HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-10-19, Page 8IT'$ TIME FOR Topcoats Choose from tweeds, cash- mere ashmere types, Loden topcoat- ings and the new reversable styles in a wide range of shades including greys, browns, charcoals and blues —Standard or Continental lengths. 21.95 t° 39.50 NEW FALL HATS All the new shapes, qual- ities and colors are here in new fall hats for men, at 6.95 to 8.95 NEW FOR FALL READY-TO-WEAR Suits. SEE THE NEW. Car Coats NOW New glen cheeks, ,oxer- cheoks, neat patterns and plains, feature our new showing of fall suite for men. Expertly tailored in the' latest styles and shown in charcoals, olives, browns and greys. Shorts, Regulars & Tails in stock. 39.501o65.00 Suedecloth, corduroy, Loden cloth, nylon and all wool - - All are here in the new win- ter styles - Borg or quilted linings, 15.95 to 27.50 S BOYS CAR COATS The same qualities and styles as above in boys sizes from 8 to 18 years - Choose now while the range is complete. i 12.95 tD 17.95 Winter Underwear We have a complete stock of winter cotton, wool blend, all wool and thermal under- wear in combination or two piece styles by Stanfields, Penmans, Harvey -Woods and other "brand name" makes, at lowest pos- sible prices for first quality. STEWART BROS. BRODHAGEN Mr. Ed. Meyer of Edmonton, Alberta is with Marie Meyer, and Martin and John Meyer. Messrs Wilbur Hoegy and Mer- vin Dietz attended the Corbalo Convention in New York State last week^ Mr. Ira Baskin of Toronto visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hinz. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simmons of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Riehl, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dittmer of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dittmer for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buuck, Milverton, on Sunday. Mr. Ray Benneweis, London, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bennewies. Mrs. Barbara McLeod of Mitch- ell spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Ahrens. A shower was held in the Brod hagen and District Community Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cook (Alice Heimpel) on Thurs- day evening. They were present- ed with gifts and cash. On Saturday evening a shower was held in the Community Hall her ter Mr, and Mrs. Nelson alai%% (nliiott$. Master Ralph Puschelberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pusehel- berg suffered a cut In his knee when he jumped out of the swing at School falling on a stone, re- quiring five stitches. The Luther League meeting opened with hymn "O Christians Leagued Together." Psalm 67 was read responsively led by Donna Seherbarth, The prayer was led by Roger Sholdice. Bob Ahrens presented the topic in the way of a questionaire on stories and ver- ses of the Bible, Roger Sholdice was in charge of the business. It was decided to have a Hallowe'en social on Oct. 29 and are inviting the First Lutheran and Redeem- er, Monkton, leagues. Bob Ahrens was in charge of recreation. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Mr. Fred Morenz of Buffalo and Mr• George Sheppard of New York visited with Mrs. Albert Quereugesser recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beuerman of Stratford and Wayne Beuerman, London, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann, The Brodhagen and District Chamber of Commerce members held their monthly meeting with a Sauerkraut supper, with 37 members present. Edward Scher - berth Jr., Vice President was in charge of the meeting in the ab- sence of the president Mervin Dietz. George Rock, chairman of the program committee reported the Fall and Winter Friday night dances have been arranged. Geo. Jarmuth gave a report on sale of the Turkey Raffle tickets and urged the members to get out and sell these tickets as an easy 1960 ENVOY SEDAN 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN 1955 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE 1955 FORD SEDAN, A.T. 1955 CONSUL SEDAN 1954 FORD COACH NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet O1d.slnobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541 means of raising money. An in- visible marker is to be purchased for use in admittance at dances. Birth • Watson—Corporal Dick Wat- son, Egypt, and Mrs. Watson, of Brodhagen, (Doreen Wolfe) form- erly stationed at Calgary, Alber- ta, announce the birth of a daug- hter, Dianne Louella, on Oct. 14, 1961 at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. A sister for Douglas and Donald. KIPPEN The sixth meeting of the thrif- ty Kippenettes met at the home of Mrs. Caldwell on Oct. 16 and opened with the 4-H pledge, The minutes of the last meeting were read and Sharon McBride was elected secretary for the next meeting wihch is to be held at the home of Mrs. Alex McGregor on Oct. 21 at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Cald- well told how to make desserts and salads and some of the girls made sandwiches and fruit des- serts out of their own book, and brought some to the meeting. They also were told how to pre- pare fruits and greens for salads. Arrangements were then made for Achievement Day and the sandwiches and fruit desserts tasted. The meeting closed with "The Queen". The fifth meeting of the Thrif- ty Kippenettes met at the home of Mrs. Harry Caldwell with 15 girls answering the roll call. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge and Grace Riley read the minutes of the meeting, Lois Mc- Lachlan was elected secretary for the next meeting which is to be held Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. Mrs. Caldwell led a discussion on fruit appetizers, mentioning fruit in main meal, fruit salad plates, fruits for desserts, Roll call was "One way to use dried fruit". Mrs. McGregor then told how to make pastry by measuring, and then demonstrated how to make pastry, also a cherry pie which turned out real good, The pie was then sampled and the meeting closed with "The 'Queen" with Pat Harris at the piano, CROP REPORT Farm work is progressing fav- orably under good weather condi- tions; most of the farmers are doing their fall plowing, The moisture percentage of grain corn is low and most farmers are in process of picking. Sugar beets are moving to the ehipping point, says D. H. Miles, agricultural representative. SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE SEAFORTH -- PHONE 182 Wall Washing Floor Maintenance Brick and PIastering Repairing Si1P71.ttIOR Our Name ,5111tVICE our efat RAY SQUIRE BOX 336 SEAFORTU. WANTED Young airforce couple with one child being transferred from Winnipeg would like to rent a two bedroom dwelling, Have been ex- perienced caretaker of 18 ste, block for past year. References available, Alfred 'Henke, J4, 330 Blake st., Winnipeg 3, Man, O Steer, White"facs 1100 lbs., lost from ChriStie'e farm, Bgmond- yille, this week. Phone 103 Sea" forth E A quant ty of drry baled pine shavings. phone Mitchell 348-8481 between 8 and 5 o'clock Two' winter c oats one with a Silver fox collar, size 20; other Wouldfit size 16. or 18. Apply to Misses Gray, Egmondville FOR SALE O Durham steers weighing around 900 Ibs. James C. Kerr, phone 839r5 Seaforth Feed whe tt,Rba SALE and mixed feed. Apply to The News office ' FEDERATION NEWS -By J. C, Hemingway On October 10 Huron County Federation of Agriculture Direct- ors held their regular monthly meeting, Voting delegates to the Provin- cial Annual were elected as fol- lows:. Warren Zurbrigg, Gordon Greig, Elmer Ireland; Lady dele- gate from the Jr. Farmers and Jr. Institute and alternate was left - to them to elect. The County Annual Is set for November 29th. at the Landes. bore Hall with the usual dinner for township directors and the meeting following, This year the ladies of 'the County Federation are setting up a meeting of their own after they have heard the guest speaker, It is hoped that there will be a good representa- tion of the ladies out to take part. Warren Zurbrigg reported for the Concentrated Milk producers stating that a petition requesting a vote on a milk marketing plan is presently being .circulated. This has been almost completed by the other dairy groups and the concentrated hope to get their's done by October 31st. Bob McGregor reported on the Ont. Beef Producers Directors' meeting in Toronto. of Oct. 10th. stating that the Chairman of the Farm Products Marketing Board strongly recommended that farm- ers should send a much larger number of their cattle to the public stockyards at Toronto to make it more competitive in establishing prices. However Dr. Patterson of the Ont. Dept. of Ag- riculture Economics branch re- forted that in a survey his dept. had conducted throughout the province and contacted 400 beef producers it was found that 70% vere opposed to the present auc- ion method of selling now being used at the Toronto Stockyards. The question of bonding of Community sales was discussed when it was learned that one of hese had gone broke and was currently, paying off at 62c on the dollar: There had .been • sonic question n bonding of cattle buyers gen- erally and it was suggested that they too should be required to btain a license at a nominal fee which would also require bonding. - Official grading of beef carcas- ses to the producer with Govern- ment weighing as well was re- quested but so far has had no support from the Dept. of Agr. BORN Sills—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Oct. 12th, the gift of a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. F. C. J. Sills, Seaforth Bedard — At Scott Memorial Hospital on October 12, to Mr. and Mrs. John Bedard, Seaforth, a sen Cook—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on October 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cook, RR 5 Mitchell, a son Watson — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Oct. 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Watson, Brod- hagen, a daughter 'TO RENT 8 room brick residence avail- able on or before Nov, 1st. 7 room residence, 3 piece bath, furnace, new aluminum doors and screens; available Oct. 25. Farms for sale in Seaforth area Several houses in Seaforth and other income properties Jos. McConnell Real Estate Broker PHONE 86 SEAFORTH, Does any of yourCfurniture need REUPHOLSTERING, refinishing or repairing. If so, please call Kitchener Upholstery at Ginge• rich's Sales and Service, 6eeforth 585. TNA S17AFoRTD NIWS (Phone 84)^-Thµraday, October 19, 1961 COMING EVENT Progressive Euchre Party at St, Pat- ricic'e Parish Hail, Dublin, on Friday,. Octebor 27, at 6,30 P.M. Bvoryone svois9mo COMING EVENT Reserve Friday, Dec. 8th at 9 p.m. for the St. Columban Turkey Bingo. • CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my neigh- bora eighbora and friends for their gifts of %lowersand fruit and other treats and for visite while I was a pat - lent in Scott Memorial. Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses, Rev, Father Sullivan, Dr. .Stapleton; pr and Dreciated, , Gorwill, for all their kind assistance. It was all deeply ap- Mrs. Theresa O'Sullivan ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of property and Household ef- fects in the village of Brussels at the corner of Alexander and Floro Street on Saturday, Oct. 28th at 1 p.m. Chesterfield and 2 chairs, end table, number of small tables, Wilton rug 9 x 10% feet and felt base, tri -light lamp, electric lamps, diningroom suite, 6 chairs, table, buffet, 3 rocking chairs, studio couch, 3 bedroom suites, Television, cabinet radio, Krohler platform rocker (new), Axmins- ter rug 9x12, smoker, Admiral refrigerator, 4 -burner Sunshine electric stove, cook stove,, drop- leaf table, 4 kitchen chairs, iron- ing board, Westinghouse Vacuum cleaner, leather rocking chair,. electric iron, Coffield electric washing machine, ladder, lawn mower, 1 cord wood, kitchen stool, kitchen utensils, set of dishes. Other artioles too numer- ous to mention. Property -2 -storey brick house, garage, situated at the corner of Alexander and Floro Streets.Im- mediate possession. Sold subject to reserve bid. 10% down, balance in 30 days. Chattels—Cash Prop., Estate of late Elizabeth Keys. Aunt., Harold Jackson FOR SALE One girl's reversible green plaid skirt, size 6x. Two suits, one brown pin stripe, one blue pin stripe, one tweed top coat and one black winter overcoat, all size 40-42. All articles in real good condition. Phone 793J Sea - I orth. WANTED TO BUY Coal and wood range in good condition. Apply to Hubert John- son, Walton E,R, 2. Phone 45r25, Dublin. FOR SALE Ready -to -lay H & N "Nick Chick" pullets. Vaccinated, de - beaked, and delivered in sanitary crates. Available Oct, 25 to Nov. 10. Call Henderson Started Chicks Ltd., Seaforth. Phones, 648J1 and 232J. FOR SALE 12 good York chunks and 125 hens, year-old, Sussex Red, Tom- my Burns, Mitchell, R.R. 4, Lot 33, Con. 5, Logan. FOR SALE A good heater, burns coal or wood, in good condition. 81r16 Dublin. Harry Regele. FOR SALE Wood, coal, house doors, lum- ber, windows, 12 -inch tile filled with cement, kitchen stove. Phone 390M Seaforth. WATCH CLEANING Regular wind $2.50; Automatic $3.50, warranted. Special gent's watches, 17 J incabloc, stainless steel case and yellow case, wat- er resistant $12.50. Bracelets ex- tra. xtla. Vodden Jewellers, Clinton. FOR SALE 1 electric iron, nearly new; 1 new wide oil opaque cream win- dow shade; 1 pair blue velour drapes; 1 pair wine rayon drapes; 1 pair White woollen blankets, 1 mattress in good condition, 1 table lamp. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 66r2, Dublin. FOR SALE 10 feeder pigs, Ed Dorrance, R.R, 2, Seaforth. FOR SALE 48 Ford 1 ton truck parts, Case tractor parts, also used car parts. Phone 27711, Hensall. Melons, car ots, OR SAL r squash, good hard cabbage and other garden produce. Ambrose Addley, second place south of Kinburn store. Call evenings and week ends FOR SALE Raspberry canes. Win. Bradshaw, Market street: Phone 126 W FOR SALE Transistor Radios 14.95 and up. See and hear the amazing Mace at 49.96 and 79.95 (short wave), at Savauge's, opposite post office SPRAYED AP SALE OR SALE Spy, King, Macintosh, Tasman Sweet Snow, Delicious, Greening, Russet and Cider apples. Free delivery in Seaforth. Phone MU 2-3214 collect Fred McClymont & Sons, Varna NOTICE RE: PLUMBING For the convenience and protection of the public, a uniform plumbing inspection service is provided in Huron County tin- der the auspices of the Health Unit, Commencing October 15th, 1961, permits will be requited for all work covered by - the Provincial Plumbing Code• Inspection Fees are based on the Schedule adopted in County By-law No. 58, 1961, under authority of the Ontario Water Resources Commission Act. For further information, please write or 'phone — W. L. EMPEY, Chief Inspector^, Court House, Goderich. Telephone IA 4-7441 BROWNIE'S DRI V,E-T N THEATRE. Clinton For the month of October, there will be shows on WEEKENDS ONLY FR I., SAT., Oct. 20 -21 -- Double Feature -- "WAKE ME WHEN IT'S OVER" (Color) (Scope) Ernie l ovaos Dick Shawn `Young Jesse James' (Color) Willard Parker -Ray Stricklyn. (One Cartoon) Auction Sale Auction Salo of Household effects in the town of Seaforth, Centro street, on Saturday, Oct. 21st at 1 P.M. Chesterfield and chair, rocking chairs, china cabinet, hall rack, bed & box. springs (like new), dresser & mirror, small tables, extension table, 2 drop leaf tables, trunk, kitchen chairs, 4 burner electric stove. Ifelvinator refrig- erator (like new)• Quilting frames, seal- ers, dishes, lumber. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash Prop. Alex McDonald Aust„ Harold Jackson Auction Sale To be held at the farm lot 14, con. 2, Stanley Twp., 13 miles west and '4 mile south of Bruce - field, on Monday, October 23 at 1 p.m., consisting, of: 50 head of dairy cows and hei- fers; 15 young Holstein cows, fresh; 15 Holstein heifers recent- ly fresh; 15 Holstein cows and heifers due Oct. and Nov., sever- al good Jersey cows and heifers fresh and springing, 1 young Hereford Bull; 16 young Here- ford calves, also several young Holstein heifer calves from unit bull. 1 pony, quiet for children. This sale includes two herds recently purchased, owners giv- ing up dairying. Terms—Cash D'Arcy Ratliwell & sons, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auct, ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of' residential Property, Farm, Household Furniture, to be held in Hensall, 'Ont, (corner Mill and Wellington Streets) Wednesday, November 1st at 1 p.m. sharp. Real Estate to be sold in two lots, subject to reserve bid, at 3 p.m. Lot 1: Residential property, 1% storey, 7 -room frame house, corner Mill and Wellington Sts•, Henson, Lot 2: Farm property, lot 2, Con. 6, Township of Tuokersmith, County of Huron, approximately 100 acres, including 13.4 storey frame house, bank barn, imple- ment shed and hen house, pig pen. Household Furniture, etc: Set- ee and chairs, combination China cabinet and buffet, number of occasional chairs, rocking chairs, number of small tables, dining - room table, writing desk, chest of drawers., couch, Victrola and records, rangette, kitchen cabin- et, kitchen chairs, bedroom furni. ture, 2 spool beds; antique parlor lamp, glassware, kitchen utensils, trunks, step ladder, tools, rag carpet, toilet set, harness. Host of other articles too numerous to mention, •Terms Chattels—Cash Real Estate: 10% deposit on day of sale, balance in 30 days on closing. Immediate possession if desired, Conditions of Sale will be announced on day of sale. Everything must be sold. No reserve except on real estate. For the Estate of Ida Hislop Hudson, deceased British Mortgage & Trust Co., Stratford, Executor Auct., Harold Jackson, Sea - forth, Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone .686 W Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER FOR SALE Cosy 6 room house in St. CO; umban. Nearly new 6 room house in. Dublin. 11 storey frame house hi Dublin, low down payment .will handle, 100 acre farm on county road in Tuckersmith. 200 acres in MclOiiiop, with real good buildings, 90 acres in McKillop with mod- er'n buildings priced low as own- er wants to retire. Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 608 M Local representative for WILFRED MCINTEE, Realtor Waliterten, Ont. 6 offices and. 25 aaleemen to serge rola BOX Funeral$ervioe AMBULANCE Prompt arid Careful Attention hospital lied Flowers for all occaiitone Phones: Day 43 Night 636W MARTIN W.STAPLETON Phy.Igian and Surge•n. Phone 90 Res. 605 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A„ M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone $.W eaforlh SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Dr. E. Malkua Office Hours, 1 n.m. to 6 p.m. daily *scoot Wednoeday and Sunday. Evenings: Tuesday A- There. 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance ars desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.0. TURNBULL, D.V.M.; v.S. W. R. BR TANS, W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V.3. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Lonestaff Optometrist Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth daily except Mop,, 0 to 6,80; Wed, 9 AM to 12,90 PM. Thur- ey by appointment only, Clinton B;U-2-7019,. shove Hawkins' Hdwe. Mon. 9 to S.r19 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 540 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Rtes. 286 We write all lines of - INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The'McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH,ONT. OffSeaforth;rs — Vice President. sen John H. McEwJohn L. ln Myth; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate. Seaforth. Directo J. L. Malone Seaforth eChris L,eenhardt,. Bornhoha; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John. H. McEwing, Myth ; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; Wm. R. Pepper, Seaforth ; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents William Leiper. Jr., Londes-VlqloBakere r Brussels; HaroldSuiresCiton ; James Keys, Seaforth. MORTGAGES First and second mortgages arranged anywhere in Ontario, DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A WBaes Ave., Downie/ow, Oat. MM. 114352 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS s*aMPION STOVV I. AND FURNACE DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 33'1-R Arnold Stinnissen R R 6 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday & Saturday after- nobns from 1-5.30 P.M. Ken's Radio and TV Sales and Service JARVIS ST, (In the former Ontex Building) Phone: Shop 164 Res. 464 Used TVs -$30 up WANTED usedfurniture, organa,' and pianos, old dry sinks, corner cupboards, hang- inglamps any household articles. Write Don Mantle, 831 -Mill at., Kitchener :' MITCHELL CIDER MILL Will operate every day except Saturdays, from. now on until Nov. 24 TERMS CASH FRED HENNICK & SON PrOprietors