HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-10-19, Page 4DUBLIN , S.PQRTS DAY (B. .4. %lams) On October 12 we held Field Day, Trophies were given to the girl' and boy who• received the highest number of points, The girls' trophy went to Jeanne Mel- ady with 48 points and John Van Babel with 26 points received the boys trophy. Mount Carmel high school came to visit us in the afternoon, They competed iii volleyball for the girls and football for the boys. Dublin was successful in both games. Dublin 3$, Mt. Car- mel 17 in volley ball; Dublin 4, Mt. Carmel 2 in football. The results of the events on field day are:. Senior boys—High jump,, John Van Bakel 5'2", Don Coyne 8', Anthony Visser 4'10", Pole vault, Joins Van Baker 9', Don Coyne S'2", Ken McLaughlin 7'2", Run- ning broad, Don Coyne, John Van Babel, Ken McLaughlin. Stand- ing broad, John Van Bakel, Don Coyne, Ken McLaughlin. Hop, skip, jump, Don Coyne, John Van Bartel, Anthony Visser. 100 yd. dash, J. Van Babel, Don Coyne, Ken McLaughlin. Junior boys—High jump, Jerry Cronin 4'S", Bill Stapleton 4'6", Jack Doyle 4'6", Polo vault, Mich- ael Russell 6'2", Jerry Cronin 6', Jack Doyle 5'6". Running broad, Bill Stapleton, Michael Russell, Jerry Cronin, Standing broad, Jack Doyle, Bill Stapleton, Mich- ael Russell, Hop, skip, jump, Michael Russell, Jerry Cronin, Bill Stapleton. 100 ycl. dash, Jack Doyle, Bill Stapleton, Jerry Cron- in, Junior Girls—Broad jump, Lor- etta Murray 5'3", Elaine Murray 5'11", Betty Shea. 4'8". 75 yd, dash, Loretta Murray, Elaine Murray, Pat McLaughlin. Tape jumping, Loretta Murray, Pat McLaughlin, Agnes Ryan, Relay, Loretta Murray's team, Mary Margaret Flanagan's team, Mau- reen Looby's team. Softball speed throw. Agnes Ryan, Rose Doyle, Patricia Benninger, Elaine Mur- ray, Loretta Murray, Pat McLau- ghlin. 3 -legged race, Patsy Mc- Laughlin, Loretta Murray, Maur- een Looby, Josephine Van Babel, Elaine Murray, Patricia Benning- er. Walking race, Rose Doyle, El- aine Murray, Loretto Murray, Running broad jump, Loretta Murray 10'2, Patricia Benninger 9.2, Elaine Murray 8'10". Intermediate girls—Dash, Mary Lou Coyne, Patsy Malady, Anne Malady, Softball throw, Martha Schoonderwoerd, IIelen Bruxer, Mary Lou Coyne, Anne Melady, Marie Cronin, Patsy Melady. Broad jump, Patsy Malady 6'11", Josephine Van Babel 6'4", Joyce Ryan 6'3", Walking race, Mar- tha Schoonderwoerd, Mary Lou Coyne, Anne Melady, Tape jump- ing, Mary Lou Coyne, Josephine Van Bakel, Anne Melady. Three- legged race, 1\Iary Lou Coyne, Anne Melady; Marie Cronin, Patsy Melady; Joyce Ryan, Jea- nne Melady. Running broad, Jos- ephine Van Babel, 11'2", Patsy Melady 11'1", Anne Malady 11'. Senior girls—Tape jumping, Jeanne Malady, Irene Shea, Yvo- nne Ducharme. Dash, Jeanne Me - lady, Pauline Stapleton, Joanne Stapleton. Softball throw, Mary Ellen Doyle, Jeanne Melody, Yvonne Ducharme, Irene Shea, Rosemary Ryan, Pauline Staple- ton. Broad jump, Jeanne Melady 7'4", Pauline Stapleton 7', Yvo- nne Ducharme 6'10". Three leg- ged race, Jeanne Melady, Mary Ellen Doyle; Rosemary Ryan, Pauline Stapleton; Yvonne Du- charme 11'6". Relay, Rosemary Ryan's team, Betty Ann Butters team, Martha Schoonderwoerd's team. Basketball throw, Jeanne Melady, Betty Ann • Butters, El- aine Murray. Two novelty races. Stepping stone relay, Jeanne Me - lady's team, Joanne Stapleton's .. .. „_ ..... THEN YOU ARE LIKELY TO BE Ambitious, wide awake. You love life. You're hard , to discourage, If you can't reach a man by 'phone— you may even write! .. . alertly including, of course: ® Your correspondent's full and correct postal ad- dress Your own name and return address in upper left corner III AND THE CORRECT POSTAL ZONE NUMBER IF YOU ARE WRITING TO QUEBEC, MONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORONTO, WINNI- PEG, OR VANCOUVER. Help us to speed your mail —check the yellow pages of your Telephone Directory for full postal information, oS P0.55.271: team, Rosemary Ryan's team. CROMARTY Obstacle team, Reselnar'y Ryan's team, Joanne Stapleton's team, Master TIMMY McDonald of Joanne Molady's team. Mitchell spepsst the weekend with his aunt Miss Olive Speare, Mrs. Stella Martin is a patient WANTON Mrs. Margaret Humphries Is. visiting with hes' eon -in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs,. Horace Rutledge, London. Miss Annie Laughlin of Sea- forth was a recent guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Art Mc- Call, Mr, and Mrs. R. Wilmole and Miss Connie Ruiyter of Stratford visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Martin and daughter of Burford were week-, end guests at the home of the los-mer's parents, Miss Catharine Buchanan of Kitchener spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchanan. }Barbie Shannon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shannon under- went an operation in Stratford General Hospital last Wednes- day, Mrs. Maly Van Dyke and daughter .Anja of Hardtnxvald, Holland, are guests at the home of Mrs, Van Dyke's ,parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jan Van Vliet, Mrs. Kenneth Ritchie and Lar- ry of Egmondville spent the weekend with Mrs. Fred Ennis. Mn, and Mrs. Roy Planke of Toronto spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Fred Ennis last week, The Sunday School session and Church Service will be with, drawn next Sunday morning in Duff's United Church owing to Anniversary services at Mon- crief United Church at 11 am, and S p.m. Rev, Arthro' Higgin- botham will conduct both ser- vices. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundee visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arm- our Dundas at Lucan on Sunday; Everyone will be welcome at Duff's United Church 'next Fri- day evening at. S p.m, when Dr. E. A, McMaster of Grand Bend will show slides taken on a re- cent trip to the Holy Land. The evening will be sponsored by the McKillop Group. The W. I. will observe "Family Night" Friday evening, Oct. 27 when members will bring their husbands and children for a so- cial evening. A lunch of sand- wiches and tarts will be served. Convenors will be Mrs. Andrew Comm, Mrs, Wm. Dennis, Mrs. Gerald Ryan and Mrs. Geo. Love, Rae Huether received facial in- juries and was treated at Clinton Public Hospital after a two -car collision on highway 8 three miles east of Clinton, Saturday afternoon. Damage was estimated at $1500. Driver of the other ve- hicle was Thomas M. Coulton of Mitchell who escaped injury. Layman Sunday will be observ- ed at Walton United Church on Sunday morning, Oct. 29th when Mr. Sans Scott of Seaforth will have charge of the service, Mis- sion Band will be held the same morning with both services be- ginning at 11,30 a.m. Standard Time. Sunday School will begin at 10.30. The Work Shop of East Huron District W, I, will be held in Eth- el Community Hall, Oct. 26 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The speaker, Mrs. R. J. Penny will talk on "Women's Institute Procedures". District Officers, Directors, Con- veners, Branch Officers and any- one interested are asked to at- tend. Bring handbook, also your own lunch. Beverage will be sup- plied. Mr. Kenneth Ryan of Merlin spent a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan last week. Mr, and Mrs, Robert McMich- ael attended the Wright -Hoare wedding at Galt, recently. Mr. and Ms's. Howard VanCamp and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cardiff, all of Ethel were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McKay, Miss Ruth Ritchie was a guest at the Taylor -Howatt wedding at Westfield last Wednesday- The reception was held at the Tiger Dunlop Inn near Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wallace of Seaforth have moved to the Mil- ler farm west of Leadbury now owned by Mr. Ralph McNichol, Applications will be received by the undersigned until Friday, November 3, 1961 for the follow- ing positions' CLERK -TYPISTS STENOGRAPI-IIERS STENOGRAPHER- 1300KKEEPERS Please supply the following in- formation: Age Marital Status References Experience (i.e. typing, book- keeping, shorthand, etc.) Education -Salary expected Full or part time employment desired, Envelopes for applications insist he secured from the under- signed. J. 0, Berry, Clerk-Treas. County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario, inforth, . Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - Mrs. Geo, Wallace is under the doctor's care at her home having broken several ribs in a fall on Monday Mr. Lloyd Sol'sdahl has sold his house in the village to Mr, Robert Dodds, and having' dispos- ed of their grocery business;, he, with Mrs. Sorsdahl and Connie (have moved to Mitchell .whore they have purchased home. We are sorry to lose such good ei i - cons. Thesympathy offire communi- ty is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Dow, whose son Mr. Nel- son Dow, was killed in a car crash on Friday night. Mrs. W, N, Binning, Richard, Robert and Jane, Mitchell, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, K. McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig visited during the weekend with friends at Fergus and Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Merman Hoste ac• companied them to Guelph where they visited friends, Mrs. T. L. Scott was Presby- terial visitor at the Thankoffer- ing meeting of the WMS of Knox Presbyterian Church, Stratford, on Wednesday evening. Mrs. M. Lammond, Mrs. G, Car- ey and Mrs, T. L. Scott attended the executive meeting of Strat- ford Presbyterial at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Stratford, on Friday afternoon, The Hibbert Little Lassies held their first meeting of "Meat on the Menu" at the home of Mrs. L, Miller on Oct. 10th with the election of officers as follows: Pres., Barbara Gardiner; Vice Pres., Kaye Worden; Sec: Treas,, Patsy Coyne; Telephone girls, Margaret Wallace, Joyce Kers- lake, Mary Ellen Doyle; Press Reporter, Anna Scott. Three new members joined the club at this meeting. The next meeting will be held on Oct. 14th at the home of Mrs. Miller. The October meeting of the WMS and W.A. of Roy's Church was held at the home of Mrs. A. Christie, with Mrs. M. Christie Presiding. She opened the meet- ing with a poem "We Are Grate- ful", Scripture and meditation were taken by Mrs. H. Dow fol- lowed with prayer by Mrs. Nor- man Dow. Miss Bessie Dow read the poem "Thank Thee God". Mrs, F. Johns and Mrs. H. Prid- ham rendered a duet. Mrs. J. Hocking and Mrs, G. Dow were appointed program committee for the November meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. M. Christie. The topic was taken by Mrs. J. Hocking from the new study book. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. M. Christie. Lunch was served by the hostess. A Cromarty area man was kill- ed and a second received multi- ple fractures in a two -car crash Friday night on Highway 2, near Dancing! Brodb agen Com. Centre Friday, October 20 Desjardine Orchestra Admission 75c Glencoe, about 30 -miles south- west of London, Dead Is Nelson Dow, 24, of R. Cromarty, son of Mr. gild Mm, A, I. Gordon Pow, In satisfactory condition in Victoria Hospital, London, as Bruce Nairn, also of Cromarty, A third person, Michael Kane, Windsor, was also injured, His condition is described as satis- factory. Mr, Dow athrdMr. Nairn were returning from a construe tion job in the Glencoe area when the accident occurred, Mr. Dow who resided at lot 28, Con. 10, Fullerton TWO., was born in Stratford and had lived a short time in Carlingford; He attended Mount Pleasant Public ' School and the Mitchell district High School. He was a member ' of Roy's United Church. Surviving arehis parents, two sisters, Mrs, Lloyd (Elizaebth) Kicks, London, and Mrs. Roy (Norma) Ropp of Tavistock, and three nieces and two nephews. The funeral was held from the Heath -Leslie funeral home, Mit- chell, on Monday, with Rev. A. I3, Daynard officiating. Burial. was in Roy's Cemetery. BRUCEFIELD Mr. Wesley Ham and sons. John, Peter and 'Robert visited with Mr. Ham's mother, Mrs. C. Ham and Miss M, Swan over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mustard spent the weekend with their family hi Toronto, Miss Lottie McAsh and friend of London spent the weekend with Mrs, E. Forrest. The Mission Band held a very successful sale and tea on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith and family, Stratford, visited with relatives for Thanksgiving, Mrs. Bruce -Menary, Bayfield, spent a few days with her nieces Miss Kathleen and Marie Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hopkins vis- ited with Mrs. Hopkins' parents, M . and Mrs. Thos. Prescott. Mr. and MM. S, Neal and son Ronald, Mrs, Vaughan Munroe Mid spa spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr, and Mrs. Mae Wilson, Visitors over Thanksgiving at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Da7'id Triebner. ;were Mr, and Ml's, Gor, don Triebner; Guelph, Mr. and 141r0. Grant Triebner, Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Triebner, Mr, and Mrs, Don Jolly and family of Ex. eter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bern. and, Brussels, Miss Marion Trio)) - nes', Ifrucefie'ld, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Crifbone, Toronto, visited with Mrs, Crib - bon's aisles', Mrs. A. Paterson on Sunday. Mr. and Mi's, J. Durant, Coiling - wood, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc. Clove, Winthrop, spent the week-, end with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson. Mrs. Sas. Streets, Kincardine; Dr. Sas, Johnston, Aurora, visited at the manse with Rev, and Mrs. Johnston on Sunday. Rev. H. Johnston was called to the bedside of his brother, Collingwood, who is seriously ill, Mrs. Ings visited with her brother, Mr. Albert Hohner, Sea - forth for Thanksgiving. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and ,family, Mrs, H, Berry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Smith, Bluevale, and Mr. and Mr's. Geo. MaCnlle of Kitchener, NORTHSIDE W. A. The W. A. of Northside United Church held their regular fall meeting on Wednesday, October 11, with 19 members present. The meeting opened with the devo- tional period led by Mrs. N, Schneider and hymn 578, follow- ed by the W. A, Motto, theme song and prayer. Then the min- utes of the last meeting were read, followed by the Treasurer's report and the reports of the var- ious secretaries, committees and group representatives. The Visit- ing Committee reported 22 home calls, 93 hospital calls, and 121 nursing home calls, . Northside United Church Anniversary Services SUNDAY, OCT. 22nd — 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. Guest Minister for the day - Rev. William ten Hoopen, B.A„ B.D., of North St. United Church, Goderich, Ont. Subject for Morning Worship "The Church at Worship" Music Jr, Choir, "Selected" Sr. Choir, "With a voice of singing" - Martin Shaw , "My faith looks up to Thee" - F. Lachner (Duet Miss Ruth Cluff and Mrs. N. Bell) Evening Subject "The Church at Home" Music Sr. Choir, "Fairest Lord Jesus" German Folk Song "The Lord is my Shepherd" - Descant on Crimond A CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL MEMBERS AND FRIENDS TO WORSHIP WITH US ON THIS OCCASION Organist - Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart Choirmaster - Mr. S. A. Stewart Minister - Rev. J. Cliff Britton, BA, pm TI -Ill) SNIAF.ORTH NPWS (Phone 34) ---Thursday, October 19, 1961 LADiES' GUILD The Ladies' Guild of St, 'Chem as' Anglican Church, Seaforth, Met ins the Parish Hall for the regular October nseeting, To open the meeting, the president, Mrs. C, Rowcllffe read the Gospel for the 19th Sunday after Trinity fol. lowed by the prayer for the par- ish and the Lord's Prayer. The roll .call and rninnutes of the pre- vious meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. G., Stockwell, The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. B. Dinsmore, The ladies commented favourably on the splendid job that the men of the prish had done in painting the hall and the ladies' choir room. The November Guild meeting. is to be held on Tuesday, Nov, 7th at 2.30 as the bazaar is on the 15th., It was decided to leave the banquet comsnittees as they are for the present time. Discus- sion took place concerning the decorations and booths for the bazaar. The offering was receiv- ed and dedicated and the presi- dent closed the meeing with the benediction, TUCKERSMITH. The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club held the October meeting' at the home of Mrs, Ken Rogerson with 11 members and 3 visitors pres- ent. A donation of 310.00 was voted to be sent to the Institute for the Blind, A letter was read from local Cancer Society offer- ing the use of tam for a meeting; Our annual club supper was dis- cussed and it was decided to have it in November, Mrs. WM. Rogerson gave a reading and soy- eral games of bingo were played at the close of the meeting; the members of group three served a dainty lunch. KIPPEN Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Priestap of Mitchell visited Sunday with Mr, Robert Thomson, Rev, and Mrs, Df A. McMillan of Ilderton and Rev.- Cook of Lu - can visited friends in the village on Wednesday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Triebner .and girls of Guelph spent Thanks- giving weekend with the formers. mother and sister-in-law Mr, and Mrs. David Triebner and family. First 'Presbyterian Church - 11 A.M. Guest Minister: Rev. Dr. D. 3. Lane, Clinton Nursery' for children up to 3 years meets during the morning service 7 p,m. Service withdrawn in favor of Northside United Church Anniversary DISCOUNT TRAIN FARES are offered again this fall. Take full advantage of these substantial savings ... bring friend or family and enjoy the best in travel. I • For two or more—round trip • Any day of the week • Anywhere in Canada { I•FirstClass,TouristorCoach,whereindividual 11 I regular round trip fare is $7.50 or more 1 i • Go together—return separately if you wish 11 • 150 lbs. of baggage free per adult t 1 Call your local ticket office for the DISCOUNT FARE that applies to your next trip. 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SPECIAL $1.00 .--•.+ai per acre off regular price. • CO-OP PIG PRESTARTER , , a new formulation, ' highly fortified and extremely palatable , .. SPECIAL 75c per cwt. off regular'price. CO-OP CATTLE FEED WITH TROLENE —J A systemic warble grub control for beef cattle and dairy heifers. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL.... 75c per cwt. off regular price. SF.AFORTII FARMERS COMP OPEN HOUSE — SAT. AFTERNOON AND EVENING 0.01'. 21st