HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-10-26, Page 7Beats Have Notions OF Ther Own A boat has a way of her own. Hidden beneath her plates or planking there is a will every bit as strong -as that of her owner, and however carefully her skip- per will formulate his plans for a Voyage his intentions may have to be modified to suit the tem- perament of the ship. This is obviously the case with the mam- moths of the ocean, Now and again a great liner will leave New York for Southampton, but for some inexplicable reason will dock at Cherbourg instead — explicable, that is, to the lands- man, who may imagine that a :liner is not much more than a floating railway carriage on a grand scale, The truth is, of course, that the vessel just wants to visit France for a change of scene. A dock strike may be the pretext, but it can hardly be the genuine, underlying reason, .. Many boats are very conserva- tive and though they may be ready enough to ride gaily along some particular, favourite river they will obstinately refuse even to put their noses into another waterway on which their owners have set their hearts. Like a skillful child a beat can disobey orders in the most ' plausible ways. The water -pumps for cool- ing the engine may lock their teeth in solid defiance, just as though they were bound tight with silt. Fuel pipes may refuse even to drip, just as though choked with water or sediment. The engine itself may simply re- fuse to startfor no mechanical reason at all but merely from disinclination—though pretend- ed symptoms of magneto failure or faulty timing will be there to deceive. Nor is this behaviour confined merely to motor -boats. Sailing craft can be just as pig-headed and at times they will even turn upside down or shed their masts like so much waste timber rather than go where they have no de- sire, —From "Small Boat Through Holland," by Roger Pilkington. One of the exasperating things about inflation is that, even though the price of aircuts keeps going *p, they don't last any longer. LOFTY SENTIMENT .— Japan's newly built 170 -foot monument to her War dead rises above the shore of Chiba prefecture. Vis- itors can climb to the top -19 feet higher than the torch of the U.S. Statue of Liberty. ISSUE 42 - 1961 FIRST BALL - Joe .DiMaggio, the Yankee Clipper, throws out the first ball'at the opening game of the 1961 World Series at Yankee Stadium. , Looking on is Baseball Com- missioner Ford Frick. Smelly Auto Fumes Under Attack New York state and city offi- cials are moving to control auto- mobile fumes after Detroit car manufacturers have declined re- quests for control devices in new cars.. Orders' have been given for testing three types of crankcase fume -control devices in 50; city and 30 state government cars within the next two or three months. If these tests are satisfactory, administrative . orlegislative ac- tion is expected to be taken to make installation of such de- vices mandatory in all new cars, both government-owned and pri- vate, a New York City Air.Pollu- tion Department spokesman said. Experts regard fumes escap- ing from various openings of automobiles as the only major source of air pollution that has not been ,brought under at least partial control. The outlook for an all-out at- tack on this problem has been strengthened by a recent warn- ing of Secretary Abraham A. Ribicoff of the 'United States Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare to American , car manufacturers. Mr. Ribicoff said unless car makers pledge by Jan. 1, 1962, to install . crankcase fume -control ; equipment in all new cars, he will seek to compel such a step by legislation. Crankcase control or "blow-by" devices as they are called here, attack the fumes escaping from cylinders down into 'the crank- case and from there into the air. These fumes, consisting mostly of unburned gasoline, account for 30 percent of pollution from. automobiles. The other 70 per cent comes from the exhaust pipes and fuel tanks. Nosimilarly effective controls have been developed for them so far, city officials point. out. But crankcase fumes are an important start, officials say. "Blow-by" devices costing as little as $5 are available for all new cars, but few owners have bothered to install these so far: Within the past several weeks, the General' Services Adminis- tration ordered installation of these controls in all its new non- military cars. Sen. Maurine B. Neuberger was quoted as saying that the United States Army had agreed t issue a similar order. Official ()aunty cars in Los Angeles, the United States city most seriously affected by air pollution, will also carry this equipment soon, writes 'Freder- ick W. Roevecamp in the Chris- tian Science Monitor. Recent appeals to car manu- facturers from Senator Neuber- ger and from Arthur J. Benline, commissioner of the Department of Air Pollution Control of New York City to make installation of "blow-by" devices mandatory, have been answered by the com- panies on the grounds of "main- tenance costs." Installation of such devices. would mean "imposing burden- some service and maintenance requirements" on car buyers, John Dykstra, president of the Ford Motor Company ' replied recently in 'a letter. to Mr. San- line which was made • public here. Car makers generally have emphasized that the devices are available for all new ears as an "optional" item. At the same time, they have argued against its usefulness on the basis that climates In other cities might dif- far from Los Angeles so as to make the devices less effective. Kenneth Kowald, secretary of the city's Pollution Control De- partment, suggested that the manufacturers might prefer com- pulsory legislation. While the "blow-by" devices are inexpensive, equipment to ,be developed for controlling ex- haust xhaust and tank fumesmight run to anywhere from $50 to $150 a car, • an item which manufactur- ers might not want to add volun- tarily to their production ex- penses, he said. Apes Make Monkeys Out Of Humans Add to such trouble spots ' as Berlin, Damascus, Katanga, and Vietnam .. the name of Kyushu, the subtropical, southernmost main island of Japan. There, an- other war - running both hot and cold — was under way' last month, and as' usual, the good. guys were losing. The "good guys" were, hun- dreds of Japanese settlers trying to carve out homesteads in Kyu- shu's jungles. T h e "bad guys" were the island's apes who liter- ally were making monkeys out of the human "invaders." Widely reported in the Japan- ese press and confirmed by NEWSWEEK'S skeptical Tokyo bureau in conversations with the embattled farmers, t h e "war" centered around the village of Kayagadan, where half the set- tlers already have been driven out. "The monkeys are smart, as smart as we are," farmer Mi- tsuru Takahama said. "Our only consolation is that they haven't attacked us physically." What the monkeys have. done is to make life almost unbear- able by raiding the- farmers' crops under' the leadership of a light-coloured monkey which the villagers have named Taisho Shirozaru (Gen. White Mon- key). Each day, the villagers say, "the. General" holds "a cen- tral committee meeting" with other leading monkeys; then, in disciplined waves, the "troops" move out, usually during the field hands' noontime rest period or at midnight under a full moon. It is an amazing sight, Take - hams reported. Sometimes , the monkeys spread out over a field of yams and pass them along hand to .hand in a simian bucket brigade. They also maintain an alarm system, with a couple of monkeys screeching from a tree- top when a fanner comes near. For the occasional dumb mon- key Who gets caught in a trap, the ' monkeys even operate a "rescue team" which tears the trap apart, Defense tactics are handicap- ped by, a law which prohibits the killing of monkeys and by the villagers' own superstition that causing harm to the apes MERRY MENAGERIE 'St" eleesso "How do you think l; feel, liv- ing with you hills all the Lim"9" is unlucky. The farmers did bring in dogs as reinforeernents to frighten the monkeys away, But after being harassed. for a few weeks, the dogs went over to the. enemy. Now,- says Taka- hama, they only snarl at their masters. Estimates varyon the amount of, food the monkeys have ga- thered in during this year's har- vest but obviously it has been more than they could eat. Per- haps, the villagers say, the mon- keys have some inside informa- tion on the nuclear arms race and are stockpiling — just in case. .. M,en's Moustaches Give Them Away A man's personality can be re- vealed by his moustache, says a mental health expert. Major Geoffrey Peberdy, former Bri- tish army psychiatrist and now On the staff of Newcastle Gen- eral . Hospital, recently made a study of 400 moustached appli- cants for officer training. He divided up the applicants by the type of moustache they sported: trimmed (short hairs over 'entire upper lip), bushy, toothbrush, hairline and divided, The pass rate for trimmed, bushy, hairline and divided types was an average twenty- three per cent — about the same as for clean-shaven men. But strangely enough, not a single man with a toothbrush mous- tache passed. Peberdy could hardly believe this at first. So he persuaded a fellow psychiatrist to ..arrange another test at an army base. And again, to his astonishment, not a single toothbrush mouse tache owner passed. Studying the selection boards' reports on toothbrush candidates, Peberdy discovered a significant pattern. The boards said that in general they were "too limited in imagin- ation, too little appreciative of the views of others and liable to create rather than disperse interpersonal tensions," The character of these candi- dates, said the reports, tended to resemble their moustaches "faintly, rebellious, energetic but prickly, precise to a fault, disci- plining to near -ruthlessness and 'disciplined to near self-mutila- tion." Major Peberdy added, ludicr- ously that "the' cut ' of a man's moustache could, of course, never be of influence in select- ing candidates." But he made the toothbrush owners wonder just the seine. Scientists studying moustache psychology have given many other explanations. Moustaches, they say, are tell-tale signs.. of political conservatism, or father worship, emblems,- of confident nonconformity, or "epigraphic adornments designed to win mates, like phosphorescence in fireflies," Many women find a mous- tached man exceptionally roman- tic. "A kiss without a moustache is like- an egg without salt," runs an old Spanish saying. Women have long,believed in the idea'— unsupported. by me- dical evidence that a mous- tache indicates virility. This is probably because na- tional leaders have' frequently worn moustaches, Would Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler and Stalin have risen to such ruthless heights without a hirsute facial adorn- ment? Home -Town Honors For Jack Benny By far the best-known product of Waukegan, Ill. (population: 55,719), is tightwad -typed come- dian Jack Benny. Last month, to show its gratitude to Benny for , putting his birthplace on the map —and for donating handsomely to the city's civic and charitable causes — Waukegan sulnmonded the prodigal 'home for the dedi- cation of a new school. Its name: Jack Benny Junior High School, The school's 450 students even voted to memorialize Benny's perpetual show -business age by dubbing their teams the Thirty- Niners. Of his own school ties, Benny had these memories; "I was very •bad in school. I hated it. In my second year of high school they threw me out because I skipped classes to play the fiddle in a movie house." How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. How can I freshen the air in my living room after it has been laden with cigarct and cigar smoke by guests during all eve- ning? A, Try leaving a basin of water in the room overnight, and the air will be "like new" in the morning, Q. How can I remove corrosion from inside the ferrule of a fish- ing rod? A, One easy way is to wrap a small wad of medium -fine steel CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CHICKS BRAY has Ames pullets and other good varieties, up to 12. weeks, available quick shipment..Qayolds hatched to order. Book Noven,ber•Deoember broil- er chicks now, See meat agent, er write Bray Hatchery, IRO John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE PHOTOGRAPHIC Studio and Camera Shop; fuUyequtpped' established 1 years; P.O. Box 100, Forest, Ontario, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GARDEN CENTRE Anyone interested in operating or shar- ing same in your town, we. supply full line of guaranteed stook. Contact Idyle Wylde Farms, Clifford, Ontario. Phone 320 R 13, DEER HUNTING BURKS Falls, Algonquin Park area, for deer; everything supplied, C. Sher- ratt Emsdale. Phone Burks Falls, 192'6. HUNTING ACCOMMODATION COME deer hunting to George Os- borne's Camp Golden Valley, Ont„ in November, Reasonable rates cover board, guides and dogs. DOGS FOR SALE WEIMARANERS Registered males and females, 6 mths. to 18 mths, old. Canted Clarence Holmes, "Ghost Inn Kennels" Reg. R.R. No. 1. Blenheim, Ont, Call OP. 6.6767, DISTRIBUTORS WANTED UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY for men and women to build their own business. Products have national promotion. Commissions, Bonus, Lifetime over -rides. Write R. Dahmer, 30 William St, West, Water- loo, Ontario. FARM CATALOGUE FREE fall farm catalogue, write Wil- liam C. Campbell, Realtor, Listowel, Ontario. FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS ALADDIN KEROSENE HEATER For barns, sheds, cellars, summer cot- tages, camping or emergency heating. Operates on non -explosive kerosene, burning up to 23 hours on a single gal- lon, Produces up to 9,320 BTU's per hour, enough to heat 3,000 cu. ft. It burns with a blue flame, hence no smoke or odour. Perfectly safe, quick to heat, easy to operate. Completely portable, No flue pipe needed. Ruggedly constructed of heavy gauge steel with green enamel finish. Satisfaction guaranteed. Only $29.96, we pay freight if cash sent with order. Aber & Sons, 36 Van Home, Montreal. HOBBIES "Everything for the Hobbyist". Whole. sale' Retail. Complete Catalogue 406. Model Hobbies, 1855 Lakeshore Road, Toronto 14. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PONY SALE — 300 head; consignment, open until sale time, Oct. 21, at Ran- ched. Livestock Auction Sales Route 27, between Jackson and Lansing, Mich., near Leslie. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching scalding and burning ecze• ma. acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema willrespond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they'seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt or Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO DON'T WAIT — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEUR- ITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect. wool around a dowel chucked into an- electric drill, and then carefully running this into the opening. Q. How can I renovate some black kid gloves? A. Touch the worn spots with a camel's hair brush, dipped into a mixture of olive oil and ink. Q. How can I keep the flues and chimney of my fireplace clean? A. Dried potato peelings, burn- ed in your fireplace, will do a good job of cleaning the flue and chimney. Incidentally, dried or- ange and grapefruit peel and rinds are a good source of fuer in your fireplace, and also give off a lovely aroma. MUSIC vithnsymproviB d muusic, Free details' P.O. Box 073, Montreal. NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing nutria consider the followingtionoffers: points which this orgo Mu- 1.The best available stock, no cross. bred or standard types recommended. 5, The reputation of a plan which to proving Itself ebstantiated by files of s5. Full insurance against replacement should they not live or in the event ocertificate off sterility tall fullyl meril explained In our 4. We give you only mutations which are in demand for fur garments. 5. You receive from this organization guaranteed pelt market In writing, 6. Membership in our exclusive breed. ers' association whereby only pur- chasers of this stock may participate in the benefits so offered, 7, P 0 es Tporr Breeding Stock start at Special offer to those who qualify, earn your Nutria on cur cooperative basis Write; Canadian Nutria Ltd., R.R, No. 2, Stouffville, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Groat Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified professiongood wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Blom' St W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PERSONAL UNWANTED HAIR Vanished away with Saca-Palo. Saca- Pelo is different. It does not dissolve or remove hair from the surface. hut penetrates and retards growth of un- wanted hair. Lor -Beer Lab. Ltd. Ste S, $79 Granville St., Vancouver 2, B C HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED guaranteed mailed In uritn parcel including catalogue and sen book free with trial assortment.. iii to $1.00 (Finest quality) ora, Box 24 -TPF Regina, Sash. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB sox 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed • and 8 magna prints 400 12 magna prints 600 Reprints 54 each KODACOLOR Developing roll 900 ;not including prints). Color prints 300 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 num. 20 ex- posures from slidesi32dledachSMoneyore- funded In full for unprinted negatives. PET STOCK PURRHAVEN PERSIANS Finest champion stock, whites, blues, silver chinchillas. Proven young breeding males, females and choice quality kittens for sale. Write Mrs. M. Wilson, RR 0, Guelph, phone TAylor 2.1449. PROPERTIES FOR SALE HALIBURTON, solid house, chicken coop, 300' a 300' lot on Hwy. 28 near Bancroft. Ideal business site. $3,800. Ian Gillies, R.R. No. 3, Bancroft, PROPERTY, 12 acres with buildings, on highway 21, 1 mile north of Pinery Park. H. Maas, RR 2, Grand Bend. REPAIRS RAZOR AND PEN REPAIRS FACTORY authorized repair depots. Overhauls and parts for all makes of electric ,razors, Ronson, Philishave, Schick Remington, Sunbeam, etc. Par- ker. Sdeaffer, Waterman Pens. Mail to SHAVER SHOPS B8 King St. West, Hamilton or 415 Talbot St., Loudon. STAMPS SPECIAL offer - 100 different select- ed Br. Colonies used stamps 50.50, 200 different 51.00. T. H. Graham P.O. Box 378,. Beaverton. Ontario. LEARN WELDING NO TIME LIMIT Also Certificate Courses in SUPERVISION INSPECTION QUALITY CONTROL A.R.C. SCHOOL OF WELDING 92 John St. N., Hamilton JA 9-7427 JA. 7-9681 EW TOR ,/ ATLANTIC w CITYV NERAS ',WILMINGTON �C L4RLESTON x APALACHICOLAI ,t% q' �11AYTONA ,t"ACH% GALVEST014 ,41'1EW /TAMPA ORLEANS 5 {YC •BROWNSVILLE/KEY �WtST� f..y�Ml/ 4,1 THE BIG EYE - One reason why this fall's hurricanes were traced with such precision is illustrated by the above map. Shortly before the f'rst, Carla, began to form, the Weather Bureau had put into ep-ratton 'Se last link in ifs 3,000 -mils coastal ra""-r net l'- - 'r -° '' a long-range surveillance radar stations are shown oft Irl& Ilfi..p.