HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-12-14, Page 5—syn.. , ^-- n'Ilkl. SIrA GR'1'H NEWS Thursday, Doeember 14, 1901 S"T'j'S SUPERIOR Food Market RICK'S SWEET MIXED PICKLES 32 oz barrel jar 417C CUT RITE WAXED PAPER 100 ft. roll box i 1 C HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP A 2 11 -oz bottles t SHREDDIES 23c 12% oz pkg TENDER LEAF TEA BAGS pkg of 60s S FANCY CHRISTMAS NUTS in shell 1 lb --49c 2 lb. 07l7 Garden Patch Choice Kernel 29e CORN 2 14 -oz tins MacINTOSH APPLES 3 lb 23c CALIFORNIA CELERY large stalk 23c Cello Pak Crisp Tender Radishes, pkg. 88 PHONE 12 WE DELIVER Branch 156, Royal Canadian' Legion Annual TURKEY BINGO Royal Canadian Legion Hall SEAFORTH SATURDAY December 16 Play commences at 830 p.m., sharp 19 GAMES 15 Luscious Christmas Turkeys Ready for the Oven Three Specials $15.00 1 SPECIAL $25.00 Admission $1.00 Extra Cards -- 25c Each or 5 for $1.00 Specials 15c, two 25c, 5 for .50; 11 for 1.00 TOWN TOPICS ,Andy Calder Jr., of Oornwallia, N,S„ is visiting at his home dere. On leis return he will ge to Hali- fax to join his ship in the Caned' Ian Navy on Dec. 28th. Winthrop Wires Home Opener Winthrop 'Warriors staged a strong third period; rally scoring six unanswered goals to defeat Blyth 9.6 in the first game of the WOAA Intermediate D schedule. The game was played in Seaforth on Monday night, Blyth led 4.2 at the end of the first period and 6-3 at the 01080 of the second pe- riod. Winthrop came on strong in the third period and scored six goals to win the game 9-6. Winston Powell led the Winth- rop attack with three goals; Jim Strong and Don MoOlure tallied two goals apiece with singles to Ray Powell and Ken Maloney.. Blyth goals were scored .py Knox, with two, singles by Deer, Radford, Bromley and Foster. The next Winthrop home game will be on Monday, Dec. 18 when Monkton will be the opposition. Winthrop line-up: Goal, H. Flynn; def„ A. Strong, W, Dol. mage; centre, J. Strong; r.w., W. Powell; 1.w., R. Powell; alt., D, McClure, K. McClure, G. Love, B. Elliott, F. Kelly, D. Riley, K, Maloney, L. Maloney, A. Murray. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE The Christmas meeting of the Friendship Circle of First Pres- byterian Church was heldin the church hall on Monday, Dec. 11. The president, Barbara Rivers, opened the meeting followed by a duet by Elizabeth Stewart and Julian Elliott. The minutes were read by Anne Carnochan and the treasurer's report given by Julia Ranson, It was agreed that the penny -a -day givings should be gi- ven to the. Ladies' Aid. The mis- sion project for this month is to buy gifts for five needy children. Marilyn Chesney and Anne Car- nochan were appointed as buying 'committee and instructed to pay I not less than three dollars per 'child. Members will also help in decorating the Sunday school for the concert. It was decided that the present executive would re- main in office for one more year and that future executives would have a two year term. The nursery for December will be in charge of Joyce Miller and Thelma Pattison. January lead- ers will be Donna Smith and Ruth Stewart. A message of thanks was received from Mrs. Elder for the farewell gift given to her. The January meeting will be at the home of Thelma Pattison. The worship service was open. ed with a prayer by Barbara Ri- vers. Sheila Morton read the Christmas story from Luke 2:1- 18. The topic was taken by Julia Ranson on a Christmas theme, The .meeting was closed with a prayer by Junene Flood. Ruth Stewart favored with several mu- sical selections while lunch was served. Northside United Church Worship 11 a.m. Jr. school Christmas Family Day during worship. Parents invited. Sr. Church School, 10 a.m. Christmas pot luck supper, Friday, Dec. 15th, 5.30 p.m. Car- ols, films. Organist, Mrs. J. A. Stewart; Choirmaster, Mr. J. A. Stewart. Minister, Rev. J. C. Britton, B.A. H ENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker and daughter were recent visit- ors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Pfaff, Brucefield. Miss Mary Dixon of Exeter vi- sited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Orr. Miss Geraldine Parker of Lon- don spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker. SPECIAL — NEW 1961 ENVOY STATION WAGON 1960 ENVOY SEDAN 1959 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1958 DODGE Hdtp. a.t. & r., 8 cyl 1957 CHEVROLET "8" COACH, AT&R 1953 FORD SEDAN, AT. 1965 CHEVROLET SEDAN DEL. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED 1.111.1111.111 Seaforth Motors Chevrolet Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541 ST. THOMAS W.A. St. Thomas WA met at the home of Miss D. Parke, Wednes- day, Dec. 6th with 13 member's present. Mrs. G. McGavin pre- sided. The meeting opened with a Christmas carol "While Shep- herds Watch Their Flocks By Night." Rev. Donaldson read the gospel, St. Matthew, 4th chap., 18th verse, for St. Andrew's Day. Mrs. MoGavin took the litany, members' prayer, prayer for the sick, Lord's prayer and prayer for, our prayer partner. Two thankyou cards were read out, one appreciation card and the Dorcas report. Miss Parke read the treasurer's report. Mrs. C. Coombs read last month's sec. report and Mrs. Case read _the social service report. Mrs. Mc - Gavin thanked Rev. Donaldson foi' the St. Andrew's Day service and reported that three of the six aprons for Mohawk were made. Mrs. Case gave report on sick and shut-ins, and was asked to see that they received treats at Christmas. A new chart is to be bought for the Little Helpers, Bulletins were given out, $25 was given to social service; $5 to the Anglican Woman's Train- ing College and $5 to Rev. G. Morrow, our prayer partner. The secretary's report was read; also annual treasurer's re- port and annual social service re- port, and Mrs. Netzke reported 32 taking Living Message. Rev. Donaldson took over the meet - ting at this point and the officers for 1962 were elected: Pres„ Mrs, MoGavin; Hon. Pres., Mrs. Donaldson and Miss Holmes; 1st vice, Mrs. W. O'Shea; Treasurer, Miss D. Parke; Sec., Mrs. C. Coombs; Dorcas Sec., Mrs. B. MacLean; Prayer Partner's sec., Mrs. Case; Living Message sec., Mrs. Netzke; Little Helpers, Mrs. Snowdon; Piano, Miss Anna Stewart; Study Book, Rev. Don- aldson; Historian, Miss Holmes, Meeting closed with benediction by Rev, Donaldson and a lovely lunch was served and a social time followed. THE LEGION CORNER Well friends, the Christmas so- cial is just about here and I have some important dates to tuck away in your memory book. This coming Saturday, Dec. 16, Jack Eisler is getting the hockey Reception For Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGowan (Leta Carter) FRIDAY, DEC. 15th Seaforth Community Centre featuring Harburn'e Orchestra Ladies please bring sandwiches Everyone welcome PETER CHRISTENSEN was one of the spectators at Fry Indust- ries open house. Mr, Christensen, with skills learned in Denmark, founded the constantly expanding Seaforth Sewer Tile firm here. Jim Sills is also pictured. started for all the young ones in the community 15 and under and registrations will take place at the memorial arena on Saturday morning, so parents kindly see that the young lads are there. This is one of the many commun- ity services that the Legion spon- sors and one in which we are quite proud of. This youth win- ter sports program has been looked after by the Legion for the past 15 years and is eagerly looked forward to each season by one and all. There will be a turkey bingo on Saturday night at the Legion auditorium, so here's your last chance to pick up your Christmas bird at a bingo. Now to carry on from Saturday nite, through Sunday the Legion is holding its annual Christmas party for the veterans' kiddies on Sunday afternoon starting at 2.30 pm. There will be gifts for all the young fry and a concert for the enjoyment of all. So in closing keep the above dates in mind. Idockey registration for boys 15 and under, Sat, Dec. 16. Turkey bingo, Legion auditor- ium, Sat. night, Dec. 16th. Santa Claus concert on Sunday at Legion hall, Dec. 17. But let's part with a thought for the departed ones. At the go- ing down of the sun and in the morning we shall remember them. ST. COLUMBAN Fire completely destroyed the barn on the farm of Herman Klaver, three miles east of Sea- forth- :qn Highway 8, on Monday forenoon. About 50 pigs and some calves perished, also a tractor and the hay and'grain were burned. The Seaforth fire brigade responded to a call but the fire was too far advanced. The loss is partly covered by in- surance, The cause of the fire is not known. Miss Nell Doyle, London, with Ted Doyle, Miss Noreen Dalton, Brantford, with NIr. and Mrs. Maurice Dal - lair, Mre. Adrian P100, Mr. and Mfrs, (Ronald Plue and family, and John Prue, Trenton, with Mr. John De- aney and ]9 i', and Mr's, Stove Murray. Leonard Maloney, Misses Ilol. en end Anne Maloney, Klee Rite, ICennedY, Miss Cleo Bowman, Miss JoanCoyne, Miss Anne Morris, Miss Noreen McMillan, London, Miss Catharine Ryan, of Waterloo, Mies Mary Cronin, of Kitchener, at their homes here, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Feeney, Kit- choner',, with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Feeney. At the turkey bingo held in St,. Columban parish hall on Friday evening the following were win- ners: Mrs. W. Burns, Seaforth; Mrs. Joseph Eckert Sr, R 1, Dub. lin; Mrs. Hubert, Johnston, R 2, Walton; Danny Cronin, St. Col- umban; Mrs. Earl Dick, Cromar- ty; Leonard O'Rourke, R 4, Sea - forth; Henry I{laver, Clinton; Tom Murray R 5, Seaforth; Lor- etta Murray R 5, Seaforth; Mrs, Alex. Riley, Londesboro; Harvey Kennedy, Loudesboro; Mrs. Me. Kay, Seaforth; Michael Lane, R 5, Seaforth; Mrs. John Murphy, 11 4, Seaforth. Special games at $15 each were won by Harvey Kenney, Mrs, Michael Doyle, R 1, Staffa, Jerome Kelly, Kinkora, Mrs, Stephen Murray won the Share the Wealth game, Door .prizes went to Mrs. Auguste Du- charme, Mrs, J. F. Ryan, Ivan Querengesser, Ronald Ryan, Mrs. Walter Carpenter. A Christmas cake was won by Mrs. Alex. Riley, Londeaboro, Consolation prizes were given to Mrs. Ronald McDonald (2); Mrs. Hubert Johnson, Mrs, 3, J. Lane, Mrs. Ferg. McKellar, Billy Murray, Michael Johnson, Mrs. August Ducharme, Mrs. Wilfred O'- Rourke. STAFFA A family dinner was held re- cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mahaffy, Mitchell, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Barbour, Staffa, on their 26th wedding anniversary. They have a family of three daughters, Hel- en, Mrs. Ronald, Pinder, Staffa; Mary, Mrs. Larry Robinson, Mit- chell; Sandra, at home, and two grandsons, Stephen Pinder and Jeffery Robinson. During the ev- ening they were presented with a platform rocker from the sis- ters. and brothers, an electric clock from the nieces and neph- ews and an electric fry pan from the family. On November 14th, 1935, at the home of the bride, Rev, R. N. Stewart united in mar- riage Jean Mahaffy, daughter of Mrs. Wilbur Mahaffy and the late Wilbur Mahaffy, and Alvin Bar- bour, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barbour. Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mrs, Gerald Agar, representing Staffa Women's Institute, attended the local leaders training school in Stratford on Dec. 5 and 6. The county project this year is "143 Pounds of meat" Mrs. Ernest Templeman called on Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan, Egmondville, on Wednesday aft- ernoon. The occasion was Mr, and Mrs. McLachlan's 50th wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman attended the curlers Christmas party at Exeter Curling rink on Saturday evening, Karen Joyce, daughter of NIr. and Mrs. John Miller, and Terry James, son of Mr. and Mrs, John 0.11"1„1,11111111( I11111111,111,n1111I111111111 U1,111111A11n111,1,,,,1„11111„1„1111, 4 1 4III,1I,1111111111111n11,1111111A1111111,` 1 4 GIFTS For all members of the Family and for all occasions XMAS DECORATIONS Xmas Lighting Sets and Lights for indoors and Outdoors from 2,30 to 5.90 CHRISTMAS. CARDS Boxed cards - 490, 79c, $1, $1.25 and $1,50 Xmas cards -- 2 for 5c, 5c, 10c, 15c. Xmas cards suitable for every member of the family, 10c, 15c and 25c WRAPPINGS 10c 25c 79c and $1 Check our values in Xmas wrappings, ribbons and bows STATIONERY GIFTS BOXED STATIONERY - 49c, 79c, $1, $1.25 and $1.49 BOXED GIFT SETS - Boxed Bridge sets $2.98 and $3.98 Boxed Pillow Cases -- $1.49. to $2.98 Boxed Towel sets -- $1.49, $1.98 and $2,29 Table Decorations Lace Table Cloths $4.58 $6.98 and $8.98 Xmas Serviettes 25c 29c and 49c Table Covers and Sets,r 59c and 79c Xmas Crackers 49c, 89c & $1.19 BOOKS STORIES AND PAINT Toys and Dolls LADIES LINGERIE, HOSIERY, SCARVES LADIES CAR COATS, SNOW SUITS Games and Paint by Numbers LARONE'S SEAFORTFI 5c to $1.00 STORE STATIONERY -- GIFTS I1,nI1111u1111 p1111uu111111111111111111,111111,,,,,ulll,,,1.00,uu1111uu111111111111111,111"1111111111111111uuu1111111 0, Templeman, were among the ba- bies baptized at Cromarty Pres- byterian Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Binning and family, Mitchell, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mil- ler and family. SS No. 4, Hibbert, held their Christmas concert in the school house on Friday night. Program was under the direction of their school teacher, Miss Anderson, and their music teacher, Mrs. H. Sturgis, Exeter, and consisted of songs, recitations, dialogues and drills by the pupils. Santa arriv- ed and unloaded the tree at the close. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Mahaffy and Mrs. Wilbur Mahaffy visited on Sunday evening with Miss Marg- aret and James Miller. HENSALL Winners of Christmas cakes on tickets sold by the local Kin- ettes were Mrs. (Dr.) Doug. Mc- Kelvie, Sussex, and Mrs. Charles Farquhar, Hensall. The draw was made on Saturday evening. Mrs. Wnr. Mickle and Mrs. Ross Jinks were responsible for making the cakes. mos Traditwit "w+ 1.6 @-' • c'-' 9.6L'' W ^ ' WQ30-1-oma HIJINDREDS OF WONDERFUL GIFTS Ideas galore and more in store! Smokers Bon Bon Stands Tri -Lights Table Lamps Bed Lamps Boudoir Lamps Pin -Up Lamps Pictures Rest Rocker Occasional Chairs Hassock Hamper Electric Blankets Lamp Tables Coffee Tables Cocktail Tables End Tables Mirrors Bed Spreads Lamp Shades ,11";111111111111111111111,11,1„111111111„1111111111,111111111111111111111,1111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Chairs Top Ss. x ta's Gift List 1111111,1111111,11111111111111111,111 ,1111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111„1111111111111,1111111111111111111111h Waffle Irons Grills Electric Clocks Heating Pads Special this week—a small wooden, Irons Electric Coffee Makers planter box 1111111111111111111111,11111,111111111,11111111111,111111111111111111111111111111,1,11111111111111,111,11111111111111111111111 REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC STOVES T -V & RA.DIOS FREEZERS PHONE 43 BOX FURNITURE SEAFORTH w 4 4 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 i 1 1 t 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 1