Have you seen this woman?" printed in English, German, Arabic, Japa- nese, Spanish, French, Hindu, a hundred languages, under the photograph of the head. "She is about 350 years old; color white marble; weighs 20 pounds. Three thousand dollars reward to whoever gives news of her." From Tibet to Patagonia, from A SNAIL'S PACE—Jonathan Burke, 7, registers delight with this new children's toy—an artificial snail. This spotted epi- tome of the take -it -easy school has a plastic shell in mother of pearl finish, o velvet' body -and leatherette underside, plus a rkish=ontennoe expression, the Fiji Islands to the Canaries; ' in Afghanistan and New Zealand, Canada and South Africa; from the Arctic snows to the equator- ial heats; by land and water, throughout the six continents, the placards appeared, the ap- peal was spread, abroad Over the radio and through the press, with a persistence, zeal and uni- versality perhaps never previous- ly devoted to any search. A11 this effort 'arose from the tenacious determination of the•` Florentines to recover, were it humanly pos- sible, that fragment of marble so familiar to them and their forebears through some. three - and -a -half centuries, and to have their beloved bridge restored to them "where is was and as it was," This determination led them, indeed, not only to insist oh every possible fragment of the original stone being recovered from the river arid utilized afresh, but also on all additional material needful being cut from the original quarry in the Bohai Gardens, and, even by means of the traditional methods and tools. And, when the reconstruct- ed bridgewas inaugurated three years ago, it appeared as a faith- ful replica of the original, save only that Primavera, restored to her place, was without her head. The idea of a substitute head had, assuredly, been considered, and, could a plaster cast have been discovered, one might well have been made by same skilled Florentine sculptor. Indeed, from Amiens came the • suggestion, from the Compte de Franque- ville, last descendant of the sculptor of the Primavera, that' this should be done. Those in favor . maintained that such a solution, proposed by Franca - villa's own descendant, might well be acceptable. But, despite search in the 'Florentine muse- ums and art institutes, and fur- ther search in collections of plaster casts in many European cities, none came to light; and the authorities decided against any new head for the statue. "Either," they decreed, "the old, or none." So, since the inauguration of the rebuilt bridge, the Prima- vera has held her place, headless, a tacit reminder of -tragic events, writes Dorothy Neville Lees in the Christian Science Monitor. Now, 17 years later; the head . has come to light, following operations for cleaning the river bed initiated by the Canoeists' Club of Florence. Tinaoteo Lucaroni of Piacenza, a workman operating a 'dredger, finding his machine involved with a hard mass, halted it, and, on investigation, found this to be a marble head, embedded some 385 feet down the river from the bridge. Save for his alertness, the head might have been crushed, and then carted away, with the stones and rubble destined for the foundations of a superhighway now under con- struction, Borne to the Piazza Vecchio ' and examined by experts in the presence of Professor Filippo Rossi, Superintendent of Galler- ies, and of Dr. Ugo Proceed, Superintendents of Monuments, the head was readily identified. Various signs and details con- firmed the verdict. Among these ,were traces where a new tip was applied to the nose in the 18th century, a bluish mark on one cheek', the notable sweetness and gentleness with' which Franca - villa had imbued the face, and other characteristics. To render identification yet mote sure, however, a plaster oast of the neck -fracture was taken, and, when applied to the neck of the statue, found to fit tightly, Florence is one of those uni- versal shies with which all the - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • AGENTS WANTED SALESMEN DEALERS AGENTS WAN- TED to sell. merchandise. Hundreds of outstanding ii os. For details, apply Box No, 242, 123 - 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. HUNDREDS of part-time agents want- ed, ono or more in every community, to handle sensational new ppatented winter sports item, SICEESTER, the ski•with-a-seat. Now ALL can SEER. Initial inventory as low as $60,00 will bring a small income with lot of fun. Please write for agency details giving your age. occupation, and bank or other business references, to SKEE•SPORTS, Box 171,. Postal Stn, B, Hamilton, Ont. world feels a sympathetic link, and what happened to it on that remote August night of 1944 stirred wide echoes of compas- sion and regret. But with courage and resili- ency the Florentines set them- selves, after the war, to restore and rebuild the shattered areas of their city, their towers, pal- aces, bridges, streets and stretch- es or riverside houses, and have successfully achieved their pur- pose; but the lack of those few pounds of marble which consti tuted the head of the Primavera, the uncertainty as to it fate, rankled. They preferred to look up, not down, when passing the corner of the Santa Trinta bridge, Now, however, that the head, little damaged by shattering ex- plosions and long immersion, has emerged from its water bed and will once more stand forth, crowning Franeavilla's statue, against the pearly tints of dawn, the azure of midday, the golden glow of sunset and the starry profundities of night, it seems that, for the Florentines, the war is really over. How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. How can 1 improvise a glue, when 1 have run out df the real thing in my house? A. Colorless fingernail polish makes a good substitute glue for most purposes. Q. Any suggestions for some "homemade" Christmas tree or- naments? A. You can fashion some very attractive tree ornaments from . burned -out light bulbs. Cover the bulbs with mucilage and then dip them into colored confetti or artificial snow. Q. How can I flatten the edge or corner of a linoleum rug that persists in bulging or curling up? A. Place a hot - water bottle filed with hot water over the bulged or curled area. When the linoleum is thoroughly warm, re- move the bottle and place a large book or flat weight over the spot until it has cooled, A stubborn spot will usually respond to this treatment. CHANGE YOUR LUCK I COME TO TORONTO SELL REAL ESTATE Age -Education No Barrier Many real estate men earn $8,500 *yea, and more selling -houses, apart- ment buildings, land and businesses. PETERS AND WILES LTD. REAL ESTATE BROKERS 8 Toronto Area Offices over 30,000 Properties Sold Immediately Require For 1961-62 Expansion 45 TRAINEE SALESMEN 27 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 5 SALES MANAGERS For details of qualifications, pay training programme, write — "EMPLOYMENT MANAGER" PETERS AND WILES LTD. 1190 WESTON ROAD TORONTO ONTARIO, s BABY CHICKS AND PQU61-TR.Y F,OIt early egg production Bray hes 848 week old Ames and other good vertotiea pullets available. Dayoltls hatched to order. Book your next lot of broilers now. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery,120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. THE SHAVER STARCROSS 588 layer is making a significant contribution to Canada's export trade and is now sold in 28 countries abroad. Achievements of Canadian agriculture are woll known abroad, and the profitable and reliable performance of SHAVER STARCROSS 288 is further adding to this reputa- tion. Perhaps you've not tried this -out- standing layer yet; this is a goad year to do so. There's an authorized Shaver distributor near you, or write for prices and catalog to Shaver Poultry Breed- ing Farms Ltd., Box 400G, Galt, Ontario, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR. SALE GENERAL store T thriving tourist and mining area. Full asking price $50,000. Down payment $30,000 to cover stock. Terms for balance. Fully equipped. Living quarters, 8-plece bath, 2 houses included, Tented. Write E. and L. Whyte, Gowganda, Ont., phone 1114. FURNACE,tinsmith, plumbing, hard. ware store, stock, new modern apart- ment, oil furnace, 830,000 complete, $15,000 down. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, Ontario. DOGS FOR SALE PUPPIES for sale West Highland White Terriers, registered, pedigreed, 3 months old. E. Dabbs, Sebringville, Ont. 393.6113. FARM HELP WANTED — MALE MARRIED man, fully experienced, cap. able of taking charge of herd, for year. round employment on dairy farm. Sep. orate livinguarters for small family. Heat, electricity, milk supplied. Apply stating wages and size of family, Mel - yin J. Baird, 11,5 3, Carp, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE Farm for sale, 300 acres of which 150 is hardwood bush and the balance till• able land and pasture. Goodhouse and other buildings. Well situated between Shawvtlle and Ladysmith, Ideal spot for summer home with good -hunting and fishing nearby. For further details contact Mr, Delmer Barber, Maryland Qh. ed free, asfth bec. This one advertisement ot e manys pbenefi s of THE ALLIED FARM SERVICES P.O, Box 1029 London, Ontario. 100 acres' 85 workable, choice land, fair buIriings, water supply, hydro, close to school and village, price $10,000, $3,000 cash, balance at 6%. 200 acres; 150 workable, 6 acres hard- wood, ard- ood bchoice spring u!ding,pice land,170$$,000 cash, balance at 6%. HOUSE in village; 7 rooms, double ga- rage, $3,500, terms, Chester R, Mills, Real Estate, Dundalk, Ont., phone 130W4. FLORIDA VACATION RESORTS DAYTONA BEACH, FLA, ATLANTIC SEASIDE COURT FOR ideal vacation, swimming, fishing and plenty of warm sunshine and. fun, Come to Florida. For information, write to Pauline and Joe McKay, 3119 South Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach, Florida. HELP WANTED FEMALE DIETICIAN REQUIRED immediately for 105 -bed hospital. 40 -hour week. Salary com- mensurate with qualifications and ex- perience, x- descpaid,nSt. An- drew's n- rw HostMidland, HORSES SHETLAND PONIES FILLIES and stud colts for sale, 5100.00 and up. Registered, best of blood lines. Blyth Acres Pony Farms, Blyth, On. tarso, Phones 140 and 191. INVESTMENTS S% GUARANTEED And secured. With no collection. inven. tory of management problems. Interest and principal quarterly. Call or write, Income Investments Ltd., 42 James N., Hamilton, JA. 7-4558. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching scalding and burning ecze- ma. acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1065 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO NATURE'S HELP — DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEURITIS. THOUSANDS PRAISING IT. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect ISSUE 48 — 1961 MUSIC -- RECORDS ATTPNTIONI Quartets, Groups, et Tog quality 45 RPM Records proeesse from your recording tapes, 5$78.00 p hundred, Scenic Records, 1615 I30000 Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN. 4p 8E A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloat' St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St W., Hamilton 72 Rideau- Street, Ottawa PERSONAL LOVERS n pos s - feGOD! QDnotJ - butHiref oteeor 1n confident hope. Write. Bible Truth Mill Sion, Box 011 Brantford, Ont. AUTHORS invited submit MSS all types (including ppoems) for book ppubll- tacobads Stockwell Ltd., (etd,10. IF you like to read join our Navel Club! information for self-addressed stamped envelope. Novel Club P.O. Box 420741., Bakersfield, California. HYGENIC RUBBER GOODS pparcell,,Dl guaranteed, andin seain x book free with trial assortment, 18 for. $1,00 (Finest quality) Western Dwstrlbu- fors, Box 34 -TPF, Regina, Sask. PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS EARN MONEY in your spare time! New homework Booklet, Make Money Sell- ing Big Mails," yours for 250 coin. Farmer, 210.0 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, New York. STAMPS FREE mint Africa set and 5 U S. cont- mems, ontimems., with approvals. Litho, Box 51, Canoga Park, Calif. 10 NUDES for 100 with 10 and 20. 89 - Box a618,n.Wrtghtstown,000A ,43 J, Vose, TRADE SCHOOLS ELECTRONICS Evening classes in radio, television color automation. Transistors and semi conductors. Visit or write Radio Elec. tr do !re GO. School, 725 Dundas„ Lo WELDING EQUIPMENT GodDodohsU CCondition, Very Reaonable.May be seen or picked up at Soltfleet Equipment, Belgraden Avenue, Stoney Creek. Norman 4.4401. WANTED — EGGS hchnges WANTED pe- aatiggwe on a yearly be- sis. Large premiume43,3at8ta ptice.Apoumbr 212 l NewApply, Ontario. LEARN WELDING NO TIME LIMIT Also Certificate Courses in SUPERVISION — INSPECTION QUALITY CONTROL A.R.C. SCHOOL OF WELDING 92 John St. N., Hamilton JA. 9-7427 JA. 7-9681 TRACTOR SPARES CHAINS, ROLLERS, SPROCKETS, IDLER, HARDWARE. SHELLS, BUSHINGS, PINS SHAFTS, SEALS, ALL MODEL TRACTORS. SPECIAL LOW PRICES, TERMS. LABCO EQUIPMENT LTD. 44 CHAUNCEY TORONTO 10 RO 6-2401 BE 1-2624 MERRY MENAGERIE :050O' II -25 "Remember the days when they at least gave you a sporting chance?" BREAKTHROUGH IN BERLIN —West Berlin customs guards examine an old -model auto- mobile which was riddled with 100 Communist bullets when five East Germans used it to *scope into West Berlin, The old flivver had been reinforced with steel plates.