HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-10-05, Page 1WHOLE SDRIES, VOL. 82
e. Seaforth Ndws.
Snowden Prose reeUsher1 P110110 84
CHAMPIONS at Seaforth public school field day last week, from left, front, Judy Hulley, Jim Dal-
rymple„ Peggy Cornish, Randy Wood, Larry Broome, Back, Linda Muegge, Sandra Hugi11, Fred
Knetsch, Douglas Dalrymple, Lynn Nixon. D, Dalrymple also won the Huron Int, title.
Field Day Winners
October Meeting of
McKillop Council
The McKillop tax rate was set
at the October meeting on Mon-
day. Township rate is 9.80 nail's,
commercial 11.60, and the High
School rate 10.90 rattle.
The following drainage bylaws
were passed: Bolton No. 1 Mun-
icipal Drain; Anderson Drain
debenture No. 10 refund; Whyte
Drain deb. No. 9 refund; Dennis
Drain; Dolmage Drain, to prov-
ide lower assessment due to cre-
dit from Provincial Drainage
Bylaw was passed to assume
McKillop proportion of $180,000
debentures for addition and fur-
nishings of Seaforth District
High School area.
McKillop will pay L. Ham-
mond, treasurer of Seaforth, prin-
cipal and interest totalling $4,-
597.32 on high school debeeture.
$4,000 was loaned to McKillop
Mun. Telephone System.
James McQuaid was paid $60
extra for assessor's salary due
to extra work for school assess-
ments. The road suet. was auth-
orized to advertise for snowplow-
ing the roads. A. grant of $550
was made to 1VIcKillop Federa-
tion of Agriculture.
Council adjourned to meet
Oct, 13 at 1:30 pen. and Nov. 6
at 10 am, for Court of Revision
on 1961.62 assessment roll.
Twp. Rate 9 Mills
At Public School
.. In Tuckersmith
KINDERGARTEN Council met in the Town Hall,
25 -yd. dash -5 yrs., Girls, Judy Seaforth. All members were pre -
Steffen, Joanne Dell, Anne Hop- sent, Warden Forsyth presided,
per; boys, Glen Malcolm, Paul A petition of five ratepayers
• Hul/ey, Bill Nediger. for the extension of the Archi-
Peanut race -5 yrs., girls, Bar- bald IVIenicipal Drain was adeept-
bare Brady, Lisa Whyte, Cathie ed by Council, and Mr. Archibald
McGonigle; boys, Dwayne Corn- of the firm Archibald, Gray and
• ish, Robbie Blesser, Bruce Hasel• McKay was appointed to make a
grove. survey and report.
PRIMARY The report of the Bean Municf.
Running — girls, Judy Hulley, nal Drain was read to those as -
Brenda Hodgert, Gail Doig; boys, sassed owners present. The re -
Randy Wood, John Munro, Larry port was referred back to the
Broome. Engineer to include all owners
Jumping—girls, Gail Doig, Elva in the water shed. The report of
Bowering, Ruth Dunlop; boys, the Layton Municipal Drain Ex -
Donnie Bettger, John Munro, tension was read and was adopt -
Larry Broome. ed by Council, for which, the
Sack Race—girls, Mary Oke, Clerk was instructed to prepare
Vickie IVIiller, Judy Hulley; boys, a Cash By-law. The court of Re -
Randy Wood, Danny Muir, Larry vision for the Layton Drain Ex -
Threwhig the ball—girls, Ruth
Dunlop, Jean McKaig, Monica
Malkus; boys, Danny Muir, John
Gorwill, David Harvey.
Shoe Race—girls, Charlytel
Fry, Judy Hulley, Gail Doig;.
boys, Larry Broome, Doug Hilde-
brand, Ray Mennen,
Primary Championships—Girls,
Indy Hulley -6 points, Gail Doig
—5 points, Ruth Dunlop -4 eta.
Boys, Randy' Wood and Larry
Broome, 6 pts. Danny Muir, 5 pts,
runner-up, Jelin Munro, 4 points.
Junior Girls -50 yd. dash, Peg-
gy Cornish Barbara Bryans, Judy
75 -yd. dash, Nancy Hulley, Peg-
gy Cornish, Barbara Bryans.
Standing Broad 6' 2"—Peggy
Cornish, Nancy Hulley, Barbara
Bryans, Margie McLean,
Running Broad 11' 4"—Nancy
Ridley, Peggy Cornish, Carol
Hop, Step, Jump 23' — Peggy
'Cornish, Barbara Box, Christine
High Jump—Nancy Hulley,
Peggy Cornish, Margie McLean.
50 yd. dash — Paul McKellar,
Brian Fischer, Bryan Hodgert.
100 yd. dash—Paul McKellar,
Bryan Hodgert, Brian Fischer.
Standing Broad 6'—Brian Fisc-
her and Jim Dalrymple (tie), Ted
Wilbee, Bryan Hodgert and Dan-
• ny Cornish (tie).
Running Broad 11'9"—Jim Dal-
rymple, Bryan Hodgert, Paul Mc-
Hon, Step, Sump, 23' 0"—Jim
Dalrymple, Bryan Hodgert, Brian
"--ee— Fischer,
75 yd. dash — Linda Muegge,
Mary Ellen Moore, Jean Powell.
110 yd. dash—Linda Muegge,
Mary Ellen Moore, Sally Mowat,
Running Broad 9'11" — Janet
Beattie, Linda Muegge, Sally Cos.
Hop, Step, Jump 21' 11"—Janet
Beattie, Dianne Baert, Sally Mow-
High Jump 3' 4%" — Dianne
Baert, Rosemary Beynon, Mary
Ellen IVIotate.
Softball throw — Sally Mowat,
Rosemary Beynon, Jane Boithart.
Intermediate Boys: 75 yd. dash
—17 ouglas Dalrymple, Brian
Broome, Murdo McLean.
150 yd. dash—Brian Broome,
Douglas Dalrymple, Murdo Me -
Running Broad 12' 6/", Doug-
las Dalrymple, Brian Broome,
Wayne Huber.
Hop, Step, Sump, 27' 3"—Doug-
Dalrymple, Alan •McLean,
• Gunter Wipperfurth.
High Jump 3' JAW—Douglas
Dalrymple, Alan McLean, Jim
• Nixon.
Soccer Kick 53', Brian Broome,
Gunter Wipperfurth, John Mc-
• Senior Girls:• 75 yd. dash, Lynn
Nixon, Judy Muegge, Sandra Hu -
100 yd. dash, Lynn Nixon, San-
dra Hugel, Judy Muegge,
Running Broad 11' 6", Sandra,
Hugill, Lyhn Nixon, Ulla Leurit.
Hop, Step, Sump 23' 9", Lynn
Nixon, Sandra Hugill, Lame
High Junm 3' 9", Sheila Rowat,
Marie Elliott, Sandra Hugill.
Basketball throw 46' 4", Sae.
cira Hugill, Kerry Moore, Lynn
The sale is reported this week
of the Clayton Dennis residence
On lames Street • opposite the
hospital to D. el. Williams of the
RCAF who has been living on
John Street. Possession Nov. lst.
•Mr. Dennis plans to move to De-
Sale was arranged through of-
fice of Wilfred Mclntee, broker.
Amos Corby, local salesman,
Minor Baseball
Night on Oct. 13
Seaforth Minor Baseball Asso-
ciation will held their annual
Minor Baseball Night next Fee
day, Oct. 13. The social evening
will be held in the Seaforth Pub-
lic School Auditorium, comment-
ing at 6.30 p.m. It is anticipated
a film will be shown and a _gutest
speaker. The executive re/meets
the players to bring their parents
and also turn in their unifomes
that night.
Building permit Issued this
week by Building Inspector Tier -
old Maloney: Peter Huyben. 'the
former Don Wallace residenae on
George St., new siding, picture
window etc., $1,000.
Mrs. Helen Glew wishes to an-
nounce the engagement of her
daughter Nancy Ann to Angelo
Andreassi, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Beaggio Andreassi, of Northern
Xtaly. The marriage to take place
the latter part of Octo'ber.
100 yd. dash—Flarvey Dreger,
Fred Knetsch, George Beeves.
220 yd. dash—Harvey Drager,
Fred Knetsele Birnie Jessome.
Running Breed 13' 11.34"—Fred
Knetsch, Birnie Jessome, Harvey
Hop, Step, Jump 29' 2", Fred
Knetsch, Harvey Drager, Donald
High Jump 4' lee — Fred
Knetsch, Harvey Drager, Donald
Football Throw 114. 1'—Har-
vey Drager, Fred Knetsch, Don-
ald Hulley,
Jr. Girls—Peggy Cornish, 15
points, runner-up, Nancy Hulley
11 points,
Jr. Boye—Jim Dalrymple 11
points, ruriner-up Brian Fischer,
Bryan Hodgert (8 point tie),
Interinediate (Ries—Linda
egge 8 pointe, runner -tip, Janet
Beattie 6 points.
Intermediate Boys — Douglas
Dalrymple 14' pointe, runner-up
Brien Broome 10 ,pointe,
Senior Girls — Sandra Hugill
and Lynn Nixon (tie, 12 points),
runtier-up, Judy Muegge, 3 pts.
Senior Boys—Fred Knetech, 15
points, runner-up, germ Dra-
ger, 14 piallte,
tenet= was set for 2.00 p.m. on
Tuesday, the 7th of November,
The necessary legal proceed-
ings are to be initiated in order
that the property held by the
Township in lieu of taxes, may
be sold.
Tender for snowplowing for
the winter of 1961-62 are to be
called by Oct. 16.
The Court of Revision for the
Assessment Roll for 1962 is to be
held on Tuesday, October 17th at
9,30 in the Town Hall, Seaforth.
The Clerk was authorized to
apply to the Dominion Govern-
ment for a grant in lieu of taxes
for the RCAF StationatClinton,
Council set the Township rate
for farm and residential at 9
mills and that for commercial at
11.2 mills for the current tax
The following accounts were
passed for payment.
Tile drainage loans $2,400.00;
Ontario Hydro, leginond, pump
$22.02; Ontario Hydro, Egniond.
Street Lights $174.01; Ontario
Hydro, Brucefield Street Lights
337.50; Tuck, Muni, Telephone
Systeln, loan 52,000.00; Skeoch
office supplies $12.04; Village of
fire call tuna ?ire agree.
ment 5200.00; Prank Kling Ltd.,
mond, water .64; Welfare
$24e,75; Advertising $9.90; Fax
'bounty 58.00; Petty Cash, stamps
$10.00; salary and allowance
$2e5.77; Reeeiver General $15.90;
Equitable Like, Pension $13.50;
Fred Aaaens, dump $$22.50; CNI
e50.00'; Seaforth District High
School Bea grant $25.00; Roads
Council 'adjourned to meet on
Tuesday, pet. 17 at 8 p.m.
The Friendship Circle of the
First Presbyterian Church held
their first meeting for the Fall in
the Church hall. The meeting
was in the form of a pot luck sap-
per. The prayer was offered by
Mr. Elder. The devotional meet-
ing was held after supper. Mrs.
Elmer Rivers opened with pray-
er and Mrs 'John Patterson read
the scripture from Luke 2. A
Thanksgiving prayer was given
by Mrs. •George Miller, There
was a discussion of the upcom-
ing bazaar, and a special work
meeting will be held in the
Church Hall, Tuesday, Oct. 10 at
8.15 pen. Members are asked to
bring scissors, needle and thread,
Scouting events ,coming up in
the •month of October are Oct. 15,
leaders basic training course to
be held at RCAF Station, Clin-
ton, Ott. 21, Apple Day; Oct, 25,
Annual District Leaders Supper
meeting in ,Seaforth Legion Hall.
Oct, 30, Ghost Party for ist, 2nd
Cubs Packs. The "Going Up" cer-
emony for 15 Cubs to the Scout
troops will be held in October.
The date to be announced later,
Friday at Orange Hall Euchre.
Ladiee first, Mrs. McDougal; lone
hands, Miss Mae Smith; low,
Mee Mac Chesney, Men's high,
John Tremeee; lone hande, Chas.
Famine; low, Harry Brown.
$50 draw: R. G. Shortreed of
Clinton won $25; John Laird of
Teeswater $15; Misr- Everett
Smith, Seaforth $10.
The regular meeting ot the
Red Cross Will be held in the;
library rooms on Friday, Oct, 6th'
et 3 p.m.
Seaforth, Ontario, Thursday, October 5, 1961 11,60 Yeer Authorize,/ ea secone
Poet Office Peet., Mame
Results of Field
Crop Judging
• Final results of the field crop
competitions of Seaforth Agricul-
tural Society are complete. Ta.
tale are:
Husking Corn—jelln Broad -
foot 90250, Bob Broadeoot 89.375,
Robt. Fotheringham 87.250, Robe
McKercher 86.750, George Wheat-
ley e4.500, IL W. Campbell 84.250,
Ken Campbell 84, Jack Crozier
83.125. Earl Papple 82.875, Gerd -
an Papple 82.500, Dm Anderson
0812251,yMac 79acStewart 80.675, Hale
Ensilage Corn—Bruce Coleman
91.675, Kenneth Coleman 89,750,
Vincent Maloney 88,125, Jack
Crozier 87.125, Oliver Wright 86,-
750, Mac Stewart 88.125, Erie An-
derson. 83.500. Harold. Pryoe 83.-
600, Lewis Coyne 83.250, Francis
Bicknell 83,125, Gordan Papple
Garry Coats—Lewis Coyne 88,-
500, Robt, Fotheringham 87.375,
Earl Papple 84.375, Tack Crozier
80,500, Ken Campbell 78,500, Ha-
rold Pryoe 78, Stan Hillen 77.125,
A. S. Bolton 64,125, R. T. Bolton
63.750, Peter Simpson 63,
Dale Guernseys Win
At Simcoe Show
Mr. Wm, Dale, showing 8 head
of cattle at the Western Ontario
Guernsey Championship Show at
Simcoe, Tuesday October 3rd,,
brought home 5 championship
ribbons. His big 'Will of the day
was the senior and grand cham-
pion female, "Woodrows Regal
Rose", who topped the 4 -year-
olds in milk class. This cow won
lst place at London in 4 -year-old
dry class, freshened with a heif-
er calf and has since been unde-
feated in 'nuking classes and 3
times grand champion this sea-
son. He also wort lst. 4 -year-old
dry class with "McDonald Ferree
Rivals Vinta", who topped 11
other entries, had Reserve Jr.
Champion bull calf, Reserve Sen-
ior and Reserve Grand Champ-
ion 2 -year-old, bull. Approximate-
ly 100 head were entered at the
Magistrate Gives
Warning to Drivers
Police court was a busy place
here last week when twelve
cases were heard. Magistrate
Hays handed out fines totalling
$372.62, which is one of the larg-
est totals on record. In addition
to fines four people ' had their
driver's license suspended for
periods ranging from; 30 days to
one year.
The magistrate aside he was
tired of complaints About • young
lads who have left school going
and cutting up and playing cow-
boys around the high school dur-
ing the noon hour.
The crown attorney warned
that any boy picked up around
the schools was liable to lose his
The charges were laid by the
Seaforth police.
The meeting of the 'Catholic
Women's League was held on
October 3 in the school auditor
ium. After the opening prayer
Mrs, Joseph McConnell played
the -piano accompaniment for the
hymn in honor of Our Mother
The thanks of the League was
expressed by eve 'president, Mrs
Gordon Reynolds, for Mike Ma
lone's help in providing us with
copies of the words for our song
The executive were encourag
ed to attend the deanery meeting
on Oct. 18 in Tiesson St. Mary'
Church. The Catholic Women's
League agreed to cater for the
Holy Name men's communion
breakfast in November, also to
serve refreshment for the Cath
• olic Diocesan census meeting on.
October 29.
The date el the annual bazaar
and tea is to be Dec. 2. The fol-
lowing conveners were appoint-
ed: Tickets, Mrs. Alfred Halpin;
Mrs. Alvin Smaie; tea room, Mrs.
Ken Etue, Men. Bill Bart; balk-
ing, Mrs. Michael Williams, Mrs.
John Laneink; sewing, Mrs. John
Maloney, Mrs. Joseph Deffroot;
candy, Mrs, Reginald Aubin, Mrs:
Verdun Rau; mystery boxes, Mrs.
Jim Slattery, Mrs. Clarence Ma-
lone; bassinette, IVirs. Sam Bates,
Mrs. Alice Stiles; decorations,
Mre. Art Devereaux, Mrs. Bates.
The Catholic Women's League
Mass in honor of Christ the King
will be on Nov. 5. Mrs. eoseph
McConnell told the meeting of
the convention of the Ontario
Provincial Council of the Cath -
olio Women's League held in Ha-
milton last month. The Hon.
Mrs. Ellen Fairclough addressed
the meeting and acting mayor of
Hamilton brought civic greetings.
At present there are 75,000 mem.
bers in this province, Mrs. John
Flannery thanked Mr& McConn-
ell on behalf of the members.
Mrs. Alice Stiles read a poem
called Peenies for the Mission-
ers, The meeting elocied after
prayer, The mystery prize was
won by Mrs. Joseph Nigh.
Them will be no Sunday Schoel
or Church services held at the
Constance United Mulch for the
next two Sundays Owing to An-
niversary Services being held at.
Burns and Londesboro Churches,
, Oct, 8 and Oct, 15 respectively.
Softball Title Won
By Winthrop Ladies
Wintlie.op won the Huron Sen-
ior Ladies softball league champ-
ionship when they defeated Exe-
ter 4-3 in a game Pleerect in nen-
sell last week. Winthrop took
the best -of -five final, three games
to two. Winthrop scored once 10
the 1st inning and again In the
8rd, with Exeter scoring twice in
the 4th and once in the 5th inn-
ing, to take a 3-2 lead, Winthrop
came back with two runs in the
top of the 710 inning and held
Exeter scoreless in their half of
the last inning as 'Winthrop pit
eller, Donna Hannon struck out
the side to give Winthrop the
game, Nine Exeter batters went
down on strikeouts and they were
allowed but three bits by the
Winthrop pitcher.
Faye Love hit two singles for
the winners and Ruth Ritchie bit
a triple to lead Winthrop at the
plate. Mary Gravett collected two
singles for Exeter.
rrop Du 000 2-4-7-6
000 210 0-3-3-5
Hannon and Elliott; Carey and
Winthrop Lineerp:
Joyce McClure 3b; Faye Love
ss; Mang Elliott c; Marilyn Arch-
ibald cf; Ruth Ritchie lb; Donna
Hannon p; June Dolmage If;
Gera)dine Dennis 2b; Joan Pryce
20 (7th); Judy Thompson rf,
Mr, and Mrs, 11. Taunt, of Pon-
tiac, Mich., and Mr, and Mrs.
Lou Matthews, Detroit, with Mr.
and Mrs, M. J. Nagle.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stapleton at-
tended the funeral of Mrs: Sta-
pleton's aunt, Mrs. Fred Sander-
son in Detroit, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny, of
Detroit, with Mrs. Chas. Kietner.
Miss Marie Krauskopf,
ton, with her mother, Mrs. Cath-
arine Krauskopf.
Mrs, Kathleen Monaghan, Kit.
mchsecnaerrt,hwy,ith Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Newcombe,
Port Credit, with Mr, and Mrs.
Wm.' Stapleton.
Mrs. W. Lane left on Saturday
for her new home at Byron.
Miss Margaret McCarthy, St.
Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, with
her father, John McCarthy,
Mrs. J. Ackroyd, Toronto, with
Mrs. M. E. O'Roueke.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Costello,
Long Branch, with Mr. and Mrs.
D. Costello.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Morris and Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Butters, London,
with Mr. and Mrs, T. Butters.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flanagan,
Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mrs, Allen and son Pat, London
with Mrs, Joe Stapleton,
The second meeting of the
Dublin Collens was held at the
home of Mrs. C. Friend, The
President opened the meeting
with • the 4.11 Pledge, Mrs. Friend
explained the necessity of a wise
choice of meats, also the various
cuts at beef and the safety meas-
ures to preserve meat, Following
adjournment lunch was served.
The glow of candelabra shone
on graceful arrangements of col-
orful chrysanthemums interspers-
ed with greenery to form a charm-
ing setting for the wedding of
Margaret M. Flanagan and Clar-
ence T. Looby in St. Patrick's R.
C. Mirth, Dublin on Saturday
The bride is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. W. a, 'Flanagan
21,81, 1, Dublin, and the. groom la
the son of Mrs. Ann Looby, Dub-
lin and the late Louis Looby,
at the ceremony
and singing the nuptial lames was
the groom's brother, the Rev. A.
21. Looby, C.S.l3., Ottawa, and
present in the sanctuary were
the Rev. Remi Durand and the
Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffoullees, both of
Dublin. John Van Geffen, Dublin,
as soloist was accompanied by
Mrs. William Lane, church organ-
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther, the bride chose a floor.
length gown of shimmering
French peau de soie. The slim
fitted bodice featured a shallow
scoop neckline, long lily -point
sleeves and a slightly dropped
waist. The full -flowing beleshaP-
ed skirt cascaded to a chapel
train, which along with the skirt
was strewn with medallions of
Alencon lace florets. Her French
pure silk illusion fingertip veil
piece of aurora 'borealis crystals,
wnads icvyauup by a queen's head-
rangement of orchid, stephanotis
she carried a cascade Mrs. Louis J. Looby, Dublin,
ister of the bride was matron of
onor, with Miss Mary Sullivan,
itchener as bridesmaid and
Miss Bonnie Krauskopf, Dublin,
tece of the bride as junior
The bridal attendants were
dentically gowned in spruce
men peau de soie cocktail-
ength gowns. Wide scoop neck -
nes introduced elbow • length
leeves and a V back, while the
kirt tell softly into a bell sha,pe,
hey wore matching bow head -
Woes touched with spruce green
eek-a•boo veite, Their flowers
ore cascade arrangements of
ronse mums with accents al yel-
1:v rosebuds among trailing
byr°,1;Dt:°1113°;bIllim, brother of the groom,'
amen was Louis ,I, Leo.
and ushering were William R.1
Flanagan, Dublin, brother of the;
bride and George Goettler, Dub -I
lin, brothennelaw of the groom,
For the Wedding reception held
at the Brodhagee Community
B pc Place
Tea Spoons .........75 ea, "Gift Box" Services
Dessert Spoons 1.25 ea. 16 pc. set for 4 19.95
Dessert Forks ...... 1.26 ea.
Hollow Hdle. Knives 2.50 ea. 24 pc. set for 6 29.95
Salad Forks 1.26 ea. 32 pe. set for 8 ...., .. 39.96
Also a variety of serving pieces in this smart pattern
Centre, Mrs. Flanagan received
guests wearing a gown of beige
and mink brocade on princess
line with fitted jacket with por-
trait Collar, mink brown acces-
sories and an orchid ,corsage,
Assisting hostess, the groom's
mother chose a gown of Emerald
green matte silk jersey, brown
accessories and an orchid cor-
The couple left for a wedding
trip to Prince Edward Island,
the bride wearing a mergeno suit
in dark brown shade with straw-
berry mink collar. A feathered
hat in beige tones, brown acces-
sories with a lapel corsage of or-
chids completed her costumes.
Mr. and Mrs. Looby will reside in
Guests were present from Kit-
chener, Montreal, Ottawa, Strat-
ford. Toronto, Oshawa, Corn-
well, London, Georgetown. Clin-
ton and Seaforth.
Prior to her marriage, the
bride was feted on several oem-
sions. A presentation was made
by the staff of Sacred Heart Sep-
arate School, Kitchener, of which
the bride was a member, and
miscellaneous showers were held
by Mrs, Charles Strub, in Kitch-
ener and Mrs. Louis J. Looby in
Dublin, while Miss Mary Sulli-
van entertained for the bride at
her home in Kitchener,
Mrs. Sarah Agnes Payne, of
Moose Saw, Sask. died Thursday
at the home of her brother, Mr.
James Miller, Staffa. She was in
her 81st year, Mrs. Payne was
the former Sarah Agnes Miller
and she moved to Moose Saw in
1914, Her husband, the late Bus,
tace Payne, passed away 2 years
ago. Mrs, Payne was a member
of Trinity United Church, Moose
Jaw and of its WMS and W.A.
She was a former member of the
Cromarty Presbyterian Church.
Surviving are one son Leonard,
Grenfell, Sask., two brothers,
James, Hibbert Twp., and Geo,
of London; two sisters Mrs. Ern-
est (Mary) Templeman and Miss
Margaret, both of Hibbert twp.
The body rested at the Heath -
Leslie funeral home, Mitchell,
where funeral services were held
Knox Presbyterian Cemetery, at
matipt2cahipie.m., Saturday with the Rev.
A. H. D'U
aynard, Staffa nited
Church, officiating. Burial was in
bieLarers were Leslie Miller,
Bert Mahaffey, Samuel Norris,
Wilfrid Annis, Alvin Coie, and
John Templeman, Friends and
relatives from London, Thorn -
dale, Exeter, Hensel], Seaforth,
Kirkton, St. Marys, Mitchell and
sumounding communities attend-
The family of Mn, and Mrs. Ro-
bert Duncan, Exeter, held a sur-
prise party at their home on
Sunday, Tho occasion was their
birthdays. Mrs. Duncan was 70
on Sept, 21 and Mr. Duncan was
76 on Sept. 28, Those attending
were Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mauer
and ImnI1y, Farquhar, Mr. and
Mrs, Gordon Mauer and Robbie,
London, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Mil-
ler and family and Mr. and Mrs.
John Templeman and family, all
Amongthe guests at the Scott -
Winthrop Leads
Football Finals
Winthrop blanked Goderieh 2-0
10 the third game of their three -
out -of -five series in the EFL fin-
als, Winthrop leads the series
(2-0), with one tie game, The
4th games of the series will be
played in Goderich on Saturday,
Oct. 7, at 6 p.m.
Goderich won the toss for sel-
ection of ends and elected to go
with the wind which was blowing
from the south. Winthrop carried
the play into the Goderich end
from the opening kick-off, and
were rewarded when George
Love scored on a short angle
shot, to give Winthrop a 1-0 lead
with the game less than 5 min-
utes old. The play was very even
from this point 'til the end of
the first half, with no further
scoring. In the 2nd half Winthrop
carried most of the play and
made it 2-0 when Bert Dennis
dropped a long shot into the top,
corner of the goal. ,
Winthrop Line-up:
Goal: Hugh Flynn; def., Bill
Kerr, Mery Pepper; halves, Bert
Dennis, Hank Boven, Neil Dole
mage; forwards: George Love,
Tom Love, Wayne Dolmage, Ron'
McClure, John Boven; alt., Palle
McCluskie. •
Meikle wedding in Cromarty
Presbyterian Church on Satur-
day were Mr. and Mrs. Reg. El-
liott, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott,
Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Agar, Mr.
and Mrs. Sohn Drake, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Norris, Mr, and Mrs.
Tom Colquhoun. Mrs. Eva Coign-
houn, Miss Sean Colquhoun, Miss
Margaret Drake, Miss Rosanna
and Romona Worden, Mr. George
Vivian and Mr. Gordon Colqu-
houn, all of Staffs.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan
and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duncan,
Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Ross, High River, Alberta, visit-
ed on Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Miller and family and
Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldrid iVicNicol,
Mrs. W. Dayman and Mr. George
Miller, all of London, visited on
Wednesday with Miss Margaret
Miller and James.
Mrs. Margaret Kemp's pupils
from S. S. No. 3, Hibbert came
first for their marching at Mitch-
ell fair on Wednesday.
Mrs. E, Templeman is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Annie
near Mitchell.
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Doyle and
baby, Mise Anne 'Maloney, and
Miss Helen Maloney, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. F. Maloney,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murray in
Napanee with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hagerty of
Guelph with Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Mrs, James Sloan in London
with Mr, and Mrs. Don Brady.,
Mr. and Mre. Martin Smith and
family of Detroit, and Mimi Nell
Doyle, London, with Tod Doyle.
Mn, and Mrs, Len O'Rourke and
family of Brucefield have moved
Into their new home on N. 8