HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-11-30, Page 4TUC}SERSMITH NOMINATION Camtineed from Page 1 to two years instead of three on back taxes,. In three years some tax bills ran to over $1,000 and etre hard to pay up, Arthur Varlet',' couneilior, told the meeting 7,000 cattle had been tr•eatod with warble fly sprat. }Io said the prepayment Of taxes had been very small. There are 700 ratepayers in the township. It had been intended to help wage earners Co pay something each month. Mr, Varlet' said he would be willing to serve another term on council, He suggested if another councillor was needed, the rate- payers should get some one from. the south end as they had no re- presentative. Irvin Sillery said his nomina- tion was a surprise. He was will- ing to serve on council, Ross Forrest, reporting for the school area board, told the meet- ing that he did not favor the idea of a central school for the area, h l i good h McCQWAN - QARTER friend,Mrs. J. IC, Corniah,. Tire marriage took place in Mr. and Mrs. Cornish celebrat- North Side United. Church, on .ed their 42nd wedding anniver- Nov. 18th at 2.80 pm of John i nary on Sunday at a family din - Louis McOowfn and Leta hazel nor at the hotel at Zurich. Carter. The groom is the atm of. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan. STAFFA Seaforth RR 1, and the bride is David Kemp, a student at the the daughter of Mr, Russell. Car- Stratford Teachers', College, tan - ter and the late NR's. Carter, of gilt in. Guelph last week, then Seaforth, Rev. J. C. Britton offtc- spent the week end at his home. fated. Eric Norris, from OAC, Guelph, The bridesmaids were Nays spent the week end with his' par. McGowan, sister of the groom, ants, Mr, and Mrs. S. Norris. and Mrs. Murray Carter, 196 Sunday visitors at the J. Tem, Brunswick St., Stihtford, and pleman home were Mr. and Mrs. maid of honor was Mrs. Wm, Kenneth Hun, Shirley, Janice Bolton, Stratford, sister of the and Graham,' Exeter, and Miss bride. Bob McCowan, brother of Margaret and James Miller, of the groom, was best man. Ushers Staiea, wore Peter McCowan, brother of Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Miller the groom, and Murray Carter, and family, Munro, visited with Stratford, brother of the bride. Ma and Mrs. Leslie. Miller and The bride wore a floor length family. gown in Brussels lace and nylon Mr. and Mrs. JimNorris and net, fitted bodice, sabrine nook family, Brampton, visited recent line, long lily point sleeves, full ly with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris bouffant skirt with front lace and family, panelling with tiered back effect, Mrs, Ernest Templeman is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole and family, Cromarty. Lorne Yeo and Hamsel. Peddon from Assinibola, Sask., flew to the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto and visited for a couple of days with Mr. Yeo's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman. The schools are n shape with bridal silk hoop and a Linger yeti should last for another tori tip veil, carried white Bible with years. streamers. For travelling the Cleave Coombs, vice chairman bride wore a mink brown woollen of the property area board, review- dress accessor- improvements during the year. beige and mauve ed the maintenance and les and corsage of Golden Chalice George Falconer, representa- tive to Clinton collegiate, told the meeting he thought the high school board representatives roses. The matron of honor wore a street length dress of gold peau de soie, featuring a fitted waist, should be paid at least as much Cull skirt and a head piece of VARNA as councillors, gold peau de soie and veiling, Nominations received at the gloves and shoes in matching nomination meeting for Tucker- shades of gold and carried a bou- smith at the town hall on Mon, gnat of large yellow mums. day: the bridesmaids' dresses were For Reeve: Elgin Thonrirson, of moss green peau de sole made by Gordon Elliott, Russell Dallas, identical to that of the maid of Ivan Forsyth, by Charles Eyre, honor with matching head pieces, Robert Gemmell; Frank Falcon- gloves and shoes in green and er, by Ernie Crich, Howard E. also carried large yellow mums Johns, with veiling. For Council: I Organist was Mrs. J. A. Stew - Victor Lee, by Alex, Boyes, art and Mrs. Neil Bell sang "0 Clair Haney; Arthur Varley, by Perfect Love" and "Wedding Wilmer Broadfoot, Robert Gain- Prayer." mall; Elgin Thompson, by Verne The wedding dinner was eer. Aiderdice, Ernest Whitehouse; ed at the community centre.' Irvin Sillery, by Mervin Falcon- Guests from a distance were er, W. D. Wilson,from Blyth, Clinton, Auburn, Trustees for Area: 'Stratford, Toronto, Peterboro, Jack Patrick, by Wilmer Broad- also Seaforth, Egmondville and foot, Charles Eyre; Vern Alder- Exeter. After a wedding trip to dice, by Ernest Whitehouse, Wil- Northern Ontario Mr. and Mrs. McCowan will live at Seaforth, mer Broadfoot, Tracy Carter of Egmondville, SEAFORTH NOMINATIONS !niece of the bride, was flower Continued from Page 1 ; girl, wearing a white nylon dress, Seaforth nominations:white head piece and gloves and For council: Icarried a nosegay of yellow baby Neil Bell, by F. C. 3. Sills and mums, The ring bearer was Dan - Wm, O'Shea; Ken Willis, by N. of the terideegThe .bride's seaunt, hew Boll and G. Hildebrand; Thorpe Ili/Ira. Wm. Dodds of Auburn, re - Rivers by C. Dalton and Peter I calved the guests, wearing a Dunlop; Nelson Cardno, by Ross "fitted mink brown dress of nylon Savauge and Wm. N. Ball; John lace top and skirt of crepe with Flannery, by Jas. Stewart and bodice of rayon taffeta lined. Her J. A. Cardno; George Hildebrand I corsage was of pink Chalice by John Lansing and Gus John -roses and beige accessories. She was assisted by the groom's ma WRAP UP YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST EARLY Plan to mail out-of- town cards FIRST CLASS. Preferential handling sbrts them first, sends them by air, even corrects wrong addresses. ■ Buy stamps now. Ask for them In sanitary cellophane- wrapped dollar packs. •Check address list, IncludePostalZone Numbers, and return address. ■ Tie out-of-town and local mall in separate bundles. Attach Post Office labels. ■Wrap parcels well. Put return address outside and inside. Weigh at Post Office. ■ Mail Farly. Remember, December 17 is the last date for local delivery Beginning next Sunday, Dec. 3 the service in the United Church will start at 2 pm. for the next four months. Mr. and Mrs, Pepper of Sud- bury and Mr• and Mrs. Stephen- son of Sarnia were guests at the home of Mrs. L, Stephenson over the week end. The choir of the Anglican Church, Seaforth, are putting on a minstrel show in the township hall on Friday evening, Dec. 1st under the sponsorship of the WA of the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Don Barker and family of King City visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClymont, The United Church Sunday school are planning to hold their Christmas concert on Friday, Dec. 22nd. WINTHROP You are reminded of the White h r Gift service in Cavan (Aura, clr, Winthrop, Friday evening, Dee, let, at 8,10, Everyone welcome. The WOOS and WA of Cavan, Winthrop, will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 2 p.m, The secretaries are asked to bring their reports to this meeting, Circle 2 will be in charge of the lunch and Circle $ for the program, HULLETT Acclamations were the order of the day in the community hall, Londesboro, at the Hullett nom- inations on Nov. 24. The only candidates nominated for the po- sitions of reeve and four coun- cillors were the incumbent of- ficials, who all qualified and were declared elected by accla- mation, Reeve: Tont Leiper, by Win. Govier and Chris Kennedy. Councillors: Hugh Flynn, by Harvey Wells and Harvey Hun- ther wearing a sheath of navy king. Jim McEwing, by Bert blue silk with muted tones of Beacom and. -John Riley. Clare gold, matching fitted jacket, gold Vincent, by Lloyd Pipe and Jos. accessories and a corsage of yel- Yungblut. Don Buchanan, by low Chalice roses. The groom's William Jewitt and Ross Mac - grandmother, Mrs. George Eaton, wore a two piece navy printed silk with magenta accessories and a corsage of white mums, son; Carl Dalton, by John Byer. man and Secord NIcBr•ien; John Turnbull by A. Y. McLean and Ross Savnuge; Harvey Beuer- man by Barney Hildebrand and T. Wilbee; Angus McLean, by Jas. A. Stewart and Wm. Teall. For Reeve—William Ball, by J. S. Pattison and F. C. J, Sills; Carl Dalton, by J. McConnell and Win. Flood. For Mayor -Edmund Daly, by Ross Savauge and N. C. Cardno. . For P.U.C.—R. S. Habkirk, by G. Hildebrand and T. Wilbee; Frank Kling, by Ross Savauge and A. Y. McLean, For Public School Trustee: William Hodgert, (E. Ward), by W. Teall, Mrs. Sillery; J. Ken- neth Willis (S. Ward), by John Turnbull and F. Willis; John Longstaff (N. Ward), by Ross Savauge and Wm. Ball. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan spent the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allan. Mr. and Mrs. George Hender- son left on Sunday for Florida where they will spend the win- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Ross and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. It, Hastings, Wingham. Mrs. C. Ham and Miss M. Swan visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Swan in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson of London visited with friends in Brucefield and Clinton Sunday. Tuesday, Dec, 5th will be the last meeting of the Woman's As- sociation of Brucefield United Church, when a Christmas party will be held and exchange of gifts, Home Helpers are invited. The CGIT girls and their .lead- ers held a successful tea at the home of Mrs. H. Berry on Satur- day when over fifty ladies atten- ded. The girls sold candy, cook- ies and Christmas novelties and realized over $50. Mrs, Harry Morend, Sarnia, vi- sited over the week end with her Reception For Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Murray (Rosemarie Feeney) at Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, DEC. 1st Norrie Orchestra Everyone welcome Turkeys FOR CHRISTMAS OVEN READY Freshly killed on order KEN BEATTIE Phone 334R6 HULLETT On. Nov, 27, nine adults of the Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Carter for fourth night review of former subjects, The broadcast was particularly interesting, Es- pecial attention was given to the best reply from the forums, This year they are doing it quite dif- Gregor. William Jewitt was chairman for the meeting. The treasurer's report showed receipts Jan. to Nov. 1961, were $163,431.36 and disbursements $146,327.98. Road Supt. Leonard Caldwell said the big item was the Quig- ley concrete bridge, lot 19, con. 6 and 7, at approximate cost of $50,000. Road expenditure Jan. to Nov. 1961, was $47,822.39. Mentioned were the advisabil- ity of biennial elections and the placing of a limit to the amount of money that could be claimed for damage done by dogs to sheep. At the present time there is a limit on claims for damage done to poultry of $1000, but there is no limit placed on sheep or cattle and as there are some large flocks of sheep in the muni- cipality now, it could be disas- trous to have an unlimited claim for damage. Oliver Anderson, township re- presentative for Seaforth high,i school, gave a financial report. Robert Thompson, Clinton rep. said the new vocational school at I Clinton is a large project, cost approximately. $1,500,000 to build and equip, borne by the federal and provincial governments and then will be maintained by the , district after construction. Mr. Craig is the Goderich rep. but he could not attend. NORTH McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glanville and family of Crediton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old McCallum and family. Mrs. Joseph Thornton is a pa- tient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mrs. Jennie Thornton, widow of Martin Thornton, died Monday in London at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John P. (Eliza- beth) Ellacott, in her 81st year. Mrs. Thornton was born near Seaforth, a daughter of the late Mr.. and Mrs. James Ritchie. She lived in Brussels for several years before moving to London to live with her daughter. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Ellacott; five sons, George, Brus- sels; Thos., Clifford and Louis, London; Cecil, RR 5, Stratford; a sister, Mrs. Alex, (Florence) Russell, Brussels; a brother, Louis Storey, Wingham; (Mrs. Thornton's mother married twice), 13 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. The body rested at the D. A. Rana funeral home, Brussels. On Wednesday afternoon Rev. H, L, Jennings of St. John's Anglican Church, Brus- sels, conducted the funeral ser- vice, Interment was in Brussels cemetery, SNOW QUEENS Winners of the Snow Queen contest were: Brenda Houston, Snow Queen. Attendants are El- izabeth Stewart and Betty Dol - mage. HELP WANTED Female part time help wanted. Apply to UDPO, Seaforth, Phone 18. Covent. They are getting a great many extra replies and eminent from the menrbors. Mrs.. Howatt invited the grohap, for next week, FEDERATION NEWS By J. C, Hemingway . On November 21st members of "'Fame" (Farmers' Allied Meat Enterprises Co -Operative) held their annual meeting. Attendance far exceeded the hopes of your Board of Directors and since there were no expenses allowed by the Ontario organization it was indicative of the genuine, serious concern that livestock producers have in the marketing of their product. This is really a battle between. the power of people and money and dollars are very obedient to their master•. • That the situation is :'serious THE SHAFOR'!`H NEWS (Phone 84)—Thursday, November 10, 1961 was brought to us forcefully by t the guest speaker, tet, Mr , Cron or Lee Staley, fres, of the National Far- mers Organization of United States, lie told us of conditions in his country and we can com- pare his statements to our sitlla• tion. ST. JAMES' C.W.L. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Bazaar Saturday, Dec. 2. PROM 3 TO 5 At the. School Hall 5% Guaranteed. INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 3 to 10 years W. E.Southgate Seaforth Representing: British Mortgage & Trust Co. Guaranty Trust Company Sterling Trusts Corporation Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp. �"uk ur J �q yah COME WITH THE CROWDS TO SEAFORTH'S THSANTA CLAUS SATURDAY DEC.2AT P.M. t i— BANDS —7 ► 30 FLOATS * CI.OWAS * HORSES See the SNOW QUEEN and her court of lovely attendants Seaforth streets, stores and homes are hglitter See the DECORATIONS For Kids -Free Skating —Free Candy SPONSORED BY SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND LIONS CLUB And financed by the contributions of Seaforth Business and Professional People