HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-09-21, Page 1The
WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 82 Snowdon Bros., Publiphers Phone 84 Thursday, Seaforth, Ontario, September 21, 1961 11.40 ,, Xe
Council Is PrftcroeaMaitland
Authorized to second 'Class.,uan,
Pest Oi0r, Dept., Ottawa.
Rev. D. Leslie Elder Horne & School 1111 x„
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„` Chosen Moderator Honors Graduates
Rev. D. Leslie Elder, of Sea- President Mrs. A, Y, McLean
Conser F tion Plan forth was chosen
of the Huron -Maitland 'Presby-
> s n as moderator presided at the firstmeeting of
1961.62 Home and School season
Seaforth town council went on'.
record as strenuously opposed
formation of the Maitland Ri
Conservation Authority, enc
passing all three branches of
river in the Maitland Valley
terahed, at their special meet
on Monday night.
Mayor Daly said the first
had known there was a meet
was when he read in Friday's
pars that a meeting had be
held at Wingham and the for
tion of the new authority h
been effected by a vote of 13
favor and 5 opposed,'and t
five other municipalities incl
ing ,Seaforth had not been rep
sented at the meeting,
"What burned me up,"
mayor said, "was that this w
the first I knew of such a me
Clinton is opposed and th
have an assessment of only 30
of their area, Seaforth has be
assessed at 50% of its area,
Inquiry had revealed that no
ces were sent out two- mont
. by registered mail, but the
was apparently no notice rete
ed here.
One would expect that the
would have been some follow
when there had been no ane
from Seaforth, some reminder
case the matter was overlooks
Other municipalities which
were not represented were Bly
village and the townships
West Wawanosh, Maryborou
and Kinloss. Councillors wonde
ed if they had been notified.
Mayor Daly said it was fanta
tic that Seaforth should
brought into it at all: Only on
small corner of the town drain
into the Maitland. The sewerage
plan drains entirely into the
Bayfield River.
He understood the assessment
is set at $29.98 per $1,000 capital-
ization. On $100,000 capitalize.-
t ;:ioh, for . instance, this would
• mean an annual cost to Seaforth
of almost $3,000.00, for which the
town would derive no benefit
Places like Listowel and Wing -
ham, with flood problems, would
benefit and would- be happy to
have other places share their
It was necessary to act quickly
and besides writing a letter to
the Ontario department of com-
merce and development explain-
ing that Seaforth' had received
no notice and is opposed to the
scheme, it was decided to con-
tact the local M.P.P., Chas. S.
Councillor Cardno.thought a•
10% assessment would be -a lot
closer. It appeared someone had
looked at a map and said every-
thing north of Goderich Street
drained to the Maitland River.
Mayor Daly said it would be
interesting to know what the
opinion was of the other muni-
cipalities which were not repre•
sented at the meeting.
pa -
re -
r -
Reeve Scott Fairservice, of
Blyth, told The Seaforth News
on Tuesday that to the best of
his knowledge no notice of the
meeting had been received by
his municipality. Asked what the
feeling of Blyth council is to-
wards the scheme, he said they
were not in favor.
Municipalities opposing for•
mation of the new authority were
the towns of .Clinton and Goder-
ich, and the townships of Hullett,
Colborne and Goderich.
Municipalities in favor were
the townships of Elma, McR1I
Turnberry, Minto, Wallace,
East Wawanosh, Morris, Grey,
Howick and Arthur, and the
towns of Palmerston, Wingham,
and Harriston.
The village of Blyth, the town.
of Seaforth, and the townships. of
West Wawanosh, Maryborough,
and Kinloss, did not attend the
meeting although they were elig-
ible to vote.
The new authority is expected
to be officially recognized at the
beginning of 1962. It first has to
be passed by provincial order -in -
Each representative at the.
three-hour meeting gave reasons
for and against the new authori-
ty. The main reason cited against
the formation was highassess-
ment. All municipalities in the
watershed area will be subject to
assessment when the authority
is .0fficialy recognized.
Chairman of the Middle Matt
land authority is Harold Cousens,
of Elma Township. Secretary is
C. Bamford, of Listowel,
The first meeting of this unit
"Featuring Fruit" was held at
the home of our leader Mrs. W.
L. Whyte on Sept. 16, 1961, at 7.30
p.m. Various pamphlets'' were dis-
tributed to the members. The
election of officers was held with
the following being "elected. Pres
ident, Glenyce Jewitt; Pianist.
Gayle Wright; Press Reporter,
Lois Scott.
The next meeting is to be held
at the' home of Mrs, Broadfoot
and Helen, on Sept. 29, 1961 at
7 p.m. A discussion followed with
the .topic "you and your food
The senior girls demonstrated
the correct way to measure flour.
The Koine assignments were give.
en, Lunch was served at the close
of the meeting. The roll call for
the next meeting is two reasons
why I eat fruit,
WINNERS - Livestock judging at McKillop fair was conducted by
Agricultural Representative Doug Miles between downpours. Here
are Sharon McKenzie and Ricky McKenzie who won first and second
place with their Aberdeen Angus beef calves. Sharon and Ricky are
pupils of S.S. No. 4, of which Miss Buchanan is teacher.
$185,000 Sewer
Approved by Council
At a special meeting of council
Monday night, council authorized
the Ontario Water Resources
Commission "to present the sew-
erage plans as agreed, to Ontario
Municipal Board for approval.
The plan consists of trunks for
section of town north of Goderich
Street and pumping station on
Goderich Street east, specified as
Partial Phase No. 1. Phase No. 2
consists of lagoon, force main
and pumping station with remain-
der of trunks on Goderich Street
and other streets having access
to Goderich Street pumping sta-
tion. Phase No. 1 only, to be pro•
ceeded with at present."
Chairman of the sewerage ,com-
mittee, Councillor John Turnbull,
reported on the meeting of him-
self and Mayor Daly with offici-
als in Toronto last , Friday. The
above resolution is in line with
the discussions.
As stated last week, the OWRC
will ask the Municipal Board to
approve the $320,000 project ex-
pecting a refusal. They will then,
however, proceed with the $185,-
185;000, Phase No. 1 with the appro.
val of Seaforth council, who do
not want to tackle the• bigger
project at this time because of
the financial burden.
It was further explained that
the lagoon and other part of the
Phase No. 2, are ,capital costs
which would become a tax on all
ratepayers, whether on the sewer
or not. To avoid this until such
time as sewers can be made a-
vailable to more ratepayers, only
Phase No. 1 will be done. It will
A comparison
be a charge only on propertie
concerned, and is critical at thi
time because North Main St. i
to be rebuilt by the County
Huron next summer.No part of the $186,000 come
under Federal aid.
The financial expert, Mr
Campbell, had informed them
that the annual frontage cost on
the project would be 40c ft., plus
water rates. He had said that
ratepayers could pay $5.71 cash
sewer frontage. He had revised
this a little and said that $600
should install house connections
and pay a 60 -foot frontage.
Councillors got into discussion
bow this would compare with the winners. Donna Hannon
septic tank costs, or investing struck out 13 Exeter batters and
the money and paying the annual
charges with the interest° gave up eight hits•
It was pointed out that any citi- Exeter 230 200 3 — 10
zen paying cash would be doing Winthrop 000 102 0 — 3
the town a public service by low -Carey and Jorgenson; Hannon
ering the public debt, and also if and Elliott.
enough paid ,cash, the sewer
work could be extended more
Other business included per•
mission to the police to attend a
police school at London next
month, subject to approval of po-
lice committee. Mayor Daly said
he had received compliments on
the convictions of traffic offend-
ers made during the past week
by the police and the resulting
reduction of cars being a nuis-
ance at night.
Authority was given to the
town clerk to take legal action
where necessary to collect out-
standing general accounts and
business taxes.
It was mentioned that sewer.
rentals in arrears six months or
more can be put on the taxes
and collected at the tax sale.
of the costs:
tery of the Presbyterian Church
at a meeting in Trinity Anglican
Church, Blyth,
Rev. T. G. McKinney, of Wing -
ham, interim moderator, report.
ed applications are being i'eoely-
ed to fill the vacancy at St. And.
row's Presbyterian Church, Wing -
ham, created by the recent death
of Rev. Alexander Ninuuo,
The next presbytery meeting
was set for' the first Tuesday in
December, at St. Andrew's
Church, Wingham,
The women's presbyterial
meeting was being held; at Queen
Street Presbyterian Church,
Blyth, so the presbytery meeting
was held at Trinity Anglican.
Winthrop Leads
In HFA Finals
Winthrop defeated Goderich
3-0 in the first game of the HFA
finals played in Winthrop on
Saturday night. This was the
first game of a best of five ser-
ies. The game was very even -in
the first half and the score was
0-0 as it ended. In the 2nd half
Winthrop went to the attack and
John Hoven opened the scoring
for Winthrop. Tom Love made it
2-0 midway through the last half
and George Love scored the final
goal as Winthrop carried most
of the play in the last half of the
game. The next game of the ser-
a ies will be played in Goderich on
s Saturday, Sept. 23 at 6 p.m.
s Winthrop: Goal, Hugh Flynn.
of Def., Bill Kerr, Mery Pepper;
halves: Bert Dennis, Hank Boy -
en, Neil Dolmage; forwards:
s George Love. Tom Love, - Ken
• McClure, Ron McClure, John Ho-
ven; alt; Earl Dolmage, Wayne
Dolmage, Paul McCluskie, Glen
Exeter defeated Winthrop 10-3
in the fourth game of the Huron
Ladies Softball finals played in
Hansen on Monday night. The
series is now tied_ (2.2).
Rose Carey scattered five Win-
throp hits and struck out two for
Estimated Cost of Project $320,090.00
Net CRMC Loan
CRMC Write-off
al -IMC Repayment -(30 yrs.) .... 4,580.00
OWRC Interest (6.76%) . ... „ 13,230.00
OWRC Debt Retirement 4,600.00
Operating 3,000:00
Reserve 2,600,00
- 660.00
$27,910.00 $16,337.00
The death occurred of Mrs. El-
eanor Jane Ritchie, 82, of 270
Short Ave., London, on Thursday
at Victoria Hospital, London. She
was a former resident of Sea -
forth. Born in Fordwich, Ont,,
had lived in London 8 years. Her
husband - Robert died in 1926.
Mrs. Ritchie was a member of
the Salvation Army, South Lon-
don Corps. Surviving are daught-
ers, Mrs. William (Viola) 'Morg-
an, Mrs. Edythe Wallace, both of
Toronto; sons, Melvin, St. Marys,
James, Leslie, both of London;
Robert, England; Clayton, Tor-
onto; Sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Mc-
Nichol, Saskatchewan; 14 grand-
children; 15 great grandchildren.
The funeral was held from A.
Millard George funeral home on
Saturday. Burial was in Maitland-
bank Cemetery, Seaforth.
Pallbearers were Thomas Wil-
son, E. J. Chapman, Alex Rose,
George Wood, Wm. Taylor and
Victor Peterson,
Mr. and Mrs. George Hogged,
Londesboro, wish to announce
the engagement of their eldest
daughter, Marjorie Vietta, to
Paul Arnold McMaster, son of
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster,
Grand Bend. The wedding to take
place the middle Of October in
Constance united Church.
Building permits issued recent-
ly by Harold Maloney, building
inspector, include:
Charles Reeves, residence, on
South Main Street, $5,000; Lorne
Dale, siding, $1000; Melvin Dale,
sun porch, $400; Thorpe Rivers,
Let Tender For
The wedding took place m
Trinity United Church, Guel
September 10, 1961 at 3,s:p.m.,
Brenda Eileen Turner„ ,jlatighte
of Mr. and Mrs. William'Purne Ian
Guelph,, Ontario; and James .
McIntosh, Seaforth, Ontario, so
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McIntos
Seaforth; Ontario. The Churc
was decorated with pink an
white gladioli. Rev. Merrill
MacLeod officiated.
The bride given in marriag
by her father wore a bridal gow
with square neckline, fitted bo
dice with full skirt of nylon or
ganza with lace appliques, lily
point sleeves, ,chapel train. Head
dress of pearls and rhineston
circlet With finger-tip veil o
French illusion. Her flowers wer
cascade style with white pinochi
pores and stephanotis centere
with pink sweetheart roses. Th
maid of honor was Mrs. C. Bol
son of Guelph. She wore aqu
coloured organza over taffeta
street -length, full skirt and bell
shaped sleeves with matchin
shoes and matching bow head
piece. Her flowers, a styled bou
quet of snowflake mums with
pink fluff trim. The bridesmaid
was Miss Mary McIntosh, slots
of the groom, of Seaforth. He
costume and flowers were idents
cal to maid of honour. The bee
man was Mr. George Arnold of
Kincardine and Rainy River. The
ushers were Mr. Jack Crozier of
Seaforth, and Mr. Ronald Turner,
Guelph, brother of the bride, The
rganist was Mr. George Thorn,
Guelph. The soloist, Miss Fran -
es blares, sang "The Wedding
rayer” and "Through the
The bride's mother wore rose -
toned sheath with brown and
beige accessories, and a corsage
of deep pink sweetheart roses.
The bridegroom's mother wore
mink -brown b r oc a d e d' satin
sheath with beige accessories, a
corsage of white sweetheart ro-
ses. The reception was in Trinity
United Church.
They will spend their honey-
moon in the Eastern States. For
travelling the bride wore a beige
wool suit, having a box -style
jacket with brown trim with
matching accessories and a cor-
sage of gold strike sweetheart
roses. They will reside at r.r. 3,
Guests at the wedding were
from Seaforth, Wingham, Blyth,
Brantford, Kincardine, Bradford,
Aurora, Toronto and Hamilton.
Telephone Trench e
The tender for digging a trench c
for 1 miles ilea north of Winthrop P
was awarded by the McKillop Y
Municipal Telephone Commission
last week to Reginald E. Chappel
of Seaforth, successor to Wm. G.
Campbell. A 26 -pair cable will be
buried in the 26•inch deep trench.
Mrs. Christine Smith, 78, died
at her residence, Egmondville, on
Thursday. She had been in ailing
health for two weeks, Formerly
Christine Mason of Tuckersmith
Township, she was the widow of
William D. Smith who predeceas-
ed her in 1965. Surviving are one
son, William, Seaforth; four dau-
ghters, Mrs. Kenneth (Margaret)
Gardner, and Mrs, Gordon (Jes-
sie) McKellar, both of Toronto;
Mrs. Ross (Betty) Finlayson, of
Hamilton; Mrs. David (Ruth)
Stewart, Seaforth; one sister,
Mrs. Harriet Oke, Toronto, and
12 grandchildren, She was a
member of First Presbyterian
Church and of the WMS.
The funeral was from the G.
A. Whitney funeral home, where
service was held Saturday at 2
p.m., with Rev. D. Leslie Elder,
of the First Presbyterian Church,
Seaforth, officiating, Burial Was
in Maitlandbank cemetery.
The pallbearers were Glen
Smith, Don Scott, Harry Scott,
Allen Smith, Jack Oke, Bill
The flowerbearers were Arthur
Routledge, J. E, Keating, J. H.
McMillan, Joe Dorsey, Charles
siding, $500 M Ii
ac ay.
The Wedding dinner and re-
ception for Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Feltz (Shirley Brickman) was
held in the Commnity Hall on
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Benne-
wies and Elaine accompanied
Mr', Ray Bennewies and Miss
Marjorie Hodgert to Detroit for
the weekend where they attend-
ed the wedding of their neice
Arlene Messerschmidt to Mr.
Ronald Kangas.
Mr, and Mrs, John Mueller and
Ruth Ann of Hamilton with Mrs.
Aug, Hlllebreeht,
which honored 31 graduates of
1960-61 year, Mr. Talbot wel-
comed the new • comers to Rome
and School and to Seafgrth as
did Mrs. McLean, IIe informed
the meeting that there now are
844 students an' increase of six,
although the Kindergarten was
down to a model -sized class of
Members of the graduation
class contributed to the program,
Darlene Sills played two piano
selections and Julene and Helen
Elliott offered two accordion
Jim Scott, winner of. the Out-
standing Student. Award ably in-
troduced Mr. Geo. Jefferson, re-
tired principal of Clinton Public
School, who after 43 years teach-
ing grade 8 both humorously and
wisely guided the students
through important steps in pre-
paring for their future. In partic-
ular recommended selflessness
and equal development of mind,
Soul and body in full use of their
God-given talents,
Mary Tenn McLean thanked
Mr. Jefferson on behalf of the
class and parents after which Mr.
Talbot introduced each grad and
Mrs. McLean presented pins on
behalf of the Home and School.
Mrs. Boussey won the parent
of the month prize while Mr. Tal•
bot's class won the attendance
Sandwichesand coffee were
served after the meeting by the
lunch committee while the grad-
uates were entertained elsewhere
in the school
Home and School Area Con-
vention is to be held in St. Thom-
as on Saturday, Oct. 28, 1961, for
all parents,
Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby and Mrs.
Arnold Colclough spent last
Tuesday in London at the West-
ern Fair.
Mrs. Wm. Leeming of Sea -
forth visited last Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt Grimoldby
visited last Wed. with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Mann and family of
Mr. Charles MacGregor, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor,
left last Monday for O.A.C., at
Guelph where he will commence
his 4th and last year, also Mr.
Laurence Taylor, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Harvey Taylor left last Fri-
day for O.A.C., Guelph where he
will commence his 3rd year.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der
Molan and Paul of Guelph spent
the weekend with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Whyte. Mrs. Vander Molan and
Paul are remaining for a couple
of weeks while Mr. Van der Mo-
lan is in Niagara Falls.
Miss Joy Montgomery of Kal-
amazoo, Michigan, and Mr. Gord-
on Heiser, Anderson, Indiana,
spent the weekend with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Montgomery.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Woods and
Debbie of Ajax, Miss Norma
MacDonald, and Mr. Douglas Ri-
ley of Scarborough were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Riley and also attended the
Western Fair, London, on Satur-
day and on Sunday attended the
Constance United Church Anni-
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby
visited Saturday with Mr. John
Mann and MIrs. Pearl MacFarlane
of Goderich.
Mrs. Lorne Lawson spent a
few days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Busby of Chatham and
assisted last Saturday in the
trousseau tea honoring Miss
Shirley Busby prior to her mar-
riage this Saturday to Mr. War-
ren Hannah of Hanover,
Ladies of Court Constantine
L1842 at their regular meeting
last Thursday accepted an invi-
tation to attend the regular meet-
ing with Court Fascination, Ben -
miller, for Wed. Sept. 27.
Mrs. Reg, Lawson and Mrs.
Mel Crich of Clinton, Saturday,
attended the trousseau tea of
Miss Shirley Busby, at the
home of her parents, Mr, and
MIrs. J. Busby, Chatham. Mrs
56 Only "
4O -piece service for 8
Plus 8 iced drink spoons
Plus 8 Nassau Glasses by Anchor
�r popular
Bridal Wreath
8 teaspoons 8 forks
8 salad forks
8 knives
Never before have you seen a Tudor
Plate value like this! Now for the
first time with beautiful Tudor Plate,
you get 8 Nassau glasses, decorated
in 22 kt. gold. All at a special price.
But our supply is limited. So, come
in, order yours today!
•1}ademarka of Oneida LI
8 dessert spoons
Lorne Lawson returned home
with them after spending a few
days last week with Mr. . and
Mrs. Busby.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Jewitt were Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Howson and Brenda of
Varna. Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt,
Carol Ann and Judith, and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill McRorie of War-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner of
Tuckersmith visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson and
also attended the morning ser-
vice of the Constance United
Church Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter of
Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mc-
Clure and family, Seaforth, and
Mr, and Mrs. Stan Ball and fam-
ily of Auburn visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Wilmer Glousher and
family after attending the Con-
stance United Church Anniver-
sary Service.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff and
family, Crediton, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcat-
or and family.
Mrs. Watson and her four
daughters of Stratford and Mrs.
Perrin and Mrs. Hourd of London
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Whyte and fam-
Beautiful seasonable flowers
decorated the Constance United
Church when they observed their
anniversary services. Rev. Lewis
of Auburn United Church
brought to the congregations at
both services inspiring messages,
what our Church as God's
Church should mean to everyone
and the light that Shines through
us as the Light from Jesus
did shine, Rev. Lewis used the
colours in the flowers present to
bring out the true meaning in his
evening service, the white for
purity, green for peace, blood -red
for sacrifice and yellow for light.
At the morning sevice, Misses
Barbara and Bonnie and Larry
and Robbie Snell of Londesboro
rendered two beautiful quartettes,
while at the evening service Mrs.
David Livingston sang two beau-
tiful solos. -
Mr. Win. Dale at the Western
Fair, with his Guernsey herd of
cattle was successful in bringing
honours home, having received
Reserve Champion Bull calf prize
and 2 1st prizes, 3 2nd prizes, 6
3rd prizes, a 4th, 5th, 6th and a
We are sorry to learn the con-
ondition of Mr. Robt. Jamieson is
not as good as could be and
was removed from Clinton Hos-
pital to St. Joseph's, London, on
Mrs. Glazier, Hensall, and Mr..
and Mrs. Harold Glazier of Clin-
ton visited with Mrs. Pollard on
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook
of Londesboro attended the Con-
stance United Church Anniver-
sary and visited after with their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr• and
Mrs. Ross Millson.
• .
Staffa 4-H girls' new course
on "Meat on the Menu" will be-
gin early next month. Any girls
who were 12 by September 1st
and are interested in taking the
course are asked to contact Mrs.
Grace Kerslake or Mrs. Grace
Miller by September 27.
A large number from this com-
munity travelled to Caledonia on
Sunday to watch the ball game
between Caledonia and Staffa,
Mrs. Laverne Wallace and girls
visited on Sunday with Mrs. Ger-
ald Agar.
Terry Daynard, son of Rev,
and Mrs. Daynard has began his
studies at the O.A.C., Guelph, and
Eric Norris, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Norris has returned to the
O.A.C. for his second year.
1:111 ;•.,.,..<
MCKILLOP FAIR OFFICIALS — No admissions were collected from the large attendance at Mc -
Killen School fair on Thursday beeaue° of the rain, and the program had to be called off when halt
way through. The executive -of the fair are seen hi this picture by The Seaforth News. Frani left,
Fred Rose, second vice president; Campbell Wey secretaryti'easur•er; Ralph McNichol, president.