HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-12-14, Page 4WALTON Mr, and Mrs.. Ronald 'Swath of 'Clinton spent Sunday with the. former's,. parents, Mr, . and Mrs. :Tina Smith, J Miss Maria Made of Wings ham visited over the Week end with her parents, Mr, and MrS, Normals Schede,. r'i'he 1)ecenrber' meeting bl l� o(nelr's Institute will be held in the corrnnunity Ball, Thursday ev- ening, i)ee, 14th. with the -follow- ing directors in charge; Mrs,.S. Hnnrphries, Mrs. P. Nicuonald, Mrs. F. Walters, Mrs. 11011 Ben- nett. Roll gall to be answered with a donation for retarded chic- dren in Wingiram, Prizes will be donated for best three pieces of shortbread, An exchange of gifts will be held. Hostesses for the evening, Bit's. G. Corlett, Mrs. G, Williarnaon, Mrs. H. 1Viliianlson, Mrs, 11• Williamson, Mrs. H. Craig. WMS and WA About 30 members or the WA and WMS met in the Sunday school room of the church at 2 Pm on Dec, 7th for a combined Christmas meeting. WMS bust- ness was presided over by Mrs. D. Watson. Mrs. T. Dundas gave the sec, report and roll call, Mrs. W. Turnbull gave the treas. re- port. Mrs. 0. Martin reported on the bale for spring, six pairs of stockings, three girls and three boys are needed, Mrs. W. Bewley spoke on behalf of the Mission Band and thanked the WMS for their continued support, The white gifts for this year are to go to an Indian school in Alberta. Mrs. John McDonald had a read- ing on Stewardship, It was sug• gested that the Red Cross sew- ing be left for the WI to carry on, Mrs. C. Ritchie read a story, Mrs, W. Broadfoot asked for all used stamps and a small margin to be left on. Mrs. E. Mitchell express- ed thanks to Mrs, Watson for her services as president. Mrs. N. Reid presided for the WA. Mrs. Ron Bennett read the secretary's report and thank -you cards. The WA is to sponsor the United Church Observer for ev- ery member plan for 1902, A donation was made to Westmin- ster College. Mrs. A. Coutts gave the treasurer's report. Mrs, H. Smalldon sang "Star of the East" accompanied by Mrs. M. Baan. Taking part in the Christmas story were Mrs. D. Watson, Mrs. N. Schade, Mrs, K. McDonald, Mrs. A. Anderson, Mrs, J. Mc- Donald, Mrs. C. Martin, Mrs, Ed Bryans, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Mrs. C, Wey. Mrs. G. McGavin gave a short history of Silent Night and 0 Little Town of Be- thlehem, These hymns were sung and Mrs, A. McDonald gave a reading. Mrs. Reid pronounced the benediction and lunch was served by the executive. Mrs. Ed Bryans poured tea. White Glft Service The white gift service was held last Sunday morning in the Sun- day school room with Eric Wil- liamson in charge and three girls, Sherrill Craig, Nellie Baan and Carol Wilbee playing the hymns. Scripture reading was taken by Karen Coutts, Karen McDonald led in prayer. The leader; Mrs. W, Bewley, talked about God's gift to everybody and the Wise Men's gifts to Jesus and how they were used. The gifts and offerings were laid in front of the worship centre which show- ed the nativity steno decorated. with evergreens and lights. 'Gifts of 11ew .and used clothing are to so sent to Indian hospital et told Labe, Alberta. Mrs, Bewley (led, Jested offering with prayer, 'Ilrn trate, report was given by Brnee Clark and the minutes read by Jack McCall, Next meeting the following children will take part, piano,.'Glenua Houston, prayer Biay f'ellinga; scripture, Gerald 11nan. Instituto Entertains On Dec. 6111 the members of Walton 11'onren's Institute enter- tained the residents of Huron - view County Home, Clinton, and presented birthday gifts to those having birthdays in December, Taking part in the program were Mrs. Harold McCallum and Mrs.. Harold Smalldon, conic duet; Mrs, Jan Van Vliet, solos; read- ing, Mrs, Gordon McGavin; chor- uses, rhythm band, Mrs, Harvey Craig, Mrs, H. Smalldon, Mrs, H, McCallum, Mrs, Wm. Humphries, Mrs, Stewart Humphries, Mrs. D. Ennis, Mrs. E. Stevens, Mrs. II, Travis, Mrs, J. VaoVliet; duets by Ml's, H. Travis and Mrs, E, Mitchell with violin accompani- ment by Mrs, Mitchell, Mrs. G. McGavin was mistress of cere- monies, Arrangements were in charge of Mrs. H, Smalldon, Ws. P. McDonald, Mrs. Les Oliver, Mrs. W. Shortreed, Mrs. Rae Huether. Lunch was served by the Walton group during which a beautiful birthday cake was displayed and later served. A vesper service put on by the CGIT and YPU of Duff's United Church will be held in the church Sunday evening, Dec, 17, at $ p.m, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Maier of London spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, David Watson. Mr. Ken Ryan has been trans- ferred from the Beaver Lumber Co, office at Merlin to Sutton. He visited with his parents on Sunday entente to central Ontar- io -where he commenced work on Monday. the service at 2 p.m,, Friday, at the Ball and lylatelt funeral home, Clinton, .Burial will he in llaird's cemetery. BRODHAQEN The niontltly meeting of the United Lutheran Miura Wonren of St. Peter's Ltitheratl Church was held with a good attendance, Airs, Reuben •Buuek, Mr's. Irvin Miler, Mrs. Lena Bernewies , Mrs. Reuben Rapieu- and Mrs. G, stock were on devotions and top- ic. They chose for it the Ciirist- mas story, Mrs, Reck read a po- em, Mrs, 15x. Beuer•inau, presld. ent, presided for the business; :vita. R. Sholdice took roll call which was answered with a Kippen East Institute Euchre - Dance and draw on Christmas Cakes FRIDAY, DEC. 15 - 8.30 HENSALL ARENA Lucky Lunch Prize Stanley Farmer Is Killed in Collision Walter Moffat, 66, of the 3rd concession of Stanley township, NN as killed Tuesday in a two - truck collision at the Baird's school; John Moffat, 20 -year-old son of the victim, suffered shock and a knee injury. He. is in Clinton hos- pital, Dwight Williams, 17, of Clin- ton, driver of a Williams bakery truck, was treated for lacerations and released. Mrs. Arnold Taylor, teacher of the school, a neighbor and dist- ant relative of Mr. Moffat, was first to arrive on the scene. The three men were unconsci- ous nconsci ous and Mrs. Taylor sent some of her older students to a neighbor's house to telephone for an ambu- lance and police. The mishap oc- curred about. 10.30 a.m. Dr. F. G. Thompson, Clinton, Huron county coroner, has called an inquest. John Moffat was driving a half ton pickup truck owned by his father, taking pigs to Clinton. Dwight Williams was driving a panel delivery truck. Police. said the accident occurr- ed on a gravel road. It was rain- ing at the time. Mrs. Taylor closed the school for the day after the accident. Born in Stanley township, Mr. Moffat farmed in the area all his life, An elder of Brucefield Unit- ed Church, he was a member of Brucefield Oddfellows Lodge. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Anna Fisher; a son, John; a daughter, Mrs. James (Lois) Streifier, Downie, California, and one grandchild. Rev. A. H. Johnston, of Bruce 1962 CAR 1\SCR.\CE RATES RE IN SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT AT JOIN A. CA'si ' N Insurance Agency Complete Coverage; in Leading Canadian. Companies SEE OUR AUTO PACKAGE POLICY Includes 136000 DEATH AND DISABILITY INSURANCE PLUS WEEKLY INDEMNITY. BENEFITS BEFORE YOU RENEW IN SIXTY-TWO SEE JIIIN A� C l RI) I1.S r0.4 nee Agenev T NORTH MAIN ST. SEAFORTTI PHONE 214 Cluisturas ':navel and gave the treasurer's report. Mrs: C. hock read the secretary's report Flo- wers 'tiro being bought by the gr'oulr for the altar at Christn?as. Some shut-ins will be remember - cd with gate, ,MiSakai Money was reported by. iffy$. Harold Kook and tbankot'fering boxes wore re• cawed, Quilt tops will be donat• ed for the girls, dormitory at Wa- terloo ColleA'o, Birthdays were reported by Ml's, Louise Benne- wies,Mrs, Gee. Mogk and Mrs. R. Sholdice, A Christmas carol was sung in their honor. Lunch was served by Mrs, Orland Rob, rev, Mr's. Ed Soherbsrtli,Ed- win Scherbarth, Mrs. 11. Sholdiee, Mrs. Minnie Vock, Mrs. Laverne Wolfe. a /'rile W GET READY FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS "t FLANNERY CLEANERS phone 87 • HENSAL4, John tikes), was sleeted presid• cut of the liensall branch of the Royal' Canadian Legion, succeed- ing James Clark. Other officers; first vice president, Willner Dal- rymple; second vice sires„ Jack Simmons; sergeant at arms, E. R, Davis; executive, Garnet Al- lan, Bryan Kyle, Don Havens and Stan Koolau). A donation of 316 was voted to the Girl Guides for their came of the cenotaph. Joust installation of the Leg- ion and auxiliary officers will be held on Jan, 3rd. l'HE SRAh'0W1'R NEWS (Phone LOSS PLACED AT . $12,901) Fire :Chief John F. Scott esti- mated the loss at $12,000 in the II, Itlevel' bald} tire at St. Cgluul• ban. Eight milking col'awere saved. ' 84) ---Thursday, Deceniboi' 14, 1901. Turkeys FOR OIIRISTMA.S OVEN READY Freshly Milled on order KEN BEATTIE Phone 834116. Holiday Dance Featuring AL CHU :HID � ntl hie Golden Prairie Cowboys Wed', Dec, 27 Legion Hall, Seaforth Admission only 75e. Spot dances Draw for transistor radio Sponsored by Seaforth Jbulor Farmers REMINDER Tlie second installment of Town of 'Seaforth property and business tax for 1961 is due and ,payable at the 'Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce on Friday, December 15, 1961 C. LYLE HAMMOND Clerk -Treasurer '7:$3995 • DIAMOND' BREAM "A" - Exquisitely ccrved ehd- • pieces hold two shimmer- • ing diamonds: 13' jewels:' • In-yelloiv or while.. $5950 RHAPSODY t ' Half .moon '.I'm kS;rkiaceler spirals aroundwepr:pretty - wrist, sets' off n tiny circle ;.•of a case..23 jewels. $3975' ,SENATOR ' Th .. .executive look -top level in 'performance but -not In ,: price; 17 -jewel'. movement, shock -resistant. •fIR57 LADY r yracefvlk' morquse ihape r23 jewels Un • - ISFealrable mainspring In . yellgw o,' whjte'• $4950 CANADIAN CLIPPER — Handsome, rugged, . 4'I g; cern ed waterproof.: i shock-resistant: r®,, N� Oil ,o� le y1 - r .f'�950 1 DIAMOND -LA IQOITE- di4 Ila ring The diamraondsance highof lights), this ,stunning. 23, • jewel ex1an6ibn bracelet .,'''•lI wattb. YOUR C6e?e' 2 GREAT 17 JEWEL' BULOVA VALUES only For him the SURF KING -17 Jewels • Wateiproof* • Shock- resistant • Lifetime Unbreak- able Mainspring • Famous Bulova Quality and Crafts- manship. For her the ELIZABETH -17' Jewels • Shock -resistant • Life- time Unbreakable Mainspring •Modern youthful styling • Bulova precision quality throughout. SE4a KIISG' R,jj by pr,f)ejldq5n5fi0Iis5 � !0�'k'WtJlell3r $ii. ¢ufot,�a,, �" il>:'r ,"6oRtlso�e rxpatf's1ah. band;,llOJep 3iictina.ftti lli : an}ii-magridtic, shod( yetis• telif, j ' Jeytiols,' Iumin4UJ hands and. VA Jewellery, Fine China, Gifts Seaforth