HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-10-05, Page 4Rece tron For Mr. and. Mrs. Ross 'Willison (Muriel Shobbrook) FRIDAY,. OCT. 13 relOildes0Qro Ia'u }?ierce's Orchestra RECEPTION AND DANCE For Mr, and Mrs. James Axtnlann Friday evening, Oct 6 Walton Community Hall Norris Orchestra Ladies please bring lunch Dancing Brodhagen Com. Centre FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6 Elgin Fisher & the Rhytbmaires Admission 75c CRAM ARTY Mr, and Mrs. John Jefferson and daughter Ina of Munro were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr's, Gordon Laing. Mr. and Mrs. W Crawford MAIM the week end in Stratford with their dapghter and son-iu- law, Mr. and Mrs. B, Sararas. Miss Ina Scott of Lond spent the week end with her aients. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Scott. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Elliott and children of Windsor have return- ed hone after holidaying witl their parents, Mr, and Mre. John Wallace and Mr, and Mrs, Nor- val Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar vis• ited:;on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs .'Alex, Crago, Kirkton. Harvest is pretty well complet- ed in this district and the farm- ers are now busy filling silos. The CGIT girls with mothers and WMS members as guests met in the SS room on Monday evening. This was an affiliation service for three new members. Mrs. Calder MoKaig, was acting representative iron the WMS. MEIKLE - SCOTT A pretty all white wedding took place in Cromarty Presby- terian Charoh on Sept. 30th at 2.39 p.m. when Muriel (Penny) Isabella, daughter of Mr. and NOTICE RE: PLUMBING For the convenience and protection of the public, a uniform plumbing inspection service is provided in Huron County un- der the auspices of the Health Unit. Commencing October 15th, 1961, permits will be required for all work covered by the Provincial Plumbing Code. Inspection Fees are based on the Schedule adopted in County By-law No. 68, 1961, under authority of the Ontario Water Resources Commission Act, For further information, please write or 'phone — W.L. EMPEY, Chief Inspector, Court House, Goderich, Telephone JA 4-7441 Mrs, James M. Scott, Statfa, was united in marriage with James Oarlyle Meikle, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Meikle, Kirkton, Rev, Samuel Kerr, Enrbro, officiated, Decorations were white glads, ferns and candelabra. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of floating silk org- anza di creetly accented with Ab :mon Face motifs wit}t. tt barque bodice, beat neckline',puff sleeves and finger tip.veil';,u'lon net draped from a queen's crown of lace and pearls, red roses with ivy and white streamers on a white Bible, Mrs. Gamy Finlayson, Walton, cousin of bride was matron of honor and Miss Pauline. Adams of London, Miss Dia YnegBowman of Lucan and Miss Anna Scott, Cromarty, cousin of bride, were bridesmaids. The matron of hon- or and bridesmaids were gowned alike in ballerina length white organza gowns with cummer- bund and, cap sleeves with mat- ching head pieces; The flower girl, Debbie Wallace, cousin of bride, was gowned in similar dress as the bridal attendants. They all carried cascades of yel- low and bronze mums. Ringbearer was Ronnie Scott, brother of bride, wearing char- coal pants and white jacket, Alex Meikle, Exeter. brother of the groom, was best man, Ushers were Duncan Scott, Cromarty, Jerry Scott, Staffa, brothers of bride, and George Vivian, Staffa. Organist was Mrs, K, McKel- lar. Cromarty, who played tradi- tional wedding music, Soloist, Ro- bert Norris, Staffa, sang "I'll Walk Beside You" and "0 Per - feet Love." The Bride's mother wore beige sheath embroidered chiffon with dark brown and green accessor- ies, yellow mum corsage; bride- groom's mother wore a two-piece ensemble of mint green brocade satin with brown accessories and yellow mum corsage. The wedding dinner was at Cromarty Presbyterian Church parlors. Assistants were Misses Ina and Dorothy Scott, Rosanna and Ramona Worden, Margaret Drake, Margaret Wallace, Alice Walker and Sheila Allen. For a honeymoon in Northern Ontario the bride wore mink brown Italian knit jersey two- piece suit with brown and green accessories with yellow rose eor- • :1 WI .., u,xf'm;•4,,,,,, ,inld h I4 tdµ ;gllb, 'i10., 1Ule! I It i Plat. .. INr,.Nurvl n: JII ,, e1 I' 1. rl . I A, l '„.,naw, Tred u. Lal 5x 1 , tti Nrcluxnlnl Iw11mor er 1„?, ,111 [p tion l,. ImMn{ INI.n.N .lnlx, m,nn,r AIV. ll ,.,,mouton .NAn.o,$.Nrin,+al+^: I `u,d,n, I. uodAAANl,1 lo,,IINl d mull uni.. 1'wvl,Al,'Ixl"I.d„4,Id•lnnlrlrxm:n., I:lnllll.••nnt I.,411wr.!rxl f,.• a,,f,I' ,iH.1x.'r4ln :I„ :,•r tuxn1M1 1".x11 n,nl:.'d xmilullx1.. erfoox' it r 4 n4dN, iv.e.tlaln.Nlrn u 'I.nIA,l, 1•d.ux rinbl,n,nrlAnpnn, n•,4uA1111, Mli•n,nn,lw!Ixannx11N �dirx r:lilrde rim u, nye, xrn+n,10.1.nNl .,nl'i' 11 r 11 1.Ixoen l,11nn N++11x x,1'l,r"•u I"44r.10101,1..,RA:1...1.11dl. ,d d, n,A,vxl:4:1.ul ,a,rnnl,1x1,v.x leenlI., 11;114 u 1oill Id,nbrIII i.nl.Im rvrl,. ,Nnl, pqul'bduh�nnl �•'NIr,Idn: r;ml,ne. Cnxl„V la .vm ,dl nA,l-Nmxt,mb.N INTEREST: a. U '”` mwaa is 41h% .V20 i orreaasT 41/z% Rave -cc r• 4% _ INSTANT CASH whenever you need it! It's nice iso know that if you should need money itt ro, h erbi, your Canada Savings Bonds are cctshable instantly,. It''s also nice to know that, as long as you retain them,the interest steps up from 414% for the first year, to 4.1% for each of the next six years, and then to 6% for each of the remaining three years. Available 1n,,clenominations of $50 up --to a limit of $10,000 per person — for cash or on instalments at banks, investment dealers, stock brokers, trust or loan companies — or on the convenient Payroll Savings Plan, BUY THE NEW CANADA SAVINGS BONDS good for You—and Canacln tool sage,. Guests were, from London, 'Mixes In Vancouver, Victoria Inwood, Exeter, Mitchell, Sea. and Port Alberni, B,C,. forth, Zurich, Parkhill, Walton, Cromarty and Staffa, BAYFIELD IRroid Atwood, Sarnia, spent front. Friday ,to Tueed4y in the village, , , Bayfield Agricµltural ;'air was held on Friday afternoon at the fair grounds, A ,large croWd at- 'tended. School children from 'a number of schools paraded at I. o'clock from the park. In the evening a dance was held with Carruthers Orchestra playing; A lunch booth was held by the la- dies of the Agri, Society. Mrs. R. Warner and daughter of London are at their homefor a few days, Miss Joan Tillmann, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Hel- en Cluff. Miss Elaine Weston, London, was at her home over the week- end, Mrs. Wm, Parker and two chil- dren of London are visiting her father John Fraser. Mr, and Mrs, Russel Flowers and family, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Adam Flowers, Glenn Brandon, of Chatham, spent the week end with his wife and four children. - Master Jeffery Mayman, Tren- ton, is spending a week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, R. L. MacMillan. Mr, and Mrs. A, W. Hayman, London, spent the week end with their daughter, Miss Ruth Hay- man, Misses A. and M. Watson re- turned last week to Windsor of+. ter spending the summer at their home on Main street. KIPPEN Joseph H. Dayman, 87, of Wel- land, and a native of Kippen, passed away Wednesday, Sept. 27 in Welland hospital. He was married to the former Miss Rein- ke of Seaforth and farmed north of Seaforth near the Maitland Bank cemetery- He left Seaforth, moved to Fort Erie. He is surv- ived by a daughter, Mrs. (Edna) J. Gotch of New Orleans, and a son, Robert of Jordan, and was a brother of the late Robert Dayman of Hensall. Service was Sept. 30th from G. A. Whitney funeral home, Seaforth. Pallbear- ers were Peter McCowan, Alex. Smith, John McCowan Jr., David Shannon, Con Eckert, Roy Butt. Burial was in Maitlandbank cem- etery. Mr. and Nlrs, Andrew Ritchie of Ashfield and Mr. and Mrs. Iv- an Forsyth returned home last week after attending the Canad- ian Good Roads convention at Banff, Alta., and also visiting re - Mr, and Mrs. Alex, McBeath and Douglas, Mrs. Hugh Hen- drick, Mr, and. Mrs, Alfred Hun - kin of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs, Neil McLellan attended a cattle sale at Little Current, Manitoulin Is, Mr. and hire, 12. Mousseau and Mr: and lyirs, Boss.. Veber. attep-; ded the kbth. Wedding :.ennivets-' ary of Mr, and Mrs, Rufus Turn- bull of Greenway on Septa 26th, Messrs. Elzar and Herp'Mous- seau and a party of four other' hunters left Thursday morning for Elsis, north of Sudbury on a week's moose hunt, Mrs. E. Mopsseau and, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Faber attended a ded- ication service Sunday afternoon at Greenway United ,Church, Lights were installed in the choir and placed there in mem- ory of the late Mrs. Dean Brown, Mrs. W. Gibson of Wroxeter is visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Meliis. DUBLIN High School News B, A. Butters On Tuesday, Sept. 26 the Grade 11 received theirInternrdiate Cer- tificates. Rev, Father Durand gave a speech on "You have to have desire to get success", Then he presented the diplomas to An- thony Visser, Martha Schoonder- woerd, John Van Bakel, Irene Shea, Helen Bruxer, Don Coyne, James MacRae, Mary Ellen Doyle, Yvonne Ducharme, Joanne Sta- pleton, Betty Ann Butters and lien McLaughlin, Questions of the week: 1. Joanne, what were you ,do- ing in the back woods Sunday? 2. Jean, are you going to Wells next year? 3, Mary Ellen, why did you go from one car to another one Fri- day night? 4. Rosemary, where are you go- ing to send your milk? McKILLOP The WMS and W.A. of Duff's Church,, McKillop, was held on. Sept. 20 at the home of Mrs. A. Lamont. W. A. meeting opened with Mrs. Aaron Jantzi in the chair. Mrs. Arnold Scott read the scripture lesson and Mrs. James Kerr read the comments. Mrs. Jantzi read the meditation. Mrs, Eldon Kerr read the secretary's report Mrs.. Gordon MacKenzie took over for the WMS. Mrs. Mon: Kerr gine the secretary's re- port. The Society is invited to Brodhagen Church on Oct. 18th at 2.30 p.m, . lure, MacKenzie read a poem. Prayer by Mrs. James Kerr. Mrs. Arnold Scott gave the topic, "The Christian as an Individual" s1. social half hour was spent. TklB SEArowuI NEWS (Phone 81)—Thursday, October 5, 1961 VARNA Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Ortwein of Great Falls, Manitoba visited I•eh atives in Stanley Township last week. Messers Alex and David Ost- rom have returned home, after. apending.''a cbuir.le of month:: in the United State4 and Western Canada. Miss L. McConnell of. Pitts- burg, Penn., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mi's. free Mc- Connell, A large number of softball fans went to Hensall last Saturday night to see the final game of the Central Huron Softball League when Bayfield won oat over Holmesville 8.6 and won the pen- nant. The community thanks the boys for giving the fans a• good many nights entertainment and showing good sportsmanship ev- en when the team lost, BORN Crawford—To Fit, Lt. and Mrs, Thomas 5, Crawford, of Green- wood, N. S. (the former Barbara Wright) a daughter, on Oct. 3rd. Schmidt—In K -W Hospital. on October 4, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schmidt, Kitchener, a daughter. *LARON Check over our complete assortment of Children s Winter Wear SNOW SUITS JACKETS CAR COATS, ETC. KIDDIES SNOW SUITS 1 to 3X and 4 to 6X sizes JACKETS AND CAR • COATS, ages 7 to 14 • CHILDREN'S HOSIERY,. UNDERWEAR AND SLEEPERS CAPS, GIRLS WINTER HEADWEAR. MITTS AND GLOVES CARDIGANS AND PULLOVERS LARONE'S SEAFORTH 5c to $1.O STORE STATIONERY -- GIFTS SA'EIlR.D)LE MGM' IS SHOPPING NIGHT IN SEAFORTH l�ow:enjoy ittrai gas heat Rent an automatic conversion burner to fit your present' furnace only monthly. NO CASH OUTLAY—We apply your low rental payment to your regular monthly gas bill. NO INCONVENIENCE—Natural gas conversion burners fit quickly and easily into almost all furnaces. $5000 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE—This is allowed on .your oil burner or coal stoker. The offer is good only up to October 31,, 1961, so act nowt see your heating contractor or UNIONGAS COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED