HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-07-20, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 82
Seaforth News
Snowdon Bros, Publishini
Phone 84 Seaforth, Ontario,
Seaforth DHS Board Votes
To Join Vocational School
At a
special, a
1 ee
p m ting of Sea -
forth -District High School board
on Tuesday evening a motion
was passed to join the organiza-
tion being formed to provide a
vocational school in Huron coun-
Three members of the board
were absent on vacation, Some
opposition" to the proposal was
expressed but the motion to join
in the proposed school plan was
carried by a majority vote.
A meeting will be held at Clin-
ton on Thursday when represen-
tatives from Clinton, Goderich
and Exeter as well as Seaforth
will be present.
The proposal is to locate the
school at Clinton as part of the
high school there. Pupils from
the surrounding high school
areas can attend. The new voca-
,:tional school is expected to be
ready in 1963.
a meetingwith officials in
Toronto last week delegates
learned more details of tentative
plans for, the million -dollar com-
posite, school in Huron, It is in-
dicated that the structure at Clin-
ton will provide at least 30
rooms to handle an enrolment of
up to 1,000 pupils.
Classrooms will include seven
shops and five commercial as
well as eight regulsx, two labor-
atories, a gym, cafeteria and li-
brary._ These facilities will be
added to the existing high school
at Clinton.
Five composite school centres
have been approved for cities,
but the Huron county project is
the most advanced of any of the
smaller centres in the province.
A cafeteria to feed 570 pupils at
Thursday, July 20, 1961
11.50 a Year
rooms and three typing rooms
will make a total of five for spe-
cialized commercial training,
There will be one standard
science laboratory and one in-
dustrial agricultural laboratory.
Seven different types of shops
designed and equipped to provide
training in auto meehanics, car-
pentry and millwork, drafting,
electrical installations and elec.
tropics, machine work, occupa-
tional courses for both boys and
The capital Investment will be
provided 100% by the federal
and "provincial governments. Es.
timates are being worked out on
the operating costs which will
affect the local boards and local
taxpayers directly. Estimates
are that increased grants will
leave the per pupil cost not
a sitting, two business machine much greater than at present,
PRESENTATION—On Wednesday evening last Mrs, George Eaton
was presented with a Life Membership pin and certificate- by the
ladies of Seaforth Legion Auxiliary, at a reception in the Canadian
Legion Hall. The presentation was made by Mrs. Dora Taylor, Sr.
Pest President (right) assisted by Mrs. C. Woods, President. Mrs,•
Taylor in making the presentation, said Mrs. Eaton was a charter
- member of the Auxiliary and had always been active and ready to
lend a helping hand. The pin is a Legion Auxiliary pin with a Life
Member bar. The certificate is signed by Mrs, Margaret Richardson,
Provincial President, and Mrs. Elsie Duffield, Prov. Secretary.
The marriage took place at
Wilsonville United Church on
July 15th at 2.30 p.m. by Rev.
J. Cox of Dorothy Ann Gould
and William Elgie Hunt. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Gould of Scotland,
Ont„ and the groom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hunt of
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther, the bride wore white Swiss
organza trimmed with organza
roses, sequins and seed pearls;
tiara of sequins and rhinestones,
fingertip veil, Her flowers were
orchids and a white Bible.
Mrs. James Flannigan, Ottawa,
was matron of honor, wearing
green organza over taffeta. The
bridesmaids were Misses Shirley
Collins and Miss Lynda Gould
costumed similarto the matron
of honor, in mauve. James Flan,
nigan of Ottawa was best man.
Ushers were Reginald Gould, of
R.M.C., Kingston, and Francis
'Ruat, Seaforth.
The wedding dinner took place
at the church, the bride's mother
being dressed in green and the
groom's mother in blue.
Mr. and Mrs. Hunt will reside
at Simcoe.
Wilbur Glanville, 52, Staffa,
died suddenly at his home about
3 am., Wednesday, July 19th.
Born at Exeter, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glanville,
he was raised in the Hensall dis-
trict. Thirty years ago in 'Sept-
ember he married Miss Lucinda
Neeb of Clarksville, Mich., who
survives with two sons and four
daughters,' Meryl Glanville, Sea -
forth Elaine, Mrs. Wm. Riley,
Lucan; Donna, at home; Marion,
Mrs. Thos. Penhale, Exeter; Mar-
jory and Cecil, at home. There
?, also two brothers and three
sisters, Melville and Charles
Glanville, Hensall; Mrs. Letha
Miller, Seaforth; Mrs. Jack Mac-
Kay and Mrs. Orville Cooper, of
Tuckersmith. A sister Leola, Mrs.
Thomas Coward, predeceased
The funeral will be held at
the Hopper•Hockey funeral home
on Friday at 2 o'clock. Burial
will be in Exeter Cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook,
RR. 1, Auburn, Ont., wish to
announce the engagement of
their younger daughter, Muriel
Dora, to David Ross Milison, el-
der son of Mrs. Millson and the
late David Milison, Seaforth,
RR 2. The marriage will take
place August 12th at 12 o'clock
noon, Londesboro United Church.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Sproat and
Mrs, Preston Tabor and family
of Detroit were recent guests of
relatives here,
July Meeting of
Hospital Board
The July meeting of the board
of Scott Memorial Hospital was
held on Friday evening.
A. Y. McLean, R. B. MacMil-
lan, Win. Dennis, W. Scott, W.
Cameron, Mrs. McConnell, E.
Dick, James M. Scott, A. Mac•
Lean, J. B. Keating, Mrs. Whyte.
The report of Agnew Peckham
and Associates on the new hos-
pital building is to be forwarded
to the OHSC for their comments.
The financial statement was
given by Mr. MacMillan. Pro-
perty Committee by Mr. James
Scott reported work had started
on removal of the old boiler and
installation of a used 'boiler. The
elevator was repaired, slates re•
placed on the nurses residence.
Eavetroughing is required on the
house at property for the new
hospital. Mr. Jansen bad advised
that he would be removing the
barn in the near future from the
same property.
Mr. Scott stated that the pro-
perty committe had decided a-
gainst installing a dish washer
at this time due to the expenses
Mrs. McConnell said she had
attended the opening of the new
wing of South Huron Hospital
at Exeter, Dr. Dymond had spok-
en briefly regarding the cost of
building and furnishing new hos-
Miss V. Drope, hospital super-
intendent, reported admissions in
June 101 (1960, 93); up to June
30thsince Jan., m and s 97.7%; obs.
, 577 (1960, 602). Occupancy
46.1%; n.b., 41.9%,; pediatrics
49.4%; sub.- total 82.8%; occu-
pancy for month of June, m and
s, 86%; obs„ 39%; n.b., 31.9%;
ped,, 72.5%; sub total 75.6%, Av-
erage npmber patients each day
for June, 28; newborn 2.2.
The number of admissions for
1961 has riot been as great as
1960, but patient days have in-
creased from 5,403 in 1960 to
5,550 in 1961.
Next Week Is
Holiday Week -
Next week is our holi-
day week and no paper
will be published.
The next issue of The
Seaforth News will be
on August 3rd.
Will correspondents
please send in their
news as usual and it
wily appear in our next
Bolton Reunion
Have Annual Picnic
Owing to the wet weather the
members of the Bolton Reunion
met at the home of the presi-
dent Mrs. Mae Hillebrecht for
their annual picnic last Sunday.
Buffet supper was served in-
doors to 30 members. After sup-
per, sports were enjoyed by all
conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Les
Pryce. Prizes were given for
lucky plate, Blenn McKnight,
Exeter; birthday closest to the.
picnic, Mrs. Margaret Humph-
ries, Walton; family coming the'
farthest, Mr. and Mrs. Carman
Glidden, Hamilton; family with
most members present, Les
Pryce's family; youngest person
present, Anne Elliott, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Elliott,
Stoney Creek; lady with most
buttons, Joan Pryce.
Winners In sports events were;
dropping ,clothes pins for child-
ren, James Routledge, London;
for adults, Ken Elliott, Listowel;
bursting balloons, Stewart Hum-
phries and Gordon Elliott; 20 -yd.
step, Ken Elliott; kick the slip-
per for girls, Mary Elliott; for
boys Bob Pryce; for ladies, Mrs.
Margaret Humphries; for men,
Bill Baxter, Stratford. A candy
scramble' was enjoyed by the
younger members.
The following executive was
elected for 1961-62: Pres., Mrs.
Mae Hillebrecht; Vice Pres.,
Oliver Elliott, Listowel; Sec.,
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Elliott;
Treas., Mr. and Mrs. Don Grav-
ett, Exeter. Members decided to
hold their picnic next year, the
third Sunday in July at the home
of, Mrs. Mae Hillebrecht.
The death of Clarissa Dodds,
Chicago, and formerly of McKil-
lop Twp., occurred on Thursday,
following an illness of about five
months. Miss Dodds was in her
77th year, the daughter of the
late Peter Dodds and Ellen Dor-
ranee, McKillop Twp. pioneers.
She is survived by several nieces
and nephews of Chicago, She
was employed for many years in
Sears -Roebuck, Chicago, and re-
tired some 12 years ago. The re-
mains arrived Sunday afternoon
at the G. A. Whitney funeral
home where a service was held
Monday at 2 p.m. with Rev. J.
C. Britton of Northside United
Church, officiating. Interment
was in Maitlandbank Cemetery.
The pallbearers were Clayton
Dodds and ToBloomer (neph-
ews) of Chicago; Robert Dodds,
Donald Dodds, Gordon Blanchard
and Fred McGregor,
The flowerbearers were Will
Dodds, Bernard Smith.
Attending the funeral from
Chicago were Clayton Dodds and
Mr. and Mrs. T. Bloomer.
W. 1. NEWS
The Seaforth W. I, will hold
their regular picnic for their
families and friends on the eve
of July 24 at 8 o'clock at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Keys, The Seaforth Jr. Institute
and Jr, Farmers are cordially in-
vited to attend. Each member is
to bring pie for their own family,
Come and join the fun,
Papple Family Have
Annual Picnic
The annual Papple picnic was
held in South Side park, Wood-
stock with 50 present, After a
substantial meal the afternoon
was spent with races and games,
The pro -school children all re-
ceived a prize, Brenda Papple,
Rebecca Rotchill and Leonard
Johnson, with, Wyatt and Wayne
Stinson absent.
Early school, Wendy Stinson
and Deborah Papple; young
boys, Donald Papple and Ricky
Pappie; obstacle race, Bob Pap-
ple and Faye Little; borrowed
race, Ken Papple and Dixie. Prin-
gle; young men, Ken Papple and
Jim Papple; married womens
orange race, Edna Stinson and
Olive Little; cotton batting race
with uncles and nieces, aunts
and nephews: Ken Papple and
Edna Stinson; Danny Kerr and
Ruth Papple; liars contest for
married men, Earl Papple and
Lloyd Papple; elastic girdle re-
lay race was won by Bill People's 1
The young people enjoyed a
peanut scramble and softball
game won by Albert Johnson's
team, Dyke Little had a birth-
day closest to the date and Mr.
and Mrs. ' D. People won prize
for being the oldest present. Mr,
and Mrs. Scott Kerr had the
closest anniversary, celebrating
their 20th last week.
• Mr•. and Mrs. Joe O'Connor,
Mr, and Mrs. Norman O'Connor,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Faulkner, Oakville, with Mr.
Mrs. James O'Connor and Eaten
ed the De Gaust-O'Connor wed-
ding on Saturday.
Sister Henrietta, Pembroke,
and her mother, Mrs, Mary O'-
Reilly, London, visited Mr. and
Mrs. John Shea.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Morris and
baby, Port Credit, with Mr. and
Mrs. T. P. Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Flanagan
and Greg, Kitchener, ' with Mr.
and Mrs. V. J. Lane, ,
Miss Marion Wive; Detroit,
and Tom McIver, Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs. William McIver.
Joe Morris, Detroit, with Mr.
and Mrs, Emmett Malone.
Red and white carnations de-
corated the altar of St. Colum -
ban's Church on Saturday mor
ing, July 15, for the wedding
Marie Agnes O'Connor, daught
of Mr. and Mrs. James O'Conn
of St. Columban, and Lorne
seph De Gaust, London, son
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Do Gaus
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. Rev.
J. Coughlin performed the car
mony and sang the nuptial man
The organist was Mrs. Vincen
Lane, and the soloists wore P
dela and Adele Charmaine, si
tars of the groom, Glace Bay.
The bride, given in marriag
by her father, wore a gown o
nylon lace over slipper satin
featuring a fitted bodice, lily
point sleeves, a sabrina neck
line dotted with iridescent se
quins and pearls. The bouffan
skirt had tiers of lace cascadin
to the hemline. A crown of see
pearls and sequins held in plac
the veil of double tulle illusion
She carried a colonial nosega
of pink sweetheart roses, step
anotia and feathered carnations
Miss 'Mary Cronin, Seaforth, con
sin of the bride, as maid of ho
or was dressed in bright pi
chiffon over taffeta with off -the
shoulder sleeves, full skirt wit
soft pleated front, and white ac
cessories. Miss Betty Kusch, o
London, and Miss Leone D
Gaust, sister of the groom, o
Glace Bay were bridesmaids.
Their dresses were similar to
that of the maid of honor. Each
attendant carried a colonia
nosegay of tinted pinnochio
Bettertime roses and feathered
arnations. The flower girl Mau-
een O'Connor, Toronto, cousin
of the bride, in white chiffon
ith bright pink sash, carried a
mall basket of Bettertime roses
nd .pinnochio with white stream-
rs, Benny Beninger, Dublin, a
ousin of the bride, was ring-
earer, wearing white dinner
acket and black pants, John
erne Mclsaac, London, was the
est man, and the ushers were
army O'Connor, St. Columban,
rother of the bride, and Glen
utters, London. Serving -the
ass were the bride's brother,
onnie O'Connor, and Jerry Cro-
n, a ,cousin of the bride.
The wedding dinner and re-
ption was held at Brodhagen
mmunity Hall. The bride's
other, received the guests
earing a light mauve coat and.
ess ensemble with lace bodice,
beige accessories. She was
sisted by the groom's mother
ho wore a blue flowered silk
semble with white accessor-
Coleman Reunion
Held at Seaforth
The Coleman reunion was held
at Lions park, Seaforth on July
115th with an attendance of 95,
McKinley; Y, 1st vice
pros., Cecil
Oke; sec., Mrs. Elmer Cameron;
treas., Mrs. W. H. Coleman;
lunch corn., Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Johnston, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart
Cudmore; Mr, and Mrs, Laverne
Scott; sports corn„ Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs.
Berne McKinley, Mr. and Mrs,
Bruce Coleman.
Race winners: 6 and under,
girls, Joan Hildebrand, Ruth
Barker; boys, Lorne Barker,
Glen Barker, 8 and under, girls,
Catherine McKinley, Mary Lou
Johnston; boys, Doug Hilde-
brand. 10 and under, girls, Ca-
therine McKinley, Mary Lou
Johnston; boys, Doug Hildebrand
Tommy Coleman. 12 and under,
Catherine McKinley, Mary Lou
McKinley; boys, Larry McKin-
ley, Tommy Coleman. Young
ladies, Sandra Hugill, Glenda,
Johnston; married ladies, Doris
McKinley, Grace Chapman; mar-
ried men, George Hildebrand,
Berne McKinley; kids shoe scra-
mble, Karen McKinley, Sandra
Hugill; kids wheelbarrow race,
Larry McKinley and Tommy
Coleman; ladies kick the slip-
per, Joan Coleman; men's kick
the slipper Gordon Johnston;
toilet paper contest, Lorna and
Gordon Johnston; egg throwing
contest, Jim and Dorothy Chap-
man; lady with most buttons on
dress, Sandra Hugill; man with
d most colors on socks, Anson Col-
- eman; lucky cup, Larry Hudson
Windsor; one coming farthest
distance, Mrs. Myrtle Carnoch-
an, Wayne, Mich.; longest mar-
ried couple, Mr, and Mrs. Herb
Troyer, 'Toronto; youngest per-
son present, Darryl Johnston. A
candy scramble.was held for all
the children.
The next picnic' will be held at
the Lions park, Seaforth, third
Saturday in July, 1962.
n -
For travelling the bride don-
ned a pink two-piece suit with
white accessories and a corsage
of white carnations, Following a
honeymoon spent in Northern
Ontario Mr, and Mrs. Do Gaust
will live in London, Guests were
present at the wedding from No-
va Scotia, Toronto, London, and
Kitchener. The bride is a grad-
uate of St. Joseph's Hospital
School of Nursing, London.
The Neable Estate residence
on Market St., has been sold to
Mr. Fred Knetscb, possession on
July 25th, through the office of
Mr. los, McConnell. • a-
Twilight Meeting Is
Planned for July 25
While some damage has been
done to the experimental plots at
the Huron County IIome Farm
by the Sunday rain and hail, it
is planned to carry on with the
Annual IIuron County Soil and
Crop Improvement Association
Twilight Meeting as previously
scheduled on Tuesday, July 25,
commencing at 7:30 p.m...
Dr. Stan Young of the Field
Husbandry Department, O,A.C.,
Guelph, will discuss the hay and
pasture mixtures established at
the farm in 1959 and 1960. Mr.
Jack Murray, Soils Specialist for'
this area will discuss the Rod
Row and the Drill Width Tests
using spring wheat in the mixt-
ures. The ladies program will
feature Miss Fewster of the
Dairy Food Service Bureau, She
is planning an interesting pro-:
gram for the ladies.
At the Joint Meeting on the
lawn in front of the new County
Home a display will be put on by
the Ontario Department of
Transport, of interest to all farm-
ers and farm wives, Mr. W. K.
Riddell, the Agricultural Re-
presentative from Midddlesex,
will show his pictures and dis-
cuss his recent trip to England,
Scotland and the Continent.
The County Junior Farmers
will be serving lunch to all pres-
Winthrop shut out Clinton
RCAF 2-0 in an HFA game play-
ed in Winthrop on Monday night.
The play was very even until
midway through the first half
when Winthrop broke the Clinton
defence and John Boven scored
on a hard shot, The score was 1-0
at the end of the first half and
in the Ind half Winthrop again
took over and Ken McClure
scored to make it 2-0. The game
was fast and very exciting
Winthrop Lineup
Hugh Flynn, goal. • Def. Bill
Kerr, Mery Pepper; halves: Bert
Dennis, Earl Dolmage, Neil Dol-
niage; forwards: John Raven,
Ron McClure, Ken McClure, Tom
Love, George Love. Alternates:
Mike Dykstra, Paul McCluskie,
Glen McClure,
Winthrop girls lost a close
game to Clinton RCAF in ladies
softball game played in Clinton
last Thursday night by 14.13.
The Winthrop girls tallied 8 runs
in the final inning but fell one
run short.
Winthrop ,.,, 200 021 8 - 13
RCAF .,,,,,,, 323 320 1 - 14
Elliott and Little; Thom Salk-
eld (7th) and Hooper.
On Saturday the Winthrop
girls lost another close game In
Brucefield when they bowed 10-9
in a hard fought game. Winthrop
rallied for four runs in the top
of the 7th inning but Brucefield
scored in their half of the inning
to win by one run,
Winthrop—Joyce McClure 3b;
Faye Love ss; Geraldine Dennis
2b; Marg Elliott p; Faye Little
; Marg cure lb; Marg Mi-
en rf; Judy Thompson if; June
Dolnrage cf. Alternates; Elaine
Beattie, Pat McCluskie.
tiVinthrop ,,,, 000 500 4 • 9
Brrtcefield 321 210 1 • 10
Elliott and Little; Graham and
Authorized aa Second Clain moil,.
Poet Office Dept Obtawa
- 1,1„ I,„,„,,,e,111111111111111,IA,1111 o4o,o.o.t 1 oni i ii iiiiiiiiiiiiii14111111111;1111,111 11 1 1,,1 ,1,1,11111111
Summer Jewellery
Bracelets &
Reg, Values $1.00 & higher
to clear at
Ea wings
Bracelets &
Smart Summer
Reg. values $2.00 & up
to clear at
Half Price
Make your choice now while our selection
is at its best
Rev. John Jordan, St. Clair
Shores, Mich., called on relatives
Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Kenny,
Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Mr. and Mrs. George Coyne in
Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton
at Ashburn with Mr, and _Mrs.
H. Pugh.
Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Kelly and
Mary and Miss Monica Byrne at
Aux Sauble Beach with Mr, and
Mrs. R. F. Byrne.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Friend and
family are spending a month at
their cottage at Lion's Head.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overdulve
and children, Ottawa, with Mrs.
Mary Feeney,
Rev, Father Vincent Eckert
C.S.B. of Rochester, New York,
with his mother, Mrs. Theresa
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan, Kit-
chener, with Mr. and Mrs. Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs, George Coville
in Guelph with Mr. and Mrs.
John Hagerty,
Mr. and Mrs. , I'. P. Kraus-
kopf and Mr, and children in
Miss Florence Pollock of Tor-
onto, arrived on Monday and is
spending seine time with her bro-
ther, Mr. Ernie Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams
celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary at their home on
North Main street on Friday,
July 14th.
A turkey dinner was served
to the family at 5 p.m. in the
LOBA hail, followed by a recep-
tion in the evening when over
100 guests gathered to celebrate
the wonderful occasion.
The couple were married in
Northside United Church, Sea -
forth, by Rev. J. H, Osterhout.
Mrs. Adams was the former
Margaret MacDonald, daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
MacDonald, while the groom was
the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
N. T, Adams, of Mullett town-
Following their honeymoon,
they settled on the groom's farm
in Huliett township where they
continued to reside until they
retired to Seaforth six years ago.
Mr. and Mrs, Adams have a
family of two, Kelso, who is sta-
tioned at Stevenson Field, RCAF
Station, Winnipeg, and Donelda,
who is a teacher on the Staff of
J, A. D. McCurdy School, RCAF
Station, Centralia; also two
grandsons, Gerald and Michael
Adams, Winnipeg.
Mr. and Mrs, Adams were ac-
tive members of Constance Unit-
ed Church where Mr. Adams
served for several 'years on the
Board of Stewards. Mrs. Adams
took a keen interest in the Sun-
day School, the Woman's Assoc-
iation and also the W.M.S. She
holds a life membership in the
Congratulations were received
from Governor General and Ma-
dame Vanier, Hon. Leslie Frost,
Premier of Ontario; Mr. Charles
S. MacNaughton, M.P.P. and
Mrs. MacNaughton, of Exeter, as
well as from many friends and
Mr. MacNaughton presented
the couple with a framed certi-
ficate from the Provincial Sec-
retary, John Yaa'emko, bearing
the coat of arms of Ontario and
best wishes for health and hap-
piness. •
Guests were present from
Winnipeg, Stratford, Exeter,
Clinton, Londesboro, Blyth and
Rev. J. C. Britton acted as
master of ceremonies for the
program which consisted of a
reading by Mrs, Borden Brown
of Constance; two solos by Mrs.
Cleave Coombs; two humorous
anniversary duets by Mrs. Geo,
Mellwain and Mr,. William Jow-
itt, accompanied by Mrs. Frank
Riley; a short address by Dr. F,
Harburn; two solos by Sharon
Strong accompanied by Mrs. El-
mer Cameron; music by the Nott
and Holland orchestra, "Just For
Today” was sung by Mrs. Mc-
liwain and Mr. Jewitt, accomp-
anied by Mrs. Jewitt. The pro-
gram closed with God Save the