HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-09-21, Page 5THIP SDIAVCIRTH SIJIWS •-- Tlliirsday, Be.ptembe $'1, NOTICE OF POWER INTERRUpTION 961 Weather Permitting Wednesday, Sept. 27th FROM 1.30 TO 2 P.M. DST Areas affected— North side of Goderich street west from Main to westerly limits of town; Church st., James st., Centre st., westerly from Goderich to James st,; North Main from Goderich to James st., West st,, Wilson st., Ann st. This interruption is necessary to change primary lines PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SEAFORTH PRANK TILING R, J, BOUSSEY Chairman Manager ST. COLUMBAN Miss Marion McIver, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs, William Mc- Iver. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kennedy and baby and Miss Mary Mc- Grath, Toronto, Miss Reta Ken- nedy, London; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kinnahan and family, St. Aug- ustine with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy. ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Aug- uste Ducharme. Joe Murphy, Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Murphy. THEN YOU ARE LIKELY TO BE the athletic type! Strong, self-confident, loving outdoor sports—writing from an African safari you would naturally include: • Your correspondent's full and correct postal ad- dress ■ Your own name and return address in upper left corner I AND THE CORRECT POSTALZONE NUMBER IF YOU ARE WRITING TO QUEBEC,. MONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, OR VANCOUVER. Helpustospeedyourmeil- -+s1f check the yellow pages of your Telephone Directory for full postal information. P0•61.71C Miss Catharine Ryan, Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ryan. Miss Joan Coyne, London with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne. Jack Malone, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Malone. The opening meeting for the season of the CWL was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Jack Lane with 21 mem- bers present. The president, Mrs. Albert Cronin, presided. An invitation to a tea sponsor- ed by the CWL of Clinton was received, also an invitation to the Mercy Shelter tea in Chat- ham. Damaged or broken toys are being asked for. These should be left in the basement of the church. The financial report was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Jack Lane with a detailed report of the summer carnival. Visitors to the sick are Mrs. Michael Doyle and Mrs. William McMillan, Volun- teers for caring for the altar for October were Mrs. William Mc- Millan and Mrs. Frank Williams. Plans were made for a sale of homemade baking to be held in Seaforth on October 7. The date, October 25th was set for the annual bazaar and bingo. Fa- ther Coughlin spoke to the ladies explaining the forthcoming cen- sus of the diocese. The meeting adjourned. A prize donated by Mrs. Clarence Ryan, was won by Mrs. Albert Cronin. BORN Sills — At St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, on September 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Sills, a son, Stephen- Charles Thomas Laing—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Sept. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing, Cromarty, a son Butson — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 14th, to Mr, and Mrs. John Butson, Staffa, a son Decorte — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Sept. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Decorte, R R 2 Seaforth, a daughter Groothuis — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Groothuis, Sea - forth, a daughter First Presbyterian Church REV. D. LESLIE ELDER Minister 11 A.M. RALLY DAY and FLOWER SERVICE The Sunday Schools will meet in the Church Hall at 10.30 a.m. NEW 1961 --CHV. BELAIRE SEDAN, a.t.&r. 1960_ ENVOY SEDAN 1957 FORD COACH, A.T. 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1955 •CHEV. CONVERTIBLE 95551~ PONSU SED4N4 1953 FORD SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone Cr. Fawn 186 Phone 541 TOWN TOPICS Miss. Genevieve ilekeison of Portland, Oregon, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leslie McClure, North Main Street. Mr, Grant McCliasIsoy of Shearwater, Nova Scotia, visited over the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mc- Clinchey, Seaforth. Miss Sharon 1-lothanr of Brant- ford snout the weekend at her home here, Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Hothain and Miss Shirley of London Spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Hotham, Wilson St. - Mr. William cook of Long Branch visited friends over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McClinchey, Barbara and Dorothy of Calgary, Alberta, are visiting at -the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Garnet McClinchey, LADIES' GUILD The September meeting of the. Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Anglican Church was opened by the president, Mrs. C. Rowcliffe with scripture reading from St. Luke and the prayer for the par- ish followed by the Lord's Prayer said in unison. The roll call and June minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. G. Stockwell. Mrs E. Dinsmore gave the treas- urer's report. A note was read from Mrs. R. Scotus thanking the Guild for the cup and saucer that she had received, Wool was gi- ven out to members which is to be made up into articles for the bazaar on November '15th. It was decided to buy a new lamp for the piano in the Parish Hall, The date for the Fall Rummage Sale was discussed and set for Nov- ember 4th, There is to be a col- lection for the Chistmas pudding booth at the October meeting, The offering was received and dedicated and the president clos- ed the meeting with the Benedic- tion, WALTON The September meeting of the Walton W. I, will, be held in the Community Hall, Thursday even- ing, September 28 at 8.30 p,m. with Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Mrs. Nelson Marks as co -con- vener for Education. The roll call will be answered with a beauti- ful thought from poetry. Motto "Take time to read, it is the foun- dation of wisdom". Hostesses for the evening will be Mrs. Wilfred Shortreed, Mrs Gerald Watson, Mrs. Earl Watson, Mrs. William Thamer and Mrs. Nelson Reid. Members of the Walton Public Library are again reminded that the library will be closed, Tues- day, Sept. 19th and Tuesday 26, but will be open as usual on Oct. 3rd. Library hours will be 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7.30 pan. to 9.30 p.m. Mrs. Edna Hackwell's school received first prize for marching at the 41st annual Belgrave School Fair last Wednesday when pupils from 18 rural schools from four townships in North Huron marched. S.S. No. 11, Walton, with Mrs. Margaret Robertson as teacher received second prize. The prize money was donated by Fred Cook of Belgrave. A reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bennett was held in the Community Hall, Friday evening. During the lunch hour the newly- weds were presented with a sum of money by Mr. Howard Hack - well with Mr. Barry Marshall reading the address. Mr. Ian Wil - bee's orchestra supplied the mus- ic for dancing. The anniversary service of Duff's United Church will be held on Sunday, Sept. 24 with Rev. R. C. Winlaw, of Hensall United Church conducting both services. The morning service will com- mence at 11 a -m. and the even- ing service at 7.30 p.m. The choir will render special music under the direction of Mrs. Har- vey Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zoeger of Niagara -on -the -Lake visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Ennis on Sunday. Miss Tillie Dundas of New York and Mr. and Mrs. T. Dundas have returned home after spend- ing the past week visiting with friends and relatives at Hunts- ville, Meaford and Matheson, Northern Ontario. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot were Mr. Oliver Farquharson and daught- er Eloise, Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farquharson, London, and Mrs. Ed Matthews, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDonald, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald and family. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace ; Sholdice at Port Credit on Sunday. Miss Margaret Garrison, R. N„ Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson, Donna and Davey of Sarnia and Mr. Wayne McMich- ael were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael, HENSALL The annual thankoffering meet- ing is to be held in October and to invite Miss Lorna Taylor, of London, to be the guest speaker, Hostesses will be Mrs. John Ba- ker and Mrs. Don Mousseau. The Worship convenors, Mrs. Ruby Bell and Mrs. Ed Fink. Miss. Han- nah Murray gave a detailed re- port on the Presbyterial held at Blyth. A pot -luck lunch was en- joyed at the close of the meet- ing, Northside United Church RALLY DAY Combined Service with Church School at 11 a,m. Church School will assemble at 10.30 a,m. Promotions and awards will be made in this ser- vice. Parents and ''children in- vited, Organist, Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Choirmaster, Mr, J, A. Stewart, Minister, Rev. J. C. Britton, BA, DUBLIN The annual graduation services for St, Patrlek'o High School. were held on Sunday evening with a large congregation pres- ent, The graduates were pieced ed to the front of the church by the i students, High Scheel and a guard of honor was formed while the graduates marched in their regulation gowns and, mortar- boards. The guest speaker was Gres pan, . Geo pan, London, who chose for his text: "Jesus ad- vanced in knowledge, wisdom and graces with God and. Man", He emphasized that modern educa- tion lacks grace which is neces- sary to make preparation for our eternal salvation. The main pur- pose and achievement of educa- tion should be true values of life and religion, Diplomas were presented by Rev, R. Durand and Rev. Father Coughlin, St. Columban to Reta Kennedy, Anne Dalton, Jack Cos- tello, Jim Melady, Harry Ryan, Stephen Cronin. Mr. E. C. Har- ley, Mitchell was organist and the choir sang "Praise Ye the Lord" by Guonod, and three hymns to Our Lady, The services were concluded by the Benedic- tion with Father Coughlin as Cel- ebrant, The Catholic Women's League Council of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, opened the fall season with a well attended meeting. Rev. R. Durand was present and Mrs. Fergus Horan presided. The meeting was opened with a hymn and the regulation prayer, Mrs. Gerald Holland, the secretary, read the minutes and the corres- pondence including s eve r al thankyou notes. Several reports were given and Mrs, James De- laney read an interesting article on 'Work'. Mrs. James P. Kraus- kopf consented to replace Mrs, E. Dean as treasurer, who has moved to Sarnia. A collection was taken up for the Mercy Can- cer Shelter at Chatham. Father Durand explained the current Epistle and Gospel from the Bi- ble. An address was read to Mrs. W. Lane by Mrs. Dan O'Rourke and presentation made of a Ros- ary, Mrs. Lane, who is moving of London, graciously expressed her thanks. Several tables of pro- gressive euchre were arranged, the prize for high score was won by Mrs, James Delaney. Following adjournment lunch was served by the committee. Dan Costello received word of the sudden death of his brother, James Costello at Kilaloe, last week. Mr. Costello attended the funeral on Tuesday. Dublin Continuation School B. A. Butters Graduation service for the Dubin Continuation School was held on Sunday evening, The students of the school led the procession followed by the grad- uates and tinging "Praise Ye the Father". accompanied by Mr, E. C. Harley. The guest speaker was Monsignor Guspan, London, Diplopias were presented by Rev, R. Durand and Rev. Fathert her Cou- ghlin of St. Columban, to Rota Kennedy, Anne Dalton, Jack Costello, Harry Ryan, Jim Mel- ady, and Stephen Cronin, Tuesday e y after o n u o the stud- ents and teachers went down to Stratford to see Henry VIII and they enjoyed it very much. Question of the week; Where did the two Jeans go Saturday? BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leonard and family, Willowdale, spent the weekend with -Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Featherston, Miss Cecil McLeod, returned to her home on Saturday after spending the past five years at Toledo, Ohio. She was accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kneeshaw, Mr. and Mrs, Tack Tillmamt and family, London, were at their cottage over the weekend. The ladies of Trinity Church C r ' 1 Guild met at the home of Miss Berthena Sturgeon, Tuesday ev- ening, 12 members answered the roll call. The Rev, E Harrison opened the meeting with prayer and read the scripture, Mrs. P. Weston presided for the business session, Mrs. Alma Bassett read the secretary's report. Mrs, M. Monter gave the financial state- ments. The Rector said the clos- ing prayer after which the host- ess served refreshments, assisted by Mrs. L, W. Scotchmer and Mrs, F. Weston, Mr, and Mrs, C, Utter left on Monday for a trip to the United States, Howard Scotchmer left last week to attend London Teachers' College. George Castle was taken to Clinton Public hospital on `rh day evening, Mrs, Castle is stay, ing with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Craig, Clinton. Misses Ethel Blair, Rosemarie Telford and Elaine Weston, Lon- don, were at their homes over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Arkell, Mr, and Mrs Robert Turner left on Saturday for three weeks holi- days to Western Provinces. 14Ir, and Mrs, John Turner, Bronson Line are staying with the Turner children while their parents are away. Mr. and Mrs, It. Williams and family left on Monday for their home at Syracuse, New York, af- ter spending the summer at their cottage, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brisson, Grosse Pointe, Mich., are spend- ing this week at their cottage. 0 0 • Oh to be a plumber when the pipes act ups But really, now—isn't it much easier to reach for the phone? The lady does, and her spouse is rescued , . . SAVED==Y THE BELL P.S. Seriously, though: at home or away, you're never really lost: there's always help at hand through your telephone—a service so valuable... yet so often taken for granted. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. • ii Now enjoy natural gas heat: Rent an automatic conversion burner to fit your present furnace only monthly. NO CASH OUTLAY -We apply your low rental payment to your /regular monthly gas bill. NO INCONVENIENCE—Natural gas conversion burners fit quickly and easily into almost all furnaces. $50.00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE—This is allowed on your oil burner or coal stoker. The offer is good only up to October 31, 1961, so act now! see your heating contractor or UNIONGAS COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED