HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-09-21, Page 4AT THE FAIR - The sudden downpours of rain often chased every-
body into the school house during McKillop school fair last Thurs-
day. But the wet did not dampen the happy smiles. In this group
are, trout, Sharon Dietz and Joan Elligsen, of SS, No. 8, and, back,
Valerie Beuerman and Dale Beuerman of S.S. No. 6.
McKillop School Turkeys, Donna Horne, Larry Horne,
Rae Beott
IriDucks, Barry Gordon, Ross Elliott,
Fair YY nners Doug Boyd.
Pheasants, Keith Seimon, Billy Seimon
Bantams, Randy Duffy, Ingolf Chris-
tensen, Ilene Glanville.
Pigeons, Marjorie, Neil Beuermann,
Glen Beuermann,
Rabbits, Torn Rapson, David Wild-
fong, John Looming.
Bost Dog, Barry Gordon, Greg Fisher,
Neil Little.
Best Cat, Tennis Ryan, Janice Deitz,
Donna Horne,
Pair Guinea Pigs, Doug Boyd, Julia
Blanehard, Ross Elliott.
White Rocks, Lois Beuermann, Gwen
White Leghorns, Ray Beattie, Michael
Johnston, Doug Boyd.
Susses, Barry Gordon.
Light _Hybrids, Maryanne Wildfong,
Greg Fisher, Larry Fisher.
Heavy Hybrids, Neil Ryan, Gordon
Sheaf of Wheat, Billy Siemon.
Sheaf of Oats, Glen Dolmage, Billy
Sheaf of Barley, Billy Siemon.
Quart of Barley, Michael Johnston,
Maryanne Wildfong.
Quart of Oats, Douglas Wey, Douglas
Boyd, Joan Alexander, Nell Ryan, Rose -
merle Ryan Gordon Ryan.
Quart of 'Wheat, Kan Dalton, Douglas
Boyd, Jim Henderson, Bill Henderson,
David Wildfong.
Quart of Field Beans, June Millen,
Murray Henderson, Burl Rose, Bob
Shannon, David Wildfong. •
Garden Bears, Earl Rose, Bob Shan-
non, Larry Murray, Ann Stewart, Bon-
nie Stewart, Betty Roe.
Grain Corn, Mark Smith, Earl Rose,
Jean Roe.
Ensilage corn, Ronald Murray, Nell
Deuerman, Ray Beattie, Elaine Beuer-
man, Willy Nyland, W. Rock.
First cut hay, Gordon Ryan, Brian
Pryce, Billy Duffy, Murray Pryce.
Second cut hay. Douglas' Wey, Mark
Smith, Willy Nyland.
Grade 3-4, 9" square embroidered
leaf design, Jean Dennis, Rae Beattie,
Torn Ranson, Harvey Bernard, Elsie
Rose, Leslie Glanville.
Grades 5-6, Embroider a dresser scarf,
Harr Lou Ryan, Maureen Ryan, Bernice
Rose, Leona Glanville Julia Blanchard.
Grades 74, embroider a tea apron,
Linda Somerville, Margaret Rose Ryan,
Loretta Murray, Lois Bernard
Grades 1 and 2, sewing card (animal)
Murray Pepper, Bryan Godkin, Marjorie
Glanville, Jimmy Murray, Eileen Glan-
ville, Mary Lou Ryan.
Pot Holder, grades 3 and 4, 3" square
;hemmed by handl, Elsie Rose.
Grades 6 and 6, pieced quilt block
/cotton le") Yvonne Pryce, Rae Beattie,
Joan Alexander, Bernice Rose, Larry
Horne, Pan] Cuthill.
Grades 7 and 8 clothespin bag, June
Ellen, Linda Somerville, Loretta Mur-
Open Grades 1 to 4, Knitted article,
Betty Roe, Elsie Rose.
Grades 1 and3 nieces of weaving,
mounted, Tom 2,anson, Donna Horne,
Murray Pepper, Marjorie Glanville.
Grade 3 and 4, a mat 6" in diameter
made from spool knitting, Donna Horne,
Harvey Bernard, Leslie Glanville, Betty
Roe. Rae Beattie, Marjorie Glanville.
Grades o and 6, Toy made from foam
rubber, Bernice Rose, Jane Shannon,
Tony Christensen, Bun Bruce Dolmage,
Leslie Bernard, Kenneth Dolmage.
Grades 7 and 8, 1 coaster made of
mosaic, Murray McClure, Roy Glanville,
Ingolf Christensen, Witold Chomicki,
Jean Patrick, Carl Seven.
Grade 5 and 8, 1 article made from
popsicle sticks, Linda Somerville, Enn
Bruce Dolmage, Billy Seimon, Leslie
Glanville, Leslie Bernard, Witold Chem-
Homemade tally cards, Margaret Rose
Ryan, Loretta Murray, Mary Margaret
Flanagan, Laura Ryan, Linda Somer-
ville, Billy Siemon.
Grade 1 and 2, Keyboard, Marjorie
Glanville, Murray Pepper, Donna Horne,
Tom Ranson.
Grade 3 and 4, Tray for cream and su-
gar, Rae Beattie, Leslie Glanville, Har-
vey Bernard, Elsie Rose, Brian Brant.
The program at McKillop fair
was shortened because of rain.
After the opening remarks by
President Ralph McNichol, Mr,
Doug Miles, A. 7, McLean, and
school inspector 3, W. Coulter,
there was a duet by Margaret
Hillen and Eileen Smith; solo,
Sharon Strong, Choral reading.
Prizes were awarded to S,B. 1,
7 and 12 respectively. Best Dec-
orated bicycle, Donna Horne, of
S.S. 12; Larry Horne, Linda
Dietz, 5,5. 8. Best decorated tri-
cycle, Nancy McNichol, 5,5. 9.
Potted Plants in bloom -Glen Dol -
mare, Robt, Scott, Debbie Wey, Joan
Alexander, Joyce McNichol, Lois Wild -
Potted Plant, no bloom, Donna Horne,
Larry Home, Glen Dolmage, Mary Lou
Ryan, Karen Christensen, Evelyn Storey.
Phlox -Joan Elligsen, June Millen,
Joseph Walsh, Dena Wey, Murray Pep-
per, Linda Somerville.
Dining Room Bouquet- Linda Som-
erville, Faro Dalton, Glenda Little, Jean.
Roe, Mesa Maloney, Mark Smith.
Dahlia -Larry Horne, Neil McNichol,
Joanne Maloney, Ian Bruce Dolmage,
Gordan Koehler, Keith Seimon.
Asters -Maine Ryan, Ian Bruce Dol.
mage, Linda Miller, Paul Storey, Glen
Dolmage, Brian Pryce.
Zinnia, Large -Marls Smith, Panl
Somerville, Gary Delta, Lois Beuerman,
Maryann Wildfong, Kenny Dalton.
Zinnia, Small -Donnie Dalton. Janice
McClure, Garry Betties, Robert Scott.
Earle Rose, Lois Beuerman.
Dahlia, small - Linda Miller, Eileen
Glanville, Nell McNichol, Paul Somer-
ville, Ron Christensen.
Gladioli, Paul Somerville, Paul Storey,
Jean Roe, Neil McNichol, Gary Bottles,
Ronald Koehler.
Cosmos -Paul Somerville, Joan Alex-
ander, Donald Dalton, Dolores Beuer-
man, Warren Dennis. Kenny Dalton.
Snapdragon -Jack McCall, Margaret
Elligson, Paul Somerville, Jean Dennis,
Billy Seimon, Larry Home.
School lunch, Bonnie Stewart,
Maple cream candy, Jane Shannon,
Glenda Little, Debbie Wey, Kenneth,
Dolmage, Mark Smith.
Bran Mmtins, Gordon Moylan, Yvonne
Pryer, Gordon Koehler, Debbie Wey,
Marie McClure, Chrisdne Pryce.
Oatmeal Cookies, Leona Glanville,
Christine Pryce. Gordon Moylan, Jane
Shannon, Linda Kerr.
Drop Cookies, Danns O'Rourke. Bide
Rose, Bernice Rose, Linda Kerr.
Oatmeal Cookies, Leona Glanville,
Jean Roe.
Tarts, Laura Ryan, Diane Henderson,
June Hilton, Elsie Rose, Jean Roe,
Christine Pryce.
Angel Cake, Leona Glanville.
Light Layer Cake, Ban Dolmage,
Francis Beuermann.
Dark Layer Cake, Bonnie Stewart,
Leona Glanville, Christensen.
Apple Pie, June Millen, Gordon Moy-
Ian, Joanne Sedley Marilyn Sedley,
Bernice Rose, Elsie Rose.
Lemon Pie, Dianne Henderson, Leona
Pumpkin Pie, Donnie Ryan, Paul Hor-
an, Tune Millen, Joanne Sedley.
Raisin Pie, Helen Ryan, June Millen,
Jean Roe.
Cake baked by teacher, Jessie Little,
Mrs. Mike Murray.
Quart of Raspberries, Leslie Glanville,
Lynda Rerr, Loretta Murray, Marjorie
Glanville, Eileen Glanville, Frances Beu-
Quart of Cherries, Gary Betties, Joyce
McNichol, Karin Christensen, Lynda
Kerr, Ingolf Christensen.
Pint Salad Dressing, Bernice Rose,
Danny O'Rourke, Dale Beuermann, June
Millen, Jane Shannon, Earl Rose.
`White Eggs, Rae Beattie, Larry Mur-
ray, Doug Wey.
Brown Eggs, Ross Elliott, Jane Shan-
non. Lois Wildfong.
Geese, Paul Somerville, Bob Shannon,
Roy Glnville.
Grades S and 0, Bookends, Marilyn I next meeting which is to he held
Sedley, Joan Alexander, Larry 1-lorne, i Saturda Sept, 53 at 117,5, Mrs,
Paul Cuthill, Leslie Bernard, Torry I y
Ckriiieoeen, McGregor• then gave out books
Grady 7 nncl 5, Bird ]lease, Billy Sig.'' and flyers that Were Sent front
seen, Leis Bernard, Murray McCluIre, different Oontpanies, a d pt1t111ted
Witold chemicicl, .leen Patrick, ..Iugoif n
Christensen, the third meeting, giving out the
WRITING AND. PRINTING roll call "My favorite variety of
saver McNichol Marie MvCluro De- apple and why", 41Se the Home
Grade 1, Brien Ptyco, Gregg Fisher,
(ores Dworman, Neil Rene, '' Assignment, .M114. H. Caldwell
Grade 2, Sharon Shea, Torn Rapson, then discussed 'the different
Donna Horne. Marjorie Shea„_,
M>uy fruits in season, also for each
Lou Ryan, Murray Pepper, month of the year and Fruits of
Grade 3, Paul em
Somerville, Mary Le-
ing, Barbara McClure, Harvey Bernard, other pountr'ies, and the uses of
Willy NY4 ed Glen Dnvtlage. fresh fruits, She then gave a talk
a le, Rae Beattie,"
Benny Flanagan, Laurie Flusher, Betty On Apples" and their grades
d s6 Rony, Oiu'iston saying the cost depends 0n the
sen, Gerry Ma- grade, The leaders then served
lone, Larry Horne, Leslie Bernard, May
Lwo kinds of fruit loaf, date loaf
0u Murray,,Muuay„ Maureen
Grade 6,t Jean Roe,. Roy Giunviile, .To- and cherry loaf, also an apple
anne Elligsetr, .Pack �CuthiU, Bernice jelly . salad with fruit dressing
Rose, Catharine Flanagan, and told each girl they had .to
Grade 7, Linda Somerville, Ingolf mal{e. a fruit loaf and salad8 and
Christensen, Karen Christensen, Mather -et Rose Ryan, June Hiilen, Carl Bowen.let the fancily taste them. Mrs.
Grade 8, Elaine Murray, Mary Mar- Caldwell was thanked for the use
gutot Flanagan, Betty Shea, Lois Born"
urd, Jean Patrick,GId Chomicki,
of ho,home and the meeting
closed with "The Queen",
Grade 1 and 2, Donna Horne, Marjorie - Mr. and Mrs. Bet Faber, Ken -
Glanville, Murray Pepper, Raeth and Dianne attended the
Diana Henderson, Jimmy Tom Murray, nRader-Clalisius wedding at Blake
Crude 3 and 4, Sheila Dietz, Brenda
Pt -yea, Rao Beattie, Harvey Bernard, Church on Saturday, Sept. 16.
Leslie Glanville, Danny O'Rourke. I Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider
Glanville, Jo- and family of Stratford visited
aline Elligsen, Tony Oin isteneon, Agnea
Dolmage, Lennie Ryan, Cordon Koehler.during the. week with the letter's
Grade 7 and 8, bean Patrick, Linda father, Mr. Robert Thomson. On
Somerville, Eileen Maloney, Teresa Ry- SUIIday Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard
an, sty Brent, Paul Horne' Cornish and family of Gederich
Safety Poster, Competition, Maureen
Ryan, Gary Bottles, Palsy Ryan, Danny were his guests.
OP Stratford visited
O'Rourke, Laura Ryan. June Hilton,
Gerry Malone, Mary Eckert.
Catharine Flanagan, Loretta Murray, S Mrs. s. Mr. and Mrs. Elston
Eileen Maloney, Bruce Elliott. DOwson.
Field Turnips, Ronald Murray, Judy Mr, and Mrs, Grant Love of
Eckert, Rose Mattie Eckert, Ann Malone, Caro, - Mich,, spent the weekend
Table Turnips, Herb and Bob Shan. ' with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc -
non, Gary Malone, Stephen Murray, Bride, Sharon and other rola
Joan Eckert, Atm Malone, Randy Duffy, tives.
I,argost Pumpkin, Ann Eckert, BryanMrs, Lydia Doig, formerly of
G r , Kenneth Dolmage, Marie Mc- Iiipp en was taken from Huron -
e, Julia Blanchard, Warren Dennis. s.
Pie Pumpkins, Julia Blanchard, Bill vi
Henderson, Isobel Pethiok, Bob Shan-
ew Home Clinton, to Victoria
Grade 6 and 5, Ray
non, . Mark Smith, Ingolf Christenson. est Of her health.
Apples, Herb Shannon, Gary Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Harkness
Fall Apples, Joanne Epizoon, Bill and family and Mrs. W. H• Coo-
. Mr.
Sharon Johnston, Jimmy per of Parkhill visited Sunday
Murray, Bon Koehler, Bob Shannon.
Plums, Allan I{oehler, Joanne 'nig- with Mr. W. R. Cooper.
n, Gary Koehler, Mm'ruy,Ptyce, Mark Mr, and Mrs. N. Long visited
With. Monday evening with Fl/Sgt.
Pears, Eric Bennewies, Tommy Muir. and Mrs. Robert Perkins and the
Jean Dennis Betty Roe. boys of RCAF Clinton. Mr. Per -
Hospital, London, in the inter -
ray, Margaret Elligsen, Gary Koehler,
Cabbages, 'Keith Seimon, Starr Fisch-
er,has Dennis Beuerman, Joanne Sedley,
Citrons, Agnes Ryan, Joan Alexander, Edward Island and the family
Billy Seimon, Joan Dennis, Ronald Koehler, Donald Rosa,leave on Monday.
Brian The Sept, meeting of the WMS
Storey, Evelyn Storey, Larry Horne, held in the Sunday School room
odian, Serb Onion , Paul Horan, Paul of Iiippen United Church was
Donna Horne, Jean Ree. on Tuesday evening. Sept. 6th.
Onions. Glenn Dolmage Janice Mc-
Bryan Godki n, Sheila Dicta. The meeting opened with the
Clare, Margaret Elliguon, Gary Betties, worship in charge of Mrs, John
Garrets, Janice McClure, Danny O'-
Rourke, Gregg Fischer, Sharon Dietz, A. Cooper. Hymn 148 was sung.John. 17: 20-26 was read by Mrs.
Paul Storey, Herb Shannon.
Beata Warren Dennis, Gerry Malone, Emerson Anderson. Hymn 98 was
Agnes ;.cyan, Joan Dennis, Anne Malone, sung and the worship period clos-
ed with prayer. Mrs. Eileen Con -
Table Corn, Billy Seimon, Ban Bruce sitt moved that a donation of $5
Dolmage, Paul Somerville, Linda Miner, be sent to the late Mrs. Edmund
Mark Smith, Glen Dolmage.
Tomatoes, Janice McClure Dena Way, Hansuld memorial fund. Mrs. E.
Marls Smith, Paul Storey, Grant Little, Kyle read a letter of thanks from
Darwin Dietz.
tlerson, Keith Cr.'.'....., Billy Salmon, Chapter s in the study book
Man ds, the overseas relief committee.
Marigolds, Jim Henderson, Diane Hen-
Gretta Murray, Bill Henderson. "Are Missionaries necessary "
Potatoes, Sebago: Evelyn Storey, Jan-
Dolmage, Paul Somerville. was given by Mrs. sobs. D. Elgie.
iso McClure, Billy salmon, Ran Bruce
The meeting closed with hymn
Ifatadin Potatoes. Warren Dennis, 568 and the Mizpah Benediction.
Janice McNichol, Joan Dennis, Marian It was decided to hold the ba -
HORSES Duffy, Barbara McClure, Nancy Mc- Zaar on Nov: 18.
Pony Colt, Mark Smith.
Pony and Saddle, Ronnie Brant.
Junior Beef 4-H: Sharon McKenzie.
Senior Beef 4-11. Beef Calf 1061,
run on cow: Sharon McKenzie, Riekie
McKenzie, Gordon Moylan, Laurie Fish-
Beef Calf, pail fed 1061 Jean Roe,
Betty Roe.
Dairy Heifer Calf, Senior: Douglas
Boyd, Bonnie Stewart -
Sweepstakes, Sharon McKenzie.
Best Showmanshp, Douglas Boyd,
Bonnie Stewart, Sharon McKenzie.
Beef Calf under 200; Laurie Fisher,
Barry Gordon.
Best pair 50 lbs and under, Paul Som-
erville, Laurie Fisher, Gregg Fisher,
inda Somerville.
100 lbs and under, Warren Rook, Herb
Shannon, Paul Somerville.
Best pair Gilts, 160 lbs and under, Bob
Lambs: Best Market Lamb, Bonnie
Stewart, Ann Stewart, Paul Somerville,
Murray Popper.
Best Long Wool Lamb, Paul Somer-
ville, Neil McNichol, Murry Pepper,
Gary McNichol.
Best Short Wool, Ann Stewart, Neil
McNichol, Gary McNichol, Bonnie Stew-
Best Goats: Donna Marie Home, Da-
vid Wildfong, Garry Dietz.
The second meeting of the
Thrifty ISippenettes. was held on
Saturday morning Sept. 16 at the
home of Mrs. Caldwell. The
meeting opened with the 4-11
pledge, 16 girls answering the
roll call. Secretary Julie Chapple
read the minutes of the last
meeting and Jean McNaughton
was elected secretary for the
Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Dodds
' spent the Atteekend at Scarboro
with MT and Mrs. Fred Riley.
Mr. Hdny`Eggert'of Rostock is
visiting with his daughter and
son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Gardiner. > -
Mrs. Donald Wallace, Carling-
ford, Mr. Earl Roadhouse, Leem-
ington and Mrs. W. Vinters of
Tilbury were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wallace.
Mr. Alvin Cornish and Mr,
Lorne Wessman of Exeter were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Walker.
Miss Alice Sorsdahl of Lon-
don spent, a few days with her
parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and
sons, Brent and Owen of Bramp-
ton spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hock-
Mr. Hugh Scott has gone to
Guelph to take a four-year degree
course at the Agricultural Col-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott and
children of Windsor are holiday-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Norval
Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Frank Spears of Toronto
spent a few days with his aunt
Miss Olive Speare.
Sgt. Ray Sorsdahl of the P.P.
C.L.I. Air Borne Division of the
Air biome, who has "recently re-
turned from Egypt where he was
with the United Nations, spent a
few days leave with his brother
and sister Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd
Sorsdahl and Connie. 140 will lat-
er be stationed at Saskatoon
where Se will be in eltarge of the
Canadian Light Infantry,
Mr, C. M. Wilson of Detroit
visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
Scott on Sunday, His mother,
'Mfrs. Jennie Wilson returned with
him to Detroit after spending a
week with relatives here.
Rally Day was pbserved at
Cromarty Church on Sunday
with Mr. Callander of Brantford
conducting the service, The Rally
Day program was followed and
the singing was led by the junior
choir, who also sang a special
dumber. Awards were presented
to several of the Sunday School
children for memorizing scrip
tare, by the superintendent, Mrs.
T. L. Scott.
A miscellaneous shower for
Miss Wilma Harper, bride -elect
of this week, was held in the
basement of -the church on
Thursday evening. Mrs. G. Carey
conducted a program consisting
of a singsong led by Mrs. T; L,
Scott and Mrs. G. Laing, reading
by Miss Olive Spears and Mrs,
H. Dow,' duet by Misses Marlene
and Joyce Dow and. several con-
tests. An address was read by
Miss Wanda McLaren and an ar-
ray of beautiful gifts was pre-
sented to the bride -elect. Misses
Marlene Dow and Wanda Mc -
THE $1 415ORTFt NEWS (Phone 84)-Tltur'sdey, September 21, 1951
Laren assisted with unwrapping ladies to attend a trousseau tea
the parcels. Wilma expressed her :at her home on Saturday, Lunch
ciat o and invited all the was served bythe lila.
appreciation g
To the Cbeekerboard Display
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Free Estimates
Build your
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Over 2260 branches to serve you
THi RSDAY & FRIDAY SEPT. - 21-22 ---
Two Local and Professional Talent
Sensational Programmes
Mrs. Berne,McKinley-Marlmba (nee Doris Johnston)
McKillop Squarettes
Sharon Strong -- Bill Campbell
Junior Farmer Quartette
McGrath Dance Team
Trampoline Act (will also appear Friday)
3 Breed Shows
Holstein Shorthorn -- Hereford
Other Cattle Classes
Pigs Sheep -- Horses
Harness Racing
Outstanding Vegetable, Fruit,
Ladies Department, Elementary and
High School Indoor Displays
Visit It To -night and To -morrow!
4-H Achievement Day
(Former Huron Agricultural Representative)
ADULTS 50c - CHILDREN 25c -- CARS 25c
ELEMENTARY School Children in Parade =- FREE
ick y' •` ,renis
10 to 1 a.m.
R. E. McMILLAN, Pres. R. JAS. WALLACE, Secretary