HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-10-26, Page 4BRUOEFIELD
Rey, H. and Mrs. Johnston
left on Sunday to attend the fund*
eral of Mr. Tolinsten's brother
Andrew at Thornbury; after the
service on Sunday,
Mrs. Thos, B, Baird is visiting
for is month with tier sister, Mrs.
John Cassidy of Portage La Peat -
Mr, Robert Fotheringham and
Wayne Elliott attended the YPU
Rally at 'Heiman last Monday
Mr, and Mrs, John Henderson,
Barbara, Janet and Gordon spent
the weekend with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pinkney, of
Walkerton, Mr, and Mrs. A, J.
Mustard, Varna, spent Sunday
'For Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Dale
(Margaret Boyd), in Seaforth
Community Centre
Friday, Oct 27 •
Ladies please bring lunch
'Norris Orchestra
Everyone Welcome
United Church
Wed•, Nov. 8
5 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Tickets available now from
ticket committee
Admission ;$1.50
Children under 12, 75c
with Mr. and •Mrs. Tiglu Thera-
Mr. Wesley Bans, Chatham,,
spent .a few days last week with
his mother, Mrs. 0, Rain.
Mrs. A. Ings had as her, guest
Mrs. Dorothy Bowey, St. Thomas,.
over the weekend.
We are sorry to report that
Mrs. Thos. Caldwell is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London, and
Mrs. Clifford Henderson, a pa-
tient in Clinton Hospital,
Mr. Gordon Richardson is a
patient in Seaforth Hospital suf-.
fermg from blood poison in his
Anniversary Services Will be
held in Brucefield United Church
next Sunday. Special music will
be rendered by the choir in the
morning. In the evening The
.Harbour•aires from Goderich will
lead us in song, The Rey, D. M.
Guest of Centralia will be guest
speaker. Service at 11 and 7,30
(Standard Time),
Mr, and Mrs, Jno, McKay spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Wilson and attended
Baptismal Service of their grand-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Paterson, of
London spent Sunday With Mr.
and Mrs, A. Paterson.
Baptismal Service was held
in Brucefield United Church on
Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. H.
Johnston took as his text "Jesus
Blessed the Children", when the
following children were baptized:
William Gordon, Robert Lawr-
ence and Lewis Gordon, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Win, McAndrews;
J. Carl, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Louis Arland; Dianne Joyce, the
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart
,lust a reminder to be sure to
lock your doors when away from
your home. While Miss Margaret
McQueen and Mrs. E. Forrest
were out for a short while some-
one took quite a valuable amount
of money from the house.
Mr. and Mrs. A, D, Smith of
Bluevale spent Sunday with Mrs.
H. Berry.
don't run -
wear and tear—come in 9 col-
ours, 3 models. Call the BELL
Business Office—or ask the
man in our green truck.
The Ladles' Guild of St. MarY'e
Anglican Church Dublin, met at
the house of Mrs, Chas, Friend
for their regular October Meet -
lug. The president, Mrs. Friend
opened the meeting by reading
the Gospel for the 20th Sunday
after Trinity, followed by prayer.
The secretary, Mrs. Doug Racho
called the roll and read the min-
utes of the previous meeting. A
donation of $5.00 was voted, to
"Care" at Ottawa. The .November
Guild meeting will be held in the
evening when Mrs. Donaldson
will describe her work among the
Missionaries, also show slides of
her trip to Chili. The Zion W. A.
will be invited to attend the
The Dublin Colleens
The third regular meeting of
the Dublin Colleens was held at
the home of Mrs. Loomens' on
October 19. The meeting was op-
ened with the 4-H pledge, and re-
ports were read by the Secretary
and the Treasurer. Mrs. Friend
gave instructions 'concerning se -
nets of beef cooking and cooking
tender cuts, Mrs. Butters explain-
ed how to cook the less tender
cuts, and Mrs. Friend made a de-
licious Swiss steak. The next
meeting will be held at Mrs.'Lan-
nin's on October 28. Following
adjournment lunch was served.
Mrs. Fergus Horan, Mrs: Dan
O'Rourke, Mrs. Fergus Stapleton,
Mrs, Tom Butters, Mrs. John Van
Giffen attended the Deanery
meeting of the OWL at Hessen.
Mr. and Mrs, Cletus Lines, of
London and Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Dill, St. Marys, with Mr, and Mrs.
Joseph Dill.
Mrs, C, Trott, Clinton, with her
mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby. Mrs.
Looby and Mrs. Trott are spend-
ing a week at Ottawa.
Miss Monica Byrnes has re-
turned home from St. Joseph's
Hospital, London.
Mrs. John Robinson, Dundee,
with Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Looby.
Mr, and Mrs. John Frost, Dun-
das, Mr, and Mrs. L. McDonald,
Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Ed McGrath, Lon-
don, with friends in the village.
Mrs. Joe Dill attended the fun -
oral of her uncle Mr. Bristow in
Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary and
children, London, with Mr, and
Mrs. Frank Evans.
The Turner's Church W. A.
met in the church basement on
Wednesday, Oct. 18 at 8:30 p.m.
with 14 members present. The
roll call was answered with a
verse from the Bible starting
with the letter "0". The scripture
was read by Mrs. Win. Rogerson,
the devotions by Mrs. Greg. Mc-
Gregor, and the prayer by Mrs.
Mills. The topic was taken by
Mrs. Stanley Johns.
Plans were made for having a
turkey supper in the church base-
After the meeting lunch was
served by Mrs. Mervin Falconer
assisted by Mrs. A. Crich.
keep em
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Mr. and. Mrs. Hon. Buchanan
and family visited 'over the week•
end with the latter's mother, Mrs.
Dollimore of Toronto, and also
with. Mr, and Mrs. David Dolli-
nMore of Ajax, Mr. anti. Mrs. Ruth
of Downeview and. Mr. and Mrs,
.Win. Simmons of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown
and, girls visited Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Brigham of
Elmwood and with Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Brigham of Deeboro,
Mrs. LeSouder and boys of
Stratford spent Saturday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donald and
boys, of Midland, Mich.; spent the
weekend with the latter's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jamieson.
On Monday morning, Oct. 16,
Mrs, Borden Brown received the
news of the sudden passing of
her brother-in-law, Mr. Gordon
Fisher of Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Reid and the
family of London spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Luther
On Wednesday Oct. 18th the
WM,S, of. Constance United
Church held their Thanksgiving
Thankoifering meeting in the
basement of the Church, suitably
decorated for the occasion. Lad-
ies from Walton, Burns and Sea -
forth were in attendance. Mrs.
Verne Dale and Mrs. Earl Nett
received the ladies at the door,
Mrs. W, L. Whyte, Pres., presided
over the meeting, Mrs. McLlwaiu
read the scripture, followed with
Prayer by Mrs. MacGregor. Mrs,
Lorne Lawson introduced Mrs.
M. Forbes, guest speaker, who
gave a very enlightened topic on
"Harvest", bringing out the im-
portance of Agriculture, Educa-
tion and Religion. Misses Mary
McIlwain and Joan Preszcator
each rendered beautiful solos, At
an opportune time, lire. Don Bu-
chanan read an address and pre-
sented Mrs. D. Millson with a
"Life Membership" from the So-
ciety. She replied with grateful
thanks. Mrs. Whyte thanked the
speaker and all who took part in
the meeting. Afterwards lunch
was served and everyone enjoy-
ed a social half hour over the
tea cups.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson
and Joan arrived home Thursday
after spending over a week's hol-
iday visiting with the former's
aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs.
Meyers of Chicago. They also,
visited the Jamesway Plant at
Fort Atkinson, Wis., and return-
ed home by way of Sault Ste.
Marie and Sudbury.
Mrs. Dick Watson and baby
girl have returned home from
Seaforth Hospital. •
The United Lutheran Church
Women of St, Peter's Lutheran
Church were hosts to about 130
ladies of neighboring Women's
Organizations on Wednesday af-
ternoon Prom Bethel United
Church, Duff's United Church,
Evangelical United Brethren, all
of McKillop•; Bethesda United
Church, F,iret Lutheran Church,
both of Logan, and St. Paul's Lu-
theran Church, Ellice. Each
group presenting a number.
Readings were, given by Miss
Tena Dennis, Mrs. Alex Drum-
mond and Mrs. Aug. Ahrens, So-
lo by Mrs. Elmer Koehler accom-
panied by Mrs. Amacher. Piano
selection be Mrs. Arnold Scott,
Duet by Mrs. Chris. W. Leon-
hardt and Mrs. Harold Elligsen
accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Prue -
ter. The guest speaker for the
afternoon was Miss Bartji, who
is a missionary with Sudan In-
terior• Missions in Ethiopia; her
talk was on Foreign Missions
and showed slides on her work
Mrs. Geo. Rock and Mrs. Rus-
sell Sholdice received the guests.
Mrs. Oscar Young opened de-
votions, and Mrs. Edwin Scher -
berth read the scripture and
Mrs.. Irvin Miller the prayer.
Mrs. Manuel Beuermann, the pre-
sident gave a word of welcome,
and Pastor Brill spoke briefly.
Mrs. Chris Leonhardt and Mrs.
Harold Rock took up the offer-
ing. Mrs, Oscar Young thanked
the speaker and ,presented her
with a gift, and Mrs. Harold Rock
presented Miss Bartji with the
midion .offering. Mrs. Dan Ben-
ermann ,was the pianist - for the
hymns. Mrs. Lloyd Prueter and
Mrs. Edwina Scherbarth- enter-
tained them .fora short period of
contests. Meeting. closed ; with a
hymn, prayer and Doxology. A
buffet lunch was served.
Teachers Meet
At Seaforth
The annual meeting of OPSM
TF District 15A was held in. the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth on
October 19, 1961 with 43 mem-
bers and two visitors in attend-
ance. Following a fine dinner,
president„ Edwin Martiss, called
the meeting to order.
The minutes of last district
meeting were read and adopted on
motion of H. King and M. Steph-
ens, The treasurer reported re-
ceipts of $395.93 and expendi-
tures of $326.17 leaving a bal-
ance of $60.76. This report was
adopted on motion of M. Edgar
and J, McCarroll.
Following a short introduction
the president presented a cheque
for $500. to Reiner Skubowius,
Stratford, student at Stratford
Teacher's College, winner of the
OPSMTF scholarship,
I The guest speaker and repre-
sentative of the Provincial exe-
cutive, Mr. Tom Bedford of Tren-
ton, was introduced by the Presi-
' dent. Mr. Bedford brought us a
resume of some of the things be-
ing done by Ontario Teachers
regime tion and our affiliate the
Ontario Public School Men
Teachers Federation,
The Speaker was thanked by
Wm, Henderson, Maitland Edgar
reported for the nominating cons-
mittee the following slate of offi,
ear's. for 1961.02
Past Pres, lOdwin Martin,
Bss s Ps,Wilcox,us l ' re om Wilcox of.._q,
'Stratford; ; let Vice Pres., Wil•
best Fraliek, Bayfield; 2nd Vice
Free., Burton Morgan, St, Marys;
See.-Treas., Howard Sinclair, of
Mitchell; Sick Benefit & Insur-
ance, Bill Black, Goderich; Su-
peranneation, Wm. Henderson,
Listowel; Educational Finance,
Stewart Beattie, Wingham; Edu-
cational Research, A,. T. Davey,
Stratford; Public Relations, Ar-
thitr Idle, Exeter,'• Legislation,
Hugh Myers, Stratford; Teacher
Qualifications, C. Trott, Clinton;
Honorary membership, Archie
MacDonald, Millbank; Rural Af-
fairs, Wilmer Errington, Dun-
As there were no further nom-
inations, the slate was adopted as
read on motion of H. Edgar and
I, Hill.
In the absence of the new pre-
sident, the first vice-president,
W. Fralick then took the chair.
H. Sinclair, E. Liddle, that Al-
lan McKone, Stratford be, Perth
representative to the Provincial
Assemblies, carried.
H. King and D. MacKay, that
Garnet Harland, Clinton, be Hu-
ron representative to the Provin-
cial Assemblies, carried.
E. Crawford and Wm. Hender-
son, that the Secretary's honor-
arium be paid.
A question period followed in
which, Tom Bedford, answered
some of, the questions of the
The meeting adjourned on mo-
tion of E, Liddle,
By J. Carl Hemingway
There has been a good deal of
comment in the papers recently
concerning entry of Great Bri-
Coln. Centre
Friday, Oct. 27
Elgin Fisher and the
• Rhythmaires
Admission 75c
Turkey Supper
Duffs United Church
Wed., Nov. 1st
5.30 to 8 o'clock
Adults 1.50 - Children 6-12, 75c
A program to follow
In the Varna Tp. Hall
Saturday, Oct. 28
From 3 to 5
Afternoon Tea
Lain into the European Common
Market with particularly strong
opposition from Canada.
It doesn't seem long since many
of these same people, were pro-
Maiming Canada to be a free and
independent nation, We appar-
ently felt quite proud of our
selves when we set up our own
Supreme Court, There apparent-
ly was little complaint when du-
ties were imposed on British
goods conning to Canada. Not
many voiced their displeasure
when by a nice bit of manipulat-
ed arbitrary valuation .on our
part we placed the equivalent of a'
sizeable tariff on British cars
coming to Canada. And please re-
member that there are no truly
Canadian cars. This tariff simply
made' it easier for American im-
ports to compete with. British
imports, and' this in spite of the
fact that our trade with the U,S..
is in a strongly adverse. condi-
If we feel no responsibility to
Britain, it is hardly fair that we
should expect favors from her:
However it is with the impres-
sion. ,with regard to Agriculture
that I am concerned. We are be-
ing led to believe that the entry
of Britain into the Common Mar-
ket will be very bad for Cana-
dian Agriculture.
$4)—Thursday, October 20, 1961
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Harkness
of Parkhill visited Sunday with
the tatter's father, W. It, Cooper,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Van ` Wier-
ren and family accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony,Tan Tol
of Holland visited Sandey after-
noon with Mr. and Mrs, ejohn
Verburg of Auburn.
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar McBride
and Sharon visited friends in
Lucknow on Sunday.
Northslde United 'Church
Sunday, Oct. 29, 1961
Worship 11 a.m.
Sacrament of Infant Baptism
at morning worship.
Jr. Church School during wor-
ship „period.
Sr. Church School 10 a.m..
Y. P. Fellowship 7;30 p.m,
Organist, Mrs. J. A. Stewart;
Choirmaster, Mr. J. A. Stewart;
Minister, Rev. S. C. Britton, B.A.
First. Presbyterian
Services' 11 A.M.
and 7 P.M.
Friday, October 27
Members and guests only
$1.00 couple
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I,,,,,„1,,,1”„ 1111•
Daylight Saving Time ends in the
Town of Seaforth at
12.01 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 29
Sunday will be on
Standard Time..
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